QGIS API Documentation 3.39.0-Master (8f1a6e30482)
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QgsVectorDataProvider Class Referenceabstract

This is the base class for vector data providers. More...

#include <qgsvectordataprovider.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsVectorDataProvider:
Inheritance graph


struct  NativeType


void raiseError (const QString &msg) const
 Signals an error in this provider.
- Signals inherited from QgsDataProvider
void dataChanged ()
 Emitted whenever a change is made to the data provider which may have caused changes in the provider's data OUTSIDE of QGIS.
void fullExtentCalculated ()
 Emitted whenever a deferred extent calculation is completed by the provider.
void notify (const QString &msg)
 Emitted when the datasource issues a notification.

Public Member Functions

 QgsVectorDataProvider (const QString &uri=QString(), const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions=QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions(), Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags flags=Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags())
 Constructor for a vector data provider.
virtual bool addAttributes (const QList< QgsField > &attributes)
 Adds new attributes to the provider.
bool addFeatures (QgsFeatureList &flist, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags=QgsFeatureSink::Flags()) override
 Adds a list of features to the sink.
virtual QVariant aggregate (Qgis::Aggregate aggregate, int index, const QgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParameters &parameters, QgsExpressionContext *context, bool &ok, QgsFeatureIds *fids=nullptr) const
 Calculates an aggregated value from the layer's features.
virtual Qgis::VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities attributeEditCapabilities () const
 Returns the provider's supported attribute editing capabilities.
virtual QgsAttributeList attributeIndexes () const
 Returns list of indexes to fetch all attributes in nextFeature()
virtual bool cancelReload ()
 Cancels the current reloading of data.
virtual Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::VectorProviderCapabilities capabilities () const
 Returns flags containing the supported capabilities.
QString capabilitiesString () const
 Returns the above in friendly format.
virtual bool changeAttributeValues (const QgsChangedAttributesMap &attr_map)
 Changes attribute values of existing features.
virtual bool changeFeatures (const QgsChangedAttributesMap &attr_map, const QgsGeometryMap &geometry_map)
 Changes attribute values and geometries of existing features.
virtual bool changeGeometryValues (const QgsGeometryMap &geometry_map)
 Changes geometries of existing features.
void clearErrors ()
 Clear recorded errors.
virtual bool createAttributeIndex (int field)
 Create an attribute index on the datasource.
virtual QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabelingcreateLabeling (const QVariantMap &configuration=QVariantMap()) const
 Creates labeling settings, using provider backend specific information.
virtual QgsFeatureRenderercreateRenderer (const QVariantMap &configuration=QVariantMap()) const
 Creates a new vector layer feature renderer, using provider backend specific information.
virtual bool createSpatialIndex ()
 Creates a spatial index on the datasource (if supported by the provider type).
virtual QString dataComment () const override
 Returns a short comment for the data that this provider is providing access to (e.g.
virtual QVariant defaultValue (int fieldIndex) const
 Returns any literal default values which are present at the provider for a specified field index.
virtual QString defaultValueClause (int fieldIndex) const
 Returns any default value clauses which are present at the provider for a specified field index.
virtual bool deleteAttributes (const QgsAttributeIds &attributes)
 Deletes existing attributes from the provider.
virtual bool deleteFeatures (const QgsFeatureIds &id)
 Deletes one or more features from the provider.
virtual QSet< QgsMapLayerDependencydependencies () const
 Gets the list of layer ids on which this layer depends.
virtual QList< QgsRelationdiscoverRelations (const QgsVectorLayer *target, const QList< QgsVectorLayer * > &layers) const
 Discover the available relations with the given layers.
virtual bool doesStrictFeatureTypeCheck () const
 Returns true if the provider is strict about the type of inserted features (e.g.
const QgsDataProviderElevationPropertieselevationProperties () const override
 Returns the provider's elevation properties.
QgsDataProviderElevationPropertieselevationProperties () override
 Returns the provider's elevation properties.
virtual bool empty () const
 Returns true if the layer does not contain any feature.
QString encoding () const
 Returns the encoding which is used for accessing data.
virtual void enumValues (int index, QStringList &enumList) const
 Returns the possible enum values of an attribute.
QStringList errors () const
 Gets recorded errors.
long long featureCount () const override=0
 Number of features in the layer.
virtual QgsAbstractFeatureSourcefeatureSource () const =0
 Returns feature source object that can be used for querying provider's data.
QgsFieldConstraints::Constraints fieldConstraints (int fieldIndex) const
 Returns any constraints which are present at the provider for a specified field index.
int fieldNameIndex (const QString &fieldName) const
