17#include "moc_qgs3dmapscene.cpp"
19#include <Qt3DRender/QCamera>
20#include <Qt3DRender/QMesh>
21#include <Qt3DRender/QRenderSettings>
22#include <Qt3DRender/QSceneLoader>
23#include <Qt3DExtras/QForwardRenderer>
24#include <Qt3DExtras/QPhongMaterial>
25#include <Qt3DExtras/QPhongAlphaMaterial>
26#include <Qt3DExtras/QDiffuseSpecularMaterial>
27#include <Qt3DExtras/QSphereMesh>
28#include <Qt3DLogic/QFrameAction>
29#include <Qt3DRender/QEffect>
30#include <Qt3DRender/QTechnique>
31#include <Qt3DRender/QRenderPass>
32#include <Qt3DRender/QRenderState>
33#include <Qt3DRender/QCullFace>
34#include <Qt3DRender/QDepthTest>
39#include <QOpenGLContext>
40#include <QOpenGLFunctions>
94 onBackgroundColorChanged();
99 mEngine->
renderSettings()->setRenderPolicy( Qt3DRender::QRenderSettings::OnDemand );
101 QRect viewportRect( QPoint( 0, 0 ), mEngine->
size() );
107 float aspectRatio = ( float ) viewportRect.width() / viewportRect.height();
108 mEngine->
camera()->lens()->setPerspectiveProjection( mMap.
fieldOfView(), aspectRatio, 10.f, 10000.0f );
110 mFrameAction =
new Qt3DLogic::QFrameAction();
111 connect( mFrameAction, &Qt3DLogic::QFrameAction::triggered,
this, &Qgs3DMapScene::onFrameTriggered );
112 addComponent( mFrameAction );
118 addCameraViewCenterEntity( mEngine->
camera() );
119 addCameraRotationCenterEntity( mCameraController );
124 createTerrainDeferred();
154 const QList<QgsMapLayer *> modelVectorLayers = mModelVectorLayers;
160 if ( renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"vector" ) )
163 if ( pointSymbol->
shapeProperty( QStringLiteral(
"model" ) ).toString() == url )
165 removeLayerEntity( layer );
166 addLayerEntity( layer );
169 else if ( renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"rulebased" ) )
172 for (
auto rule : rules )
175 if ( pointSymbol->
shapeProperty( QStringLiteral(
"model" ) ).toString() == url )
177 removeLayerEntity( layer );
178 addLayerEntity( layer );
193 onSkyboxSettingsChanged();
198 onEyeDomeShadingSettingsChanged();
200 onDebugShadowMapSettingsChanged();
201 onDebugDepthMapSettingsChanged();
203 onAmbientOcclusionSettingsChanged();
206 onCameraMovementSpeedChanged();
208 on3DAxisSettingsChanged();
215 const double side = std::max( extent.
width(), extent.
height() );
216 double d = side / 2 / std::tan(
cameraController()->camera()->fieldOfView() / 2 * M_PI / 180 );
218 mCameraController->
static_cast<float>( d ) );
228 float xSide = std::abs( p1.
x() - p2.
x() );
229 float ySide = std::abs( p1.
z() - p2.
z() );
232 float fov = 2 * std::atan( std::tan( qDegreesToRadians(
cameraController()->camera()->fieldOfView() ) / 2 ) *
cameraController()->camera()->aspectRatio() );
233 float r = xSide / 2.0f / std::tan( fov / 2.0f );
238 float fov = qDegreesToRadians(
cameraController()->camera()->fieldOfView() );
239 float r = ySide / 2.0f / std::tan( fov / 2.0f );
246 Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera = mCameraController->
247 QVector<QgsPointXY> extent;
248 QVector<int> pointsOrder = { 0, 1, 3, 2 };
249 for (
int i : pointsOrder )
251 const QPoint p( ( ( i >> 0 ) & 1 ) ? 0 : mEngine->
size().width(), ( ( i >> 1 ) & 1 ) ? 0 : mEngine->
size().height() );
253 QVector3D dir = ray.direction();
254 if ( dir.z() == 0.0 )
255 dir.setZ( 0.000001 );
256 double t = -ray.origin().z() / dir.z();
260 t = camera->farPlane();
265 t = std::min<float>( t, camera->farPlane() );
267 QVector3D planePoint = ray.origin() + t * dir;
276 return mTerrain ? mTerrain->pendingJobsCount() : 0;
282 for ( Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *entity : std::as_const( mSceneEntities ) )
283 count += entity->pendingJobsCount();
289 Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera = mCameraController->
290 float fov = camera->fieldOfView();
291 const QSize size = mEngine->
292 float screenSizePx = std::max( size.width(), size.height() );
296 float frustumWidthAtDistance = 2 * distance * tan( fov / 2 );
297 float err = frustumWidthAtDistance * epsilon / screenSizePx;
301void Qgs3DMapScene::onCameraChanged()
303 if ( mMap.
