28#include <QRegularExpression>
33#define DUMP_BASE64_IMAGES 0
57 static QDir testReportDir();
65 static bool shouldGenerateReport();
74 QString controlImagePath()
82 void setControlImagePath(
const QString &path );
92 QString report(
bool ignoreSuccess =
true )
103 QString markdownReport(
bool ignoreSuccess =
true )
110 return static_cast<float>( mMismatchCount ) /
111 static_cast<float>( mMatchTarget ) * 100;
139 void setControlName(
const QString &name );
153 void setControlPathSuffix(
const QString &name );
156 QString imageToHash(
const QString &imageFile );
161 void setRenderedImage(
const QString &imageFileName ) { mRenderedImageFile = imageFileName; }
192 void setSizeTolerance(
int xTolerance,
int yTolerance ) { mMaxSizeDifferenceX = xTolerance; mMaxSizeDifferenceY = yTolerance; }
201 AvoidExportingRenderedImage = 1 << 0,
248 bool compareImages( const QString &testName, const QString &referenceImageFile, const QString &renderedImageFile,
unsigned int mismatchCount = 0,
Flags flags =
Flags() );
bool isKnownAnomaly( const QString &diffImageFile )
266 static
void drawBackground( QImage *image );
273 QString expectedImageFile()
const {
return mExpectedImageFile; }
297 static QString sourcePath();
304 unsigned int mMatchTarget = 0;
305 int mElapsedTime = 0;
315 void dumpRenderedImageAsBase64();
318 void performPostTestActions(
Flags flags );
320 bool mResult =
321 bool mExpectFail =
325 QString mControlName;
326 unsigned int mMismatchCount = 0;
327 unsigned int mColorTolerance = 0;
328 int mMaxSizeDifferenceX = 0;
329 int mMaxSizeDifferenceY = 0;
330 int mElapsedTimeTarget = 0;
332 QString mControlExtension = QStringLiteral(
"png" );
333 QString mControlPathPrefix;
334 QString mControlPathSuffix;
335 bool mIsCiRun =
336 QVector<QgsDartMeasurement> mDashMessages;
337 bool mBufferDashMessages =
338 QString mDiffImageFile;
bool compareWkt( const QString &a, const QString &b,
double tolerance = 0.000001 )
355 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"a:%1 b:%2 tol:%3" ).arg( a, b ).arg( tolerance ), 2 );
356 const thread_local QRegularExpression re(
"-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:[eE]\\d+)?" );
358 QString a0( a ), b0( b );
359 a0.replace( re, QStringLiteral(
"#" ) );
360 b0.replace( re, QStringLiteral(
"#" ) );
367 QList<double> al, bl;
370 QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match( a );
371 while ( match.hasMatch() )
373 al << match.captured( 0 ).toDouble();
374 pos = match.capturedStart( 0 ) + match.capturedLength( 0 );
375 match = re.match( a, pos );
377 match = re.match( b );
378 while ( match.hasMatch() )
380 bl << match.captured( 0 ).toDouble();
381 pos = match.capturedStart( 0 ) + match.capturedLength( 0 );
382 match = re.match( b, pos );
385 if ( al.size() != bl.size() )
388 for (
int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++ )
bool compareWkt( const QString &a, const QString &b,
double tolerance = 0.000001 ) {
Emits dart measurements for display in CDash reports.
The QgsMapSettings class contains configuration for rendering of the map.
This class allows checking rendered images against comparison images.
This is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected resul...
void setControlExtension(const QString &extension)
Sets file extension for the control image.
float matchPercent() const
Returns the percent of pixels which matched the control image.
unsigned int matchTarget() const
Returns the total number of pixels in the control image.
QString mReport
HTML format report.
QFlags< Flag > Flags
Render checker flags.
Render checker flags.
int elapsedTime() const
Returns the total elapsed time for the rendering test.
QString mRenderedImageFile
QString mMarkdownReport
Markdown report.
QString renderedImage() const
Returns the path of the rendered image generated by the test.
void setElapsedTimeTarget(int target)
QVector< QgsDartMeasurement > dartMeasurements() const
Gets access to buffered dash messages.
void setControlPathPrefix(const QString &name)
Sets the path prefix where the control images are kept.
void setRenderedImage(const QString &imageFileName)
Sets the file name of the rendered image generated by the test.
QString mExpectedImageFile
void setSizeTolerance(int xTolerance, int yTolerance)
Sets the largest allowable difference in size between the rendered and the expected image.
void enableDashBuffering(bool enable)
Call this to enable internal buffering of dash messages.
unsigned int mismatchCount() const
Returns the number of pixels which did not match the control image.
void setExpectFail(bool expectFail)
Sets whether the comparison is expected to fail.
void setColorTolerance(unsigned int colorTolerance)
Set tolerance for color components used by runTest() and compareImages().
bool qgsDoubleNear(double a, double b, double epsilon=4 *std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
Compare two doubles (but allow some difference)
#define SIP_ENUM_BASETYPE(type)
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)
bool compareWkt(const QString &a, const QString &b, double tolerance=0.000001)
Compare two WKT strings with some tolerance.