QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (9e873c7bc91)
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 qgsabtractgeopdfexporter.cpp
3 --------------------------
4 begin : August 2019
5 copyright : (C) 2019 by Nyall Dawson
6 email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
7 ***************************************************************************/
9 * *
10 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
12 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
13 * (at your option) any later version. *
14 * *
15 ***************************************************************************/
19#include "qgslogger.h"
20#include "qgsgeometry.h"
21#include "qgsvectorfilewriter.h"
22#include "qgsfileutils.h"
24#include <gdal.h>
25#include "cpl_string.h"
27#include <QMutex>
28#include <QMutexLocker>
29#include <QDomDocument>
30#include <QDomElement>
31#include <QTimeZone>
32#include <QUuid>
33#include <QTextStream>
37 // test if GDAL has read support in PDF driver
38 GDALDriverH hDriverMem = GDALGetDriverByName( "PDF" );
39 if ( !hDriverMem )
40 {
41 return false;
42 }
44 const char *pHavePoppler = GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriverMem, "HAVE_POPPLER", nullptr );
45 if ( pHavePoppler && strstr( pHavePoppler, "YES" ) )
46 return true;
48 const char *pHavePdfium = GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriverMem, "HAVE_PDFIUM", nullptr );
49 if ( pHavePdfium && strstr( pHavePdfium, "YES" ) )
50 return true;
52 return false;
57 // test if GDAL has read support in PDF driver
58 GDALDriverH hDriverMem = GDALGetDriverByName( "PDF" );
59 if ( !hDriverMem )
60 {
61 return QObject::tr( "No GDAL PDF driver available." );
62 }
64 const char *pHavePoppler = GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriverMem, "HAVE_POPPLER", nullptr );
65 if ( pHavePoppler && strstr( pHavePoppler, "YES" ) )
66 return QString();
68 const char *pHavePdfium = GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriverMem, "HAVE_PDFIUM", nullptr );
69 if ( pHavePdfium && strstr( pHavePdfium, "YES" ) )
70 return QString();
72 return QObject::tr( "GDAL PDF driver was not built with PDF read support. A build with PDF read support is required for geospatial PDF creation." );
75void CPL_STDCALL collectErrors( CPLErr, int, const char *msg )
77 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral( "GDAL PDF creation error: %1 " ).arg( msg ) );
78 if ( QStringList *errorList = static_cast< QStringList * >( CPLGetErrorHandlerUserData() ) )
79 {
80 errorList->append( QString( msg ) );
81 }
84bool QgsAbstractGeospatialPdfExporter::finalize( const QList<ComponentLayerDetail> &components, const QString &destinationFile, const ExportDetails &details )
86 if ( details.includeFeatures && !saveTemporaryLayers() )
87 return false;
89 const QString composition = createCompositionXml( components, details );
90 QgsDebugMsgLevel( composition, 2 );
91 if ( composition.isEmpty() )
92 return false;
94 // do the creation!
95 GDALDriverH driver = GDALGetDriverByName( "PDF" );
96 if ( !driver )
97 {
98 mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Cannot load GDAL PDF driver" );
99 return false;
100 }
102 const QString xmlFilePath = generateTemporaryFilepath( QStringLiteral( "composition.xml" ) );
103 QFile file( xmlFilePath );
104 if ( file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate ) )
105 {
106 QTextStream out( &file );
108 out.setCodec( "UTF-8" );
110 out << composition;
111 }
112 else
113 {
114 mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Could not create geospatial PDF composition file" );
115 return false;
116 }
118 char **papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( nullptr, "COMPOSITION_FILE", xmlFilePath.toUtf8().constData() );
120 QStringList creationErrors;
121 CPLPushErrorHandlerEx( collectErrors, &creationErrors );
123 // return a non-null (fake) dataset in case of success, nullptr otherwise.