 Returns the index of a field name or -1 if the field does not exist.
QMap< QString, int > fieldNameMap () const
 Returns a map where the key is the name of the field and the value is its index.
QgsFields fields () const override=0
 Returns the fields associated with this data provider.
virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void forceReload ()
QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures (const QgsFeatureRequest &request=QgsFeatureRequest()) const override=0
 Query the provider for features specified in request.
virtual void handlePostCloneOperations (QgsVectorDataProvider *source)
 Handles any post-clone operations required after this vector data provider was cloned from the source provider.
bool hasErrors () const
 Provider has errors to report.
Qgis::FeatureAvailability hasFeatures () const override
 Will always return FeatureAvailability::FeaturesAvailable or FeatureAvailability::NoFeaturesAvailable.
virtual bool hasMetadata () const
 Returns true if the data source has metadata, false otherwise.
virtual bool isSqlQuery () const
 Returns true if the layer is a query (SQL) layer.
QString lastError () const override
 Returns the most recent error encountered by the sink, e.g.
QVariant maximumValue (int index) const override
 Returns the maximum value of an attribute.
virtual QVariantMap metadata () const
 Gets metadata, dependent on the provider type, that will be display in the metadata tab of the layer properties.
QVariant minimumValue (int index) const override
 Returns the minimum value of an attribute.
QList< QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeTypenativeTypes () const
 Returns the names of the supported types.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsAttrPalIndexNameHash palAttributeIndexNames () const
 Returns list of indexes to names for QgsPalLabeling fix.
virtual QgsAttributeList pkAttributeIndexes () const
 Returns list of indexes of fields that make up the primary key.
virtual bool renameAttributes (const QgsFieldNameMap &renamedAttributes)
 Renames existing attributes.
virtual void setEncoding (const QString &e)
 Set encoding used for accessing data from layer.
virtual bool skipConstraintCheck (int fieldIndex, QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint constraint, const QVariant &value=QVariant()) const
 Returns true if a constraint check should be skipped for a specified field (e.g., if the value returned by defaultValue() is trusted implicitly.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs () const override
 Returns the coordinate reference system for features in the source.
QgsRectangle sourceExtent () const override
 Returns the extent of all geometries from the source.
QgsBox3D sourceExtent3D () const override
 Returns the 3D extent of all geometries from the source.
QString sourceName () const override
 Returns a friendly display name for the source.
virtual QString storageType () const
 Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name.
bool supportedType (const QgsField &field) const
 check if provider supports type of field
const QgsVectorDataProviderTemporalCapabilitiestemporalCapabilities () const override
 Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.
QgsVectorDataProviderTemporalCapabilitiestemporalCapabilities () override
 Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.
virtual QgsTransactiontransaction () const
 Returns the transaction this data provider is included in, if any.
virtual QString translateMetadataKey (const QString &mdKey) const
 Gets the translated metadata key.
virtual QString translateMetadataValue (const QString &mdKey, const QVariant &value) const
 Gets the translated metadata value.
virtual bool truncate ()
 Removes all features from the layer.
virtual QStringList uniqueStringsMatching (int index, const QString &substring, int limit=-1, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) const
 Returns unique string values of an attribute which contain a specified subset string.
virtual Qgis::VectorLayerTypeFlags vectorLayerTypeFlags () const
 Returns the vector layer type flags.
Qgis::WkbType wkbType () const override=0
 Returns the geometry type which is returned by this layer.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsDataProvider
 QgsDataProvider (const QString &uri=QString(), const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions=QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions(), Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags flags=Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags())
 Create a new dataprovider with the specified in the uri.
virtual QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs () const =0
 Returns the coordinate system for the data source.
virtual QString dataSourceUri (bool expandAuthConfig=false) const
 Gets the data source specification.
virtual QDateTime dataTimestamp () const
 Current time stamp of data source.
virtual QString description () const =0
 Returns description.
virtual bool enterUpdateMode ()
 Enter update mode.
virtual QgsError error () const
 Gets current status error.
virtual QgsRectangle extent () const =0
 Returns the extent of the layer.
virtual QgsBox3D extent3D () const
 Returns the 3D extent of the layer.
virtual QString fileRasterFilters () const
 Returns raster file filter string.
virtual QString fileVectorFilters () const
 Returns vector file filter string.
virtual Qgis::DataProviderFlags flags () const
