enum class | ActionStart : int { Deferred
, Immediate
} |
| Enum to determine when an operation would begin. More...
enum class | ActionType : int { Invalid
, MapLayerAction
, AttributeAction
} |
| Action types. More...
enum class | Aggregate : int {
, CountDistinct
, CountMissing
, Min
, Sum
, Mean
, Median
, StDevSample
, Range
, Minority
, FirstQuartile
, ThirdQuartile
, InterQuartileRange
, StringMaximumLength
, StringConcatenate
, GeometryCollect
, StringConcatenateUnique
} |
| Available aggregates to calculate. More...
enum class | AltitudeBinding : int { Vertex
, Centroid
} |
| Altitude binding. More...
enum class | AltitudeClamping : int { Absolute
, Relative
, Terrain
} |
| Altitude clamping. More...
enum class | AngleUnit : int {
, Radians
, Gon
, MinutesOfArc
, Turn
, MilliradiansSI
} |
| Units of angles. More...
enum class | AngularDirection : int { Clockwise
, CounterClockwise
, NoOrientation
} |
| Angular directions. More...
enum class | AnimationState : int { Forward
, Reverse
, Idle
} |
| Animation states. More...
enum class | AnnotationItemEditOperationResult : int { Success
, Invalid
, ItemCleared
} |
| Results from an edit operation on an annotation item. More...
enum class | AnnotationItemFlag : int { ScaleDependentBoundingBox = 1 << 0
, SupportsReferenceScale = 1 << 1
, SupportsCallouts = 1 << 2
} |
| Flags for annotation items. More...
typedef QFlags< AnnotationItemFlag > | AnnotationItemFlags |
| Annotation item flags.
enum class | AnnotationItemGuiFlag : int { FlagNoCreationTools = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags for controlling how an annotation item behaves in the GUI. More...
typedef QFlags< AnnotationItemGuiFlag > | AnnotationItemGuiFlags |
| Annotation item GUI flags.
enum class | AnnotationItemNodeType : int { VertexHandle
, CalloutHandle
} |
| Annotation item node types. More...
enum class | AnnotationPlacementMode : int { SpatialBounds = 0
, FixedSize
, RelativeToMapFrame
} |
| Annotation item placement modes. More...
enum class | ArcGisRestServiceType : int {
, MapServer
, ImageServer
, GlobeServer
, GeocodeServer
, Unknown
} |
| Available ArcGIS REST service types. More...
enum class | AreaUnit : int {
, SquareKilometers
, SquareFeet
, SquareYards
, Hectares
, Acres
, SquareNauticalMiles
, SquareCentimeters
, SquareMillimeters
, SquareInches
} |
| Units of area. More...
enum class | AttributeActionType : int {
, GenericPython
, Mac
, Windows
, OpenUrl
, SubmitUrlEncoded
, SubmitUrlMultipart
} |
| Attribute action types. More...
enum class | AttributeEditorContainerType : int { GroupBox
, Tab
, Row
} |
| Attribute editor container types. More...
enum class | AttributeEditorType : int {
, Field
, Relation
, QmlElement
, Action
, TextElement
, SpacerElement
} |
| Attribute editor types. More...
enum class | AttributeFormLayout : int { AutoGenerated = 0
, DragAndDrop = 1
, UiFile = 2
} |
| Available form types for layout of the attribute form editor. More...
enum class | AttributeFormPythonInitCodeSource : int { NoSource = 0
, File = 1
, Dialog = 2
, Environment = 3
} |
| The Python init code source for attribute forms. More...
enum class | AttributeFormSuppression : int { Default = 0
, On = 1
, Off = 2
} |
| Available form types for layout of the attribute form editor. More...
typedef QFlags< AuthConfigurationStorageCapability > | AuthConfigurationStorageCapabilities |
| Authentication configuration storage capabilities.
enum class | AuthConfigurationStorageCapability : int {
ClearStorage = 1 << 0
, ReadConfiguration = 1 << 1
, UpdateConfiguration = 1 << 2
, DeleteConfiguration = 1 << 3
CreateConfiguration = 1 << 4
, ReadCertificateIdentity = 1 << 5
, UpdateCertificateIdentity = 1 << 6
, DeleteCertificateIdentity = 1 << 7
CreateCertificateIdentity = 1 << 8
, ReadSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 9
, UpdateSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 10
, DeleteSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 11
CreateSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 12
, ReadCertificateAuthority = 1 << 13
, UpdateCertificateAuthority = 1 << 14
, DeleteCertificateAuthority = 1 << 15
CreateCertificateAuthority = 1 << 16
, ReadCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 17
, UpdateCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 18
, DeleteCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 19
CreateCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 20
, ReadMasterPassword = 1 << 21
, UpdateMasterPassword = 1 << 22
, DeleteMasterPassword = 1 << 23
CreateMasterPassword = 1 << 24
, ReadSetting = 1 << 25
, UpdateSetting = 1 << 26
, DeleteSetting = 1 << 27
CreateSetting = 1 << 28
} |
| Authentication configuration storage capabilities. More...
enum class | AutoRefreshMode : int { Disabled = 0
, ReloadData = 1
, RedrawOnly = 2
} |
| Map layer automatic refresh modes. More...
enum class | AvoidIntersectionsMode : int { AllowIntersections
, AvoidIntersectionsCurrentLayer
, AvoidIntersectionsLayers
} |
| Flags which control how intersections of pre-existing feature are handled when digitizing new features. More...
enum class | Axis : int { X
, Y
, Z
} |
| Cartesian axes. More...
enum class | BabelCommandFlag : int { QuoteFilePaths = 1 << 0
} |
| Babel command flags, which control how commands and arguments are generated for executing GPSBabel processes. More...
typedef QFlags< BabelCommandFlag > | BabelCommandFlags |
| Babel command flags.
typedef QFlags< BabelFormatCapability > | BabelFormatCapabilities |
| Babel GPS format capabilities.
enum class | BabelFormatCapability : int {
Import = 1 << 0
, Export = 1 << 1
, Waypoints = 1 << 2
, Routes = 1 << 3
Tracks = 1 << 4
} |
| Babel GPS format capabilities. More...
enum class | BetweenLineConstraint : int { NoConstraint
, Perpendicular
, Parallel
} |
| Between line constraints which can be enabled. More...
enum class | BlendMode : int {
, Lighten
, Screen
, Dodge
, Darken
, Multiply
, Burn
, SoftLight
, HardLight
, Difference
, Source
, DestinationOver
, Clear
, SourceIn
, DestinationIn
, SourceOut
, SourceAtop
, DestinationAtop
, Xor
} |
| Blending modes defining the available composition modes that can be used when painting. More...
enum class | BrowserDirectoryMonitoring : int { Default
, NeverMonitor
, AlwaysMonitor
} |
| Browser directory item monitoring switches. More...
typedef QFlags< BrowserItemCapability > | BrowserItemCapabilities |
| Browser item capabilities.
enum class | BrowserItemCapability : int {
NoCapabilities = 0
, SetCrs = 1 << 0
, Fertile = 1 << 1
, Fast = 1 << 2
Collapse = 1 << 3
, Rename = 1 << 4
, Delete = 1 << 5
, ItemRepresentsFile = 1 << 6
RefreshChildrenWhenItemIsRefreshed = 1 << 7
, ReadOnly = 1 << 8
} |
| Browser item capabilities. More...
enum class | BrowserItemState : int { NotPopulated
, Populating
, Populated
} |
| Browser item states. More...
enum class | BrowserItemType : int {
, Directory
, Layer
, Error
, Project
, Custom
, Fields
} |
| Browser item types. More...
enum class | BrowserLayerType : int {
, Vector
, Raster
, Point
, Polygon
, TableLayer
, Database
, Plugin
, Mesh
, VectorTile
, TiledScene
} |
| Browser item layer types. More...
enum class | BufferSide : int { Left = 0
, Right
} |
| Side of line to buffer. More...
enum class | CadConstraintType : int {
, Angle
, Distance
, XCoordinate
, ZValue
, MValue
} |
| Advanced digitizing constraint type. More...
enum class | Capitalization : int {
MixedCase = 0
, AllUppercase = 1
, AllLowercase = 2
, ForceFirstLetterToCapital = 4
SmallCaps = 5
, TitleCase = 1004
, UpperCamelCase = 1005
, AllSmallCaps = 1006
} |
| String capitalization options. More...
enum class | CaptureTechnique : int { StraightSegments
, CircularString
, Streaming
, Shape
} |
| Capture technique. More...
enum class | ColorModel : int { Rgb
, Cmyk
} |
| Color model types. More...
enum class | ContentStatus : int {
, Running
, Finished
, Failed
} |
| Status for fetched or stored content. More...
enum class | CoordinateDisplayType : int { MapCrs
, MapGeographic
, CustomCrs
} |
| Formats for displaying coordinates. More...
enum class | CoordinateOrder : int { Default
, XY
, YX
} |
| Order of coordinates. More...
enum class | CoordinateTransformationFlag : int { BallparkTransformsAreAppropriate = 1 << 0
, IgnoreImpossibleTransformations = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags which adjust the coordinate transformations behave. More...
typedef QFlags< CoordinateTransformationFlag > | CoordinateTransformationFlags |
| Coordinate transformation flags.
enum class | CoverageValidityResult : int { Invalid = 0
, Valid = 1
, Error = 2
} |
| Coverage validity results. More...
enum class | CrsAxisDirection : int {
, NorthNorthEast
, NorthEast
, EastNorthEast
, EastSouthEast
, SouthEast
, SouthSouthEast
, SouthSouthWest
, SouthWest
, WestSouthWest
, WestNorthWest
, NorthWest
, NorthNorthWest
, GeocentricY
, GeocentricZ
, Up
, Forward
, Aft
, Port
, Clockwise
, CounterClockwise
, ColumnPositive
, RowPositive
, RowNegative
, DisplayRight
, DisplayUp
, DisplayDown
, Future
, Towards
, AwayFrom
, Unspecified
} |
| Coordinate reference system axis directions. More...
