doc | |
▼ src | |
► 3d | |
► chunks | |
qgschunkboundsentity_p.cpp | |
qgschunkboundsentity_p.h | |
qgschunkedentity.cpp | |
qgschunkedentity.h | |
qgschunklist_p.cpp | |
qgschunklist_p.h | |
qgschunkloader.cpp | |
qgschunkloader.h | |
qgschunknode.cpp | |
qgschunknode.h | |
qgschunkqueuejob.cpp | |
qgschunkqueuejob.h | |
► lights | |
qgsdirectionallightsettings.cpp | |
qgsdirectionallightsettings.h | |
qgslightsource.cpp | |
qgslightsource.h | |
qgspointlightsettings.cpp | |
qgspointlightsettings.h | |
► materials | |
qgsabstractmaterialsettings.cpp | |
qgsabstractmaterialsettings.h | |
qgsgoochmaterialsettings.cpp | |
qgsgoochmaterialsettings.h | |
qgsmaterial.cpp | |
qgsmaterial.h | |
qgsmaterialregistry.cpp | |
qgsmaterialregistry.h | |
qgsmetalroughmaterial.cpp | |
qgsmetalroughmaterial.h | |
qgsmetalroughmaterialsettings.cpp | |
qgsmetalroughmaterialsettings.h | |
qgsnullmaterialsettings.cpp | |
qgsnullmaterialsettings.h | |
qgsphongmaterialsettings.cpp | |
qgsphongmaterialsettings.h | |
qgsphongtexturedmaterial.cpp | |
qgsphongtexturedmaterial.h | |
qgsphongtexturedmaterialsettings.cpp | |
qgsphongtexturedmaterialsettings.h | |
qgssimplelinematerialsettings.cpp | |
qgssimplelinematerialsettings.h | |
qgstexturematerial.cpp | |
qgstexturematerial.h | |
► processing | |
qgs3dalgorithms.cpp | |
qgs3dalgorithms.h | |
qgsalgorithmtessellate.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmtessellate.h | |
► symbols | |
qgsbillboardgeometry.cpp | |
qgsbillboardgeometry.h | |
qgsline3dsymbol.cpp | |
qgsline3dsymbol.h | |
qgsline3dsymbol_p.cpp | |
qgsline3dsymbol_p.h | |
qgslinematerial_p.cpp | |
qgslinematerial_p.h | |
qgslinevertexdata_p.cpp | |
qgslinevertexdata_p.h | |
qgsmesh3dsymbol.cpp | |
qgsmesh3dsymbol.h | |
qgspoint3dbillboardmaterial.cpp | |
qgspoint3dbillboardmaterial.h | |
qgspoint3dsymbol.cpp | |
qgspoint3dsymbol.h | |
qgspoint3dsymbol_p.cpp | |
qgspoint3dsymbol_p.h | |
qgspointcloud3dsymbol.cpp | |
qgspointcloud3dsymbol.h | |
qgspointcloud3dsymbol_p.cpp | |
qgspointcloud3dsymbol_p.h | |
qgspolygon3dsymbol.cpp | |
qgspolygon3dsymbol.h | |
qgspolygon3dsymbol_p.cpp | |
qgspolygon3dsymbol_p.h | |
► terrain | |
qgs3dterrainregistry.cpp | |
qgs3dterrainregistry.h | |
qgsabstractterrainsettings.cpp | |
qgsabstractterrainsettings.h | |
qgsdemterraingenerator.cpp | |
qgsdemterraingenerator.h | |
qgsdemterrainsettings.cpp | |
qgsdemterrainsettings.h | |
qgsdemterraintilegeometry_p.cpp | |
qgsdemterraintilegeometry_p.h | |
qgsdemterraintileloader_p.cpp | |
qgsdemterraintileloader_p.h | |
qgsflatterraingenerator.cpp | |
qgsflatterraingenerator.h | |
qgsflatterrainsettings.cpp | |
qgsflatterrainsettings.h | |
qgsmeshterrainsettings.cpp | |
qgsmeshterrainsettings.h | |
qgsonlinedemterrainsettings.cpp | |
qgsonlinedemterrainsettings.h | |
qgsonlineterraingenerator.cpp | |
qgsonlineterraingenerator.h | |
qgsquantizedmeshterraingenerator.cpp | |
qgsquantizedmeshterraingenerator.h | |
qgsquantizedmeshterrainsettings.cpp | |
qgsquantizedmeshterrainsettings.h | |
qgsterraindownloader.cpp | |
qgsterraindownloader.h | |
qgsterrainentity.cpp | |
qgsterrainentity.h | |
qgsterraingenerator.cpp | |
qgsterraingenerator.h | |
qgsterraintexturegenerator_p.cpp | |
qgsterraintexturegenerator_p.h | |
qgsterraintextureimage_p.cpp | |
qgsterraintextureimage_p.h | |
qgsterraintileentity_p.h | |
qgsterraintileloader.cpp | |
qgsterraintileloader.h | |
qgs3d.cpp | |
qgs3d.h | |
qgs3danimationsettings.cpp | |
qgs3danimationsettings.h | |
qgs3daxis.cpp | |
qgs3daxis.h | |
qgs3daxissettings.cpp | |
qgs3daxissettings.h | |
qgs3dexportobject.cpp | |
qgs3dexportobject.h | |
qgs3dmapcanvas.cpp | |
qgs3dmapcanvas.h | |
qgs3dmapexportsettings.cpp | |
qgs3dmapexportsettings.h | |
qgs3dmapscene.cpp | |
qgs3dmapscene.h | |
qgs3dmapsceneentity.h | |
qgs3dmapsettings.cpp | |
qgs3dmapsettings.h | |
qgs3dmaptool.cpp | |
qgs3dmaptool.h | |
qgs3drendercontext.cpp | |
qgs3drendercontext.h | |
qgs3dsceneexporter.cpp | |
qgs3dsceneexporter.h | |
qgs3dtypes.h | |
qgs3dutils.cpp | |
qgs3dutils.h | |
qgs3dwiredmesh_p.cpp | |
qgs3dwiredmesh_p.h | |
qgsaabb.cpp | |
qgsaabb.h | |
qgsabstract3dengine.cpp | |
qgsabstract3dengine.h | |
qgsabstractvectorlayer3drenderer.cpp | |
qgsabstractvectorlayer3drenderer.h | |
qgsambientocclusionblurentity.cpp | |
qgsambientocclusionblurentity.h | |
qgsambientocclusionrenderentity.cpp | |
qgsambientocclusionrenderentity.h | |
qgsambientocclusionsettings.cpp | |
qgsambientocclusionsettings.h | |
qgscameracontroller.cpp | |
qgscameracontroller.h | |
qgscamerapose.cpp | |
qgscamerapose.h | |
qgscolorramptexture.cpp | |
qgscolorramptexture.h | |
qgsfeature3dhandler_p.cpp | |
qgsfeature3dhandler_p.h | |
qgsfgutils.cpp | |
qgsfgutils.h | |
qgsframegraph.cpp | |
qgsframegraph.h | |
qgsgeotransform.cpp | |
qgsgeotransform.h | |
qgsgltf3dutils.cpp | |
qgsgltf3dutils.h | |
qgsimagetexture.cpp | |
qgsimagetexture.h | |
qgslayoutitem3dmap.cpp | |
qgslayoutitem3dmap.h | |
qgsmeshlayer3drenderer.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayer3drenderer.h | |
qgsoffscreen3dengine.cpp | |
qgsoffscreen3dengine.h | |
qgspointcloudlayer3drenderer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayer3drenderer.h | |
qgspointcloudlayerchunkloader_p.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayerchunkloader_p.h | |
qgspostprocessingentity.cpp | |
qgspostprocessingentity.h | |
qgspreviewquad.cpp | |
qgspreviewquad.h | |
qgsraycastingutils.cpp | |
qgsraycastingutils.h | |
qgsraycastingutils_p.h | |
qgsrenderpassquad.cpp | |
qgsrenderpassquad.h | |
qgsrubberband3d.cpp | |
qgsrubberband3d.h | |
qgsrulebased3drenderer.cpp | |
qgsrulebased3drenderer.h | |
qgsrulebasedchunkloader_p.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedchunkloader_p.h | |
qgsshadowsettings.cpp | |
qgsshadowsettings.h | |
qgsskyboxentity.cpp | |
qgsskyboxentity.h | |
qgsskyboxsettings.cpp | |
qgsskyboxsettings.h | |
qgstessellatedpolygongeometry.cpp | |
qgstessellatedpolygongeometry.h | |
qgstiledscenechunkloader_p.cpp | |
qgstiledscenechunkloader_p.h | |
qgstiledscenelayer3drenderer.cpp | |
qgstiledscenelayer3drenderer.h | |
qgstilingscheme.cpp | |
qgstilingscheme.h | |
qgsvectorlayer3drenderer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayer3drenderer.h | |
qgsvectorlayerchunkloader_p.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerchunkloader_p.h | |
qgsvirtualpointcloudentity_p.cpp | |
qgsvirtualpointcloudentity_p.h | |
qgswindow3dengine.cpp | |
qgswindow3dengine.h | |
► analysis | |
► georeferencing | |
qgsgcpgeometrytransformer.cpp | |
qgsgcpgeometrytransformer.h | |
qgsgcppoint.cpp | |
qgsgcppoint.h | |
qgsgcptransformer.cpp | |
qgsgcptransformer.h | |
qgsleastsquares.cpp | |
qgsleastsquares.h | |
qgsvectorwarper.cpp | |
qgsvectorwarper.h | |
► interpolation | |
Bezier3D.cpp | |
Bezier3D.h | |
CloughTocherInterpolator.cpp | |
CloughTocherInterpolator.h | |
HalfEdge.cpp | |
HalfEdge.h | |
LinTriangleInterpolator.cpp | |
LinTriangleInterpolator.h | |
MathUtils.cpp | |
MathUtils.h | |
NormVecDecorator.cpp | |
NormVecDecorator.h | |
ParametricLine.cpp | |
ParametricLine.h | |
qgsdualedgetriangulation.cpp | |
qgsdualedgetriangulation.h | |
qgsgridfilewriter.cpp | |
qgsgridfilewriter.h | |
qgsidwinterpolator.cpp | |
qgsidwinterpolator.h | |
qgsinterpolator.cpp | |
qgsinterpolator.h | |
qgstininterpolator.cpp | |
qgstininterpolator.h | |
qgstriangulation.cpp | |
qgstriangulation.h | |
TriangleInterpolator.cpp | |
TriangleInterpolator.h | |
TriDecorator.cpp | |
TriDecorator.h | |
Vector3D.cpp | |
Vector3D.h | |
► mesh | |
qgsmeshcontours.cpp | |
qgsmeshcontours.h | |
qgsmeshtriangulation.cpp | |
qgsmeshtriangulation.h | |
► network | |
qgsgraph.cpp | Implementation QgsGraph, QgsGraphVertex, QgsGraphEdge |
qgsgraph.h | |
qgsgraphanalyzer.cpp | |
qgsgraphanalyzer.h | |
qgsgraphbuilder.cpp | Implementation of the QgsGraphBuilder |
qgsgraphbuilder.h | |
qgsgraphbuilderinterface.cpp | |
qgsgraphbuilderinterface.h | |
qgsgraphdirector.h | |
qgsnetworkdistancestrategy.cpp | |
qgsnetworkdistancestrategy.h | |
qgsnetworkspeedstrategy.cpp | |
qgsnetworkspeedstrategy.h | |
qgsnetworkstrategy.h | |
qgsvectorlayerdirector.cpp | Implementation of QgsVectorLayerDirector |
qgsvectorlayerdirector.h | |
► processing | |
qgsalgorithmaddincrementalfield.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmaddincrementalfield.h | |
qgsalgorithmaddtablefield.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmaddtablefield.h | |
qgsalgorithmaddxyfields.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmaddxyfields.h | |
qgsalgorithmaffinetransform.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmaffinetransform.h | |
qgsalgorithmaggregate.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmaggregate.h | |
qgsalgorithmalignrasters.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmalignrasters.h | |
qgsalgorithmalignsingleraster.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmalignsingleraster.h | |
qgsalgorithmangletonearest.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmangletonearest.h | |
qgsalgorithmannotations.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmannotations.h | |
qgsalgorithmapplylayerstyle.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmapplylayerstyle.h | |
qgsalgorithmarrayoffsetlines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmarrayoffsetlines.h | |
qgsalgorithmarraytranslatedfeatures.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmarraytranslatedfeatures.h | |
qgsalgorithmaspect.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmaspect.h | |
qgsalgorithmassignprojection.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmassignprojection.h | |
qgsalgorithmattributeindex.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmattributeindex.h | |
qgsalgorithmb3dmtogltf.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmb3dmtogltf.h | |
qgsalgorithmbasicstatistics.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmbasicstatistics.h | |
qgsalgorithmbatchgeocode.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmbatchgeocode.h | |
qgsalgorithmbatchnominatimgeocode.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmbatchnominatimgeocode.h | |
qgsalgorithmboundary.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmboundary.h | |
qgsalgorithmboundingbox.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmboundingbox.h | |
qgsalgorithmbuffer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmbuffer.h | |
qgsalgorithmcalculateexpression.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcalculateexpression.h | |
qgsalgorithmcalculateoverlaps.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcalculateoverlaps.h | |
qgsalgorithmcategorizeusingstyle.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcategorizeusingstyle.h | |
qgsalgorithmcellstatistics.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcellstatistics.h | |
qgsalgorithmcentroid.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcentroid.h | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometryangle.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometryangle.h | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometryarea.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometryarea.h | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometryhole.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometryhole.h | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometrymissingvertex.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcheckgeometrymissingvertex.h | |
qgsalgorithmclip.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmclip.h | |
qgsalgorithmconcavehull.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmconcavehull.h | |
qgsalgorithmconditionalbranch.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmconditionalbranch.h | |
qgsalgorithmconstantraster.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmconstantraster.h | |
qgsalgorithmconverttocurves.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmconverttocurves.h | |
qgsalgorithmconvexhull.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmconvexhull.h | |
qgsalgorithmcoveragesimplify.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcoveragesimplify.h | |
qgsalgorithmcoverageunion.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcoverageunion.h | |
qgsalgorithmcoveragevalidate.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcoveragevalidate.h | |
qgsalgorithmcreatedirectory.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmcreatedirectory.h | |
qgsalgorithmdbscanclustering.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdbscanclustering.h | |
qgsalgorithmdefineprojection.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdefineprojection.h | |
qgsalgorithmdelaunaytriangulation.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdelaunaytriangulation.h | |
qgsalgorithmdeleteduplicategeometries.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdeleteduplicategeometries.h | |
qgsalgorithmdensifygeometriesbycount.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdensifygeometriesbycount.h | |
qgsalgorithmdensifygeometriesbyinterval.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdensifygeometriesbyinterval.h | |
qgsalgorithmdetectdatasetchanges.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdetectdatasetchanges.h | |
qgsalgorithmdifference.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdifference.h | |
qgsalgorithmdissolve.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdissolve.h | |
qgsalgorithmdistancewithin.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdistancewithin.h | |
qgsalgorithmdownloadvectortiles.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdownloadvectortiles.h | |
qgsalgorithmdrape.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdrape.h | |
qgsalgorithmdropfields.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdropfields.h | |
qgsalgorithmdropgeometry.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdropgeometry.h | |
qgsalgorithmdropmzvalues.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdropmzvalues.h | |
qgsalgorithmdxfexport.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmdxfexport.h | |
qgsalgorithmexecutepostgisquery.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexecutepostgisquery.h | |
qgsalgorithmexecutespatialitequery.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexecutespatialitequery.h | |
qgsalgorithmexecutespatialitequeryregistered.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexecutespatialitequeryregistered.h | |
qgsalgorithmexplode.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexplode.h | |
qgsalgorithmexplodehstore.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexplodehstore.h | |
qgsalgorithmexportlayersinformation.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexportlayersinformation.h | |
qgsalgorithmexportmesh.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexportmesh.h | |
qgsalgorithmexporttopostgresql.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexporttopostgresql.h | |
qgsalgorithmexporttospreadsheet.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmexporttospreadsheet.h | |
qgsalgorithmextendlines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextendlines.h | |
qgsalgorithmextentfromlayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextentfromlayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmextenttolayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextenttolayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractbinary.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractbinary.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractbyattribute.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractbyattribute.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractbyexpression.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractbyexpression.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractbyextent.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractbyextent.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractbylocation.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractbylocation.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractlabels.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractlabels.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractlayoutmapextent.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractlayoutmapextent.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractspecificvertices.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractspecificvertices.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractvertices.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractvertices.h | |
qgsalgorithmextractzmvalues.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmextractzmvalues.h | |
qgsalgorithmfieldcalculator.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfieldcalculator.h | |
qgsalgorithmfiledownloader.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfiledownloader.h | |
qgsalgorithmfillnodata.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfillnodata.h | |
qgsalgorithmfilter.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfilter.h | |
qgsalgorithmfilterbygeometry.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfilterbygeometry.h | |
qgsalgorithmfiltervertices.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfiltervertices.h | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometries.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometries.h | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometryangle.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometryangle.h | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometryarea.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometryarea.h | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometryhole.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometryhole.h | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometrymissingvertex.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfixgeometrymissingvertex.h | |
qgsalgorithmflattenrelationships.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmflattenrelationships.h | |
qgsalgorithmforcerhr.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmforcerhr.h | |
qgsalgorithmfuzzifyraster.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmfuzzifyraster.h | |
qgsalgorithmgenerateelevationprofile.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmgenerateelevationprofile.h | |
qgsalgorithmgeometrybyexpression.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmgeometrybyexpression.h | |
qgsalgorithmgltftovector.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmgltftovector.h | |
qgsalgorithmgpsbabeltools.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmgpsbabeltools.h | |
qgsalgorithmgrid.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmgrid.h | |
qgsalgorithmhillshade.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmhillshade.h | |
qgsalgorithmhttprequest.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmhttprequest.h | |
qgsalgorithmimportphotos.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmimportphotos.h | |
qgsalgorithminterpolatepoint.cpp | |
qgsalgorithminterpolatepoint.h | |
qgsalgorithmintersection.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmintersection.h | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbyattribute.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbyattribute.h | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbylocation.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbylocation.h | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbylocationsummary.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbylocationsummary.h | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbynearest.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmjoinbynearest.h | |