projectionType() == Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::OrthographicProjection )
305 QRect viewportRect( QPoint( 0, 0 ), mEngine->
size() );
306 const float viewWidthFromCenter = mCameraController->
307 const float viewHeightFromCenter = viewportRect.height() * viewWidthFromCenter / viewportRect.width();
308 mEngine->
camera()->lens()->setOrthographicProjection( -viewWidthFromCenter, viewWidthFromCenter, -viewHeightFromCenter, viewHeightFromCenter, mEngine->
camera()->nearPlane(), mEngine->
camera()->farPlane() );
312 updateCameraNearFarPlanes();
314 onShadowSettingsChanged();
325 constexpr float ORIGIN_SHIFT_THRESHOLD = 10'000;
326 if ( mSceneOriginShiftEnabled && mEngine->
camera()->position().length() > ORIGIN_SHIFT_THRESHOLD )
334void Qgs3DMapScene::updateScene(
bool forceUpdate )
336 if ( !mSceneUpdatesEnabled )
342 QgsEventTracing::ScopedEvent traceEvent( QStringLiteral(
"3D" ), forceUpdate ? QStringLiteral(
"Force update scene" ) : QStringLiteral(
"Update scene" ) );
344 Qgs3DMapSceneEntity::SceneContext sceneContext;
345 Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera = mEngine->
346 sceneContext.cameraFov = camera->fieldOfView();
347 sceneContext.cameraPos = camera->position();
348 const QSize size = mEngine->
349 sceneContext.screenSizePx = std::max( size.width(), size.height() );
357 float fovRadians = ( camera->fieldOfView() / 2.0f ) *
static_cast<float>( M_PI ) / 180.0f;
358 float fovCotan = std::cos( fovRadians ) / std::sin( fovRadians );
359 QMatrix4x4 projMatrix(
360 fovCotan / camera->aspectRatio(), 0, 0, 0,
365 sceneContext.viewProjectionMatrix = projMatrix * camera->viewMatrix();
368 for ( Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *entity : std::as_const( mSceneEntities ) )
370 if ( forceUpdate || ( entity->isEnabled() && entity->needsUpdate() ) )
372 entity->handleSceneUpdate( sceneContext );
373 if ( entity->hasReachedGpuMemoryLimit() )
381bool Qgs3DMapScene::updateCameraNearFarPlanes()
396 QMatrix4x4 viewMatrix = camera->viewMatrix();
402 for ( Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *se : std::as_const( mSceneEntities ) )
404 const QgsRange<float> depthRange = se->getNearFarPlaneRange( viewMatrix );
406 fnear = std::min( fnear, depthRange.
lower() );
407 ffar = std::max( ffar, depthRange.
upper() );
416 if ( fnear == 1e9 && ffar == 0 )
426 std::swap( fnear, ffar );
429 float newFar = ffar * 2;
430 float newNear = fnear / 2;
433 camera->setFarPlane( newFar );
434 camera->setNearPlane( newNear );
441void Qgs3DMapScene::onFrameTriggered(
float dt )
443 QgsEventTracing::addEvent( QgsEventTracing::EventType::Instant, QStringLiteral(
"3D" ), QStringLiteral(
"Frame begins" ) );
450 static int frameCount = 0;
451 static float accumulatedTime = 0.0f;
461 accumulatedTime += dt;
462 if ( accumulatedTime >= 0.2f )
464 float fps = ( float ) frameCount / accumulatedTime;
466 accumulatedTime = 0.0f;
471void Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrain()
475 mSceneEntities.removeOne( mTerrain );
481 if ( !mTerrainUpdateScheduled )
484 QTimer::singleShot( 0,
this, &Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrainDeferred );
485 mTerrainUpdateScheduled =
494void Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrainDeferred()
503 mMap.
terrainGenerator()->setupQuadtree( rootBox3D, rootError, maxZoomLevel, clippingBox3D );
505 mTerrain =
new QgsTerrainEntity( &mMap );
506 mTerrain->setParent(
this );
509 mSceneEntities << mTerrain;
513 connect( mTerrain, &Qgs3DMapSceneEntity::newEntityCreated,
this, [
this]( Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity ) {
515 const QList<QgsGeoTransform *> transforms = entity->findChildren<QgsGeoTransform *>();
516 for ( QgsGeoTransform *transform : transforms )
518 transform->setOrigin( mMap.
origin() );
522 handleClippingOnEntity( entity );
535 removeLayerEntity( layer );
538 addLayerEntity( layer );
543 mTerrainUpdateScheduled =
546void Qgs3DMapScene::onBackgroundColorChanged()
551void Qgs3DMapScene::updateLights()
553 for ( Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity : std::as_const( mLightEntities ) )
554 entity->deleteLater();
555 mLightEntities.clear();
557 const QList<QgsLightSource *> newLights = mMap.