124 gdal::dataset_unique_ptr outputDataset( GDALCreate( driver, destinationFile.toUtf8().constData(), 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown, papszOptions ) );
126 CPLPopErrorHandler();
127 // Keep explicit comparison to avoid confusing cppcheck
128 const bool res = outputDataset.get() != nullptr;
129 if ( !res )
130 {
131 if ( creationErrors.size() == 1 )
132 {
133 mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Could not create PDF file: %1" ).arg( creationErrors.at( 0 ) );
134 }
135 else if ( !creationErrors.empty() )
136 {
137 mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Could not create PDF file. Received errors:\n" );
138 for ( const QString &error : std::as_const( creationErrors ) )
139 {
140 mErrorMessage += ( !mErrorMessage.isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral( "\n" ) : QString() ) + error;
141 }
143 }
144 else
145 {
146 mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Could not create PDF file, but no error details are available" );
147 }
148 }
149 outputDataset.reset();
151 CSLDestroy( papszOptions );
153 return res;
158 return mTemporaryDir.filePath( QgsFileUtils::stringToSafeFilename( filename ) );
163 switch ( mode )
164 {
165 case QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver:
166 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Multiply:
167 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Screen:
168 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Overlay:
169 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Darken:
170 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Lighten:
171 case QPainter::CompositionMode_ColorDodge:
172 case QPainter::CompositionMode_ColorBurn:
173 case QPainter::CompositionMode_HardLight:
174 case QPainter::CompositionMode_SoftLight:
175 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Difference:
176 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Exclusion:
177 return true;
179 default:
180 break;
181 }
183 return false;
188 // because map layers may be rendered in parallel, we need a mutex here
189 QMutexLocker locker( &mMutex );
191 // collate all the features which belong to the same layer, replacing their geometries with the rendered feature bounds
192 QgsFeature f = feature.feature;
193 f.setGeometry( feature.renderedBounds );
194 mCollatedFeatures[ group ][ layerId ].append( f );
197bool QgsAbstractGeospatialPdfExporter::saveTemporaryLayers()
199 for ( auto groupIt = mCollatedFeatures.constBegin(); groupIt != mCollatedFeatures.constEnd(); ++groupIt )
200 {
201 for ( auto it = groupIt->constBegin(); it != groupIt->constEnd(); ++it )
202 {
203 const QString filePath = generateTemporaryFilepath( it.key() + groupIt.key() + QStringLiteral( ".gpkg" ) );
205 VectorComponentDetail detail = componentDetailForLayerId( it.key() );
206 detail.sourceVectorPath = filePath;
207 detail.group = groupIt.key();
209 // write out features to disk
210 const QgsFeatureList features = it.value();
211 QString layerName;
213 saveOptions.driverName = QStringLiteral( "GPKG" );
215 std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorFileWriter > writer( QgsVectorFileWriter::create( filePath, features.first().fields(), features.first().geometry().wkbType(), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(), QgsCoordinateTransformContext(), saveOptions, QgsFeatureSink::RegeneratePrimaryKey, nullptr, &layerName ) );
216 if ( writer->hasError() )
217 {
218 mErrorMessage = writer->errorMessage();
219 QgsDebugError( mErrorMessage );
220 return false;
221 }
222 for ( const QgsFeature &feature : features )
223 {
224 QgsFeature f = feature;
225 if ( !writer->addFeature( f, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert ) )
226 {
227 mErrorMessage = writer->errorMessage();
228 QgsDebugError( mErrorMessage );
229 return false;
230 }
231 }
232 detail.sourceVectorLayer = layerName;
233 mVectorComponents << detail;
234 }
235 }
236 return true;
240struct TreeNode
242 QString id;
243 bool initiallyVisible = false;
244 QString name;
245 QString mutuallyExclusiveGroupId;
246 QString mapLayerId;
247 std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > > children;
248 TreeNode *parent = nullptr;
250 void addChild( std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > child )
251 {
252 child->parent = this;
253 children.emplace_back( std::move( child ) );