enum class | CrsDefinitionFormat : int { Wkt
, Proj
} |
| CRS definition formats. More...
enum class | CrsIdentifierType : int { ShortString
, MediumString
, FullString
} |
| Available identifier string types for representing coordinate reference systems. More...
enum class | CrsType : int {
, Geodetic
, Geocentric
, Geographic2d
, Vertical
, Projected
, Compound
, Engineering
, Bound
, Other
} |
| Coordinate reference system types. More...
enum class | CrsWktVariant : int {
, Wkt1Esri
, Wkt2_2015
, Wkt2_2015Simplified
, Wkt2_2019Simplified
, Preferred = Wkt2_2019
, PreferredSimplified = Wkt2_2019Simplified
PreferredGdal = Wkt2_2019
} |
| Coordinate reference system WKT formatting variants. More...
enum class | DashPatternLineEndingRule : int {
, FullDash
, HalfDash
, FullGap
} |
| Dash pattern line ending rules. More...
enum class | DashPatternSizeAdjustment : int { ScaleBothDashAndGap
, ScaleDashOnly
, ScaleGapOnly
} |
| Dash pattern size adjustment options. More...
typedef QFlags< DatabaseProviderConnectionCapability2 > | DatabaseProviderConnectionCapabilities2 |
enum class | DatabaseProviderConnectionCapability2 : int { SetFieldComment = 1 << 0
, SetFieldAlias = 1 << 1
, SetTableComment = 1 << 2
} |
| The Capability enum represents the extended operations supported by the connection. More...
typedef QFlags< DatabaseProviderTableImportCapability > | DatabaseProviderTableImportCapabilities |
enum class | DatabaseProviderTableImportCapability : int { SetGeometryColumnName = 1 << 0
, SetPrimaryKeyName = 1 << 1
} |
| Represents capabilities of a database provider connection when importing table data. More...
typedef QFlags< DataItemProviderCapability > | DataItemProviderCapabilities |
| Capabilities for data item providers.
enum class | DataItemProviderCapability : int {
NoCapabilities = 0
, Files = 1
, Directories = 1 << 1
, Databases = 1 << 2
NetworkSources = 1 << 3
} |
| Capabilities for data item providers. More...
enum class | DataProviderFlag : int { IsBasemapSource = 1 << 1
, FastExtent2D = 1 << 2
, FastExtent3D = 1 << 3
} |
| Generic data provider flags. More...
typedef QFlags< DataProviderFlag > | DataProviderFlags |
| Data provider flags.
enum class | DataProviderReadFlag : int {
TrustDataSource = 1 << 0
, SkipFeatureCount = 1 << 1
, LoadDefaultStyle = 1 << 2
, SkipGetExtent = 1 << 3
SkipFullScan = 1 << 4
, ForceReadOnly = 1 << 5
, SkipCredentialsRequest = 1 << 6
, ParallelThreadLoading = 1 << 7
} |
| Flags which control data provider construction. More...
typedef QFlags< DataProviderReadFlag > | DataProviderReadFlags |
| Flags which control data provider construction.
enum class | DataType : int {
UnknownDataType = 0
, Byte = 1
, Int8 = 14
, UInt16 = 2
Int16 = 3
, UInt32 = 4
, Int32 = 5
, Float32 = 6
Float64 = 7
, CInt16 = 8
, CInt32 = 9
, CFloat32 = 10
CFloat64 = 11
, ARGB32 = 12
, ARGB32_Premultiplied = 13
} |
| Raster data types. More...
enum class | DateTimeStatistic : int {
Count = 1
, CountDistinct = 2
, CountMissing = 4
, Min = 8
Max = 16
, Range = 32
, All = Count | CountDistinct | CountMissing | Min | Max | Range
} |
| Available date/time statistics. More...
typedef QFlags< DateTimeStatistic > | DateTimeStatistics |
| Statistics to be calculated for date/time values.
enum class | DeviceConnectionStatus : int { Disconnected
, Connecting
, Connected
} |
| GPS connection status. More...
enum class | DistanceUnit : int {
, Kilometers
, Feet
, NauticalMiles
, Miles
, Degrees
, Centimeters
, Inches
, ChainsInternational
, ChainsBritishBenoit1895A
, ChainsBritishSears1922Truncated
, ChainsBritishSears1922
, ChainsClarkes
, FeetBritish1865
, FeetBritish1936
, FeetBritishBenoit1895A
, FeetBritishSears1922Truncated
, FeetBritishSears1922
, FeetClarkes
, FeetIndian
, FeetIndian1937
, FeetIndian1962
, FeetUSSurvey
, LinksInternational
, LinksBritishBenoit1895A
, LinksBritishSears1922Truncated
, LinksBritishSears1922
, LinksClarkes
, YardsBritishBenoit1895A
, YardsBritishBenoit1895B
, YardsBritishSears1922Truncated
, YardsClarkes
, YardsIndian
, YardsIndian1937
, YardsIndian1975
, MilesUSSurvey
, Fathoms
, Unknown
} |
| Units of distance. More...
enum class | DistanceUnitType : int { Standard
, Geographic
, Unknown
} |
| Types of distance units. More...
enum class | DocumentationApi : int { PyQgis
, PyQgisSearch
, CppQgis
, Qt
} |
| Documentation API. More...
enum class | DocumentationBrowser : int { DeveloperToolsPanel
, SystemWebBrowser
} |
| Documentation API browser. More...
enum class | DpiMode {
All = 7
, Off = 0
, QGIS = 1
, UMN = 2
GeoServer = 4
} |
| DpiMode enum. More...
enum class | DriveType : int {
, Invalid
, Removable
, Fixed
, CdRom
, RamDisk
, Cloud
} |
| Drive types. More...
enum class | ElevationMapCombineMethod : int { HighestElevation
, NewerElevation
} |
| Methods used to select the elevation when two elevation maps are combined. More...
enum class | EndCapStyle : int { Round = 1
, Flat
, Square
} |
| End cap styles for buffers. More...
enum class | ExpressionType { Qgis
, PointCloud
, RasterCalculator
} |
| Expression types. More...
enum class | FeatureAvailability : int { NoFeaturesAvailable = 0
, FeaturesAvailable
, FeaturesMaybeAvailable
} |
| Possible return value for QgsFeatureSource::hasFeatures() to determine if a source is empty. More...
enum class | FeatureCountState : int { FeatureCountState::Uncounted = -2
, FeatureCountState::UnknownCount = -1
} |
| Enumeration of feature count states. More...
enum class | FeatureRendererFlag : int { AffectsLabeling = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags controlling behavior of vector feature renderers. More...
typedef QFlags< FeatureRendererFlag > | FeatureRendererFlags |
| Flags controlling behavior of vector feature renderers.
enum class | FeatureRequestFilterType : int { NoFilter
, Fid
, Expression
, Fids
} |
| Types of feature request filters. More...
enum class | FeatureRequestFlag : int {
NoFlags = 0
, NoGeometry = 1
, SubsetOfAttributes = 2
, ExactIntersect = 4
IgnoreStaticNodesDuringExpressionCompilation = 8
, EmbeddedSymbols = 16
} |
| Flags for controlling feature requests. More...
typedef QFlags< FeatureRequestFlag > | FeatureRequestFlags |
| Flags for controlling feature requests.
enum class | FeatureSymbologyExport : int { NoSymbology = 0
, PerFeature
, PerSymbolLayer
} |
| Options for exporting features considering their symbology. More...
enum class | FieldConfigurationFlag : int { NoFlag = 0
, NotSearchable = 1 << 1
, HideFromWms = 1 << 2
, HideFromWfs = 1 << 3
} |
| Configuration flags for fields These flags are meant to be user-configurable and are not describing any information from the data provider. More...
typedef QFlags< FieldConfigurationFlag > | FieldConfigurationFlags |
| Configuration flags for fields These flags are meant to be user-configurable and are not describing any information from the data provider.
enum class | FieldDomainMergePolicy : int { DefaultValue
, Sum
, GeometryWeighted
} |
| Merge policy for field domains. More...
enum class | FieldDomainSplitPolicy : int { DefaultValue
, Duplicate
, GeometryRatio
, UnsetField
} |
| Split policy for field domains. More...
enum class | FieldDomainType : int { Coded
, Range
, Glob
} |
| Types of field domain. More...
enum class | FieldDuplicatePolicy : int { DefaultValue
, Duplicate
, UnsetField
} |
| Duplicate policy for fields. More...
enum class | FieldMetadataProperty : int { GeometryCrs = 0x1000
, GeometryWkbType = 0x1001
, CustomProperty = 0x100000
} |
| Standard field metadata values. More...
enum class | FieldOrigin : int {
, Provider
, Join
, Edit
} |
| Field origin. More...
enum class | FileFilterType : int {
Vector = 1
, Raster
, Mesh
, MeshDataset
, VectorTile
, TiledScene
} |
| Type of file filters. More...
enum class | FileOperationFlag : int { IncludeMetadataFile = 1 << 0
, IncludeStyleFile = 1 << 1
} |
| File operation flags. More...
typedef QFlags< FileOperationFlag > | FileOperationFlags |
| File operation flags.
enum class | FilePathType : int { Absolute
, Relative
} |
| File path types. More...
enum class | GdalResampleAlgorithm : int {
RA_NearestNeighbour = 0
, RA_Bilinear = 1
, RA_Cubic = 2
, RA_CubicSpline = 3
RA_Lanczos = 4
, RA_Average = 5
, RA_Mode = 6
, RA_Max = 8
RA_Min = 9
, RA_Median = 10
, RA_Q1 = 11
, RA_Q3 = 12
} |
| Resampling algorithm to be used (equivalent to GDAL's enum GDALResampleAlg) More...
