60 double zValueScale,
double zValueFixedOffset,
QgsFeedback *feedback =
nullptr );
101 long pointsRendered()
109 void incrementPointsRendered(
long count );
181 template <
typename T>
187 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char *
>( data + offset );
190 value = *( data + offset );
194 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const quint32 *
>( data + offset );
197 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const qint32 *
>( data + offset );
201 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const quint64 *
>( data + offset );
204 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const qint64 *
>( data + offset );
208 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const short *
>( data + offset );
212 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const unsigned short *
>( data + offset );
216 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const float *
>( data + offset );
220 value = *
reinterpret_cast< const double *
>( data + offset );
256 long mPointsRendered = 0;
258 int mPointRecordSize = 0;
262 double mZValueScale = 1.0;
263 double mZValueFixedOffset = 0;
267 TriangulationData mTriangulationData;
327 const QString type = sipCpp->
329 if ( type == QLatin1String(
"rgb" ) )
330 sipType = sipType_QgsPointCloudRgbRenderer;
331 else if ( type == QLatin1String(
"ramp" ) )
332 sipType = sipType_QgsPointCloudAttributeByRampRenderer;
333 else if ( type == QLatin1String(
"classified" ) )
334 sipType = sipType_QgsPointCloudClassifiedRenderer;
335 else if ( type == QLatin1String(
"extent" ) )
336 sipType = sipType_QgsPointCloudExtentRenderer;
351 virtual QString
const = 0;
386 virtual
bool willRenderPoint( const QMap<QString, QVariant> &pointAttributes )
388 Q_UNUSED( pointAttributes );
386 virtual
bool willRenderPoint( const QMap<QString, QVariant> &pointAttributes ) {
422 virtual std::unique_ptr< QgsPreparedPointCloudRendererData > prepare()
452 virtual
bool legendItemChecked( const QString &key );
459 virtual
void checkLegendItem( const QString &key,
bool state = true );
467 void setPointSize(
double size ) { mPointSize = size; }
553 double maximumScreenError()
565 void setMaximumScreenError(
double error );
677 virtual QStringList legendRuleKeys()
725 const qint32 ix = *
reinterpret_cast< const qint32 *
>( ptr + i * context.
pointRecordSize() + context.
xOffset() );
726 const qint32 iy = *
reinterpret_cast< const qint32 *
>( ptr + i * context.
pointRecordSize() + context.
yOffset() );
738 const qint32 iz = *
reinterpret_cast<const qint32 *
>( ptr + i * context.
pointRecordSize() + context.
zOffset() );
747 drawPoint( x, y, color, mDefaultPainterPenWidth, context );
757 const QPointF originalXY( x, y );
760 switch ( mPointSymbol )
763 painter->fillRect( QRectF( x - width * 0.5,
765 width, width ), color );
769 painter->setBrush( QBrush( color ) );
770 painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
771 painter->drawEllipse( QRectF( x - width * 0.5,
801 triangulation.
points.push_back( p.
x() );
802 triangulation.
points.push_back( p.
y() );
803 triangulation.
colors.push_back( color.rgb() );
805 triangulation.
static_cast<float>( z ) );
819 void restoreCommonProperties(
const QDomElement &element,
const QgsReadWriteContext &context );
827 void saveCommonProperties( QDomElement &element,
const QgsReadWriteContext &context )
836 QThread *mThread =
839 double mMaximumScreenError = 0.3;
842 double mPointSize = 1;
847 int mDefaultPainterPenWidth = 1;
850 bool mRenderAsTriangles =
851 bool mHorizontalTriangleFilter =
852 double mHorizontalTriangleFilterThreshold = 5.0;
855 bool mShowLabels =
Rendering symbols for point cloud points.
@ Circle
Renders points as circles.
@ Square
Renders points as squares.
Pointcloud rendering order for 2d views.
@ Default
Draw points in the order they are stored.
Point cloud zoom out options.
@ RenderExtents
Render only point cloud extents when zoomed out.
Rendering size units.
@ Millimeters
Stores digital elevation model in a raster image which may get updated as a part of map layer renderi...
Base class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread.
A geometry is the spatial representation of a feature.
Layer tree node points to a map layer.
The QgsLegendRendererItem class is abstract interface for legend items returned from QgsMapLayerLegen...
QgsPointXY transform(const QgsPointXY &p) const
Transforms a point p from map (world) coordinates to device coordinates.
void transformInPlace(double &x, double &y) const
Transforms map coordinates to device coordinates.
Struct for storing maximum and minimum scales for measurements in map units.
Collection of point cloud attributes.
Systems of unit measurement.
@ UShort
Unsigned short int 2 bytes.
@ Short
Short int 2 bytes.
@ UChar
Unsigned char 1 byte.
@ UInt32
Unsigned int32 4 bytes.
@ UInt64
Unsigned int64 8 bytes.
Base class for storing raw data from point cloud nodes.
Represents a map layer supporting display of point clouds.
Encapsulates the render context for a 2D point cloud rendering operation.
int yOffset() const
Returns the offset for the y value in a point record.
double zValueFixedOffset() const
Returns any constant offset which must be applied to z values taken from the point cloud index.
QgsVector3D offset() const
Returns the offset of the layer's int32 coordinates compared to CRS coords.
QgsRenderContext & renderContext()
Returns a reference to the context's render context.
static void getAttribute(const char *data, std::size_t offset, QgsPointCloudAttribute::DataType type, T &value)
Retrieves the attribute value from data at the specified offset, where type indicates the original da...
void setOffset(const QgsVector3D &offset)
Sets the offset of the layer's int32 coordinates compared to CRS coords.
void setScale(const QgsVector3D &scale)
Sets the scale of the layer's int32 coordinates compared to CRS coords.
int pointRecordSize() const
Returns the size of a single point record.
int xOffset() const
Returns the offset for the x value in a point record.
const QgsRenderContext & renderContext() const
Returns a reference to the context's render context.
QgsPointCloudRenderContext & operator=(const QgsPointCloudRenderContext &)=delete
QgsPointCloudRenderContext(const QgsPointCloudRenderContext &rh)=delete
double zValueScale() const
Returns any constant scaling factor which must be applied to z values taken from the point cloud inde...
QgsVector3D scale() const
Returns the scale of the layer's int32 coordinates compared to CRS coords.
QgsPointCloudAttributeCollection attributes() const
Returns the attributes associated with the rendered block.
TriangulationData & triangulationData()
Returns reference to the triangulation data structure (only used when rendering as triangles is enabl...
int zOffset() const
Returns the offset for the y value in a point record.
QgsFeedback * feedback() const
Returns the feedback object used to cancel rendering.
Abstract base class for 2d point cloud renderers.
virtual QDomElement save(QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const =0
Saves the renderer configuration to an XML element.
Qgis::PointCloudZoomOutRenderBehavior zoomOutBehavior() const
Returns the renderer behavior when zoomed out.
bool renderAsTriangles() const
Returns whether points are triangulated to render solid surface.
QgsTextFormat labelTextFormat() const
Returns the text format renderer is using for rendering labels.
virtual void renderBlock(const QgsPointCloudBlock *block, QgsPointCloudRenderContext &context)=0
Renders a block of point cloud data using the specified render context.
QgsPointCloudRenderer & operator=(const QgsPointCloudRenderer &other)=delete
QgsPointCloudRenderer cannot be copied – use clone() instead.
const QgsMapUnitScale & pointSizeMapUnitScale() const
Returns the map unit scale used for the point size.
void setPointSizeMapUnitScale(const QgsMapUnitScale &scale)
Sets the map unit scale used for the point size.
bool horizontalTriangleFilter() const
Returns whether large triangles will get rendered.
virtual QString type() const =0
Returns the identifier of the renderer type.
void setHorizontalTriangleFilterThreshold(double threshold)
Sets threshold for filtering of triangles.
void setHorizontalTriangleFilterUnit(Qgis::RenderUnit unit)
Sets units of the threshold for filtering of triangles.
