QGIS API Documentation 3.39.0-Master (e62b17dac54)
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QgsApplication Class Reference

Extends QApplication to provide access to QGIS specific resources such as theme paths, database paths etc. More...

#include <qgsapplication.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsApplication:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  Cursor {
  ZoomIn , ZoomOut , Identify , CrossHair ,
  CapturePoint , Select , Sampler
 The Cursor enum defines constants for QGIS custom cursors. More...
enum  endian_t { XDR = 0 , NDR = 1 }
 Constants for endian-ness. More...
enum  StyleSheetType { Qt , WebBrowser }
 The StyleSheetType enum represents the stylesheet type that a widget supports. More...


void customVariablesChanged ()
 Emitted whenever a custom global variable changes.
void localeChanged ()
 Emitted when project locale has been changed.
void nullRepresentationChanged ()
 Emitted when the string representing the NULL value is changed.
void preNotify (QObject *receiver, QEvent *event, bool *done)
void requestForTranslatableObjects (QgsTranslationContext *translationContext)
 Emitted when project strings which require translation are being collected for inclusion in a .ts file.

Public Member Functions

 QgsApplication (int &argc, char **argv, bool GUIenabled, const QString &profileFolder=QString(), const QString &platformName="external")
 Constructor for QgsApplication.
 ~QgsApplication () override
void collectTranslatableObjects (QgsTranslationContext *translationContext)
 Emits the signal to collect all the strings of .qgs to be included in ts file.
bool event (QEvent *event) override
 Watch for QFileOpenEvent.
int maxConcurrentConnectionsPerPool () const
 The maximum number of concurrent connections per connections pool.
bool notify (QObject *receiver, QEvent *event) override
 Catch exceptions when sending event to receiver.
QString translation () const
 Returns the current application translation locale code.