560 mLightEntities.append( source->createEntity( mMap,
this ) );
563 onShadowSettingsChanged();
566void Qgs3DMapScene::updateCameraLens()
573void Qgs3DMapScene::onLayerRenderer3DChanged()
575 QgsMapLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( sender() );
579 removeLayerEntity( layer );
582 addLayerEntity( layer );
585void Qgs3DMapScene::onLayersChanged()
587 QSet<QgsMapLayer *> layersBefore = qgis::listToSet( mLayerEntities.keys() );
588 QList<QgsMapLayer *> layersAdded;
592 if ( !layersBefore.contains( layer ) )
594 layersAdded << layer;
598 layersBefore.remove( layer );
603 for (
QgsMapLayer *layer : std::as_const( layersBefore ) )
605 removeLayerEntity( layer );
608 for (
QgsMapLayer *layer : std::as_const( layersAdded ) )
610 addLayerEntity( layer );
616 const QList<QgsMapLayer *>
layers = mLayerEntities.keys();
621 if ( temporalProperties->isActive() )
623 removeLayerEntity( layer );
624 addLayerEntity( layer );
630void Qgs3DMapScene::addLayerEntity(
QgsMapLayer *layer )
632 bool needsSceneUpdate =
643 if ( renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"vector" ) )
651 mModelVectorLayers.append( layer );
655 else if ( renderer->
type() == QLatin1String(
"rulebased" ) )
658 for (
auto rule : rules )
663 mModelVectorLayers.append( layer );
691 Qt3DCore::QEntity *newEntity = renderer->
createEntity( &mMap );
694 newEntity->setParent(
this );
695 mLayerEntities.insert( layer, newEntity );
697 finalizeNewEntity( newEntity );
699 if ( Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *sceneNewEntity = qobject_cast<Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *>( newEntity ) )
701 needsSceneUpdate =
702 mSceneEntities.append( sceneNewEntity );
704 connect( sceneNewEntity, &Qgs3DMapSceneEntity::newEntityCreated,
this, [
this]( Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity ) {
705 finalizeNewEntity( entity );
707 updateCameraNearFarPlanes();
715 if ( needsSceneUpdate )
740void Qgs3DMapScene::removeLayerEntity(
QgsMapLayer *layer )
742 Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity = mLayerEntities.take( layer );
744 if ( Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *sceneEntity = qobject_cast<Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *>( entity ) )
746 mSceneEntities.removeOne( sceneEntity );
750 entity->deleteLater();
759 mModelVectorLayers.removeAll( layer );
776void Qgs3DMapScene::finalizeNewEntity( Qt3DCore::QEntity *newEntity )
779 const QList<QgsGeoTransform *> transforms = newEntity->findChildren<QgsGeoTransform *>();
780 for ( QgsGeoTransform *transform : transforms )
782 transform->setOrigin( mMap.
origin() );
786 handleClippingOnEntity( newEntity );
790 const QList<QgsLineMaterial *> childLineMaterials = newEntity->findChildren<QgsLineMaterial *>();
791 for ( QgsLineMaterial *lm : childLineMaterials )
794 lm->setViewportSize( mEngine->
size() );
797 lm->setViewportSize( mEngine->
size() );
804 bm->setViewportSize( mEngine->
size() );
813 const QList<Qt3DRender::QMaterial *> childMaterials = newEntity->findChildren<Qt3DRender::QMaterial *>();
814 for ( Qt3DRender::QMaterial *material : childMaterials )
817 if ( Qt3DExtras::QDiffuseSpecularMaterial *ph = qobject_cast<Qt3DExtras::QDiffuseSpecularMaterial *>( material ) )
819 if ( ph->diffuse().value<QColor>().alphaF() != 1.0f )
821 Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity = qobject_cast<Qt3DCore::QEntity *>( ph->parent() );
822 if ( entity && !entity->components().contains( transparentLayer ) )
824 entity->addComponent( transparentLayer );
831 Qt3DRender::QEffect *effect = material->effect();
834 const QVector<Qt3DRender::QParameter *> parameters = effect->parameters();
835 for (
const Qt3DRender::QParameter *parameter : parameters )
837 if ( parameter->name() ==
"opacity" && parameter->value() != 1.0f )
839 Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity = qobject_cast<Qt3DCore::QEntity *>( material->parent() );
840 if ( entity && !entity->components().contains( transparentLayer ) )
842 entity->addComponent( transparentLayer );
852int Qgs3DMapScene::maximumTextureSize()
854 QSurface *surface = mEngine->
855 QOpenGLContext context;
857 bool success = context.makeCurrent( surface );
861 QOpenGLFunctions openglFunctions = QOpenGLFunctions( &context );
864 openglFunctions.initializeOpenGLFunctions();
865 openglFunctions.glGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &size );
874void Qgs3DMapScene::addCameraViewCenterEntity( Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera )
876 mEntityCameraViewCenter =
new Qt3DCore::QEntity;
878 Qt3DCore::QTransform *trCameraViewCenter =
new Qt3DCore::QTransform;
879 mEntityCameraViewCenter->addComponent( trCameraViewCenter );
880 connect( camera, &Qt3DRender::QCamera::viewCenterChanged,
this, [trCameraViewCenter, camera] {
881 trCameraViewCenter->setTranslation( camera->viewCenter() );
884 Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial *materialCameraViewCenter =
new Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial;
885 materialCameraViewCenter->setAmbient( Qt::red );
886 mEntityCameraViewCenter->addComponent( materialCameraViewCenter );
888 Qt3DExtras::QSphereMesh *rendererCameraViewCenter =
new Qt3DExtras::QSphereMesh;
889 rendererCameraViewCenter->setRadius( 10 );
890 mEntityCameraViewCenter->addComponent( rendererCameraViewCenter );
893 mEntityCameraViewCenter->setParent(
this );
902 if ( mSceneState == state )
908void Qgs3DMapScene::updateSceneState()
910 if ( mTerrainUpdateScheduled )
916 for ( Qgs3DMapSceneEntity *entity : std::as_const( mSceneEntities ) )
918 if ( entity->isEnabled() && entity->pendingJobsCount() > 0 )
925 setSceneState(
Ready );
928void Qgs3DMapScene::onSkyboxSettingsChanged()
933 mSkybox->deleteLater();
941 QMap<QString, QString> faces;
947 faces[QStringLiteral(
"posX" )], faces[QStringLiteral(
"posY" )], faces[QStringLiteral(
"posZ" )],
948 faces[QStringLiteral(
"negX" )], faces[QStringLiteral(
"negY" )], faces[QStringLiteral(
"negZ" )],
959void Qgs3DMapScene::onShadowSettingsChanged()
963 const QList<QgsLightSource *> lightSources = mMap.