 Returns the generic data provider flags.
virtual QString htmlMetadata () const
 Obtain a formatted HTML string containing assorted metadata for this data provider.
virtual void invalidateConnections (const QString &connection)
 Invalidate connections corresponding to specified name.
virtual bool isValid () const =0
 Returns true if this is a valid layer.
virtual QgsLayerMetadata layerMetadata () const
 Returns layer metadata collected from the provider's source.
virtual bool leaveUpdateMode ()
 Leave update mode.
virtual QString name () const =0
 Returns a provider name.
QVariant providerProperty (int property, const QVariant &defaultValue) const
 Gets the current value of a certain provider property.
QVariant providerProperty (ProviderProperty property, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const
 Gets the current value of a certain provider property.
virtual void reloadData ()
 Reloads the data from the source for providers with data caches to synchronize, changes in the data source, feature counts and other specific actions.
virtual bool renderInPreview (const QgsDataProvider::PreviewContext &context)
 Returns whether the layer must be rendered in preview jobs.
virtual void setDataSourceUri (const QString &uri)
 Set the data source specification.
virtual void setLayerOrder (const QStringList &layers)
 Reorder the list of layer names to be rendered by this provider (in order from bottom to top)
virtual void setListening (bool isListening)
 Set whether the provider will listen to datasource notifications If set, the provider will issue notify signals.
void setProviderProperty (int property, const QVariant &value)
 Allows setting arbitrary properties on the provider.
void setProviderProperty (ProviderProperty property, const QVariant &value)
 Allows setting arbitrary properties on the provider.
virtual void setSubLayerVisibility (const QString &name, bool vis)
 Set the visibility of the given sublayer name.
virtual bool setSubsetString (const QString &subset, bool updateFeatureCount=true)
 Set the subset string used to create a subset of features in the layer.
virtual void setTransformContext (const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext)
 Sets data coordinate transform context to transformContext.
void setUri (const QgsDataSourceUri &uri)
 Set the data source specification.
void setUri (const QString &uri)
 Set the data source specification.
virtual Qgis::ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities styleStorageCapabilities () const
 Returns the style storage capabilities.
virtual uint subLayerCount () const
 Returns the number of layers for the current data source.
virtual QStringList subLayers () const
 Sub-layers handled by this provider, in order from bottom to top.
virtual QStringList subLayerStyles () const
 Sub-layer styles for each sub-layer handled by this provider, in order from bottom to top.
virtual QString subsetString () const
 Returns the subset definition string currently in use by the layer and used by the provider to limit the feature set.
virtual QString subsetStringDialect () const
 Returns a user-friendly string describing the dialect which is supported for subset strings by the provider.
virtual QString subsetStringHelpUrl () const
 Returns a URL pointing to documentation describing the dialect which is supported for subset strings by the provider.
virtual bool supportsSubsetString () const
 Returns true if the provider supports setting of subset strings.
virtual QDateTime timestamp () const
 Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider.
QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext () const
 Returns data provider coordinate transform context.
virtual void updateExtents ()
 Update the extents of the layer.
QgsDataSourceUri uri () const
 Gets the data source specification.
virtual bool writeLayerMetadata (const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata)
 Writes layer metadata to the underlying provider source.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsFeatureSink
virtual ~QgsFeatureSink ()=default
virtual bool addFeature (QgsFeature &feature, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags=QgsFeatureSink::Flags())
 Adds a single feature to the sink.
virtual bool addFeatures (QgsFeatureIterator &iterator, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags=QgsFeatureSink::Flags())
 Adds all features from the specified iterator to the sink.
virtual bool flushBuffer ()
 Flushes any internal buffer which may exist in the sink, causing any buffered features to be added to the sink's destination.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsFeatureSource
virtual ~QgsFeatureSource ()=default
virtual QgsFeatureIds allFeatureIds () const
 Returns a list of all feature IDs for features present in the source.
virtual Qgis::SpatialIndexPresence hasSpatialIndex () const
 Returns an enum value representing the presence of a valid spatial index on the source, if it can be determined.
QgsVectorLayermaterialize (const QgsFeatureRequest &request, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr)
 Materializes a request (query) made against this feature source, by running it over the source and returning a new memory based vector layer containing the result.
virtual QSet< QVariant > uniqueValues (int fieldIndex, int limit=-1) const
 Returns the set of unique values contained within the specified fieldIndex from this source.