enum class | GeometryOperationResult : int {
Success = 0
, NothingHappened = 1000
, InvalidBaseGeometry
, InvalidInputGeometryType
, SelectionIsGreaterThanOne
, GeometryEngineError
, LayerNotEditable
, AddPartNotMultiGeometry
, AddRingNotClosed
, AddRingNotValid
, AddRingNotInExistingFeature
, SplitCannotSplitPoint
, GeometryTypeHasChanged
} |
| Success or failure of a geometry operation. More...
enum class | GeometryType : int {
, Line
, Polygon
, Unknown
} |
| The geometry types are used to group Qgis::WkbType in a coarse way. More...
enum class | GeometryValidationEngine : int { QgisInternal
, Geos
} |
| Available engines for validating geometries. More...
enum class | GeometryValidityFlag : int { AllowSelfTouchingHoles = 1 << 0
} |
| Geometry validity check flags. More...
typedef QFlags< GeometryValidityFlag > | GeometryValidityFlags |
| Geometry validity flags.
enum class | GeosCreationFlag : int { RejectOnInvalidSubGeometry = 1 << 0
, SkipEmptyInteriorRings = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags which control geos geometry creation behavior. More...
typedef QFlags< GeosCreationFlag > | GeosCreationFlags |
| Geos geometry creation behavior flags.
enum class | GnssConstellation {
, Gps
, Glonass
, Galileo
, Qzss
, Navic
, Sbas
} |
| GNSS constellation. More...
enum class | GpsConnectionType : int { Automatic
, Internal
, Serial
, Gpsd
} |
| GPS connection types. More...
enum class | GpsFeatureType : int { Waypoint
, Route
, Track
} |
| GPS feature types. More...
enum class | GpsFixStatus : int { NoData
, NoFix
, Fix2D
, Fix3D
} |
| GPS fix status. More...
enum class | GpsInformationComponent : int {
Location = 1 << 0
, Altitude = 1 << 1
, GroundSpeed = 1 << 2
, Bearing = 1 << 3
TotalTrackLength = 1 << 4
, TrackDistanceFromStart = 1 << 5
, Pdop = 1 << 6
, Hdop = 1 << 7
Vdop = 1 << 8
, HorizontalAccuracy = 1 << 9
, VerticalAccuracy = 1 << 10
, HvAccuracy = 1 << 11
SatellitesUsed = 1 << 12
, Timestamp = 1 << 13
, TrackStartTime = 1 << 14
, TrackEndTime = 1 << 15
TrackDistanceSinceLastPoint = 1 << 16
, TrackTimeSinceLastPoint = 1 << 17
, GeoidalSeparation = 1 << 18
, EllipsoidAltitude = 1 << 19
} |
| GPS information component. More...
typedef QFlags< GpsInformationComponent > | GpsInformationComponents |
| GPS information component.
enum class | GpsNavigationStatus : int { NotValid
, Safe
, Caution
, Unsafe
} |
| GPS navigation status. More...
enum class | GpsQualityIndicator {
Unknown = -1
, Invalid
, FloatRTK
, Estimated
, Simulation
} |
| GPS signal quality indicator. More...
enum class | GradientColorSource : int { SimpleTwoColor
, ColorRamp
} |
| Gradient color sources. More...
enum class | GradientSpread : int { Pad
, Reflect
, Repeat
} |
| Gradient spread options, which control how gradients are rendered outside of their start and end points. More...
enum class | GradientType : int { Linear
, Radial
, Conical
} |
| Gradient types. More...
enum class | GraduatedMethod : int { Color
, Size
} |
| Methods for modifying symbols by range in a graduated symbol renderer. More...
enum class | HistoryProviderBackend : int { LocalProfile = 1 << 0
} |
| History provider backends. More...
typedef QFlags< HistoryProviderBackend > | HistoryProviderBackends |
enum class | HorizontalAnchorPoint : int { Left
, Center
, Right
} |
| Marker symbol horizontal anchor points. More...
enum class | HttpMethod : int {
Get = 0
, Post = 1
, Head
, Put
} |
| Different methods of HTTP requests. More...
enum class | InputControllerType : int { Map2D
, Map3D
} |
| Input controller types. More...
enum class | InvalidGeometryCheck : int { NoCheck = 0
, SkipInvalid = 1
, AbortOnInvalid = 2
} |
| Methods for handling of features with invalid geometries. More...
enum class | JoinStyle : int { Round = 1
, Miter
, Bevel
} |
| Join styles for buffers. More...
enum class | LabelingFlag : int {
UseAllLabels = 1 << 1
, UsePartialCandidates = 1 << 2
, RenderOutlineLabels = 1 << 3
, DrawLabelRectOnly = 1 << 4
DrawCandidates = 1 << 5
, DrawUnplacedLabels = 1 << 6
, CollectUnplacedLabels = 1 << 7
, DrawLabelMetrics = 1 << 8
} |
| Various flags that affect drawing and placement of labels. More...
typedef QFlags< LabelingFlag > | LabelingFlags |
| Flags that affect drawing and placement of labels.
enum class | LabelLinePlacementFlag : int { OnLine = 1
, AboveLine = 2
, BelowLine = 4
, MapOrientation = 8
} |
| Line placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a linear feature. More...
typedef QFlags< LabelLinePlacementFlag > | LabelLinePlacementFlags |
| Line placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a linear feature.
enum class | LabelMultiLineAlignment : int {
Left = 0
, Center
, Right
, FollowPlacement
} |
| Text alignment for multi-line labels. More...
enum class | LabelOffsetType : int { FromPoint
, FromSymbolBounds
} |
| Behavior modifier for label offset and distance, only applies in some label placement modes. More...
enum class | LabelOverlapHandling : int { PreventOverlap
, AllowOverlapIfRequired
, AllowOverlapAtNoCost
} |
| Label overlap handling. More...
enum class | LabelPlacement : int {
, OverPoint
, Line
, Curved
, Free
, OrderedPositionsAroundPoint
, PerimeterCurved
} |
| Placement modes which determine how label candidates are generated for a feature. More...
enum class | LabelPlacementEngineVersion : int { Version1
, Version2
} |
| Labeling placement engine version. More...
enum class | LabelPolygonPlacementFlag : int { AllowPlacementOutsideOfPolygon = 1 << 0
, AllowPlacementInsideOfPolygon = 1 << 1
} |
| Polygon placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a polygon feature. More...
typedef QFlags< LabelPolygonPlacementFlag > | LabelPolygonPlacementFlags |
| Polygon placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a polygon feature.
enum class | LabelPredefinedPointPosition : int {
, TopSlightlyLeft
, TopMiddle
, TopSlightlyRight
, MiddleLeft
, MiddleRight
, BottomLeft
, BottomMiddle
, BottomSlightlyRight
, BottomRight
} |
| Positions for labels when using the Qgis::LabelPlacement::OrderedPositionsAroundPoint placement mode. More...
enum class | LabelPrioritization : int { PreferCloser
, PreferPositionOrdering
} |
| Label prioritization. More...
enum class | LabelQuadrantPosition : int {
, Above
, AboveRight
, Left
, Right
, BelowLeft
, Below
} |
| Label quadrant positions. More...
enum class | LayerFilter : int {
RasterLayer = 1
, NoGeometry = 2
, PointLayer = 4
, LineLayer = 8
PolygonLayer = 16
, HasGeometry = PointLayer | LineLayer | PolygonLayer
, VectorLayer = NoGeometry | HasGeometry
, PluginLayer = 32
WritableLayer = 64
, MeshLayer = 128
, VectorTileLayer = 256
, PointCloudLayer = 512
AnnotationLayer = 1024
, TiledSceneLayer = 2048
, All = RasterLayer | VectorLayer | PluginLayer | MeshLayer | VectorTileLayer | PointCloudLayer | AnnotationLayer | TiledSceneLayer
, SpatialLayer = RasterLayer | HasGeometry | PluginLayer | MeshLayer | VectorTileLayer | PointCloudLayer | AnnotationLayer | TiledSceneLayer
} |
| Filter for layers. More...
typedef QFlags< LayerFilter > | LayerFilters |
enum class | LayerTreeFilterFlag : int { SkipVisibilityCheck = 1 << 0
} |
| Layer tree filter flags. More...
typedef QFlags< LayerTreeFilterFlag > | LayerTreeFilterFlags |
| Layer tree filter flags.
enum class | LayerTreeInsertionMethod : int { AboveInsertionPoint
, TopOfTree
, OptimalInInsertionGroup
} |
| Layer tree insertion methods. More...
enum class | LayerType : int {
, Raster
, Plugin
, Mesh
, Annotation
, PointCloud
, Group
} |
| Types of layers that can be added to a map. More...
enum class | LayoutUnit : int {
, Centimeters
, Meters
, Inches
, Points
, Picas
, Pixels
} |
| Layout measurement units. More...
enum class | LayoutUnitType : int { PaperUnits
, ScreenUnits
} |
| Types of layout units. More...
enum class | LegendComponent : int {
, Hidden
, Title
, Group
, Symbol
, SymbolLabel
} |
| Component of legends which can be styled. More...
enum class | LegendJsonRenderFlag : int { ShowRuleDetails = 1 << 0
} |
| Legend JSON export flags. More...
typedef QFlags< LegendJsonRenderFlag > | LegendJsonRenderFlags |
enum class | LightSourceType : int { Point
, Directional
} |
| Light source types for 3D scenes. More...
enum class | LinearReferencingLabelSource : int { CartesianDistance2D
, Z
, M
} |
| Defines what quantity to use for the labels shown in a linear referencing symbol layer. More...