Static Public Member Functions

static QString absolutePathToRelativePath (const QString &apath, const QString &targetPath)
 Converts absolute path to path relative to target.
static QgsActionScopeRegistryactionScopeRegistry ()
 Returns the action scope registry.
static QString activeThemePath ()
 Returns the path to the currently active theme directory.
static QgsAnnotationItemRegistryannotationItemRegistry ()
 Returns the application's annotation item registry, used for annotation item types.
static QgsAnnotationRegistry * annotationRegistry ()
 Returns the application's annotation registry, used for managing annotation types.
static QString appIconPath ()
 Gets application icon.
static QString applicationFullName ()
 Returns the QGIS application full name.
static void applyGdalSkippedDrivers ()
 Apply the skipped drivers list to gdal.
static QgsAuthConfigurationStorageRegistryauthConfigurationStorageRegistry ()
 Returns the application's authentication configuration storage registry.
static QgsAuthManagerauthManager ()
 Returns the application's authentication manager instance.
static QString authorsFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the authors file.
static QgsBookmarkManagerbookmarkManager ()
 Returns the application's bookmark manager, used for storing installation-wide bookmarks.
static QString buildOutputPath ()
 Returns path to the build output directory. Valid only when running from build directory.
static QString buildSourcePath ()
 Returns path to the source directory. Valid only when running from build directory.
static QgsCalloutRegistrycalloutRegistry ()
 Returns the application's callout registry, used for managing callout types.
static QgsClassificationMethodRegistryclassificationMethodRegistry ()
 Returns the application's classification methods registry, used in graduated renderer.
static QgsColorSchemeRegistrycolorSchemeRegistry ()
 Returns the application's color scheme registry, used for managing color schemes.
static QgsConnectionRegistryconnectionRegistry ()
 Returns the application's connection registry, used for managing saved data provider connections.
static QString contributorsFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the contributors file.
static QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemRegistrycoordinateReferenceSystemRegistry ()
 Returns the application's coordinate reference system (CRS) registry, which handles known CRS definitions (including user-defined CRSes).
static bool createDatabase (QString *errorMessage=nullptr)
 initialize qgis.db
static bool createThemeFolder ()
 Create the users theme folder.
static QVariantMap customVariables ()
 Custom expression variables for this application.
static QgsDatabaseQueryLogdatabaseQueryLog ()
 Returns the database query log.
static QgsDataItemProviderRegistrydataItemProviderRegistry ()
 Returns the application's data item provider registry, which keeps a list of data item providers that may add items to the browser tree.
static QgsStyleModeldefaultStyleModel ()
 Returns a shared QgsStyleModel containing the default style library (see QgsStyle::defaultStyle()).
static QString defaultStylePath ()
 Returns the path to default style (works as a starting point).
static QString defaultThemePath ()
 Returns the path to the default theme directory.
static QString defaultThemesFolder ()
 Returns the path to default themes folder from install (works as a starting point).
static QStringList deferredSkippedGdalDrivers ()
 Returns the list of gdal drivers that have been disabled in the current session, and thus, for safety, should not be disabled right now, but at the next application restart.
static QString developersMapFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the developers map file.
static QString donorsFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the donors file.
static endian_t endian ()
 Returns whether this machine uses big or little endian.
static void exitQgis ()
 deletes provider registry and map layer registry
static QgsExternalStorageRegistryexternalStorageRegistry ()
 Returns registry of available external storage implementations.
static QgsFieldFormatterRegistryfieldFormatterRegistry ()
 Gets the registry of available field formatters.
static QgsFontManagerfontManager ()
 Returns the application font manager, which manages available fonts and font installation for the QGIS instance.
static QCursor getThemeCursor (Cursor cursor)
 Helper to get a theme cursor.
static QIcon getThemeIcon (const QString &name, const QColor &fillColor=QColor(), const QColor &strokeColor=QColor())
 Helper to get a theme icon.
static QPixmap getThemePixmap (const QString &name, const QColor &foreColor=QColor(), const QColor &backColor=QColor(), int size=16)
 Helper to get a theme icon as a pixmap.
static QgsBabelFormatRegistrygpsBabelFormatRegistry ()
 Returns the application's GPSBabel format registry, used for managing GPSBabel formats.
static QgsGpsConnectionRegistrygpsConnectionRegistry ()
 Returns the application's GPS connection registry, used for managing GPS connections.
static QString i18nPath ()
 Returns the path to the translation directory.
static QString iconPath (const QString &iconFile)
 Returns path to the desired icon file.
static QString iconsPath ()
 Returns the path to the icons image directory.
static QgsImageCacheimageCache ()
 Returns the application's image cache, used for caching resampled versions of raster images.
static void init (QString profileFolder=QString())
 This method initializes paths etc for QGIS.
static void initQgis ()
 loads providers
static QgsApplicationinstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of the QgsApplication.
static bool isRunningFromBuildDir ()
 Indicates whether running from build directory (not installed)
static QgsLabelingEngineRuleRegistrylabelingEngineRuleRegistry ()
 Gets the registry of available labeling engine rules.
static QgsLayerMetadataProviderRegistrylayerMetadataProviderRegistry ()
 Returns registry of available layer metadata provider implementations.
static QgsLayoutItemRegistrylayoutItemRegistry ()
 Returns the application's layout item registry, used for layout item types.
static QStringList layoutTemplatePaths ()
 Returns the paths to layout template directories.
static QString libexecPath ()
 Returns the path with utility executables (help viewer, crssync, ...)
static QString libraryPath ()
 Returns the path containing qgis_core, qgis_gui, qgispython (and other) libraries.
static QString licenceFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the licence file.
static QString locale ()
 Returns the QGIS locale.
static QgsLocalizedDataPathRegistrylocalizedDataPathRegistry ()
 Returns the registry of data repositories These are used as paths for basemaps, logos, etc.
static int maxThreads ()
 Gets maximum concurrent thread count.
static QgsMessageLogmessageLog ()
 Returns the application's message log.
static QString metadataPath ()
 Returns the path to the metadata directory.
static QgsNetworkContentFetcherRegistrynetworkContentFetcherRegistry ()
 Returns the application's network content registry used for fetching temporary files during QGIS session.
static QString nullRepresentation ()
 Returns the string used to represent the value NULL throughout QGIS.
static QgsNumericFormatRegistrynumericFormatRegistry ()
 Gets the registry of available numeric formats.
static QString osName ()
 Returns a string name of the operating system QGIS is running on.
static QgsPageSizeRegistrypageSizeRegistry ()
 Returns the application's page size registry, used for managing layout page sizes.
static QgsPaintEffectRegistrypaintEffectRegistry ()
 Returns the application's paint effect registry, used for managing paint effects.
static QString pkgDataPath ()
 Returns the common root path of all application data directories.
static QString platform ()
 Returns the QGIS platform name, e.g., "desktop", "server", "qgis_process" or "external" (for external CLI scripts).
static QgsPluginLayerRegistrypluginLayerRegistry ()
 Returns the application's plugin layer registry, used for managing plugin layer types.
static QString pluginPath ()
 Returns the path to the application plugin directory.
static QgsPointCloudRendererRegistrypointCloudRendererRegistry ()
 Returns the application's point cloud renderer registry, used for managing point cloud layer 2D renderers.
static QString prefixPath ()
 Returns the path to the application prefix directory.
static QgsProcessingRegistryprocessingRegistry ()
 Returns the application's processing registry, used for managing processing providers, algorithms, and various parameters and outputs.
static QgsRuntimeProfilerprofiler ()
 Returns the application runtime profiler.
static QgsProfileSourceRegistryprofileSourceRegistry ()
 Returns registry of available profile source implementations.
static QgsProjectStorageRegistryprojectStorageRegistry ()
 Returns registry of available project storage implementations.
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString qgisAuthDatabaseFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the user authentication database file: qgis-auth.db.
static QString qgisAuthDatabaseUri ()
 Returns the URI to the user authentication database.
static QString qgisMasterDatabaseFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the master qgis.db file.
static QString qgisSettingsDirPath ()
 Returns the path to the settings directory in user's home dir.
static QString qgisUserDatabaseFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the user qgis.db file.
static QString qmlImportPath ()
 Returns the path where QML components are installed for QGIS Quick library.
static QgsRasterRendererRegistryrasterRendererRegistry ()
 Returns the application's raster renderer registry, used for managing raster layer renderers.
static QgsRecentStyleHandlerrecentStyleHandler ()
 Returns the handler for recently used style items.
static void registerGdalDriversFromSettings ()
 Register gdal drivers, excluding the ones mentioned in "gdal/skipList" setting.
static void registerOgrDrivers ()
 Register OGR drivers ensuring this only happens once.
static QString relativePathToAbsolutePath (const QString &rpath, const QString &targetPath)
 Converts path relative to target to an absolute path.
static Qgs3DRendererRegistryrenderer3DRegistry ()
 Returns registry of available 3D renderers.
static QgsRendererRegistryrendererRegistry ()
 Returns the application's renderer registry, used for managing vector layer renderers.
static QString reportStyleSheet (QgsApplication::StyleSheetType styleSheetType=QgsApplication::StyleSheetType::Qt)
 Returns a css style sheet for reports, the styleSheetType argument determines what type of stylesheet is supported by the widget.
static QString resolvePkgPath ()
 Calculate the application pkg path.
static void restoreGdalDriver (const QString &driver)
 Sets the GDAL_SKIP environment variable to exclude the specified driver and then calls GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers() to unregister it.
static QgsScaleBarRendererRegistryscaleBarRendererRegistry ()
 Gets the registry of available scalebar renderers.
static int scaleIconSize (int standardSize, bool applyDevicePixelRatio=false)
 Scales an icon size to compensate for display pixel density, making the icon size hi-dpi friendly, whilst still resulting in pixel-perfect sizes for low-dpi displays.
static QgsSensorRegistrysensorRegistry ()
 Returns the application's sensor registry, used for sensor types.
static QString serverResourcesPath ()
 Returns the path to the server resources directory.
static void setAuthDatabaseDirPath (const QString &authDbDirPath)
 Alters authentication data base directory path - used by 3rd party apps.
static void setCustomVariable (const QString &name, const QVariant &value)
 Set a single custom expression variable.
static void setCustomVariables (const QVariantMap &customVariables)
 Custom expression variables for this application.
static void setDefaultSvgPaths (const QStringList &pathList)
 Alters default svg paths - used by 3rd party apps.
static void setFileOpenEventReceiver (QObject *receiver)
 Sets the FileOpen event receiver.
static void setLocale (const QLocale &locale)
 Sets the QGIS locale - used mainly by 3rd party apps and tests.
static void setMaxThreads (int maxThreads)
 Set maximum concurrent thread count.
static void setNullRepresentation (const QString &nullRepresentation)
 Sets the string used to represent the value NULL throughout QGIS.
static void setPkgDataPath (const QString &pkgDataPath)
 Alters pkg data path - used by 3rd party apps.
static void setPluginPath (const QString &pluginPath)
 Alters plugin path - used by 3rd party apps.
static void setPrefixPath (const QString &prefixPath, bool useDefaultPaths=false)
 Alters prefix path - used by 3rd party apps.
static void setSkippedGdalDrivers (const QStringList &skippedGdalDrivers, const QStringList &deferredSkippedGdalDrivers)
 Sets the list of gdal drivers that should be disabled (skippedGdalDrivers), but excludes for now the ones defines in deferredSkippedGdalDrivers.
static void setSvgPaths (const QStringList &svgPaths)
 Sets the paths to svg directories and invalidates the svg path list cache.
static void setThemeName (const QString &themeName)
 Set the active theme to the specified theme.
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsSettingsRegistryCoresettingsRegistryCore ()
 Returns the application's settings registry, used for managing application settings.
static void setTranslation (const QString &translation)
 Set translation locale code.
static void setUITheme (const QString &themeName)
 Set the current UI theme used to style the interface.
static QRegularExpression shortNameRegularExpression ()
 Returns the short name regular expression for line edit validator.
static QString showSettings ()
 Convenience function to get a summary of the paths used in this application instance useful for debugging mainly.
static void skipGdalDriver (const QString &driver)
 Sets the GDAL_SKIP environment variable to include the specified driver and then calls GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers() to unregister it.
static QStringList skippedGdalDrivers ()
 Returns the list of gdal drivers that should be skipped (based on GDAL_SKIP environment variable)
static QgsSourceCachesourceCache ()
 Returns the application's source cache, used for caching embedded and remote source strings as local files.
static QString splashPath ()
 Returns the path to the splash screen image directory.
static QString sponsorsFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the sponsors file.
static QString srsDatabaseFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the srs.db file.
static QgsSvgCachesvgCache ()
 Returns the application's SVG cache, used for caching SVG images and handling parameter replacement within SVG files.
static QStringList svgPaths ()
 Returns the paths to svg directories.
static Qgs3DSymbolRegistrysymbol3DRegistry ()
 Returns registry of available 3D symbols.
static QgsSymbolLayerRegistrysymbolLayerRegistry ()
 Returns the application's symbol layer registry, used for managing symbol layers.
static QMap< QString, QString > systemEnvVars ()
 Returns the system environment variables passed to application.
static int systemMemorySizeMb ()
 Returns the size of the system memory (RAM) in megabytes.
static QgsTaskManagertaskManager ()
 Returns the application's task manager, used for managing application wide background task handling.
static QString themeName ()
 Set the active theme to the specified theme.
static QgsTileDownloadManagertileDownloadManager ()
 Returns the application's tile download manager, used for download of map tiles when rendering.
static QgsTiledSceneRendererRegistrytiledSceneRendererRegistry ()
 Returns the application's tiled scene renderer registry, used for managing tiled scene layer 2D renderers.
static QString translatorsFilePath ()
 Returns the path to the sponsors file.
static QHash< QString, QString > uiThemes ()
 All themes found in ~/.qgis3/themes folder.
static QString userFullName ()
 Returns the user's operating system login account full display name.
static QString userLoginName ()
 Returns the user's operating system login account name.
static QString userStylePath ()
 Returns the path to user's style.
static QString userThemesFolder ()
 Returns the path to user's themes folder.
static QgsValidityCheckRegistryvalidityCheckRegistry ()
 Returns the application's validity check registry, used for managing validity checks.