964 QList<QgsDirectionalLightSettings *> directionalLightSources;
969 directionalLightSources << qgis::down_cast<QgsDirectionalLightSettings *>( source );
975 if ( shadowSettings.
renderShadows() && selectedLight >= 0 && selectedLight < directionalLightSources.count() )
987void Qgs3DMapScene::onAmbientOcclusionSettingsChanged()
997void Qgs3DMapScene::onDebugShadowMapSettingsChanged()
1002void Qgs3DMapScene::onDebugDepthMapSettingsChanged()
1007void Qgs3DMapScene::onDebugOverlayEnabledChanged()
1013void Qgs3DMapScene::onEyeDomeShadingSettingsChanged()
1021void Qgs3DMapScene::onCameraMovementSpeedChanged()
1026void Qgs3DMapScene::onCameraNavigationModeChanged()
1033 QVector<QString> notParsedLayers;
1043 for (
auto it = mLayerEntities.constBegin(); it != mLayerEntities.constEnd(); ++it )
1046 Qt3DCore::QEntity *rootEntity = it.value();
1048 switch ( layerType )
1052 notParsedLayers.push_back( layer->
name() );
1062 notParsedLayers.push_back( layer->
name() );
1076 if ( !notParsedLayers.empty() )
1078 QString message = tr(
"The following layers were not exported:" ) +
1079 for (
const QString &layerName : notParsedLayers )
1080 message += layerName +
1089 QVector<const QgsChunkNode *> chunks;
1090 if ( !mLayerEntities.contains( layer ) )
1092 if ( QgsChunkedEntity *
c = qobject_cast<QgsChunkedEntity *>( mLayerEntities[layer] ) )
1094 const QList<QgsChunkNode *> activeNodes =
1095 for ( QgsChunkNode *n : activeNodes )
1096 chunks.push_back( n );
1108 double zMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
1109 double zMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
1112 const QgsBox3D box3D = mTerrain->rootNode()->box3D();
1113 zMin = std::min( zMin, box3D.
zMinimum() );
1114 zMax = std::max( zMax, box3D.
zMaximum() );
1117 for (
auto it = mLayerEntities.constBegin(); it != mLayerEntities.constEnd(); it++ )
1120 switch ( layer->
type() )
1126 zMin = std::min( zMin, zRange.
lower() );
1127 zMax = std::max( zMax, zRange.
upper() );
1132 QgsMeshLayer *meshLayer = qobject_cast<QgsMeshLayer *>( layer );
1140 zMin = std::min( zMin, verticalGroupMetadata.
minimum() * verticalScale );
1141 zMax = std::max( zMax, verticalGroupMetadata.
maximum() * verticalScale );
1151 zMin = std::min( zMin, zRange.
lower() );
1152 zMax = std::max( zMax, zRange.
upper() );
1165 const QgsDoubleRange zRange( std::min( zMin, std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ), std::max( zMax, std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() ) );
1176 mEntityRotationCenter =
new Qt3DCore::QEntity;
1178 Qt3DCore::QTransform *trRotationCenter =
new Qt3DCore::QTransform;
1179 mEntityRotationCenter->addComponent( trRotationCenter );
1180 Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial *materialRotationCenter =
new Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial;
1181 materialRotationCenter->setAmbient( Qt::blue );
1182 mEntityRotationCenter->addComponent( materialRotationCenter );
1183 Qt3DExtras::QSphereMesh *rendererRotationCenter =
new Qt3DExtras::QSphereMesh;
1184 rendererRotationCenter->setRadius( 10 );
1185 mEntityRotationCenter->addComponent( rendererRotationCenter );
1186 mEntityRotationCenter->setEnabled(
false );
1187 mEntityRotationCenter->setParent(
this );
1190 trRotationCenter->setTranslation( center );
1198void Qgs3DMapScene::on3DAxisSettingsChanged()
1213void Qgs3DMapScene::onOriginChanged()
1215 const QList<QgsGeoTransform *> geoTransforms = findChildren<QgsGeoTransform *>();
1216 for ( QgsGeoTransform *transform : geoTransforms )
1218 transform->setOrigin( mMap.
origin() );
1224void Qgs3DMapScene::handleClippingOnEntity( QEntity *entity )
1226 if ( mClipPlanesEquations.isEmpty() )
1230 material->disableClipping();
1237 material->enableClipping( mClipPlanesEquations );
1243 for ( QObject *child : entity->children() )
1245 Qt3DCore::QEntity *childEntity = qobject_cast<Qt3DCore::QEntity *>( child );
1248 handleClippingOnEntity( childEntity );
1253void Qgs3DMapScene::handleClippingOnAllEntities()
1257 for (
auto it = mLayerEntities.constBegin(); it != mLayerEntities.constEnd(); ++it )
1259 handleClippingOnEntity( it.value() );
1263 handleClippingOnEntity( mTerrain );
1269 if ( clipPlaneEquations.size() > mMaxClipPlanes )
1271 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"Qgs3DMapScene::enableClipping: it is not possible to use more than %1 clipping planes." ).arg( mMaxClipPlanes ), 2 );
1273 mClipPlanesEquations = clipPlaneEquations.mid( 0, mMaxClipPlanes );
1280 handleClippingOnAllEntities();
1285 mClipPlanesEquations.clear();
1292 handleClippingOnAllEntities();
1295void Qgs3DMapScene::onStopUpdatesChanged()
Types of layers that can be added to a map.