enum class | LinearReferencingPlacement : int { IntervalCartesian2D = 1 << 0
, IntervalZ = 1 << 1
, IntervalM = 1 << 2
, Vertex = 1 << 3
} |
| Defines how/where the labels should be placed in a linear referencing symbol layer. More...
enum class | LineClipMode : int { ClipPainterOnly
, ClipToIntersection
, NoClipping
} |
| Line clipping modes. More...
enum class | LineExtensionSide : int { BeforeVertex
, AfterVertex
, NoVertex
} |
| Designates whether the line extension constraint is currently soft locked with the previous or next vertex of the locked one. More...
enum class | LoadStyleFlag : int { IgnoreMissingStyleErrors = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags for loading layer styles. More...
typedef QFlags< LoadStyleFlag > | LoadStyleFlags |
| Flags for loading layer styles.
enum class | MakeValidMethod : int { Linework = 0
, Structure = 1
} |
| Algorithms to use when repairing invalid geometries. More...
enum class | MapBoxGlStyleSourceType : int {
, Raster
, RasterDem
, GeoJson
, Video
, Unknown
} |
| Available MapBox GL style source types. More...
enum class | MapCanvasFlag : int { ShowMainAnnotationLayer = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags controlling behavior of map canvases. More...
typedef QFlags< MapCanvasFlag > | MapCanvasFlags |
| Flags controlling behavior of map canvases.
enum class | MapLayerActionFlag : int { EnabledOnlyWhenEditable = 1 << 1
, EnableOnlyWhenHasGeometry = 1 << 2
} |
| Map layer action flags. More...
typedef QFlags< MapLayerActionFlag > | MapLayerActionFlags |
| Map layer action flags.
enum class | MapLayerActionTarget : int { Layer = 1 << 0
, SingleFeature = 1 << 1
, MultipleFeatures = 1 << 2
, AllActions = Layer | SingleFeature | MultipleFeatures
} |
| Map layer action targets. More...
typedef QFlags< MapLayerActionTarget > | MapLayerActionTargets |
| Map layer action targets.
typedef QFlags< MapLayerProperty > | MapLayerProperties |
| Map layer properties.
enum class | MapLayerProperty : int { UsersCannotToggleEditing = 1 << 0
, IsBasemapLayer = 1 << 1
} |
| Generic map layer properties. More...
enum class | MapLayerRendererFlag : int { RenderPartialOutputs = 1 << 0
, RenderPartialOutputOverPreviousCachedImage = 1 << 1
, AffectsLabeling = 1 << 2
} |
| Flags which control how map layer renderers behave. More...
typedef QFlags< MapLayerRendererFlag > | MapLayerRendererFlags |
| Flags which control how map layer renderers behave.
enum class | MapRecenteringMode { Always
, WhenOutsideVisibleExtent
, Never
} |
| Modes for recentering map canvases. More...
enum class | MapSettingsFlag : int {
Antialiasing = 0x01
, DrawEditingInfo = 0x02
, ForceVectorOutput = 0x04
, UseAdvancedEffects = 0x08
DrawLabeling = 0x10
, UseRenderingOptimization = 0x20
, DrawSelection = 0x40
, DrawSymbolBounds = 0x80
RenderMapTile = 0x100
, RenderPartialOutput = 0x200
, RenderPreviewJob = 0x400
, RenderBlocking = 0x800
LosslessImageRendering = 0x1000
, Render3DMap = 0x2000
, HighQualityImageTransforms = 0x4000
, SkipSymbolRendering = 0x8000
ForceRasterMasks = 0x10000
, RecordProfile = 0x20000
, AlwaysUseGlobalMasks = 0x40000
} |
| Flags which adjust the way maps are rendered. More...
typedef QFlags< MapSettingsFlag > | MapSettingsFlags |
| Map settings flags.
enum class | MapToolUnit : int { Layer
, Pixels
, Project
} |
| Type of unit of tolerance value from settings. More...
enum class | MarkerClipMode : int { NoClipping
, Shape
, CentroidWithin
, CompletelyWithin
} |
| Marker clipping modes. More...
enum class | MarkerLinePlacement : int {
Interval = 1 << 0
, Vertex = 1 << 1
, LastVertex = 1 << 2
, FirstVertex = 1 << 3
CentralPoint = 1 << 4
, CurvePoint = 1 << 5
, SegmentCenter = 1 << 6
, InnerVertices = 1 << 7
} |
| Defines how/where the symbols should be placed on a line. More...
typedef QFlags< MarkerLinePlacement > | MarkerLinePlacements |
enum class | MarkerShape : int {
, Diamond
, Pentagon
, Hexagon
, EquilateralTriangle
, Star
, Arrow
, Cross
, CrossFill
, Cross2
, ArrowHead
, ArrowHeadFilled
, SemiCircle
, QuarterCircle
, QuarterSquare
, HalfSquare
, RightHalfTriangle
, LeftHalfTriangle
, Octagon
, AsteriskFill
, HalfArc
, ThirdArc
, ParallelogramRight
, ParallelogramLeft
, Trapezoid
, DiamondStar
, Heart
, Decagon
} |
| Marker shapes. More...
enum class | MeshEditingErrorType : int {
, InvalidFace
, TooManyVerticesInFace
, FlatFace
, InvalidVertex
, ManifoldFace
} |
| Type of error that can occur during mesh frame editing. More...
enum class | MeshElevationMode : int { FixedElevationRange = 0
, FromVertices = 1
, FixedRangePerGroup = 2
} |
| Mesh layer elevation modes. More...
enum class | MeshRangeExtent : int { WholeMesh
, FixedCanvas
, UpdatedCanvas
} |
| Describes the extent used to compute mesh ranges (min/max values). More...
enum class | MeshRangeLimit : int { NotSet
, MinimumMaximum
} |
| Describes the limits used to compute mesh ranges (min/max values). More...
enum | MessageLevel {
Info = 0
, Warning = 1
, Critical = 2
, Success = 3
NoLevel = 4
} |
| Level for messages This will be used both for message log and message bar in application. More...
enum class | MetadataDateType { Created
, Published
, Revised
, Superseded
} |
| Date types for metadata. More...
enum class | MouseHandlesAction : int {
, ResizeUp
, ResizeDown
, ResizeLeft
, ResizeLeftUp
, ResizeRightUp
, ResizeLeftDown
, SelectItem
, NoAction
} |
| Action to be performed by the mouse handles. More...
enum class | NavigationMode : int { TerrainBased
, Walk
} |
| The navigation mode used by 3D cameras. More...
enum class | PictureFormat : int { SVG = 0
, Raster
, Unknown
} |
| Picture formats. More...
enum class | PlaybackOperation : int {
, PreviousFrame
, PlayReverse
, Pause
, NextFrame
, SkipToEnd
} |
| Media playback operations. More...
enum class | PlotAxisSuffixPlacement {
, EveryLabel
, FirstLabel
, LastLabel
} |
| Placement options for suffixes in the labels for axis of plots. More...
enum class | PlotToolFlag : int { ShowContextMenu = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags that control the way the QgsPlotTools operate. More...
typedef QFlags< PlotToolFlag > | PlotToolFlags |
enum class | Point3DShape : int {
, Sphere
, Cone
, Cube
, Plane
, ExtrudedText
, Model
} |
| 3D point shape types. More...
enum class | PointCloudAccessType : int { Local
, Remote
} |
| The access type of the data, local is for local files and remote for remote files (over HTTP). More...
enum class | PointCloudDrawOrder : int { Default
, BottomToTop
, TopToBottom
} |
| Pointcloud rendering order for 2d views. More...
enum class | PointCloudSymbol : int { Square
, Circle
} |
| Rendering symbols for point cloud points. More...
enum class | PointCloudZoomOutRenderBehavior : int { RenderExtents
, RenderOverview
, RenderOverviewAndExtents
} |
| Point cloud zoom out options. More...
enum class | PointCountMethod : int { Absolute
, DensityBased
} |
| Methods which define the number of points randomly filling a polygon. More...
enum class | PostgresRelKind {
, Unknown
, OrdinaryTable
, Index
, View
, MaterializedView
, CompositeType
, ForeignTable
, PartitionedTable
} |
| Postgres database relkind options. More...
enum class | ProcessingAlgorithmDocumentationFlag : int { RegeneratesPrimaryKey = 1 << 0
, RegeneratesPrimaryKeyInSomeScenarios = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags describing algorithm behavior for documentation purposes. More...
typedef QFlags< ProcessingAlgorithmDocumentationFlag > | ProcessingAlgorithmDocumentationFlags |
| Flags describing algorithm behavior for documentation purposes.
enum class | ProcessingAlgorithmFlag : int {
HideFromToolbox = 1 << 1
, HideFromModeler = 1 << 2
, SupportsBatch = 1 << 3
, CanCancel = 1 << 4
RequiresMatchingCrs = 1 << 5
, NoThreading = 1 << 6
, DisplayNameIsLiteral = 1 << 7
, SupportsInPlaceEdits = 1 << 8
KnownIssues = 1 << 9
, CustomException = 1 << 10
, PruneModelBranchesBasedOnAlgorithmResults = 1 << 11
, SkipGenericModelLogging = 1 << 12
NotAvailableInStandaloneTool = 1 << 13
, RequiresProject = 1 << 14
, SecurityRisk = 1 << 15
, Deprecated = HideFromToolbox | HideFromModeler
} |
| Flags indicating how and when an algorithm operates and should be exposed to users. More...
typedef QFlags< ProcessingAlgorithmFlag > | ProcessingAlgorithmFlags |
| Flags indicating how and when an algorithm operates and should be exposed to users.
enum class | ProcessingDateTimeParameterDataType : int { DateTime
, Date
, Time
} |
| Processing date time parameter data types. More...
enum class | ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlag : int { OverrideDefaultGeometryCheck = 1 << 0
, CreateIndividualOutputPerInputFeature = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags which control behavior for a Processing feature source. More...