Static Public Attributes

static const char * QGIS_APPLICATION_NAME = "QGIS3"
static const char * QGIS_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN = "qgis.org"
static const char * QGIS_ORGANIZATION_NAME = "QGIS"
static const QgsSettingsEntryStringsettingsLocaleGlobalLocale = new QgsSettingsEntryString( QStringLiteral( "globalLocale" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, QString() )
 Settings entry locale global locale.
static const QgsSettingsEntryBoolsettingsLocaleOverrideFlag = new QgsSettingsEntryBool( QStringLiteral( "overrideFlag" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, false )
 Settings entry locale override flag.
static const QgsSettingsEntryBoolsettingsLocaleShowGroupSeparator = new QgsSettingsEntryBool( QStringLiteral( "showGroupSeparator" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, false )
 Settings entry locale show group separator.
static const QgsSettingsEntryStringsettingsLocaleUserLocale = new QgsSettingsEntryString( QStringLiteral( "userLocale" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, QString() )
 Settings entry locale user locale.
static const QgsSettingsEntryStringListsettingsSearchPathsForSVG = new QgsSettingsEntryStringList( QStringLiteral( "searchPathsForSVG" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeSvg, QStringList() )
 Settings entry search path for SVG.


class TestQgsApplication

Detailed Description

Extends QApplication to provide access to QGIS specific resources such as theme paths, database paths etc.

This is a subclass of QApplication and should be instantiated in place of QApplication. Most methods are static in keeping with the design of QApplication.

This class hides platform-specific path information and provides a portable way of referencing specific files and directories. Ideally, hard-coded paths should appear only here and not in other modules so that platform-conditional code is minimized and paths are easier to change due to centralization.

Definition at line 98 of file qgsapplication.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Cursor

The Cursor enum defines constants for QGIS custom cursors.


Zoom in.


Zoom out.


Identify: obtain information about the object.


Precisely identify a point on the canvas.


Select and capture a point or a feature.


Select a rectangle.


Color/Value picker.

Definition at line 414 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ endian_t

Constants for endian-ness.


Definition at line 567 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ StyleSheetType

The StyleSheetType enum represents the stylesheet type that a widget supports.

Is is used by widgets that display HTML content to retrieve the standard QGIS stylesheet, maintained according to QGIS visual guidelines.


StyleSheet for Qt GUI widgets (based on QLabel or QTextBrowser), supports basic CSS and Qt extensions.


StyleSheet for embedded browsers (QtWebKit), supports full standard CSS.