@ Group
Composite group layer. Added in QGIS 3.24.
@ Plugin
Plugin based layer.
@ TiledScene
Tiled scene layer. Added in QGIS 3.34.
@ Annotation
Contains freeform, georeferenced annotations. Added in QGIS 3.16.
@ VectorTile
Vector tile layer. Added in QGIS 3.14.
@ Mesh
Mesh layer. Added in QGIS 3.2.
@ PointCloud
Point cloud layer. Added in QGIS 3.18.
@ Directional
Directional light source.
void onAxisSettingsChanged()
Force update of the axis and the viewport when a setting has changed.
Manages the various settings the user can choose from when exporting a 3D scene 3.
bool exportNormals() const
Returns whether normals will be exported.
int terrrainResolution() const
Returns the terrain resolution.
QString sceneFolderPath() const
Returns the scene folder path.
float scale() const
Returns the scale of the exported model.
int terrainTextureResolution() const
Returns the terrain texture resolution.
QString sceneName() const
Returns the scene name.
bool smoothEdges() const
Returns whether triangles edges will look smooth.
bool exportTextures() const
Returns whether textures will be exported.
QVector< const QgsChunkNode * > getLayerActiveChunkNodes(QgsMapLayer *layer)
Returns the active chunk nodes of layer.
void terrainPendingJobsCountChanged()
Emitted when the number of terrain's pending jobs changes.
void viewed2DExtentFrom3DChanged(QVector< QgsPointXY > extent)
Emitted when the viewed 2D extent seen by the 3D camera has changed.
static std::function< QMap< QString, Qgs3DMapScene * >()> sOpenScenesFunction
Static function for returning open 3D map scenes.
void fpsCountChanged(float fpsCount)
Emitted when the FPS count changes.
void setViewFrom2DExtent(const QgsRectangle &extent)
Resets camera view to show the extent extent (top view)
void disableClipping()
Disables OpenGL clipping.
Qgs3DMapScene(Qgs3DMapSettings &map, QgsAbstract3DEngine *engine)
Constructs a 3D scene based on map settings and Qt 3D renderer configuration.
QgsAbstract3DEngine * engine() const
Returns the abstract 3D engine.
void gpuMemoryLimitReached()
Emitted when one of the entities reaches its GPU memory limit and it is not possible to lower the GPU...
QgsDoubleRange elevationRange() const
Returns the scene's elevation range.
QgsCameraController * cameraController() const
Returns camera controller.
Enumeration of possible states of the 3D scene.
@ Ready
The scene is fully loaded/updated.
@ Updating
The scene is still being loaded/updated.
bool exportScene(const Qgs3DMapExportSettings &exportSettings)
Exports the scene according to the scene export settings Returns false if the operation failed.
int totalPendingJobsCount() const
Returns number of pending jobs for all chunked entities.
void updateTemporal()
Updates the temporale entities.
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QMap< QString, Qgs3DMapScene * > openScenes()
Returns a map of 3D map scenes (by name) open in the QGIS application.
void totalPendingJobsCountChanged()
Emitted when the total number of pending jobs changes.
void fpsCounterEnabledChanged(bool fpsCounterEnabled)
Emitted when the FPS counter is activated or deactivated.
QgsRectangle sceneExtent() const
Returns the scene extent in the map's CRS.
void sceneStateChanged()
Emitted when the scene's state has changed.
int terrainPendingJobsCount() const
Returns number of pending jobs of the terrain entity.
QList< QgsMapLayer * > layers() const
Returns the layers that contain chunked entities.
QVector< QgsPointXY > viewFrustum2DExtent() const
Calculates the 2D extent viewed by the 3D camera as the vertices of the viewed trapezoid.
void enableClipping(const QList< QVector4D > &clipPlaneEquations)
Enables OpenGL clipping based on the planes equations defined in clipPlaneEquations.
float worldSpaceError(float epsilon, float distance) const
Given screen error (in pixels) and distance from camera (in 3D world coordinates),...
void terrainEntityChanged()
Emitted when the current terrain entity is replaced by a new one.
void viewZoomFull()
Resets camera view to show the whole scene (top view)
void extentChanged()
Emitted when the 3d view's 2d extent has changed.
bool isDebugOverlayEnabled() const
Returns whether debug overlay is enabled.
Qt::Corner debugDepthMapCorner() const
Returns the corner where the shadow map preview is displayed.
void originChanged()
Emitted when the world's origin point has been shifted.
void eyeDomeLightingDistanceChanged()
Emitted when the eye dome lighting distance has changed.
void terrainShadingChanged()
Emitted when terrain shading enabled flag or terrain shading material has changed.
QgsVector3D mapToWorldCoordinates(const QgsVector3D &mapCoords) const
Converts map coordinates to 3D world coordinates (applies offset and turns (x,y,z) into (x,...
double cameraMovementSpeed() const
Returns the camera movement speed.
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType() const
Returns the camera lens' projection type.
bool debugDepthMapEnabled() const
Returns whether the shadow map debugging is enabled.
bool isSkyboxEnabled() const
Returns whether the skybox is enabled.
void debugDepthMapSettingsChanged()
Emitted when depth map debugging has changed.