typedef QFlags< ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlag > | ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlags |
| Flags which control behavior for a Processing feature source.
enum class | ProcessingFeatureSourceFlag : int { SkipGeometryValidityChecks = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags which control how QgsProcessingFeatureSource fetches features. More...
typedef QFlags< ProcessingFeatureSourceFlag > | ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags |
| Flags which control how QgsProcessingFeatureSource fetches features.
enum class | ProcessingFieldParameterDataType : int {
Any = -1
, Numeric = 0
, String = 1
, DateTime = 2
Binary = 3
, Boolean = 4
} |
| Processing field parameter data types. More...
enum class | ProcessingFileParameterBehavior : int { File = 0
, Folder
} |
| Flags which dictate the behavior of QgsProcessingParameterFile. More...
enum class | ProcessingLogLevel : int { DefaultLevel = 0
, Verbose
, ModelDebug
} |
| Logging level for algorithms to use when pushing feedback messages. More...
enum class | ProcessingModelChildAlgorithmExecutionStatus : int { NotExecuted
, Success
, Failed
} |
| Reflects the status of a child algorithm in a Processing model. More...
enum class | ProcessingModelChildParameterSource : int {
, ChildOutput
, StaticValue
, Expression
, ModelOutput
} |
| Processing model child parameter sources. More...
enum class | ProcessingNumberParameterType : int { Integer
, Double
} |
| Processing numeric parameter data types. More...
enum class | ProcessingParameterFlag : int { Advanced = 1 << 1
, Hidden = 1 << 2
, Optional = 1 << 3
, IsModelOutput = 1 << 4
} |
| Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameters. More...
typedef QFlags< ProcessingParameterFlag > | ProcessingParameterFlags |
| Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameters.
enum class | ProcessingParameterTypeFlag : int { ExposeToModeler = 1
} |
| Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameter types. More...
typedef QFlags< ProcessingParameterTypeFlag > | ProcessingParameterTypeFlags |
| Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameter types.
enum class | ProcessingPropertyAvailability : int { NotAvailable
, Available
} |
| Property availability, used for QgsProcessingAlgorithm::VectorProperties in order to determine if properties are available or not. More...
enum class | ProcessingProviderFlag : int { DeemphasiseSearchResults = 1 << 1
, CompatibleWithVirtualRaster = 1 << 2
} |
| Flags indicating how and when an processing provider operates and should be exposed to users. More...
typedef QFlags< ProcessingProviderFlag > | ProcessingProviderFlags |
| Flags indicating how and when an processing provider operates and should be exposed to users.
enum class | ProcessingSourceType : int {
MapLayer = -2
, VectorAnyGeometry = -1
, VectorPoint = 0
, VectorLine = 1
VectorPolygon = 2
, Raster = 3
, File = 4
, Vector = 5
Mesh = 6
, Plugin = 7
, PointCloud = 8
, Annotation = 9
VectorTile = 10
} |
| Processing data source types. More...
enum class | ProcessingTinInputLayerType : int { Vertices
, StructureLines
, BreakLines
} |
| Defines the type of input layer for a Processing TIN input. More...
enum class | ProfileExportType : int { Features3D
, Profile2D
, DistanceVsElevationTable
} |
| Types of export for elevation profiles. More...
enum class | ProfileGeneratorFlag : int { RespectsMaximumErrorMapUnit = 1 << 0
, RespectsDistanceRange = 1 << 1
, RespectsElevationRange = 1 << 2
} |
| Flags that control the way the QgsAbstractProfileGenerator operate. More...
typedef QFlags< ProfileGeneratorFlag > | ProfileGeneratorFlags |
enum class | ProfileSurfaceSymbology : int { Line
, FillBelow
, FillAbove
} |
| Surface symbology type for elevation profile plots. More...
typedef QFlags< ProjectCapability > | ProjectCapabilities |
| Flags which control project capabilities.
enum class | ProjectCapability : int { ProjectStyles = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags which control project capabilities. More...
enum class | ProjectFileFormat : int { Qgz
, Qgs
} |
| Flags which control project read behavior. More...
enum class | ProjectFlag : int { EvaluateDefaultValuesOnProviderSide = 1 << 0
, TrustStoredLayerStatistics = 1 << 1
, RememberLayerEditStatusBetweenSessions = 1 << 2
, RememberAttributeTableWindowsBetweenSessions = 1 << 3
} |
| Flags which control the behavior of QgsProjects. More...
typedef QFlags< ProjectFlag > | ProjectFlags |
enum class | ProjectReadFlag : int {
DontResolveLayers = 1 << 0
, DontLoadLayouts = 1 << 1
, TrustLayerMetadata = 1 << 2
, DontStoreOriginalStyles = 1 << 3
DontLoad3DViews = 1 << 4
, DontLoadProjectStyles = 1 << 5
, ForceReadOnlyLayers = 1 << 6
, DontUpgradeAnnotations = 1 << 7
} |
| Flags which control project read behavior. More...
typedef QFlags< ProjectReadFlag > | ProjectReadFlags |
| Project load flags.
enum class | PropertyType : int { Invalid
, Static
, Field
, Expression
} |
| Property types. More...
typedef QFlags< ProviderStyleStorageCapability > | ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities |
enum class | ProviderStyleStorageCapability : int { SaveToDatabase = 1 << 1
, LoadFromDatabase = 1 << 2
, DeleteFromDatabase = 1 << 3
} |
| The StorageCapability enum represents the style storage operations supported by the provider. More...
enum class | PythonEmbeddedMode : int {
Never = 0
, Ask = 1
, SessionOnly = 2
, Always = 3
} |
| Authorisation to run Python Embedded in projects. More...
enum class | PythonEmbeddedType : int { Macro = 0
, ExpressionFunction = 1
} |
| Type of Python Embedded in projects. More...
enum class | QueryStorageBackend : int { LocalProfile
, CurrentProject
} |
| Stored query storage backends. More...
enum class | RangeLimits : int { IncludeBoth = 0
, IncludeLowerExcludeUpper
, ExcludeLowerIncludeUpper
, ExcludeBoth
} |
| Describes how the limits of a range are handled. More...
enum class | RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage : int {
Generic = 0
, PixelCount = 1
, Name = 2
, Min = 3
Max = 4
, MinMax = 5
, Red = 6
, Green = 7
Blue = 8
, Alpha = 9
, RedMin = 10
, GreenMin = 11
BlueMin = 12
, AlphaMin = 13
, RedMax = 14
, GreenMax = 15
BlueMax = 16
, AlphaMax = 17
, MaxCount
} |
| The RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage enum represents the usage of a Raster Attribute Table field. More...
enum class | RasterAttributeTableType : int { Thematic = 0
, Athematic = 1
} |
| The RasterAttributeTableType enum represents the type of RAT. More...
enum class | RasterBandStatistic : int {
NoStatistic = 0
, Min = 1
, Max = 1 << 1
, Range = 1 << 2
Sum = 1 << 3
, Mean = 1 << 4
, StdDev = 1 << 5
, SumOfSquares = 1 << 6
All = Min | Max | Range | Sum | Mean | StdDev | SumOfSquares
} |
| Available raster band statistics. More...
typedef QFlags< RasterBandStatistic > | RasterBandStatistics |
| Statistics to be calculated for raster bands.
enum class | RasterBuildPyramidOption : int { No = 0
, Yes = 1
, CopyExisting = 2
} |
| Raster pyramid building options. More...
enum class | RasterColorInterpretation : int {
Undefined = 0
, GrayIndex = 1
, PaletteIndex = 2
, RedBand = 3
GreenBand = 4
, BlueBand = 5
, AlphaBand = 6
, HueBand = 7
SaturationBand = 8
, LightnessBand = 9
, CyanBand = 10
, MagentaBand = 11
YellowBand = 12
, BlackBand = 13
, YCbCr_YBand = 14
, YCbCr_CbBand = 15
YCbCr_CrBand = 16
, ContinuousPalette = 17
, PanBand = 18
, CoastalBand = 19
RedEdgeBand = 20
, NIRBand = 21
, SWIRBand = 22
, MWIRBand = 23
LWIRBand = 24
, TIRBand = 25
, OtherIRBand = 26
, SAR_Ka_Band = 27
SAR_K_Band = 28
, SAR_Ku_Band = 30
, SAR_X_Band = 31
, SAR_C_Band = 32
SAR_S_Band = 33
, SAR_L_Band = 34
, SAR_P_Band = 35
} |
| Raster color interpretation. More...
enum class | RasterDrawingStyle : int {
, SingleBandGray
, SingleBandPseudoColor
, PalettedColor
, PalettedSingleBandPseudoColor
, PalettedMultiBandColor
, MultiBandSingleBandGray
, MultiBandColor
, SingleBandColorData
} |
| Raster drawing styles. More...
enum class | RasterElevationMode : int { FixedElevationRange = 0
, RepresentsElevationSurface = 1
, FixedRangePerBand = 2
, DynamicRangePerBand = 3
} |
| Raster layer elevation modes. More...
enum class | RasterExportType : int { Raw = 0
, RenderedImage = 1
} |
| Raster file export types. More...
enum class | RasterFileWriterResult : int {
Success = 0
, SourceProviderError = 1
, DestinationProviderError = 2
, CreateDatasourceError = 3
WriteError = 4
, NoDataConflict = 5
, Canceled = 6
} |
| Raster file export results. More...
enum class | RasterIdentifyFormat : int {
Undefined = 0
, Value = 1
, Text = 1 << 1
, Html = 1 << 2
Feature = 1 << 3
} |
| Raster identify formats. More...
typedef QFlags< RasterInterfaceCapability > | RasterInterfaceCapabilities |
| Raster interface capabilities.