qgsalgorithmjoinwithlines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmjoinwithlines.h | |
qgsalgorithmkeepnbiggestparts.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmkeepnbiggestparts.h | |
qgsalgorithmkmeansclustering.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmkmeansclustering.h | |
qgsalgorithmlayoutatlastoimage.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmlayoutatlastoimage.h | |
qgsalgorithmlayoutatlastopdf.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmlayoutatlastopdf.h | |
qgsalgorithmlayouttoimage.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmlayouttoimage.h | |
qgsalgorithmlayouttopdf.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmlayouttopdf.h | |
qgsalgorithmlinedensity.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmlinedensity.h | |
qgsalgorithmlineintersection.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmlineintersection.h | |
qgsalgorithmlinesubstring.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmlinesubstring.h | |
qgsalgorithmloadlayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmloadlayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmmeancoordinates.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmeancoordinates.h | |
qgsalgorithmmergelines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmergelines.h | |
qgsalgorithmmergevector.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmergevector.h | |
qgsalgorithmmeshsurfacetopolygon.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmeshsurfacetopolygon.h | |
qgsalgorithmminimumenclosingcircle.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmminimumenclosingcircle.h | |
qgsalgorithmmultidifference.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmultidifference.h | |
qgsalgorithmmultiintersection.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmultiintersection.h | |
qgsalgorithmmultiparttosinglepart.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmultiparttosinglepart.h | |
qgsalgorithmmultiringconstantbuffer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmultiringconstantbuffer.h | |
qgsalgorithmmultiunion.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmmultiunion.h | |
qgsalgorithmnearestneighbouranalysis.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmnearestneighbouranalysis.h | |
qgsalgorithmnetworkanalysisbase.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmnetworkanalysisbase.h | |
qgsalgorithmoffsetlines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmoffsetlines.h | |
qgsalgorithmorderbyexpression.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmorderbyexpression.h | |
qgsalgorithmorientedminimumboundingbox.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmorientedminimumboundingbox.h | |
qgsalgorithmorthogonalize.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmorthogonalize.h | |
qgsalgorithmpackage.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpackage.h | |
qgsalgorithmpixelcentroidsfrompolygons.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpixelcentroidsfrompolygons.h | |
qgsalgorithmpointonsurface.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpointonsurface.h | |
qgsalgorithmpointsalonggeometry.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpointsalonggeometry.h | |
qgsalgorithmpointsinpolygon.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpointsinpolygon.h | |
qgsalgorithmpointslayerfromtable.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpointslayerfromtable.h | |
qgsalgorithmpointstopaths.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpointstopaths.h | |
qgsalgorithmpointtolayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpointtolayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmpoleofinaccessibility.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpoleofinaccessibility.h | |
qgsalgorithmpolygonize.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpolygonize.h | |
qgsalgorithmpolygonstolines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpolygonstolines.h | |
qgsalgorithmprojectpointcartesian.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmprojectpointcartesian.h | |
qgsalgorithmpromotetomultipart.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmpromotetomultipart.h | |
qgsalgorithmraiseexception.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmraiseexception.h | |
qgsalgorithmrandomextract.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrandomextract.h | |
qgsalgorithmrandompointsextent.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrandompointsextent.h | |
qgsalgorithmrandompointsinpolygons.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrandompointsinpolygons.h | |
qgsalgorithmrandompointsonlines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrandompointsonlines.h | |
qgsalgorithmrandomraster.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrandomraster.h | |
qgsalgorithmrastercalculator.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrastercalculator.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterdtmslopebasedfilter.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterdtmslopebasedfilter.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterfrequencybycomparisonoperator.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterfrequencybycomparisonoperator.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterize.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterize.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterlayerproperties.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterlayerproperties.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterlayeruniquevalues.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterlayeruniquevalues.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterlogicalop.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterlogicalop.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterminmax.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterminmax.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterrank.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterrank.h | |
qgsalgorithmrastersampling.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrastersampling.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterstackposition.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterstackposition.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterstatistics.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterstatistics.h | |
qgsalgorithmrastersurfacevolume.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrastersurfacevolume.h | |
qgsalgorithmrasterzonalstats.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrasterzonalstats.h | |
qgsalgorithmreclassifybylayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmreclassifybylayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmrectanglesovalsdiamonds.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrectanglesovalsdiamonds.h | |
qgsalgorithmrefactorfields.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrefactorfields.h | |
qgsalgorithmremoveduplicatesbyattribute.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmremoveduplicatesbyattribute.h | |
qgsalgorithmremoveduplicatevertices.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmremoveduplicatevertices.h | |
qgsalgorithmremoveholes.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmremoveholes.h | |
qgsalgorithmremovenullgeometry.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmremovenullgeometry.h | |
qgsalgorithmrenamelayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrenamelayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmrenametablefield.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrenametablefield.h | |
qgsalgorithmrepairshapefile.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrepairshapefile.h | |
qgsalgorithmrescaleraster.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrescaleraster.h | |
qgsalgorithmreverselinedirection.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmreverselinedirection.h | |
qgsalgorithmrotate.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmrotate.h | |
qgsalgorithmroundness.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmroundness.h | |
qgsalgorithmroundrastervalues.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmroundrastervalues.h | |
qgsalgorithmruggedness.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmruggedness.h | |
qgsalgorithmsavefeatures.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsavefeatures.h | |
qgsalgorithmsavelog.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsavelog.h | |
qgsalgorithmsaveselectedfeatures.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsaveselectedfeatures.h | |
qgsalgorithmsegmentize.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsegmentize.h | |
qgsalgorithmserviceareafromlayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmserviceareafromlayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmserviceareafrompoint.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmserviceareafrompoint.h | |
qgsalgorithmsetlayerencoding.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsetlayerencoding.h | |
qgsalgorithmsetmvalue.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsetmvalue.h | |
qgsalgorithmsetvariable.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsetvariable.h | |
qgsalgorithmsetzvalue.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsetzvalue.h | |
qgsalgorithmshortestline.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmshortestline.h | |
qgsalgorithmshortestpathlayertopoint.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmshortestpathlayertopoint.h | |
qgsalgorithmshortestpathpointtolayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmshortestpathpointtolayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmshortestpathpointtopoint.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmshortestpathpointtopoint.h | |
qgsalgorithmshpencodinginfo.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmshpencodinginfo.h | |
qgsalgorithmsimplify.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsimplify.h | |
qgsalgorithmsinglesidedbuffer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsinglesidedbuffer.h | |
qgsalgorithmslope.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmslope.h | |
qgsalgorithmsmooth.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsmooth.h | |
qgsalgorithmsnapgeometries.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsnapgeometries.h | |
qgsalgorithmsnaptogrid.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsnaptogrid.h | |
qgsalgorithmspatialindex.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmspatialindex.h | |
qgsalgorithmsplitfeaturesbyattributecharacter.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsplitfeaturesbyattributecharacter.h | |
qgsalgorithmsplitlineantimeridian.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsplitlineantimeridian.h | |
qgsalgorithmsplitlinesbylength.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsplitlinesbylength.h | |
qgsalgorithmsplitvectorlayer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsplitvectorlayer.h | |
qgsalgorithmsplitwithlines.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsplitwithlines.h | |
qgsalgorithmstdbscanclustering.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmstdbscanclustering.h | |
qgsalgorithmstringconcatenation.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmstringconcatenation.h | |
qgsalgorithmsubdivide.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsubdivide.h | |
qgsalgorithmsumlinelength.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsumlinelength.h | |
qgsalgorithmswapxy.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmswapxy.h | |
qgsalgorithmsymmetricaldifference.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmsymmetricaldifference.h | |
qgsalgorithmtaperedbuffer.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmtaperedbuffer.h | |
qgsalgorithmtinmeshcreation.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmtinmeshcreation.h | |
qgsalgorithmtransect.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmtransect.h | |
qgsalgorithmtransform.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmtransform.h | |
qgsalgorithmtranslate.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmtranslate.h | |
qgsalgorithmtruncatetable.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmtruncatetable.h | |
qgsalgorithmunion.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmunion.h | |
qgsalgorithmuniquevalueindex.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmuniquevalueindex.h | |
qgsalgorithmurlopener.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmurlopener.h | |
qgsalgorithmvectorize.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmvectorize.h | |
qgsalgorithmvirtualrastercalculator.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmvirtualrastercalculator.h | |
qgsalgorithmvoronoipolygons.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmvoronoipolygons.h | |
qgsalgorithmwedgebuffers.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmwedgebuffers.h | |
qgsalgorithmwritevectortiles.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmwritevectortiles.h | |
qgsalgorithmxyztiles.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmxyztiles.h | |
qgsalgorithmzonalhistogram.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmzonalhistogram.h | |
qgsalgorithmzonalminmaxpoint.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmzonalminmaxpoint.h | |
qgsalgorithmzonalstatistics.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmzonalstatistics.h | |
qgsalgorithmzonalstatistics_private.h | |
qgsalgorithmzonalstatisticsfeaturebased.cpp | |
qgsalgorithmzonalstatisticsfeaturebased.h | |
qgsbookmarkalgorithms.cpp | |
qgsbookmarkalgorithms.h | |
qgsmetadataalgorithms.cpp | |
qgsmetadataalgorithms.h | |
qgsnativealgorithms.cpp | |
qgsnativealgorithms.h | |
qgsoverlayutils.cpp | |
qgsoverlayutils.h | |
qgsprojectstylealgorithms.cpp | |
qgsprojectstylealgorithms.h | |
qgsrasteranalysisutils.cpp | |
qgsrasteranalysisutils.h | |
qgsreclassifyutils.cpp | |
qgsreclassifyutils.h | |
qgsstylealgorithms.cpp | |
qgsstylealgorithms.h | |
► raster | |
qgsalignraster.cpp | |
qgsalignraster.h | |
qgsaspectfilter.cpp | |
qgsaspectfilter.h | |
qgsderivativefilter.cpp | |
qgsderivativefilter.h | |
qgshillshadefilter.cpp | |
qgshillshadefilter.h | |
qgskde.cpp | |
qgskde.h | |
qgsninecellfilter.cpp | |
qgsninecellfilter.h | |
qgsrastercalcnode.cpp | |
qgsrastercalcnode.h | |
qgsrastercalculator.cpp | |
qgsrastercalculator.h | |
qgsrastermatrix.cpp | |
qgsrastermatrix.h | |
qgsrelief.cpp | |
qgsrelief.h | |
qgsruggednessfilter.cpp | |
qgsruggednessfilter.h | |
qgsslopefilter.cpp | |
qgsslopefilter.h | |
qgstotalcurvaturefilter.cpp | |
qgstotalcurvaturefilter.h | |
► vector | |
► geometry_checker | |
qgsfeaturepool.cpp | |
qgsfeaturepool.h | |
qgsgeometryanglecheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryanglecheck.h | |
qgsgeometryareacheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryareacheck.h | |
qgsgeometrycheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycheck.h | |
qgsgeometrycheckcontext.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycheckcontext.h | |
qgsgeometrychecker.cpp | |
qgsgeometrychecker.h | |
qgsgeometrycheckerror.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycheckerror.h | |
qgsgeometrycheckerutils.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycheckerutils.h | |
qgsgeometrycheckfactory.h | |
qgsgeometrycheckregistry.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycheckregistry.h | |
qgsgeometrycheckresolutionmethod.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycheckresolutionmethod.h | |
qgsgeometrycontainedcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycontainedcheck.h | |
qgsgeometrydanglecheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrydanglecheck.h | |
qgsgeometrydegeneratepolygoncheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrydegeneratepolygoncheck.h | |
qgsgeometryduplicatecheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryduplicatecheck.h | |
qgsgeometryduplicatenodescheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryduplicatenodescheck.h | |
qgsgeometryfollowboundariescheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryfollowboundariescheck.h | |
qgsgeometrygapcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrygapcheck.h | |
qgsgeometryholecheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryholecheck.h | |
qgsgeometryisvalidcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryisvalidcheck.h | |
qgsgeometrylineintersectioncheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrylineintersectioncheck.h | |
qgsgeometrylinelayerintersectioncheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrylinelayerintersectioncheck.h | |
qgsgeometrymissingvertexcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrymissingvertexcheck.h | |
qgsgeometrymultipartcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrymultipartcheck.h | |
qgsgeometryoverlapcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryoverlapcheck.h | |
qgsgeometrypointcoveredbylinecheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrypointcoveredbylinecheck.h | |
qgsgeometrypointinpolygoncheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrypointinpolygoncheck.h | |
qgsgeometrysegmentlengthcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrysegmentlengthcheck.h | |
qgsgeometryselfcontactcheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryselfcontactcheck.h | |
qgsgeometryselfintersectioncheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometryselfintersectioncheck.h | |
qgsgeometrysliverpolygoncheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrysliverpolygoncheck.h | |
qgsgeometrytypecheck.cpp | |
qgsgeometrytypecheck.h | |
qgssinglegeometrycheck.cpp | |
qgssinglegeometrycheck.h | |
qgsvectordataproviderfeaturepool.cpp | |
qgsvectordataproviderfeaturepool.h | |
qgsvectorlayerfeaturepool.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerfeaturepool.h | |
qgsgeometrysnapper.cpp | |
qgsgeometrysnapper.h | |
qgsgeometrysnappersinglesource.cpp | |
qgsgeometrysnappersinglesource.h | |
qgszonalstatistics.cpp | |
qgszonalstatistics.h | |
qgsanalysis.cpp | |
qgsanalysis.h | |
► core | |
► 3d | |
qgs3drendererregistry.cpp | |
qgs3drendererregistry.h | |
qgs3dsymbolregistry.cpp | |
qgs3dsymbolregistry.h | |
qgsabstract3drenderer.cpp | |
qgsabstract3drenderer.h | |
qgsabstract3dsymbol.cpp | |
qgsabstract3dsymbol.h | |
qgsabstractpointcloud3drenderer.h | |
► actions | |
qgsaction.cpp | |
qgsaction.h | |
qgsactionmanager.cpp | |
qgsactionmanager.h | |
qgsactionscope.cpp | |
qgsactionscope.h | |
qgsactionscoperegistry.cpp | |
qgsactionscoperegistry.h | |
► annotations | |
qgsannotation.cpp | |
qgsannotation.h | |
qgsannotationitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationitem.h | |
qgsannotationitemeditoperation.cpp | |
qgsannotationitemeditoperation.h | |
qgsannotationitemnode.h | |
qgsannotationitemregistry.cpp | |
qgsannotationitemregistry.h | |
qgsannotationlayer.cpp | |
qgsannotationlayer.h | |
qgsannotationlayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsannotationlayerrenderer.h | |
qgsannotationlineitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationlineitem.h | |
qgsannotationlinetextitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationlinetextitem.h | |
qgsannotationmanager.cpp | |
qgsannotationmanager.h | |
qgsannotationmarkeritem.cpp | |
qgsannotationmarkeritem.h | |
qgsannotationpictureitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationpictureitem.h | |
qgsannotationpointtextitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationpointtextitem.h | |
qgsannotationpolygonitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationpolygonitem.h | |
qgsannotationrectangletextitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationrectangletextitem.h | |
qgsannotationrectitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationrectitem.h | |
qgsannotationregistry.h | |
qgshtmlannotation.cpp | |
qgshtmlannotation.h | |
qgsrenderedannotationitemdetails.cpp | |
qgsrenderedannotationitemdetails.h | |
qgssvgannotation.cpp | |
qgssvgannotation.h | |
qgstextannotation.cpp | |
qgstextannotation.h | |
► auth | |
qgsauthcertutils.cpp | |
qgsauthcertutils.h | |
qgsauthconfig.cpp | |
qgsauthconfig.h | |
qgsauthconfigurationstorage.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigurationstorage.h | |
qgsauthconfigurationstoragedb.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigurationstoragedb.h | |
qgsauthconfigurationstorageregistry.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigurationstorageregistry.h | |
qgsauthconfigurationstoragesqlite.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigurationstoragesqlite.h | |
qgsauthcrypto.cpp | |
qgsauthcrypto.h | |
qgsauthmanager.cpp | |
qgsauthmanager.h | |
qgsauthmethod.cpp | |
qgsauthmethod.h | |
qgsauthmethodmetadata.cpp | |
qgsauthmethodmetadata.h | |
qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp | |
qgsauthmethodregistry.h | |
qgsauthorizationsettings.cpp | |
qgsauthorizationsettings.h | |
► browser | |
qgsbrowsermodel.cpp | |
qgsbrowsermodel.h | |
qgsbrowserproxymodel.cpp | |
qgsbrowserproxymodel.h | |
qgsconnectionsitem.cpp | |
qgsconnectionsitem.h | |
qgsdatabaseschemaitem.cpp | |
qgsdatabaseschemaitem.h | |
qgsdatacollectionitem.cpp | |
qgsdatacollectionitem.h | |
qgsdataitem.cpp | |
qgsdataitem.h | |
qgsdataitemprovider.cpp | |
qgsdataitemprovider.h | |
qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgsdataitemproviderregistry.h | |
qgsdirectoryitem.cpp | |
qgsdirectoryitem.h | |
qgsfavoritesitem.cpp | |
qgsfavoritesitem.h | |
qgsfielddomainsitem.cpp | |
qgsfielddomainsitem.h | |
qgsfieldsitem.cpp | |
qgsfieldsitem.h | |
qgsfilebaseddataitemprovider.cpp | |
qgsfilebaseddataitemprovider.h | |
qgslayeritem.cpp | |
qgslayeritem.h | |
qgsprojectitem.cpp | |
qgsprojectitem.h | |
qgsrelationshipsitem.cpp | |
qgsrelationshipsitem.h | |
qgszipitem.cpp | |
qgszipitem.h | |
► callouts | |
qgscallout.cpp | |
qgscallout.h | |
qgscalloutsregistry.cpp | |
qgscalloutsregistry.h | |
► classification | |
qgsclassificationcustom.cpp | |
qgsclassificationcustom.h | |
qgsclassificationequalinterval.cpp | |
qgsclassificationequalinterval.h | |
qgsclassificationfixedinterval.cpp | |
qgsclassificationfixedinterval.h | |
qgsclassificationjenks.cpp | |
qgsclassificationjenks.h | |
qgsclassificationlogarithmic.cpp | |
qgsclassificationlogarithmic.h | |
qgsclassificationmethod.cpp | |
qgsclassificationmethod.h | |
qgsclassificationmethodregistry.cpp | |
qgsclassificationmethodregistry.h | |
qgsclassificationprettybreaks.cpp | |
qgsclassificationprettybreaks.h | |
qgsclassificationquantile.cpp | |
qgsclassificationquantile.h | |
qgsclassificationstandarddeviation.cpp | |
qgsclassificationstandarddeviation.h | |
► diagram | |
qgsdiagram.cpp | |
qgsdiagram.h | |
qgshistogramdiagram.cpp | |
qgshistogramdiagram.h | |
qgspiediagram.cpp | |
qgspiediagram.h | |
qgsstackedbardiagram.cpp | |
qgsstackedbardiagram.h | |
qgsstackeddiagram.cpp | |
qgsstackeddiagram.h | |
qgstextdiagram.cpp | |
qgstextdiagram.h | |
► dxf | |
qgsdxfexport.cpp | |
qgsdxfexport.h | |
qgsdxfexport_p.h | |
qgsdxfpaintdevice.cpp | |
qgsdxfpaintdevice.h | |
qgsdxfpaintengine.cpp | |
qgsdxfpaintengine.h | |
► editform | |
qgsattributeeditoraction.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditoraction.h | |
qgsattributeeditorcontainer.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorcontainer.h | |
qgsattributeeditorelement.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorelement.h | |
qgsattributeeditorfield.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorfield.h | |
qgsattributeeditorhtmlelement.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorhtmlelement.h | |
qgsattributeeditorqmlelement.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorqmlelement.h | |
qgsattributeeditorrelation.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorrelation.h | |
qgsattributeeditorspacerelement.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorspacerelement.h | |
qgsattributeeditortextelement.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditortextelement.h | |
qgseditformconfig.cpp | |
qgseditformconfig.h | |
qgseditformconfig_p.h | |
► effects | |
qgsblureffect.cpp | |
qgsblureffect.h | |
qgscoloreffect.cpp | |
qgscoloreffect.h | |
qgseffectstack.cpp | |
qgseffectstack.h | |
qgsgloweffect.cpp | |
qgsgloweffect.h | |
qgsimageoperation.cpp | |
qgsimageoperation.h | |
qgspainteffect.cpp | |
qgspainteffect.h | |
qgspainteffectregistry.cpp | |
qgspainteffectregistry.h | |
qgsshadoweffect.cpp | |
qgsshadoweffect.h | |
qgstransformeffect.cpp | |
qgstransformeffect.h | |
► elevation | |
qgsabstractprofilegenerator.cpp | |
qgsabstractprofilegenerator.h | |
qgsabstractprofilesource.cpp | |
qgsabstractprofilesource.h | |
qgsabstractprofilesurfacegenerator.cpp | |
qgsabstractprofilesurfacegenerator.h | |
qgsprofileexporter.cpp | |
qgsprofileexporter.h | |
qgsprofilepoint.h | |
qgsprofilerenderer.cpp | |
qgsprofilerenderer.h | |
qgsprofilerequest.cpp | |
qgsprofilerequest.h | |
qgsprofilesnapping.cpp | |
qgsprofilesnapping.h | |
qgsprofilesourceregistry.cpp | |
qgsprofilesourceregistry.h | |
qgsterrainprovider.cpp | |
qgsterrainprovider.h | |
► expression | |
qgsexpression.cpp | |
qgsexpression.h | |
qgsexpression_p.h | |
qgsexpressioncontextutils.cpp | |
qgsexpressioncontextutils.h | |
qgsexpressionfunction.cpp | |
qgsexpressionfunction.h | |
qgsexpressionnode.cpp | |
qgsexpressionnode.h | |
qgsexpressionnodeimpl.cpp | |
qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h | |
qgsexpressionutils.cpp | |
qgsexpressionutils.h | |
► externalstorage | |
qgsexternalstorage.cpp | |
qgsexternalstorage.h | |
qgsexternalstorageregistry.cpp | |
qgsexternalstorageregistry.h | |
qgshttpexternalstorage.cpp | |
qgshttpexternalstorage_p.h | |
qgssimplecopyexternalstorage.cpp | |
qgssimplecopyexternalstorage_p.h | |
► fieldformatter | |
qgscheckboxfieldformatter.cpp | |
qgscheckboxfieldformatter.h | |
qgsdatetimefieldformatter.cpp | |
qgsdatetimefieldformatter.h | |
qgsfallbackfieldformatter.cpp | |
qgsfallbackfieldformatter.h | |
qgskeyvaluefieldformatter.cpp | |
qgskeyvaluefieldformatter.h | |
qgslistfieldformatter.cpp | |
qgslistfieldformatter.h | |
qgsrangefieldformatter.cpp | |
qgsrangefieldformatter.h | |
qgsrelationreferencefieldformatter.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencefieldformatter.h | |
qgsvaluemapfieldformatter.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapfieldformatter.h | |
qgsvaluerelationfieldformatter.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationfieldformatter.h | |
► geocoding | |
qgsabstractgeocoderlocatorfilter.cpp | |
qgsabstractgeocoderlocatorfilter.h | |
qgsgeocoder.cpp | |
qgsgeocoder.h | |
qgsgeocodercontext.cpp | |
qgsgeocodercontext.h | |
qgsgeocoderresult.cpp | |
qgsgeocoderresult.h | |
qgsgooglemapsgeocoder.cpp | |
qgsgooglemapsgeocoder.h | |
qgsnominatimgeocoder.cpp | |
qgsnominatimgeocoder.h | |
► geometry | |
qgsabstractgeometry.cpp | |
qgsabstractgeometry.h | |
qgsbox3d.cpp | |
qgsbox3d.h | |
qgscircle.cpp | |
qgscircle.h | |
qgscircularstring.cpp | |
qgscircularstring.h | |
qgscompoundcurve.cpp | |
qgscompoundcurve.h | |
qgscurve.cpp | |
qgscurve.h | |
qgscurvepolygon.cpp | |
qgscurvepolygon.h | |
qgsellipse.cpp | |
qgsellipse.h | |
qgsgeometry.cpp | |
qgsgeometry.h | |
qgsgeometrycollection.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycollection.h | |
qgsgeometryeditutils.cpp | |
qgsgeometryeditutils.h | |
qgsgeometryengine.h | |
qgsgeometryfactory.cpp | |
qgsgeometryfactory.h | |
qgsgeometrytransformer.h | |
qgsgeometryutils.cpp | |
qgsgeometryutils.h | |
qgsgeometryutils_base.cpp | |
qgsgeometryutils_base.h | |
qgsgeos.cpp | |
qgsgeos.h | |
qgsinternalgeometryengine.cpp | |
qgsinternalgeometryengine.h | |
qgslinesegment.cpp | |
qgslinesegment.h | |
qgslinestring.cpp | |
qgslinestring.h | |
qgsmulticurve.cpp | |
qgsmulticurve.h | |
qgsmultilinestring.cpp | |
qgsmultilinestring.h | |
qgsmultipoint.cpp | |
qgsmultipoint.h | |
qgsmultipolygon.cpp | |
qgsmultipolygon.h | |
qgsmultisurface.cpp | |
qgsmultisurface.h | |
qgsorientedbox3d.cpp | |
qgsorientedbox3d.h | |
qgspoint.cpp | |
qgspoint.h | |
qgspolygon.cpp | |
qgspolygon.h | |
qgspolyhedralsurface.cpp | |
qgspolyhedralsurface.h | |
qgsquadrilateral.cpp | |
qgsquadrilateral.h | |
qgsray3d.cpp | |
qgsray3d.h | |
qgsrectangle.cpp | |
qgsrectangle.h | |
qgsreferencedgeometry.cpp | |
qgsreferencedgeometry.h | |
qgsregularpolygon.cpp | |
qgsregularpolygon.h | |
qgssphere.cpp | |
qgssphere.h | |
qgssurface.cpp | |
qgssurface.h | |
qgstriangle.cpp | |
qgstriangle.h | |
qgstriangulatedsurface.cpp | |
qgstriangulatedsurface.h | |
qgsvertexid.cpp | |
qgsvertexid.h | |
qgswkbptr.cpp | |
qgswkbptr.h | |
qgswkbtypes.cpp | |
qgswkbtypes.h | |
► gps | |
qgsbabelformat.cpp | |
qgsbabelformat.h | |
qgsbabelformatregistry.cpp | |
qgsbabelformatregistry.h | |
qgsbabelgpsdevice.cpp | |
qgsbabelgpsdevice.h | |
qgsgpsconnection.cpp | |
qgsgpsconnection.h | |
qgsgpsconnectionregistry.cpp | |
qgsgpsconnectionregistry.h | |
qgsgpsdconnection.cpp | |
qgsgpsdconnection.h | |
qgsgpsdetector.cpp | |
qgsgpsdetector.h | |
qgsgpsinformation.cpp | |
qgsgpsinformation.h | |
qgsgpslogger.cpp | |
qgsgpslogger.h | |
qgsnmeaconnection.cpp | |
qgsnmeaconnection.h | |
qgsqtlocationconnection.cpp | |
qgsqtlocationconnection.h | |
qgssatelliteinformation.cpp | |
qgssatelliteinformation.h | |
qgsvectorlayergpslogger.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayergpslogger.h | |
► labeling | |
► rules | |
qgslabelingenginerule.cpp | |
qgslabelingenginerule.h | |
qgslabelingenginerule_impl.cpp | |
qgslabelingenginerule_impl.h | |
qgslabelingengineruleregistry.cpp | |
qgslabelingengineruleregistry.h | |
qgscalloutposition.h | |
qgslabelfeature.cpp | |
qgslabelfeature.h | |
qgslabeling.h | |
qgslabelingengine.cpp | |
qgslabelingengine.h | |
qgslabelingenginesettings.cpp | |
qgslabelingenginesettings.h | |
qgslabelingresults.cpp | |
qgslabelingresults.h | |
qgslabellinesettings.cpp | |
qgslabellinesettings.h | |
qgslabelobstaclesettings.cpp | |
qgslabelobstaclesettings.h | |
qgslabelplacementsettings.cpp | |
qgslabelplacementsettings.h | |
qgslabelpointsettings.cpp | |
qgslabelpointsettings.h | |
qgslabelposition.h | |
qgslabelsearchtree.cpp | |
qgslabelsearchtree.h | |
qgslabelsink.cpp | |
qgslabelsink.h | |
qgslabelthinningsettings.cpp | |
qgslabelthinningsettings.h | |
qgspallabeling.cpp | |
qgspallabeling.h | |
qgsrulebasedlabeling.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedlabeling.h | |
qgstextlabelfeature.cpp | |
qgstextlabelfeature.h | |
qgsvectorlayerlabeling.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerlabeling.h | |
qgsvectorlayerlabelprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerlabelprovider.h | |
► layertree | |
qgscolorramplegendnode.cpp | |
qgscolorramplegendnode.h | |
qgscolorramplegendnodesettings.cpp | |
qgscolorramplegendnodesettings.h | |
qgslayertree.cpp | |
qgslayertree.h | |
qgslayertreefilterproxymodel.cpp | |
qgslayertreefilterproxymodel.h | |
qgslayertreefiltersettings.cpp | |
qgslayertreefiltersettings.h | |
qgslayertreegroup.cpp | |
qgslayertreegroup.h | |
qgslayertreelayer.cpp | |
qgslayertreelayer.h | |
qgslayertreemodel.cpp | |
qgslayertreemodel.h | |
qgslayertreemodellegendnode.cpp | |
qgslayertreemodellegendnode.h | |
qgslayertreenode.cpp | |
qgslayertreenode.h | |
qgslayertreeregistrybridge.cpp | |
qgslayertreeregistrybridge.h | |
qgslayertreeutils.cpp | |
qgslayertreeutils.h | |
qgslegendpatchshape.cpp | |
qgslegendpatchshape.h | |
► layout | |
qgsabstractlayoutiterator.h | |
qgsabstractreportsection.cpp | |
qgsabstractreportsection.h | |
qgscompositionconverter.cpp | |
qgscompositionconverter.h | |
qgslayout.cpp | |
qgslayout.h | |
qgslayoutaligner.cpp | |
qgslayoutaligner.h | |
qgslayoutatlas.cpp | |
qgslayoutatlas.h | |
qgslayouteffect.cpp | |
qgslayouteffect.h | |
qgslayoutexporter.cpp | |
qgslayoutexporter.h | |
qgslayoutframe.cpp | |
qgslayoutframe.h | |
qgslayoutgeopdfexporter.cpp | |
qgslayoutgeopdfexporter.h | |
qgslayoutgridsettings.cpp | |
qgslayoutgridsettings.h | |
qgslayoutguidecollection.cpp | |
qgslayoutguidecollection.h | |
qgslayoutitem.cpp | |
qgslayoutitem.h | |
qgslayoutitemattributetable.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemattributetable.h | |
qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.h | |
qgslayoutitemgroup.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemgroup.h | |
qgslayoutitemgroupundocommand.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemgroupundocommand.h | |
qgslayoutitemhtml.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemhtml.h | |
qgslayoutitemlabel.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemlabel.h | |
qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemlegend.h | |
qgslayoutitemmanualtable.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemmanualtable.h | |
qgslayoutitemmap.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemmap.h | |
qgslayoutitemmapgrid.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemmapgrid.h | |
qgslayoutitemmapitem.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemmapitem.h | |
qgslayoutitemmapoverview.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemmapoverview.h | |
qgslayoutitemmarker.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemmarker.h | |
qgslayoutitemnodeitem.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemnodeitem.h | |
qgslayoutitempage.cpp | |
qgslayoutitempage.h | |
qgslayoutitempicture.cpp | |
qgslayoutitempicture.h | |
qgslayoutitempolygon.cpp | |
qgslayoutitempolygon.h | |
qgslayoutitempolyline.cpp | |
qgslayoutitempolyline.h | |
qgslayoutitemregistry.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemregistry.h | |
qgslayoutitemscalebar.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemscalebar.h | |
qgslayoutitemshape.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemshape.h | |
qgslayoutitemtexttable.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemtexttable.h | |
qgslayoutitemundocommand.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemundocommand.h | |
qgslayoutmanager.cpp | |
qgslayoutmanager.h | |
qgslayoutmeasurement.cpp | |
qgslayoutmeasurement.h | |
qgslayoutmeasurementconverter.cpp | |
qgslayoutmeasurementconverter.h | |
qgslayoutmodel.cpp | |
qgslayoutmodel.h | |
qgslayoutmultiframe.cpp | |
qgslayoutmultiframe.h | |
qgslayoutmultiframeundocommand.cpp | |
qgslayoutmultiframeundocommand.h | |
qgslayoutnortharrowhandler.cpp | |
qgslayoutnortharrowhandler.h | |
qgslayoutobject.cpp | |
qgslayoutobject.h | |
qgslayoutpagecollection.cpp | |
qgslayoutpagecollection.h | |
qgslayoutpoint.cpp | |
qgslayoutpoint.h | |
qgslayoutrendercontext.cpp | |
qgslayoutrendercontext.h | |
qgslayoutreportcontext.cpp | |
qgslayoutreportcontext.h | |
qgslayoutserializableobject.cpp | |
qgslayoutserializableobject.h | |
qgslayoutsize.cpp | |
qgslayoutsize.h | |
qgslayoutsnapper.cpp | |
qgslayoutsnapper.h | |
qgslayouttable.cpp | |
qgslayouttable.h | |
qgslayouttablecolumn.cpp | |
qgslayouttablecolumn.h | |
qgslayoutundocommand.cpp | |
qgslayoutundocommand.h | |
qgslayoutundostack.cpp | |
qgslayoutundostack.h | |
qgslayoututils.cpp | |
qgslayoututils.h | |
qgsmasterlayoutinterface.h | |
qgspagesizeregistry.cpp | |
qgspagesizeregistry.h | |
qgsprintlayout.cpp | |
qgsprintlayout.h | |
qgsreport.cpp | |
qgsreport.h | |
qgsreportsectionfieldgroup.cpp | |
qgsreportsectionfieldgroup.h | |
qgsreportsectionlayout.cpp | |
qgsreportsectionlayout.h | |
► locator | |
qgslocator.cpp | |
qgslocator.h | |
qgslocatorcontext.h | |
qgslocatorfilter.cpp | |
qgslocatorfilter.h | |
qgslocatormodel.cpp | |
qgslocatormodel.h | |
qgslocatormodelbridge.cpp | |
qgslocatormodelbridge.h | |
► maprenderer | |
qgsmaprenderercache.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderercache.h | |
qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.h | |
qgsmaprendererjob.cpp | |
qgsmaprendererjob.h | |
qgsmaprendererparalleljob.cpp | |
qgsmaprendererparalleljob.h | |
qgsmaprenderersequentialjob.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderersequentialjob.h | |
qgsmaprendererstagedrenderjob.cpp | |
qgsmaprendererstagedrenderjob.h | |
qgsmaprenderertask.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderertask.h | |
qgsrendereditemresults.cpp | |
qgsrendereditemresults.h | |
► mesh | |
qgsmesh3daveraging.cpp | |
qgsmesh3daveraging.h | |
qgsmeshadvancedediting.cpp | |
qgsmeshadvancedediting.h | |
qgsmeshcalcnode.cpp | |
qgsmeshcalcnode.h | |
qgsmeshcalculator.cpp | |
qgsmeshcalculator.h | |
qgsmeshcalcutils.cpp | |
qgsmeshcalcutils.h | |
qgsmeshdataprovider.cpp | |
qgsmeshdataprovider.h | |
qgsmeshdataprovidertemporalcapabilities.cpp | |
qgsmeshdataprovidertemporalcapabilities.h | |
qgsmeshdataset.cpp | |
qgsmeshdataset.h | |
qgsmeshdatasetgroupstore.cpp | |
qgsmeshdatasetgroupstore.h | |
qgsmesheditor.cpp | |
qgsmesheditor.h | |
qgsmeshforcebypolylines.cpp | |
qgsmeshforcebypolylines.h | |
qgsmeshlayer.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayer.h | |
qgsmeshlayerelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerelevationproperties.h | |
qgsmeshlayerinterpolator.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerinterpolator.h | |
qgsmeshlayerlabeling.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerlabeling.h | |
qgsmeshlayerlabelprovider.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerlabelprovider.h | |
qgsmeshlayerprofilegenerator.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerprofilegenerator.h | |
qgsmeshlayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerrenderer.h | |
qgsmeshlayertemporalproperties.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayertemporalproperties.h | |
qgsmeshlayerutils.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerutils.h | |
qgsmeshrenderersettings.cpp | |
qgsmeshrenderersettings.h | |
qgsmeshsimplificationsettings.cpp | |
qgsmeshsimplificationsettings.h | |
qgsmeshspatialindex.cpp | |
qgsmeshspatialindex.h | |
qgsmeshtimesettings.cpp | |
qgsmeshtimesettings.h | |
qgsmeshtracerenderer.cpp | |
qgsmeshtracerenderer.h | |
qgsmeshvectorrenderer.cpp | |
qgsmeshvectorrenderer.h | |
qgsmeshvirtualdatasetgroup.cpp | |
qgsmeshvirtualdatasetgroup.h | |
qgstopologicalmesh.cpp | |
qgstopologicalmesh.h | |
qgstriangularmesh.cpp | |
qgstriangularmesh.h | |
► metadata | |
qgsabstractlayermetadataprovider.cpp | |
qgsabstractlayermetadataprovider.h | |
qgsabstractmetadatabase.cpp | |
qgsabstractmetadatabase.h | |
qgslayermetadata.cpp | |
qgslayermetadata.h | |
qgslayermetadataformatter.cpp | |
qgslayermetadataformatter.h | |
qgslayermetadataproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgslayermetadataproviderregistry.h | |
qgslayermetadatavalidator.cpp | |
qgslayermetadatavalidator.h | |
qgsmetadatautils.cpp | |
qgsmetadatautils.h | |
qgsprojectmetadata.cpp | |
qgsprojectmetadata.h | |
► network | |
qgsblockingnetworkrequest.cpp | |
qgsblockingnetworkrequest.h | |
qgsfiledownloader.cpp | |
qgsfiledownloader.h | |
qgshttpheaders.cpp | |
qgshttpheaders.h | |
qgsnetworkaccessmanager.cpp | |
qgsnetworkaccessmanager.h | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetcher.cpp | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetcher.h | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetcherregistry.cpp | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetcherregistry.h | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetchertask.cpp | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetchertask.h | |