254 }
256 QDomElement toElement( QDomDocument &doc ) const
257 {
258 QDomElement layerElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Layer" ) );
259 layerElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "id" ), id );
260 layerElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "name" ), name );
261 layerElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "initiallyVisible" ), initiallyVisible ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
262 if ( !mutuallyExclusiveGroupId.isEmpty() )
263 layerElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "mutuallyExclusiveGroupId" ), mutuallyExclusiveGroupId );
265 for ( const auto &child : children )
266 {
267 layerElement.appendChild( child->toElement( doc ) );
268 }
270 return layerElement;
271 }
273 QDomElement createIfLayerOnElement( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &contentElement ) const
274 {
275 QDomElement element = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "IfLayerOn" ) );
276 element.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "layerId" ), id );
277 contentElement.appendChild( element );
278 return element;
279 }
281 QDomElement createNestedIfLayerOnElements( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &contentElement ) const
282 {
283 TreeNode *currentParent = parent;
284 QDomElement finalElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "IfLayerOn" ) );
285 finalElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "layerId" ), id );
287 QDomElement currentElement = finalElement;
288 while ( currentParent )
289 {
290 QDomElement ifGroupOn = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "IfLayerOn" ) );
291 ifGroupOn.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "layerId" ), currentParent->id );
292 ifGroupOn.appendChild( currentElement );
293 currentElement = ifGroupOn;
294 currentParent = currentParent->parent;
295 }
296 contentElement.appendChild( currentElement );
297 return finalElement;
298 }
302QString QgsAbstractGeospatialPdfExporter::createCompositionXml( const QList<ComponentLayerDetail> &components, const ExportDetails &details )
304 QDomDocument doc;
306 QDomElement compositionElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "PDFComposition" ) );
308 // metadata tags
309 QDomElement metadata = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Metadata" ) );
310 if ( !details.author.isEmpty() )
311 {
312 QDomElement author = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Author" ) );
313 author.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( details.author ) );
314 metadata.appendChild( author );
315 }
316 if ( !details.producer.isEmpty() )
317 {
318 QDomElement producer = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Producer" ) );
319 producer.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( details.producer ) );
320 metadata.appendChild( producer );
321 }
322 if ( !details.creator.isEmpty() )
323 {
324 QDomElement creator = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Creator" ) );
325 creator.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( details.creator ) );
326 metadata.appendChild( creator );
327 }
328 if ( details.creationDateTime.isValid() )
329 {
330 QDomElement creationDate = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "CreationDate" ) );
331 QString creationDateString = QStringLiteral( "D:%1" ).arg( details.creationDateTime.toString( QStringLiteral( "yyyyMMddHHmmss" ) ) );
332 if ( details.creationDateTime.timeZone().isValid() )
333 {
334 int offsetFromUtc = details.creationDateTime.timeZone().offsetFromUtc( details.creationDateTime );
335 creationDateString += ( offsetFromUtc >= 0 ) ? '+' : '-';
336 offsetFromUtc = std::abs( offsetFromUtc );
337 int offsetHours = offsetFromUtc / 3600;
338 int offsetMins = ( offsetFromUtc % 3600 ) / 60;
339 creationDateString += QStringLiteral( "%1'%2'" ).arg( offsetHours ).arg( offsetMins );
340 }
341 creationDate.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( creationDateString ) );
342 metadata.appendChild( creationDate );
343 }
344 if ( !details.subject.isEmpty() )
345 {
346 QDomElement subject = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Subject" ) );
347 subject.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( details.subject ) );
348 metadata.appendChild( subject );
349 }
350 if ( !details.title.isEmpty() )
351 {
352 QDomElement title = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Title" ) );
353 title.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( details.title ) );
354 metadata.appendChild( title );
355 }
356 if ( !details.keywords.empty() )
357 {
358 QStringList allKeywords;
359 for ( auto it = details.keywords.constBegin(); it != details.keywords.constEnd(); ++it )
360 {
361 allKeywords.append( QStringLiteral( "%1: %2" ).arg( it.key(), it.value().join( ',' ) ) );
362 }
363 QDomElement keywords = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Keywords" ) );
364 keywords.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( allKeywords.join( ';' ) ) );
365 metadata.appendChild( keywords );
366 }
367 compositionElem.appendChild( metadata );
369 QSet< QString > createdLayerIds;
370 std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > > rootGroups;
371 std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > > rootLayers;
372 QMap< QString, TreeNode * > groupNameMap;
374 QStringList layerTreeGroupOrder = details.layerTreeGroupOrder;
376 // add any missing groups to end of order
377 // Missing groups from the explicitly set custom layer tree groups
378 for ( auto it = details.customLayerTreeGroups.constBegin(); it != details.customLayerTreeGroups.constEnd(); ++it )
379 {
380 if ( layerTreeGroupOrder.contains( it.value() ) )
381 continue;
382 layerTreeGroupOrder.append( it.value() );
383 }
385 // Missing groups from vector components
386 if ( details.includeFeatures )
387 {
388 for ( const VectorComponentDetail &component : std::as_const( mVectorComponents ) )
389 {
390 if ( !component.group.isEmpty() && !layerTreeGroupOrder.contains( component.group ) )
391 {
392 layerTreeGroupOrder.append( component.group );
393 }
394 }
395 }
397 // missing groups from other components
398 for ( const ComponentLayerDetail &component : components )
399 {
400 if ( !component.group.isEmpty() && !layerTreeGroupOrder.contains( component.group ) )
401 {
402 layerTreeGroupOrder.append( component.group );
403 }
404 }
405 // now we are confident that we have a definitive list of all the groups for the export
406 QMap< QString, TreeNode * > groupNameToTreeNode;
407 QMap< QString, TreeNode * > layerIdToTreeNode;
409 auto createGroup = [&details, &groupNameToTreeNode]( const QString & groupName ) -> std::unique_ptr< TreeNode >
410 {
411 auto group = std::make_unique< TreeNode >();
412 const QString id = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
413 group->id = id;
414 groupNameToTreeNode[ groupName ] = group.get();
416 group->name = groupName;
417 group->initiallyVisible = true;
418 if ( details.mutuallyExclusiveGroups.contains( groupName ) )
419 group->mutuallyExclusiveGroupId = QStringLiteral( "__mutually_exclusive_groups__" );
420 return group;
421 };
423 if ( details.includeFeatures )
424 {
425 for ( const VectorComponentDetail &component : std::as_const( mVectorComponents ) )
426 {
427 const QString destinationGroup = details.customLayerTreeGroups.value( component.mapLayerId, component.group );
429 auto layer = std::make_unique< TreeNode >();
430 layer->id = destinationGroup.isEmpty() ? component.mapLayerId : QStringLiteral( "%1_%2" ).arg( destinationGroup, component.mapLayerId );
431 layer->name = details.layerIdToPdfLayerTreeNameMap.contains( component.mapLayerId ) ? details.layerIdToPdfLayerTreeNameMap.value( component.mapLayerId ) : component.name;
432 layer->initiallyVisible = details.initialLayerVisibility.value( component.mapLayerId, true );
433 layer->mapLayerId = component.mapLayerId;
435 layerIdToTreeNode.insert( component.mapLayerId, layer.get() );
436 if ( !destinationGroup.isEmpty() )
437 {
438 if ( TreeNode *groupNode = groupNameMap.value( destinationGroup ) )
439 {
440 groupNode->addChild( std::move( layer ) );
441 }
442 else
443 {
444 std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > group = createGroup( destinationGroup );
445 group->addChild( std::move( layer ) );
446 groupNameMap.insert( destinationGroup, group.get() );
447 rootGroups.emplace_back( std::move( group ) );
448 }
449 }
450 else
451 {
452 rootLayers.emplace_back( std::move( layer ) );
453 }
455 createdLayerIds.insert( component.mapLayerId );
456 }
457 }
459 // some PDF components may not be linked to vector components - e.g.
460 // - layers with labels but no features
461 // - raster layers
462 // - legends and other map content
463 for ( const ComponentLayerDetail &component : components )
464 {
465 if ( !component.mapLayerId.isEmpty() && createdLayerIds.contains( component.mapLayerId ) )
466 continue;
468 const QString destinationGroup = details.customLayerTreeGroups.value( component.mapLayerId, component.group );
469 if ( destinationGroup.isEmpty() && component.mapLayerId.isEmpty() )
470 continue;
472 std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > mapLayerNode;
473 if ( !component.mapLayerId.isEmpty() )
474 {
475 mapLayerNode = std::make_unique< TreeNode >();
476 mapLayerNode->id = destinationGroup.isEmpty() ? component.mapLayerId : QStringLiteral( "%1_%2" ).arg( destinationGroup, component.mapLayerId );
477 mapLayerNode->name = details.layerIdToPdfLayerTreeNameMap.value( component.mapLayerId, component.name );
478 mapLayerNode->initiallyVisible = details.initialLayerVisibility.value( component.mapLayerId, true );
480 layerIdToTreeNode.insert( component.mapLayerId, mapLayerNode.get() );
481 }
483 if ( !destinationGroup.isEmpty() )
484 {
485 if ( TreeNode *groupNode = groupNameMap.value( destinationGroup ) )
486 {
487 if ( mapLayerNode )
488 groupNode->addChild( std::move( mapLayerNode ) );
489 }
490 else
491 {
492 std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > group = createGroup( destinationGroup );
493 if ( mapLayerNode )
494 group->addChild( std::move( mapLayerNode ) );
495 groupNameMap.insert( destinationGroup, group.get() );
496 rootGroups.emplace_back( std::move( group ) );
497 }
498 }
499 else
500 {
501 if ( mapLayerNode )
502 rootLayers.emplace_back( std::move( mapLayerNode ) );
503 }
505 if ( !component.mapLayerId.isEmpty() )
506 {
507 createdLayerIds.insert( component.mapLayerId );
508 }
509 }
511 // pages
512 QDomElement page = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Page" ) );
513 QDomElement dpi = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "DPI" ) );
514 // hardcode DPI of 72 to get correct page sizes in outputs -- refs discussion in https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/2961
515 dpi.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( 72 ) ) );
516 page.appendChild( dpi );
517 // assumes DPI of 72, as noted above.
518 QDomElement width = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Width" ) );
519 const double pageWidthPdfUnits = std::ceil( details.pageSizeMm.width() / 25.4 * 72 );
520 width.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( pageWidthPdfUnits ) ) );
521 page.appendChild( width );
522 QDomElement height = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Height" ) );
523 const double pageHeightPdfUnits = std::ceil( details.pageSizeMm.height() / 25.4 * 72 );
524 height.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( pageHeightPdfUnits ) ) );
525 page.appendChild( height );
527 // georeferencing
528 int i = 0;
529 for ( const QgsAbstractGeospatialPdfExporter::GeoReferencedSection &section : details.georeferencedSections )
530 {
531 QDomElement georeferencing = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Georeferencing" ) );
532 georeferencing.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "id" ), QStringLiteral( "georeferenced_%1" ).arg( i++ ) );
533 georeferencing.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "ISO32000ExtensionFormat" ), details.useIso32000ExtensionFormatGeoreferencing ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
535 if ( section.crs.isValid() )
536 {
537 QDomElement srs = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "SRS" ) );
538 // not currently used by GDAL or the PDF spec, but exposed in the GDAL XML schema. Maybe something we'll need to consider down the track...
539 // srs.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "dataAxisToSRSAxisMapping" ), QStringLiteral( "2,1" ) );
540 if ( !section.crs.authid().isEmpty() && !section.crs.authid().startsWith( QStringLiteral( "user" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
541 {
542 srs.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( section.crs.authid() ) );
543 }
544 else
545 {
546 srs.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( section.crs.toWkt( Qgis::CrsWktVariant::PreferredGdal ) ) );
547 }
548 georeferencing.appendChild( srs );
549 }
551 if ( !section.pageBoundsPolygon.isEmpty() )
552 {
553 /*
554 Define a polygon / neatline in PDF units into which the
555 Measure tool will display coordinates.
556 If not specified, BoundingBox will be used instead.
557 If none of BoundingBox and BoundingPolygon are specified,
558 the whole PDF page will be assumed to be georeferenced.
559 */
560 QDomElement boundingPolygon = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "BoundingPolygon" ) );
562 // transform to PDF coordinate space
563 QTransform t = QTransform::fromTranslate( 0, pageHeightPdfUnits ).scale( pageWidthPdfUnits / details.pageSizeMm.width(),
564 -pageHeightPdfUnits / details.pageSizeMm.height() );
566 QgsPolygon p = section.pageBoundsPolygon;
567 p.transform( t );
568 boundingPolygon.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( p.asWkt() ) );
570 georeferencing.appendChild( boundingPolygon );
571 }
572 else
573 {
574 /* Define the viewport where georeferenced coordinates are available.
575 If not specified, the extent of BoundingPolygon will be used instead.
576 If none of BoundingBox and BoundingPolygon are specified,
577 the whole PDF page will be assumed to be georeferenced.
578 */
579 QDomElement boundingBox = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "BoundingBox" ) );
580 boundingBox.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "x1" ), qgsDoubleToString( section.pageBoundsMm.xMinimum() / 25.4 * 72 ) );
581 boundingBox.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "y1" ), qgsDoubleToString( section.pageBoundsMm.yMinimum() / 25.4 * 72 ) );
582 boundingBox.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "x2" ), qgsDoubleToString( section.pageBoundsMm.xMaximum() / 25.4 * 72 ) );
583 boundingBox.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "y2" ), qgsDoubleToString( section.pageBoundsMm.yMaximum() / 25.4 * 72 ) );
584 georeferencing.appendChild( boundingBox );
585 }
587 for ( const ControlPoint &point : section.controlPoints )
588 {
589 QDomElement cp1 = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ControlPoint" ) );
590 cp1.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ), qgsDoubleToString( point.pagePoint.x() / 25.4 * 72 ) );
591 cp1.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ), qgsDoubleToString( ( details.pageSizeMm.height() - point.pagePoint.y() ) / 25.4 * 72 ) );
592 cp1.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "GeoX" ), qgsDoubleToString( point.geoPoint.x() ) );
593 cp1.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "GeoY" ), qgsDoubleToString( point.geoPoint.y() ) );
594 georeferencing.appendChild( cp1 );
595 }
597 page.appendChild( georeferencing );
598 }
600 auto createPdfDatasetElement = [&doc]( const ComponentLayerDetail & component ) -> QDomElement
601 {
602 QDomElement pdfDataset = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "PDF" ) );
603 pdfDataset.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "dataset" ), component.sourcePdfPath );
604 if ( component.opacity != 1.0 || component.compositionMode != QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver )
605 {
606 QDomElement blendingElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Blending" ) );
607 blendingElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "opacity" ), component.opacity );
608 blendingElement.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "function" ), compositionModeToString( component.compositionMode ) );
610 pdfDataset.appendChild( blendingElement );
611 }
612 return pdfDataset;
613 };
615 // content
616 QDomElement content = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Content" ) );
617 for ( const ComponentLayerDetail &component : components )
618 {
619 if ( component.mapLayerId.isEmpty() && component.group.isEmpty() )
620 {
621 content.appendChild( createPdfDatasetElement( component ) );
622 }
623 else if ( !component.mapLayerId.isEmpty() )
624 {
625 if ( TreeNode *treeNode = layerIdToTreeNode.value( component.mapLayerId ) )
626 {
627 QDomElement ifLayerOnElement = treeNode->createNestedIfLayerOnElements( doc, content );
628 ifLayerOnElement.appendChild( createPdfDatasetElement( component ) );
629 }
630 }
631 else if ( TreeNode *groupNode = groupNameToTreeNode.value( component.group ) )
632 {
633 QDomElement ifGroupOn = groupNode->createIfLayerOnElement( doc, content );
634 ifGroupOn.appendChild( createPdfDatasetElement( component ) );
635 }
636 }
638 // vector datasets (we "draw" these on top, just for debugging... but they are invisible, so are never really drawn!)