Definition at line 161 of file qgsapplication.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsApplication()

QgsApplication::QgsApplication ( int &  argc,
char **  argv,
bool  GUIenabled,
const QString &  profileFolder = QString(),
const QString &  platformName = "external" 

Constructor for QgsApplication.

argccommand line argument count
argvcommand line arguments
GUIenabledset to true if a GUI application is required, or false for a console only application
profileFolderoptional string representing the profile to load at startup
platformNamethe QGIS platform name, e.g., "desktop", "server", "qgis_process" or "external" (for external CLI scripts)

Definition at line 206 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ ~QgsApplication()

QgsApplication::~QgsApplication ( )

Definition at line 553 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ absolutePathToRelativePath()

QString QgsApplication::absolutePathToRelativePath ( const QString &  apath,
const QString &  targetPath 

Converts absolute path to path relative to target.

Definition at line 1828 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ actionScopeRegistry()

QgsActionScopeRegistry * QgsApplication::actionScopeRegistry ( )

Returns the action scope registry.

Definition at line 2183 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ activeThemePath()

QString QgsApplication::activeThemePath ( )

Returns the path to the currently active theme directory.

Definition at line 759 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ annotationItemRegistry()

QgsAnnotationItemRegistry * QgsApplication::annotationItemRegistry ( )

Returns the application's annotation item registry, used for annotation item types.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 2549 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ annotationRegistry()

QgsAnnotationRegistry * QgsApplication::annotationRegistry ( )

Returns the application's annotation registry, used for managing annotation types.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 2634 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ appIconPath()

QString QgsApplication::appIconPath ( )

Gets application icon.

Definition at line 774 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ applicationFullName()

QString QgsApplication::applicationFullName ( )

Returns the QGIS application full name.

It can be defined by the environment variable QGIS_APPLICATION_FULL_NAME or the /qgis/application_full_name in the QGIS config file.

By default it is equal to applicationName()+' '+platform()

See also
QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 1465 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ applyGdalSkippedDrivers()

void QgsApplication::applyGdalSkippedDrivers ( )

Apply the skipped drivers list to gdal.

See also

Definition at line 2029 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ authConfigurationStorageRegistry()

QgsAuthConfigurationStorageRegistry * QgsApplication::authConfigurationStorageRegistry ( )

Returns the application's authentication configuration storage registry.

QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 1595 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ authManager()

QgsAuthManager * QgsApplication::authManager ( )

Returns the application's authentication manager instance.

this can be nullptr if called before initQgis
See also

Definition at line 1576 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ authorsFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::authorsFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the authors file.

Definition at line 1154 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ bookmarkManager()

QgsBookmarkManager * QgsApplication::bookmarkManager ( )

Returns the application's bookmark manager, used for storing installation-wide bookmarks.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 2579 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ buildOutputPath()

QString QgsApplication::buildOutputPath ( )

Returns path to the build output directory. Valid only when running from build directory.

Definition at line 1948 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ buildSourcePath()

QString QgsApplication::buildSourcePath ( )

Returns path to the source directory. Valid only when running from build directory.

Definition at line 1943 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ calloutRegistry()

QgsCalloutRegistry * QgsApplication::calloutRegistry ( )

Returns the application's callout registry, used for managing callout types.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 2539 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ classificationMethodRegistry()

QgsClassificationMethodRegistry * QgsApplication::classificationMethodRegistry ( )

Returns the application's classification methods registry, used in graduated renderer.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 2574 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ collectTranslatableObjects()

void QgsApplication::collectTranslatableObjects ( QgsTranslationContext translationContext)

Emits the signal to collect all the strings of .qgs to be included in ts file.

QGIS 3.4

Definition at line 2154 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ colorSchemeRegistry()

QgsColorSchemeRegistry * QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry ( )

Returns the application's color scheme registry, used for managing color schemes.

Definition at line 2454 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ connectionRegistry()

QgsConnectionRegistry * QgsApplication::connectionRegistry ( )

Returns the application's connection registry, used for managing saved data provider connections.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 2619 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ contributorsFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::contributorsFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the contributors file.

Contributors are people who have submitted patches but don't have commit access.

Definition at line 1159 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ coordinateReferenceSystemRegistry()

QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemRegistry * QgsApplication::coordinateReferenceSystemRegistry ( )

Returns the application's coordinate reference system (CRS) registry, which handles known CRS definitions (including user-defined CRSes).

QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 2504 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ createDatabase()

bool QgsApplication::createDatabase ( QString *  errorMessage = nullptr)

initialize qgis.db

Definition at line 2188 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ createThemeFolder()

bool QgsApplication::createThemeFolder ( )

Create the users theme folder.

Definition at line 2045 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ customVariables()

QVariantMap QgsApplication::customVariables ( )

Custom expression variables for this application.

This does not include generated variables (like system name, user name etc.)

See also

Definition at line 2078 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ customVariablesChanged

void QgsApplication::customVariablesChanged ( )

Emitted whenever a custom global variable changes.

◆ databaseQueryLog()

QgsDatabaseQueryLog * QgsApplication::databaseQueryLog ( )

Returns the database query log.

QGIS 3.24

Definition at line 2594 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ dataItemProviderRegistry()

QgsDataItemProviderRegistry * QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry ( )

Returns the application's data item provider registry, which keeps a list of data item providers that may add items to the browser tree.

Definition at line 2484 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ defaultStyleModel()

QgsStyleModel * QgsApplication::defaultStyleModel ( )

Returns a shared QgsStyleModel containing the default style library (see QgsStyle::defaultStyle()).

Using this shared model instead of creating a new QgsStyleModel improves performance.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 2599 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ defaultStylePath()

QString QgsApplication::defaultStylePath ( )

Returns the path to default style (works as a starting point).

Definition at line 1514 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ defaultThemePath()

QString QgsApplication::defaultThemePath ( )

Returns the path to the default theme directory.

Definition at line 755 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ defaultThemesFolder()

QString QgsApplication::defaultThemesFolder ( )

Returns the path to default themes folder from install (works as a starting point).

Definition at line 1519 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ deferredSkippedGdalDrivers()

QStringList QgsApplication::deferredSkippedGdalDrivers ( )

Returns the list of gdal drivers that have been disabled in the current session, and thus, for safety, should not be disabled right now, but at the next application restart.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 2024 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ developersMapFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::developersMapFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the developers map file.

The developers map was created by using leaflet framework, it shows the contributors.json file.

Definition at line 1163 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ donorsFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::donorsFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the donors file.

Definition at line 1173 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ endian()

QgsApplication::endian_t QgsApplication::endian ( )

Returns whether this machine uses big or little endian.