qgsnetworkdiskcache.cpp | |
qgsnetworkdiskcache.h | |
qgsnetworkreply.cpp | |
qgsnetworkreply.h | |
qgsnetworkreplyparser.cpp | |
qgsnetworkreplyparser.h | |
qgsnewsfeedmodel.cpp | |
qgsnewsfeedmodel.h | |
qgsnewsfeedparser.cpp | |
qgsnewsfeedparser.h | |
qgsrangerequestcache.cpp | |
qgsrangerequestcache.h | |
qgssetrequestinitiator_p.h | |
► numericformats | |
qgsbasicnumericformat.cpp | |
qgsbasicnumericformat.h | |
qgsbearingnumericformat.cpp | |
qgsbearingnumericformat.h | |
qgscoordinatenumericformat.cpp | |
qgscoordinatenumericformat.h | |
qgscurrencynumericformat.cpp | |
qgscurrencynumericformat.h | |
qgsexpressionbasednumericformat.cpp | |
qgsexpressionbasednumericformat.h | |
qgsfallbacknumericformat.cpp | |
qgsfallbacknumericformat.h | |
qgsfractionnumericformat.cpp | |
qgsfractionnumericformat.h | |
qgsnumericformat.cpp | |
qgsnumericformat.h | |
qgsnumericformatregistry.cpp | |
qgsnumericformatregistry.h | |
qgspercentagenumericformat.cpp | |
qgspercentagenumericformat.h | |
qgsscientificnumericformat.cpp | |
qgsscientificnumericformat.h | |
► painting | |
qgsgeometrypaintdevice.cpp | |
qgsgeometrypaintdevice.h | |
qgsmaskpaintdevice.cpp | |
qgsmaskpaintdevice.h | |
qgsnullpainterdevice.cpp | |
qgsnullpainterdevice.h | |
qgspaintenginehack.cpp | |
qgspaintenginehack.h | |
qgspainting.cpp | |
qgspainting.h | |
► pal | |
costcalculator.cpp | |
costcalculator.h | |
feature.cpp | |
feature.h | |
geomfunction.cpp | |
geomfunction.h | |
internalexception.h | |
labelposition.cpp | |
labelposition.h | |
layer.cpp | |
layer.h | |
pal.cpp | |
pal.h | |
palexception.h | |
palrtree.h | |
pointset.cpp | |
pointset.h | |
priorityqueue.cpp | |
priorityqueue.h | |
problem.cpp | |
problem.h | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
► pdf | |
qgspdfrenderer.cpp | |
qgspdfrenderer.h | |
► plot | |
qgsplot.cpp | |
qgsplot.h | |
► pointcloud | |
qgscachedpointcloudblockrequest.cpp | |
qgscachedpointcloudblockrequest.h | |
qgscopcpointcloudblockrequest.cpp | |
qgscopcpointcloudblockrequest.h | |
qgscopcpointcloudindex.cpp | |
qgscopcpointcloudindex.h | |
qgscopcupdate.cpp | |
qgscopcupdate.h | |
qgseptdecoder.cpp | |
qgseptdecoder.h | |
qgseptpointcloudblockrequest.cpp | |
qgseptpointcloudblockrequest.h | |
qgseptpointcloudindex.cpp | |
qgseptpointcloudindex.h | |
qgslazdecoder.cpp | |
qgslazdecoder.h | |
qgslazinfo.cpp | |
qgslazinfo.h | |
qgspointcloudattribute.cpp | |
qgspointcloudattribute.h | |
qgspointcloudattributebyramprenderer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudattributebyramprenderer.h | |
qgspointcloudattributemodel.cpp | |
qgspointcloudattributemodel.h | |
qgspointcloudblock.cpp | |
qgspointcloudblock.h | |
qgspointcloudblockrequest.cpp | |
qgspointcloudblockrequest.h | |
qgspointcloudclassifiedrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudclassifiedrenderer.h | |
qgspointclouddataprovider.cpp | |
qgspointclouddataprovider.h | |
qgspointcloudeditingindex.cpp | |
qgspointcloudeditingindex.h | |
qgspointcloudextentrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudextentrenderer.h | |
qgspointcloudindex.cpp | |
qgspointcloudindex.h | |
qgspointcloudlayer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayer.h | |
qgspointcloudlayereditutils.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayereditutils.h | |
qgspointcloudlayerelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayerelevationproperties.h | |
qgspointcloudlayerexporter.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayerexporter.h | |
qgspointcloudlayerprofilegenerator.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayerprofilegenerator.h | |
qgspointcloudlayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayerrenderer.h | |
qgspointcloudlayerundocommand.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayerundocommand.h | |
qgspointcloudrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudrenderer.h | |
qgspointcloudrendererregistry.cpp | |
qgspointcloudrendererregistry.h | |
qgspointcloudrequest.cpp | |
qgspointcloudrequest.h | |
qgspointcloudrgbrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointcloudrgbrenderer.h | |
qgspointcloudstatistics.cpp | |
qgspointcloudstatistics.h | |
qgspointcloudstatscalculationtask.cpp | |
qgspointcloudstatscalculationtask.h | |
qgspointcloudstatscalculator.cpp | |
qgspointcloudstatscalculator.h | |
qgspointcloudsubindex.h | |
► processing | |
► models | |
qgsprocessingmodelalgorithm.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelalgorithm.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelchildalgorithm.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelchildalgorithm.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelchilddependency.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelchildparametersource.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelchildparametersource.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelcomment.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelcomment.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelcomponent.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelcomponent.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelconfig.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelconfig.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelgroupbox.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelgroupbox.h | |
qgsprocessingmodeloutput.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodeloutput.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelparameter.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelparameter.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelresult.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelresult.h | |
qgsprocessing.cpp | |
qgsprocessing.h | |
qgsprocessingalgorithm.cpp | |
qgsprocessingalgorithm.h | |
qgsprocessingalgrunnertask.cpp | |
qgsprocessingalgrunnertask.h | |
qgsprocessingbatch.cpp | |
qgsprocessingbatch.h | |
qgsprocessingcontext.cpp | |
qgsprocessingcontext.h | |
qgsprocessingfeedback.cpp | |
qgsprocessingfeedback.h | |
qgsprocessingoutputs.cpp | |
qgsprocessingoutputs.h | |
qgsprocessingparameteraggregate.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparameteraggregate.h | |
qgsprocessingparameteralignrasterlayers.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparameteralignrasterlayers.h | |
qgsprocessingparameterdxflayers.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparameterdxflayers.h | |
qgsprocessingparameterfieldmap.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparameterfieldmap.h | |
qgsprocessingparametermeshdataset.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparametermeshdataset.h | |
qgsprocessingparameters.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparameters.h | |
qgsprocessingparametertininputlayers.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparametertininputlayers.h | |
qgsprocessingparametertype.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparametertype.h | |
qgsprocessingparametertypeimpl.h | |
qgsprocessingparametervectortilewriterlayers.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparametervectortilewriterlayers.h | |
qgsprocessingprovider.cpp | |
qgsprocessingprovider.h | |
qgsprocessingregistry.cpp | |
qgsprocessingregistry.h | |
qgsprocessingutils.cpp | |
qgsprocessingutils.h | |
► proj | |
qgscelestialbody.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystem_legacy_p.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystem_p.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystemregistry.cpp | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystemregistry.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystemutils.cpp | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystemutils.h | |
qgscoordinatetransform.cpp | |
qgscoordinatetransform.h | |
qgscoordinatetransform_p.cpp | |
qgscoordinatetransform_p.h | |
qgscoordinatetransformcontext.cpp | |
qgscoordinatetransformcontext.h | |
qgscoordinatetransformcontext_p.h | |
qgsdatums.h | |
qgsdatumtransform.cpp | |
qgsdatumtransform.h | |
qgsellipsoidutils.cpp | |
qgsellipsoidutils.h | |
qgsprojectionfactors.h | |
qgsprojoperation.h | |
qgsprojutils.cpp | |
qgsprojutils.h | |
► project | |
qgsmapviewsmanager.cpp | |
qgsmapviewsmanager.h | |
qgsproject.cpp | |
qgsproject.h | |
qgsprojectbadlayerhandler.cpp | |
qgsprojectbadlayerhandler.h | |
qgsprojectdisplaysettings.cpp | |
qgsprojectdisplaysettings.h | |
qgsprojectelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgsprojectelevationproperties.h | |
qgsprojectfiletransform.cpp | |
qgsprojectfiletransform.h | |
qgsprojectgpssettings.cpp | |
qgsprojectgpssettings.h | |
qgsprojectproperty.cpp | |
qgsprojectproperty.h | |
qgsprojectservervalidator.cpp | |
qgsprojectservervalidator.h | |
qgsprojectstorage.cpp | |
qgsprojectstorage.h | |
qgsprojectstorageregistry.cpp | |
qgsprojectstorageregistry.h | |
qgsprojectstylesettings.cpp | |
qgsprojectstylesettings.h | |
qgsprojecttimesettings.cpp | |
qgsprojecttimesettings.h | |
qgsprojecttranslator.h | |
qgsprojectutils.cpp | |
qgsprojectutils.h | |
qgsprojectversion.cpp | |
qgsprojectversion.h | |
qgsprojectviewsettings.cpp | |
qgsprojectviewsettings.h | |
► providers | |
► arcgis | |
qgsarcgisportalutils.cpp | |
qgsarcgisportalutils.h | |
qgsarcgisrestquery.cpp | |
qgsarcgisrestquery.h | |
qgsarcgisrestutils.cpp | |
qgsarcgisrestutils.h | |
► memory | |
qgsmemoryfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgsmemoryfeatureiterator.h | |
qgsmemoryprovider.cpp | |
qgsmemoryprovider.h | |
qgsmemoryproviderutils.cpp | |
qgsmemoryproviderutils.h | |
► sensorthings | |
qgssensorthingsconnection.cpp | |
qgssensorthingsconnection.h | |
qgssensorthingsdataitems.cpp | |
qgssensorthingsdataitems.h | |
qgssensorthingsfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgssensorthingsfeatureiterator.h | |
qgssensorthingsprovider.cpp | |
qgssensorthingsprovider.h | |
qgssensorthingsshareddata.cpp | |
qgssensorthingsshareddata.h | |
qgssensorthingsutils.cpp | |
qgssensorthingsutils.h | |
qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.cpp | |
qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h | |
qgsabstractdbtablemodel.h | |
qgsabstractproviderconnection.cpp | |
qgsabstractproviderconnection.h | |
qgsdataprovider.cpp | |
qgsdataprovider.h | |
qgsprovidermetadata.cpp | |
qgsprovidermetadata.h | |
qgsproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgsproviderregistry.h | |
qgsprovidersqlquerybuilder.cpp | |
qgsprovidersqlquerybuilder.h | |
qgsprovidersublayerdetails.cpp | |
qgsprovidersublayerdetails.h | |
qgsprovidersublayermodel.cpp | |
qgsprovidersublayermodel.h | |
qgsprovidersublayertask.cpp | |
qgsprovidersublayertask.h | |
qgsproviderutils.cpp | |
qgsproviderutils.h | |
qgsrunnableprovidercreator.cpp | |
qgsrunnableprovidercreator.h | |
► raster | |
qgsbilinearrasterresampler.cpp | |
qgsbilinearrasterresampler.h | |
qgsbrightnesscontrastfilter.cpp | |
qgsbrightnesscontrastfilter.h | |
qgscliptominmaxenhancement.cpp | |
qgscliptominmaxenhancement.h | |
qgscolorrampshader.cpp | |
qgscolorrampshader.h | |
qgscontrastenhancement.cpp | |
qgscontrastenhancement.h | |
qgscontrastenhancementfunction.cpp | |
qgscontrastenhancementfunction.h | |
qgscubicrasterresampler.cpp | |
qgscubicrasterresampler.h | |
qgsexiftools.cpp | |
qgsexiftools.h | |
qgshillshaderenderer.cpp | |
qgshillshaderenderer.h | |
qgshuesaturationfilter.cpp | |
qgshuesaturationfilter.h | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancement.cpp | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancement.h | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancementwithclip.cpp | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancementwithclip.h | |
qgsmultibandcolorrenderer.cpp | |
qgsmultibandcolorrenderer.h | |
qgspalettedrasterrenderer.cpp | |
qgspalettedrasterrenderer.h | |
qgsraster.cpp | |
qgsraster.h | |
qgsrasterattributetable.cpp | |
qgsrasterattributetable.h | |
qgsrasterbandstats.h | |
qgsrasterblock.cpp | |
qgsrasterblock.h | |
qgsrasterchecker.cpp | |
qgsrasterchecker.h | |
qgsrastercontourrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrastercontourrenderer.h | |
qgsrasterdataprovider.cpp | |
qgsrasterdataprovider.h | |
qgsrasterdataproviderelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgsrasterdataproviderelevationproperties.h | |
qgsrasterdataprovidertemporalcapabilities.cpp | |
qgsrasterdataprovidertemporalcapabilities.h | |
qgsrasterdrawer.cpp | |
qgsrasterdrawer.h | |
qgsrasterfilewriter.cpp | |
qgsrasterfilewriter.h | |
qgsrasterfilewritertask.cpp | |
qgsrasterfilewritertask.h | |
qgsrasterhistogram.h | |
qgsrasteridentifyresult.cpp | |
qgsrasteridentifyresult.h | |
qgsrasterinterface.cpp | |
qgsrasterinterface.h | |
qgsrasteriterator.cpp | |
qgsrasteriterator.h | |
qgsrasterlabeling.cpp | |
qgsrasterlabeling.h | |
qgsrasterlayer.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayer.h | |
qgsrasterlayerelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayerelevationproperties.h | |
qgsrasterlayerprofilegenerator.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayerprofilegenerator.h | |
qgsrasterlayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayerrenderer.h | |
qgsrasterlayertemporalproperties.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayertemporalproperties.h | |
qgsrasterlayerutils.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayerutils.h | |
qgsrasterminmaxorigin.cpp | |
qgsrasterminmaxorigin.h | |
qgsrasternuller.cpp | |
qgsrasternuller.h | |
qgsrasterpipe.cpp | |
qgsrasterpipe.h | |
qgsrasterprojector.cpp | |
qgsrasterprojector.h | |
qgsrasterpyramid.h | |
qgsrasterrange.cpp | |
qgsrasterrange.h | |
qgsrasterrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrasterrenderer.h | |
qgsrasterrendererregistry.cpp | |
qgsrasterrendererregistry.h | |
qgsrasterrendererutils.cpp | |
qgsrasterrendererutils.h | |
qgsrasterresamplefilter.cpp | |
qgsrasterresamplefilter.h | |
qgsrasterresampler.h | |
qgsrastershader.cpp | |
qgsrastershader.h | |
qgsrastershaderfunction.cpp | |
qgsrastershaderfunction.h | |
qgsrastersinglecolorrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrastersinglecolorrenderer.h | |
qgsrastertransparency.cpp | |
qgsrastertransparency.h | |
qgsrasterviewport.h | |
qgssinglebandcolordatarenderer.cpp | |
qgssinglebandcolordatarenderer.h | |
qgssinglebandgrayrenderer.cpp | |
qgssinglebandgrayrenderer.h | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrenderer.cpp | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrenderer.h | |
► scalebar | |
qgsdoubleboxscalebarrenderer.cpp | |
qgsdoubleboxscalebarrenderer.h | |
qgshollowscalebarrenderer.cpp | |
qgshollowscalebarrenderer.h | |
qgsnumericscalebarrenderer.cpp | |
qgsnumericscalebarrenderer.h | |
qgsscalebarrenderer.cpp | |
qgsscalebarrenderer.h | |
qgsscalebarrendererregistry.cpp | |
qgsscalebarrendererregistry.h | |
qgsscalebarsettings.cpp | |
qgsscalebarsettings.h | |
qgssingleboxscalebarrenderer.cpp | |
qgssingleboxscalebarrenderer.h | |
qgssteppedlinescalebarrenderer.cpp | |
qgssteppedlinescalebarrenderer.h | |
qgsticksscalebarrenderer.cpp | |
qgsticksscalebarrenderer.h | |
► sensor | |
qgsabstractsensor.cpp | |
qgsabstractsensor.h | |
qgsiodevicesensor.cpp | |
qgsiodevicesensor.h | |
qgssensormanager.cpp | |
qgssensormanager.h | |
qgssensormodel.cpp | |
qgssensormodel.h | |
qgssensorregistry.cpp | |
qgssensorregistry.h | |
► settings | |
qgssettings.cpp | |
qgssettings.h | |
qgssettingsentry.cpp | |
qgssettingsentry.h | |
qgssettingsentryenumflag.h | |
qgssettingsentrygroup.cpp | |
qgssettingsentrygroup.h | |
qgssettingsentryimpl.cpp | |
qgssettingsentryimpl.h | |
qgssettingsproxy.cpp | |
qgssettingsproxy.h | |
qgssettingsregistry.cpp | |
qgssettingsregistry.h | |
qgssettingsregistrycore.cpp | |
qgssettingsregistrycore.h | |
qgssettingstree.cpp | |
qgssettingstree.h | |
qgssettingstreenode.cpp | |
qgssettingstreenode.h | |
► symbology | |
qgs25drenderer.cpp | |
qgs25drenderer.h | |
qgsarrowsymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsarrowsymbollayer.h | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrenderer.cpp | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrenderer.h | |
qgscolorbrewerpalette.cpp | |
qgscolorbrewerpalette.h | |
qgscombinedstylemodel.cpp | |
qgscombinedstylemodel.h | |
qgscptcityarchive.cpp | |
qgscptcityarchive.h | |
qgsellipsesymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsellipsesymbollayer.h | |
qgsembeddedsymbolrenderer.cpp | |
qgsembeddedsymbolrenderer.h | |
qgsfeaturerenderergenerator.cpp | |
qgsfeaturerenderergenerator.h | |
qgsfillsymbol.cpp | |
qgsfillsymbol.h | |
qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsfillsymbollayer.h | |
qgsgeometrygeneratorsymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsgeometrygeneratorsymbollayer.h | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h | |
qgsheatmaprenderer.cpp | |
qgsheatmaprenderer.h | |
qgsinterpolatedlinerenderer.cpp | |
qgsinterpolatedlinerenderer.h | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrenderer.cpp | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrenderer.h | |
qgslegendsymbolitem.cpp | |
qgslegendsymbolitem.h | |
qgslinearreferencingsymbollayer.cpp | |
qgslinearreferencingsymbollayer.h | |
qgslinesymbol.cpp | |
qgslinesymbol.h | |
qgslinesymbollayer.cpp | |
qgslinesymbollayer.h | |
qgsmapinfosymbolconverter.cpp | |
qgsmapinfosymbolconverter.h | |
qgsmarkersymbol.cpp | |
qgsmarkersymbol.h | |
qgsmarkersymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsmarkersymbollayer.h | |
qgsmasksymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsmasksymbollayer.h | |
qgsmergedfeaturerenderer.cpp | |
qgsmergedfeaturerenderer.h | |
qgsnullsymbolrenderer.cpp | |
qgsnullsymbolrenderer.h | |
qgspainterswapper.cpp | |
qgspainterswapper.h | |
qgspointclusterrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointclusterrenderer.h | |
qgspointdisplacementrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointdisplacementrenderer.h | |
qgspointdistancerenderer.cpp | |
qgspointdistancerenderer.h | |
qgsrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrenderer.h | |
qgsrendererrange.cpp | |
qgsrendererrange.h | |
qgsrendererregistry.cpp | |
qgsrendererregistry.h | |
qgsrulebasedrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedrenderer.h | |
qgssinglesymbolrenderer.cpp | |
qgssinglesymbolrenderer.h | |
qgsstyle.cpp | |
qgsstyle.h | |
qgsstyleentityvisitor.h | |
qgsstylemodel.cpp | |
qgsstylemodel.h | |
qgssvgcache.cpp | |
qgssvgcache.h | |
qgssymbol.cpp | |
qgssymbol.h | |
qgssymbollayer.cpp | |
qgssymbollayer.h | |
qgssymbollayerreference.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerreference.h | |
qgssymbollayerregistry.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerregistry.h | |
qgssymbollayerutils.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerutils.h | |
qgssymbolrendercontext.cpp | |
qgssymbolrendercontext.h | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayer.h | |
► textrenderer | |
qgsfontmanager.cpp | |
qgsfontmanager.h | |
qgstextbackgroundsettings.cpp | |
qgstextbackgroundsettings.h | |
qgstextblock.cpp | |
qgstextblock.h | |
qgstextblockformat.cpp | |
qgstextblockformat.h | |
qgstextbuffersettings.cpp | |
qgstextbuffersettings.h | |
qgstextcharacterformat.cpp | |
qgstextcharacterformat.h | |
qgstextdocument.cpp | |
qgstextdocument.h | |
qgstextdocumentmetrics.cpp | |
qgstextdocumentmetrics.h | |
qgstextformat.cpp | |
qgstextformat.h | |
qgstextfragment.cpp | |
qgstextfragment.h | |
qgstextmasksettings.cpp | |
qgstextmasksettings.h | |
qgstextmetrics.h | |