639 if ( details.includeFeatures )
640 {
641 for ( const VectorComponentDetail &component : std::as_const( mVectorComponents ) )
642 {
643 if ( TreeNode *treeNode = layerIdToTreeNode.value( component.mapLayerId ) )
644 {
645 QDomElement ifLayerOnElement = treeNode->createNestedIfLayerOnElements( doc, content );
647 QDomElement vectorDataset = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "Vector" ) );
648 vectorDataset.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "dataset" ), component.sourceVectorPath );
649 vectorDataset.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "layer" ), component.sourceVectorLayer );
650 vectorDataset.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "visible" ), QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
651 QDomElement logicalStructure = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "LogicalStructure" ) );
652 logicalStructure.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "displayLayerName" ), component.name );
653 if ( !component.displayAttribute.isEmpty() )
654 logicalStructure.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "fieldToDisplay" ), component.displayAttribute );
655 vectorDataset.appendChild( logicalStructure );
656 ifLayerOnElement.appendChild( vectorDataset );
657 }
658 }
659 }
661 page.appendChild( content );
663 // layertree
664 QDomElement layerTree = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "LayerTree" ) );
665 //layerTree.setAttribute( QStringLiteral("displayOnlyOnVisiblePages"), QStringLiteral("true"));
667 // groups are added first
669 // sort root groups in desired order
670 std::sort( rootGroups.begin(), rootGroups.end(), [&layerTreeGroupOrder]( const std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > &a, const std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > &b ) -> bool
671 {
672 return layerTreeGroupOrder.indexOf( a->name ) < layerTreeGroupOrder.indexOf( b->name );
673 } );
675 bool haveFoundMutuallyExclusiveGroup = false;
676 for ( const auto &node : std::as_const( rootGroups ) )
677 {
678 if ( !node->mutuallyExclusiveGroupId.isEmpty() )
679 {
680 // only the first object in a mutually exclusive group is initially visible
681 node->initiallyVisible = !haveFoundMutuallyExclusiveGroup;
682 haveFoundMutuallyExclusiveGroup = true;
683 }
684 layerTree.appendChild( node->toElement( doc ) );
685 }
687 // filter out groups which don't have any content
688 layerTreeGroupOrder.erase( std::remove_if( layerTreeGroupOrder.begin(), layerTreeGroupOrder.end(), [&details]( const QString & group )
689 {
690 return details.customLayerTreeGroups.key( group ).isEmpty();
691 } ), layerTreeGroupOrder.end() );
694 // then top-level layers
695 std::sort( rootLayers.begin(), rootLayers.end(), [&details]( const std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > &a, const std::unique_ptr< TreeNode > &b ) -> bool
696 {
697 const int indexA = details.layerOrder.indexOf( a->mapLayerId );
698 const int indexB = details.layerOrder.indexOf( b->mapLayerId );
700 if ( indexA >= 0 && indexB >= 0 )
701 return indexA < indexB;
702 else if ( indexA >= 0 )
703 return true;
704 else if ( indexB >= 0 )
705 return false;
707 return a->name.localeAwareCompare( b->name ) < 0;
708 } );
710 for ( const auto &node : std::as_const( rootLayers ) )
711 {
712 layerTree.appendChild( node->toElement( doc ) );
713 }
715 compositionElem.appendChild( layerTree );
716 compositionElem.appendChild( page );
718 doc.appendChild( compositionElem );
720 QString composition;
721 QTextStream stream( &composition );
722 doc.save( stream, -1 );
724 return composition;
727QString QgsAbstractGeospatialPdfExporter::compositionModeToString( QPainter::CompositionMode mode )
729 switch ( mode )
730 {
731 case QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver:
732 return QStringLiteral( "Normal" );
734 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Multiply:
735 return QStringLiteral( "Multiply" );
737 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Screen:
738 return QStringLiteral( "Screen" );
740 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Overlay:
741 return QStringLiteral( "Overlay" );
743 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Darken:
744 return QStringLiteral( "Darken" );
746 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Lighten:
747 return QStringLiteral( "Lighten" );
749 case QPainter::CompositionMode_ColorDodge:
750 return QStringLiteral( "ColorDodge" );
752 case QPainter::CompositionMode_ColorBurn:
753 return QStringLiteral( "ColorBurn" );
755 case QPainter::CompositionMode_HardLight:
756 return QStringLiteral( "HardLight" );
758 case QPainter::CompositionMode_SoftLight:
759 return QStringLiteral( "SoftLight" );
761 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Difference:
762 return QStringLiteral( "Difference" );
764 case QPainter::CompositionMode_Exclusion:
765 return QStringLiteral( "Exclusion" );
767 default:
768 break;
769 }
771 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral( "Unsupported PDF blend mode %1" ).arg( mode ) );
772 return QStringLiteral( "Normal" );
@ PreferredGdal
Preferred format for conversion of CRS to WKT for use with the GDAL library.
@ NoSymbology
Export only data.
static bool compositionModeSupported(QPainter::CompositionMode mode)
Returns true if the specified composition mode is supported for layers during Geospatial PDF exports.
static QString geospatialPDFAvailabilityExplanation()
Returns a user-friendly, translated string explaining why Geospatial PDF export support is not availa...
bool finalize(const QList< QgsAbstractGeospatialPdfExporter::ComponentLayerDetail > &components, const QString &destinationFile, const ExportDetails &details)
To be called after the rendering operation is complete.
void pushRenderedFeature(const QString &layerId, const QgsAbstractGeospatialPdfExporter::RenderedFeature &feature, const QString &group=QString())
Called multiple times during the rendering operation, whenever a feature associated with the specifie...
static bool geospatialPDFCreationAvailable()
Returns true if the current QGIS build is capable of Geospatial PDF support.
QString generateTemporaryFilepath(const QString &filename) const
Returns a file path to use for temporary files required for Geospatial PDF creation.
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
Contains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed.
void transform(const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct, Qgis::TransformDirection d=Qgis::TransformDirection::Forward, bool transformZ=false) override
Transforms the geometry using a coordinate transform.
@ FastInsert
Use faster inserts, at the cost of updating the passed features to reflect changes made at the provid...
@ RegeneratePrimaryKey
This flag indicates, that a primary key field cannot be guaranteed to be unique and the sink should i...
The feature class encapsulates a single feature including its unique ID, geometry and a list of field...
Definition qgsfeature.h:58
void setGeometry(const QgsGeometry &geometry)
Set the feature's geometry.
static QString stringToSafeFilename(const QString &string)
Converts a string to a safe filename, replacing characters which are not safe for filenames with an '...
Polygon geometry type.
Definition qgspolygon.h:33
QString asWkt(int precision=17) const override
Returns a WKT representation of the geometry.
Options to pass to writeAsVectorFormat()
Qgis::FeatureSymbologyExport symbologyExport
Symbology to export.
static QgsVectorFileWriter * create(const QString &fileName, const QgsFields &fields, Qgis::WkbType geometryType, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs, const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext, const QgsVectorFileWriter::SaveVectorOptions &options, QgsFeatureSink::SinkFlags sinkFlags=QgsFeatureSink::SinkFlags(), QString *newFilename=nullptr, QString *newLayer=nullptr)
Create a new vector file writer.
QgsLayerTree * layerTree(const QgsWmsRenderContext &context)
std::unique_ptr< std::remove_pointer< GDALDatasetH >::type, GDALDatasetCloser > dataset_unique_ptr
Scoped GDAL dataset.
QString qgsDoubleToString(double a, int precision=17)
Returns a string representation of a double.
Definition qgis.h:6119
void CPL_STDCALL collectErrors(CPLErr, int, const char *msg)
QList< QgsFeature > QgsFeatureList
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)
Definition qgslogger.h:41
#define QgsDebugError(str)
Definition qgslogger.h:40
bool includeFeatures
true if feature vector information (such as attributes) should be exported.
Contains information about a feature rendered inside the PDF.
QgsGeometry renderedBounds
Bounds, in PDF units, of rendered feature.