QGIS API Documentation 3.39.0-Master (8f1a6e30482)
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qgsprocessingparameters.h File Reference
#include "qgis_core.h"
#include "qgis.h"
#include "qgsprocessing.h"
#include "qgsproperty.h"
#include "qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h"
#include "qgsprocessingutils.h"
#include "qgsfilefiltergenerator.h"
#include "qgsremappingproxyfeaturesink.h"
#include <QMap>
#include <limits>
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class  QgsProcessingDestinationParameter
 Base class for all parameter definitions which represent file or layer destinations, e.g. More...
class  QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition
 Encapsulates settings relating to a feature source input to a processing algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition
 Encapsulates settings relating to a feature sink or output raster layer for a processing algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterAnnotationLayer
 An annotation layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterArea
 A double numeric parameter for area values. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterAuthConfig
 A string parameter for authentication configuration ID values. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterBand
 A raster band parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterBoolean
 A boolean parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterColor
 A color parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterCoordinateOperation
 A coordinate operation parameter for processing algorithms, for selection between available coordinate operations to use when projecting between a source and destination coordinate reference system. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterCrs
 A coordinate reference system parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDatabaseSchema
 A database schema parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from existing schemas on a registered database connection. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDatabaseTable
 A database table name parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from existing database tables on a registered database connection (or optionally to enter a new table name). More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDateTime
 A datetime (or pure date or time) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
 Base class for the definition of processing parameters. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDistance
 A double numeric parameter for distance values. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDuration
 A double numeric parameter for duration values. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterEnum
 An enum based parameter for processing algorithms, allowing for selection from predefined values. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterExpression
 An expression parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterExtent
 A rectangular map extent parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink
 A feature sink output for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource
 An input feature source (such as vector layers) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterField
 A vector layer or feature source field parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterFile
 An input file or folder parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination
 A generic file based destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a file (non-map layer) created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination
 A folder destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a folder created by the algorithm or used for creating new files within the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterGeometry
 A geometry parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterLayout
 A print layout parameter, allowing users to select a print layout. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterLayoutItem
 A print layout item parameter, allowing users to select a particular item from a print layout. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterLimitedDataTypes
 Can be inherited by parameters which require limits to their acceptable data types. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterMapLayer
 A map layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterMapTheme
 A map theme parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select an existing map theme from a project. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterMatrix
 A table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterMeshLayer
 A mesh layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers
 A parameter for processing algorithms which accepts multiple map layers. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterNumber
 A numeric parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterPoint
 A point parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterPointCloudAttribute
 A point cloud layer attribute parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterPointCloudDestination
 A point cloud layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a point cloud layer created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterPointCloudLayer
 A point cloud layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterProviderConnection
 A data provider connection parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from available registered connections for a particular data provider. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterRange
 A numeric range parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination
 A raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer
 A raster layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameters
 A collection of utilities for working with parameters when running a processing algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterScale
 A double numeric parameter for map scale values. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterString
 A string parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination
 A vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer
 A vector layer (with or without geometry) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination
 A vector tile layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector tile layer created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterVolume
 A double numeric parameter for volume values. More...


typedef QList< const QgsProcessingParameterDefinition * > QgsProcessingParameterDefinitions
 List of processing parameters.

Typedef Documentation

◆ QgsProcessingParameterDefinitions

List of processing parameters.

Definition at line 931 of file qgsprocessingparameters.h.