enum class | RasterInterfaceCapability : int {
NoCapabilities = 0
, Size = 1 << 1
, Create = 1 << 2
, Remove = 1 << 3
BuildPyramids = 1 << 4
, Identify = 1 << 5
, IdentifyValue = 1 << 6
, IdentifyText = 1 << 7
IdentifyHtml = 1 << 8
, IdentifyFeature = 1 << 9
, Prefetch = 1 << 10
} |
| Raster interface capabilities. More...
enum class | RasterLayerType : int { GrayOrUndefined
, Palette
, MultiBand
, SingleBandColorData
} |
| Raster layer types. More...
enum class | RasterPipeInterfaceRole : int {
Unknown = 0
, Provider = 1
, Renderer = 2
, Brightness = 3
Resampler = 4
, Projector = 5
, Nuller = 6
, HueSaturation = 7
} |
| Raster pipe interface roles. More...
typedef QFlags< RasterProviderCapability > | RasterProviderCapabilities |
| Raster data provider capabilities.
enum class | RasterProviderCapability : int {
NoProviderCapabilities = 0
, ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 1
, WriteLayerMetadata = 1 << 2
, ProviderHintBenefitsFromResampling = 1 << 3
ProviderHintCanPerformProviderResampling = 1 << 4
, ReloadData = 1 << 5
, DpiDependentData = 1 << 6
, NativeRasterAttributeTable = 1 << 7
BuildPyramids = 1 << 8
} |
| Raster data provider capabilities. More...
enum class | RasterPyramidFormat : int { GeoTiff = 0
, Internal = 1
, Erdas = 2
} |
| Raster pyramid formats. More...
enum class | RasterRangeAccuracy : int { Exact
, Estimated
} |
| Describes the accuracy used to compute raster ranges (min/max values). More...
enum class | RasterRangeExtent : int { WholeRaster
, FixedCanvas
, UpdatedCanvas
} |
| Describes the extent used to compute raster ranges (min/max values). More...
enum class | RasterRangeLimit : int { NotSet
, MinimumMaximum
, StdDev
, CumulativeCut
} |
| Describes the limits used to compute raster ranges (min/max values). More...
typedef QFlags< RasterRendererCapability > | RasterRendererCapabilities |
| Raster renderer capabilities.
enum class | RasterRendererCapability : int { UsesMultipleBands = 1 << 0
} |
| Raster renderer capabilities. More...
enum class | RasterRendererFlag : int { InternalLayerOpacityHandling = 1 << 0
, UseNoDataForOutOfRangePixels = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags which control behavior of raster renderers. More...
typedef QFlags< RasterRendererFlag > | RasterRendererFlags |
| Flags which control behavior of raster renderers.
enum class | RasterResamplingMethod : int {
, Bilinear
, Cubic
, CubicSpline
, Average
, Mode
, Gauss
} |
| Resampling method for raster provider-level resampling. More...
enum class | RasterResamplingStage : int { ResampleFilter
, Provider
} |
| Stage at which raster resampling occurs. More...
enum class | RasterTemporalCapabilityFlag : int { RequestedTimesMustExactlyMatchAllAvailableTemporalRanges = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags for raster layer temporal capabilities. More...
typedef QFlags< RasterTemporalCapabilityFlag > | RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags |
| Flags for raster layer temporal capabilities.
enum class | RasterTemporalMode : int {
FixedTemporalRange = 0
, TemporalRangeFromDataProvider = 1
, RedrawLayerOnly = 2
, FixedRangePerBand = 3
RepresentsTemporalValues = 4
, FixedDateTime = 5
} |
| Raster layer temporal modes. More...
typedef QFlags< RelationshipCapability > | RelationshipCapabilities |
| Relationship capabilities.
enum class | RelationshipCapability : int { MultipleFieldKeys = 1 << 0
, ForwardPathLabel = 1 << 1
, BackwardPathLabel = 1 << 2
} |
| Relationship capabilities. More...
enum class | RelationshipCardinality : int { OneToOne
, OneToMany
, ManyToOne
, ManyToMany
} |
| Relationship cardinality. More...
enum class | RelationshipStrength : int { Association
, Composition
} |
| Relationship strength. More...
enum class | RelationshipType : int { Normal
, Generated
} |
| Relationship types. More...
enum class | RenderContextFlag : int {
DrawEditingInfo = 0x01
, ForceVectorOutput = 0x02
, UseAdvancedEffects = 0x04
, UseRenderingOptimization = 0x08
DrawSelection = 0x10
, DrawSymbolBounds = 0x20
, RenderMapTile = 0x40
, Antialiasing = 0x80
RenderPartialOutput = 0x100
, RenderPreviewJob = 0x200
, RenderBlocking = 0x400
, RenderSymbolPreview = 0x800
LosslessImageRendering = 0x1000
, ApplyScalingWorkaroundForTextRendering = 0x2000
, Render3DMap = 0x4000
, ApplyClipAfterReprojection = 0x8000
RenderingSubSymbol = 0x10000
, HighQualityImageTransforms = 0x20000
, SkipSymbolRendering = 0x40000
, RecordProfile = 0x80000
AlwaysUseGlobalMasks = 0x100000
, DisableSymbolClippingToExtent = 0x200000
} |
| Flags which affect rendering operations. More...
typedef QFlags< RenderContextFlag > | RenderContextFlags |
| Render context flags.
enum class | RendererUsage : int { View
, Export
, Unknown
} |
| Usage of the renderer. More...
enum class | RenderSubcomponentProperty : int { Generic
, ShadowOffset
, BlurSize
, GlowSpread
} |
| Rendering subcomponent properties. More...
enum class | RenderUnit : int {
, MapUnits
, Pixels
, Percentage
, Inches
, Unknown
, MetersInMapUnits
} |
| Rendering size units. More...
enum class | ScaleBarAlignment : int { Left = 0
, Middle
, Right
} |
| Scalebar alignment. More...
enum class | ScaleBarDistanceLabelHorizontalPlacement : int { CenteredEdge = 0
, CenteredSegment
} |
| Scale bar distance label horizontal placement. More...
enum class | ScaleBarDistanceLabelVerticalPlacement : int { AboveSegment = 0
, BelowSegment
} |
| Scale bar distance label vertical placement. More...
enum class | ScaleBarSegmentSizeMode : int { Fixed = 0
, FitWidth = 1
} |
| Modes for setting size for scale bar segments. More...
enum class | ScaleCalculationMethod : int { HorizontalTop = 0
, HorizontalMiddle
, HorizontalBottom
, HorizontalAverage
} |
| Scale calculation logic. More...
enum class | ScaleMethod : int { ScaleArea
, ScaleDiameter
} |
| Scale methods. More...
enum class | ScaleToTileZoomLevelMethod : int { MapBox
, Esri
} |
| Available methods for converting map scales to tile zoom levels. More...
enum class | ScriptLanguage : int {
, QgisExpression
, Html
, JavaScript
, Python
, R
, Sql
, Bash
, Unknown
} |
| Scripting languages. More...
typedef QFlags< ScriptLanguageCapability > | ScriptLanguageCapabilities |
| Script language capabilities.
enum class | ScriptLanguageCapability : int { Reformat = 1 << 0
, CheckSyntax = 1 << 1
, ToggleComment = 1 << 2
} |
| Script language capabilities. More...
enum class | SegmentCalculationMethod : int { Standard = 0
, Adaptive
, AreaError
, ConstantDensity
} |
| brief Method used to calculate the number of segments for circle approximation More...
enum class | SelectBehavior : int { SetSelection
, AddToSelection
, IntersectSelection
, RemoveFromSelection
} |
| Specifies how a selection should be applied. More...
enum class | SelectGeometryRelationship : int { Intersect
, Within
} |
| Geometry relationship test to apply for selecting features. More...
enum class | SelectionFlag : int { SingleFeatureSelection = 1 << 0
, ToggleSelection = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags which control feature selection behavior. More...
typedef QFlags< SelectionFlag > | SelectionFlags |
| Flags which control feature selection behavior.
enum class | SelectionRenderingMode : int { Default
, CustomColor
, CustomSymbol
} |
| Specifies how a selection should be rendered. More...
enum class | SensorThingsEntity : int {
, Thing
, Location
, HistoricalLocation
, Sensor
, ObservedProperty
, Observation
, MultiDatastream
} |
| OGC SensorThings API entity types. More...
enum class | SettingsOption : int { SaveFormerValue = 1 << 1
, SaveEnumFlagAsInt = 1 << 2
} |
| Settings options. More...
typedef QFlags< SettingsOption > | SettingsOptions |
enum class | SettingsOrigin : int { Any
, Global
, Local
} |
| The setting origin describes where a setting is stored. More...
enum class | SettingsTreeNodeOption : int { NamedListSelectedItemSetting = 1 << 0
} |
| Options for named list nodes. More...
typedef QFlags< SettingsTreeNodeOption > | SettingsTreeNodeOptions |
enum class | SettingsTreeNodeType { Root
, Standard
, NamedList
} |
| Type of tree node. More...
enum class | SettingsType : int {
, Variant
, String
, StringList
, Bool
, Integer
, Double
, Color
} |
| Types of settings entries. More...
enum class | ShaderClassificationMethod : int { Continuous = 1
, EqualInterval = 2
, Quantile = 3
} |
| Color ramp shader classification methods. More...
enum class | ShaderInterpolationMethod : int { Linear = 0
, Discrete = 1
, Exact = 2
} |
| Color ramp shader interpolation methods. More...
enum class | SldExportOption : int { NoOptions = 0
, Svg = 1 << 0
, Png = 1 << 1
} |
| SLD export options. More...
typedef QFlags< SldExportOption > | SldExportOptions |
enum class | SldExportVendorExtension : int { NoVendorExtension = 0
, GeoServerVendorExtension = 1 << 1
, DeegreeVendorExtension = 1 << 2
} |
| SLD export vendor extensions, allow the use of vendor extensions when exporting to SLD. More...
enum class | SnappingMode : int { ActiveLayer = 1
, AllLayers = 2
, AdvancedConfiguration = 3
} |
| SnappingMode defines on which layer the snapping is performed. More...
enum class | SnappingType : int {
NoSnap = 0
, Vertex = 1 << 0
, Segment = 1 << 1
, Area = 1 << 2
Centroid = 1 << 3
, MiddleOfSegment = 1 << 4
, LineEndpoint = 1 << 5
} |
| SnappingTypeFlag defines on what object the snapping is performed. More...
typedef QFlags< SnappingType > | SnappingTypes |
| Snapping types.
enum class | SpatialFilterType : int { NoFilter
, BoundingBox
, DistanceWithin
} |
| Feature request spatial filter types. More...
enum class | SpatialIndexPresence : int { Unknown = 0
, NotPresent = 1
, Present = 2
} |
| Enumeration of spatial index presence states. More...
enum class | SqlKeywordCategory : int {
, Constant
, Function
, Geospatial
, Math
, Aggregate
, String
} |
| SqlKeywordCategory enum represents the categories of the SQL keywords used by the SQL query editor. More...
typedef QFlags< SqlLayerDefinitionCapability > | SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities |
| SQL layer definition capabilities.
enum class | SqlLayerDefinitionCapability : int { SubsetStringFilter = 1 << 1
, GeometryColumn = 1 << 2
, PrimaryKeys = 1 << 3
, UnstableFeatureIds = 1 << 4
} |
| SqlLayerDefinitionCapability enum lists the arguments supported by the provider when creating SQL query layers. More...
enum class | Statistic : int {
Count = 1 << 0
, CountMissing = 1 << 15
, Sum = 1 << 1
, Mean = 1 << 2
Median = 1 << 3
, StDev = 1 << 4
, StDevSample = 1 << 5
, Min = 1 << 6
Max = 1 << 7
, Range = 1 << 8
, Minority = 1 << 9
, Majority = 1 << 10
Variety = 1 << 11
, FirstQuartile = 1 << 12
, ThirdQuartile = 1 << 13
, InterQuartileRange = 1 << 14
First = 1 << 16
, Last = 1 << 17
, All = Count | CountMissing | Sum | Mean | Median | StDev | Max | Min | Range | Minority | Majority | Variety | FirstQuartile | ThirdQuartile | InterQuartileRange | First | Last
} |
| Available generic statistics. More...
typedef QFlags< Statistic > | Statistics |
| Statistics to be calculated for generic values.
enum class | StringStatistic : int {
Count = 1
, CountDistinct = 2
, CountMissing = 4
, Min = 8
Max = 16
, MinimumLength = 32
, MaximumLength = 64
, MeanLength = 128
Minority = 256
, Majority = 512
, All = Count | CountDistinct | CountMissing | Min | Max | MinimumLength | MaximumLength | MeanLength | Minority | Majority
} |
| Available string statistics. More...
typedef QFlags< StringStatistic > | StringStatistics |
| Statistics to be calculated for string values.
enum class | SublayerFlag : int { SystemTable = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags which reflect the properties of sublayers in a dataset. More...
typedef QFlags< SublayerFlag > | SublayerFlags |
| Sublayer flags.
enum class | SublayerPromptMode : int { AlwaysAsk
, AskExcludingRasterBands
, NeverAskSkip
, NeverAskLoadAll
} |
| Specifies how to handle layer sources with multiple sublayers. More...
enum class | SublayerQueryFlag : int { FastScan = 1 << 0
, ResolveGeometryType = 1 << 1
, CountFeatures = 1 << 2
, IncludeSystemTables = 1 << 3
} |
| Flags which control how data providers will scan for sublayers in a dataset. More...
typedef QFlags< SublayerQueryFlag > | SublayerQueryFlags |
| Sublayer query flags.
enum class | SymbolCoordinateReference : int { Feature
, Viewport
} |
| Symbol coordinate reference modes. More...
enum class | SymbolFlag : int { RendererShouldUseSymbolLevels = 1 << 0
, AffectsLabeling = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags controlling behavior of symbols. More...
typedef QFlags< SymbolFlag > | SymbolFlags |
| Symbol flags.
enum class | SymbolLayerFlag : int { DisableFeatureClipping = 1 << 0
, CanCalculateMaskGeometryPerFeature = 1 << 1
, AffectsLabeling = 1 << 2
} |
| Flags controlling behavior of symbol layers. More...
typedef QFlags< SymbolLayerFlag > | SymbolLayerFlags |
| Symbol layer flags.
enum class | SymbolLayerUserFlag : int { DisableSelectionRecoloring = 1 << 0
} |
| User-specified flags controlling behavior of symbol layers. More...
typedef QFlags< SymbolLayerUserFlag > | SymbolLayerUserFlags |
| Symbol layer user flags.
enum class | SymbolPreviewFlag : int { FlagIncludeCrosshairsForMarkerSymbols = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags for controlling how symbol preview images are generated. More...
typedef QFlags< SymbolPreviewFlag > | SymbolPreviewFlags |
| Symbol preview flags.
enum class | SymbolRenderHint : int { DynamicRotation = 1 << 1
, IsSymbolLayerSubSymbol = 1 << 2
, ForceVectorRendering = 1 << 3
, ExcludeSymbolBuffers = 1 << 4
} |
| Flags controlling behavior of symbols during rendering. More...
typedef QFlags< SymbolRenderHint > | SymbolRenderHints |
| Symbol render hints.
enum class | SymbolRotationMode : int { RespectMapRotation
, IgnoreMapRotation
} |
| Modes for handling how symbol and text entity rotation is handled when maps are rotated. More...
enum class | SymbolType : int { Marker
, Line
, Fill
, Hybrid
} |
| Symbol types. More...
enum class | SystemOfMeasurement : int { Unknown = 0
, Metric
, Imperial
} |
| Systems of unit measurement. More...
enum class | TemporalIntervalMatchMethod : int {
, MatchExactUsingStartOfRange
, MatchExactUsingEndOfRange
, FindClosestMatchToStartOfRange
} |
| Method to use when resolving a temporal range to a data provider layer or band. More...
enum class | TemporalNavigationMode : int { Disabled
, Animated
, FixedRange
, Movie
} |
| Temporal navigation modes. More...
enum class | TemporalUnit : int {
, Seconds
, Minutes
, Hours
, Weeks
, Months
, Years
, Centuries
, IrregularStep
, Unknown
} |
| Temporal units. More...
enum class | TextCharacterVerticalAlignment : int { Normal
, SuperScript
, SubScript
} |
| Text vertical alignment for characters. More...
enum class | TextComponent : int { Text = 1 << 0
, Buffer = 1 << 1
, Background = 1 << 2
, Shadow = 1 << 3
} |
| Text components. More...
typedef QFlags< TextComponent > | TextComponents |
| Text components.
enum class | TextHorizontalAlignment : int { Left
, Center
, Right
, Justify
} |
| Text horizontal alignment. More...
enum class | TextLayoutMode : int {
, Point
, Labeling
, RectangleCapHeightBased
} |
| Text layout modes. More...
enum class | TextOrientation : int { Horizontal
, Vertical
, RotationBased
} |
| Text orientations. More...
enum class | TextRendererFlag : int { WrapLines = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags which control the behavior of rendering text. More...
typedef QFlags< TextRendererFlag > | TextRendererFlags |
enum class | TextRenderFormat : int { AlwaysOutlines
, AlwaysText
, PreferText
} |
| Options for rendering text. More...
enum class | TextVerticalAlignment : int { Top
, VerticalCenter
, Bottom
} |
| Text vertical alignment. More...
enum class | TileAvailability { Available
, NotAvailable
, AvailableNoChildren
, UseLowerZoomLevelTile
} |
| Possible availability states for a tile within a tile matrix. More...
enum class | TileChildrenAvailability { NoChildren
, Available
, NeedFetching
} |
| Possible availability states for a tile's children. More...
enum class | TiledSceneBoundingVolumeType { Region
, OrientedBox
, Sphere
} |
| Tiled scene bounding volume types. More...
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneProviderCapability > | TiledSceneProviderCapabilities |
| Tiled scene data provider capabilities.
enum class | TiledSceneProviderCapability : int { ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 1
} |
| Tiled scene data provider capabilities. More...
enum class | TiledSceneRendererFlag : int { RequiresTextures = 1 << 0
, ForceRasterRender = 1 << 1
, RendersTriangles = 1 << 2
, RendersLines = 1 << 3
} |
| Flags which control how tiled scene 2D renderers behave. More...
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneRendererFlag > | TiledSceneRendererFlags |
| Flags which control how tiled scene 2D renderers behave.
enum class | TiledSceneRequestFlag : int { NoHierarchyFetch = 1 << 0
} |
| Flags which control how tiled scene requests behave. More...