QgsPointCloudRenderer(const QgsPointCloudRenderer &other)=delete
QgsPointCloudRenderer cannot be copied – use clone() instead.
bool showLabels() const
Returns whether the renderer shows file labels inside the extent rectangle.
virtual QgsPointCloudRenderer * clone() const =0
Create a deep copy of this renderer.
void addPointToTriangulation(double x, double y, double z, const QColor &color, QgsPointCloudRenderContext &context)
Adds a point to the list of points to be triangulated (only used when renderAsTriangles() is enabled)
void setPointSizeUnit(const Qgis::RenderUnit units)
Sets the units used for the point size.
Qgis::RenderUnit horizontalTriangleFilterUnit() const
Returns units of the threshold for filtering of triangles.
void setRenderAsTriangles(bool asTriangles)
Sets whether points are triangulated to render solid surface.
virtual ~QgsPointCloudRenderer()=default
void setLabelTextFormat(const QgsTextFormat &textFormat)
Sets the text format renderers should use for rendering labels.
void drawPoint(double x, double y, const QColor &color, QgsPointCloudRenderContext &context) const
Draws a point using a color at the specified x and y (in map coordinates).
void drawPoint(double x, double y, const QColor &color, int width, QgsPointCloudRenderContext &context) const
Draws a point using a color and painter width at the specified x and y (in map coordinates).
void setShowLabels(const bool show)
Set whether the renderer should also render file labels inside extent.
Qgis::RenderUnit pointSizeUnit() const
Returns the units used for the point size.
double horizontalTriangleFilterThreshold() const
Returns threshold for filtering of triangles.
void setHorizontalTriangleFilter(bool enabled)
Sets whether large triangles will get rendered.
double pointSize() const
Returns the point size.
void setZoomOutBehavior(const Qgis::PointCloudZoomOutRenderBehavior behavior)
Sets the renderer behavior when zoomed out.
static double pointZ(QgsPointCloudRenderContext &context, const char *ptr, int i)
Retrieves the z value for the point at index i.
static void pointXY(QgsPointCloudRenderContext &context, const char *ptr, int i, double &x, double &y)
Retrieves the x and y coordinate for the point at index i.
A class to represent a 2D point.
Base class for 2d point cloud renderer prepared data containers.
virtual ~QgsPreparedPointCloudRendererData()
virtual QColor pointColor(const QgsPointCloudBlock *block, int i, double z)=0
An optimised method of retrieving the color of a point from a point cloud block.
virtual bool prepareBlock(const QgsPointCloudBlock *block)=0
Prepares the renderer for using the specified block.
virtual QSet< QString > usedAttributes() const =0
Returns the set of attributes used by the prepared point cloud renderer.
The class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects.
Contains information about the context of a rendering operation.
QPainter * painter()
Returns the destination QPainter for the render operation.
QgsElevationMap * elevationMap() const
Returns the destination elevation map for the render operation.
float devicePixelRatio() const
Returns the device pixel ratio.
const QgsMapToPixel & mapToPixel() const
Returns the context's map to pixel transform, which transforms between map coordinates and device coo...
Container for all settings relating to text rendering.
Class for storage of 3D vectors similar to QVector3D, with the difference that it uses double precisi...
double y() const
Returns Y coordinate.
double z() const
Returns Z coordinate.
double x() const
Returns X coordinate.
Helper data structure used when rendering points as triangulated surface.
std::vector< QRgb > colors
RGB color for each point.
std::vector< float > elevations
Z value for each point (only used when global map shading is enabled)
std::vector< double > points
X,Y for each point - kept in this structure so that we can use it without further conversions in Dela...