qgstextrenderer.cpp | |
qgstextrenderer.h | |
qgstextrenderer_p.h | |
qgstextrendererutils.cpp | |
qgstextrendererutils.h | |
qgstextshadowsettings.cpp | |
qgstextshadowsettings.h | |
► tiledscene | |
qgscesiumtilesdataprovider.cpp | |
qgscesiumtilesdataprovider.h | |
qgscesiumutils.cpp | |
qgscesiumutils.h | |
qgsgltfutils.cpp | |
qgsgltfutils.h | |
qgsquantizedmeshdataprovider.cpp | |
qgsquantizedmeshdataprovider.h | |
qgsquantizedmeshtiles.cpp | |
qgsquantizedmeshtiles.h | |
qgstiledsceneboundingvolume.cpp | |
qgstiledsceneboundingvolume.h | |
qgstiledsceneconnection.cpp | |
qgstiledsceneconnection.h | |
qgstiledscenedataitems.cpp | |
qgstiledscenedataitems.h | |
qgstiledscenedataprovider.cpp | |
qgstiledscenedataprovider.h | |
qgstiledsceneindex.cpp | |
qgstiledsceneindex.h | |
qgstiledscenelayer.cpp | |
qgstiledscenelayer.h | |
qgstiledscenelayerelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgstiledscenelayerelevationproperties.h | |
qgstiledscenelayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgstiledscenelayerrenderer.h | |
qgstiledscenenode.cpp | |
qgstiledscenenode.h | |
qgstiledsceneprovidermetadata.cpp | |
qgstiledsceneprovidermetadata.h | |
qgstiledscenerenderer.cpp | |
qgstiledscenerenderer.h | |
qgstiledscenerendererregistry.cpp | |
qgstiledscenerendererregistry.h | |
qgstiledscenerequest.cpp | |
qgstiledscenerequest.h | |
qgstiledscenetexturerenderer.cpp | |
qgstiledscenetexturerenderer.h | |
qgstiledscenetile.cpp | |
qgstiledscenetile.h | |
qgstiledscenewireframerenderer.cpp | |
qgstiledscenewireframerenderer.h | |
► validity | |
qgsabstractvaliditycheck.cpp | |
qgsabstractvaliditycheck.h | |
qgsvaliditycheckcontext.cpp | |
qgsvaliditycheckcontext.h | |
qgsvaliditycheckregistry.cpp | |
qgsvaliditycheckregistry.h | |
► vector | |
qgsfielddomain.cpp | |
qgsfielddomain.h | |
qgsvectordataprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectordataprovider.h | |
qgsvectordataprovidertemporalcapabilities.cpp | |
qgsvectordataprovidertemporalcapabilities.h | |
qgsvectorlayer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayer.h | |
qgsvectorlayercache.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayercache.h | |
qgsvectorlayerdiagramprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerdiagramprovider.h | |
qgsvectorlayereditbuffer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayereditbuffer.h | |
qgsvectorlayereditbuffergroup.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayereditbuffergroup.h | |
qgsvectorlayereditpassthrough.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayereditpassthrough.h | |
qgsvectorlayereditutils.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayereditutils.h | |
qgsvectorlayerelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerelevationproperties.h | |
qgsvectorlayerexporter.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerexporter.h | |
qgsvectorlayerfeaturecounter.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerfeaturecounter.h | |
qgsvectorlayerfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerfeatureiterator.h | |
qgsvectorlayerjoinbuffer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerjoinbuffer.h | |
qgsvectorlayerjoininfo.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerjoininfo.h | |
qgsvectorlayerprofilegenerator.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerprofilegenerator.h | |
qgsvectorlayerref.h | |
qgsvectorlayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerrenderer.h | |
qgsvectorlayerselectionproperties.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerselectionproperties.h | |
qgsvectorlayertemporalproperties.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayertemporalproperties.h | |
qgsvectorlayertools.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayertools.h | |
qgsvectorlayertoolscontext.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayertoolscontext.h | |
qgsvectorlayerundocommand.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerundocommand.h | |
qgsvectorlayerundopassthroughcommand.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerundopassthroughcommand.h | |
qgsvectorlayerutils.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerutils.h | |
► vectortile | |
qgsarcgisvectortileservicedataprovider.cpp | |
qgsarcgisvectortileservicedataprovider.h | |
qgsmapboxglstyleconverter.cpp | |
qgsmapboxglstyleconverter.h | |
qgsmbtilesvectortiledataprovider.cpp | |
qgsmbtilesvectortiledataprovider.h | |
qgsvectortilebasiclabeling.cpp | |
qgsvectortilebasiclabeling.h | |
qgsvectortilebasicrenderer.cpp | |
qgsvectortilebasicrenderer.h | |
qgsvectortileconnection.cpp | |
qgsvectortileconnection.h | |
qgsvectortiledataitems.cpp | |
qgsvectortiledataitems.h | |
qgsvectortiledataprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectortiledataprovider.h | |
qgsvectortilelabeling.cpp | |
qgsvectortilelabeling.h | |
qgsvectortilelayer.cpp | |
qgsvectortilelayer.h | |
qgsvectortilelayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsvectortilelayerrenderer.h | |
qgsvectortileloader.cpp | |
qgsvectortileloader.h | |
qgsvectortilematrixset.cpp | |
qgsvectortilematrixset.h | |
qgsvectortilemvtdecoder.cpp | |
qgsvectortilemvtdecoder.h | |
qgsvectortilemvtencoder.cpp | |
qgsvectortilemvtencoder.h | |
qgsvectortilemvtutils.cpp | |
qgsvectortilemvtutils.h | |
qgsvectortileprovidermetadata.cpp | |
qgsvectortileprovidermetadata.h | |
qgsvectortilerenderer.h | |
qgsvectortileutils.cpp | |
qgsvectortileutils.h | |
qgsvectortilewriter.cpp | |
qgsvectortilewriter.h | |
qgsvtpktiles.cpp | |
qgsvtpktiles.h | |
qgsvtpkvectortiledataprovider.cpp | |
qgsvtpkvectortiledataprovider.h | |
qgsxyzvectortiledataprovider.cpp | |
qgsxyzvectortiledataprovider.h | |
► web | |
qgswebenginepage.cpp | |
qgswebenginepage.h | |
fromencodedcomponenthelper.cpp | |
fromencodedcomponenthelper.h | |
qgis.cpp | |
qgis.h | |
qgis_sip.h | |
qgsabstractcontentcache.cpp | |
qgsabstractcontentcache.h | |
qgsabstractcontentcache_p.h | |
qgsabstractgeopdfexporter.cpp | |
qgsabstractgeopdfexporter.h | |
qgsaggregatecalculator.cpp | |
qgsaggregatecalculator.h | |
qgsalignrasterdata.h | |
qgsanimatedicon.cpp | |
qgsanimatedicon.h | |
qgsapplication.cpp | |
qgsapplication.h | |
qgsarchive.cpp | |
qgsarchive.h | |
qgsattributes.cpp | |
qgsattributes.h | |
qgsattributetableconfig.cpp | |
qgsattributetableconfig.h | |
qgsauxiliarystorage.cpp | |
qgsauxiliarystorage.h | |
qgsbearingutils.cpp | |
qgsbearingutils.h | |
qgsbookmarkmanager.cpp | |
qgsbookmarkmanager.h | |
qgsbookmarkmodel.cpp | |
qgsbookmarkmodel.h | |
qgscachedfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgscachedfeatureiterator.h | |
qgscacheindex.cpp | |
qgscacheindex.h | |
qgscacheindexfeatureid.cpp | |
qgscacheindexfeatureid.h | |
qgscadutils.cpp | |
qgscadutils.h | |
qgsclipper.cpp | |
qgsclipper.h | |
qgscolorramp.cpp | |
qgscolorramp.h | |
qgscolorrampimpl.cpp | |
qgscolorrampimpl.h | |
qgscolorscheme.cpp | |
qgscolorscheme.h | |
qgscolorschemeregistry.cpp | |
qgscolorschemeregistry.h | |
qgscolorutils.cpp | |
qgscolorutils.h | |
qgscommandlineutils.cpp | |
qgscommandlineutils.h | |
qgsconditionalstyle.cpp | |
qgsconditionalstyle.h | |
qgsconnectionpool.h | |
qgsconnectionregistry.cpp | |
qgsconnectionregistry.h | |
qgscoordinateformatter.cpp | |
qgscoordinateformatter.h | |
qgscoordinateutils.cpp | |
qgscoordinateutils.h | |
qgscopyfiletask.cpp | |
qgscopyfiletask.h | |
qgscplhttpfetchoverrider.cpp | |
qgscplhttpfetchoverrider.h | |
qgscredentials.cpp | |
qgscredentials.h | |
qgsdartmeasurement.cpp | |
qgsdartmeasurement.h | |
qgsdatabaseschemamodel.cpp | |
qgsdatabaseschemamodel.h | |
qgsdatabasetablemodel.cpp | |
qgsdatabasetablemodel.h | |
qgsdatadefinedsizelegend.cpp | |
qgsdatadefinedsizelegend.h | |
qgsdataproviderelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgsdataproviderelevationproperties.h | |
qgsdataprovidertemporalcapabilities.cpp | |
qgsdataprovidertemporalcapabilities.h | |
qgsdatasourceuri.cpp | |
qgsdatasourceuri.h | |
qgsdatetimestatisticalsummary.cpp | |
qgsdatetimestatisticalsummary.h | |
qgsdbfilterproxymodel.cpp | |
qgsdbfilterproxymodel.h | |
qgsdbquerylog.cpp | |
qgsdbquerylog.h | |
qgsdbquerylog_p.h | |
qgsdefaultvalue.cpp | |
qgsdefaultvalue.h | |
qgsdiagramrenderer.cpp | |
qgsdiagramrenderer.h | |
qgsdistancearea.cpp | |
qgsdistancearea.h | |
qgseditorwidgetsetup.h | |
qgselevationmap.cpp | |
qgselevationmap.h | |
qgselevationshadingrenderer.cpp | |
qgselevationshadingrenderer.h | |
qgselevationutils.cpp | |
qgselevationutils.h | |
qgserror.cpp | |
qgserror.h | |
qgseventtracing.cpp | |
qgseventtracing.h | |
qgsexception.h | |
qgsexpressioncontext.cpp | |
qgsexpressioncontext.h | |
qgsexpressioncontextgenerator.h | |
qgsexpressioncontextscopegenerator.h | |
qgsexpressionfieldbuffer.cpp | |
qgsexpressionfieldbuffer.h | |
qgsexpressionsorter_p.h | |
qgsfeature.cpp | |
qgsfeature.h | |
qgsfeature_p.h | |
qgsfeatureexpressionvaluesgatherer.h | |
qgsfeaturefiltermodel.cpp | |
qgsfeaturefiltermodel.h | |
qgsfeaturefilterprovider.h | |
qgsfeatureid.h | |
qgsfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgsfeatureiterator.h | |
qgsfeaturepickermodel.cpp | |
qgsfeaturepickermodel.h | |
qgsfeaturepickermodelbase.cpp | |
qgsfeaturepickermodelbase.h | |
qgsfeaturerequest.cpp | |
qgsfeaturerequest.h | |
qgsfeaturesink.cpp | |
qgsfeaturesink.h | |
qgsfeaturesource.cpp | |
qgsfeaturesource.h | |
qgsfeaturestore.cpp | |
qgsfeaturestore.h | |
qgsfeedback.h | |
qgsfield.cpp | |
qgsfield.h | |
qgsfield_p.h | |
qgsfieldconstraints.cpp | |
qgsfieldconstraints.h | |
qgsfieldformatter.cpp | |
qgsfieldformatter.h | |
qgsfieldformatterregistry.cpp | |
qgsfieldformatterregistry.h | |
qgsfieldmodel.cpp | |
qgsfieldmodel.h | |
qgsfieldproxymodel.cpp | |
qgsfieldproxymodel.h | |
qgsfields.cpp | |
qgsfields.h | |
qgsfields_p.h | |
qgsfilefiltergenerator.h | |
qgsfileutils.cpp | |
qgsfileutils.h | |
qgsfontutils.cpp | |
qgsfontutils.h | |
qgsgdalutils.cpp | |
qgsgdalutils.h | |
qgsgenericspatialindex.h | |
qgsgeometryoptions.cpp | |
qgsgeometryoptions.h | |
qgsgeometrysimplifier.cpp | |
qgsgeometrysimplifier.h | |
qgsgeometryvalidator.cpp | |
qgsgeometryvalidator.h | |
qgsgml.cpp | |
qgsgml.h | |
qgsgmlschema.cpp | |
qgsgmlschema.h | |
qgsgrouplayer.cpp | |
qgsgrouplayer.h | |
qgsgrouplayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsgrouplayerrenderer.h | |
qgshistogram.cpp | |
qgshistogram.h | |
qgshstoreutils.cpp | |
qgshstoreutils.h | |
qgshtmlutils.cpp | |
qgshtmlutils.h | |
qgsiconutils.cpp | |
qgsiconutils.h | |
qgsidentifycontext.cpp | |
qgsidentifycontext.h | |
qgsimagecache.cpp | |
qgsimagecache.h | |
qgsindexedfeature.h | |
qgsinterval.cpp | |
qgsinterval.h | |
qgsjsonutils.cpp | |
qgsjsonutils.h | |
qgslayerdefinition.cpp | |
qgslayerdefinition.h | |
qgslayernotesutils.cpp | |
qgslayernotesutils.h | |
qgslegendrenderer.cpp | |
qgslegendrenderer.h | |
qgslegendsettings.cpp | |
qgslegendsettings.h | |
qgslegendstyle.cpp | |
qgslegendstyle.h | |
qgslocaldefaultsettings.cpp | |
qgslocaldefaultsettings.h | |
qgslocalec.cpp | |
qgslocalec.h | |
qgslocalizeddatapathregistry.cpp | |
qgslocalizeddatapathregistry.h | |
qgslogger.cpp | |
qgslogger.h | |
qgsmapclippingregion.cpp | |
qgsmapclippingregion.h | |
qgsmapclippingutils.cpp | |
qgsmapclippingutils.h | |
qgsmapdecoration.cpp | |
qgsmapdecoration.h | |
qgsmaphittest.cpp | |
qgsmaphittest.h | |
qgsmaplayer.cpp | |
qgsmaplayer.h | |
qgsmaplayerdependency.h | |
qgsmaplayerelevationproperties.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerelevationproperties.h | |
qgsmaplayerfactory.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerfactory.h | |
qgsmaplayerlegend.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerlegend.h | |
qgsmaplayerlistutils_p.h | |
qgsmaplayermodel.cpp | |
qgsmaplayermodel.h | |
qgsmaplayerproxymodel.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerproxymodel.h | |
qgsmaplayerref.h | |
qgsmaplayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerrenderer.h | |
qgsmaplayerselectionproperties.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerselectionproperties.h | |
qgsmaplayerserverproperties.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerserverproperties.h | |
qgsmaplayerstore.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstore.h | |
qgsmaplayerstyle.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstyle.h | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanager.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanager.h | |
qgsmaplayertemporalproperties.cpp | |
qgsmaplayertemporalproperties.h | |
qgsmaplayerutils.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerutils.h | |
qgsmapsettings.cpp | |
qgsmapsettings.h | |
qgsmapsettingsutils.cpp | |
qgsmapsettingsutils.h | |
qgsmapthemecollection.cpp | |
qgsmapthemecollection.h | |
qgsmaptopixel.cpp | |
qgsmaptopixel.h | |
qgsmaptopixelgeometrysimplifier.cpp | |
qgsmaptopixelgeometrysimplifier.h | |
qgsmapunitscale.cpp | |
qgsmapunitscale.h | |
qgsmargins.cpp | |
qgsmargins.h | |
qgsmaskidprovider.cpp | |
qgsmaskidprovider.h | |
qgsmaskrendersettings.cpp | |
qgsmaskrendersettings.h | |
qgsmatrix4x4.cpp | |
qgsmatrix4x4.h | |
qgsmbtiles.cpp | |
qgsmbtiles.h | |
qgsmessagelog.cpp | |
qgsmessagelog.h | |
qgsmessageoutput.cpp | |
qgsmessageoutput.h | |
qgsmimedatautils.cpp | |
qgsmimedatautils.h | |
qgsmultirenderchecker.cpp | |
qgsmultirenderchecker.h | |
qgsobjectcustomproperties.cpp | |
qgsobjectcustomproperties.h | |
qgsofflineediting.cpp | |
qgsofflineediting.h | |
qgsogcutils.cpp | |
qgsogcutils.h | |
qgsogrproxytextcodec.cpp | |
qgsogrproxytextcodec.h | |
qgsogrutils.cpp | |
qgsogrutils.h | |
qgsopenclutils.cpp | |
qgsopenclutils.h | |
qgsoptional.h | |
qgsoptionalexpression.cpp | |
qgsoptionalexpression.h | |
qgsowsconnection.cpp | |
qgsowsconnection.h | |
qgspathresolver.cpp | |
qgspathresolver.h | |
qgspluginlayer.cpp | |
qgspluginlayer.h | |
qgspluginlayerregistry.cpp | |
qgspluginlayerregistry.h | |
qgspointlocator.cpp | |
qgspointlocator.h | |
qgspointlocatorinittask.cpp | |
qgspointlocatorinittask.h | |
qgspointxy.cpp | |
qgspointxy.h | |
qgspolymorphicrelation.cpp | |
qgspolymorphicrelation.h | |
qgspolymorphicrelation_p.h | |
qgspostgresstringutils.cpp | |
qgspostgresstringutils.h | |
qgsproperty.cpp | |
qgsproperty.h | |
qgsproperty_p.h | |
qgspropertycollection.cpp | |
qgspropertycollection.h | |
qgspropertytransformer.cpp | |
qgspropertytransformer.h | |
qgsproviderconnectionmodel.cpp | |
qgsproviderconnectionmodel.h | |
qgsproxyfeaturesink.cpp | |
qgsproxyfeaturesink.h | |
qgsproxyprogresstask.cpp | |
qgsproxyprogresstask.h | |
qgspythonrunner.cpp | |
qgspythonrunner.h | |
qgsqueryresultmodel.cpp | |
qgsqueryresultmodel.h | |
qgsrange.h | |
qgsreadwritecontext.cpp | |
qgsreadwritecontext.h | |
qgsreadwritelocker.cpp | |
qgsreadwritelocker.h | |
qgsrecentstylehandler.cpp | |
qgsrecentstylehandler.h | |
qgsrelation.cpp | |
qgsrelation.h | |
qgsrelation_p.h | |
qgsrelationcontext.cpp | |
qgsrelationcontext.h | |
qgsrelationmanager.cpp | |
qgsrelationmanager.h | |
qgsremappingproxyfeaturesink.cpp | |
qgsremappingproxyfeaturesink.h | |
qgsrenderchecker.cpp | |
qgsrenderchecker.h | |
qgsrendercontext.cpp | |
qgsrendercontext.h | |
qgsrenderedfeaturehandlerinterface.h | |
qgsrendereditemdetails.cpp | |
qgsrendereditemdetails.h | |
qgsrenderedlayerstatistics.cpp | |
qgsrenderedlayerstatistics.h | |
qgsrunprocess.cpp | |
qgsrunprocess.h | |
qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp | |
qgsruntimeprofiler.h | |
qgsscalecalculator.cpp | |
qgsscalecalculator.h | |
qgsscaleutils.cpp | |
qgsscaleutils.h | |
qgsscreenproperties.cpp | |
qgsscreenproperties.h | |
qgsselectioncontext.cpp | |
qgsselectioncontext.h | |
qgsshapegenerator.cpp | |
qgsshapegenerator.h | |
qgssimplifymethod.cpp | |
qgssimplifymethod.h | |
qgssingleitemmodel.cpp | |
qgssingleitemmodel.h | |
qgssldexportcontext.cpp | |
qgssldexportcontext.h | |
qgssnappingconfig.cpp | |
qgssnappingconfig.h | |
qgssnappingutils.cpp | |
qgssnappingutils.h | |
qgssourcecache.cpp | |
qgssourcecache.h | |
qgsspatialindex.cpp | |
qgsspatialindex.h | |
qgsspatialindexkdbush.cpp | |
qgsspatialindexkdbush.h | |
qgsspatialindexkdbush_p.h | |
qgsspatialindexkdbushdata.h | |
qgsspatialindexutils.cpp | |
qgsspatialindexutils.h | |
qgsspatialiteutils.cpp | |
qgsspatialiteutils.h | |
qgssqlexpressioncompiler.cpp | |
qgssqlexpressioncompiler.h | |
qgssqliteexpressioncompiler.cpp | |
qgssqliteexpressioncompiler.h | |
qgssqliteutils.cpp | |
qgssqliteutils.h | |
qgssqlstatement.cpp | |
qgssqlstatement.h | |
qgsstatisticalsummary.cpp | |
qgsstatisticalsummary.h | |
qgsstoredexpressionmanager.cpp | |
qgsstoredexpressionmanager.h | |
qgsstringstatisticalsummary.cpp | |
qgsstringstatisticalsummary.h | |
qgsstringutils.cpp | |
qgsstringutils.h | |
qgstablecell.cpp | |
qgstablecell.h | |
qgstaskmanager.cpp | |
qgstaskmanager.h | |
qgstemporalcontroller.cpp | |
qgstemporalcontroller.h | |
qgstemporalnavigationobject.cpp | |
qgstemporalnavigationobject.h | |
qgstemporalproperty.cpp | |
qgstemporalproperty.h | |
qgstemporalrangeobject.cpp | |
qgstemporalrangeobject.h | |
qgstemporalutils.cpp | |
qgstemporalutils.h | |
qgstessellator.cpp | |
qgstessellator.h | |
qgstestutils.cpp | |
qgstestutils.h | |
qgsthreadingutils.cpp | |
qgsthreadingutils.h | |
qgstilecache.cpp | |
qgstilecache.h | |
qgstiledownloadmanager.cpp | |
qgstiledownloadmanager.h | |
qgstiles.cpp | |
qgstiles.h | |
qgstolerance.cpp | |
qgstolerance.h | |
qgstracer.cpp | |
qgstracer.h | |
qgstrackedvectorlayertools.cpp | |
qgstrackedvectorlayertools.h | |
qgstransaction.cpp | |
qgstransaction.h | |
qgstransactiongroup.cpp | |
qgstransactiongroup.h | |
qgstranslationcontext.cpp | |
qgstranslationcontext.h | |
qgsunittypes.cpp | |
qgsunittypes.h | |
qgsunsetattributevalue.cpp | |
qgsunsetattributevalue.h | |
qgsuserprofile.cpp | |
qgsuserprofile.h | |
qgsuserprofilemanager.cpp | |
qgsuserprofilemanager.h | |
qgsvariantutils.cpp | |
qgsvariantutils.h | |
qgsvector.cpp | |
qgsvector.h | |
qgsvector3d.cpp | |
qgsvector3d.h | |
qgsvectorfilewriter.cpp | |
qgsvectorfilewriter.h | |
qgsvectorfilewritertask.cpp | |
qgsvectorfilewritertask.h | |
qgsvectorsimplifymethod.cpp | |
qgsvectorsimplifymethod.h | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.cpp | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.h | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinitionutils.cpp | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinitionutils.h | |
qgsvirtuallayertask.cpp | |
qgsvirtuallayertask.h | |
qgsweakrelation.cpp | |
qgsweakrelation.h | |
qgswebframe.h | |
qgswebpage.h | |
qgswebview.h | |
qgsxmlutils.cpp | |
qgsxmlutils.h | |
qgsziputils.cpp | |
qgsziputils.h | |
qobjectuniqueptr.h | |
► gui | |
► actions | |
qgsactionmenu.cpp | |
qgsactionmenu.h | |
qgsmaplayeraction.cpp | |
qgsmaplayeraction.h | |
qgsmaplayeractioncontext.cpp | |
qgsmaplayeractioncontext.h | |
qgsmaplayeractioncontextgenerator.cpp | |
qgsmaplayeractioncontextgenerator.h | |
qgsmaplayeractionregistry.cpp | |
qgsmaplayeractionregistry.h | |
► annotations | |
qgsannotationitemcommonpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgsannotationitemcommonpropertieswidget.h | |
qgsannotationitemguiregistry.cpp | |
qgsannotationitemguiregistry.h | |
qgsannotationitemwidget.cpp | |
qgsannotationitemwidget.h | |
qgsannotationitemwidget_impl.cpp | |
qgsannotationitemwidget_impl.h | |
qgscreateannotationitemmaptool.cpp | |
qgscreateannotationitemmaptool.h | |
qgscreateannotationitemmaptool_impl.cpp | |
qgscreateannotationitemmaptool_impl.h | |
qgsmaptoolmodifyannotation.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolmodifyannotation.h | |
► attributetable | |
qgsattributetabledelegate.cpp | |
qgsattributetabledelegate.h | |
qgsattributetablefiltermodel.cpp | |
qgsattributetablefiltermodel.h | |
qgsattributetablemodel.cpp | |
qgsattributetablemodel.h | |
qgsattributetableview.cpp | |
qgsattributetableview.h | |
qgsdualview.cpp | |
qgsdualview.h | |
qgsfeaturefilterwidget.cpp | |
qgsfeaturefilterwidget_p.h | |
qgsfeaturelistmodel.cpp | |
qgsfeaturelistmodel.h | |
qgsfeaturelistview.cpp | |
qgsfeaturelistview.h | |
qgsfeaturelistviewdelegate.cpp | |
qgsfeaturelistviewdelegate.h | |
qgsfeaturemodel.h | |
qgsfeatureselectionmodel.cpp | |
qgsfeatureselectionmodel.h | |
qgsfieldconditionalformatwidget.cpp | |
qgsfieldconditionalformatwidget.h | |
qgsgenericfeatureselectionmanager.cpp | |
qgsgenericfeatureselectionmanager.h | |
qgsifeatureselectionmanager.h | |
qgsorganizetablecolumnsdialog.cpp | |
qgsorganizetablecolumnsdialog.h | |
qgsvectorlayerselectionmanager.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerselectionmanager.h | |
► auth | |
qgsauthauthoritieseditor.cpp | |
qgsauthauthoritieseditor.h | |
qgsauthcertificateinfo.cpp | |
qgsauthcertificateinfo.h | |
qgsauthcertificatemanager.cpp | |
qgsauthcertificatemanager.h | |
qgsauthcerttrustpolicycombobox.cpp | |
qgsauthcerttrustpolicycombobox.h | |
qgsauthconfigedit.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigedit.h | |
qgsauthconfigeditor.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigeditor.h | |
qgsauthconfigidedit.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigidedit.h | |
qgsauthconfigselect.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigselect.h | |
qgsautheditorwidgets.cpp | |
qgsautheditorwidgets.h | |
qgsauthguiutils.cpp | |
qgsauthguiutils.h | |
qgsauthidentitieseditor.cpp | |
qgsauthidentitieseditor.h | |
qgsauthimportcertdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthimportcertdialog.h | |
qgsauthimportidentitydialog.cpp | |
qgsauthimportidentitydialog.h | |
qgsauthmasterpassresetdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthmasterpassresetdialog.h | |
qgsauthmethodedit.h | |
qgsauthserverseditor.cpp | |
qgsauthserverseditor.h | |
qgsauthsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgsauthsettingswidget.h | |
qgsauthsslconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgsauthsslconfigwidget.h | |
qgsauthsslerrorsdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthsslerrorsdialog.h | |
qgsauthsslimportdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthsslimportdialog.h | |
qgsauthtrustedcasdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthtrustedcasdialog.h | |
► callouts | |
qgscalloutpanelwidget.cpp | |
qgscalloutpanelwidget.h | |
qgscalloutwidget.cpp | |
qgscalloutwidget.h | |
► codeeditors | |
qgscodeeditor.cpp | |
qgscodeeditor.h | |
qgscodeeditorcolorscheme.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorcolorscheme.h | |
qgscodeeditorcolorschemeregistry.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorcolorschemeregistry.h | |
qgscodeeditorcss.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorcss.h | |
qgscodeeditordockwidget.cpp | |
qgscodeeditordockwidget.h | |
qgscodeeditorexpression.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorexpression.h | |
qgscodeeditorhistorydialog.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorhistorydialog.h | |
qgscodeeditorhtml.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorhtml.h | |
qgscodeeditorjs.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorjs.h | |
qgscodeeditorjson.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorjson.h | |
qgscodeeditorpython.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorpython.h | |
qgscodeeditorr.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorr.h | |
qgscodeeditorshell.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorshell.h | |
qgscodeeditorsql.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorsql.h | |
qgscodeeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorwidget.h | |
► devtools | |
qgsdevtoolwidget.cpp | |
qgsdevtoolwidget.h | |
qgsdevtoolwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsdevtoolwidgetfactory.h | |
► editorwidgets | |
► core | |
qgseditorconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgseditorconfigwidget.h | |
qgseditorwidgetautoconf.cpp | |
qgseditorwidgetautoconf.h | |
qgseditorwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgseditorwidgetfactory.h | |
qgseditorwidgetregistry.cpp | |
qgseditorwidgetregistry.h | |
qgseditorwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgseditorwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgssearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgssearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgswidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgswidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsactionwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsactionwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsbinarywidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsbinarywidgetfactory.h | |
qgsbinarywidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsbinarywidgetwrapper.h | |
qgscheckboxconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgscheckboxconfigdlg.h | |
qgscheckboxsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgscheckboxsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgscheckboxwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgscheckboxwidgetfactory.h | |
qgscheckboxwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgscheckboxwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapperfactory.cpp | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapperfactory.h | |
qgscolorwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgscolorwidgetfactory.h | |
qgscolorwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgscolorwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsdatetimeedit.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeedit.h | |
qgsdatetimeeditconfig.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeeditconfig.h | |
qgsdatetimeeditfactory.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeeditfactory.h | |
qgsdatetimeeditwrapper.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeeditwrapper.h | |
qgsdatetimesearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsdatetimesearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsdefaultsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsdefaultsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsdoublespinbox.cpp | |
qgsdoublespinbox.h | |
qgsdummyconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsdummyconfigdlg.h | |
qgsenumerationwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsenumerationwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsenumerationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsenumerationwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsexternalresourceconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourceconfigdlg.h | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetfactory.h | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsgeometrywidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsgeometrywidgetfactory.h | |
qgsgeometrywidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsgeometrywidgetwrapper.h | |
qgshiddenwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgshiddenwidgetfactory.h | |
qgshiddenwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgshiddenwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgshtmlwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgshtmlwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsjsoneditconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsjsoneditconfigdlg.h | |
qgsjsoneditwidget.cpp | |
qgsjsoneditwidget.h | |
qgsjsoneditwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsjsoneditwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsjsoneditwrapper.cpp | |
qgsjsoneditwrapper.h | |
qgskeyvaluewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgskeyvaluewidgetfactory.h | |
qgskeyvaluewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgskeyvaluewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgslistconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgslistconfigdlg.h | |
qgslistwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgslistwidgetfactory.h | |
qgslistwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgslistwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsmultiedittoolbutton.cpp | |
qgsmultiedittoolbutton.h | |
qgsqmlwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsqmlwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrangeconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsrangeconfigdlg.h | |
qgsrangewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsrangewidgetfactory.h | |
qgsrangewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrangewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrelationaggregatesearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrelationaggregatesearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrelationreferenceconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferenceconfigdlg.h | |
qgsrelationreferencefactory.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencefactory.h | |
qgsrelationreferencesearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencesearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrelationreferencewidget.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencewidget.h | |
qgsrelationreferencewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrelationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrelationwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgssearchwidgettoolbutton.cpp | |
qgssearchwidgettoolbutton.h | |
qgsspacerwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsspacerwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsspinbox.cpp | |
qgsspinbox.h | |
qgstexteditconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgstexteditconfigdlg.h | |
qgstexteditsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgstexteditsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgstexteditwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgstexteditwidgetfactory.h | |
qgstexteditwrapper.cpp | |
qgstexteditwrapper.h | |
qgstextwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgstextwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsuniquevaluesconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsuniquevaluesconfigdlg.h | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetfactory.h | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsuuidwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsuuidwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsuuidwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsuuidwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluemapconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapconfigdlg.h | |
qgsvaluemapsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluerelationconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationconfigdlg.h | |
qgsvaluerelationsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetwrapper.h | |
► effects | |
qgseffectdrawmodecombobox.cpp | |
qgseffectdrawmodecombobox.h | |
qgseffectstackpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgseffectstackpropertieswidget.h | |
qgspainteffectpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgspainteffectpropertieswidget.h | |
qgspainteffectwidget.cpp | |
qgspainteffectwidget.h | |
► elevation | |
qgselevationcontrollerwidget.cpp | |
qgselevationcontrollerwidget.h | |
qgselevationprofilecanvas.cpp | |
qgselevationprofilecanvas.h | |
qgselevationprofilelayertreeview.cpp | |
qgselevationprofilelayertreeview.h | |
► history | |
qgshistoryentry.cpp | |
qgshistoryentry.h | |
qgshistoryentrymodel.cpp | |
qgshistoryentrymodel.h | |
qgshistoryentrynode.cpp | |
qgshistoryentrynode.h | |
qgshistoryprovider.cpp | |
qgshistoryprovider.h | |
qgshistoryproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgshistoryproviderregistry.h | |
qgshistorywidget.cpp | |
qgshistorywidget.h | |
qgshistorywidgetcontext.cpp | |
qgshistorywidgetcontext.h | |
► inputcontroller | |
qgs2dgamepadcontroller.cpp | |
qgs2dgamepadcontroller.h | |
qgs2dmapcontroller.cpp | |
qgs2dmapcontroller.h | |
qgs3dgamepadcontroller.cpp | |
qgs3dgamepadcontroller.h | |
qgs3dmapcontroller.cpp | |
qgs3dmapcontroller.h | |
qgsabstractinputcontroller.cpp | |
qgsabstractinputcontroller.h | |
qgsinputcontrollermanager.cpp | |
qgsinputcontrollermanager.h | |
► labeling | |
qgslabelengineconfigdialog.cpp | |
qgslabelengineconfigdialog.h | |
qgslabelingengineruleswidget.cpp | |
qgslabelingengineruleswidget.h | |
qgslabelingenginerulewidget.cpp | |
qgslabelingenginerulewidget.h | |
qgslabelinggui.cpp | |
qgslabelinggui.h | |
qgslabelingwidget.cpp | |
qgslabelingwidget.h | |
qgslabellineanchorwidget.cpp | |
qgslabellineanchorwidget.h | |
qgslabelobstaclesettingswidget.cpp | |
qgslabelobstaclesettingswidget.h | |
qgslabelsettingswidgetbase.cpp | |
qgslabelsettingswidgetbase.h | |
qgsrulebasedlabelingwidget.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedlabelingwidget.h | |
qgstabpositionwidget.cpp | |
qgstabpositionwidget.h | |
► layertree | |
qgscustomlayerorderwidget.cpp | |
qgscustomlayerorderwidget.h | |
qgslayertreeembeddedconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgslayertreeembeddedconfigwidget.h | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetregistry.cpp | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetregistry.h | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetsimpl.cpp | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetsimpl.h | |
qgslayertreemapcanvasbridge.cpp | |
qgslayertreemapcanvasbridge.h | |
qgslayertreeview.cpp | |
qgslayertreeview.h | |
qgslayertreeviewdefaultactions.cpp | |
qgslayertreeviewdefaultactions.h | |
qgslayertreeviewindicator.cpp | |
qgslayertreeviewindicator.h | |
qgslayertreeviewitemdelegate.cpp | |
qgslayertreeviewitemdelegate.h | |
► layout | |
qgsgeopdflayertreemodel.cpp | |
qgsgeopdflayertreemodel.h | |
qgslayoutaddpagesdialog.cpp | |
qgslayoutaddpagesdialog.h | |
qgslayoutatlaswidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutatlaswidget.h | |
qgslayoutattributeselectiondialog.cpp | |
qgslayoutattributeselectiondialog.h | |
qgslayoutattributetablewidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutattributetablewidget.h | |
qgslayoutcombobox.cpp | |
qgslayoutcombobox.h | |
qgslayoutcustomdrophandler.cpp | |
qgslayoutcustomdrophandler.h | |
qgslayoutdesignerinterface.h | |
qgslayoutelevationprofilewidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutelevationprofilewidget.h | |
qgslayoutguidewidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutguidewidget.h | |
qgslayoutguiutils.cpp | |
qgslayoutguiutils.h | |
qgslayouthtmlwidget.cpp | |
qgslayouthtmlwidget.h | |
qgslayoutimageexportoptionsdialog.cpp | |
qgslayoutimageexportoptionsdialog.h | |
qgslayoutitemcombobox.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemcombobox.h | |
qgslayoutitemguiregistry.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemguiregistry.h | |
qgslayoutitemslistview.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemslistview.h | |
qgslayoutitemwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutitemwidget.h | |
qgslayoutlabelwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutlabelwidget.h | |
qgslayoutlegendlayersdialog.cpp | |
qgslayoutlegendlayersdialog.h | |
qgslayoutlegendwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutlegendwidget.h | |
qgslayoutmanualtablewidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutmanualtablewidget.h | |
qgslayoutmapgridwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutmapgridwidget.h | |
qgslayoutmapwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutmapwidget.h | |
qgslayoutmarkerwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutmarkerwidget.h | |
qgslayoutmousehandles.cpp | |
qgslayoutmousehandles.h | |
qgslayoutnewitempropertiesdialog.cpp | |
qgslayoutnewitempropertiesdialog.h | |
qgslayoutpagepropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutpagepropertieswidget.h | |
qgslayoutpdfexportoptionsdialog.cpp | |
qgslayoutpdfexportoptionsdialog.h | |
qgslayoutpicturewidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutpicturewidget.h | |
qgslayoutpolygonwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutpolygonwidget.h | |
qgslayoutpolylinewidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutpolylinewidget.h | |
qgslayoutpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutpropertieswidget.h | |
qgslayoutqptdrophandler.cpp | |
qgslayoutqptdrophandler.h | |
qgslayoutreportsectionlabel.cpp | |
qgslayoutreportsectionlabel.h | |
qgslayoutruler.cpp | |
qgslayoutruler.h | |
qgslayoutscalebarwidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutscalebarwidget.h | |
qgslayoutshapewidget.cpp | |
qgslayoutshapewidget.h | |
qgslayouttablebackgroundcolorsdialog.cpp | |
qgslayouttablebackgroundcolorsdialog.h | |
qgslayoutunitscombobox.cpp | |
qgslayoutunitscombobox.h | |
qgslayoutvaliditychecks.cpp | |
qgslayoutvaliditychecks.h | |
qgslayoutview.cpp | |
qgslayoutview.h | |
qgslayoutviewmouseevent.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewmouseevent.h | |
qgslayoutviewrubberband.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewrubberband.h | |
qgslayoutviewtool.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtool.h | |
qgslayoutviewtooladditem.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtooladditem.h | |
qgslayoutviewtooladdnodeitem.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtooladdnodeitem.h | |
qgslayoutviewtooleditnodes.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtooleditnodes.h | |
qgslayoutviewtoolmoveitemcontent.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtoolmoveitemcontent.h | |
qgslayoutviewtoolpan.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtoolpan.h | |
qgslayoutviewtoolselect.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtoolselect.h | |
qgslayoutviewtooltemporarykeypan.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtooltemporarykeypan.h | |
qgslayoutviewtooltemporarykeyzoom.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtooltemporarykeyzoom.h | |
qgslayoutviewtooltemporarymousepan.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtooltemporarymousepan.h | |
qgslayoutviewtoolzoom.cpp | |
qgslayoutviewtoolzoom.h | |
► locator | |
qgslocatorwidget.cpp | |
qgslocatorwidget.h | |
► maptools | |
qgsmaptool.cpp | |
qgsmaptool.h | |
qgsmaptooladvanceddigitizing.cpp | |
qgsmaptooladvanceddigitizing.h | |
qgsmaptoolcapture.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolcapture.h | |
qgsmaptoolcapturelayergeometry.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolcapturelayergeometry.h | |
qgsmaptoolcapturerubberband.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolcapturerubberband.h | |
qgsmaptooldigitizefeature.cpp | |
qgsmaptooldigitizefeature.h | |
qgsmaptooledit.cpp | |
qgsmaptooledit.h | |
qgsmaptoolemitpoint.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolemitpoint.h | |
qgsmaptoolextent.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolextent.h | |
qgsmaptoolidentify.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolidentify.h | |
qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.h | |
qgsmaptoolpan.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolpan.h | |
qgsmaptoolshapeabstract.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolshapeabstract.h | |
qgsmaptoolshaperegistry.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolshaperegistry.h | |
qgsmaptoolzoom.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolzoom.h | |
► mesh | |
qgsmeshdatasetgrouptreeview.cpp | |
qgsmeshdatasetgrouptreeview.h | |
qgsmeshdatasetgrouptreewidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshdatasetgrouptreewidget.h | |
qgsmeshlabelingwidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshlabelingwidget.h | |
qgsmeshlayerproperties.cpp | |
qgsmeshlayerproperties.h | |
qgsmeshrenderer3daveragingwidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshrenderer3daveragingwidget.h | |
qgsmeshrendereractivedatasetwidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshrendereractivedatasetwidget.h | |
qgsmeshrenderermeshsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshrenderermeshsettingswidget.h | |
qgsmeshrendererscalarsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshrendererscalarsettingswidget.h | |
qgsmeshrenderervectorsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshrenderervectorsettingswidget.h | |
qgsmeshstaticdatasetwidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshstaticdatasetwidget.h | |
qgsmeshvariablestrokewidthwidget.cpp | |
qgsmeshvariablestrokewidthwidget.h | |
qgsrenderermeshpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgsrenderermeshpropertieswidget.h | |
► numericformats | |
qgsnumericformatguiregistry.cpp | |
qgsnumericformatguiregistry.h | |
qgsnumericformatselectorwidget.cpp | |
qgsnumericformatselectorwidget.h | |
qgsnumericformatwidget.cpp | |
qgsnumericformatwidget.h | |
► ogr | |
qgsgdalguiutils.cpp | |
qgsgdalguiutils.h | |
qgsnewogrconnection.cpp | |
qgsnewogrconnection.h | |
qgsvectorlayersaveasdialog.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayersaveasdialog.h | |
► plot | |
qgsplotcanvas.cpp | |
qgsplotcanvas.h | |
qgsplotcanvasitem.cpp | |
qgsplotcanvasitem.h | |
qgsplotmouseevent.cpp | |
qgsplotmouseevent.h | |
qgsplotrubberband.cpp | |
qgsplotrubberband.h | |
qgsplottool.cpp | |
qgsplottool.h | |
qgsplottoolpan.cpp | |
qgsplottoolpan.h | |
qgsplottoolxaxiszoom.cpp | |
qgsplottoolxaxiszoom.h | |
qgsplottoolzoom.cpp | |
qgsplottoolzoom.h | |
qgsplottransienttools.cpp | |
qgsplottransienttools.h | |
► pointcloud | |
qgspointcloudattributebyramprendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointcloudattributebyramprendererwidget.h | |
qgspointcloudclassifiedrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointcloudclassifiedrendererwidget.h | |
qgspointcloudextentrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointcloudextentrendererwidget.h | |
qgspointcloudlayersaveasdialog.cpp | |
qgspointcloudlayersaveasdialog.h | |
qgspointcloudrendererpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgspointcloudrendererpropertieswidget.h | |
qgspointcloudrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointcloudrendererwidget.h | |
qgspointcloudrgbrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointcloudrgbrendererwidget.h | |
► processing | |
► models | |
qgsmodelarrowitem.cpp | |
qgsmodelarrowitem.h | |
qgsmodelcomponentgraphicitem.cpp | |
qgsmodelcomponentgraphicitem.h | |
qgsmodeldesignerdialog.cpp | |
qgsmodeldesignerdialog.h | |
qgsmodeldesignerinputstreewidget.cpp | |
qgsmodeldesignerinputstreewidget.h | |
qgsmodelgraphicitem.cpp | |
qgsmodelgraphicitem.h | |
qgsmodelgraphicsscene.cpp | |
qgsmodelgraphicsscene.h | |
qgsmodelgraphicsview.cpp | |
qgsmodelgraphicsview.h | |
qgsmodelgroupboxdefinitionwidget.cpp | |
qgsmodelgroupboxdefinitionwidget.h | |
qgsmodelinputreorderwidget.cpp | |
qgsmodelinputreorderwidget.h | |
qgsmodeloutputreorderwidget.cpp | |
qgsmodeloutputreorderwidget.h | |
qgsmodelsnapper.cpp | |
qgsmodelsnapper.h | |
qgsmodelundocommand.cpp | |
qgsmodelundocommand.h | |
qgsmodelviewmouseevent.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewmouseevent.h | |
qgsmodelviewmousehandles.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewmousehandles.h | |
qgsmodelviewrubberband.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewrubberband.h | |
qgsmodelviewtool.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewtool.h | |
qgsmodelviewtoolpan.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewtoolpan.h | |
qgsmodelviewtoolselect.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewtoolselect.h | |
qgsmodelviewtooltemporarykeypan.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewtooltemporarykeypan.h | |
qgsmodelviewtooltemporarykeyzoom.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewtooltemporarykeyzoom.h | |
qgsmodelviewtooltemporarymousepan.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewtooltemporarymousepan.h | |
qgsmodelviewtoolzoom.cpp | |
qgsmodelviewtoolzoom.h | |
qgsprocessingaggregatewidgets.cpp | |
qgsprocessingaggregatewidgets.h | |
qgsprocessingaggregatewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsprocessingaggregatewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsprocessingalgorithmconfigurationwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingalgorithmconfigurationwidget.h | |
qgsprocessingalgorithmdialogbase.cpp | |
qgsprocessingalgorithmdialogbase.h | |
qgsprocessingalignrasterlayerswidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsprocessingalignrasterlayerswidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsprocessingbatchalgorithmdialogbase.cpp | |
qgsprocessingbatchalgorithmdialogbase.h | |
qgsprocessingconfigurationwidgets.cpp | |
qgsprocessingconfigurationwidgets.h | |
qgsprocessingdxflayerswidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsprocessingdxflayerswidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsprocessingenummodelerwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingenummodelerwidget.h | |
qgsprocessingfavoritealgorithmmanager.cpp | |
qgsprocessingfavoritealgorithmmanager.h | |
qgsprocessingfeaturesourceoptionswidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingfeaturesourceoptionswidget.h | |
qgsprocessingfieldmapwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsprocessingfieldmapwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsprocessinggui.h | |
qgsprocessingguiregistry.cpp | |
qgsprocessingguiregistry.h | |
qgsprocessinghelpeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessinghelpeditorwidget.h | |
qgsprocessinghistoryprovider.cpp | |
qgsprocessinghistoryprovider.h | |
qgsprocessinghistorywidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessinghistorywidget.h | |
qgsprocessingmaplayercombobox.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmaplayercombobox.h | |
qgsprocessingmatrixmodelerwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmatrixmodelerwidget.h | |
qgsprocessingmatrixparameterdialog.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmatrixparameterdialog.h | |
qgsprocessingmeshdatasetwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmeshdatasetwidget.h | |
qgsprocessingmodelerparameterwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmodelerparameterwidget.h | |
qgsprocessingmultipleselectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsprocessingmultipleselectiondialog.h | |
qgsprocessingoutputdestinationwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingoutputdestinationwidget.h | |
qgsprocessingparameterdefinitionwidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparameterdefinitionwidget.h | |
qgsprocessingparameterswidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingparameterswidget.h | |
qgsprocessingpointcloudexpressionlineedit.cpp | |
qgsprocessingpointcloudexpressionlineedit.h | |
qgsprocessingrastercalculatorexpressionlineedit.cpp | |
qgsprocessingrastercalculatorexpressionlineedit.h | |
qgsprocessingrasteroptionswidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsprocessingrasteroptionswidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsprocessingrecentalgorithmlog.cpp | |
qgsprocessingrecentalgorithmlog.h | |
qgsprocessingtininputlayerswidget.cpp | |
qgsprocessingtininputlayerswidget.h | |
qgsprocessingtoolboxmodel.cpp | |
qgsprocessingtoolboxmodel.h | |
qgsprocessingtoolboxtreeview.cpp | |
qgsprocessingtoolboxtreeview.h | |
qgsprocessingvectortilewriterlayerswidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsprocessingvectortilewriterlayerswidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsprocessingwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsprocessingwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsprocessingwidgetwrapperimpl.cpp | |
qgsprocessingwidgetwrapperimpl.h | |
► proj | |
qgscoordinateboundspreviewmapwidget.cpp | |
qgscoordinateboundspreviewmapwidget.h | |
qgscoordinateoperationwidget.cpp | |
qgscoordinateoperationwidget.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystemmodel.cpp | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystemmodel.h | |
qgscrsdefinitionwidget.cpp | |
qgscrsdefinitionwidget.h | |
qgsdatumtransformdialog.cpp | |
qgsdatumtransformdialog.h | |
qgsinstallgridshiftdialog.cpp | |
qgsinstallgridshiftdialog.h | |
qgsprojectionselectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsprojectionselectiondialog.h | |
qgsprojectionselectiontreewidget.cpp | |
qgsprojectionselectiontreewidget.h | |
qgsprojectionselectionwidget.cpp | |
qgsprojectionselectionwidget.h | |
qgsrecentcoordinatereferencesystemsmodel.cpp | |
qgsrecentcoordinatereferencesystemsmodel.h | |
► raster | |
qgscolorrampshaderwidget.cpp | |
qgscolorrampshaderwidget.h | |
qgscreaterasterattributetabledialog.cpp | |
qgscreaterasterattributetabledialog.h | |
qgshillshaderendererwidget.cpp | |
qgshillshaderendererwidget.h | |
qgsloadrasterattributetabledialog.cpp | |
qgsloadrasterattributetabledialog.h | |
qgsmultibandcolorrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsmultibandcolorrendererwidget.h | |
qgspalettedrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspalettedrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrasterattributetableaddcolumndialog.cpp | |
qgsrasterattributetableaddcolumndialog.h | |
qgsrasterattributetableaddrowdialog.cpp | |
qgsrasterattributetableaddrowdialog.h | |
qgsrasterattributetabledialog.cpp | |
qgsrasterattributetabledialog.h | |
qgsrasterattributetablemodel.cpp | |
qgsrasterattributetablemodel.h | |
qgsrasterattributetablewidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterattributetablewidget.h | |
qgsrasterbandcombobox.cpp | |
qgsrasterbandcombobox.h | |
qgsrastercontourrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsrastercontourrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrasterhistogramwidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterhistogramwidget.h | |
qgsrasterlabelingwidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterlabelingwidget.h | |
qgsrasterlabelsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterlabelsettingswidget.h | |
qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayerproperties.h | |
qgsrasterlayertemporalpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayertemporalpropertieswidget.h | |
qgsrasterminmaxwidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterminmaxwidget.h | |
qgsrasterrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrastersinglecolorrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsrastersinglecolorrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrastertransparencywidget.cpp | |
qgsrastertransparencywidget.h | |
qgsrendererrasterpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgsrendererrasterpropertieswidget.h | |
qgsresamplingutils.cpp | |
qgsresamplingutils.h | |
qgssinglebandgrayrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgssinglebandgrayrendererwidget.h | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrendererwidget.h | |
► sensor | |
qgssensorguiregistry.cpp | |
qgssensorguiregistry.h | |
qgssensorwidget.cpp | |
qgssensorwidget.h | |
► settings | |
qgssettingseditorwidgetregistry.cpp | |
qgssettingseditorwidgetregistry.h | |
qgssettingseditorwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgssettingseditorwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgssettingseditorwidgetwrapperimpl.cpp | |
qgssettingseditorwidgetwrapperimpl.h | |
qgssettingsenumflageditorwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgssettingsregistrygui.cpp | |
qgssettingsregistrygui.h | |
qgssettingstreemodel.cpp | |
qgssettingstreemodel.h | |
qgssettingstreewidget.cpp | |
qgssettingstreewidget.h | |
► symbology | |
characterwidget.cpp | |
characterwidget.h | |
qgs25drendererwidget.cpp | |
qgs25drendererwidget.h | |
qgsarrowsymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgsarrowsymbollayerwidget.h | |
qgsbrushstylecombobox.cpp | |
qgsbrushstylecombobox.h | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrendererwidget.h | |
qgscptcitycolorrampdialog.cpp | |
qgscptcitycolorrampdialog.h | |
qgsdashspacedialog.cpp | |
qgsdashspacedialog.h | |
qgsdatadefinedsizelegendwidget.cpp | |
qgsdatadefinedsizelegendwidget.h | |
qgsellipsesymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgsellipsesymbollayerwidget.h | |
qgsembeddedsymbolrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsembeddedsymbolrendererwidget.h | |
qgsextentbufferdialog.cpp | |
qgsextentbufferdialog.h | |
qgsgraduatedhistogramwidget.cpp | |
qgsgraduatedhistogramwidget.h | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrendererwidget.h | |
qgsheatmaprendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsheatmaprendererwidget.h | |
qgsinterpolatedlinesymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgsinterpolatedlinesymbollayerwidget.h | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrendererwidget.h | |
qgslayerpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgslayerpropertieswidget.h | |
qgsmasksymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgsmasksymbollayerwidget.h | |
qgsmergedfeaturerendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsmergedfeaturerendererwidget.h | |
qgsnullsymbolrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsnullsymbolrendererwidget.h | |
qgspenstylecombobox.cpp | |
qgspenstylecombobox.h | |
qgspointclusterrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointclusterrendererwidget.h | |
qgspointdisplacementrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointdisplacementrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrendererpropertiesdialog.cpp | |
qgsrendererpropertiesdialog.h | |
qgsrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrulebasedrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedrendererwidget.h | |
qgssinglesymbolrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgssinglesymbolrendererwidget.h | |
qgssmartgroupeditordialog.cpp | |
qgssmartgroupeditordialog.h | |
qgsstyleexportimportdialog.cpp | |
qgsstyleexportimportdialog.h | |
qgsstylegroupselectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsstylegroupselectiondialog.h | |
qgsstylemanagerdialog.cpp | |
qgsstylemanagerdialog.h | |
qgsstylesavedialog.cpp | |
qgsstylesavedialog.h | |
qgssvgselectorwidget.cpp | |
qgssvgselectorwidget.h | |
qgssymbolanimationsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgssymbolanimationsettingswidget.h | |
qgssymbolbuffersettingswidget.cpp | |
qgssymbolbuffersettingswidget.h | |
qgssymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerwidget.h | |
qgssymbollevelsdialog.cpp | |
qgssymbollevelsdialog.h | |
qgssymbolselectordialog.cpp | |
qgssymbolselectordialog.h | |
qgssymbolslistwidget.cpp | |
qgssymbolslistwidget.h | |
qgssymbolwidgetcontext.cpp | |
qgssymbolwidgetcontext.h | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayerwidget.h | |
► tableeditor | |
qgstableeditordialog.cpp | |
qgstableeditordialog.h | |
qgstableeditorformattingwidget.cpp | |
qgstableeditorformattingwidget.h | |
qgstableeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgstableeditorwidget.h | |
► tiledscene | |
qgstiledsceneconnectiondialog.cpp | |
qgstiledsceneconnectiondialog.h | |
qgstiledscenedataitemguiprovider.cpp | |
qgstiledscenedataitemguiprovider.h | |
qgstiledsceneproviderguimetadata.cpp | |
qgstiledsceneproviderguimetadata.h | |
qgstiledscenerendererpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgstiledscenerendererpropertieswidget.h | |
qgstiledscenerendererwidget.cpp | |
qgstiledscenerendererwidget.h | |
qgstiledscenesourceselect.cpp | |
qgstiledscenesourceselect.h | |
qgstiledscenetexturerendererwidget.cpp | |
qgstiledscenetexturerendererwidget.h | |
qgstiledscenewireframerendererwidget.cpp | |
qgstiledscenewireframerendererwidget.h | |
► vector | |
qgsattributeactiondialog.cpp | |
qgsattributeactiondialog.h | |
qgsattributeactionpropertiesdialog.cpp | |
qgsattributeactionpropertiesdialog.h | |
qgsattributesforminitcode.cpp | |
qgsattributesforminitcode.h | |
qgsattributesformproperties.cpp | |
qgsattributesformproperties.h | |
qgsdiagramproperties.cpp | |
qgsdiagramproperties.h | |
qgsdiagramwidget.cpp | |
qgsdiagramwidget.h | |
qgsfieldcalculator.cpp | |
qgsfieldcalculator.h | |
qgsjoindialog.cpp | |
qgsjoindialog.h | |
qgssourcefieldsproperties.cpp | |
qgssourcefieldsproperties.h | |
qgsstackeddiagramproperties.cpp | |
qgsstackeddiagramproperties.h | |
qgsvectorlayerlegendwidget.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerlegendwidget.h | |
qgsvectorlayerproperties.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerproperties.h | |
qgswmsdimensiondialog.cpp | |
qgswmsdimensiondialog.h | |
► vectortile | |
qgsarcgisvectortileconnectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsarcgisvectortileconnectiondialog.h | |
qgsvectortilebasiclabelingwidget.cpp | |
qgsvectortilebasiclabelingwidget.h | |
qgsvectortilebasicrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsvectortilebasicrendererwidget.h | |
qgsvectortileconnectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsvectortileconnectiondialog.h | |
qgsvectortiledataitemguiprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectortiledataitemguiprovider.h | |
qgsvectortilelayerproperties.cpp | |
qgsvectortilelayerproperties.h | |
qgsvectortileproviderguimetadata.cpp | |
qgsvectortileproviderguimetadata.h | |
qgsvectortilesourceselect.cpp | |
qgsvectortilesourceselect.h | |
qgisinterface.cpp | |
qgisinterface.h | |
qgs3dsymbolwidget.cpp | |
qgs3dsymbolwidget.h | |
qgsabstractdatasourcewidget.cpp | |
qgsabstractdatasourcewidget.h | |
qgsabstractmaptoolhandler.cpp | |
qgsabstractmaptoolhandler.h | |
qgsabstractrelationeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsabstractrelationeditorwidget.h | |
qgsaddattrdialog.cpp | |
qgsaddattrdialog.h | |
qgsaddtaborgroup.cpp | |
qgsaddtaborgroup.h | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingcanvasitem.cpp | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingcanvasitem.h | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingdockwidget.cpp | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingdockwidget.h | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingfloater.cpp | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingfloater.h | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingtools.cpp | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingtools.h | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingtoolsregistry.cpp | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingtoolsregistry.h | |
qgsaggregatetoolbutton.cpp | |
qgsaggregatetoolbutton.h | |
qgsalignmentcombobox.cpp | |
qgsalignmentcombobox.h | |
qgsapplicationexitblockerinterface.cpp | |
qgsapplicationexitblockerinterface.h | |
qgsattributedialog.cpp | |
qgsattributedialog.h | |
qgsattributeeditorcontext.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditorcontext.h | |
qgsattributeform.cpp | |
qgsattributeform.h | |
qgsattributeformeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsattributeformeditorwidget.h | |
qgsattributeforminterface.cpp | |
qgsattributeforminterface.h | |
qgsattributeformlegacyinterface.cpp | |
qgsattributeformlegacyinterface.h | |
qgsattributeformrelationeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsattributeformrelationeditorwidget.h | |
qgsattributeformwidget.cpp | |
qgsattributeformwidget.h | |
qgsattributetypeloaddialog.cpp | |