Definition at line 1544 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ event()

bool QgsApplication::event ( QEvent *  event)

Watch for QFileOpenEvent.

Definition at line 585 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ exitQgis()

void QgsApplication::exitQgis ( )

deletes provider registry and map layer registry

Definition at line 1601 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ externalStorageRegistry()

QgsExternalStorageRegistry * QgsApplication::externalStorageRegistry ( )

Returns registry of available external storage implementations.

QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 2674 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ fieldFormatterRegistry()

QgsFieldFormatterRegistry * QgsApplication::fieldFormatterRegistry ( )

Gets the registry of available field formatters.

Definition at line 2644 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ fontManager()

QgsFontManager * QgsApplication::fontManager ( )

Returns the application font manager, which manages available fonts and font installation for the QGIS instance.

QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 2604 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ getThemeCursor()

QCursor QgsApplication::getThemeCursor ( Cursor  cursor)

Helper to get a theme cursor.

It will fall back to the default theme if the active theme does not have the required icon. Cursors are automatically scaled to look like a 16px cursor on 96dpi screens.

Definition at line 869 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ getThemeIcon()

QIcon QgsApplication::getThemeIcon ( const QString &  name,
const QColor &  fillColor = QColor(),
const QColor &  strokeColor = QColor() 

Helper to get a theme icon.

It will fall back to the default theme if the active theme does not have the required icon.

Since QGIS 3.20, the optional fillColor and strokeColor arguments can be used to control the color of parameter based SVG icons.

Definition at line 795 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ getThemePixmap()

QPixmap QgsApplication::getThemePixmap ( const QString &  name,
const QColor &  foreColor = QColor(),
const QColor &  backColor = QColor(),
int  size = 16 

Helper to get a theme icon as a pixmap.

It will fall back to the default theme if the active theme does not have the required icon.

If foreColor or backColor are specified, then these colors will be used for parametrized colors in SVG files wherever available. If colors are specified then the size argument also must be set.

Definition at line 934 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ gpsBabelFormatRegistry()

QgsBabelFormatRegistry * QgsApplication::gpsBabelFormatRegistry ( )

Returns the application's GPSBabel format registry, used for managing GPSBabel formats.

QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 2564 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ gpsConnectionRegistry()

QgsGpsConnectionRegistry * QgsApplication::gpsConnectionRegistry ( )

Returns the application's GPS connection registry, used for managing GPS connections.

Definition at line 2559 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ i18nPath()

QString QgsApplication::i18nPath ( )

Returns the path to the translation directory.

Definition at line 1188 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ iconPath()

QString QgsApplication::iconPath ( const QString &  iconFile)

Returns path to the desired icon file.

First it tries to use the active theme path, then default theme path

Definition at line 784 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ iconsPath()

QString QgsApplication::iconsPath ( )

Returns the path to the icons image directory.

Definition at line 1231 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ imageCache()

QgsImageCache * QgsApplication::imageCache ( )

Returns the application's image cache, used for caching resampled versions of raster images.

See also
QGIS 3.6

Definition at line 2514 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ init()

void QgsApplication::init ( QString  profileFolder = QString())

This method initializes paths etc for QGIS.

Called by the ctor or call it manually when your app does not extend the QApplication class.

you will probably want to call initQgis too to load the providers in the above case.
not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 226 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ initQgis()

void QgsApplication::initQgis ( )

loads providers

Definition at line 1549 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ instance()

QgsApplication * QgsApplication::instance ( )

Returns the singleton instance of the QgsApplication.

Definition at line 580 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ isRunningFromBuildDir()

static bool QgsApplication::isRunningFromBuildDir ( )

Indicates whether running from build directory (not installed)

Definition at line 613 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ labelingEngineRuleRegistry()

QgsLabelingEngineRuleRegistry * QgsApplication::labelingEngineRuleRegistry ( )

Gets the registry of available labeling engine rules.

QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 2664 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ layerMetadataProviderRegistry()

QgsLayerMetadataProviderRegistry * QgsApplication::layerMetadataProviderRegistry ( )

Returns registry of available layer metadata provider implementations.

QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 2624 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ layoutItemRegistry()

QgsLayoutItemRegistry * QgsApplication::layoutItemRegistry ( )

Returns the application's layout item registry, used for layout item types.

Definition at line 2544 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ layoutTemplatePaths()

QStringList QgsApplication::layoutTemplatePaths ( )

Returns the paths to layout template directories.

Definition at line 1300 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ libexecPath()

QString QgsApplication::libexecPath ( )

Returns the path with utility executables (help viewer, crssync, ...)

Definition at line 1534 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ libraryPath()

QString QgsApplication::libraryPath ( )

Returns the path containing qgis_core, qgis_gui, qgispython (and other) libraries.

Definition at line 1529 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ licenceFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::licenceFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the licence file.

Definition at line 1183 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ locale()

QString QgsApplication::locale ( )

Returns the QGIS locale.

Definition at line 1484 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ localeChanged

void QgsApplication::localeChanged ( )

Emitted when project locale has been changed.

QGIS 3.22.2

◆ localizedDataPathRegistry()

QgsLocalizedDataPathRegistry * QgsApplication::localizedDataPathRegistry ( )

Returns the registry of data repositories These are used as paths for basemaps, logos, etc.

which can be referenced differently across work stations.

See also
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 2684 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ maxConcurrentConnectionsPerPool()

int QgsApplication::maxConcurrentConnectionsPerPool ( ) const

The maximum number of concurrent connections per connections pool.

QGIS may in some situations allocate more than this amount of connections to avoid deadlocks.
QGIS 3.4

Definition at line 2135 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ maxThreads()

int QgsApplication::maxThreads ( )

Gets maximum concurrent thread count.

Definition at line 779 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ messageLog()

QgsMessageLog * QgsApplication::messageLog ( )

Returns the application's message log.

Definition at line 2609 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ metadataPath()

QString QgsApplication::metadataPath ( )

Returns the path to the metadata directory.

Definition at line 1196 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ networkContentFetcherRegistry()

QgsNetworkContentFetcherRegistry * QgsApplication::networkContentFetcherRegistry ( )

Returns the application's network content registry used for fetching temporary files during QGIS session.

QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 2524 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ notify()

bool QgsApplication::notify ( QObject *  receiver,
QEvent *  event 

Catch exceptions when sending event to receiver.