Qgis::NavigationMode cameraNavigationMode() const
Returns the navigation mode used by the camera.
double eyeDomeLightingStrength() const
Returns the eye dome lighting strength value.
void backgroundColorChanged()
Emitted when the background color has changed.
Qt::Corner debugShadowMapCorner() const
Returns the corner where the shadow map preview is displayed.
bool showCameraViewCenter() const
Returns whether to show camera's view center as a sphere (for debugging)
void showCameraRotationCenterChanged()
Emitted when the flag whether camera's rotation center is shown has changed.
const QgsAbstractTerrainSettings * terrainSettings() const
Returns the terrain settings.
void cameraNavigationModeChanged()
Emitted when the camera navigation mode was changed.
void shadowSettingsChanged()
Emitted when shadow rendering settings are changed.
bool stopUpdates() const
Returns whether the scene updates on camera movement.
void eyeDomeLightingEnabledChanged()
Emitted when the flag whether eye dome lighting is used has changed.
void debugOverlayEnabledChanged(bool debugOverlayEnabled)
Emitted when the debug overaly is enabled or disabled.
void setOrigin(const QgsVector3D &origin)
Sets coordinates in map CRS at which our 3D world has origin (0,0,0)
void skyboxSettingsChanged()
Emitted when skybox settings are changed.
QgsShadowSettings shadowSettings() const
Returns the current configuration of shadows.
QList< QgsLightSource * > lightSources() const
Returns list of directional light sources defined in the scene.
double debugDepthMapSize() const
Returns the size of the shadow map preview.
void projectionTypeChanged()
Emitted when the camera lens projection type changes.
float fieldOfView() const
Returns the camera lens' field of view.
QgsAmbientOcclusionSettings ambientOcclusionSettings() const
Returns the current configuration of screen space ambient occlusion.
QgsRectangle extent() const
Returns the 3D scene's 2D extent in the 3D scene's CRS.
void stopUpdatesChanged()
Emitted when the flag whether to keep updating scene has changed.
int eyeDomeLightingDistance() const
Returns the eye dome lighting distance value (contributes to the contrast of the image)
void lightSourcesChanged()
Emitted when any of the light source settings in the map changes.
void showLightSourceOriginsChanged()
Emitted when the flag whether light source origins are shown has changed.
QgsTerrainGenerator * terrainGenerator() const
Returns the terrain generator.
QColor backgroundColor() const
Returns background color of the 3D map view.
void terrainSettingsChanged()
Emitted when the terrain settings are changed.
double debugShadowMapSize() const
Returns the size of the shadow map preview.
QgsVector3D worldToMapCoordinates(const QgsVector3D &worldCoords) const
Converts 3D world coordinates to map coordinates (applies offset and turns (x,y,z) into (x,...
bool showTerrainBoundingBoxes() const
Returns whether to display bounding boxes of terrain tiles (for debugging)
bool debugShadowMapEnabled() const
Returns whether the shadow map debugging is enabled.
bool terrainRenderingEnabled() const
Returns whether the 2D terrain surface will be rendered.
void fpsCounterEnabledChanged(bool fpsCounterEnabled)
Emitted when the FPS counter is enabled or disabled.
void axisSettingsChanged()
Emitted when 3d axis rendering settings are changed.
void ambientOcclusionSettingsChanged()
Emitted when ambient occlusion rendering settings are changed.
void layersChanged()
Emitted when the list of map layers for 3d rendering has changed.
void eyeDomeLightingStrengthChanged()
Emitted when the eye dome lighting strength has changed.
QgsSkyboxSettings skyboxSettings() const
Returns the current configuration of the skybox.
void cameraMovementSpeedChanged()
Emitted when the camera movement speed was changed.
bool eyeDomeLightingEnabled() const
Returns whether eye dome lighting is used.
bool isFpsCounterEnabled() const
Returns whether FPS counter label is enabled.
void fieldOfViewChanged()
Emitted when the camera lens field of view changes.
QList< QgsMapLayer * > layers() const
Returns the list of 3D map layers to be rendered in the scene.
void terrainGeneratorChanged()
Emitted when the terrain generator has changed.
void debugShadowMapSettingsChanged()
Emitted when shadow map debugging has changed.
void showCameraViewCenterChanged()
Emitted when the flag whether camera's view center is shown has changed.
QgsVector3D origin() const
Returns coordinates in map CRS at which 3D scene has origin (0,0,0).
bool showCameraRotationCenter() const
Returns whether to show camera's rotation center as a sphere (for debugging)
Entity that handles the exporting of 3D scene.
bool save(const QString &sceneName, const QString &sceneFolderPath, int precision=6)
Saves the scene to a .obj file Returns false if the operation failed.
void setExportTextures(bool exportTextures)
Sets whether the textures will be exported.
void parseTerrain(QgsTerrainEntity *terrain, const QString &layer)
Creates terrain export objects from the terrain entity.
void setTerrainResolution(int resolution)
Sets the terrain resolution.
void setTerrainTextureResolution(int resolution)
Sets the terrain texture resolution.
bool parseVectorLayerEntity(Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity, QgsVectorLayer *layer)
Creates necessary export objects from entity if it represents valid vector layer entity Returns false...
void setScale(float scale)
Sets the scale of the exported 3D model.
