87 bool eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *ev )
97 void optionsStackedWidget_CurrentChanged(
int index )
99 void rollback()
116 void updateDataDefinedButtons();
129 void updateProperty();
132 void buttonBuildPyramids_clicked();
137 void addMetadataUrl();
138 void removeSelectedMetadataUrl();
144 void updateGammaSpinBox(
int value );
150 void updateGammaSlider(
double value );
152 void mRenderTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged(
int index );
154 void restoreWindowModality();
160 void mResetColorRenderingBtn_clicked();
163 void toggleBuildPyramidsButton();
166 void toggleSaturationControls(
int grayscaleMode );
169 void toggleColorizeControls(
bool colorizeEnabled );
171 void aboutToShowStyleMenu();
174 void syncToLayer()
177 void updateMapTipPreview();
182 QAction *mActionLoadMetadata =
183 QAction *mActionSaveMetadataAs =
185 QStandardItemModel *mMetadataUrlModel =
188 const QString TRSTRING_NOT_SET;
191 QString mDefaultContrastEnhancementAlgorithm;
194 double mDefaultStandardDeviation;
198 int mDefaultGreenBand;
199 int mDefaultBlueBand;
202 bool mGrayMinimumMaximumEstimated;
205 bool mRGBMinimumMaximumEstimated;
220 bool rasterIsMultiBandColor();
225 void updateInformationContent();
227 void setRendererWidget( const QString &rendererName );
232 void updateRasterAttributeTableOptionsPage();
236 QLinearGradient greenGradient();
237 QLinearGradient redGradient();
238 QLinearGradient blueGradient();
239 QLinearGradient grayGradient();
240 QLinearGradient highlightGradient();
241 qreal mGradientHeight;
242 qreal mGradientWidth;
246 bool mDisableRenderTypeComboBoxCurrentIndexChanged = false;
248 bool mMetadataFilled;
253 QgsResamplingUtils mResamplingUtils;
261 friend class QgsAppScreenShots;
265 QgsRasterAttributeTableWidget *mRasterAttributeTableWidget =
267 void initMapTipPreview();
Abstract interface for generating an expression context.
virtual QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext() const =0
This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an exp...
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...