Definition at line 613 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ nullRepresentation()

QString QgsApplication::nullRepresentation ( )

Returns the string used to represent the value NULL throughout QGIS.

In general, when passing values around, prefer to use an invalid QVariant. The nullRepresentation() value should only be used in the final presentation step when showing values in a widget or sending it to a web browser.
See also

Definition at line 2159 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ nullRepresentationChanged

void QgsApplication::nullRepresentationChanged ( )

Emitted when the string representing the NULL value is changed.

See also

◆ numericFormatRegistry()

QgsNumericFormatRegistry * QgsApplication::numericFormatRegistry ( )

Gets the registry of available numeric formats.

QGIS 3.12

Definition at line 2639 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ osName()

QString QgsApplication::osName ( )

Returns a string name of the operating system QGIS is running on.

See also

Definition at line 1401 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ pageSizeRegistry()

QgsPageSizeRegistry * QgsApplication::pageSizeRegistry ( )

Returns the application's page size registry, used for managing layout page sizes.

Definition at line 2629 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ paintEffectRegistry()

QgsPaintEffectRegistry * QgsApplication::paintEffectRegistry ( )

Returns the application's paint effect registry, used for managing paint effects.

Definition at line 2459 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ pkgDataPath()

QString QgsApplication::pkgDataPath ( )

Returns the common root path of all application data directories.

Definition at line 747 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ platform()

QString QgsApplication::platform ( )

Returns the QGIS platform name, e.g., "desktop", "server", "qgis_process" or "external" (for external CLI scripts).

See also

Definition at line 1460 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ pluginLayerRegistry()

QgsPluginLayerRegistry * QgsApplication::pluginLayerRegistry ( )

Returns the application's plugin layer registry, used for managing plugin layer types.

Definition at line 2569 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ pluginPath()

QString QgsApplication::pluginPath ( )

Returns the path to the application plugin directory.

Definition at line 742 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ pointCloudRendererRegistry()

QgsPointCloudRendererRegistry * QgsApplication::pointCloudRendererRegistry ( )

Returns the application's point cloud renderer registry, used for managing point cloud layer 2D renderers.

QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 2474 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ prefixPath()

QString QgsApplication::prefixPath ( )

Returns the path to the application prefix directory.

Definition at line 724 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ preNotify

void QgsApplication::preNotify ( QObject *  receiver,
QEvent *  event,
bool *  done 
not available in Python bindings

◆ processingRegistry()

QgsProcessingRegistry * QgsApplication::processingRegistry ( )

Returns the application's processing registry, used for managing processing providers, algorithms, and various parameters and outputs.

Definition at line 2614 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ profiler()

QgsRuntimeProfiler * QgsApplication::profiler ( )

Returns the application runtime profiler.

Definition at line 651 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ profileSourceRegistry()

QgsProfileSourceRegistry * QgsApplication::profileSourceRegistry ( )

Returns registry of available profile source implementations.

QGIS 3.38

Definition at line 2679 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ projectStorageRegistry()

QgsProjectStorageRegistry * QgsApplication::projectStorageRegistry ( )

Returns registry of available project storage implementations.

QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 2669 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ qgisAuthDatabaseFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::qgisAuthDatabaseFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the user authentication database file: qgis-auth.db.

QGIS 3.30. Use qgisAuthDatabaseUri() instead.

Definition at line 1216 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ qgisAuthDatabaseUri()

QString QgsApplication::qgisAuthDatabaseUri ( )

Returns the URI to the user authentication database.

The URI is be in the format:


where DATABASE is just the path to the file for SQLite databases. If DRIVER is omitted, PSQLITE is assumed. Optional SCHEMA can be specified as a query parameter.

QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 1221 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ qgisMasterDatabaseFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::qgisMasterDatabaseFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the master qgis.db file.

Definition at line 1201 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ qgisSettingsDirPath()

QString QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath ( )

Returns the path to the settings directory in user's home dir.

Definition at line 1206 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::qgisUserDatabaseFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the user qgis.db file.

Definition at line 1211 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ qmlImportPath()

QString QgsApplication::qmlImportPath ( )

Returns the path where QML components are installed for QGIS Quick library.

Returns empty string when QGIS is built without Quick support

QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 1539 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ rasterRendererRegistry()

QgsRasterRendererRegistry * QgsApplication::rasterRendererRegistry ( )

Returns the application's raster renderer registry, used for managing raster layer renderers.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 2469 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ recentStyleHandler()

QgsRecentStyleHandler * QgsApplication::recentStyleHandler ( )

Returns the handler for recently used style items.

QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 2589 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ registerGdalDriversFromSettings()

void QgsApplication::registerGdalDriversFromSettings ( )

Register gdal drivers, excluding the ones mentioned in "gdal/skipList" setting.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 2001 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ registerOgrDrivers()

void QgsApplication::registerOgrDrivers ( )

Register OGR drivers ensuring this only happens once.

This is a workaround for an issue with older gdal versions that caused duplicate driver name entries to appear in the list of registered drivers when QgsApplication::registerOgrDrivers was called multiple times.

Definition at line 1820 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ relativePathToAbsolutePath()

QString QgsApplication::relativePathToAbsolutePath ( const QString &  rpath,
const QString &  targetPath 

Converts path relative to target to an absolute path.

Definition at line 1893 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ renderer3DRegistry()

Qgs3DRendererRegistry * QgsApplication::renderer3DRegistry ( )

Returns registry of available 3D renderers.

Definition at line 2649 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ rendererRegistry()

QgsRendererRegistry * QgsApplication::rendererRegistry ( )

Returns the application's renderer registry, used for managing vector layer renderers.

Definition at line 2464 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ reportStyleSheet()

QString QgsApplication::reportStyleSheet ( QgsApplication::StyleSheetType  styleSheetType = QgsApplication::StyleSheetType::Qt)

Returns a css style sheet for reports, the styleSheetType argument determines what type of stylesheet is supported by the widget.

Typically you will use this method by doing: QString myStyle = QgsApplication::reportStyleSheet(); textBrowserReport->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet(myStyle); if you are using a QgsWebView you will need to manually inject the CSS into a head -> script tag instead.

the stylesheet CSS rules.
if styleSheetType equals StyleSheetType::Qt you can use the special Qt extensions too, for example the gradient fills for backgrounds.