void setExportNormals(bool exportNormals)
Sets whether the normals will be exported.
void setSmoothEdges(bool smoothEdges)
Sets whether the triangles will look smooth.
static int maxZoomLevel(double tile0width, double tileResolution, double maxError)
Calculates the highest needed zoom level for tiles in quad-tree given width of the base tile (zoom le...
static QgsAABB mapToWorldExtent(const QgsRectangle &extent, double zMin, double zMax, const QgsVector3D &mapOrigin)
Converts map extent to axis aligned bounding box in 3D world coordinates.
static void computeBoundingBoxNearFarPlanes(const QgsAABB &bbox, const QMatrix4x4 &viewMatrix, float &fnear, float &ffar)
This routine computes nearPlane farPlane from the closest and farthest corners point of bounding box ...
static QgsRay3D rayFromScreenPoint(const QPoint &point, const QSize &windowSize, Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera)
Convert from clicked point on the screen to a ray in world coordinates.
static int openGlMaxClipPlanes(QSurface *surface)
Gets the maximum number of clip planes that can be used.
void sizeChanged()
Emitted after a call to setSize()
virtual QSurface * surface() const =0
Returns the surface of the engine.
virtual Qt3DRender::QCamera * camera()=0
Returns pointer to the engine's camera entity.
virtual void setClearColor(const QColor &color)=0
Sets background color of the scene.
virtual void setFrustumCullingEnabled(bool enabled)=0
Sets whether frustum culling is enabled (this should make rendering faster by not rendering entities ...
QgsFrameGraph * frameGraph()
Returns the shadow rendering frame graph object used to render the scene.
virtual QSize size() const =0
Returns size of the engine's rendering area in pixels.
virtual Qt3DRender::QRenderSettings * renderSettings()=0
Returns access to the engine's render settings (the frame graph can be accessed from here)
Base class for all renderers that may to participate in 3D view.
virtual QString type() const =0
Returns unique identifier of the renderer class (used to identify subclass)
virtual Qt3DCore::QEntity * createEntity(Qgs3DMapSettings *map) const =0
Returns a 3D entity that will be used to show renderer's data in 3D scene.
double maximumGroundError() const
Returns the maximum ground error of terrain tiles in world units.
int mapTileResolution() const
Returns the resolution (in pixels) of the texture of a terrain tile.
class containing the configuration of ambient occlusion rendering 3
float radius() const
Returns the radius parameter of the ambient occlusion effect.
bool isEnabled() const
Returns whether ambient occlusion effect is enabled.
float intensity() const
Returns the shading factor of the ambient occlusion effect.
float threshold() const
Returns at what amount of occlusion the effect will kick in.
static QgsSourceCache * sourceCache()
Returns the application's source cache, used for caching embedded and remote source strings as local ...
A 3-dimensional box composed of x, y, z coordinates.
double zMaximum() const
Returns the maximum z value.
double zMinimum() const
Returns the minimum z value.
Qt3DRender::QCamera * camera() const
Returns camera that is being controlled.
float distance() const
Returns distance of the camera from the point it is looking at.
void setCameraNavigationMode(Qgis::NavigationMode navigationMode)
Sets the navigation mode used by the camera controller.
void cameraChanged()
Emitted when camera has been updated.
void frameTriggered(float dt)
Called internally from 3D scene when a new frame is generated. Updates camera according to keyboard/m...
void resetView(float distance)
Move camera back to the initial position (looking down towards origin of world's coordinates)
void setViewFromTop(float worldX, float worldY, float distance, float yaw=0)
Sets camera to look down towards given point in world coordinate, in given distance from plane with z...
void setOrigin(const QgsVector3D &origin)
Reacts to the shift of origin of the scene, updating camera pose and any other member variables so th...
void setCameraMovementSpeed(double movementSpeed)
Sets the camera movement speed.
void cameraRotationCenterChanged(QVector3D position)
Emitted when the camera rotation center changes.
A skybox constructed from a 6 cube faces.
QgsRange which stores a range of double values.
bool isInfinite() const
Returns true if the range consists of all possible values.
void addClipPlanes(int nrClipPlanes)
Setups nrClipPlanes clip planes in the forward pass to enable OpenGL clipping.
void removeClipPlanes()
Disables OpenGL clipping.
void setShadowBias(float shadowBias)
Sets the shadow bias value.
void setupShadowMapDebugging(bool enabled, Qt::Corner corner, double size)
Sets the shadow map debugging view port.
void setShadowMapResolution(int resolution)
Sets the resolution of the shadow map.
void setAmbientOcclusionIntensity(float intensity)
Sets the ambient occlusion intensity.
Qt3DRender::QLayer * transparentObjectLayer()
Returns a layer object used to indicate that the object is transparent.
void setDebugOverlayEnabled(bool enabled)
Sets whether debug overlay is enabled.
void setShadowRenderingEnabled(bool enabled)
Sets whether the shadow rendering is enabled.
void setupDepthMapDebugging(bool enabled, Qt::Corner corner, double size)
Sets the depth map debugging view port.
void setupDirectionalLight(const QgsDirectionalLightSettings &light, float maximumShadowRenderingDistance)
Sets shadow rendering to use a directional light.
void setAmbientOcclusionThreshold(float threshold)
Sets the ambient occlusion threshold.
void setupEyeDomeLighting(bool enabled, double strength, int distance)
Sets eye dome lighting shading related settings.
void setAmbientOcclusionEnabled(bool enabled)
Sets whether Screen Space Ambient Occlusion will be enabled.
void setAmbientOcclusionRadius(float radius)
Sets the ambient occlusion radius.
virtual QgsDoubleRange calculateZRange(QgsMapLayer *layer) const
Attempts to calculate the overall elevation or z range for the specified layer, using the settings de...
