20#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
30class QItemSelectionModel;
61 ColumnTypeActionButton
91#pragma clang diagnostic push
92#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Woverloaded-virtual"
104#pragma clang diagnostic pop
113 void setSelectedOnTop(
bool selectedOnTop );
120 bool selectedOnTop();
128 virtual void setFilteredFeatures(
const QgsFeatureIds &ids );
142 void setFilterMode( FilterMode filterMode );
147 void disconnectFilterModeConnections();
152 void connectFilterModeConnections( FilterMode filterMode );
193 QModelIndex mapToMaster(
const QModelIndex &proxyIndex )
195 inline QModelIndex
const QModelIndex &sourceIndex )
const {
return mapFromSource( sourceIndex ); }
197 QModelIndex mapToSource(
const QModelIndex &proxyIndex )
const override;
199 QModelIndex mapFromSource(
const QModelIndex &sourceIndex )
const override;
201 Qt::ItemFlags flags(
const QModelIndex &index )
const override;
210 void sort(
int column, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder )
219 void sort(
const QString &expression, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder );
224 QString sortExpression()
229 QVariant data(
const QModelIndex &index,
int role )
const override;
231 QVariant headerData(
int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role )
const override;
237 int actionColumnIndex()
239 int columnCount(
const QModelIndex &parent )
const override;
297 bool filterAcceptsRow(
int sourceRow,
const QModelIndex &sourceParent )
const override;
303 void generateListOfVisibleFeatures();
309 bool lessThan(
const QModelIndex &left,
const QModelIndex &right )
const override;
void extentsChanged();
327 void filterFeatures();
330 void selectionChanged();
331 void onColumnsChanged();
332 void reloadVisible();
333 void onAttributeValueChanged(
QgsFeatureId fid,
int idx,
const QVariant &value );
334 void onGeometryChanged();
340 bool mSelectedOnTop =
344 QVector<int> mColumnMapping;
348 int mapColumnToSource(
int column )
349 int mapColumnFromSource(
int column )
351 QTimer mReloadVisibleTimer;
352 QTimer mFilterFeaturesTimer;
353 void startTimedReloadVisible();
354 void startTimedFilterFeatures();
This is a container for configuration of the attribute table.
FilterMode filterMode()
The current filterModel.
QgsMapCanvas * mapCanvas() const
Returns the map canvas.
QgsVectorLayerCache * layerCache() const
Returns the layerCache this filter acts on.
QString filterExpression() const
Returns the stored filter expression string.
The additional roles defined by this filter model.
The filter mode defines how the rows should be filtered.
@ ShowFilteredList
Show only features whose ids are on the filter list. {.
@ ShowVisible
Show only visible features (depends on the map canvas)
@ ShowSelected
Show only selected features.
@ ShowInvalid
Show only features not respecting constraints.
@ ShowEdited
Show only features which have unsaved changes.
@ ShowAll
Show all features.
void filterError(const QString &errorMessage)
Emitted when an error occurred while filtering features.
QModelIndex mapFromMaster(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const
QgsAttributeTableModel * masterModel() const
Returns the table model this filter is using.
void featuresFiltered()
Emitted when the filtering of the features has been done.
void visibleReloaded()
Emitted when the the visible features on extend are reloaded (the list is created)
The type of a column.
@ ColumnTypeField
This column shows a field.
QgsVectorLayer * layer() const
Returns the layer this filter acts on.
void sortColumnChanged(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
Emitted whenever the sort column is changed.
A model backed by a QgsVectorLayerCache which is able to provide feature/attribute information to a Q...
@ User
Start further roles starting from this role.
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
Class for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings").
virtual QModelIndex fidToIndex(QgsFeatureId fid)=0
Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas.
This class caches features of a given QgsVectorLayer.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
QSet< QgsFeatureId > QgsFeatureIds
qint64 QgsFeatureId
64 bit feature ids negative numbers are used for uncommitted/newly added features