Definition at line 1669 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ requestForTranslatableObjects

void QgsApplication::requestForTranslatableObjects ( QgsTranslationContext translationContext)

Emitted when project strings which require translation are being collected for inclusion in a .ts file.

In order to register translatable strings, connect to this signal and register the strings within the specified translationContext.

QGIS 3.4

◆ resolvePkgPath()

QString QgsApplication::resolvePkgPath ( )

Calculate the application pkg path.

the resolved pkg path

Definition at line 954 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ restoreGdalDriver()

void QgsApplication::restoreGdalDriver ( const QString &  driver)

Sets the GDAL_SKIP environment variable to exclude the specified driver and then calls GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers() to unregister it.

The driver name should be the short format of the Gdal driver name e.g. GTIFF.

Definition at line 1970 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ scaleBarRendererRegistry()

QgsScaleBarRendererRegistry * QgsApplication::scaleBarRendererRegistry ( )

Gets the registry of available scalebar renderers.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 2659 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ scaleIconSize()

int QgsApplication::scaleIconSize ( int  standardSize,
bool  applyDevicePixelRatio = false 

Scales an icon size to compensate for display pixel density, making the icon size hi-dpi friendly, whilst still resulting in pixel-perfect sizes for low-dpi displays.

standardSize should be set to a standard icon size, e.g. 16, 24, 48, etc.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 2122 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ sensorRegistry()

QgsSensorRegistry * QgsApplication::sensorRegistry ( )

Returns the application's sensor registry, used for sensor types.

QGIS 3.32

Definition at line 2554 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ serverResourcesPath()

QString QgsApplication::serverResourcesPath ( )

Returns the path to the server resources directory.

Definition at line 1524 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setAuthDatabaseDirPath()

void QgsApplication::setAuthDatabaseDirPath ( const QString &  authDbDirPath)

Alters authentication data base directory path - used by 3rd party apps.

Definition at line 715 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setCustomVariable()

void QgsApplication::setCustomVariable ( const QString &  name,
const QVariant &  value 

Set a single custom expression variable.

Definition at line 2112 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setCustomVariables()

void QgsApplication::setCustomVariables ( const QVariantMap &  customVariables)

Custom expression variables for this application.

Do not include generated variables (like system name, user name etc.)

See also

Definition at line 2097 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setDefaultSvgPaths()

void QgsApplication::setDefaultSvgPaths ( const QStringList &  pathList)

Alters default svg paths - used by 3rd party apps.

Definition at line 710 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setFileOpenEventReceiver()

void QgsApplication::setFileOpenEventReceiver ( QObject *  receiver)

Sets the FileOpen event receiver.

Definition at line 656 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setLocale()

void QgsApplication::setLocale ( const QLocale &  locale)

Sets the QGIS locale - used mainly by 3rd party apps and tests.

In QGIS this is internally triggered by the application in startup.

QGIS 3.22.2

Definition at line 1503 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setMaxThreads()

void QgsApplication::setMaxThreads ( int  maxThreads)

Set maximum concurrent thread count.

must be between 2 and #cores, -1 means use all available cores

Definition at line 2420 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setNullRepresentation()

void QgsApplication::setNullRepresentation ( const QString &  nullRepresentation)

Sets the string used to represent the value NULL throughout QGIS.

In general, when passing values around, prefer to use an invalid QVariant. The nullRepresentation() value should only be used in the final presentation step when showing values in a widget or sending it to a web browser.
See also

Definition at line 2169 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setPkgDataPath()

void QgsApplication::setPkgDataPath ( const QString &  pkgDataPath)

Alters pkg data path - used by 3rd party apps.

Definition at line 699 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setPluginPath()

void QgsApplication::setPluginPath ( const QString &  pluginPath)

Alters plugin path - used by 3rd party apps.

Definition at line 694 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setPrefixPath()

void QgsApplication::setPrefixPath ( const QString &  prefixPath,
bool  useDefaultPaths = false 

Alters prefix path - used by 3rd party apps.

Definition at line 673 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setSkippedGdalDrivers()

void QgsApplication::setSkippedGdalDrivers ( const QStringList &  skippedGdalDrivers,
const QStringList &  deferredSkippedGdalDrivers 

Sets the list of gdal drivers that should be disabled (skippedGdalDrivers), but excludes for now the ones defines in deferredSkippedGdalDrivers.

This writes the "gdal/skipList" setting.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 1989 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setSvgPaths()

void QgsApplication::setSvgPaths ( const QStringList &  svgPaths)

Sets the paths to svg directories and invalidates the svg path list cache.

QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 1259 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setThemeName()

void QgsApplication::setThemeName ( const QString &  themeName)

Set the active theme to the specified theme.

The theme name should be a single word e.g. 'default','classic'. The theme search path usually will be pkgDataPath + "/themes/" + themName + "/" but plugin writers etc can use themeName() as a basis for searching for resources in their own datastores e.g. a Qt4 resource bundle.

A basic test will be carried out to ensure the theme search path based on the supplied theme name exists. If it does not the theme name will be reverted to 'default'.

Definition at line 949 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ settingsRegistryCore()

QgsSettingsRegistryCore * QgsApplication::settingsRegistryCore ( )

Returns the application's settings registry, used for managing application settings.

QGIS 3.20
QGIS 3.30. Use QgsSettings::treeRoot() instead.

Definition at line 2449 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setTranslation()

void QgsApplication::setTranslation ( const QString &  translation)

Set translation locale code.

QGIS 3.4

Definition at line 2140 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ setUITheme()

void QgsApplication::setUITheme ( const QString &  themeName)

Set the current UI theme used to style the interface.

Use uiThemes() to find valid themes to use. Variables found in variables.qss will be added to the stylesheet on load.

themeNameThe name of the theme.
using an invalid theme name will reset to default

Definition at line 1040 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ shortNameRegularExpression()

QRegularExpression QgsApplication::shortNameRegularExpression ( )

Returns the short name regular expression for line edit validator.

This functionality was previously available as shortNameRegExp for QGIS <= 3.20
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 1317 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ showSettings()

QString QgsApplication::showSettings ( )

Convenience function to get a summary of the paths used in this application instance useful for debugging mainly.

