QGIS API Documentation 3.39.0-Master (8f1a6e30482)
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QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination Class Reference

A vector tile layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector tile layer created by the algorithm. More...

#include <qgsprocessingparameters.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination (const QString &name, const QString &description=QString(), const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), bool optional=false, bool createByDefault=true)
 Constructor for QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination.
bool checkValueIsAcceptable (const QVariant &input, QgsProcessingContext *context=nullptr) const override
 Checks whether the specified input value is acceptable for the parameter.
QgsProcessingParameterDefinitionclone () const override
 Creates a clone of the parameter definition.
QString createFileFilter () const override
 This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return a file filter.
QString defaultFileExtension () const override
 Returns the default file extension for destination file paths associated with this parameter.
virtual QStringList supportedOutputVectorTileLayerExtensions () const
 Returns a list of the point cloud format file extensions supported for this parameter.
QgsProcessingOutputDefinitiontoOutputDefinition () const override
 Returns a new QgsProcessingOutputDefinition corresponding to the definition of the destination parameter.
QString type () const override
 Unique parameter type name.
QString valueAsPythonString (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context) const override
 Returns a string version of the parameter input value, which is suitable for use as an input parameter value when running an algorithm directly from a Python command.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsProcessingDestinationParameter
 QgsProcessingDestinationParameter (const QString &name, const QString &description=QString(), const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), bool optional=false, bool createByDefault=true)
 Constructor for QgsProcessingDestinationParameter.
QString asPythonString (QgsProcessing::PythonOutputType outputType=QgsProcessing::PythonOutputType::PythonQgsProcessingAlgorithmSubclass) const override
 Returns the parameter definition as a Python command which can be used within a Python Processing script.
bool createByDefault () const
 Returns true if the destination should be created by default.
bool fromVariantMap (const QVariantMap &map) override
 Restores this parameter to a QVariantMap.
virtual QString generateTemporaryDestination (const QgsProcessingContext *context=nullptr) const
 Generates a temporary destination value for this parameter.
bool isDestination () const override
 Returns true if this parameter represents a file or layer destination, e.g.
virtual bool isSupportedOutputValue (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context, QString &error) const
 Tests whether a value is a supported value for this parameter.
void setCreateByDefault (bool createByDefault)
 Sets whether the destination should be created by default.
void setSupportsNonFileBasedOutput (bool supportsNonFileBasedOutput)
 Sets whether the destination parameter supports non filed-based outputs, such as memory layers or direct database outputs.
bool supportsNonFileBasedOutput () const
 Returns true if the destination parameter supports non filed-based outputs, such as memory layers or direct database outputs.
QVariantMap toVariantMap () const override
 Saves this parameter to a QVariantMap.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
 QgsProcessingParameterDefinition (const QString &name, const QString &description=QString(), const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), bool optional=false, const QString &help=QString())
 Constructor for QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.
virtual ~QgsProcessingParameterDefinition ()=default
QStringList additionalExpressionContextVariables () const
 Returns a list of additional expression context variables which are available for use when evaluating this parameter.
QgsProcessingAlgorithmalgorithm () const
 Returns a pointer to the algorithm which owns this parameter.
virtual QString asScriptCode () const
 Returns the parameter definition encoded in a string which can be used within a Processing script.
QVariant defaultValue () const
 Returns the default value for the parameter.
QVariant defaultValueForGui () const
 Returns the default value to use for the parameter in a GUI.
virtual QStringList dependsOnOtherParameters () const
 Returns a list of other parameter names on which this parameter is dependent (e.g.
QString description () const
 Returns the description for the parameter.
QString dynamicLayerParameterName () const
 Returns the name of the parameter for a layer linked to a dynamic parameter, or an empty string if this is not set.
QgsPropertyDefinition dynamicPropertyDefinition () const
 Returns the property definition for dynamic properties.
Qgis::ProcessingParameterFlags flags () const
 Returns any flags associated with the parameter.
QVariant guiDefaultValueOverride () const
 Returns the default value to use in the GUI for the parameter.
QString help () const
 Returns the help for the parameter.
bool isDynamic () const
 Returns true if the parameter supports is dynamic, and can support data-defined values (i.e.
QVariantMap & metadata ()
 Returns the parameter's freeform metadata.
QVariantMap metadata () const
 Returns the parameter's freeform metadata.
QString name () const
 Returns the name of the parameter.
QgsProcessingProviderprovider () const
 Returns a pointer to the provider for the algorithm which owns this parameter.
void setAdditionalExpressionContextVariables (const QStringList &variables)
 Sets a list of additional expression context variables which are available for use when evaluating this parameter.
void setDefaultValue (const QVariant &value)
 Sets the default value for the parameter.
void setDescription (const QString &description)
 Sets the description for the parameter.
void setDynamicLayerParameterName (const QString &name)
 Sets the name for the parameter for a layer linked to a dynamic parameter, or an empty string if this is not set.
void setDynamicPropertyDefinition (const QgsPropertyDefinition &definition)
 Sets the property definition for dynamic properties.
void setFlags (Qgis::ProcessingParameterFlags flags)
 Sets the flags associated with the parameter.
void setGuiDefaultValueOverride (const QVariant &value)
 Sets the default value to use for the parameter in GUI widgets.
void setHelp (const QString &help)
 Sets the help for the parameter.
void setIsDynamic (bool dynamic)
 Sets whether the parameter is dynamic, and can support data-defined values (i.e.
void setMetadata (const QVariantMap &metadata)
 Sets the parameter's freeform metadata.
void setName (const QString &name)
 Sets the name of the parameter.
virtual QString toolTip () const
 Returns a formatted tooltip for use with the parameter, which gives helpful information like parameter description, ID, and extra content like default values (depending on parameter type).
virtual QVariant valueAsJsonObject (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context) const
 Returns a version of the parameter input value, which is suitable for use in a JSON object.
virtual QString valueAsPythonComment (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context) const
 Returns a Python comment explaining a parameter value, or an empty string if no comment is required.
virtual QString valueAsString (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context, bool &ok) const
 Returns a string version of the parameter input value (if possible).
virtual QStringList valueAsStringList (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context, bool &ok) const
 Returns a string list version of the parameter input value (if possible).
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsFileFilterGenerator
virtual ~QgsFileFilterGenerator ()=default

