17#include "moc_qgssymbolanimationsettingswidget.cpp"
20#include <QDialogButtonBox>
27 mFrameRateSpin->setClearValue( 10 );
28 mFrameRateSpin->setShowClearButton(
true );
30 connect( mFrameRateSpin, qOverload<double>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, [
this] {
34 connect( mIsAnimatedGroup, &QGroupBox::toggled,
this, [
this] {
43 mIsAnimatedGroup->setChecked( settings.
isAnimated() );
44 mFrameRateSpin->setValue( settings.
frameRate() );
45 mBlockUpdates =
62 : QDialog( parent, f )
64 QVBoxLayout *vLayout =
new QVBoxLayout();
66 vLayout->addWidget( mWidget );
67 QDialogButtonBox *bbox =
new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal );
68 connect( bbox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted,
this, &QgsSymbolAnimationSettingsDialog::accept );
69 connect( bbox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected,
this, &QgsSymbolAnimationSettingsDialog::reject );
70 vLayout->addWidget( bbox );
72 setWindowTitle( tr(
"Animation Settings" ) );
void setAnimationSettings(const QgsSymbolAnimationSettings &settings)
Sets the animation settings to show in the dialog.
QgsSymbolAnimationSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent=nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f=Qt::WindowFlags())
Constructor for QgsSymbolAnimationSettingsDialog.
QgsSymbolAnimationSettings animationSettings() const
Returns the animation settings as defined in the dialog.
Contains settings relating to symbol animation.
bool isAnimated() const
Returns true if the symbol is animated.
void setIsAnimated(bool animated)
Sets whether the symbol is animated.
void setFrameRate(double rate)
Sets the symbol animation frame rate (in frames per second).
double frameRate() const
Returns the symbol animation frame rate (in frames per second).