qgsattributetypeloaddialog.h | |
qgsblendmodecombobox.cpp | |
qgsblendmodecombobox.h | |
qgsbrowserdockwidget.cpp | |
qgsbrowserdockwidget.h | |
qgsbrowserdockwidget_p.cpp | |
qgsbrowserdockwidget_p.h | |
qgsbrowserguimodel.cpp | |
qgsbrowserguimodel.h | |
qgsbrowsertreeview.cpp | |
qgsbrowsertreeview.h | |
qgsbrowserwidget.cpp | |
qgsbrowserwidget.h | |
qgsbusyindicatordialog.cpp | |
qgsbusyindicatordialog.h | |
qgscharacterselectordialog.cpp | |
qgscharacterselectordialog.h | |
qgscheckablecombobox.cpp | |
qgscheckablecombobox.h | |
qgscollapsiblegroupbox.cpp | |
qgscollapsiblegroupbox.h | |
qgscolorbrewercolorrampdialog.cpp | |
qgscolorbrewercolorrampdialog.h | |
qgscolorbutton.cpp | |
qgscolorbutton.h | |
qgscolordialog.cpp | |
qgscolordialog.h | |
qgscolorrampbutton.cpp | |
qgscolorrampbutton.h | |
qgscolorramplegendnodewidget.cpp | |
qgscolorramplegendnodewidget.h | |
qgscolorschemelist.cpp | |
qgscolorschemelist.h | |
qgscolorswatchgrid.cpp | |
qgscolorswatchgrid.h | |
qgscolortooltip_p.h | |
qgscolorwidgets.cpp | |
qgscolorwidgets.h | |
qgscompoundcolorwidget.cpp | |
qgscompoundcolorwidget.h | |
qgsconfigureshortcutsdialog.cpp | |
qgsconfigureshortcutsdialog.h | |
qgscredentialdialog.cpp | |
qgscredentialdialog.h | |
qgscurveeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgscurveeditorwidget.h | |
qgscustomdrophandler.cpp | |
qgscustomdrophandler.h | |
qgscustomprojectopenhandler.cpp | |
qgscustomprojectopenhandler.h | |
qgsdatabaseschemacombobox.cpp | |
qgsdatabaseschemacombobox.h | |
qgsdatabasetablecombobox.cpp | |
qgsdatabasetablecombobox.h | |
qgsdataitemguiprovider.cpp | |
qgsdataitemguiprovider.h | |
qgsdataitemguiproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgsdataitemguiproviderregistry.h | |
qgsdataitemguiproviderutils.cpp | |
qgsdataitemguiproviderutils.h | |
qgsdatasourcemanagerdialog.cpp | |
qgsdatasourcemanagerdialog.h | |
qgsdatasourceselectdialog.cpp | |
qgsdatasourceselectdialog.h | |
qgsdbimportvectorlayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsdbimportvectorlayerdialog.h | |
qgsdbqueryhistoryprovider.cpp | |
qgsdbqueryhistoryprovider.h | |
qgsdbrelationshipwidget.cpp | |
qgsdbrelationshipwidget.h | |
qgsdecoratedscrollbar.cpp | |
qgsdecoratedscrollbar.h | |
qgsdetaileditemdata.cpp | |
qgsdetaileditemdata.h | |
qgsdetaileditemdelegate.cpp | |
qgsdetaileditemdelegate.h | |
qgsdetaileditemwidget.cpp | |
qgsdetaileditemwidget.h | |
qgsdial.cpp | |
qgsdial.h | |
qgsdialog.cpp | |
qgsdialog.h | |
qgsdirectionallightwidget.cpp | |
qgsdirectionallightwidget.h | |
qgsdockablewidgethelper.cpp | |
qgsdockablewidgethelper.h | |
qgsdockwidget.cpp | |
qgsdockwidget.h | |
qgsdoublevalidator.cpp | |
qgsdoublevalidator.h | |
qgsencodingfiledialog.cpp | |
qgsencodingfiledialog.h | |
qgserrordialog.cpp | |
qgserrordialog.h | |
qgsexpressionaddfunctionfiledialog.cpp | |
qgsexpressionaddfunctionfiledialog.h | |
qgsexpressionbuilderdialog.cpp | |
qgsexpressionbuilderdialog.h | |
qgsexpressionbuilderwidget.cpp | |
qgsexpressionbuilderwidget.h | |
qgsexpressionfinder.cpp | |
qgsexpressionfinder.h | |
qgsexpressionhighlighter.cpp | |
qgsexpressionhighlighter.h | |
qgsexpressionlineedit.cpp | |
qgsexpressionlineedit.h | |
qgsexpressionpreviewwidget.cpp | |
qgsexpressionpreviewwidget.h | |
qgsexpressionselectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsexpressionselectiondialog.h | |
qgsexpressionstoredialog.cpp | |
qgsexpressionstoredialog.h | |
qgsexpressiontreeview.cpp | |
qgsexpressiontreeview.h | |
qgsextentgroupbox.cpp | |
qgsextentgroupbox.h | |
qgsextentwidget.cpp | |
qgsextentwidget.h | |
qgsexternalresourcewidget.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourcewidget.h | |
qgsexternalstoragefilewidget.cpp | |
qgsexternalstoragefilewidget.h | |
qgsfeaturelistcombobox.cpp | |
qgsfeaturelistcombobox.h | |
qgsfeaturepickerwidget.cpp | |
qgsfeaturepickerwidget.h | |
qgsfeatureselectiondlg.cpp | |
qgsfeatureselectiondlg.h | |
qgsfieldcombobox.cpp | |
qgsfieldcombobox.h | |
qgsfielddomainwidget.cpp | |
qgsfielddomainwidget.h | |
qgsfieldexpressionwidget.cpp | |
qgsfieldexpressionwidget.h | |
qgsfieldmappingmodel.cpp | |
qgsfieldmappingmodel.h | |
qgsfieldmappingwidget.cpp | |
qgsfieldmappingwidget.h | |
qgsfieldvalidator.cpp | |
qgsfieldvalidator.h | |
qgsfieldvalueslineedit.cpp | |
qgsfieldvalueslineedit.h | |
qgsfilecontentsourcelineedit.cpp | |
qgsfilecontentsourcelineedit.h | |
qgsfiledownloaderdialog.cpp | |
qgsfiledownloaderdialog.h | |
qgsfilewidget.cpp | |
qgsfilewidget.h | |
qgsfilterlineedit.cpp | |
qgsfilterlineedit.h | |
qgsfindfilesbypatternwidget.cpp | |
qgsfindfilesbypatternwidget.h | |
qgsfloatingwidget.cpp | |
qgsfloatingwidget.h | |
qgsfocuskeeper.cpp | |
qgsfocuskeeper.h | |
qgsfocuswatcher.cpp | |
qgsfocuswatcher.h | |
qgsfontbutton.cpp | |
qgsfontbutton.h | |
qgsformannotation.cpp | |
qgsformannotation.h | |
qgsformlabelformatwidget.cpp | |
qgsformlabelformatwidget.h | |
qgsgeocoderlocatorfilter.cpp | |
qgsgeocoderlocatorfilter.h | |
qgsgeometryrubberband.cpp | |
qgsgeometryrubberband.h | |
qgsgeometrywidget.cpp | |
qgsgeometrywidget.h | |
qgsgradientcolorrampdialog.cpp | |
qgsgradientcolorrampdialog.h | |
qgsgradientstopeditor.cpp | |
qgsgradientstopeditor.h | |
qgsgraphicsviewmousehandles.cpp | |
qgsgraphicsviewmousehandles.h | |
qgsgroupwmsdatadialog.cpp | |
qgsgroupwmsdatadialog.h | |
qgsgui.cpp | |
qgsgui.h | |
qgsguiutils.cpp | |
qgsguiutils.h | |
qgshelp.cpp | |
qgshelp.h | |
qgshighlight.cpp | |
qgshighlight.h | |
qgshighlightablecombobox.cpp | |
qgshighlightablecombobox.h | |
qgshighlightablelineedit.cpp | |
qgshighlightablelineedit.h | |
qgshistogramwidget.cpp | |
qgshistogramwidget.h | |
qgshttpheaderwidget.cpp | |
qgshttpheaderwidget.h | |
qgsidentifymenu.cpp | |
qgsidentifymenu.h | |
qgsimagedroptextedit.cpp | |
qgsimagedroptextedit.h | |
qgskeyvaluewidget.cpp | |
qgskeyvaluewidget.h | |
qgslayermetadataresultsmodel.cpp | |
qgslayermetadataresultsmodel.h | |
qgslayermetadataresultsproxymodel.cpp | |
qgslayermetadataresultsproxymodel.h | |
qgslayermetadatasearchwidget.cpp | |
qgslayermetadatasearchwidget.h | |
qgslayermetadatasourceselectprovider.cpp | |
qgslayermetadatasourceselectprovider.h | |
qgslayerpropertiesdialog.cpp | |
qgslayerpropertiesdialog.h | |
qgslegendfilterbutton.cpp | |
qgslegendfilterbutton.h | |
qgslegendpatchshapebutton.cpp | |
qgslegendpatchshapebutton.h | |
qgslegendpatchshapewidget.cpp | |
qgslegendpatchshapewidget.h | |
qgslimitedrandomcolorrampdialog.cpp | |
qgslimitedrandomcolorrampdialog.h | |
qgslistwidget.cpp | |
qgslistwidget.h | |
qgslocaleawarenumericlineeditdelegate.cpp | |
qgslocaleawarenumericlineeditdelegate.h | |
qgslonglongvalidator.h | |
qgsludialog.cpp | |
qgsludialog.h | |
qgsmanageconnectionsdialog.cpp | |
qgsmanageconnectionsdialog.h | |
qgsmapcanvas.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvas.h | |
qgsmapcanvasannotationitem.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvasannotationitem.h | |
qgsmapcanvasinteractionblocker.h | |
qgsmapcanvasitem.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvasitem.h | |
qgsmapcanvasmap.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvasmap.h | |
qgsmapcanvassnappingutils.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvassnappingutils.h | |
qgsmapcanvastracer.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvastracer.h | |
qgsmapcanvasutils.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvasutils.h | |
qgsmaplayercombobox.cpp | |
qgsmaplayercombobox.h | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidget.h | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsmaplayerloadstyledialog.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerloadstyledialog.h | |
qgsmaplayerrefreshsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerrefreshsettingswidget.h | |
qgsmaplayersavestyledialog.cpp | |
qgsmaplayersavestyledialog.h | |
qgsmaplayerstylecategoriesmodel.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstylecategoriesmodel.h | |
qgsmaplayerstyleguiutils.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstyleguiutils.h | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanagerwidget.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanagerwidget.h | |
qgsmapmouseevent.cpp | |
qgsmapmouseevent.h | |
qgsmapoverviewcanvas.cpp | |
qgsmapoverviewcanvas.h | |
qgsmaptip.cpp | |
qgsmaptip.h | |
qgsmaskingwidget.cpp | |
qgsmaskingwidget.h | |
qgsmasksourceselectionwidget.cpp | |
qgsmasksourceselectionwidget.h | |
qgsmaterialsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgsmaterialsettingswidget.h | |
qgsmediawidget.cpp | |
qgsmediawidget.h | |
qgsmenuheader.cpp | |
qgsmenuheader.h | |
qgsmessagebar.cpp | |
qgsmessagebar.h | |
qgsmessagebaritem.cpp | |
qgsmessagebaritem.h | |
qgsmessagelogviewer.cpp | |
qgsmessagelogviewer.h | |
qgsmessageviewer.cpp | |
qgsmessageviewer.h | |
qgsmetadataurlitemdelegate.cpp | |
qgsmetadataurlitemdelegate.h | |
qgsmetadatawidget.cpp | |
qgsmetadatawidget.h | |
qgsnewauxiliaryfielddialog.cpp | |
qgsnewauxiliaryfielddialog.h | |
qgsnewauxiliarylayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsnewauxiliarylayerdialog.h | |
qgsnewdatabasetablenamewidget.cpp | |
qgsnewdatabasetablenamewidget.h | |
qgsnewgeopackagelayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsnewgeopackagelayerdialog.h | |
qgsnewhttpconnection.cpp | |
qgsnewhttpconnection.h | |
qgsnewmemorylayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsnewmemorylayerdialog.h | |
qgsnewnamedialog.cpp | |
qgsnewnamedialog.h | |
qgsnewvectorlayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsnewvectorlayerdialog.h | |
qgsnewvectortabledialog.cpp | |
qgsnewvectortabledialog.h | |
qgsopacitywidget.cpp | |
qgsopacitywidget.h | |
qgsoptionsdialogbase.cpp | |
qgsoptionsdialogbase.h | |
qgsoptionsdialoghighlightwidget.cpp | |
qgsoptionsdialoghighlightwidget.h | |
qgsoptionsdialoghighlightwidgetsimpl.cpp | |
qgsoptionsdialoghighlightwidgetsimpl.h | |
qgsoptionswidgetfactory.h | |
qgsorderbydialog.cpp | |
qgsorderbydialog.h | |
qgsoverlaywidgetlayout.cpp | |
qgsoverlaywidgetlayout.h | |
qgsowssourceselect.cpp | |
qgsowssourceselect.h | |
qgsowssourcewidget.cpp | |
qgsowssourcewidget.h | |
qgspanelwidget.cpp | |
qgspanelwidget.h | |
qgspanelwidgetstack.cpp | |
qgspanelwidgetstack.h | |
qgspasswordlineedit.cpp | |
qgspasswordlineedit.h | |
qgspercentagewidget.cpp | |
qgspercentagewidget.h | |
qgspixmaplabel.cpp | |
qgspixmaplabel.h | |
qgsplaybackcontrollerwidget.cpp | |
qgsplaybackcontrollerwidget.h | |
qgspluginmanagerinterface.cpp | |
qgspluginmanagerinterface.h | |
qgspointcloudattributecombobox.cpp | |
qgspointcloudattributecombobox.h | |
qgspointcloudquerybuilder.cpp | |
qgspointcloudquerybuilder.h | |
qgspresetcolorrampdialog.cpp | |
qgspresetcolorrampdialog.h | |
qgsprevieweffect.cpp | |
qgsprevieweffect.h | |
qgsprojectstorageguiprovider.h | |
qgsprojectstorageguiregistry.cpp | |
qgsprojectstorageguiregistry.h | |
qgspropertyassistantwidget.cpp | |
qgspropertyassistantwidget.h | |
qgspropertyoverridebutton.cpp | |
qgspropertyoverridebutton.h | |
qgsproviderconnectioncombobox.cpp | |
qgsproviderconnectioncombobox.h | |
qgsproviderguimetadata.cpp | |
qgsproviderguimetadata.h | |
qgsproviderguiregistry.cpp | |
qgsproviderguiregistry.h | |
qgsprovidersourcewidget.cpp | |
qgsprovidersourcewidget.h | |
qgsprovidersourcewidgetprovider.cpp | |
qgsprovidersourcewidgetprovider.h | |
qgsprovidersourcewidgetproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgsprovidersourcewidgetproviderregistry.h | |
qgsprovidersublayersdialog.cpp | |
qgsprovidersublayersdialog.h | |
qgsproxystyle.cpp | |
qgsproxystyle.h | |
qgsquerybuilder.cpp | |
qgsquerybuilder.h | |
qgsqueryresultwidget.cpp | |
qgsqueryresultwidget.h | |
qgsrangeslider.cpp | |
qgsrangeslider.h | |
qgsrasterformatsaveoptionswidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterformatsaveoptionswidget.h | |
qgsrasterlayersaveasdialog.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayersaveasdialog.h | |
qgsrasterpyramidsoptionswidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterpyramidsoptionswidget.h | |
qgsratiolockbutton.cpp | |
qgsratiolockbutton.h | |
qgsrelationeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsrelationeditorwidget.h | |
qgsrelationwidgetregistry.cpp | |
qgsrelationwidgetregistry.h | |
qgsrichtexteditor.cpp | |
qgsrichtexteditor.h | |
qgsrubberband.cpp | |
qgsrubberband.h | |
qgsscalecombobox.cpp | |
qgsscalecombobox.h | |
qgsscalerangewidget.cpp | |
qgsscalerangewidget.h | |
qgsscalevisibilitydialog.cpp | |
qgsscalevisibilitydialog.h | |
qgsscalewidget.cpp | |
qgsscalewidget.h | |
qgsscreenhelper.cpp | |
qgsscreenhelper.h | |
qgsscrollarea.cpp | |
qgsscrollarea.h | |
qgssearchquerybuilder.cpp | |
qgssearchquerybuilder.h | |
qgsshortcutsmanager.cpp | |
qgsshortcutsmanager.h | |
qgsslider.cpp | |
qgsslider.h | |
qgssnapindicator.cpp | |
qgssnapindicator.h | |
qgssnaptogridcanvasitem.cpp | |
qgssnaptogridcanvasitem.h | |
qgssourceselectprovider.cpp | |
qgssourceselectprovider.h | |
qgssourceselectproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgssourceselectproviderregistry.h | |
qgssqlcomposerdialog.cpp | |
qgssqlcomposerdialog.h | |
qgsstackedwidget.cpp | |
qgsstackedwidget.h | |
qgsstatusbar.cpp | |
qgsstatusbar.h | |
qgsstoredquerymanager.cpp | |
qgsstoredquerymanager.h | |
qgsstyleitemslistwidget.cpp | |
qgsstyleitemslistwidget.h | |
qgssublayersdialog.cpp | |
qgssublayersdialog.h | |
qgssubsetstringeditorinterface.cpp | |
qgssubsetstringeditorinterface.h | |
qgssubsetstringeditorprovider.cpp | |
qgssubsetstringeditorprovider.h | |
qgssubsetstringeditorproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgssubsetstringeditorproviderregistry.h | |
qgssubstitutionlistwidget.cpp | |
qgssubstitutionlistwidget.h | |
qgssymbolbutton.cpp | |
qgssymbolbutton.h | |
qgssymbollayerselectionwidget.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerselectionwidget.h | |
qgstabbarproxystyle.cpp | |
qgstabbarproxystyle.h | |
qgstableview.cpp | |
qgstableview.h | |
qgstablewidgetbase.cpp | |
qgstablewidgetbase.h | |
qgstablewidgetitem.cpp | |
qgstablewidgetitem.h | |
qgstabwidget.cpp | |
qgstabwidget.h | |
qgstaskmanagerwidget.cpp | |
qgstaskmanagerwidget.h | |
qgstemporalcontrollerwidget.cpp | |
qgstemporalcontrollerwidget.h | |
qgstemporalmapsettingswidget.cpp | |
qgstemporalmapsettingswidget.h | |
qgstextformatwidget.cpp | |
qgstextformatwidget.h | |
qgstextpreview.cpp | |
qgstextpreview.h | |
qgstooltipcombobox.cpp | |
qgstooltipcombobox.h | |
qgstreewidgetitem.cpp | |
qgstreewidgetitem.h | |
qgsunitselectionwidget.cpp | |
qgsunitselectionwidget.h | |
qgsuserinputwidget.cpp | |
qgsuserinputwidget.h | |
qgsvaliditycheckresultswidget.cpp | |
qgsvaliditycheckresultswidget.h | |
qgsvariableeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsvariableeditorwidget.h | |
qgsvectorlayertemporalpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayertemporalpropertieswidget.h | |
qgsvertexmarker.cpp | |
qgsvertexmarker.h | |
qgsvscrollarea.cpp | |
qgsvscrollarea.h | |
qgswidgetstatehelper_p.cpp | |
qgswidgetstatehelper_p.h | |
qgswindowmanagerinterface.h | |
► plugins | |
qgisplugin.h | |
► quickgui | |
► plugin | |
qgsquickplugin.cpp | |
qgsquickplugin.h | |
qgsquickcoordinatetransformer.cpp | |
qgsquickcoordinatetransformer.h | |
qgsquickelevationprofilecanvas.cpp | |
qgsquickelevationprofilecanvas.h | |
qgsquickmapcanvasmap.cpp | |
qgsquickmapcanvasmap.h | |
qgsquickmapsettings.cpp | |
qgsquickmapsettings.h | |
qgsquickmaptoscreen.cpp | |
qgsquickmaptoscreen.h | |
qgsquickmaptransform.cpp | |
qgsquickmaptransform.h | |
qgsquickutils.cpp | |
qgsquickutils.h | |
► server | |
► services | |
► wcs | |
qgswcs.cpp | |
qgswcsdescribecoverage.cpp | |
qgswcsdescribecoverage.h | |
qgswcsgetcapabilities.cpp | |
qgswcsgetcapabilities.h | |
qgswcsgetcoverage.cpp | |
qgswcsgetcoverage.h | |
qgswcsserviceexception.h | |
qgswcsutils.cpp | |
qgswcsutils.h | |
► wfs | |
qgswfs.cpp | |
qgswfsdescribefeaturetype.cpp | |
qgswfsdescribefeaturetype.h | |
qgswfsdescribefeaturetypegml.cpp | |
qgswfsdescribefeaturetypegml.h | |
qgswfsdescribefeaturetypejson.cpp | |
qgswfsdescribefeaturetypejson.h | |
qgswfsgetcapabilities.cpp | |
qgswfsgetcapabilities.h | |
qgswfsgetcapabilities_1_0_0.cpp | |
qgswfsgetcapabilities_1_0_0.h | |
qgswfsgetfeature.cpp | |
qgswfsgetfeature.h | |
qgswfsparameters.cpp | |
qgswfsparameters.h | |
qgswfsserviceexception.h | |
qgswfstransaction.cpp | |
qgswfstransaction.h | |
qgswfstransaction_1_0_0.cpp | |
qgswfstransaction_1_0_0.h | |
qgswfsutils.cpp | |
qgswfsutils.h | |
► wms | |
qgsdxfwriter.cpp | |
qgsdxfwriter.h | |
qgsmaprendererjobproxy.cpp | |
qgsmaprendererjobproxy.h | |
qgsmediancut.cpp | |
qgsmediancut.h | |
qgspdfwriter.cpp | |
qgspdfwriter.h | |
qgswms.cpp | |
qgswmsdescribelayer.cpp | |
qgswmsdescribelayer.h | |
qgswmsgetcapabilities.cpp | |
qgswmsgetcapabilities.h | |
qgswmsgetcontext.cpp | |
qgswmsgetcontext.h | |
qgswmsgetfeatureinfo.cpp | |
qgswmsgetfeatureinfo.h | |
qgswmsgetlegendgraphics.cpp | |
qgswmsgetlegendgraphics.h | |
qgswmsgetmap.cpp | |
qgswmsgetmap.h | |
qgswmsgetprint.cpp | |
qgswmsgetprint.h | |
qgswmsgetschemaextension.cpp | |
qgswmsgetschemaextension.h | |
qgswmsgetstyles.cpp | |
qgswmsgetstyles.h | |
qgswmslayerinfos.cpp | |
qgswmslayerinfos.h | |
qgswmsparameters.cpp | |
qgswmsparameters.h | |
qgswmsrendercontext.cpp | |
qgswmsrendercontext.h | |
qgswmsrenderer.cpp | |
qgswmsrenderer.h | |
qgswmsrequest.cpp | |
qgswmsrequest.h | |
qgswmsrestorer.cpp | |
qgswmsrestorer.h | |
qgswmsserviceexception.h | |
qgswmsutils.cpp | |
qgswmsutils.h | |
qgsmodule.h | |
qgis_map_serv.cpp | |
qgis_mapserver.cpp | |
qgsaccesscontrol.cpp | |
qgsaccesscontrol.h | |
qgsaccesscontrolfilter.cpp | |
qgsaccesscontrolfilter.h | |
qgsbufferserverrequest.cpp | |
qgsbufferserverrequest.h | |
qgsbufferserverresponse.cpp | |
qgsbufferserverresponse.h | |
qgscapabilitiescache.cpp | |
qgscapabilitiescache.h | |
qgsconfigcache.cpp | |
qgsconfigcache.h | |
qgsdimensionfilter.cpp | |
qgsdimensionfilter.h | |
qgsfcgiserverrequest.cpp | |
qgsfcgiserverrequest.h | |
qgsfcgiserverresponse.cpp | |
qgsfcgiserverresponse.h | |
qgsfeaturefilter.cpp | |
qgsfeaturefilter.h | |
qgsfeaturefilterprovidergroup.cpp | |
qgsfeaturefilterprovidergroup.h | |
qgsfilterresponsedecorator.cpp | |
qgsfilterresponsedecorator.h | |
qgsfilterrestorer.cpp | |
qgsfilterrestorer.h | |
qgsmapserviceexception.h | |
qgsrequesthandler.cpp | |
qgsrequesthandler.h | |
qgsserver.cpp | |
qgsserver.h | |
qgsserverapi.cpp | |
qgsserverapi.h | |
qgsserverapicontext.cpp | |
qgsserverapicontext.h | |
qgsserverapiutils.cpp | |
qgsserverapiutils.h | |
qgsservercachefilter.cpp | |
qgsservercachefilter.h | |
qgsservercachemanager.cpp | |
qgsservercachemanager.h | |
qgsserverexception.cpp | |
qgsserverexception.h | |
qgsserverfeatureid.cpp | |
qgsserverfeatureid.h | |
qgsserverfilter.cpp | |
qgsserverfilter.h | |
qgsserverinterface.cpp | |
qgsserverinterface.h | |
qgsserverinterfaceimpl.cpp | |
qgsserverinterfaceimpl.h | |
qgsserverlogger.cpp | |
qgsserverlogger.h | |
qgsserverogcapi.cpp | |
qgsserverogcapi.h | |
qgsserverogcapihandler.cpp | |
qgsserverogcapihandler.h | |
qgsserverparameters.cpp | |
qgsserverparameters.h | |
qgsserverplugins.cpp | |
qgsserverplugins.h | |
qgsserverprojectutils.cpp | |
qgsserverprojectutils.h | |
qgsserverquerystringparameter.cpp | |
qgsserverquerystringparameter.h | |
qgsserverrequest.cpp | |
qgsserverrequest.h | |
qgsserverresponse.cpp | |
qgsserverresponse.h | |
qgsserversettings.cpp | |
qgsserversettings.h | |
qgsserverstatichandler.cpp | |
qgsserverstatichandler.h | |
qgsservice.cpp | |
qgsservice.h | |
qgsservicemodule.h | |
qgsservicenativeloader.cpp | |
qgsservicenativeloader.h | |
qgsserviceregistry.cpp | |
qgsserviceregistry.h | |
qgsstorebadlayerinfo.cpp | |
qgsstorebadlayerinfo.h | |