Base class for storage of map layer temporal properties.
Base class for all map layer types.
QgsAbstract3DRenderer * renderer3D() const
Returns 3D renderer associated with the layer.
void request3DUpdate()
Signal emitted when a layer requires an update in any 3D maps.
void renderer3DChanged()
Signal emitted when 3D renderer associated with the layer has changed.
void rendererChanged()
Signal emitted when renderer is changed.
virtual QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties * temporalProperties()
Returns the layer's temporal properties.
void layerModified()
Emitted when modifications has been done on layer.
double verticalScale() const
Returns mesh vertical scale.
int verticalDatasetGroupIndex() const
Returns the index of the dataset group that will be used to render the vertical component of the 3D m...
void setMaximumTextureSize(int maximumTextureSize)
Sets the maximum texture size supported by the hardware Used to store the GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE value t...
QgsMesh3DSymbol * clone() const override SIP_FACTORY
Returns a new instance of the symbol with the same settings.
3D renderer that renders all mesh triangles of a mesh layer.
void setSymbol(QgsMesh3DSymbol *symbol)
Sets 3D symbol associated with the renderer.
const QgsMesh3DSymbol * symbol() const
Returns 3D symbol associated with the renderer.
void setLayer(QgsMeshLayer *layer)
Sets vector layer associated with the renderer.
Represents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes.
QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata datasetGroupMetadata(const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index) const
Returns the dataset groups metadata.
virtual void showMessage(bool blocking=true)=0
display the message to the user and deletes itself
A skybox constructed from a panoramic image.
void setViewportSize(const QSizeF size)
Set the size of the view port.
Qgis::Point3DShape shape() const
Returns 3D shape for points.
QVariant shapeProperty(const QString &property) const
Returns the value for a specific shape property.
3D renderer that renders all points from a point cloud layer
void setLayer(QgsPointCloudLayer *layer)
Sets point cloud layer associated with the renderer.
Represents a map layer supporting display of point clouds.
QgsMapLayerElevationProperties * elevationProperties() override
Returns the layer's elevation properties.
void subsetStringChanged()
Emitted when the layer's subset string has changed.
A class to represent a 2D point.
A template based class for storing ranges (lower to upper values).
T lower() const
Returns the lower bound of the range.
T upper() const
Returns the upper bound of the range.
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the range is empty, ie the lower bound equals (or exceeds) the upper bound and either...
A representation of a ray in 3D.
A rectangle specified with double values.
QList< QgsRuleBased3DRenderer::Rule * > RuleList
class containing the configuration of shadows rendering 3
int selectedDirectionalLight() const
Returns the selected direcctional light used to cast shadows.
bool renderShadows() const
Returns whether shadow rendering is enabled.
int shadowMapResolution() const
Returns the resolution of the shadow map texture used to generate the shadows.
double maximumShadowRenderingDistance() const
Returns the maximum shadow rendering distance accounted for when rendering shadows Objects further aw...
double shadowBias() const
Returns the shadow bias used to correct the numerical imprecision of shadows (for the depth test) Thi...
Contains the configuration of a skybox entity.
QMap< QString, QString > cubeMapFacesPaths() const
Returns a map containing the path of each texture specified by the user.
QgsSkyboxEntity::SkyboxType skyboxType() const
Returns the type of the skybox.
QString panoramicTexturePath() const
Returns the panoramic texture path of a skybox of type "Panormaic skybox".
void remoteSourceFetched(const QString &url)
Emitted when the cache has finished retrieving a 3D model from a remote url.
virtual QgsBox3D rootChunkBox3D(const Qgs3DMapSettings &map) const
Returns 3D box (in map coordinates) of the root chunk.
virtual float rootChunkError(const Qgs3DMapSettings &map) const
Returns error of the root chunk in world coordinates.
virtual QgsRectangle rootChunkExtent() const =0
extent of the terrain's root chunk in terrain's CRS
void setLayer(QgsTiledSceneLayer *layer)
Sets tiled scene layer associated with the renderer.
Represents a map layer supporting display of tiled scene objects.
QgsMapLayerElevationProperties * elevationProperties() override
Returns the layer's elevation properties.
Class for storage of 3D vectors similar to QVector3D, with the difference that it uses double precisi...
double y() const
Returns Y coordinate.
double z() const
Returns Z coordinate.
QString toString(int precision=17) const
Returns a string representation of the 3D vector.
double x() const
Returns X coordinate.
3D renderer that renders all features of a vector layer with the same 3D symbol.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryType geometryType() const
Returns point, line or polygon.
void selectionChanged(const QgsFeatureIds &selected, const QgsFeatureIds &deselected, bool clearAndSelect)
Emitted when selection was changed.
As part of the API refactoring and improvements which landed in the Processing API was substantially reworked from the x version This was done in order to allow much of the underlying Processing framework to be ported into c
bool qgsFloatNear(float a, float b, float epsilon=4 *FLT_EPSILON)
Compare two floats (but allow some difference)
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)