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneRequestFlag > | TiledSceneRequestFlags |
| Flags which control how tiled scene requests behave.
enum class | TilePixelRatio { Undefined = 0
, StandardDpi = 1
, HighDpi = 2
} |
| DpiMode enum. More...
enum class | TileRefinementProcess { Replacement
, Additive
} |
| Tiled scene tile refinement processes. More...
enum class | TransactionMode : int { Disabled = 0
, AutomaticGroups = 1
, BufferedGroups = 2
} |
| Transaction mode. More...
enum class | TransformDirection : int { Forward
, Reverse
} |
| Indicates the direction (forward or inverse) of a transform. More...
enum class | UnitType : int {
Distance = 0
, Area
, Volume
, Unknown
} |
| Unit types. More...
enum class | UnplacedLabelVisibility : int { FollowEngineSetting
, NeverShow
} |
| Unplaced label visibility. More...
enum class | UpsideDownLabelHandling : int { FlipUpsideDownLabels
, AllowUpsideDownWhenRotationIsDefined
, AlwaysAllowUpsideDown
} |
| Handling techniques for upside down labels. More...
enum class | UriCleaningFlag : int { RemoveCredentials = 1 << 0
, RedactCredentials = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags for cleaning layer URIs. More...
typedef QFlags< UriCleaningFlag > | UriCleaningFlags |
| Flags for cleaning layer URIs.
enum class | UserProfileSelectionPolicy : int { LastProfile
, DefaultProfile
, AskUser
} |
| User profile selection policy. More...
typedef QFlags< VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapability > | VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities |
| Attribute editing capabilities which may be supported by vector data providers.
enum class | VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapability : int { EditAlias = 1 << 0
, EditComment = 1 << 1
} |
| Attribute editing capabilities which may be supported by vector data providers. More...
enum class | VectorDataProviderTemporalMode : int { HasFixedTemporalRange = 0
, StoresFeatureDateTimeInstantInField
, StoresFeatureDateTimeStartAndEndInSeparateFields
} |
| Vector data provider temporal handling modes. More...
enum class | VectorEditResult : int {
Success = 0
, EmptyGeometry = 1
, EditFailed = 2
, FetchFeatureFailed = 3
InvalidLayer = 4
} |
| Specifies the result of a vector layer edit operation. More...
enum class | VectorExportResult : int {
Success = 0
, ErrorCreatingDataSource
, ErrorCreatingLayer
, ErrorAttributeTypeUnsupported
, ErrorProjectingFeatures
, ErrorFeatureWriteFailed
, ErrorInvalidLayer
, ErrorProviderUnsupportedFeature
, ErrorConnectionFailed
, UserCanceled
} |
| Vector layer export result codes. More...
typedef QFlags< VectorFileWriterCapability > | VectorFileWriterCapabilities |
| Capabilities supported by a QgsVectorFileWriter object.
enum class | VectorFileWriterCapability : int { FieldAliases = 1 << 0
, FieldComments = 1 << 2
} |
| Capabilities supported by a QgsVectorFileWriter object. More...
enum class | VectorLayerTypeFlag : int { SqlQuery = 1 << 0
} |
| Vector layer type flags. More...
typedef QFlags< VectorLayerTypeFlag > | VectorLayerTypeFlags |
| Vector layer type flags.
enum class | VectorProfileType : int { IndividualFeatures
, ContinuousSurface
} |
| Types of elevation profiles to generate for vector sources. More...
typedef QFlags< VectorProviderCapability > | VectorProviderCapabilities |
| Vector data provider capabilities.
enum class | VectorProviderCapability : int {
NoCapabilities = 0
, AddFeatures = 1
, DeleteFeatures = 1 << 1
, ChangeAttributeValues = 1 << 2
AddAttributes = 1 << 3
, DeleteAttributes = 1 << 4
, CreateSpatialIndex = 1 << 6
, SelectAtId = 1 << 7
ChangeGeometries = 1 << 8
, SelectEncoding = 1 << 13
, CreateAttributeIndex = 1 << 12
, SimplifyGeometries = 1 << 14
SimplifyGeometriesWithTopologicalValidation = 1 << 15
, TransactionSupport = 1 << 16
, CircularGeometries = 1 << 17
, ChangeFeatures = 1 << 18
RenameAttributes = 1 << 19
, FastTruncate = 1 << 20
, ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 21
, WriteLayerMetadata = 1 << 22
CancelSupport = 1 << 23
, CreateRenderer = 1 << 24
, CreateLabeling = 1 << 25
, ReloadData = 1 << 26
FeatureSymbology = 1 << 27
, EditingCapabilities = AddFeatures | DeleteFeatures | ChangeAttributeValues | ChangeGeometries | AddAttributes | DeleteAttributes | RenameAttributes
} |
| Vector data provider capabilities. More...
enum class | VectorRenderingSimplificationFlag : int { NoSimplification = 0
, GeometrySimplification = 1
, AntialiasingSimplification = 2
, FullSimplification = 3
} |
| Simplification flags for vector feature rendering. More...
typedef QFlags< VectorRenderingSimplificationFlag > | VectorRenderingSimplificationFlags |
| Simplification flags for vector feature rendering.
enum class | VectorSimplificationAlgorithm : int { Distance = 0
, SnapToGrid = 1
, Visvalingam = 2
, SnappedToGridGlobal = 3
} |
| Simplification algorithms for vector features. More...
enum class | VectorTemporalLimitMode : int { IncludeBeginExcludeEnd = 0
, IncludeBeginIncludeEnd
} |
| Mode for the handling of the limits of the filtering timeframe for vector features. More...
enum class | VectorTemporalMode : int {
FixedTemporalRange = 0
, FeatureDateTimeInstantFromField
, FeatureDateTimeStartAndEndFromFields
, FeatureDateTimeStartAndDurationFromFields
, RedrawLayerOnly
} |
| Vector layer temporal feature modes. More...
typedef QFlags< VectorTileProviderCapability > | VectorTileProviderCapabilities |
| Vector tile data provider capabilities.
enum class | VectorTileProviderCapability : int { ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 1
} |
| Enumeration with capabilities that vector tile data providers might implement. More...
enum class | VectorTileProviderFlag : int { AlwaysUseTileMatrixSetFromProvider = 1 << 1
} |
| Flags for vector tile data providers. More...
typedef QFlags< VectorTileProviderFlag > | VectorTileProviderFlags |
| Vector tile data provider flags.
enum class | VertexMarkerType : int { SemiTransparentCircle
, Cross
, NoMarker
} |
| Editing vertex markers, used for showing vertices during a edit operation. More...
enum class | VertexType : int { Segment = 1
, Curve = 2
} |
| Types of vertex. More...
enum class | VerticalAnchorPoint : int { Top
, Center
, Bottom
, Baseline
} |
| Marker symbol vertical anchor points. More...
enum class | VerticalAxisInversion : int { Never
, WhenDragging
, Always
} |
| Vertical axis inversion options for 3D views. More...
enum class | ViewSyncModeFlag : int { Sync3DTo2D = 1 << 0
, Sync2DTo3D = 1 << 1
} |
| Synchronization of 2D map canvas and 3D view. More...
typedef QFlags< ViewSyncModeFlag > | ViewSyncModeFlags |
enum class | VolumeUnit : int {
, CubicFeet
, CubicYards
, Barrel
, Liters
, GallonUS
, CubicInch
, CubicDegrees
, Unknown
} |
| Units of volume. More...
enum class | VsiHandlerType : int {
, Archive
, Network
, Cloud
, Other
} |
| GDAL VSI handler types. More...
enum class | WkbType : quint32 {
Unknown = 0
, Point = 1
, LineString = 2
, Polygon = 3
Triangle = 17
, MultiPoint = 4
, MultiLineString = 5
, MultiPolygon = 6
GeometryCollection = 7
, CircularString = 8
, CompoundCurve = 9
, CurvePolygon = 10
MultiCurve = 11
, MultiSurface = 12
, PolyhedralSurface = 15
, TIN = 16
NoGeometry = 100
, PointZ = 1001
, LineStringZ = 1002
, PolygonZ = 1003
TriangleZ = 1017
, MultiPointZ = 1004
, MultiLineStringZ = 1005
, MultiPolygonZ = 1006
GeometryCollectionZ = 1007
, CircularStringZ = 1008
, CompoundCurveZ = 1009
, CurvePolygonZ = 1010
MultiCurveZ = 1011
, MultiSurfaceZ = 1012
, PolyhedralSurfaceZ = 1015
, TINZ = 1016
PointM = 2001
, LineStringM = 2002
, PolygonM = 2003
, TriangleM = 2017
MultiPointM = 2004
, MultiLineStringM = 2005
, MultiPolygonM = 2006
, GeometryCollectionM = 2007
CircularStringM = 2008
, CompoundCurveM = 2009
, CurvePolygonM = 2010
, MultiCurveM = 2011
MultiSurfaceM = 2012
, PolyhedralSurfaceM = 2015
, TINM = 2016
, PointZM = 3001
LineStringZM = 3002
, PolygonZM = 3003
, MultiPointZM = 3004
, MultiLineStringZM = 3005
MultiPolygonZM = 3006
, GeometryCollectionZM = 3007
, CircularStringZM = 3008
, CompoundCurveZM = 3009
CurvePolygonZM = 3010
, MultiCurveZM = 3011
, MultiSurfaceZM = 3012
, PolyhedralSurfaceZM = 3015
TINZM = 3016
, TriangleZM = 3017
, Point25D = 0x80000001
, LineString25D
, MultiPoint25D
, MultiLineString25D
, MultiPolygon25D
} |
| The WKB type describes the number of dimensions a geometry has. More...
enum class | ZonalStatistic : int {
Count = 1 << 0
, Sum = 1 << 1
, Mean = 1 << 2
, Median = 1 << 3
StDev = 1 << 4
, Min = 1 << 5
, Max = 1 << 6
, Range = 1 << 7
Minority = 1 << 8
, Majority = 1 << 9
, Variety = 1 << 10
, Variance = 1 << 11
MinimumPoint = 1 << 12
, MaximumPoint = 1 << 13
, All = Count | Sum | Mean | Median | StDev | Max | Min | Range | Minority | Majority | Variety | Variance
, AllNumeric = Count | Sum | Mean | Median | StDev | Max | Min | Range | Minority | Majority | Variety | Variance
Default = Count | Sum | Mean
} |
| Statistics to be calculated during a zonal statistics operation. More...
enum class | ZonalStatisticResult : int {
Success = 0
, LayerTypeWrong = 1
, LayerInvalid
, RasterInvalid
, FailedToCreateField = 8
, Canceled = 9
} |
| Zonal statistics result codes. More...
typedef QFlags< ZonalStatistic > | ZonalStatistics |
| Statistics to be calculated during a zonal statistics operation.