Definition at line 1642 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ skipGdalDriver()

void QgsApplication::skipGdalDriver ( const QString &  driver)

Sets the GDAL_SKIP environment variable to include the specified driver and then calls GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers() to unregister it.

The driver name should be the short format of the Gdal driver name e.g. GTIFF.

Definition at line 1960 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ skippedGdalDrivers()

QStringList QgsApplication::skippedGdalDrivers ( )

Returns the list of gdal drivers that should be skipped (based on GDAL_SKIP environment variable)

Definition at line 1984 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ sourceCache()

QgsSourceCache * QgsApplication::sourceCache ( )

Returns the application's source cache, used for caching embedded and remote source strings as local files.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 2519 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ splashPath()

QString QgsApplication::splashPath ( )

Returns the path to the splash screen image directory.

Definition at line 1226 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ sponsorsFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::sponsorsFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the sponsors file.

Definition at line 1168 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ srsDatabaseFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::srsDatabaseFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the srs.db file.

Definition at line 1236 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ svgCache()

QgsSvgCache * QgsApplication::svgCache ( )

Returns the application's SVG cache, used for caching SVG images and handling parameter replacement within SVG files.

See also

Definition at line 2509 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ svgPaths()

QStringList QgsApplication::svgPaths ( )

Returns the paths to svg directories.

Definition at line 1265 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ symbol3DRegistry()

Qgs3DSymbolRegistry * QgsApplication::symbol3DRegistry ( )

Returns registry of available 3D symbols.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 2654 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ symbolLayerRegistry()

QgsSymbolLayerRegistry * QgsApplication::symbolLayerRegistry ( )

Returns the application's symbol layer registry, used for managing symbol layers.

Definition at line 2534 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ systemEnvVars()

QMap< QString, QString > QgsApplication::systemEnvVars ( )

Returns the system environment variables passed to application.

Definition at line 1307 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ systemMemorySizeMb()

int QgsApplication::systemMemorySizeMb ( )

Returns the size of the system memory (RAM) in megabytes.

This is only supported on some platforms, and will return -1 if not supported.

QGIS 3.26

Definition at line 1424 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ taskManager()

QgsTaskManager * QgsApplication::taskManager ( )

Returns the application's task manager, used for managing application wide background task handling.

Definition at line 2444 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ themeName()

QString QgsApplication::themeName ( )

Set the active theme to the specified theme.

The theme name should be a single word e.g. 'default','classic'. The theme search path usually will be pkgDataPath + "/themes/" + themName + "/" but plugin writers etc can use this method as a basis for searching for resources in their own datastores e.g. a Qt4 resource bundle.

Definition at line 1035 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ tileDownloadManager()

QgsTileDownloadManager * QgsApplication::tileDownloadManager ( )

Returns the application's tile download manager, used for download of map tiles when rendering.

not available in Python bindings
QGIS 3.18

Definition at line 2584 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ tiledSceneRendererRegistry()

QgsTiledSceneRendererRegistry * QgsApplication::tiledSceneRendererRegistry ( )

Returns the application's tiled scene renderer registry, used for managing tiled scene layer 2D renderers.

QGIS 3.34

Definition at line 2479 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ translation()

QString QgsApplication::translation ( ) const

Returns the current application translation locale code.

See also
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 2149 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ translatorsFilePath()

QString QgsApplication::translatorsFilePath ( )

Returns the path to the sponsors file.

Definition at line 1178 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ uiThemes()

QHash< QString, QString > QgsApplication::uiThemes ( )

All themes found in ~/.qgis3/themes folder.

The path is to the root folder for the theme

A hash of theme name and theme path. Valid theme folders contain style.qss
Valid theme folders must contain a style.qss file.

Definition at line 1129 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ userFullName()

QString QgsApplication::userFullName ( )

Returns the user's operating system login account full display name.

See also

Definition at line 1363 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ userLoginName()

QString QgsApplication::userLoginName ( )

Returns the user's operating system login account name.

See also

Definition at line 1323 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ userStylePath()

QString QgsApplication::userStylePath ( )

Returns the path to user's style.

Definition at line 1312 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ userThemesFolder()

QString QgsApplication::userThemesFolder ( )

Returns the path to user's themes folder.

Definition at line 1509 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

◆ validityCheckRegistry()

QgsValidityCheckRegistry * QgsApplication::validityCheckRegistry ( )

Returns the application's validity check registry, used for managing validity checks.

QGIS 3.6

Definition at line 2529 of file qgsapplication.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ TestQgsApplication

friend class TestQgsApplication

Definition at line 1234 of file qgsapplication.h.

Member Data Documentation


const char * QgsApplication::QGIS_APPLICATION_NAME = "QGIS3"

Definition at line 169 of file qgsapplication.h.


const char * QgsApplication::QGIS_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN = "qgis.org"

Definition at line 168 of file qgsapplication.h.


const char * QgsApplication::QGIS_ORGANIZATION_NAME = "QGIS"

Definition at line 167 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ settingsLocaleGlobalLocale

const QgsSettingsEntryString * QgsApplication::settingsLocaleGlobalLocale = new QgsSettingsEntryString( QStringLiteral( "globalLocale" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, QString() )

Settings entry locale global locale.

Definition at line 1088 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ settingsLocaleOverrideFlag

const QgsSettingsEntryBool * QgsApplication::settingsLocaleOverrideFlag = new QgsSettingsEntryBool( QStringLiteral( "overrideFlag" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, false )

Settings entry locale override flag.

Definition at line 1086 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ settingsLocaleShowGroupSeparator

const QgsSettingsEntryBool * QgsApplication::settingsLocaleShowGroupSeparator = new QgsSettingsEntryBool( QStringLiteral( "showGroupSeparator" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, false )

Settings entry locale show group separator.

Definition at line 1090 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ settingsLocaleUserLocale

const QgsSettingsEntryString * QgsApplication::settingsLocaleUserLocale = new QgsSettingsEntryString( QStringLiteral( "userLocale" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeLocale, QString() )

Settings entry locale user locale.

Definition at line 1084 of file qgsapplication.h.

◆ settingsSearchPathsForSVG

const QgsSettingsEntryStringList * QgsApplication::settingsSearchPathsForSVG = new QgsSettingsEntryStringList( QStringLiteral( "searchPathsForSVG" ), QgsSettingsTree::sTreeSvg, QStringList() )

Settings entry search path for SVG.

Definition at line 1092 of file qgsapplication.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: