QGIS API Documentation 3.41.0-Master (652554233d6)
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application. More...
#include <qgis.h>
Public Types | |
enum class | ActionStart : int { Deferred , Immediate } |
Enum to determine when an operation would begin. More... | |
enum class | ActionType : int { Invalid , MapLayerAction , AttributeAction } |
Action types. More... | |
enum class | Aggregate : int { Count , CountDistinct , CountMissing , Min , Max , Sum , Mean , Median , StDev , StDevSample , Range , Minority , Majority , FirstQuartile , ThirdQuartile , InterQuartileRange , StringMinimumLength , StringMaximumLength , StringConcatenate , GeometryCollect , ArrayAggregate , StringConcatenateUnique } |
Available aggregates to calculate. More... | |
enum class | AltitudeBinding : int { Vertex , Centroid } |
Altitude binding. More... | |
enum class | AltitudeClamping : int { Absolute , Relative , Terrain } |
Altitude clamping. More... | |
enum class | AngleUnit : int { Degrees , Radians , Gon , MinutesOfArc , SecondsOfArc , Turn , MilliradiansSI , MilNATO , Unknown } |
Units of angles. More... | |
enum class | AngularDirection : int { Clockwise , CounterClockwise , NoOrientation } |
Angular directions. More... | |
enum class | AnimationState : int { Forward , Reverse , Idle } |
Animation states. More... | |
enum class | AnnotationItemEditOperationResult : int { Success , Invalid , ItemCleared } |
Results from an edit operation on an annotation item. More... | |
enum class | AnnotationItemFlag : int { ScaleDependentBoundingBox = 1 << 0 , SupportsReferenceScale = 1 << 1 , SupportsCallouts = 1 << 2 } |
Flags for annotation items. More... | |
typedef QFlags< AnnotationItemFlag > | AnnotationItemFlags |
Annotation item flags. | |
enum class | AnnotationItemGuiFlag : int { FlagNoCreationTools = 1 << 0 } |
Flags for controlling how an annotation item behaves in the GUI. More... | |
typedef QFlags< AnnotationItemGuiFlag > | AnnotationItemGuiFlags |
Annotation item GUI flags. | |
enum class | AnnotationItemNodeType : int { VertexHandle , CalloutHandle } |
Annotation item node types. More... | |
enum class | AnnotationPlacementMode : int { SpatialBounds = 0 , FixedSize , RelativeToMapFrame } |
Annotation item placement modes. More... | |
enum class | ArcGisRestServiceType : int { FeatureServer , MapServer , ImageServer , GlobeServer , GPServer , GeocodeServer , Unknown } |
Available ArcGIS REST service types. More... | |
enum class | AreaUnit : int { SquareMeters , SquareKilometers , SquareFeet , SquareYards , SquareMiles , Hectares , Acres , SquareNauticalMiles , SquareDegrees , SquareCentimeters , SquareMillimeters , SquareInches , Unknown } |
Units of area. More... | |
enum class | AttributeActionType : int { Generic , GenericPython , Mac , Windows , Unix , OpenUrl , SubmitUrlEncoded , SubmitUrlMultipart } |
Attribute action types. More... | |
enum class | AttributeEditorContainerType : int { GroupBox , Tab , Row } |
Attribute editor container types. More... | |
enum class | AttributeEditorType : int { Container , Field , Relation , QmlElement , HtmlElement , Action , TextElement , SpacerElement , Invalid } |
Attribute editor types. More... | |
enum class | AttributeFormLayout : int { AutoGenerated = 0 , DragAndDrop = 1 , UiFile = 2 } |
Available form types for layout of the attribute form editor. More... | |
enum class | AttributeFormPythonInitCodeSource : int { NoSource = 0 , File = 1 , Dialog = 2 , Environment = 3 } |
The Python init code source for attribute forms. More... | |
enum class | AttributeFormSuppression : int { Default = 0 , On = 1 , Off = 2 } |
Available form types for layout of the attribute form editor. More... | |
typedef QFlags< AuthConfigurationStorageCapability > | AuthConfigurationStorageCapabilities |
Authentication configuration storage capabilities. | |
enum class | AuthConfigurationStorageCapability : int { ClearStorage = 1 << 0 , ReadConfiguration = 1 << 1 , UpdateConfiguration = 1 << 2 , DeleteConfiguration = 1 << 3 , CreateConfiguration = 1 << 4 , ReadCertificateIdentity = 1 << 5 , UpdateCertificateIdentity = 1 << 6 , DeleteCertificateIdentity = 1 << 7 , CreateCertificateIdentity = 1 << 8 , ReadSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 9 , UpdateSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 10 , DeleteSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 11 , CreateSslCertificateCustomConfig = 1 << 12 , ReadCertificateAuthority = 1 << 13 , UpdateCertificateAuthority = 1 << 14 , DeleteCertificateAuthority = 1 << 15 , CreateCertificateAuthority = 1 << 16 , ReadCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 17 , UpdateCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 18 , DeleteCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 19 , CreateCertificateTrustPolicy = 1 << 20 , ReadMasterPassword = 1 << 21 , UpdateMasterPassword = 1 << 22 , DeleteMasterPassword = 1 << 23 , CreateMasterPassword = 1 << 24 , ReadSetting = 1 << 25 , UpdateSetting = 1 << 26 , DeleteSetting = 1 << 27 , CreateSetting = 1 << 28 } |
Authentication configuration storage capabilities. More... | |
enum class | AutoRefreshMode : int { Disabled = 0 , ReloadData = 1 , RedrawOnly = 2 } |
Map layer automatic refresh modes. More... | |
enum class | AvoidIntersectionsMode : int { AllowIntersections , AvoidIntersectionsCurrentLayer , AvoidIntersectionsLayers } |
Flags which control how intersections of pre-existing feature are handled when digitizing new features. More... | |
enum class | Axis : int { X , Y , Z } |
Cartesian axes. More... | |
enum class | BabelCommandFlag : int { QuoteFilePaths = 1 << 0 } |
Babel command flags, which control how commands and arguments are generated for executing GPSBabel processes. More... | |
typedef QFlags< BabelCommandFlag > | BabelCommandFlags |
Babel command flags. | |
typedef QFlags< BabelFormatCapability > | BabelFormatCapabilities |
Babel GPS format capabilities. | |
enum class | BabelFormatCapability : int { Import = 1 << 0 , Export = 1 << 1 , Waypoints = 1 << 2 , Routes = 1 << 3 , Tracks = 1 << 4 } |
Babel GPS format capabilities. More... | |
enum class | BetweenLineConstraint : int { NoConstraint , Perpendicular , Parallel } |
Between line constraints which can be enabled. More... | |
enum class | BlendMode : int { Normal , Lighten , Screen , Dodge , Addition , Darken , Multiply , Burn , Overlay , SoftLight , HardLight , Difference , Subtract , Source , DestinationOver , Clear , Destination , SourceIn , DestinationIn , SourceOut , DestinationOut , SourceAtop , DestinationAtop , Xor } |
Blending modes defining the available composition modes that can be used when painting. More... | |
enum class | BrowserDirectoryMonitoring : int { Default , NeverMonitor , AlwaysMonitor } |
Browser directory item monitoring switches. More... | |
typedef QFlags< BrowserItemCapability > | BrowserItemCapabilities |
Browser item capabilities. | |
enum class | BrowserItemCapability : int { NoCapabilities = 0 , SetCrs = 1 << 0 , Fertile = 1 << 1 , Fast = 1 << 2 , Collapse = 1 << 3 , Rename = 1 << 4 , Delete = 1 << 5 , ItemRepresentsFile = 1 << 6 , RefreshChildrenWhenItemIsRefreshed = 1 << 7 , ReadOnly = 1 << 8 } |
Browser item capabilities. More... | |
enum class | BrowserItemState : int { NotPopulated , Populating , Populated } |
Browser item states. More... | |
enum class | BrowserItemType : int { Collection , Directory , Layer , Error , Favorites , Project , Custom , Fields , Field } |
Browser item types. More... | |
enum class | BrowserLayerType : int { NoType , Vector , Raster , Point , Line , Polygon , TableLayer , Database , Table , Plugin , Mesh , VectorTile , PointCloud , TiledScene } |
Browser item layer types. More... | |
enum class | BufferSide : int { Left = 0 , Right } |
Side of line to buffer. More... | |
enum class | CadConstraintType : int { Generic , Angle , Distance , XCoordinate , YCoordinate , ZValue , MValue } |
Advanced digitizing constraint type. More... | |
enum class | Capitalization : int { MixedCase = 0 , AllUppercase = 1 , AllLowercase = 2 , ForceFirstLetterToCapital = 4 , SmallCaps = 5 , TitleCase = 1004 , UpperCamelCase = 1005 , AllSmallCaps = 1006 } |
String capitalization options. More... | |
enum class | CaptureTechnique : int { StraightSegments , CircularString , Streaming , Shape } |
Capture technique. More... | |
enum class | ColorModel : int { Rgb , Cmyk } |
Color model types. More... | |
enum class | ContentStatus : int { NotStarted , Running , Finished , Failed , Canceled } |
Status for fetched or stored content. More... | |
enum class | CoordinateDisplayType : int { MapCrs , MapGeographic , CustomCrs } |
Formats for displaying coordinates. More... | |
enum class | CoordinateOrder : int { Default , XY , YX } |
Order of coordinates. More... | |
enum class | CoordinateTransformationFlag : int { BallparkTransformsAreAppropriate = 1 << 0 , IgnoreImpossibleTransformations = 1 << 1 } |
Flags which adjust the coordinate transformations behave. More... | |
typedef QFlags< CoordinateTransformationFlag > | CoordinateTransformationFlags |
Coordinate transformation flags. | |
enum class | CoverageValidityResult : int { Invalid = 0 , Valid = 1 , Error = 2 } |
Coverage validity results. More... | |
enum class | CrsAxisDirection : int { North , NorthNorthEast , NorthEast , EastNorthEast , East , EastSouthEast , SouthEast , SouthSouthEast , South , SouthSouthWest , SouthWest , WestSouthWest , West , WestNorthWest , NorthWest , NorthNorthWest , GeocentricX , GeocentricY , GeocentricZ , Up , Down , Forward , Aft , Port , Starboard , Clockwise , CounterClockwise , ColumnPositive , ColumnNegative , RowPositive , RowNegative , DisplayRight , DisplayLeft , DisplayUp , DisplayDown , Future , Past , Towards , AwayFrom , Unspecified } |
Coordinate reference system axis directions. More... | |
enum class | CrsDefinitionFormat : int { Wkt , Proj } |
CRS definition formats. More... | |
enum class | CrsIdentifierType : int { ShortString , MediumString , FullString } |
Available identifier string types for representing coordinate reference systems. More... | |
enum class | CrsType : int { Unknown , Geodetic , Geocentric , Geographic2d , Geographic3d , Vertical , Projected , Compound , Temporal , Engineering , Bound , Other , DerivedProjected } |
Coordinate reference system types. More... | |
enum class | CrsWktVariant : int { Wkt1Gdal , Wkt1Esri , Wkt2_2015 , Wkt2_2015Simplified , Wkt2_2019 , Wkt2_2019Simplified , Preferred = Wkt2_2019 , PreferredSimplified = Wkt2_2019Simplified , PreferredGdal = Wkt2_2019 } |
Coordinate reference system WKT formatting variants. More... | |
enum class | DashPatternLineEndingRule : int { NoRule , FullDash , HalfDash , FullGap , HalfGap } |
Dash pattern line ending rules. More... | |
enum class | DashPatternSizeAdjustment : int { ScaleBothDashAndGap , ScaleDashOnly , ScaleGapOnly } |
Dash pattern size adjustment options. More... | |
typedef QFlags< DatabaseProviderConnectionCapability2 > | DatabaseProviderConnectionCapabilities2 |
enum class | DatabaseProviderConnectionCapability2 : int { SetFieldComment = 1 << 0 , SetFieldAlias = 1 << 1 } |
The Capability enum represents the extended operations supported by the connection. More... | |
typedef QFlags< DataItemProviderCapability > | DataItemProviderCapabilities |
Capabilities for data item providers. | |
enum class | DataItemProviderCapability : int { NoCapabilities = 0 , Files = 1 , Directories = 1 << 1 , Databases = 1 << 2 , NetworkSources = 1 << 3 } |
Capabilities for data item providers. More... | |