Static Public Member Functions

static QStringList availableEncodings ()
 Returns a list of available encodings.
static QVariant convertValue (QMetaType::Type type, const QString &value)
 Convert value to type.
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QVariant convertValue (QVariant::Type type, const QString &value)
 Convert value to type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QgsDataProvider
static QString sublayerSeparator ()
 String sequence used for separating components of sublayers strings.

Static Public Attributes

static const int EditingCapabilities = static_cast< int >( Qgis::VectorProviderCapability::EditingCapabilities )
 Bitmask of all provider's editing capabilities.

Protected Member Functions

void clearMinMaxCache ()
 Invalidates the min/max cache.
QgsGeometry convertToProviderType (const QgsGeometry &geom) const
 Converts the geometry to the provider type if possible / necessary.
void fillMinMaxCache () const
 Populates the cache of minimum and maximum attribute values.
void pushError (const QString &msg) const
 Push a notification about errors that happened in this providers scope.
void setNativeTypes (const QList< QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType > &nativeTypes)
 Set the list of native types supported by this provider.
QTextCodec * textEncoding () const
 Gets this providers encoding.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsDataProvider
void appendError (const QgsErrorMessage &message)
 Add error message.
void setError (const QgsError &error)
 Sets error message.

Static Protected Member Functions

static QgsGeometry convertToProviderType (const QgsGeometry &geometry, Qgis::WkbType providerGeometryType)
 Converts the geometry to the provider geometry type providerGeometryType if possible / necessary.


class QgsTransaction
class QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QgsDataProvider
enum  ProviderProperty { EvaluateDefaultValues , CustomData = 3000 }
 Properties are used to pass custom configuration options into data providers. More...
- Public Types inherited from QgsFeatureSink
enum  Flag { FastInsert = 1 << 1 , RollBackOnErrors = 1 << 2 }
 Flags controlling how features are added to a sink. More...
typedef QFlags< FlagFlags
enum  SinkFlag { RegeneratePrimaryKey = 1 << 1 }
 Flags that can be set on a QgsFeatureSink. More...
typedef QFlags< SinkFlagSinkFlags
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsDataProvider
QgsError mError
Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags mReadFlags
 Read flags. It's up to the subclass to respect these when needed.
QDateTime mTimestamp
 Timestamp of data in the moment when the data were loaded by provider.

Detailed Description

This is the base class for vector data providers.

Data providers abstract the retrieval and writing (where supported) of feature and attribute information from a spatial datasource.

Definition at line 58 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsVectorDataProvider()

QgsVectorDataProvider::QgsVectorDataProvider ( const QString &  uri = QString(),
const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions providerOptions = QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions(),
Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags  flags = Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags() 

Constructor for a vector data provider.

The uri argument specifies the uniform resource locator (URI) for the associated dataset.

Additional creation options are specified within the options value and since QGIS 3.16 creation flags are specified within the flags value.

Definition at line 38 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAttributes()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::addAttributes ( const QList< QgsField > &  attributes)

Adds new attributes to the provider.

Returns true in case of success and false in case of failure. If attributes are added using this method then QgsVectorLayer::updateFields() must be called manually to ensure that the layer's field are correctly reported.

Definition at line 160 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ addFeatures()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::addFeatures ( QgsFeatureList features,
QgsFeatureSink::Flags  flags = QgsFeatureSink::Flags() 

Adds a list of features to the sink.

Feature addition behavior is controlled by the specified flags.

See also
true in case of success and false in case of failure

Implements QgsFeatureSink.

Definition at line 120 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ aggregate()

QVariant QgsVectorDataProvider::aggregate ( Qgis::Aggregate  aggregate,
int  index,
const QgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParameters parameters,
QgsExpressionContext context,
bool &  ok,
QgsFeatureIds fids = nullptr 
) const

Calculates an aggregated value from the layer's features.

The base implementation does nothing, but subclasses can override this method to handoff calculation of aggregates to the provider.

aggregateaggregate to calculate
indexthe index of the attribute to calculate aggregate over
parametersparameters controlling aggregate calculation
contextexpression context for filter
okwill be set to true if calculation was successfully performed by the data provider
fidslist of fids to filter, otherwise will use all fids
calculated aggregate value

Definition at line 594 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ attributeEditCapabilities()

Qgis::VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities QgsVectorDataProvider::attributeEditCapabilities ( ) const

Returns the provider's supported attribute editing capabilities.

See also
QGIS 3.32

Definition at line 413 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ attributeIndexes()

QgsAttributeList QgsVectorDataProvider::attributeIndexes ( ) const

Returns list of indexes to fetch all attributes in nextFeature()

Definition at line 440 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ availableEncodings()

QStringList QgsVectorDataProvider::availableEncodings ( )

Returns a list of available encodings.

Definition at line 776 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ cancelReload()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::cancelReload ( )

Cancels the current reloading of data.

true if the reloading has been correctly interrupted, false otherwise
See also
QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 1036 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ capabilities()

Qgis::VectorProviderCapabilities QgsVectorDataProvider::capabilities ( ) const

Returns flags containing the supported capabilities.

, some capabilities may change depending on whether a spatial filter is active on this provider, so it may be prudent to check this value per intended operation.
See also

Definition at line 263 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ capabilitiesString()

QString QgsVectorDataProvider::capabilitiesString ( ) const

Returns the above in friendly format.

Definition at line 321 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ changeAttributeValues()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::changeAttributeValues ( const QgsChangedAttributesMap attr_map)

Changes attribute values of existing features.

This should succeed if the provider reports the ChangeAttributeValues capability. The method returns false if the provider does not have ChangeAttributeValues capability or if any of the changes could not be successfully applied.

attr_mapa map containing changed attributes
true in case of success and false in case of failure

Definition at line 184 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ changeFeatures()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::changeFeatures ( const QgsChangedAttributesMap attr_map,
const QgsGeometryMap geometry_map 

Changes attribute values and geometries of existing features.