Static Public Member Functions

static QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestinationfromScriptCode (const QString &name, const QString &description, bool isOptional, const QString &definition)
 Creates a new parameter using the definition from a script code.
static QString typeName ()
 Returns the type name for the parameter class.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
enum class  ValueAsStringFlag : int { AllowMapLayerValues = 1 << 0 }
 Flags for passing to the valueAsStringPrivate() method. More...
typedef QFlags< ValueAsStringFlagValueAsStringFlags
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsProcessingDestinationParameter
QgsProcessingProvideroriginalProvider () const
 Original (source) provider which this parameter has been derived from.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
QVariant defaultGuiValueFromSetting () const
 Default gui value for an algorithm parameter from settings.
QVariant valueAsJsonObjectPrivate (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context, ValueAsStringFlags flags) const
 Internal method for evaluating values as JSON objects.
QString valueAsStringPrivate (const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context, bool &ok, ValueAsStringFlags flags) const
 Internal method for evaluating values as string.
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
QStringList mAdditionalExpressionVariables
 Additional expression context variables exposed for use by this parameter.
QgsProcessingAlgorithmmAlgorithm = nullptr
 Pointer to algorithm which owns this parameter.
QVariant mDefault
 Default value for parameter.
QString mDescription
 Parameter description.
QString mDynamicLayerParameterName
 Linked vector layer parameter name for dynamic properties.
Qgis::ProcessingParameterFlags mFlags
 Parameter flags.
QVariant mGuiDefault
 Default value for parameter in GUI.
QString mHelp
 Parameter help.
bool mIsDynamic = false
 True for dynamic parameters, which can have data-defined (QgsProperty) based values.
QVariantMap mMetadata
 Freeform metadata for parameter. Mostly used by widget wrappers to customize their appearance and behavior.
QString mName
 Parameter name.
QgsPropertyDefinition mPropertyDefinition
 Data defined property definition.

Detailed Description

A vector tile layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector tile layer created by the algorithm.

QGIS 3.32

Definition at line 4699 of file qgsprocessingparameters.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination()

QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination ( const QString &  name,
const QString &  description = QString(),
const QVariant &  defaultValue = QVariant(),
bool  optional = false,
bool  createByDefault = true 

Constructor for QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination.

If createByDefault is false and the parameter is optional, then this destination output will not be created by default.

Definition at line 9746 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkValueIsAcceptable()

bool QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::checkValueIsAcceptable ( const QVariant &  input,
QgsProcessingContext context = nullptr 
) const

Checks whether the specified input value is acceptable for the parameter.

Returns true if the value can be accepted. The optional context parameter can be specified to allow a more stringent check to be performed, capable of checking for the presence of required layers and other factors within the context.

Reimplemented from QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.

Definition at line 9756 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

◆ clone()

QgsProcessingParameterDefinition * QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::clone ( ) const

Creates a clone of the parameter definition.

Implements QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.

Definition at line 9751 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

◆ createFileFilter()

QString QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::createFileFilter ( ) const

This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return a file filter.

Reimplemented from QgsProcessingDestinationParameter.

Definition at line 9829 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

◆ defaultFileExtension()

QString QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::defaultFileExtension ( ) const

Returns the default file extension for destination file paths associated with this parameter.

Implements QgsProcessingDestinationParameter.

Definition at line 9824 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

◆ fromScriptCode()

QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination * QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::fromScriptCode ( const QString &  name,
const QString &  description,
bool  isOptional,
const QString &  definition 

Creates a new parameter using the definition from a script code.

Definition at line 9846 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

◆ supportedOutputVectorTileLayerExtensions()

QStringList QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::supportedOutputVectorTileLayerExtensions ( ) const

Returns a list of the point cloud format file extensions supported for this parameter.

See also

Definition at line 9840 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

◆ toOutputDefinition()

QgsProcessingOutputDefinition * QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::toOutputDefinition ( ) const

Returns a new QgsProcessingOutputDefinition corresponding to the definition of the destination parameter.

Implements QgsProcessingDestinationParameter.

Definition at line 9819 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

◆ type()

QString QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::type ( ) const

Unique parameter type name.

Implements QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.

Definition at line 4719 of file qgsprocessingparameters.h.

◆ typeName()

static QString QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::typeName ( )

Returns the type name for the parameter class.

Definition at line 4717 of file qgsprocessingparameters.h.

◆ valueAsPythonString()

QString QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileDestination::valueAsPythonString ( const QVariant &  value,
QgsProcessingContext context 
) const

Returns a string version of the parameter input value, which is suitable for use as an input parameter value when running an algorithm directly from a Python command.

See also

Reimplemented from QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.

Definition at line 9795 of file qgsprocessingparameters.cpp.

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