enum class | DataProviderFlag : int { IsBasemapSource = 1 << 1 , FastExtent2D = 1 << 2 , FastExtent3D = 1 << 3 } |
Generic data provider flags. More... | |
typedef QFlags< DataProviderFlag > | DataProviderFlags |
Data provider flags. | |
enum class | DataProviderReadFlag : int { TrustDataSource = 1 << 0 , SkipFeatureCount = 1 << 1 , LoadDefaultStyle = 1 << 2 , SkipGetExtent = 1 << 3 , SkipFullScan = 1 << 4 , ForceReadOnly = 1 << 5 , SkipCredentialsRequest = 1 << 6 , ParallelThreadLoading = 1 << 7 } |
Flags which control data provider construction. More... | |
typedef QFlags< DataProviderReadFlag > | DataProviderReadFlags |
Flags which control data provider construction. | |
enum class | DataType : int { UnknownDataType = 0 , Byte = 1 , Int8 = 14 , UInt16 = 2 , Int16 = 3 , UInt32 = 4 , Int32 = 5 , Float32 = 6 , Float64 = 7 , CInt16 = 8 , CInt32 = 9 , CFloat32 = 10 , CFloat64 = 11 , ARGB32 = 12 , ARGB32_Premultiplied = 13 } |
Raster data types. More... | |
enum class | DateTimeStatistic : int { Count = 1 , CountDistinct = 2 , CountMissing = 4 , Min = 8 , Max = 16 , Range = 32 , All = Count | CountDistinct | CountMissing | Min | Max | Range } |
Available date/time statistics. More... | |
typedef QFlags< DateTimeStatistic > | DateTimeStatistics |
Statistics to be calculated for date/time values. | |
enum class | DeviceConnectionStatus : int { Disconnected , Connecting , Connected } |
GPS connection status. More... | |
enum class | DistanceUnit : int { Meters , Kilometers , Feet , NauticalMiles , Yards , Miles , Degrees , Centimeters , Millimeters , Inches , ChainsInternational , ChainsBritishBenoit1895A , ChainsBritishBenoit1895B , ChainsBritishSears1922Truncated , ChainsBritishSears1922 , ChainsClarkes , ChainsUSSurvey , FeetBritish1865 , FeetBritish1936 , FeetBritishBenoit1895A , FeetBritishBenoit1895B , FeetBritishSears1922Truncated , FeetBritishSears1922 , FeetClarkes , FeetGoldCoast , FeetIndian , FeetIndian1937 , FeetIndian1962 , FeetIndian1975 , FeetUSSurvey , LinksInternational , LinksBritishBenoit1895A , LinksBritishBenoit1895B , LinksBritishSears1922Truncated , LinksBritishSears1922 , LinksClarkes , LinksUSSurvey , YardsBritishBenoit1895A , YardsBritishBenoit1895B , YardsBritishSears1922Truncated , YardsBritishSears1922 , YardsClarkes , YardsIndian , YardsIndian1937 , YardsIndian1962 , YardsIndian1975 , MilesUSSurvey , Fathoms , MetersGermanLegal , Unknown } |
Units of distance. More... | |
enum class | DistanceUnitType : int { Standard , Geographic , Unknown } |
Types of distance units. More... | |
enum class | DocumentationApi : int { PyQgis , PyQgisSearch , CppQgis , Qt } |
Documentation API. More... | |
enum class | DocumentationBrowser : int { DeveloperToolsPanel , SystemWebBrowser } |
Documentation API browser. More... | |
enum class | DpiMode { All = 7 , Off = 0 , QGIS = 1 , UMN = 2 , GeoServer = 4 } |
DpiMode enum. More... | |
enum class | DriveType : int { Unknown , Invalid , Removable , Fixed , Remote , CdRom , RamDisk , Cloud } |
Drive types. More... | |
enum class | ElevationMapCombineMethod : int { HighestElevation , NewerElevation } |
Methods used to select the elevation when two elevation maps are combined. More... | |
enum class | EndCapStyle : int { Round = 1 , Flat , Square } |
End cap styles for buffers. More... | |
enum class | ExpressionType { Qgis , PointCloud , RasterCalculator } |
Expression types. More... | |
enum class | FeatureAvailability : int { NoFeaturesAvailable = 0 , FeaturesAvailable , FeaturesMaybeAvailable } |
Possible return value for QgsFeatureSource::hasFeatures() to determine if a source is empty. More... | |
enum class | FeatureCountState : int { FeatureCountState::Uncounted = -2 , FeatureCountState::UnknownCount = -1 } |
Enumeration of feature count states. More... | |
enum class | FeatureRendererFlag : int { AffectsLabeling = 1 << 0 } |
Flags controlling behavior of vector feature renderers. More... | |
typedef QFlags< FeatureRendererFlag > | FeatureRendererFlags |
Flags controlling behavior of vector feature renderers. | |
enum class | FeatureRequestFilterType : int { NoFilter , Fid , Expression , Fids } |
Types of feature request filters. More... | |
enum class | FeatureRequestFlag : int { NoFlags = 0 , NoGeometry = 1 , SubsetOfAttributes = 2 , ExactIntersect = 4 , IgnoreStaticNodesDuringExpressionCompilation = 8 , EmbeddedSymbols = 16 } |
Flags for controlling feature requests. More... | |
typedef QFlags< FeatureRequestFlag > | FeatureRequestFlags |
Flags for controlling feature requests. | |
enum class | FeatureSymbologyExport : int { NoSymbology = 0 , PerFeature , PerSymbolLayer } |
Options for exporting features considering their symbology. More... | |
enum class | FieldConfigurationFlag : int { NoFlag = 0 , NotSearchable = 1 << 1 , HideFromWms = 1 << 2 , HideFromWfs = 1 << 3 } |
Configuration flags for fields These flags are meant to be user-configurable and are not describing any information from the data provider. More... | |
typedef QFlags< FieldConfigurationFlag > | FieldConfigurationFlags |
Configuration flags for fields These flags are meant to be user-configurable and are not describing any information from the data provider. | |
enum class | FieldDomainMergePolicy : int { DefaultValue , Sum , GeometryWeighted } |
Merge policy for field domains. More... | |
enum class | FieldDomainSplitPolicy : int { DefaultValue , Duplicate , GeometryRatio , UnsetField } |
Split policy for field domains. More... | |
enum class | FieldDomainType : int { Coded , Range , Glob } |
Types of field domain. More... | |
enum class | FieldDuplicatePolicy : int { DefaultValue , Duplicate , UnsetField } |
Duplicate policy for fields. More... | |
enum class | FieldMetadataProperty : int { GeometryCrs = 0x1000 , GeometryWkbType = 0x1001 , CustomProperty = 0x100000 } |
Standard field metadata values. More... | |
enum class | FieldOrigin : int { Unknown , Provider , Join , Edit , Expression } |
Field origin. More... | |
enum class | FileFilterType : int { Vector = 1 , Raster , Mesh , MeshDataset , PointCloud , VectorTile , TiledScene } |
Type of file filters. More... | |
enum class | FileOperationFlag : int { IncludeMetadataFile = 1 << 0 , IncludeStyleFile = 1 << 1 } |
File operation flags. More... | |
typedef QFlags< FileOperationFlag > | FileOperationFlags |
File operation flags. | |
enum class | FilePathType : int { Absolute , Relative } |
File path types. More... | |
enum class | GdalResampleAlgorithm : int { RA_NearestNeighbour = 0 , RA_Bilinear = 1 , RA_Cubic = 2 , RA_CubicSpline = 3 , RA_Lanczos = 4 , RA_Average = 5 , RA_Mode = 6 , RA_Max = 8 , RA_Min = 9 , RA_Median = 10 , RA_Q1 = 11 , RA_Q3 = 12 } |
Resampling algorithm to be used (equivalent to GDAL's enum GDALResampleAlg) More... | |
enum class | GeometryOperationResult : int { Success = 0 , NothingHappened = 1000 , InvalidBaseGeometry , InvalidInputGeometryType , SelectionIsEmpty , SelectionIsGreaterThanOne , GeometryEngineError , LayerNotEditable , AddPartSelectedGeometryNotFound , AddPartNotMultiGeometry , AddRingNotClosed , AddRingNotValid , AddRingCrossesExistingRings , AddRingNotInExistingFeature , SplitCannotSplitPoint , GeometryTypeHasChanged } |
Success or failure of a geometry operation. More... | |
enum class | GeometryType : int { Point , Line , Polygon , Unknown , Null } |
The geometry types are used to group Qgis::WkbType in a coarse way. More... | |
enum class | GeometryValidationEngine : int { QgisInternal , Geos } |
Available engines for validating geometries. More... | |
enum class | GeometryValidityFlag : int { AllowSelfTouchingHoles = 1 << 0 } |
Geometry validity check flags. More... | |
typedef QFlags< GeometryValidityFlag > | GeometryValidityFlags |
Geometry validity flags. | |
enum class | GeosCreationFlag : int { RejectOnInvalidSubGeometry = 1 << 0 , SkipEmptyInteriorRings = 1 << 1 } |
Flags which control geos geometry creation behavior. More... | |
typedef QFlags< GeosCreationFlag > | GeosCreationFlags |
Geos geometry creation behavior flags. | |
enum class | GnssConstellation { Unknown , Gps , Glonass , Galileo , BeiDou , Qzss , Navic , Sbas } |
GNSS constellation. More... | |
enum class | GpsConnectionType : int { Automatic , Internal , Serial , Gpsd } |
GPS connection types. More... | |
enum class | GpsFeatureType : int { Waypoint , Route , Track } |
GPS feature types. More... | |
enum class | GpsFixStatus : int { NoData , NoFix , Fix2D , Fix3D } |
GPS fix status. More... | |
enum class | GpsInformationComponent : int { Location = 1 << 0 , Altitude = 1 << 1 , GroundSpeed = 1 << 2 , Bearing = 1 << 3 , TotalTrackLength = 1 << 4 , TrackDistanceFromStart = 1 << 5 , Pdop = 1 << 6 , Hdop = 1 << 7 , Vdop = 1 << 8 , HorizontalAccuracy = 1 << 9 , VerticalAccuracy = 1 << 10 , HvAccuracy = 1 << 11 , SatellitesUsed = 1 << 12 , Timestamp = 1 << 13 , TrackStartTime = 1 << 14 , TrackEndTime = 1 << 15 , TrackDistanceSinceLastPoint = 1 << 16 , TrackTimeSinceLastPoint = 1 << 17 , GeoidalSeparation = 1 << 18 , EllipsoidAltitude = 1 << 19 } |
GPS information component. More... | |
typedef QFlags< GpsInformationComponent > | GpsInformationComponents |
GPS information component. | |
enum class | GpsNavigationStatus : int { NotValid , Safe , Caution , Unsafe } |
GPS navigation status. More... | |
enum class | GpsQualityIndicator { Unknown = -1 , Invalid , GPS , DGPS , PPS , RTK , FloatRTK , Estimated , Manual , Simulation } |
GPS signal quality indicator. More... | |
enum class | GradientColorSource : int { SimpleTwoColor , ColorRamp } |
Gradient color sources. More... | |
enum class | GradientSpread : int { Pad , Reflect , Repeat } |
Gradient spread options, which control how gradients are rendered outside of their start and end points. More... | |
enum class | GradientType : int { Linear , Radial , Conical } |
Gradient types. More... | |
enum class | GraduatedMethod : int { Color , Size } |
Methods for modifying symbols by range in a graduated symbol renderer. More... | |
enum class | HistoryProviderBackend : int { LocalProfile = 1 << 0 } |
History provider backends. More... | |
typedef QFlags< HistoryProviderBackend > | HistoryProviderBackends |
enum class | HttpMethod : int { Get = 0 , Post = 1 } |
Different methods of HTTP requests. More... | |
enum class | InputControllerType : int { Map2D , Map3D } |
Input controller types. More... | |
enum class | InvalidGeometryCheck : int { NoCheck = 0 , SkipInvalid = 1 , AbortOnInvalid = 2 } |
Methods for handling of features with invalid geometries. More... | |
enum class | JoinStyle : int { Round = 1 , Miter , Bevel } |
Join styles for buffers. More... | |
enum class | LabelingFlag : int { UseAllLabels = 1 << 1 , UsePartialCandidates = 1 << 2 , RenderOutlineLabels = 1 << 3 , DrawLabelRectOnly = 1 << 4 , DrawCandidates = 1 << 5 , DrawUnplacedLabels = 1 << 6 , CollectUnplacedLabels = 1 << 7 , DrawLabelMetrics = 1 << 8 } |
Various flags that affect drawing and placement of labels. More... | |
typedef QFlags< LabelingFlag > | LabelingFlags |
Flags that affect drawing and placement of labels. | |
enum class | LabelLinePlacementFlag : int { OnLine = 1 , AboveLine = 2 , BelowLine = 4 , MapOrientation = 8 } |
Line placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a linear feature. More... | |
typedef QFlags< LabelLinePlacementFlag > | LabelLinePlacementFlags |
Line placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a linear feature. | |
enum class | LabelMultiLineAlignment : int { Left = 0 , Center , Right , FollowPlacement , Justify } |
Text alignment for multi-line labels. More... | |