This should succeed if the provider reports both the ChangeAttributeValues and ChangeGeometries capabilities. Providers which report the ChangeFeatures capability implement an optimised version of this method.

attr_mapa map containing changed attributes
geometry_mapA QgsGeometryMap whose index contains the feature IDs that will have their geometries changed. The second map parameter being the new geometries themselves
true in case of success and false in case of failure

Definition at line 234 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ changeGeometryValues()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::changeGeometryValues ( const QgsGeometryMap geometry_map)

Changes geometries of existing features.

geometry_mapA QgsGeometryMap whose index contains the feature IDs that will have their geometries changed. The second map parameter being the new geometries themselves
true in case of success and false in case of failure

Definition at line 226 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ clearErrors()

void QgsVectorDataProvider::clearErrors ( )

Clear recorded errors.

Definition at line 844 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ clearMinMaxCache()

void QgsVectorDataProvider::clearMinMaxCache ( )

Invalidates the min/max cache.

This will force the provider to recalculate the cache the next time it is requested.

Definition at line 611 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ convertToProviderType() [1/2]

QgsGeometry QgsVectorDataProvider::convertToProviderType ( const QgsGeometry geom) const

Converts the geometry to the provider type if possible / necessary.

the converted geometry or nullptr if no conversion was necessary or possible
The default implementation simply calls the static version of this function.

Definition at line 895 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ convertToProviderType() [2/2]

QgsGeometry QgsVectorDataProvider::convertToProviderType ( const QgsGeometry geometry,
Qgis::WkbType  providerGeometryType 

Converts the geometry to the provider geometry type providerGeometryType if possible / necessary.

the converted geometry or nullptr if no conversion was necessary or possible
QGIS 3.34

Definition at line 919 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ convertValue() [1/2]

QVariant QgsVectorDataProvider::convertValue ( QMetaType::Type  type,
const QString &  value 

Convert value to type.

Definition at line 744 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ convertValue() [2/2]

QVariant QgsVectorDataProvider::convertValue ( QVariant::Type  type,
const QString &  value 

Convert value to type.

QGIS 3.38. Use the method with a QMetaType::Type argument instead.

Definition at line 754 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ createAttributeIndex()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::createAttributeIndex ( int  field)

Create an attribute index on the datasource.

Definition at line 255 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ createLabeling()

QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling * QgsVectorDataProvider::createLabeling ( const QVariantMap &  configuration = QVariantMap()) const

Creates labeling settings, using provider backend specific information.

The configuration map can be used to pass provider-specific configuration maps to the provider to allow customization of the returned labeling object. Support and format of configuration varies by provider.

When called with an empty configuration map the provider's default labeling settings will be returned.

This method returns a new labeling settings and the caller takes ownership of the returned object.

Only providers which report the CreateLabeling capability will return labeling settings. Other providers will return nullptr.

QGIS 3.6

Definition at line 872 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ createRenderer()

QgsFeatureRenderer * QgsVectorDataProvider::createRenderer ( const QVariantMap &  configuration = QVariantMap()) const

Creates a new vector layer feature renderer, using provider backend specific information.

The configuration map can be used to pass provider-specific configuration maps to the provider to allow customization of the returned renderer. Support and format of configuration varies by provider.

When called with an empty configuration map the provider's default renderer will be returned.

This method returns a new renderer and the caller takes ownership of the returned object.

Only providers which report the CreateRenderer capability will return a feature renderer. Other providers will return nullptr.

QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 865 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ createSpatialIndex()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::createSpatialIndex ( )

Creates a spatial index on the datasource (if supported by the provider type).

true in case of success

Definition at line 248 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ dataComment()

QString QgsVectorDataProvider::dataComment ( ) const

Returns a short comment for the data that this provider is providing access to (e.g.

the comment for postgres table).

Reimplemented from QgsDataProvider.

Definition at line 113 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ defaultValue()

QVariant QgsVectorDataProvider::defaultValue ( int  fieldIndex) const

Returns any literal default values which are present at the provider for a specified field index.

Important - this should ONLY be called when creating an attribute to insert directly into the database. Do not call this method for non-feature creation or modification, e.g., when validating an attribute or to compare it against an existing value, as calling it can cause changes to the underlying data source (e.g., Postgres provider where the default value is calculated as a result of a sequence). It is recommended that you instead use the methods in QgsVectorLayerUtils such as QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature() so that default value handling and validation is automatically carried out.

See also

Definition at line 192 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ defaultValueClause()

QString QgsVectorDataProvider::defaultValueClause ( int  fieldIndex) const

Returns any default value clauses which are present at the provider for a specified field index.

