19#include "moc_qgslayoutimageexportoptionsdialog.cpp"
31 : QDialog( parent, flags )
32 , mFileExtension( fileExtension )
35 connect( mWidthSpinBox,
static_cast<void ( QSpinBox::* )(
int )
>( &QSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::mWidthSpinBox_valueChanged );
36 connect( mHeightSpinBox,
static_cast<void ( QSpinBox::* )(
int )
>( &QSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::mHeightSpinBox_valueChanged );
37 connect( mResolutionSpinBox,
static_cast<void ( QSpinBox::* )(
int )
>( &QSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::mResolutionSpinBox_valueChanged );
39 connect( mClipToContentGroupBox, &QGroupBox::toggled,
this, &QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::clipToContentsToggled );
40 connect( mHelpButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested,
this, &QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::showHelp );
42 const bool showQuality = shouldShowQuality();
43 mQualitySpinBox->setVisible( showQuality );
44 mQualitySlider->setVisible( showQuality );
45 mQualityLabel->setVisible( showQuality );
46 mQualityLabel->setText( tr(
"%1 quality",
"Image format" ).arg( mFileExtension.toUpper() ) );
48 connect( mQualitySpinBox, qOverload<int>( &QSpinBox::valueChanged ), mQualitySlider, &QSlider::setValue );
49 connect( mQualitySlider, &QSlider::valueChanged, mQualitySpinBox, &QSpinBox::setValue );
58 if ( mImageSize.isValid() )
60 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
61 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
62 if ( mClipToContentGroupBox->isChecked() )
64 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( 0 );
65 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( 0 );
69 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( mImageSize.width() *
resolution / 25.4 );
70 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( mImageSize.height() *
resolution / 25.4 );
72 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
73 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
79 return mResolutionSpinBox->value();
85 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
86 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
87 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( size.width() * mResolutionSpinBox->value() / 25.4 );
88 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( size.height() * mResolutionSpinBox->value() / 25.4 );
89 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
90 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
95 return mWidthSpinBox->value();
100 return mHeightSpinBox->value();
105 mClipToContentGroupBox->setChecked( crop );
110 return mClipToContentGroupBox->isChecked();
115 mGenerateWorldFile->setChecked( generate );
120 return mGenerateWorldFile->isChecked();
125 mAntialiasingCheckBox->setChecked( antialias );
130 return mAntialiasingCheckBox->isChecked();
135 topMargin = mTopMarginSpinBox->value();
136 rightMargin = mRightMarginSpinBox->value();
137 bottomMargin = mBottomMarginSpinBox->value();
138 leftMargin = mLeftMarginSpinBox->value();
143 mTopMarginSpinBox->setValue( topMargin );
144 mRightMarginSpinBox->setValue( rightMargin );
145 mBottomMarginSpinBox->setValue( bottomMargin );
146 mLeftMarginSpinBox->setValue( leftMargin );
151 return mOpenAfterExportingCheckBox->isChecked();
156 mOpenAfterExportingCheckBox->setChecked( enabled );
161 if ( !shouldShowQuality() )
165 return mQualitySpinBox->value();
170 mQualitySpinBox->setValue(
quality );
173void QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::mWidthSpinBox_valueChanged(
int value )
175 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
176 mResolutionSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
177 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( mImageSize.height() * value / mImageSize.width() );
178 mResolutionSpinBox->setValue( value * 25.4 / mImageSize.width() );
179 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
180 mResolutionSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
183void QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::mHeightSpinBox_valueChanged(
int value )
185 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
186 mResolutionSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
187 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( mImageSize.width() * value / mImageSize.height() );
188 mResolutionSpinBox->setValue( value * 25.4 / mImageSize.height() );
189 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
190 mResolutionSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
193void QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::mResolutionSpinBox_valueChanged(
int value )
195 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
196 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
true );
197 if ( mClipToContentGroupBox->isChecked() )
199 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( 0 );
200 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( 0 );
204 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( mImageSize.width() * value / 25.4 );
205 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( mImageSize.height() * value / 25.4 );
207 mWidthSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
208 mHeightSpinBox->blockSignals(
false );
211void QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::clipToContentsToggled(
bool state )
213 mWidthSpinBox->setEnabled( !state );
214 mHeightSpinBox->setEnabled( !state );
223 whileBlocking( mWidthSpinBox )->setValue( mImageSize.width() * mResolutionSpinBox->value() / 25.4 );
224 whileBlocking( mHeightSpinBox )->setValue( mImageSize.height() * mResolutionSpinBox->value() / 25.4 );
228void QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::showHelp()
233bool QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog::shouldShowQuality()
235 const QStringList validExtensions = {
"jpg" };
236 for (
const QString &ext : validExtensions )
238 if ( mFileExtension.toLower() == ext )
static void enableAutoGeometryRestore(QWidget *widget, const QString &key=QString())
Register the widget to allow its position to be automatically saved and restored when open and closed...
static void openHelp(const QString &key)
Opens help topic for the given help key using default system web browser.
bool antialiasing() const
Returns whether antialiasing should be used in the export.
void setQuality(int quality)
Sets the image quality (for JPEG)
void setCropToContents(bool crop)
Sets whether the crop to contents option should be checked in the dialog.
void setImageSize(QSizeF size)
Sets the target image size.
void setAntialiasing(bool antialias)
Sets whether antialiasing should be used in the export.
int quality() const
Returns the image quality.
double resolution() const
Returns the selected resolution from the dialog.
QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog(QWidget *parent=nullptr, const QString &fileExtension=QString(), Qt::WindowFlags flags=Qt::WindowFlags())
Constructor for QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog.
int imageWidth() const
Returns the user-set image width in pixels.
bool cropToContents() const
Returns whether the crop to contents option is checked in the dialog.
void setOpenAfterExporting(bool enabled)
Sets whether to open the pdf after exporting it.
bool generateWorldFile() const
Returns whether the generate world file option is checked in the dialog.
void setCropMargins(int topMargin, int rightMargin, int bottomMargin, int leftMargin)
Sets the current crop to contents margin values, in pixels.
void setResolution(double resolution)
Sets the initial resolution displayed in the dialog.
void getCropMargins(int &topMargin, int &rightMargin, int &bottomMargin, int &leftMargin) const
Fetches the current crop to contents margin values, in pixels.
int imageHeight() const
Returns the user-set image height in pixels.
void setGenerateWorldFile(bool generate)
Sets whether the generate world file option should be checked.
bool openAfterExporting() const
Returns whether the pdf should be opened after exporting it.
QgsSignalBlocker< Object > whileBlocking(Object *object)
Temporarily blocks signals from a QObject while calling a single method from the object.