enum class | LabelOffsetType : int { FromPoint , FromSymbolBounds } |
Behavior modifier for label offset and distance, only applies in some label placement modes. More... | |
enum class | LabelOverlapHandling : int { PreventOverlap , AllowOverlapIfRequired , AllowOverlapAtNoCost } |
Label overlap handling. More... | |
enum class | LabelPlacement : int { AroundPoint , OverPoint , Line , Curved , Horizontal , Free , OrderedPositionsAroundPoint , PerimeterCurved , OutsidePolygons } |
Placement modes which determine how label candidates are generated for a feature. More... | |
enum class | LabelPlacementEngineVersion : int { Version1 , Version2 } |
Labeling placement engine version. More... | |
enum class | LabelPolygonPlacementFlag : int { AllowPlacementOutsideOfPolygon = 1 << 0 , AllowPlacementInsideOfPolygon = 1 << 1 } |
Polygon placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a polygon feature. More... | |
typedef QFlags< LabelPolygonPlacementFlag > | LabelPolygonPlacementFlags |
Polygon placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a polygon feature. | |
enum class | LabelPredefinedPointPosition : int { TopLeft , TopSlightlyLeft , TopMiddle , TopSlightlyRight , TopRight , MiddleLeft , MiddleRight , BottomLeft , BottomSlightlyLeft , BottomMiddle , BottomSlightlyRight , BottomRight , OverPoint } |
Positions for labels when using the Qgis::LabelPlacement::OrderedPositionsAroundPoint placement mode. More... | |
enum class | LabelPrioritization : int { PreferCloser , PreferPositionOrdering } |
Label prioritization. More... | |
enum class | LabelQuadrantPosition : int { AboveLeft , Above , AboveRight , Left , Over , Right , BelowLeft , Below , BelowRight } |
Label quadrant positions. More... | |
enum class | LayerFilter : int { RasterLayer = 1 , NoGeometry = 2 , PointLayer = 4 , LineLayer = 8 , PolygonLayer = 16 , HasGeometry = PointLayer | LineLayer | PolygonLayer , VectorLayer = NoGeometry | HasGeometry , PluginLayer = 32 , WritableLayer = 64 , MeshLayer = 128 , VectorTileLayer = 256 , PointCloudLayer = 512 , AnnotationLayer = 1024 , TiledSceneLayer = 2048 , All = RasterLayer | VectorLayer | PluginLayer | MeshLayer | VectorTileLayer | PointCloudLayer | AnnotationLayer | TiledSceneLayer , SpatialLayer = RasterLayer | HasGeometry | PluginLayer | MeshLayer | VectorTileLayer | PointCloudLayer | AnnotationLayer | TiledSceneLayer } |
Filter for layers. More... | |
typedef QFlags< LayerFilter > | LayerFilters |
enum class | LayerTreeFilterFlag : int { SkipVisibilityCheck = 1 << 0 } |
Layer tree filter flags. More... | |
typedef QFlags< LayerTreeFilterFlag > | LayerTreeFilterFlags |
Layer tree filter flags. | |
enum class | LayerTreeInsertionMethod : int { AboveInsertionPoint , TopOfTree , OptimalInInsertionGroup } |
Layer tree insertion methods. More... | |
enum class | LayerType : int { Vector , Raster , Plugin , Mesh , VectorTile , Annotation , PointCloud , Group , TiledScene } |
Types of layers that can be added to a map. More... | |
enum class | LayoutUnit : int { Millimeters , Centimeters , Meters , Inches , Feet , Points , Picas , Pixels } |
Layout measurement units. More... | |
enum class | LayoutUnitType : int { PaperUnits , ScreenUnits } |
Types of layout units. More... | |
enum class | LegendJsonRenderFlag : int { ShowRuleDetails = 1 << 0 } |
Legend JSON export flags. More... | |
typedef QFlags< LegendJsonRenderFlag > | LegendJsonRenderFlags |
enum class | LightSourceType : int { Point , Directional } |
Light source types for 3D scenes. More... | |
enum class | LinearReferencingLabelSource : int { CartesianDistance2D , Z , M } |
Defines what quantity to use for the labels shown in a linear referencing symbol layer. More... | |
enum class | LinearReferencingPlacement : int { IntervalCartesian2D = 1 << 0 , IntervalZ = 1 << 1 , IntervalM = 1 << 2 , Vertex = 1 << 3 } |
Defines how/where the labels should be placed in a linear referencing symbol layer. More... | |
enum class | LineClipMode : int { ClipPainterOnly , ClipToIntersection , NoClipping } |
Line clipping modes. More... | |
enum class | LineExtensionSide : int { BeforeVertex , AfterVertex , NoVertex } |
Designates whether the line extension constraint is currently soft locked with the previous or next vertex of the locked one. More... | |
enum class | LoadStyleFlag : int { IgnoreMissingStyleErrors = 1 << 0 } |
Flags for loading layer styles. More... | |
typedef QFlags< LoadStyleFlag > | LoadStyleFlags |
Flags for loading layer styles. | |
enum class | MakeValidMethod : int { Linework = 0 , Structure = 1 } |
Algorithms to use when repairing invalid geometries. More... | |
enum class | MapBoxGlStyleSourceType : int { Vector , Raster , RasterDem , GeoJson , Image , Video , Unknown } |
Available MapBox GL style source types. More... | |
enum class | MapCanvasFlag : int { ShowMainAnnotationLayer = 1 << 0 } |
Flags controlling behavior of map canvases. More... | |
typedef QFlags< MapCanvasFlag > | MapCanvasFlags |
Flags controlling behavior of map canvases. | |
enum class | MapLayerActionFlag : int { EnabledOnlyWhenEditable = 1 << 1 } |
Map layer action flags. More... | |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerActionFlag > | MapLayerActionFlags |
Map layer action flags. | |
enum class | MapLayerActionTarget : int { Layer = 1 << 0 , SingleFeature = 1 << 1 , MultipleFeatures = 1 << 2 , AllActions = Layer | SingleFeature | MultipleFeatures } |
Map layer action targets. More... | |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerActionTarget > | MapLayerActionTargets |
Map layer action targets. | |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerProperty > | MapLayerProperties |
Map layer properties. | |
enum class | MapLayerProperty : int { UsersCannotToggleEditing = 1 << 0 , IsBasemapLayer = 1 << 1 } |
Generic map layer properties. More... | |
enum class | MapLayerRendererFlag : int { RenderPartialOutputs = 1 << 0 , RenderPartialOutputOverPreviousCachedImage = 1 << 1 , AffectsLabeling = 1 << 2 } |
Flags which control how map layer renderers behave. More... | |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerRendererFlag > | MapLayerRendererFlags |
Flags which control how map layer renderers behave. | |
enum class | MapRecenteringMode { Always , WhenOutsideVisibleExtent , Never } |
Modes for recentering map canvases. More... | |
enum class | MapSettingsFlag : int { Antialiasing = 0x01 , DrawEditingInfo = 0x02 , ForceVectorOutput = 0x04 , UseAdvancedEffects = 0x08 , DrawLabeling = 0x10 , UseRenderingOptimization = 0x20 , DrawSelection = 0x40 , DrawSymbolBounds = 0x80 , RenderMapTile = 0x100 , RenderPartialOutput = 0x200 , RenderPreviewJob = 0x400 , RenderBlocking = 0x800 , LosslessImageRendering = 0x1000 , Render3DMap = 0x2000 , HighQualityImageTransforms = 0x4000 , SkipSymbolRendering = 0x8000 , ForceRasterMasks = 0x10000 , RecordProfile = 0x20000 , AlwaysUseGlobalMasks = 0x40000 } |
Flags which adjust the way maps are rendered. More... | |
typedef QFlags< MapSettingsFlag > | MapSettingsFlags |
Map settings flags. | |
enum class | MapToolUnit : int { Layer , Pixels , Project } |
Type of unit of tolerance value from settings. More... | |
enum class | MarkerClipMode : int { NoClipping , Shape , CentroidWithin , CompletelyWithin } |
Marker clipping modes. More... | |
enum class | MarkerLinePlacement : int { Interval = 1 << 0 , Vertex = 1 << 1 , LastVertex = 1 << 2 , FirstVertex = 1 << 3 , CentralPoint = 1 << 4 , CurvePoint = 1 << 5 , SegmentCenter = 1 << 6 , InnerVertices = 1 << 7 } |
Defines how/where the symbols should be placed on a line. More... | |
typedef QFlags< MarkerLinePlacement > | MarkerLinePlacements |
enum class | MarkerShape : int { Square , Diamond , Pentagon , Hexagon , Triangle , EquilateralTriangle , Star , Arrow , Circle , Cross , CrossFill , Cross2 , Line , ArrowHead , ArrowHeadFilled , SemiCircle , ThirdCircle , QuarterCircle , QuarterSquare , HalfSquare , DiagonalHalfSquare , RightHalfTriangle , LeftHalfTriangle , Octagon , SquareWithCorners , AsteriskFill , HalfArc , ThirdArc , QuarterArc , ParallelogramRight , ParallelogramLeft , Trapezoid , Shield , DiamondStar , Heart , Decagon , RoundedSquare } |
Marker shapes. More... | |
enum class | MeshEditingErrorType : int { NoError , InvalidFace , TooManyVerticesInFace , FlatFace , UniqueSharedVertex , InvalidVertex , ManifoldFace } |
Type of error that can occur during mesh frame editing. More... | |
enum class | MeshElevationMode : int { FixedElevationRange = 0 , FromVertices = 1 , FixedRangePerGroup = 2 } |
Mesh layer elevation modes. More... | |
enum class | MeshRangeExtent : int { WholeMesh , FixedCanvas , UpdatedCanvas } |
Describes the extent used to compute mesh ranges (min/max values). More... | |
enum class | MeshRangeLimit : int { NotSet , MinimumMaximum } |
Describes the limits used to compute mesh ranges (min/max values). More... | |
enum | MessageLevel { Info = 0 , Warning = 1 , Critical = 2 , Success = 3 , NoLevel = 4 } |
Level for messages This will be used both for message log and message bar in application. More... | |
enum class | MetadataDateType { Created , Published , Revised , Superseded } |
Date types for metadata. More... | |
enum class | MouseHandlesAction : int { MoveItem , ResizeUp , ResizeDown , ResizeLeft , ResizeRight , ResizeLeftUp , ResizeRightUp , ResizeLeftDown , ResizeRightDown , SelectItem , NoAction } |
Action to be performed by the mouse handles. More... | |
enum class | NavigationMode : int { TerrainBased , Walk } |
The navigation mode used by 3D cameras. More... | |
enum class | PictureFormat : int { SVG = 0 , Raster , Unknown } |
Picture formats. More... | |
enum class | PlaybackOperation : int { SkipToStart , PreviousFrame , PlayReverse , Pause , PlayForward , NextFrame , SkipToEnd } |
Media playback operations. More... | |
enum class | PlotAxisSuffixPlacement { NoLabels , EveryLabel , FirstLabel , LastLabel , FirstAndLastLabels } |
Placement options for suffixes in the labels for axis of plots. More... | |
enum class | PlotToolFlag : int { ShowContextMenu = 1 << 0 } |
Flags that control the way the QgsPlotTools operate. More... | |
typedef QFlags< PlotToolFlag > | PlotToolFlags |
enum class | Point3DShape : int { Cylinder , Sphere , Cone , Cube , Torus , Plane , ExtrudedText , Model , Billboard } |
3D point shape types. More... | |
enum class | PointCloudAccessType : int { Local , Remote } |
The access type of the data, local is for local files and remote for remote files (over HTTP). More... | |
enum class | PointCloudDrawOrder : int { Default , BottomToTop , TopToBottom } |
Pointcloud rendering order for 2d views. More... | |
enum class | PointCloudSymbol : int { Square , Circle } |
Rendering symbols for point cloud points. More... | |
enum class | PointCloudZoomOutRenderBehavior : int { RenderExtents , RenderOverview , RenderOverviewAndExtents } |
Point cloud zoom out options. More... | |
enum class | PointCountMethod : int { Absolute , DensityBased } |
Methods which define the number of points randomly filling a polygon. More... | |
enum class | PostgresRelKind { NotSet , Unknown , OrdinaryTable , Index , Sequence , View , MaterializedView , CompositeType , ToastTable , ForeignTable , PartitionedTable } |
Postgres database relkind options. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingAlgorithmDocumentationFlag : int { RegeneratesPrimaryKey = 1 << 0 , RegeneratesPrimaryKeyInSomeScenarios = 1 << 1 } |
Flags describing algorithm behavior for documentation purposes. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingAlgorithmDocumentationFlag > | ProcessingAlgorithmDocumentationFlags |
Flags describing algorithm behavior for documentation purposes. | |
enum class | ProcessingAlgorithmFlag : int { HideFromToolbox = 1 << 1 , HideFromModeler = 1 << 2 , SupportsBatch = 1 << 3 , CanCancel = 1 << 4 , RequiresMatchingCrs = 1 << 5 , NoThreading = 1 << 6 , DisplayNameIsLiteral = 1 << 7 , SupportsInPlaceEdits = 1 << 8 , KnownIssues = 1 << 9 , CustomException = 1 << 10 , PruneModelBranchesBasedOnAlgorithmResults = 1 << 11 , SkipGenericModelLogging = 1 << 12 , NotAvailableInStandaloneTool = 1 << 13 , RequiresProject = 1 << 14 , SecurityRisk = 1 << 15 , Deprecated = HideFromToolbox | HideFromModeler } |
Flags indicating how and when an algorithm operates and should be exposed to users. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingAlgorithmFlag > | ProcessingAlgorithmFlags |
Flags indicating how and when an algorithm operates and should be exposed to users. | |
enum class | ProcessingDateTimeParameterDataType : int { DateTime , Date , Time } |
Processing date time parameter data types. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlag : int { OverrideDefaultGeometryCheck = 1 << 0 , CreateIndividualOutputPerInputFeature = 1 << 1 } |
Flags which control behavior for a Processing feature source. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlag > | ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlags |
Flags which control behavior for a Processing feature source. | |
enum class | ProcessingFeatureSourceFlag : int { SkipGeometryValidityChecks = 1 << 1 } |
Flags which control how QgsProcessingFeatureSource fetches features. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingFeatureSourceFlag > | ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags |
Flags which control how QgsProcessingFeatureSource fetches features. | |
enum class | ProcessingFieldParameterDataType : int { Any = -1 , Numeric = 0 , String = 1 , DateTime = 2 , Binary = 3 , Boolean = 4 } |
Processing field parameter data types. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingFileParameterBehavior : int { File = 0 , Folder } |
Flags which dictate the behavior of QgsProcessingParameterFile. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingLogLevel : int { DefaultLevel = 0 , Verbose , ModelDebug } |
Logging level for algorithms to use when pushing feedback messages. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingModelChildAlgorithmExecutionStatus : int { NotExecuted , Success , Failed } |
Reflects the status of a child algorithm in a Processing model. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingModelChildParameterSource : int { ModelParameter , ChildOutput , StaticValue , Expression , ExpressionText , ModelOutput } |
Processing model child parameter sources. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingNumberParameterType : int { Integer , Double } |
Processing numeric parameter data types. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingParameterFlag : int { Advanced = 1 << 1 , Hidden = 1 << 2 , Optional = 1 << 3 , IsModelOutput = 1 << 4 } |
Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameters. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingParameterFlag > | ProcessingParameterFlags |
Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameters. | |
enum class | ProcessingParameterTypeFlag : int { ExposeToModeler = 1 } |
Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameter types. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingParameterTypeFlag > | ProcessingParameterTypeFlags |
Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameter types. | |
enum class | ProcessingPropertyAvailability : int { NotAvailable , Available } |
Property availability, used for QgsProcessingAlgorithm::VectorProperties in order to determine if properties are available or not. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingProviderFlag : int { DeemphasiseSearchResults = 1 << 1 , CompatibleWithVirtualRaster = 1 << 2 } |
Flags indicating how and when an processing provider operates and should be exposed to users. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingProviderFlag > | ProcessingProviderFlags |
Flags indicating how and when an processing provider operates and should be exposed to users. | |
enum class | ProcessingSourceType : int { MapLayer = -2 , VectorAnyGeometry = -1 , VectorPoint = 0 , VectorLine = 1 , VectorPolygon = 2 , Raster = 3 , File = 4 , Vector = 5 , Mesh = 6 , Plugin = 7 , PointCloud = 8 , Annotation = 9 , VectorTile = 10 } |
Processing data source types. More... | |
enum class | ProcessingTinInputLayerType : int { Vertices , StructureLines , BreakLines } |
Defines the type of input layer for a Processing TIN input. More... | |
enum class | ProfileExportType : int { Features3D , Profile2D , DistanceVsElevationTable } |
Types of export for elevation profiles. More... | |
enum class | ProfileGeneratorFlag : int { RespectsMaximumErrorMapUnit = 1 << 0 , RespectsDistanceRange = 1 << 1 , RespectsElevationRange = 1 << 2 } |
Flags that control the way the QgsAbstractProfileGenerator operate. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProfileGeneratorFlag > | ProfileGeneratorFlags |
enum class | ProfileSurfaceSymbology : int { Line , FillBelow , FillAbove } |
Surface symbology type for elevation profile plots. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProjectCapability > | ProjectCapabilities |
Flags which control project capabilities. | |
enum class | ProjectCapability : int { ProjectStyles = 1 << 0 } |
Flags which control project capabilities. More... | |
enum class | ProjectFileFormat : int { Qgz , Qgs } |
Flags which control project read behavior. More... | |
enum class | ProjectFlag : int { EvaluateDefaultValuesOnProviderSide = 1 << 0 , TrustStoredLayerStatistics = 1 << 1 , RememberLayerEditStatusBetweenSessions = 1 << 2 , RememberAttributeTableWindowsBetweenSessions = 1 << 3 } |
Flags which control the behavior of QgsProjects. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProjectFlag > | ProjectFlags |
enum class | ProjectReadFlag : int { DontResolveLayers = 1 << 0 , DontLoadLayouts = 1 << 1 , TrustLayerMetadata = 1 << 2 , DontStoreOriginalStyles = 1 << 3 , DontLoad3DViews = 1 << 4 , DontLoadProjectStyles = 1 << 5 , ForceReadOnlyLayers = 1 << 6 , DontUpgradeAnnotations = 1 << 7 } |
Flags which control project read behavior. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProjectReadFlag > | ProjectReadFlags |
Project load flags. | |
enum class | PropertyType : int { Invalid , Static , Field , Expression } |
Property types. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ProviderStyleStorageCapability > | ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities |
enum class | ProviderStyleStorageCapability : int { SaveToDatabase = 1 << 1 , LoadFromDatabase = 1 << 2 , DeleteFromDatabase = 1 << 3 } |
The StorageCapability enum represents the style storage operations supported by the provider. More... | |
enum class | PythonEmbeddedMode : int { Never = 0 , Ask = 1 , SessionOnly = 2 , Always = 3 , NotForThisSession } |
Authorisation to run Python Embedded in projects. More... | |
enum class | PythonEmbeddedType : int { Macro = 0 , ExpressionFunction = 1 } |
Type of Python Embedded in projects. More... | |
enum class | RangeLimits : int { IncludeBoth = 0 , IncludeLowerExcludeUpper , ExcludeLowerIncludeUpper , ExcludeBoth } |
Describes how the limits of a range are handled. More... | |
enum class | RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage : int { Generic = 0 , PixelCount = 1 , Name = 2 , Min = 3 , Max = 4 , MinMax = 5 , Red = 6 , Green = 7 , Blue = 8 , Alpha = 9 , RedMin = 10 , GreenMin = 11 , BlueMin = 12 , AlphaMin = 13 , RedMax = 14 , GreenMax = 15 , BlueMax = 16 , AlphaMax = 17 , MaxCount } |
The RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage enum represents the usage of a Raster Attribute Table field. More... | |
enum class | RasterAttributeTableType : int { Thematic = 0 , Athematic = 1 } |
The RasterAttributeTableType enum represents the type of RAT. More... | |
enum class | RasterBandStatistic : int { NoStatistic = 0 , Min = 1 , Max = 1 << 1 , Range = 1 << 2 , Sum = 1 << 3 , Mean = 1 << 4 , StdDev = 1 << 5 , SumOfSquares = 1 << 6 , All = Min | Max | Range | Sum | Mean | StdDev | SumOfSquares } |
Available raster band statistics. More... | |
typedef QFlags< RasterBandStatistic > | RasterBandStatistics |
Statistics to be calculated for raster bands. | |
enum class | RasterBuildPyramidOption : int { No = 0 , Yes = 1 , CopyExisting = 2 } |
Raster pyramid building options. More... | |
enum class | RasterColorInterpretation : int { Undefined = 0 , GrayIndex = 1 , PaletteIndex = 2 , RedBand = 3 , GreenBand = 4 , BlueBand = 5 , AlphaBand = 6 , HueBand = 7 , SaturationBand = 8 , LightnessBand = 9 , CyanBand = 10 , MagentaBand = 11 , YellowBand = 12 , BlackBand = 13 , YCbCr_YBand = 14 , YCbCr_CbBand = 15 , YCbCr_CrBand = 16 , ContinuousPalette = 17 , PanBand = 18 , CoastalBand = 19 , RedEdgeBand = 20 , NIRBand = 21 , SWIRBand = 22 , MWIRBand = 23 , LWIRBand = 24 , TIRBand = 25 , OtherIRBand = 26 , SAR_Ka_Band = 27 , SAR_K_Band = 28 , SAR_Ku_Band = 30 , SAR_X_Band = 31 , SAR_C_Band = 32 , SAR_S_Band = 33 , SAR_L_Band = 34 , SAR_P_Band = 35 } |
Raster color interpretation. More... | |
enum class | RasterDrawingStyle : int { Undefined , SingleBandGray , SingleBandPseudoColor , PalettedColor , PalettedSingleBandGray , PalettedSingleBandPseudoColor , PalettedMultiBandColor , MultiBandSingleBandGray , MultiBandSingleBandPseudoColor , MultiBandColor , SingleBandColorData } |
Raster drawing styles. More... | |
enum class | RasterElevationMode : int { FixedElevationRange = 0 , RepresentsElevationSurface = 1 , FixedRangePerBand = 2 , DynamicRangePerBand = 3 } |
Raster layer elevation modes. More... | |
enum class | RasterExportType : int { Raw = 0 , RenderedImage = 1 } |
Raster file export types. More... | |
enum class | RasterFileWriterResult : int { Success = 0 , SourceProviderError = 1 , DestinationProviderError = 2 , CreateDatasourceError = 3 , WriteError = 4 , NoDataConflict = 5 , Canceled = 6 } |
Raster file export results. More... | |
enum class | RasterIdentifyFormat : int { Undefined = 0 , Value = 1 , Text = 1 << 1 , Html = 1 << 2 , Feature = 1 << 3 } |
Raster identify formats. More... | |
typedef QFlags< RasterInterfaceCapability > | RasterInterfaceCapabilities |
Raster interface capabilities. | |
enum class | RasterInterfaceCapability : int { NoCapabilities = 0 , Size = 1 << 1 , Create = 1 << 2 , Remove = 1 << 3 , BuildPyramids = 1 << 4 , Identify = 1 << 5 , IdentifyValue = 1 << 6 , IdentifyText = 1 << 7 , IdentifyHtml = 1 << 8 , IdentifyFeature = 1 << 9 , Prefetch = 1 << 10 } |
Raster interface capabilities. More... | |
enum class | RasterLayerType : int { GrayOrUndefined , Palette , MultiBand , SingleBandColorData } |
Raster layer types. More... | |
enum class | RasterPipeInterfaceRole : int { Unknown = 0 , Provider = 1 , Renderer = 2 , Brightness = 3 , Resampler = 4 , Projector = 5 , Nuller = 6 , HueSaturation = 7 } |
Raster pipe interface roles. More... | |
typedef QFlags< RasterProviderCapability > | RasterProviderCapabilities |
Raster data provider capabilities. | |
enum class | RasterProviderCapability : int { NoProviderCapabilities = 0 , ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 1 , WriteLayerMetadata = 1 << 2 , ProviderHintBenefitsFromResampling = 1 << 3 , ProviderHintCanPerformProviderResampling = 1 << 4 , ReloadData = 1 << 5 , DpiDependentData = 1 << 6 , NativeRasterAttributeTable = 1 << 7 , BuildPyramids = 1 << 8 } |
Raster data provider capabilities. More... | |
enum class | RasterPyramidFormat : int { GeoTiff = 0 , Internal = 1 , Erdas = 2 } |
Raster pyramid formats. More... | |
enum class | RasterRangeAccuracy : int { Exact , Estimated } |
Describes the accuracy used to compute raster ranges (min/max values). More... | |
enum class | RasterRangeExtent : int { WholeRaster , FixedCanvas , UpdatedCanvas } |
Describes the extent used to compute raster ranges (min/max values). More... | |
enum class | RasterRangeLimit : int { NotSet , MinimumMaximum , StdDev , CumulativeCut } |
Describes the limits used to compute raster ranges (min/max values). More... | |
typedef QFlags< RasterRendererCapability > | RasterRendererCapabilities |
Raster renderer capabilities. | |
enum class | RasterRendererCapability : int { UsesMultipleBands = 1 << 0 } |
Raster renderer capabilities. More... | |
enum class | RasterRendererFlag : int { InternalLayerOpacityHandling = 1 << 0 , UseNoDataForOutOfRangePixels = 1 << 1 } |
Flags which control behavior of raster renderers. More... | |
typedef QFlags< RasterRendererFlag > | RasterRendererFlags |
Flags which control behavior of raster renderers. | |
enum class | RasterResamplingMethod : int { Nearest , Bilinear , Cubic , CubicSpline , Lanczos , Average , Mode , Gauss } |
Resampling method for raster provider-level resampling. More... | |
enum class | RasterResamplingStage : int { ResampleFilter , Provider } |
Stage at which raster resampling occurs. More... | |
enum class | RasterTemporalCapabilityFlag : int { RequestedTimesMustExactlyMatchAllAvailableTemporalRanges = 1 << 0 } |
Flags for raster layer temporal capabilities. More... | |
typedef QFlags< RasterTemporalCapabilityFlag > | RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags |
Flags for raster layer temporal capabilities. | |
enum class | RasterTemporalMode : int { FixedTemporalRange = 0 , TemporalRangeFromDataProvider = 1 , RedrawLayerOnly = 2 , FixedRangePerBand = 3 , RepresentsTemporalValues = 4 } |
Raster layer temporal modes. More... | |
typedef QFlags< RelationshipCapability > | RelationshipCapabilities |
Relationship capabilities. | |
enum class | RelationshipCapability : int { MultipleFieldKeys = 1 << 0 , ForwardPathLabel = 1 << 1 , BackwardPathLabel = 1 << 2 } |
Relationship capabilities. More... | |
enum class | RelationshipCardinality : int { OneToOne , OneToMany , ManyToOne , ManyToMany } |
Relationship cardinality. More... | |
enum class | RelationshipStrength : int { Association , Composition } |
Relationship strength. More... | |
enum class | RelationshipType : int { Normal , Generated } |
Relationship types. More... | |
enum class | RenderContextFlag : int { DrawEditingInfo = 0x01 , ForceVectorOutput = 0x02 , UseAdvancedEffects = 0x04 , UseRenderingOptimization = 0x08 , DrawSelection = 0x10 , DrawSymbolBounds = 0x20 , RenderMapTile = 0x40 , Antialiasing = 0x80 , RenderPartialOutput = 0x100 , RenderPreviewJob = 0x200 , RenderBlocking = 0x400 , RenderSymbolPreview = 0x800 , LosslessImageRendering = 0x1000 , ApplyScalingWorkaroundForTextRendering = 0x2000 , Render3DMap = 0x4000 , ApplyClipAfterReprojection = 0x8000 , RenderingSubSymbol = 0x10000 , HighQualityImageTransforms = 0x20000 , SkipSymbolRendering = 0x40000 , RecordProfile = 0x80000 , AlwaysUseGlobalMasks = 0x100000 , DisableSymbolClippingToExtent = 0x200000 } |
Flags which affect rendering operations. More... | |
typedef QFlags< RenderContextFlag > | RenderContextFlags |
Render context flags. | |
enum class | RendererUsage : int { View , Export , Unknown } |
Usage of the renderer. More... | |
enum class | RenderSubcomponentProperty : int { Generic , ShadowOffset , BlurSize , GlowSpread } |
Rendering subcomponent properties. More... | |
enum class | RenderUnit : int { Millimeters , MapUnits , Pixels , Percentage , Points , Inches , Unknown , MetersInMapUnits } |
Rendering size units. More... | |
enum class | ScaleBarAlignment : int { Left = 0 , Middle , Right } |
Scalebar alignment. More... | |
enum class | ScaleBarDistanceLabelHorizontalPlacement : int { CenteredEdge = 0 , CenteredSegment } |
Scale bar distance label horizontal placement. More... | |
enum class | ScaleBarDistanceLabelVerticalPlacement : int { AboveSegment = 0 , BelowSegment } |
Scale bar distance label vertical placement. More... | |
enum class | ScaleBarSegmentSizeMode : int { Fixed = 0 , FitWidth = 1 } |
Modes for setting size for scale bar segments. More... | |
enum class | ScaleCalculationMethod : int { HorizontalTop = 0 , HorizontalMiddle , HorizontalBottom , HorizontalAverage } |
Scale calculation logic. More... | |
enum class | ScaleMethod : int { ScaleArea , ScaleDiameter } |
Scale methods. More... | |
enum class | ScaleToTileZoomLevelMethod : int { MapBox , Esri } |
Available methods for converting map scales to tile zoom levels. More... | |
enum class | ScriptLanguage : int { Css , QgisExpression , Html , JavaScript , Json , Python , R , Sql , Batch , Bash , Unknown } |
Scripting languages. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ScriptLanguageCapability > | ScriptLanguageCapabilities |
Script language capabilities. | |
enum class | ScriptLanguageCapability : int { Reformat = 1 << 0 , CheckSyntax = 1 << 1 , ToggleComment = 1 << 2 } |
Script language capabilities. More... | |
enum class | SegmentCalculationMethod : int { Standard = 0 , Adaptive , AreaError , ConstantDensity } |
brief Method used to calculate the number of segments for circle approximation More... | |
enum class | SelectBehavior : int { SetSelection , AddToSelection , IntersectSelection , RemoveFromSelection } |
Specifies how a selection should be applied. More... | |
enum class | SelectGeometryRelationship : int { Intersect , Within } |
Geometry relationship test to apply for selecting features. More... | |
enum class | SelectionFlag : int { SingleFeatureSelection = 1 << 0 , ToggleSelection = 1 << 1 } |
Flags which control feature selection behavior. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SelectionFlag > | SelectionFlags |
Flags which control feature selection behavior. | |
enum class | SelectionRenderingMode : int { Default , CustomColor , CustomSymbol } |
Specifies how a selection should be rendered. More... | |
enum class | SensorThingsEntity : int { Invalid , Thing , Location , HistoricalLocation , Datastream , Sensor , ObservedProperty , Observation , FeatureOfInterest , MultiDatastream } |
OGC SensorThings API entity types. More... | |
enum class | SettingsOption : int { SaveFormerValue = 1 << 1 , SaveEnumFlagAsInt = 1 << 2 } |
Settings options. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SettingsOption > | SettingsOptions |
enum class | SettingsOrigin : int { Any , Global , Local } |
The setting origin describes where a setting is stored. More... | |
enum class | SettingsTreeNodeOption : int { NamedListSelectedItemSetting = 1 << 0 } |
Options for named list nodes. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SettingsTreeNodeOption > | SettingsTreeNodeOptions |
enum class | SettingsTreeNodeType { Root , Standard , NamedList } |
Type of tree node. More... | |
enum class | SettingsType : int { Custom , Variant , String , StringList , VariantMap , Bool , Integer , Double , EnumFlag , Color } |
Types of settings entries. More... | |
enum class | ShaderClassificationMethod : int { Continuous = 1 , EqualInterval = 2 , Quantile = 3 } |
Color ramp shader classification methods. More... | |
enum class | ShaderInterpolationMethod : int { Linear = 0 , Discrete = 1 , Exact = 2 } |
Color ramp shader interpolation methods. More... | |
enum class | SldExportOption : int { NoOptions = 0 , Svg = 1 << 0 , Png = 1 << 1 } |
SLD export options. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SldExportOption > | SldExportOptions |
enum class | SldExportVendorExtension : int { NoVendorExtension = 0 , GeoServerVendorExtension = 1 << 1 , DeegreeVendorExtension = 1 << 2 } |
SLD export vendor extensions, allow the use of vendor extensions when exporting to SLD. More... | |
enum class | SnappingMode : int { ActiveLayer = 1 , AllLayers = 2 , AdvancedConfiguration = 3 } |
SnappingMode defines on which layer the snapping is performed. More... | |
enum class | SnappingType : int { NoSnap = 0 , Vertex = 1 << 0 , Segment = 1 << 1 , Area = 1 << 2 , Centroid = 1 << 3 , MiddleOfSegment = 1 << 4 , LineEndpoint = 1 << 5 } |
SnappingTypeFlag defines on what object the snapping is performed. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SnappingType > | SnappingTypes |
Snapping types. | |
enum class | SpatialFilterType : int { NoFilter , BoundingBox , DistanceWithin } |
Feature request spatial filter types. More... | |
enum class | SpatialIndexPresence : int { Unknown = 0 , NotPresent = 1 , Present = 2 } |
Enumeration of spatial index presence states. More... | |
enum class | SqlKeywordCategory : int { Keyword , Constant , Function , Geospatial , Operator , Math , Aggregate , String , Identifier } |
SqlKeywordCategory enum represents the categories of the SQL keywords used by the SQL query editor. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SqlLayerDefinitionCapability > | SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities |
SQL layer definition capabilities. | |
enum class | SqlLayerDefinitionCapability : int { SubsetStringFilter = 1 << 1 , GeometryColumn = 1 << 2 , PrimaryKeys = 1 << 3 , UnstableFeatureIds = 1 << 4 } |
SqlLayerDefinitionCapability enum lists the arguments supported by the provider when creating SQL query layers. More... | |
enum class | Statistic : int { Count = 1 << 0 , CountMissing = 1 << 15 , Sum = 1 << 1 , Mean = 1 << 2 , Median = 1 << 3 , StDev = 1 << 4 , StDevSample = 1 << 5 , Min = 1 << 6 , Max = 1 << 7 , Range = 1 << 8 , Minority = 1 << 9 , Majority = 1 << 10 , Variety = 1 << 11 , FirstQuartile = 1 << 12 , ThirdQuartile = 1 << 13 , InterQuartileRange = 1 << 14 , First = 1 << 16 , Last = 1 << 17 , All = Count | CountMissing | Sum | Mean | Median | StDev | Max | Min | Range | Minority | Majority | Variety | FirstQuartile | ThirdQuartile | InterQuartileRange | First | Last } |
Available generic statistics. More... | |
typedef QFlags< Statistic > | Statistics |
Statistics to be calculated for generic values. | |
enum class | StringStatistic : int { Count = 1 , CountDistinct = 2 , CountMissing = 4 , Min = 8 , Max = 16 , MinimumLength = 32 , MaximumLength = 64 , MeanLength = 128 , Minority = 256 , Majority = 512 , All = Count | CountDistinct | CountMissing | Min | Max | MinimumLength | MaximumLength | MeanLength | Minority | Majority } |
Available string statistics. More... | |
typedef QFlags< StringStatistic > | StringStatistics |
Statistics to be calculated for string values. | |
enum class | SublayerFlag : int { SystemTable = 1 << 0 } |
Flags which reflect the properties of sublayers in a dataset. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SublayerFlag > | SublayerFlags |
Sublayer flags. | |
enum class | SublayerPromptMode : int { AlwaysAsk , AskExcludingRasterBands , NeverAskSkip , NeverAskLoadAll } |
Specifies how to handle layer sources with multiple sublayers. More... | |
enum class | SublayerQueryFlag : int { FastScan = 1 << 0 , ResolveGeometryType = 1 << 1 , CountFeatures = 1 << 2 , IncludeSystemTables = 1 << 3 } |
Flags which control how data providers will scan for sublayers in a dataset. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SublayerQueryFlag > | SublayerQueryFlags |
Sublayer query flags. | |
enum class | SymbolCoordinateReference : int { Feature , Viewport } |
Symbol coordinate reference modes. More... | |
enum class | SymbolFlag : int { RendererShouldUseSymbolLevels = 1 << 0 , AffectsLabeling = 1 << 1 } |
Flags controlling behavior of symbols. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SymbolFlag > | SymbolFlags |
Symbol flags. | |
enum class | SymbolLayerFlag : int { DisableFeatureClipping = 1 << 0 , CanCalculateMaskGeometryPerFeature = 1 << 1 , AffectsLabeling = 1 << 2 } |
Flags controlling behavior of symbol layers. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SymbolLayerFlag > | SymbolLayerFlags |
Symbol layer flags. | |
enum class | SymbolLayerUserFlag : int { DisableSelectionRecoloring = 1 << 0 } |
User-specified flags controlling behavior of symbol layers. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SymbolLayerUserFlag > | SymbolLayerUserFlags |
Symbol layer user flags. | |
enum class | SymbolPreviewFlag : int { FlagIncludeCrosshairsForMarkerSymbols = 1 << 0 } |
Flags for controlling how symbol preview images are generated. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SymbolPreviewFlag > | SymbolPreviewFlags |
Symbol preview flags. | |
enum class | SymbolRenderHint : int { DynamicRotation = 1 << 1 , IsSymbolLayerSubSymbol = 1 << 2 , ForceVectorRendering = 1 << 3 , ExcludeSymbolBuffers = 1 << 4 } |
Flags controlling behavior of symbols during rendering. More... | |
typedef QFlags< SymbolRenderHint > | SymbolRenderHints |
Symbol render hints. | |
enum class | SymbolRotationMode : int { RespectMapRotation , IgnoreMapRotation } |
Modes for handling how symbol and text entity rotation is handled when maps are rotated. More... | |
enum class | SymbolType : int { Marker , Line , Fill , Hybrid } |
Symbol types. More... | |
enum class | SystemOfMeasurement : int { Unknown = 0 , Metric , Imperial , USCS } |
Systems of unit measurement. More... | |
enum class | TemporalIntervalMatchMethod : int { MatchUsingWholeRange , MatchExactUsingStartOfRange , MatchExactUsingEndOfRange , FindClosestMatchToStartOfRange , FindClosestMatchToEndOfRange } |
Method to use when resolving a temporal range to a data provider layer or band. More... | |
enum class | TemporalNavigationMode : int { Disabled , Animated , FixedRange , Movie } |
Temporal navigation modes. More... | |
enum class | TemporalUnit : int { Milliseconds , Seconds , Minutes , Hours , Days , Weeks , Months , Years , Decades , Centuries , IrregularStep , Unknown } |
Temporal units. More... | |
enum class | TextCharacterVerticalAlignment : int { Normal , SuperScript , SubScript } |
Text vertical alignment for characters. More... | |
enum class | TextComponent : int { Text = 1 << 0 , Buffer = 1 << 1 , Background = 1 << 2 , Shadow = 1 << 3 } |
Text components. More... | |
typedef QFlags< TextComponent > | TextComponents |
Text components. | |
enum class | TextHorizontalAlignment : int { Left , Center , Right , Justify } |
Text horizontal alignment. More... | |
enum class | TextLayoutMode : int { Rectangle , Point , Labeling , RectangleCapHeightBased , RectangleAscentBased } |
Text layout modes. More... | |
enum class | TextOrientation : int { Horizontal , Vertical , RotationBased } |
Text orientations. More... | |
enum class | TextRendererFlag : int { WrapLines = 1 << 0 } |
Flags which control the behavior of rendering text. More... | |
typedef QFlags< TextRendererFlag > | TextRendererFlags |
enum class | TextRenderFormat : int { AlwaysOutlines , AlwaysText , PreferText } |
Options for rendering text. More... | |
enum class | TextVerticalAlignment : int { Top , VerticalCenter , Bottom } |
Text vertical alignment. More... | |
enum class | TileAvailability { Available , NotAvailable , AvailableNoChildren , UseLowerZoomLevelTile } |
Possible availability states for a tile within a tile matrix. More... | |
enum class | TileChildrenAvailability { NoChildren , Available , NeedFetching } |
Possible availability states for a tile's children. More... | |
enum class | TiledSceneBoundingVolumeType { Region , OrientedBox , Sphere } |
Tiled scene bounding volume types. More... | |
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneProviderCapability > | TiledSceneProviderCapabilities |
Tiled scene data provider capabilities. | |
enum class | TiledSceneProviderCapability : int { ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 1 } |
Tiled scene data provider capabilities. More... | |
enum class | TiledSceneRendererFlag : int { RequiresTextures = 1 << 0 , ForceRasterRender = 1 << 1 , RendersTriangles = 1 << 2 , RendersLines = 1 << 3 } |
Flags which control how tiled scene 2D renderers behave. More... | |
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneRendererFlag > | TiledSceneRendererFlags |
Flags which control how tiled scene 2D renderers behave. | |
enum class | TiledSceneRequestFlag : int { NoHierarchyFetch = 1 << 0 } |
Flags which control how tiled scene requests behave. More... | |
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneRequestFlag > | TiledSceneRequestFlags |
Flags which control how tiled scene requests behave. | |
enum class | TilePixelRatio { Undefined = 0 , StandardDpi = 1 , HighDpi = 2 } |
DpiMode enum. More... | |
enum class | TileRefinementProcess { Replacement , Additive } |
Tiled scene tile refinement processes. More... | |
enum class | TransactionMode : int { Disabled = 0 , AutomaticGroups = 1 , BufferedGroups = 2 } |
Transaction mode. More... | |
enum class | TransformDirection : int { Forward , Reverse } |
Indicates the direction (forward or inverse) of a transform. More... | |
enum class | UnitType : int { Distance = 0 , Area , Volume , Unknown , Temporal } |
Unit types. More... | |
enum class | UnplacedLabelVisibility : int { FollowEngineSetting , NeverShow } |
Unplaced label visibility. More... | |
enum class | UpsideDownLabelHandling : int { FlipUpsideDownLabels , AllowUpsideDownWhenRotationIsDefined , AlwaysAllowUpsideDown } |
Handling techniques for upside down labels. More... | |
enum class | UriCleaningFlag : int { RemoveCredentials = 1 << 0 , RedactCredentials = 1 << 1 } |
Flags for cleaning layer URIs. More... | |
typedef QFlags< UriCleaningFlag > | UriCleaningFlags |
Flags for cleaning layer URIs. | |
enum class | UserProfileSelectionPolicy : int { LastProfile , DefaultProfile , AskUser } |
User profile selection policy. More... | |
typedef QFlags< VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapability > | VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities |
Attribute editing capabilities which may be supported by vector data providers. | |
enum class | VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapability : int { EditAlias = 1 << 0 , EditComment = 1 << 1 } |
Attribute editing capabilities which may be supported by vector data providers. More... | |
enum class | VectorDataProviderTemporalMode : int { HasFixedTemporalRange = 0 , StoresFeatureDateTimeInstantInField , StoresFeatureDateTimeStartAndEndInSeparateFields } |
Vector data provider temporal handling modes. More... | |
enum class | VectorEditResult : int { Success = 0 , EmptyGeometry = 1 , EditFailed = 2 , FetchFeatureFailed = 3 , InvalidLayer = 4 } |
Specifies the result of a vector layer edit operation. More... | |
enum class | VectorExportResult : int { Success = 0 , ErrorCreatingDataSource , ErrorCreatingLayer , ErrorAttributeTypeUnsupported , ErrorAttributeCreationFailed , ErrorProjectingFeatures , ErrorFeatureWriteFailed , ErrorInvalidLayer , ErrorInvalidProvider , ErrorProviderUnsupportedFeature , ErrorConnectionFailed , UserCanceled } |
Vector layer export result codes. More... | |
typedef QFlags< VectorFileWriterCapability > | VectorFileWriterCapabilities |
Capabilities supported by a QgsVectorFileWriter object. | |
enum class | VectorFileWriterCapability : int { FieldAliases = 1 << 0 , FieldComments = 1 << 2 } |
Capabilities supported by a QgsVectorFileWriter object. More... | |
enum class | VectorLayerTypeFlag : int { SqlQuery = 1 << 0 } |
Vector layer type flags. More... | |
typedef QFlags< VectorLayerTypeFlag > | VectorLayerTypeFlags |
Vector layer type flags. | |
enum class | VectorProfileType : int { IndividualFeatures , ContinuousSurface } |
Types of elevation profiles to generate for vector sources. More... | |
typedef QFlags< VectorProviderCapability > | VectorProviderCapabilities |
Vector data provider capabilities. | |
enum class | VectorProviderCapability : int { NoCapabilities = 0 , AddFeatures = 1 , DeleteFeatures = 1 << 1 , ChangeAttributeValues = 1 << 2 , AddAttributes = 1 << 3 , DeleteAttributes = 1 << 4 , CreateSpatialIndex = 1 << 6 , SelectAtId = 1 << 7 , ChangeGeometries = 1 << 8 , SelectEncoding = 1 << 13 , CreateAttributeIndex = 1 << 12 , SimplifyGeometries = 1 << 14 , SimplifyGeometriesWithTopologicalValidation = 1 << 15 , TransactionSupport = 1 << 16 , CircularGeometries = 1 << 17 , ChangeFeatures = 1 << 18 , RenameAttributes = 1 << 19 , FastTruncate = 1 << 20 , ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 21 , WriteLayerMetadata = 1 << 22 , CancelSupport = 1 << 23 , CreateRenderer = 1 << 24 , CreateLabeling = 1 << 25 , ReloadData = 1 << 26 , FeatureSymbology = 1 << 27 , EditingCapabilities = AddFeatures | DeleteFeatures | ChangeAttributeValues | ChangeGeometries | AddAttributes | DeleteAttributes | RenameAttributes } |
Vector data provider capabilities. More... | |
enum class | VectorRenderingSimplificationFlag : int { NoSimplification = 0 , GeometrySimplification = 1 , AntialiasingSimplification = 2 , FullSimplification = 3 } |
Simplification flags for vector feature rendering. More... | |
typedef QFlags< VectorRenderingSimplificationFlag > | VectorRenderingSimplificationFlags |
Simplification flags for vector feature rendering. | |
enum class | VectorSimplificationAlgorithm : int { Distance = 0 , SnapToGrid = 1 , Visvalingam = 2 , SnappedToGridGlobal = 3 } |
Simplification algorithms for vector features. More... | |
enum class | VectorTemporalLimitMode : int { IncludeBeginExcludeEnd = 0 , IncludeBeginIncludeEnd } |
Mode for the handling of the limits of the filtering timeframe for vector features. More... | |
enum class | VectorTemporalMode : int { FixedTemporalRange = 0 , FeatureDateTimeInstantFromField , FeatureDateTimeStartAndEndFromFields , FeatureDateTimeStartAndDurationFromFields , FeatureDateTimeStartAndEndFromExpressions , RedrawLayerOnly } |
Vector layer temporal feature modes. More... | |
typedef QFlags< VectorTileProviderCapability > | VectorTileProviderCapabilities |
Vector tile data provider capabilities. | |
enum class | VectorTileProviderCapability : int { ReadLayerMetadata = 1 << 1 } |
Enumeration with capabilities that vector tile data providers might implement. More... | |
enum class | VectorTileProviderFlag : int { AlwaysUseTileMatrixSetFromProvider = 1 << 1 } |
Flags for vector tile data providers. More... | |
typedef QFlags< VectorTileProviderFlag > | VectorTileProviderFlags |
Vector tile data provider flags. | |
enum class | VertexMarkerType : int { SemiTransparentCircle , Cross , NoMarker } |
Editing vertex markers, used for showing vertices during a edit operation. More... | |
enum class | VertexType : int { Segment = 1 , Curve = 2 } |
Types of vertex. More... | |
enum class | VerticalAxisInversion : int { Never , WhenDragging , Always } |
Vertical axis inversion options for 3D views. More... | |
enum class | ViewSyncModeFlag : int { Sync3DTo2D = 1 << 0 , Sync2DTo3D = 1 << 1 } |
Synchronization of 2D map canvas and 3D view. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ViewSyncModeFlag > | ViewSyncModeFlags |
enum class | VolumeUnit : int { CubicMeters , CubicFeet , CubicYards , Barrel , CubicDecimeter , Liters , GallonUS , CubicInch , CubicCentimeter , CubicDegrees , Unknown } |
Units of volume. More... | |
enum class | VsiHandlerType : int { Invalid , Archive , Network , Cloud , Memory , Other } |
GDAL VSI handler types. More... | |
enum class | WkbType : quint32 { Unknown = 0 , Point = 1 , LineString = 2 , Polygon = 3 , Triangle = 17 , MultiPoint = 4 , MultiLineString = 5 , MultiPolygon = 6 , GeometryCollection = 7 , CircularString = 8 , CompoundCurve = 9 , CurvePolygon = 10 , MultiCurve = 11 , MultiSurface = 12 , PolyhedralSurface = 15 , TIN = 16 , NoGeometry = 100 , PointZ = 1001 , LineStringZ = 1002 , PolygonZ = 1003 , TriangleZ = 1017 , MultiPointZ = 1004 , MultiLineStringZ = 1005 , MultiPolygonZ = 1006 , GeometryCollectionZ = 1007 , CircularStringZ = 1008 , CompoundCurveZ = 1009 , CurvePolygonZ = 1010 , MultiCurveZ = 1011 , MultiSurfaceZ = 1012 , PolyhedralSurfaceZ = 1015 , TINZ = 1016 , PointM = 2001 , LineStringM = 2002 , PolygonM = 2003 , TriangleM = 2017 , MultiPointM = 2004 , MultiLineStringM = 2005 , MultiPolygonM = 2006 , GeometryCollectionM = 2007 , CircularStringM = 2008 , CompoundCurveM = 2009 , CurvePolygonM = 2010 , MultiCurveM = 2011 , MultiSurfaceM = 2012 , PolyhedralSurfaceM = 2015 , TINM = 2016 , PointZM = 3001 , LineStringZM = 3002 , PolygonZM = 3003 , MultiPointZM = 3004 , MultiLineStringZM = 3005 , MultiPolygonZM = 3006 , GeometryCollectionZM = 3007 , CircularStringZM = 3008 , CompoundCurveZM = 3009 , CurvePolygonZM = 3010 , MultiCurveZM = 3011 , MultiSurfaceZM = 3012 , PolyhedralSurfaceZM = 3015 , TINZM = 3016 , TriangleZM = 3017 , Point25D = 0x80000001 , LineString25D , Polygon25D , MultiPoint25D , MultiLineString25D , MultiPolygon25D } |
The WKB type describes the number of dimensions a geometry has. More... | |
enum class | ZonalStatistic : int { Count = 1 << 0 , Sum = 1 << 1 , Mean = 1 << 2 , Median = 1 << 3 , StDev = 1 << 4 , Min = 1 << 5 , Max = 1 << 6 , Range = 1 << 7 , Minority = 1 << 8 , Majority = 1 << 9 , Variety = 1 << 10 , Variance = 1 << 11 , MinimumPoint = 1 << 12 , MaximumPoint = 1 << 13 , All = Count | Sum | Mean | Median | StDev | Max | Min | Range | Minority | Majority | Variety | Variance , AllNumeric = Count | Sum | Mean | Median | StDev | Max | Min | Range | Minority | Majority | Variety | Variance , Default = Count | Sum | Mean } |
Statistics to be calculated during a zonal statistics operation. More... | |
enum class | ZonalStatisticResult : int { Success = 0 , LayerTypeWrong = 1 , LayerInvalid , RasterInvalid , RasterBandInvalid , FailedToCreateField = 8 , Canceled = 9 } |
Zonal statistics result codes. More... | |
typedef QFlags< ZonalStatistic > | ZonalStatistics |
Statistics to be calculated during a zonal statistics operation. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static QString | defaultProjectScales () |
A string with default project scales. | |
static QString | devVersion () |
The development version. | |
static QString | geosVersion () |
GEOS string version linked. | |
static int | geosVersionInt () |
GEOS version number linked. | |
static int | geosVersionMajor () |
GEOS Major version number linked. | |
static int | geosVersionMinor () |
GEOS Minor version number linked. | |
static int | geosVersionPatch () |
GEOS Patch version number linked. | |
static QString | releaseName () |
Release name. | |
static QString | version () |
Version string. | |
static int | versionInt () |
Version number used for comparing versions using the "Check QGIS Version" function. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const double | DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_BUFFER_MM = 0.5 |
Default highlight buffer in mm. | |
static const QColor | DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = QColor( 255, 0, 0, 128 ) |
Default highlight color. | |
static const double | DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_MIN_WIDTH_MM = 1.0 |
Default highlight line/stroke minimum width in mm. | |
static const double | DEFAULT_M_COORDINATE = 0.0 |
Default M coordinate value. | |
static const float | DEFAULT_MAPTOPIXEL_THRESHOLD = 1.0f |
Default threshold between map coordinates and device coordinates for map2pixel simplification. | |
static const double | DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS_MM = 2. |
Identify search radius in mm. | |
static const double | DEFAULT_SNAP_TOLERANCE = 12.0 |
Default snapping distance tolerance. | |
static const Qgis::MapToolUnit | DEFAULT_SNAP_UNITS = Qgis::MapToolUnit::Pixels |
Default snapping distance units. | |
static const double | DEFAULT_Z_COORDINATE = 0.0 |
Default Z coordinate value. | |
static const char * | QGIS_DEV_VERSION = QGSVERSION |
The development version. | |
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED const double | SCALE_PRECISION = 0.9999999999 |
Fudge factor used to compare two scales. | |
static const double | UI_SCALE_FACTOR = 1 |
UI scaling factor. | |
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.
typedef QFlags< AnnotationItemFlag > Qgis::AnnotationItemFlags |
typedef QFlags< AnnotationItemGuiFlag > Qgis::AnnotationItemGuiFlags |
typedef QFlags< AuthConfigurationStorageCapability > Qgis::AuthConfigurationStorageCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< BabelCommandFlag > Qgis::BabelCommandFlags |
typedef QFlags< BabelFormatCapability > Qgis::BabelFormatCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< BrowserItemCapability > Qgis::BrowserItemCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< CoordinateTransformationFlag > Qgis::CoordinateTransformationFlags |
typedef QFlags< DataItemProviderCapability > Qgis::DataItemProviderCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< DataProviderFlag > Qgis::DataProviderFlags |
typedef QFlags< DataProviderReadFlag > Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags |
typedef QFlags< DateTimeStatistic > Qgis::DateTimeStatistics |
typedef QFlags< FeatureRendererFlag > Qgis::FeatureRendererFlags |
typedef QFlags< FeatureRequestFlag > Qgis::FeatureRequestFlags |
typedef QFlags< FieldConfigurationFlag > Qgis::FieldConfigurationFlags |
typedef QFlags< FileOperationFlag > Qgis::FileOperationFlags |
typedef QFlags< GeometryValidityFlag > Qgis::GeometryValidityFlags |
typedef QFlags< GeosCreationFlag > Qgis::GeosCreationFlags |
typedef QFlags< GpsInformationComponent > Qgis::GpsInformationComponents |
typedef QFlags< HistoryProviderBackend > Qgis::HistoryProviderBackends |
typedef QFlags< LabelingFlag > Qgis::LabelingFlags |
typedef QFlags< LabelLinePlacementFlag > Qgis::LabelLinePlacementFlags |
typedef QFlags< LabelPolygonPlacementFlag > Qgis::LabelPolygonPlacementFlags |
typedef QFlags< LayerFilter > Qgis::LayerFilters |
typedef QFlags< LayerTreeFilterFlag > Qgis::LayerTreeFilterFlags |
typedef QFlags< LegendJsonRenderFlag > Qgis::LegendJsonRenderFlags |
typedef QFlags< LoadStyleFlag > Qgis::LoadStyleFlags |
typedef QFlags< MapCanvasFlag > Qgis::MapCanvasFlags |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerActionFlag > Qgis::MapLayerActionFlags |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerActionTarget > Qgis::MapLayerActionTargets |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerProperty > Qgis::MapLayerProperties |
typedef QFlags< MapLayerRendererFlag > Qgis::MapLayerRendererFlags |
typedef QFlags< MapSettingsFlag > Qgis::MapSettingsFlags |
typedef QFlags< MarkerLinePlacement > Qgis::MarkerLinePlacements |
typedef QFlags< PlotToolFlag > Qgis::PlotToolFlags |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingAlgorithmFlag > Qgis::ProcessingAlgorithmFlags |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingFeatureSourceFlag > Qgis::ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags |
Flags which control how QgsProcessingFeatureSource fetches features.
typedef QFlags< ProcessingParameterFlag > Qgis::ProcessingParameterFlags |
typedef QFlags< ProcessingParameterTypeFlag > Qgis::ProcessingParameterTypeFlags |
Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameter types.
Each parameter type can offer a number of additional flags to fine tune its behavior and capabilities.
typedef QFlags< ProcessingProviderFlag > Qgis::ProcessingProviderFlags |
typedef QFlags< ProfileGeneratorFlag > Qgis::ProfileGeneratorFlags |
typedef QFlags< ProjectCapability > Qgis::ProjectCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< ProjectFlag > Qgis::ProjectFlags |
typedef QFlags< ProjectReadFlag > Qgis::ProjectReadFlags |
typedef QFlags< ProviderStyleStorageCapability > Qgis::ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< RasterBandStatistic > Qgis::RasterBandStatistics |
typedef QFlags< RasterInterfaceCapability > Qgis::RasterInterfaceCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< RasterProviderCapability > Qgis::RasterProviderCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< RasterRendererCapability > Qgis::RasterRendererCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< RasterRendererFlag > Qgis::RasterRendererFlags |
typedef QFlags< RasterTemporalCapabilityFlag > Qgis::RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags |
typedef QFlags< RelationshipCapability > Qgis::RelationshipCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< RenderContextFlag > Qgis::RenderContextFlags |
typedef QFlags< ScriptLanguageCapability > Qgis::ScriptLanguageCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< SelectionFlag > Qgis::SelectionFlags |
typedef QFlags< SettingsOption > Qgis::SettingsOptions |
typedef QFlags< SettingsTreeNodeOption > Qgis::SettingsTreeNodeOptions |
typedef QFlags< SldExportOption > Qgis::SldExportOptions |
typedef QFlags< SnappingType > Qgis::SnappingTypes |
typedef QFlags< SqlLayerDefinitionCapability > Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< Statistic > Qgis::Statistics |
typedef QFlags< StringStatistic > Qgis::StringStatistics |
typedef QFlags< SublayerFlag > Qgis::SublayerFlags |
typedef QFlags< SublayerQueryFlag > Qgis::SublayerQueryFlags |
typedef QFlags< SymbolFlag > Qgis::SymbolFlags |
typedef QFlags< SymbolLayerFlag > Qgis::SymbolLayerFlags |
typedef QFlags< SymbolLayerUserFlag > Qgis::SymbolLayerUserFlags |
typedef QFlags< SymbolPreviewFlag > Qgis::SymbolPreviewFlags |
typedef QFlags< SymbolRenderHint > Qgis::SymbolRenderHints |
typedef QFlags< TextComponent > Qgis::TextComponents |
typedef QFlags< TextRendererFlag > Qgis::TextRendererFlags |
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneProviderCapability > Qgis::TiledSceneProviderCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneRendererFlag > Qgis::TiledSceneRendererFlags |
typedef QFlags< TiledSceneRequestFlag > Qgis::TiledSceneRequestFlags |
typedef QFlags< UriCleaningFlag > Qgis::UriCleaningFlags |
typedef QFlags< VectorFileWriterCapability > Qgis::VectorFileWriterCapabilities |
Capabilities supported by a QgsVectorFileWriter object.
typedef QFlags< VectorLayerTypeFlag > Qgis::VectorLayerTypeFlags |
typedef QFlags< VectorProviderCapability > Qgis::VectorProviderCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< VectorRenderingSimplificationFlag > Qgis::VectorRenderingSimplificationFlags |
typedef QFlags< VectorTileProviderCapability > Qgis::VectorTileProviderCapabilities |
typedef QFlags< VectorTileProviderFlag > Qgis::VectorTileProviderFlags |
typedef QFlags< ViewSyncModeFlag > Qgis::ViewSyncModeFlags |
typedef QFlags< ZonalStatistic > Qgis::ZonalStatistics |
strong |
strong |
Action types.
Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsActionMenu::ActionType
Enumerator | |
Invalid | Invalid. |
MapLayerAction | Standard actions (defined by core or plugins), corresponds to QgsMapLayerAction class. |
AttributeAction | Custom actions (manually defined in layer properties), corresponds to QgsAction class. |
strong |
Available aggregates to calculate.
Not all aggregates are available for all field types.
strong |
strong |
Altitude clamping.
strong |
Units of angles.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Results from an edit operation on an annotation item.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Annotation item placement modes.
strong |
Available ArcGIS REST service types.
Enumerator | |
FeatureServer | FeatureServer. |
MapServer | MapServer. |
ImageServer | ImageServer. |
GlobeServer | GlobeServer. |
GPServer | GPServer. |
GeocodeServer | GeocodeServer. |
Unknown | Other unknown/unsupported type. |
strong |
Units of area.
strong |
Attribute action types.
Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsAction::ActionType
strong |
strong |
Attribute editor types.
strong |
Available form types for layout of the attribute form editor.
Enumerator | |
AutoGenerated | Autogenerate a simple tabular layout for the form. |
DragAndDrop | "Drag and drop" layout. Needs to be configured. |
UiFile | Load a .ui file for the layout. Needs to be configured. |
strong |
The Python init code source for attribute forms.
strong |
strong |
Authentication configuration storage capabilities.
strong |
strong |
Flags which control how intersections of pre-existing feature are handled when digitizing new features.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Blending modes defining the available composition modes that can be used when painting.
strong |
strong |
Browser item capabilities.
Enumerator | |
NoCapabilities | Item has no capabilities. |
SetCrs | Can set CRS on layer or group of layers. deprecated since QGIS 3.6 – no longer used by QGIS and will be removed in QGIS 4.0. |
Fertile | Can create children. Even items without this capability may have children, but cannot create them, it means that children are created by item ancestors. |
Fast | CreateChildren() is fast enough to be run in main thread when refreshing items, most root items (wms,wfs,wcs,postgres...) are considered fast because they are reading data only from QgsSettings. |
Collapse | The collapse/expand status for this items children should be ignored in order to avoid undesired network connections (wms etc.) |
Rename | Item can be renamed. |
Delete | Item can be deleted. |
ItemRepresentsFile | Item's path() directly represents a file on disk.
RefreshChildrenWhenItemIsRefreshed | When the item is refreshed, all its populated children will also be refreshed in turn.
ReadOnly | Item is read only.
strong |
strong |
Browser item types.
strong |
Browser item layer types.
strong |
strong |
strong |
String capitalization options.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Status for fetched or stored content.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Flags which adjust the coordinate transformations behave.
Enumerator | |
BallparkTransformsAreAppropriate | Indicates that approximate "ballpark" results are appropriate for this coordinate transform. See QgsCoordinateTransform::setBallparkTransformsAreAppropriate() for further details. |
IgnoreImpossibleTransformations | Indicates that impossible transformations (such as those which attempt to transform between two different celestial bodies) should be silently handled and marked as invalid. See QgsCoordinateTransform::isTransformationPossible() and QgsCoordinateTransform::isValid(). |
strong |
strong |
Coordinate reference system axis directions.
From "Geographic information — Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems", section 7.5.1.
strong |
strong |
Available identifier string types for representing coordinate reference systems.
strong |
Coordinate reference system types.
Contains a subset of Proj's PJ_TYPE enum, specifically the types which relate to CRS types.
strong |
Coordinate reference system WKT formatting variants.
strong |
Dash pattern line ending rules.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Capabilities for data item providers.
strong |
Generic data provider flags.
Enumerator | |
IsBasemapSource | Associated source should be considered a 'basemap' layer. See Qgis::MapLayerProperty::IsBasemapLayer. |
FastExtent2D | Provider's 2D extent retrieval via QgsDataProvider::extent() is always guaranteed to be trivial/fast to calculate.
FastExtent3D | Provider's 3D extent retrieval via QgsDataProvider::extent3D() is always guaranteed to be trivial/fast to calculate.
strong |
Flags which control data provider construction.
strong |
Raster data types.
This is modified and extended copy of GDALDataType.
strong |
Available date/time statistics.
strong |
strong |
Units of distance.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Possible return value for QgsFeatureSource::hasFeatures() to determine if a source is empty.
It is implemented as a three-value logic, so it can return if there are features available for sure, if there are no features available for sure or if there might be features available but there is no guarantee for this.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Flags for controlling feature requests.
strong |
Options for exporting features considering their symbology.
Enumerator | |
NoSymbology | Export only data. |
PerFeature | Keeps the number of features and export symbology per feature. |
PerSymbolLayer | Exports one feature per symbol layer (considering symbol levels) |
strong |
Configuration flags for fields These flags are meant to be user-configurable and are not describing any information from the data provider.
strong |
Merge policy for field domains.
When a feature is built by merging multiple features, defines how the value of attributes following the domain are computed.
Enumerator | |
DefaultValue | Use default field value. |
Sum | Sum of values. |
GeometryWeighted | New values are computed as the weighted average of the source values. |
strong |
Split policy for field domains.
When a feature is split into multiple parts, defines how the value of attributes following the domain are computed.
strong |
strong |
Duplicate policy for fields.
When a feature is duplicated, defines how the value of attributes are computed.
strong |
Standard field metadata values.
Enumerator | |
GeometryCrs | Available for geometry field types with a specific associated coordinate reference system (as a QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem value) |
GeometryWkbType | Available for geometry field types which accept geometries of a specific WKB type only (as a QgsWkbTypes::Type value) |
CustomProperty | Starting point for custom user set properties. |
strong |
Field origin.
strong |
Type of file filters.
Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsProviderMetadata::FilterType
strong |
strong |
strong |
Resampling algorithm to be used (equivalent to GDAL's enum GDALResampleAlg)
strong |
Success or failure of a geometry operation.
This enum gives details about cause of failure.
strong |
The geometry types are used to group Qgis::WkbType in a coarse way.
Enumerator | |
Point | Points. |
Line | Lines. |
Polygon | Polygons. |
Unknown | Unknown types. |
Null | No geometry. |
strong |
Available engines for validating geometries.
Enumerator | |
QgisInternal | Use internal QgsGeometryValidator method. |
Geos | Use GEOS validation methods. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
GNSS constellation.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
GPS information component.
Enumerator | |
Location | 2D location (latitude/longitude), as a QgsPointXY value |
Altitude | Altitude/elevation above or below the mean sea level. |
GroundSpeed | Ground speed. |
Bearing | Bearing measured in degrees clockwise from true north to the direction of travel. |
TotalTrackLength | Total distance of current GPS track (available from QgsGpsLogger class only) |
TrackDistanceFromStart | Direct distance from first vertex in current GPS track to last vertex (available from QgsGpsLogger class only) |
Pdop | Dilution of precision. |
Hdop | Horizontal dilution of precision. |
Vdop | Vertical dilution of precision. |
HorizontalAccuracy | Horizontal accuracy in meters. |
VerticalAccuracy | Vertical accuracy in meters. |
HvAccuracy | 3D RMS |
SatellitesUsed | Count of satellites used in obtaining the fix. |
Timestamp | Timestamp. |
TrackStartTime | Timestamp at start of current track (available from QgsGpsLogger class only) |
TrackEndTime | Timestamp at end (current point) of current track (available from QgsGpsLogger class only) |
TrackDistanceSinceLastPoint | Distance since last recorded location (available from QgsGpsLogger class only) |
TrackTimeSinceLastPoint | Time since last recorded location (available from QgsGpsLogger class only) |
GeoidalSeparation | Geoidal separation, the difference between the WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid and mean-sea-level (geoid), "-" means mean-sea-level below ellipsoid. |
EllipsoidAltitude | Altitude/elevation above or below the WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Gradient spread options, which control how gradients are rendered outside of their start and end points.
Enumerator | |
Pad | Pad out gradient using colors at endpoint of gradient. |
Reflect | Reflect gradient. |
Repeat | Repeat gradient. |
strong |
Gradient types.
Enumerator | |
Linear | Linear gradient. |
Radial | Radial (circular) gradient. |
Conical | Conical (polar) gradient. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Methods for handling of features with invalid geometries.
strong |
strong |
Various flags that affect drawing and placement of labels.
Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsLabelingEngineSettings::Flag
strong |
Line placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a linear feature.
strong |
Text alignment for multi-line labels.
strong |
Behavior modifier for label offset and distance, only applies in some label placement modes.
Enumerator | |
FromPoint | Offset distance applies from point geometry. |
FromSymbolBounds | Offset distance applies from rendered symbol bounds. |
strong |
Label overlap handling.
strong |
Placement modes which determine how label candidates are generated for a feature.
strong |
strong |
Polygon placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a polygon feature.
Enumerator | |
AllowPlacementOutsideOfPolygon | Labels can be placed outside of a polygon feature. |
AllowPlacementInsideOfPolygon | Labels can be placed inside a polygon feature. |
strong |
Positions for labels when using the Qgis::LabelPlacement::OrderedPositionsAroundPoint placement mode.
strong |
strong |
Label quadrant positions.
Enumerator | |
AboveLeft | Above left. |
Above | Above center. |
AboveRight | Above right. |
Left | Left middle. |
Over | Center middle. |
Right | Right middle. |
BelowLeft | Below left. |
Below | Below center. |
BelowRight | Below right. |
strong |
Filter for layers.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Types of layers that can be added to a map.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Defines how/where the labels should be placed in a linear referencing symbol layer.
strong |
Line clipping modes.
strong |
strong |
Flags for loading layer styles.
strong |
Algorithms to use when repairing invalid geometries.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Generic map layer properties.
strong |
Flags which control how map layer renderers behave.
strong |
strong |
Flags which adjust the way maps are rendered.
strong |
Type of unit of tolerance value from settings.
For map (project) units, use MapToolUnit::Project.
Enumerator | |
Layer | Layer unit value. |
Pixels | Pixels unit of tolerance. |
Project | Map (project) units. |
strong |
Marker clipping modes.
strong |
Defines how/where the symbols should be placed on a line.
strong |
Marker shapes.
strong |
Type of error that can occur during mesh frame editing.
strong |
strong |
Describes the extent used to compute mesh ranges (min/max values).
strong |
enum Qgis::MessageLevel |
strong |
strong |
Action to be performed by the mouse handles.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Placement options for suffixes in the labels for axis of plots.
strong |
strong |
strong |
The access type of the data, local is for local files and remote for remote files (over HTTP).
Enumerator | |
Local | Local means the source is a local file on the machine. |
Remote | Remote means it's loaded through a protocol like HTTP. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Methods which define the number of points randomly filling a polygon.
Enumerator | |
Absolute | The point count is used as an absolute count of markers. |
DensityBased | The point count is part of a marker density count. |
strong |
Postgres database relkind options.
strong |
Flags describing algorithm behavior for documentation purposes.
strong |
Flags indicating how and when an algorithm operates and should be exposed to users.
Enumerator | |
HideFromToolbox | Algorithm should be hidden from the toolbox. |
HideFromModeler | Algorithm should be hidden from the modeler. |