These clauses are usually SQL fragments which must be evaluated by the provider, e.g., sequence values.

See also

Definition at line 200 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ deleteAttributes()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::deleteAttributes ( const QgsAttributeIds attributes)

Deletes existing attributes from the provider.

If attributes are deleted using this method then QgsVectorLayer::updateFields() must be called manually to ensure that the layer's field are correctly reported.

attributesa set containing indices of attributes
true in case of success and false in case of failure

Definition at line 168 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ deleteFeatures()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::deleteFeatures ( const QgsFeatureIds id)

Deletes one or more features from the provider.

This requires the DeleteFeatures capability.

idlist containing feature ids to delete
true in case of success and false in case of failure
See also

Definition at line 136 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ dependencies()

QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > QgsVectorDataProvider::dependencies ( ) const

Gets the list of layer ids on which this layer depends.

This in particular determines the order of layer loading.

Definition at line 888 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ discoverRelations()

QList< QgsRelation > QgsVectorDataProvider::discoverRelations ( const QgsVectorLayer target,
const QList< QgsVectorLayer * > &  layers 
) const

Discover the available relations with the given layers.

targetthe layer using this data provider.
layersthe other layers.
the list of N-1 relations from this provider.

Definition at line 1045 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ doesStrictFeatureTypeCheck()

virtual bool QgsVectorDataProvider::doesStrictFeatureTypeCheck ( ) const

Returns true if the provider is strict about the type of inserted features (e.g.

no multipolygon in a polygon layer)

Definition at line 483 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ elevationProperties() [1/2]

const QgsDataProviderElevationProperties * QgsVectorDataProvider::elevationProperties ( ) const

Returns the provider's elevation properties.

This may be nullptr, depending on the data provider.

QGIS 3.32

Reimplemented from QgsDataProvider.

Definition at line 1079 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ elevationProperties() [2/2]

QgsDataProviderElevationProperties * QgsVectorDataProvider::elevationProperties ( )

Returns the provider's elevation properties.

This may be nullptr, depending on the data provider.

QGIS 3.32

Reimplemented from QgsDataProvider.

Definition at line 1072 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ empty()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::empty ( ) const

Returns true if the layer does not contain any feature.

QGIS 3.4

Definition at line 53 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ encoding()

QString QgsVectorDataProvider::encoding ( ) const

Returns the encoding which is used for accessing data.

See also

Definition at line 309 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ enumValues()

virtual void QgsVectorDataProvider::enumValues ( int  index,
QStringList &  enumList 
) const

Returns the possible enum values of an attribute.

Returns an empty stringlist if a provider does not support enum types or if the given attribute is not an enum type.

indexthe index of the attribute
enumListreference to the list to fill

Definition at line 231 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ errors()

QStringList QgsVectorDataProvider::errors ( ) const

Gets recorded errors.

Definition at line 858 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ featureCount()

long long QgsVectorDataProvider::featureCount ( ) const
overridepure virtual

Number of features in the layer.

number of features

Implements QgsFeatureSource.

◆ featureSource()

virtual QgsAbstractFeatureSource * QgsVectorDataProvider::featureSource ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns feature source object that can be used for querying provider's data.

The returned feature source is independent from provider - any changes to provider's state (e.g. change of subset string) will not be reflected in the feature source, therefore it can be safely used for processing in background without having to care about possible changes within provider that may happen concurrently. Also, even in the case of provider being deleted, any feature source obtained from the provider will be kept alive and working (they are independent and owned by the caller).

Sometimes there are cases when some data needs to be shared between vector data provider and its feature source. In such cases, the implementation must ensure that the data is not susceptible to run condition. For example, if it is possible that both feature source and provider may need reading/writing to some shared data at the same time, some synchronization mechanisms must be used (e.g. mutexes) to prevent data corruption.

new instance of QgsAbstractFeatureSource (caller is responsible for deleting it)

◆ fieldConstraints()

QgsFieldConstraints::Constraints QgsVectorDataProvider::fieldConstraints ( int  fieldIndex) const

Returns any constraints which are present at the provider for a specified field index.

See also

Definition at line 208 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ fieldNameIndex()

int QgsVectorDataProvider::fieldNameIndex ( const QString &  fieldName) const

Returns the index of a field name or -1 if the field does not exist.

Definition at line 418 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ fieldNameMap()

QMap< QString, int > QgsVectorDataProvider::fieldNameMap ( ) const

Returns a map where the key is the name of the field and the value is its index.

Definition at line 425 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ fields()

QgsFields QgsVectorDataProvider::fields ( ) const
overridepure virtual

Returns the fields associated with this data provider.

Implements QgsFeatureSource.

◆ fillMinMaxCache()

void QgsVectorDataProvider::fillMinMaxCache ( ) const

Populates the cache of minimum and maximum attribute values.

Definition at line 620 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ forceReload()

virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void QgsVectorDataProvider::forceReload ( )
QGIS 3.12. Will be removed in QGIS 4.0 - use reloadData instead.

Definition at line 557 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ getFeatures()

QgsFeatureIterator QgsVectorDataProvider::getFeatures ( const QgsFeatureRequest request = QgsFeatureRequest()) const
overridepure virtual

Query the provider for features specified in request.

requestfeature request describing parameters of features to return
iterator for matching features from provider

Implements QgsFeatureSource.

◆ handlePostCloneOperations()

void QgsVectorDataProvider::handlePostCloneOperations ( QgsVectorDataProvider source)

Handles any post-clone operations required after this vector data provider was cloned from the source provider.

QGIS 3.8.1

Definition at line 1052 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ hasErrors()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::hasErrors ( ) const

Provider has errors to report.

Definition at line 851 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ hasFeatures()

Qgis::FeatureAvailability QgsVectorDataProvider::hasFeatures ( ) const

Will always return FeatureAvailability::FeaturesAvailable or FeatureAvailability::NoFeaturesAvailable.

Calls empty() internally. Providers should override empty() instead if they provide an optimized version of this call.

See also
QGIS 3.4

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureSource.

Definition at line 82 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ hasMetadata()

virtual bool QgsVectorDataProvider::hasMetadata ( ) const

Returns true if the data source has metadata, false otherwise.

true if data source has metadata, false otherwise.

Definition at line 599 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ isSqlQuery()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::isSqlQuery ( ) const

Returns true if the layer is a query (SQL) layer.

this is simply a shortcut to check if the SqlQuery flag is set.
See also
QGIS 3.24

Definition at line 68 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ lastError()

QString QgsVectorDataProvider::lastError ( ) const

Returns the most recent error encountered by the sink, e.g.

when a call to addFeatures() returns false.

QGIS 3.16

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureSink.

Definition at line 129 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ maximumValue()

QVariant QgsVectorDataProvider::maximumValue ( int  index) const

Returns the maximum value of an attribute.

indexthe index of the attribute

Default implementation walks all numeric attributes and caches minimal and maximal values. If provider has facilities to retrieve maximal value directly, override this function.

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureSource.

Definition at line 538 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ metadata()

virtual QVariantMap QgsVectorDataProvider::metadata ( ) const

Gets metadata, dependent on the provider type, that will be display in the metadata tab of the layer properties.

The provider metadata

Definition at line 576 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ minimumValue()

QVariant QgsVectorDataProvider::minimumValue ( int  index) const

Returns the minimum value of an attribute.

indexthe index of the attribute

Default implementation walks all numeric attributes and caches minimal and maximal values. If provider has facilities to retrieve minimal value directly, override this function.

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureSource.

Definition at line 520 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ nativeTypes()

QList< QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType > QgsVectorDataProvider::nativeTypes ( ) const

Returns the names of the supported types.

Definition at line 454 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ palAttributeIndexNames()

QgsAttrPalIndexNameHash QgsVectorDataProvider::palAttributeIndexNames ( ) const

Returns list of indexes to names for QgsPalLabeling fix.

QGIS 3.32. This method is unused and will always return an empty hash.

Definition at line 461 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ pkAttributeIndexes()

QgsAttributeList QgsVectorDataProvider::pkAttributeIndexes ( ) const

Returns list of indexes of fields that make up the primary key.

Definition at line 447 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ pushError()

void QgsVectorDataProvider::pushError ( const QString &  msg) const

Push a notification about errors that happened in this providers scope.

Errors should be translated strings that require the users immediate attention.

For general debug information use QgsMessageLog::logMessage() instead.

Definition at line 879 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ raiseError

void QgsVectorDataProvider::raiseError ( const QString &  msg) const

Signals an error in this provider.

◆ renameAttributes()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::renameAttributes ( const QgsFieldNameMap renamedAttributes)

Renames existing attributes.

If attributes are renamed using this method then QgsVectorLayer::updateFields() must be called manually to ensure that the layer's field are correctly reported.

renamedAttributesmap of attribute index to new attribute name
true in case of success and false in case of failure

Definition at line 176 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ setEncoding()

void QgsVectorDataProvider::setEncoding ( const QString &  e)

Set encoding used for accessing data from layer.

An empty encoding string indicates that the provider should automatically select the most appropriate encoding for the data source.

Support for setting the provider encoding depends on the underlying data provider. Check capabilities() for the QgsVectorDataProvider::SelectEncoding capability in order to determine if the provider supports this ability.
See also

Definition at line 270 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ setNativeTypes()

void QgsVectorDataProvider::setNativeTypes ( const QList< QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType > &  nativeTypes)

Set the list of native types supported by this provider.

Usually done in the constructor.

Definition at line 904 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ skipConstraintCheck()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::skipConstraintCheck ( int  fieldIndex,
QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint  constraint,
const QVariant &  value = QVariant() 
) const

Returns true if a constraint check should be skipped for a specified field (e.g., if the value returned by defaultValue() is trusted implicitly.

An optional attribute value can be passed which can help refine the skip constraint check.

See also

Definition at line 219 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ sourceCrs()

QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsVectorDataProvider::sourceCrs ( ) const

Returns the coordinate reference system for features in the source.

Implements QgsFeatureSource.

Definition at line 92 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ sourceExtent()

QgsRectangle QgsVectorDataProvider::sourceExtent ( ) const

Returns the extent of all geometries from the source.

The base class implementation uses a non-optimised approach of looping through all features in the source.

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureSource.

Definition at line 99 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ sourceExtent3D()

QgsBox3D QgsVectorDataProvider::sourceExtent3D ( ) const

Returns the 3D extent of all geometries from the source.

The base class implementation uses a non-optimised approach of looping through all features in the source.

QGIS 3.36

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureSource.

Definition at line 106 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ sourceName()

QString QgsVectorDataProvider::sourceName ( ) const

Returns a friendly display name for the source.

The returned value can be an empty string.

Implements QgsFeatureSource.

Definition at line 167 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ storageType()

QString QgsVectorDataProvider::storageType ( ) const

Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name.

Definition at line 46 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ supportedType()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::supportedType ( const QgsField field) const

check if provider supports type of field

Definition at line 468 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ temporalCapabilities() [1/2]

const QgsVectorDataProviderTemporalCapabilities * QgsVectorDataProvider::temporalCapabilities ( ) const

Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.

This may be nullptr, depending on the data provider.

QGIS 3.14

Reimplemented from QgsDataProvider.

Definition at line 1065 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ temporalCapabilities() [2/2]

QgsVectorDataProviderTemporalCapabilities * QgsVectorDataProvider::temporalCapabilities ( )

Returns the provider's temporal capabilities.

This may be nullptr, depending on the data provider.

QGIS 3.14

Reimplemented from QgsDataProvider.

Definition at line 1058 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ textEncoding()

QTextCodec * QgsVectorDataProvider::textEncoding ( ) const

Gets this providers encoding.

Definition at line 911 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ transaction()

QgsTransaction * QgsVectorDataProvider::transaction ( ) const

Returns the transaction this data provider is included in, if any.

Definition at line 759 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ translateMetadataKey()

virtual QString QgsVectorDataProvider::translateMetadataKey ( const QString &  mdKey) const

Gets the translated metadata key.

mdKeyThe metadata key
The translated metadata value

Definition at line 583 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ translateMetadataValue()

virtual QString QgsVectorDataProvider::translateMetadataValue ( const QString &  mdKey,
const QVariant &  value 
) const

Gets the translated metadata value.

mdKeyThe metadata key
valueThe metadata value
The translated metadata value

Definition at line 591 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ truncate()

bool QgsVectorDataProvider::truncate ( )

Removes all features from the layer.

This requires either the FastTruncate or DeleteFeatures capability. Providers with the FastTruncate capability will use an optimised method to truncate the layer.

true in case of success and false in case of failure.
See also

Definition at line 144 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ uniqueStringsMatching()

QStringList QgsVectorDataProvider::uniqueStringsMatching ( int  index,
const QString &  substring,
int  limit = -1,
QgsFeedback feedback = nullptr 
) const

Returns unique string values of an attribute which contain a specified subset string.

Subset matching is done in a case-insensitive manner.

indexthe index of the attribute
substringsubstring to match (case insensitive)
limitmaxmum number of the values to return, or -1 to return all unique values
feedbackoptional feedback object for canceling request
list of unique strings containing substring

Definition at line 556 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ vectorLayerTypeFlags()

Qgis::VectorLayerTypeFlags QgsVectorDataProvider::vectorLayerTypeFlags ( ) const

Returns the vector layer type flags.

See also
QGIS 3.24

Definition at line 75 of file qgsvectordataprovider.cpp.

◆ wkbType()

Qgis::WkbType QgsVectorDataProvider::wkbType ( ) const
overridepure virtual

Returns the geometry type which is returned by this layer.

Implements QgsFeatureSource.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ QgsTransaction

friend class QgsTransaction

Definition at line 62 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

◆ QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer

friend class QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer

Definition at line 63 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ EditingCapabilities

const int QgsVectorDataProvider::EditingCapabilities = static_cast< int >( Qgis::VectorProviderCapability::EditingCapabilities )

Bitmask of all provider's editing capabilities.

Definition at line 68 of file qgsvectordataprovider.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: