QGIS API Documentation  2.18.21-Las Palmas (9fba24a)
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 C_LayerRefInternal structure to keep weak pointer to QgsMapLayer or layerId if the layer is not available yet
 C_nmeaGPGGAGGA packet information structure (Global Positioning System Fix Data)
 C_nmeaGPGSAGSA packet information structure (Satellite status)
 C_nmeaGPGSVGSV packet information structure (Satellites in view)
 C_nmeaGPRMCRMC packet information structure (Recommended Minimum sentence C)
 C_nmeaGPVTGVTG packet information structure (Track made good and ground speed)
 C_nmeaINFOSummary GPS information from all parsed packets, used also for generating NMEA stream
 C_nmeaPOSPosition data in fractional degrees or radians
 C_nmeaSATELLITEInformation about satellite
 C_nmeaSATINFOInformation about all satellites in view
 C_nmeaTIMEDate and time data
 CBezier3DClass Bezier3D represents a bezier curve, represented by control points
 CCloughTocherInterpolatorThis is an implementation of a Clough-Tocher interpolator based on a triangular tessellation
 CDualEdgeTriangulationDualEdgeTriangulation is an implementation of a triangulation class based on the dual edge data structure
 CGEOSGeomScopedPtrScoped GEOS pointer
 CLayerRenderJobStructure keeping low-level rendering job information
 CLine3DThis class represents a line
 CLinTriangleInterpolatorLinTriangleInterpolator is a class which interpolates linearly on a triangulation
 CNodeNode is a class used by Line3D
 CNormVecDecoratorDecorator class which adds the functionality of estimating normals at the data points
 CParametricLineParametricLine is an Interface for parametric lines
 CPoint3DPoint3D is a class to represent a three dimensional point
 CQGisGlobal constants for use throughout the application
 CQgisInterfaceQgisInterface Abstract base class defining interfaces exposed by QgisApp and made available to plugins
 CQgisPluginAbstract base class from which all plugins must inherit
 CQgisVisitorCustom visitor that adds found features to list
 CQgsAbstractCacheIndexAbstract base class for cache indices
 CQgsAbstractFeatureIteratorInternal feature iterator to be implemented within data providers
 CQgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSourceHelper template that cares of two things: 1
 CQgsAbstractFeatureSourceBase class that can be used for any class that is capable of returning features
 CQgsAbstractGeometrySimplifierAbstract base class for simplify geometries using a specific algorithm
 CQgsAbstractGeometryV2Abstract base class for all geometries
 CQgsAbstractLabelProviderInterface class
 CQgsAbstractVectorLayerLabelingAbstract base class - its implementations define different approaches to the labeling of a vector layer
 CQgsAccessControlFilterClass defining access control interface for QGIS Server plugins
 CQgsActionUtility class that encapsulates an action based on vector attributes
 CQgsActionManagerStorage and management of actions associated with a layer
 CQgsActionMenuThis class is a menu that is populated automatically with the actions defined for a given layer
 CQgsAddRemoveItemCommandA composer command class for adding / removing composer items
 CQgsAdvancedDigitizingCanvasItemDraws the graphical elements of the CAD tools (
 CQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetDockable widget used to handle the CAD tools on top of a selection of map tools
 CQgsAggregateCalculatorUtility class for calculating aggregates for a field (or expression) over the features from a vector layer
 CQgsAlignRasterQgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same:
 CQgsAnimatedIconAnimated icon is keeping an animation running if there are listeners connected to frameChanged
 CQgsAnnotationAn interface for annotation items which are drawn over a map
 CQgsAnnotationItemAn annotation item can be either placed either on screen corrdinates or on map coordinates
 CQgsApplicationExtends QApplication to provide access to QGIS specific resources such as theme paths, database paths etc
 CQgsApplyDialogInterface class for dialogs that have an apply operation (e.g
 CQgsArcProperterQgsArcProperter is a strategy pattern
 CQgsArrowSymbolLayerLine symbol layer used for representing lines as arrows
 CQgsAspectFilterCalculates aspect values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions
 CQgsAtlasCompositionClass used to render an Atlas, iterating over geometry features
 CQgsAttributeEditorCreate attribute widget for editing
 CQgsAttributeEditorContainerThis is a container for attribute editors, used to group them visually in the attribute form if it is set to the drag and drop designer
 CQgsAttributeEditorContextThis class contains context information for attribute editor widgets
 CQgsAttributeEditorElementThis is an abstract base class for any elements of a drag and drop form
 CQgsAttributeEditorFieldThis element will load a field's widget onto the form
 CQgsAttributeEditorRelationThis element will load a relation editor onto the form
 CQgsAttributeFormEditorWidgetA widget consisting of both an editor widget and additional widgets for controlling the behaviour of the editor widget depending on a number of possible modes
 CQgsAttributeFormLegacyInterfaceThis class helps to support legacy open form scripts to be compatible with the new QgsAttributeForm style interface
 CQgsAttributesA vector of attributes
 CQgsAttributeTableConfigThis is a container for configuration of the attribute table
 CQgsAttributeTableDelegateA delegate item class for QgsAttributeTable (see Qt documentation for QItemDelegate)
 CQgsAttributeTableModelA model backed by a QgsVectorLayerCache which is able to provide feature/attribute information to a QAbstractItemView
 CQgsAttributeTableViewProvides a table view of features of a QgsVectorLayer
 CQgsAuthAuthoritiesEditorWidget for viewing and editing authentication identities database
 CQgsAuthCertEditorsWrapper widget to manage available certificate editors
 CQgsAuthCertInfoWidget for viewing detailed info on a certificate and its hierarchical trust chain
 CQgsAuthCertInfoDialogDialog wrapper for widget displaying detailed info on a certificate and its hierarchical trust chain
 CQgsAuthCertManagerDialog wrapper for widget to manage available certificate editors
 CQgsAuthCertTrustPolicyComboBoxWidget for editing the trust policy associated with a Certificate (Intermediate) Authority
 CQgsAuthCertUtilsUtilities for working with certificates and keys
 CQgsAuthConfigEditWidget for editing an authentication configuration
 CQgsAuthConfigEditorWidget for editing authentication configuration database
 CQgsAuthConfigIdEditCustom widget for editing an authentication configuration ID
 CQgsAuthConfigSelectSelector widget for authentication configs
 CQgsAuthConfigSslServerConfiguration container for SSL server connection exceptions or overrides
 CQgsAuthConfigUriEditDialog wrapper of select widget to edit an authcfg in a data source URI
 CQgsAuthCryptoFuntions for hashing/checking master password and encrypt/decrypting data with password
 CQgsAuthEditorWidgetsWrapper widget for available authentication editors
 CQgsAuthGuiUtilsUtility functions for use by authentication GUI widgets or standalone apps
 CQgsAuthIdentitiesEditorWidget for viewing and editing authentication identities database
 CQgsAuthImportCertDialogWidget for importing a certificate into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthImportIdentityDialogWidget for importing an identity certificate/key bundle into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthManagerSingleton offering an interface to manage the authentication configuration database and to utilize configurations through various authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodAbstract base class for authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodConfigConfiguration storage class for authentication method configurations
 CQgsAuthMethodEditAbstract base class for the edit widget of authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodMetadataHolds data auth method key, description, and associated shared library file information
 CQgsAuthMethodPluginsDialog for viewing available authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodRegistryA registry / canonical manager of authentication methods
 CQgsAuthServersEditorWidget for viewing and editing servers in authentication database
 CQgsAuthSslConfigDialogDialog wrapper of widget for editing an SSL server configuration
 CQgsAuthSslConfigWidgetWidget for editing an SSL server configuration
 CQgsAuthSslErrorsDialogWidget for reporting SSL errors and offering an option to store an SSL server exception into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthSslImportDialogWidget for importing an SSL server certificate exception into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthTrustedCAsDialogWidget for listing trusted Certificate (Intermediate) Authorities used in secure connections
 CQgsBearingUtilsUtilities for calculating bearings and directions
 CQgsBilinearRasterResamplerBilinear Raster Resampler
 CQgsBlendModeComboBoxA combobox which lets the user select blend modes from a predefined list
 CQgsBlurEffectA paint effect which blurs a source picture, using a number of different blur methods
 CQgsBrightnessContrastFilterBrightness/contrast filter pipe for rasters
 CQgsBrowserTreeViewExtends QTreeView with save/restore tree state functionality
 CQgsBusyIndicatorDialogA simple dialog to show an indeterminate busy progress indicator
 CQgsCachedFeatureIteratorDelivers features from the cache
 CQgsCachedFeatureWriterIteratorUses another iterator as backend and writes features to the cache
 CQgsCapabilitiesCacheA cache for capabilities xml documents (by configuration file path)
 CQgsCaseInsensitiveLexerSQLInternal use
 CQgsCharacterSelectorDialogA dialog for selecting a single character from a single font
 CQgsCheckboxSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a checkbox edit widget for searching
 CQgsCheckboxWidgetWrapperWraps a checkbox widget
 CQgsCircularStringV2Circular string geometry type
 CQgsClipperA class to trim lines and polygons to within a rectangular region
 CQgsClipToMinMaxEnhancementA raster contrast enhancement that will clip a value to the specified min/max range
 CQgsCodeEditorA text editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorCSSA CSS editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorHTMLA HTML editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorPythonA Python editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorSQLA SQL editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxA groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled and can save its collapsed and checked states
 CQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasicA groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled
 CQgsColorBoxA color box widget
 CQgsColorButtonA cross platform button subclass for selecting colors. Will open a color chooser dialog when clicked. Offers live updates to button from color chooser dialog
 CQgsColorButtonV2A cross platform button subclass for selecting colors
 CQgsColorDialogA native operating system dialog for selecting a color
 CQgsColorDialogV2A custom QGIS dialog for selecting a color
 CQgsColorEffectA paint effect which alters the colors (eg brightness, contrast) in a source picture
 CQgsColorPreviewWidgetA preview box which displays one or two colors as swatches
 CQgsColorRampShaderA ramp shader will color a raster pixel based on a list of values ranges in a ramp
 CQgsColorRampWidgetA color ramp widget
 CQgsColorSchemeAbstract base class for color schemes
 CQgsColorSchemeListAn editable list of color swatches, taken from an associated QgsColorScheme
 CQgsColorSchemeModelA model for colors in a color scheme
 CQgsColorSchemeRegistryRegistry of color schemes
 CQgsColorSliderWidgetA composite horizontal color ramp widget and associated spinbox for manual value entry
 CQgsColorSwatchDelegateA delegate for showing a color swatch in a list
 CQgsColorSwatchGridA grid of color swatches, which allows for user selection
 CQgsColorSwatchGridActionA color swatch grid which can be embedded into a menu
 CQgsColorTextWidgetA line edit widget which displays colors as text and accepts string representations of colors
 CQgsColorWheelA color wheel widget
 CQgsColorWidgetA base class for interactive color widgets
 CQgsColorWidgetActionAn action containing a color widget, which can be embedded into a menu
 CQgsColorWidgetWrapperWraps a color widget
 CQgsComposerArrowAn item that draws an arrow between two points
 CQgsComposerAttributeTableA table class that displays a vector attribute table
 CQgsComposerAttributeTableColumnModelA model for displaying columns shown in a QgsComposerAttributeTable
 CQgsComposerAttributeTableColumnModelV2A model for displaying columns shown in a QgsComposerAttributeTableV2
 CQgsComposerAttributeTableCompareHelper class for sorting tables, takes into account sorting column and ascending / descending
 CQgsComposerAttributeTableCompareV2Helper class for sorting tables, takes into account sorting column and ascending / descending
 CQgsComposerAttributeTableV2A table that displays attributes from a vector layer
 CQgsComposerFrameFrame item for a composer multiframe item
 CQgsComposerItemA item that forms part of a map composition
 CQgsComposerItemComboBoxCombo box which displays items of a matching type from a composition
 CQgsComposerItemCommandUndo command to undo/redo all composer item related changes
 CQgsComposerItemGroupA container for grouping several QgsComposerItems
 CQgsComposerLabelA label that can be placed onto a map composition
 CQgsComposerLegendA legend that can be placed onto a map composition
 CQgsComposerLegendItemAbstract base class for the legend item types
 CQgsComposerLegendStyleComposer legend components style
 CQgsComposerMapObject representing map window
 CQgsComposerMapGridAn individual grid which is drawn above the map content in a QgsComposerMap
 CQgsComposerMapGridStackA collection of grids which is drawn above the map content in a QgsComposerMap
 CQgsComposerMapItemAn item which is drawn inside a QgsComposerMap, eg a grid or map overview
 CQgsComposerMapItemStackA collection of map items which are drawn above the map content in a QgsComposerMap
 CQgsComposerMapOverviewAn individual overview which is drawn above the map content in a QgsComposerMap, and shows the extent of another QgsComposerMap
 CQgsComposerMapOverviewStackA collection of overviews which are drawn above the map content in a QgsComposerMap
 CQgsComposerMergeCommandA composer command that merges together with other commands having the same context (=id)
 CQgsComposerModelA model for items attached to a composition
 CQgsComposerMouseHandlesHandles drawing of selection outlines and mouse handles
 CQgsComposerMultiFrameAbstract base class for composer items with the ability to distribute the content to several frames (QgsComposerFrame items)
 CQgsComposerMultiFrameMergeCommandA composer command that merges together with other commands having the same context (=id) for multi frame items
 CQgsComposerNodesItemAn abstract composer item that provides generic methods for nodes based shapes such as polygon or polylines
 CQgsComposerObjectA base class for objects which belong to a map composition
 CQgsComposerPictureA composer class that displays svg files or raster format (jpg, png, ...)
 CQgsComposerPolygonComposer item for polygons
 CQgsComposerPolylineComposer item for polylines
 CQgsComposerProxyModelAllows for filtering a QgsComposerModel by item type
 CQgsComposerRulerA class to show paper scale and the current cursor position
 CQgsComposerScaleBarA scale bar item that can be added to a map composition
 CQgsComposerShapeA composer items that draws common shapes (ellipse, triangle, rectangle)
 CQgsComposerTableA class to display feature attributes in the print composer
 CQgsComposerTableColumnStores properties of a column in a QgsComposerTable
 CQgsComposerTableSortColumnsProxyModelAllows for filtering QgsComposerAttributeTable columns by columns which are sorted or unsorted
 CQgsComposerTableSortColumnsProxyModelV2Allows for filtering QgsComposerAttributeTable columns by columns which are sorted or unsorted
 CQgsComposerTableStyleStyling option for a composer table cell
 CQgsComposerTableV2A class to display a table in the print composer, and allow the table to span over multiple frames
 CQgsComposerTextTableA text table item that reads text from string lists
 CQgsComposerTextTableV2A text table item that reads text from string lists
 CQgsComposerUtilsUtilities for compositions
 CQgsComposerViewWidget to display the composer items
 CQgsCompositionGraphics scene for map printing
 CQgsCompoundColorWidgetA custom QGIS widget for selecting a color, including options for selecting colors via hue wheel, color swatches, and a color sampler
 CQgsCompoundCurveV2Compound curve geometry type
 CQgsConditionalLayerStylesHolds conditional style information for a layer
 CQgsConditionalStyleConditional styling for a rule
 CQgsConfigureShortcutsDialogReusable dialog for allowing users to configure shortcuts contained in a QgsShortcutsManager
 CQgsConnectionPoolTemplate class responsible for keeping a pool of open connections
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroupTemplate that stores data related to one server
 CQgsContextHelpProvides a context based help browser for a dialog
 CQgsContrastEnhancementManipulates raster pixel values so that they enhanceContrast or clip into a specified numerical range according to the specified ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm
 CQgsContrastEnhancementFunctionA contrast enhancement funcion is the base class for all raster contrast enhancements
 CQgsCoordinateReferenceSystemClass for storing a coordinate reference system (CRS)
 CQgsCoordinateTransformClass for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems
 CQgsCoordinateTransformCacheCache coordinate transform by authid of source/dest transformation to avoid the overhead of initialization for each redraw
 CQgsCptCityAllRampsItemAn "All ramps item", which contains all items in a flat hierarchy
 CQgsCptCityCollectionItemA Collection: logical collection of subcollections and color ramps
 CQgsCptCityColorRampItemItem that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers
 CQgsCptCityDataItemBase class for all items in the model
 CQgsCptCityDirectoryItemA directory: contains subdirectories and color ramps
 CQgsCptCitySelectionItemA selection: contains subdirectories and color ramps
 CQgsCredentialDialogA generic dialog for requesting credentials
 CQgsCredentialsInterface for requesting credentials in QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsCredentialsConsoleImplementation of credentials interface for the console
 CQgsCredentialsNoneDefault implementation of credentials interface
 CQgsCRSCacheCaches QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem construction, which may be expensive
 CQgsCsExceptionCustom exception class for Coordinate Reference System related exceptions
 CQgsCubicRasterResamplerCubic Raster Resampler
 CQgsCurvePolygonV2Curve polygon geometry type
 CQgsCurveV2Abstract base class for curved geometry type
 CQgsCustomColorSchemeA color scheme which contains custom colors set through QGIS app options dialog
 CQgsCustomLayerOrderWidgetList box where the user can define custom order for drawing of layers
 CQgsDashSpaceDialogA dialog to enter a custom dash space pattern for lines
 CQgsDataCollectionItemA Collection: logical collection of layers or subcollections, e.g
 CQgsDataDefinedA container class for data source field mapping or expression
 CQgsDataDefinedAssistantAn assistant (wizard) dialog, accessible from a QgsDataDefinedButton
 CQgsDataDefinedButtonA button for defining data source field mappings or expressions
 CQgsDataDefinedValueDialogUtility classes for "en masse" size definition
 CQgsDataItemBase class for all items in the model
 CQgsDataItemProviderThis is the interface for those who want to add custom data items to the browser tree
 CQgsDataItemProviderFromPluginSimple data item provider implementation that handles the support for provider plugins (which may contain dataCapabilities() and dataItem() functions)
 CQgsDataItemProviderRegistryThis singleton class keeps a list of data item providers that may add items to the browser tree
 CQgsDataProviderAbstract base class for spatial data provider implementations
 CQgsDataSourceURIClass for storing the component parts of a PostgreSQL/RDBMS datasource URI
 CQgsDateTimeEditQDateTimeEdit with the capability of setting/reading null date/times
 CQgsDateTimeEditWrapperWraps a date time widget
 CQgsDateTimeSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a date/time edit widget for searching
 CQgsDateTimeStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of datetimes
 CQgsDatumTransformStoreKeeps track of datum transformations as chosen by the user
 CQgsDbFilterProxyModelA class that implements a custom filter and can be used as a proxy for QgsDbTableModel
 CQgsDefaultPluginLayerLegendDefault legend implementation for plugin layers
 CQgsDefaultRasterLayerLegendDefault legend implementation for raster layers
 CQgsDefaultSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a search widget
 CQgsDefaultVectorLayerLegendDefault legend implementation for vector layers
 CQgsDerivativeFilterAdds the ability to calculate derivatives in x- and y-directions
 CQgsDetailedItemDataThis class is the data only representation of a QgsDetailedItemWidget, designed to be used in custom views
 CQgsDetailedItemDelegateA custom model/view delegate that can display an icon, heading and detail sections
 CQgsDetailedItemWidgetA widget renderer for detailed item views
 CQgsDiagramBase class for all diagram types
 CQgsDiagramInterpolationSettingsAdditional diagram settings for interpolated size rendering
 CQgsDiagramLabelFeatureClass that adds extra information to QgsLabelFeature for labeling of diagrams
 CQgsDiagramLayerSettingsStores the settings for rendering of all diagrams for a layer
 CQgsDiagramRendererV2Evaluates and returns the diagram settings relating to a diagram for a specific feature
 CQgsDiagramSettingsStores the settings for rendering a single diagram
 CQgsDialogA generic dialog with layout and button box
 CQgsDirectoryItemA directory: contains subdirectories and layers
 CQgsDistanceAreaGeneral purpose distance and area calculator
 CQgsDockWidgetQgsDockWidget subclass with more fine-grained control over how the widget is closed or opened
 CQgsDoubleBoxScaleBarStyleDouble box with alternating colors
 CQgsDoubleSpinBoxThe QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value
 CQgsDrawSourceEffectA paint effect which draws the source picture with minor or no alterations
 CQgsDropShadowEffectA paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow
 CQgsDualViewThis widget is used to show the attributes of a set of features of a QgsVectorLayer
 CQgsDxfLabelProviderImplements a derived label provider internally used for DXF export
 CQgsDxfPaintDeviceA paint device for drawing into dxf files
 CQgsDxfRuleBasedLabelProviderImplements a derived label provider for rule based labels internally used for DXF export
 CQgsEditorConfigWidgetThis class should be subclassed for every configurable editor widget type
 CQgsEditorWidgetFactoryEvery attribute editor widget needs a factory, which inherits this class
 CQgsEditorWidgetRegistryThis class manages all known edit widget factories
 CQgsEditorWidgetWrapperManages an editor widget Widget and wrapper share the same parent
 CQgsEffectDrawModeComboBoxA combo box allowing selection of paint effect draw modes
 CQgsEffectStackA paint effect which consists of a stack of other chained paint effects
 CQgsEffectStackCompactWidgetA small widget consisting of a check box for enabling/disabling an effect stack and a button for opening an effect stack customisation dialog
 CQgsEffectStackPropertiesDialogA dialog for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack
 CQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetA widget for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack
 CQgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2A symbol layer for rendering objects with major and minor axis (e.g
 CQgsEncodingFileDialogA file dialog which lets the user select the preferred encoding type for a data provider
 CQgsErrorQgsError is container for error messages (report)
 CQgsErrorItemData item that can be used to report problems (e.g
 CQgsErrorMessageQgsErrorMessage represents single error message
 CQgsExceptionDefines a qgis exception class
 CQgsExpressionClass for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings")
 CQgsExpressionBuilderDialogA generic dialog for building expression strings
 CQgsExpressionBuilderWidgetA reusable widget that can be used to build a expression string
 CQgsExpressionContextExpression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be evaluated
 CQgsExpressionContextScopeSingle scope for storing variables and functions for use within a QgsExpressionContext
 CQgsExpressionContextUtilsContains utilities for working with QgsExpressionContext objects, including methods for creating scopes for specific uses (eg project scopes, layer scopes)
 CQgsExpressionFieldBufferBuffers information about expression fields for a vector layer
 CQgsExpressionItemAn expression item that can be used in the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree
 CQgsExpressionItemSearchProxySearch proxy used to filter the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree
 CQgsExpressionLineEditIncludes a line edit for entering expressions together with a button to open the expression creation dialog
 CQgsExpressionSelectionDialogThis class offers a dialog to change feature selections
 CQgsExtentGroupBoxCollapsible group box for configuration of extent, typically for a save operation
 CQgsExternalResourceWidgetWidget to display file path with a push button for an "open file" dialog It can also be used to display a picture or a web page
 CQgsExternalResourceWidgetWrapperWraps a file name widget
 CQgsFavouritesItemContains various Favourites directories
 CQgsFeatureThe feature class encapsulates a single feature including its id, geometry and a list of field/values attributes
 CQgsFeatureFilterProviderAbstract interface for use by classes that filter the features of a layer
 CQgsFeatureIteratorWrapper for iterator of features from vector data provider or vector layer
 CQgsFeatureIteratorDataStreamUtility class for bulk loading of R-trees
 CQgsFeatureListViewShows a list of features and renders a edit button next to each feature
 CQgsFeatureRequestThis class wraps a request for features to a vector layer (or directly its vector data provider)
 CQgsFeatureStoreContainer for features with the same fields and crs
 CQgsFeedbackBase class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread
 CQgsFieldEncapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source
 CQgsFieldComboBoxThe QgsFieldComboBox is a combo box which displays the list of fields of a given layer
 CQgsFieldConditionalFormatWidgetA widget for customising conditional formatting options
 CQgsFieldExpressionWidgetReates a widget to choose fields and edit expressions It contains a combo boxto display the fields and expression and a button to open the expression dialog
 CQgsFieldModelModel to display the list of fields of a layer in widgets
 CQgsFieldProxyModelEasy to use model to display the list of fields of a layer
 CQgsFieldsContainer of fields for a vector layer
 CQgsFileDownloaderQgsFileDownloader is a utility class for downloading files
 CQgsFileDropEditA line edit for capturing file names that can have files dropped onto it via drag & drop
 CQgsFileNameWidgetWrapperWraps a file name widget
 CQgsFileWidgetCreates a widget for selecting a file or a folder
 CQgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayerFilled marker symbol layer, consisting of a shape which is rendered using a QgsFillSymbolV2
 CQgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetWidget for configuring QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayer symbol layers
 CQgsFilterLineEditQLineEdit subclass with built in support for clearing the widget's value and handling custom null value representations
 CQgsFocusWatcherA event filter for watching for focus events on a parent object
 CQgsFormAnnotationItemAn annotation item that embedds a designer form showing the feature attribute
 CQgsGenericFeatureSelectionManagerThis selection manager synchronizes a local set of selected features with an attribute table
 CQgsGenericProjectionSelectorA generic dialog to prompt the user for a Coordinate Reference System
 CQgsGeometryA geometry is the spatial representation of a feature
 CQgsGeometryAnalyzerThe QGis class provides vector geometry analysis functions
 CQgsGeometryCollectionV2Geometry collection
 CQgsGeometryEditUtilsConvenience functions for geometry editing
 CQgsGeometryEngineContains geometry relation and modification algorithms
 CQgsGeometryFactoryContains geometry creation routines
 CQgsGeometryRubberBandA rubberband class for QgsAbstractGeometryV2 (considering curved geometries)
 CQgsGeometryUtilsContains various geometry utility functions
 CQgsGeosDoes vector analysis using the geos library and handles import, export, exception handling*
 CQgsGlowEffectBase class for paint effect which draw a glow inside or outside a picture
 CQgsGmlThis class reads data from a WFS server or alternatively from a GML file
 CQgsGmlFeatureClassDescription of feature class in GML
 CQgsGmlStreamingParserThis class builds features from GML data in a streaming way
 CQgsGplColorSchemeA color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file
 CQgsGPSConnectionAbstract base class for connection to a GPS device
 CQgsGPSConnectionRegistryA singleton class to register / unregister existing GPS connections such that the information is available to all classes and plugins
 CQgsGpsdConnectionEvaluates NMEA sentences coming from gpsd
 CQgsGPSDetectorClass to detect the GPS port
 CQgsGradientStopRepresents a color stop within a gradient color ramp
 CQgsGradientStopEditorAn interactive editor for previewing a gradient color ramp and modifying the position of color stops along the gradient
 CQgsGraduatedHistogramWidgetGraphical histogram for displaying distribution of field values and editing range breaks for a QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2 renderer
 CQgsGraphMathematics graph representation
 CQgsGraphAnalyzerThe QGis class provides graph analysis functions
 CQgsGraphArcThis class implement a graph edge
 CQgsGraphBuilderThis class making the QgsGraph object
 CQgsGraphBuilderInterfaceDetermine interface for creating a graph
 CQgsGraphDirectorDetermine making the graph
 CQgsGraphVertexThis class implement a graph vertex
 CQgsGridFileWriterA class that does interpolation to a grid and writes the results to an ascii grid
 CQgsGroupUngroupItemsCommandA composer command class for grouping / ungrouping composer items
 CQgsHeatmapRendererA renderer which draws points as a live heatmap
 CQgsHiddenWidgetWrapperWraps a hidden widget
 CQgsHighlightA class for highlight features on the map
 CQgsHillshadeRendererA renderer for generating live hillshade models
 CQgsHillshadeRendererWidgetRenderer widget for the hill shade renderer
 CQgsHistogramCalculator for a numeric histogram from a list of values
 CQgsHistogramWidgetGraphical histogram for displaying distributions of field values
 CQgsHtmlAnnotationItemAn annotation item that embedds a designer form showing the feature attribute
 CQgsHttpTransactionHTTP request/response manager that is redirect-aware
 CQgsHueSaturationFilterColor and saturation filter pipe for rasters
 CQgsIdentifyMenuBuilds a menu to be used with identify results (
 CQgsIFeatureSelectionManagerIs an interface class to abstract feature selection handling
 CQgsImageFetcherHandles asynchronous download of images
 CQgsImageFillSymbolLayerBase class for polygon renderers generating texture images
 CQgsImageLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying arbitrary raster image
 CQgsImageOperationContains operations and filters which apply to QImages
 CQgsIndexedFeatureTemporarily used structure to cache order by information
 CQgsInnerGlowEffectA paint effect which draws a glow within a picture
 CQgsInnerShadowEffectA paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow within a picture
 CQgsInternalGeometryEngineThis class offers geometry processing methods
 CQgsInterpolatorInterface class for interpolations
 CQgsInterruptionCheckerInterface that can be optionaly attached to an iterator so its nextFeature() implementaton can check if it must stop as soon as possible
 CQgsIntervalA representation of the interval between two datetime values
 CQgsInvertedPolygonRendererQgsInvertedPolygonRenderer is a polygon-only feature renderer used to display features inverted, where the exterior is turned to an interior and where the exterior theoretically spans the entire plane, allowing to mask the surroundings of some features
 CQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetA widget used represent options of a QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer
 CQgsJSONExporterHandles exporting QgsFeature features to GeoJSON features
 CQgsJSONUtilsHelper utilities for working with JSON and GeoJSON conversions
 CQgsLabelA class to render labels
 CQgsLabelAttributesA class to store attributes needed for label rendering
 CQgsLabelComponentMaintains current state of more grainular and temporal values when creating/painting component parts of an individual label (e.g
 CQgsLabelFeatureDescribes a feature that should be used within the labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingEngineInterfaceLabeling engine interface
 CQgsLabelingEngineV2Map labeling functionality
 CQgsLabelingResultsClass that stores computed placement from labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingUtilsContains helper utilities for working with QGIS' labeling engine
 CQgsLabelSearchTreeA class to query the labeling structure at a given point (small wraper around pal RTree class)
 CQgsLabelSorterHelper class for sorting labels into correct draw order
 CQgsLayerDefinitionHolds generic methods for loading/exporting QLR files
 CQgsLayerItemItem that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidgetA widget to configure layer tree embedded widgets for a particular map layer
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetProviderProvider interface to be implemented in order to introduce new kinds of embedded widgets for use in layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistryRegistry of widgets that may be embedded into layer tree view
 CQgsLayerTreeGroupLayer tree group node serves as a container for layers and further groups
 CQgsLayerTreeLayerLayer tree node points to a map layer
 CQgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridgeTakes care of updates of layer set for QgsMapCanvas from a layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeModelModel implementation for Qt item views framework
 CQgsLayerTreeModelLegendNodeThe QgsLegendRendererItem class is abstract interface for legend items returned from QgsMapLayerLegend implementation
 CQgsLayerTreeNodeThis class is a base class for nodes in a layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeRegistryBridgeListens to the updates in map layer registry and does changes in layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeUtilsAssorted functions for dealing with layer trees
 CQgsLayerTreeViewExtends QTreeView and provides some additional functionality when working with a layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActionsServes as a factory of actions that can be used together with a layer tree view
 CQgsLayerTreeViewMenuProviderImplementation of this interface can be implemented to allow QgsLayerTreeView instance to provide custom context menus (opened upon right-click)
 CQgsLegendFilterButtonA tool button that allows enabling or disabling legend filter by contents of the map
 CQgsLegendInterfaceQgsLegendInterface Abstract base class to make QgsLegend available to plugins
 CQgsLegendModelA model that provides group, layer and classification items
 CQgsLegendModelV2Item model implementation based on layer tree model for composer legend
 CQgsLegendRendererHandles automatic layout and rendering of legend
 CQgsLegendSettingsStores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLegendRenderer
 CQgsLegendSymbolItemV2The class stores information about one class/rule of a vector layer renderer in a unified way that can be used by legend model for rendering of legend
 CQgsLinearMinMaxEnhancementA color enhancement function that performs a linear enhanceContrast between min and max
 CQgsLinearMinMaxEnhancementWithClipA linear enhanceContrast enhancement that first clips to min max and then enhanceContrastes linearly between min and max
 CQgsLineStringV2Line string geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values
 CQgsLineVectorLayerDirectorDetermine making the graph from vector line layer
 CQgsLoggerQgsLogger is a class to print debug/warning/error messages to the console
 CQgsMapCanvasMap canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas
 CQgsMapCanvasItemAn abstract class for items that can be placed on the map canvas
 CQgsMapCanvasLayerA class that stores visibility and presence in overview flags together with pointer to the layer
 CQgsMapCanvasMapA rectangular graphics item representing the map on the canvas
 CQgsMapCanvasRendererSyncClass that does synchronization between QgsMapCanvas and its associated QgsMapRenderer:
 CQgsMapCanvasSnapperThis class reads the snapping properties from the current project and configures a QgsSnapper to perform the snapping
 CQgsMapCanvasSnappingUtilsSnapping utils instance that is connected to a canvas and updates the configuration (map settings + current layer) whenever that is changed in the canvas
 CQgsMapCanvasTracerExtension of QgsTracer that provides extra functionality:
 CQgsMapHitTestClass that runs a hit test with given map settings
 CQgsMapLayerBase class for all map layer types
 CQgsMapLayerActionAn action which can run on map layers
 CQgsMapLayerActionRegistryThis class tracks map layer actions
 CQgsMapLayerComboBoxCombo box which displays the list of layers
 CQgsMapLayerConfigWidgetA panel widget that can be shown in the map style dock
 CQgsMapLayerLegendAbstract interface for implementations of legends for one map layer
 CQgsMapLayerLegendUtilsMiscellaneous utility functions for handling of map layer legend
 CQgsMapLayerModelModel to display layers in widgets
 CQgsMapLayerProxyModelEasy to use model to display the list of layers in widgets
 CQgsMapLayerRegistryThis class tracks map layers that are currently loaded and provides various methods to retrieve matching layers from the registry
 CQgsMapLayerRendererBase class for utility classes that encapsulate information necessary for rendering of map layers
 CQgsMapLayerStyleStores style information (renderer, transparency, labeling, diagrams etc.) applicable to a map layer
 CQgsMapLayerStyleManagerManagement of styles for use with one map layer
 CQgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidgetWhich is used to visually manage the layer styles
 CQgsMapMouseEventA QgsMapMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsMapCanvas
 CQgsMapOverviewCanvasA widget that displays an overview map
 CQgsMapRendererA non GUI class for rendering a map layer set onto a QPainter
 CQgsMapRendererCacheThis class is responsible for keeping cache of rendered images of individual layers
 CQgsMapRendererCustomPainterJobJob implementation that renders everything sequentially using a custom painter
 CQgsMapRendererJobAbstract base class for map rendering implementations
 CQgsMapRendererParallelJobJob implementation that renders all layers in parallel
 CQgsMapRendererQImageJobIntermediate base class adding functionality that allows client to query the rendered image
 CQgsMapRendererSequentialJobJob implementation that renders everything sequentially in one thread
 CQgsMapServiceExceptionException class for WMS service exceptions
 CQgsMapSettingsConfiguration for rendering of the map
 CQgsMapTipA maptip is a class to display a tip on a map canvas when a mouse is hovered over a feature
 CQgsMapToolAbstract base class for all map tools
 CQgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizingQgsMapTool whcih gives event directly in map coordinates and allows filtering its events
 CQgsMapToolEditBase class for map tools that edit vector geometry
 CQgsMapToolEmitPointA map tool that simply emits a point when clicking on the map
 CQgsMapToolIdentifyMap tool for identifying features in layers
 CQgsMapToolIdentifyFeatureMap tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer
 CQgsMapToolPanA map tool for panning the map
 CQgsMapToolTouchA map tool for panning the map
 CQgsMapToolZoomA map tool for zooming into the map
 CQgsMapToPixelPerform transforms between map coordinates and device coordinates
 CQgsMapToPixelSimplifierImplementation of GeometrySimplifier using the "MapToPixel" algorithm
 CQgsMapUnitScaleStruct for storing maximum and minimum scales for measurements in map units
 CQgsMapUnitScaleDialogDialog allowing the user to choose the minimum and maximum scale of an object in map units
 CQgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2Abstract base class for marker symbol layers
 CQgsMasterPasswordResetDialogDialog to verify current master password and initiate reset of authentication database with a new password
 CQgsMessageBarA bar for displaying non-blocking messages to the user
 CQgsMessageLogInterface for logging messages from QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsMessageLogConsoleDefault implementation of message logging interface
 CQgsMessageLogViewerA generic dialog widget for displaying QGIS log messages
 CQgsMessageOutputInterface for showing messages from QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsMessageOutputConsoleDefault implementation of message output interface
 CQgsMessageViewerA generic message view for displaying QGIS messages
 CQgsMultiBandColorRendererRenderer for multiband images with the color components
 CQgsMultiCurveV2Multi curve geometry collection
 CQgsMultiEditToolButtonA tool button widget which is displayed next to editor widgets in attribute forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and interacts with the form while in multi edit mode
 CQgsMultiLineStringV2Multi line string geometry collection
 CQgsMultiPointV2Multi point geometry collection
 CQgsMultiPolygonV2Multi polygon geometry collection
 CQgsMultiRenderCheckerThis class allows checking rendered images against comparison images
 CQgsMultiSurfaceV2Multi surface geometry collection
 CQgsNetworkAccessManagerNetwork access manager for QGIS
 CQgsNetworkContentFetcherHTTP network content fetcher
 CQgsNetworkDiskCacheWrapper implementation of QNetworkDiskCache with all methods guarded by a mutex soly for internal use of QgsNetworkAccessManagers
 CQgsNetworkReplyParserMultipart QNetworkReply parser
 CQgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogDialog to set up parameters to create a new GeoPackage layer, and on accept() to create it and add it to the layers
 CQgsNewHttpConnectionDialog to allow the user to configure and save connection information for an HTTP Server for WMS, etc
 CQgsNewNameDialogNew name, for example new layer name dialog
 CQgsNineCellFilterBase class for raster analysis methods that work with a 3x3 cell filter and calculate the value of each cell based on the cell value and the eight neighbour cells
 CQgsNMEAConnectionEvaluates NMEA sentences coming from a GPS device
 CQgsNullSymbolRendererNull symbol renderer
 CQgsNullSymbolRendererWidgetBlank widget for customising QgsNullSymbolRenderer
 CQgsNumericScaleBarStyleA scale bar style that draws text in the form of '1:XXXXX'
 CQgsNumericSortTreeWidgetItemQTreeWidgetItem that can sort numerically (as opposed to just lexigraphically)
 CQgsObjectCustomPropertiesSimple key-value store (keys = strings, values = variants) that supports loading/saving to/from XML in
 CQgsOgcUtilsVarious utility functions for conversion between OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and QGIS internal representations
 CQgsOgcUtilsExprToFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgcUtilsSQLStatementToFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgrUtilsUtilities for working with OGR features and layers
 CQgsOptionalQgsOptional is a container for other classes and adds an additional enabled/disabled flag
 CQgsOptionalExpressionAn expression with an additional enabled flag
 CQgsOptionsDialogBaseA base dialog for options and properties dialogs that offers vertical tabs
 CQgsOrderByDialogThis is a dialog to build and manage a list of order by clauses
 CQgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialogDialog for organising (hiding and reordering) columns in the attributes table
 CQgsOSMDatabaseClass that encapsulates access to OpenStreetMap data stored in a database previously imported from XML file
 CQgsOSMDownloadOSMDownload is a utility class for downloading OpenStreetMap via Overpass API
 CQgsOSMElementElements (also data primitives) are the basic components in OpenStreetMap from which everything else is defined
 CQgsOSMNodeA node is one of the core elements in the OpenStreetMap data model
 CQgsOSMNodeIteratorEncapsulate iteration over table of nodes/
 CQgsOSMTagsThis class is a container of tags for a node, way or a relation
 CQgsOSMWayA way is an ordered list of nodes which normally also has at least one tag or is included within a Relation
 CQgsOSMWayIteratorEncapsulate iteration over table of ways
 CQgsOSMXmlImportImports OpenStreetMap XML format to our topological representation in a SQLite database (see QgsOSMDatabase for details)
 CQgsOuterGlowEffectA paint effect which draws a glow outside of a picture
 CQgsOverlayAnalyzerThe QGis class provides vector overlay analysis functions
 CQgsOWSConnectionConnections management
 CQgsOWSSourceSelectDialog to create connections and add layers from WMS, WFS, WCS etc
 CQgsPaintEffectBase class for visual effects which can be applied to QPicture drawings
 CQgsPaintEffectAbstractMetadataStores metadata about a paint effect class
 CQgsPaintEffectMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create an effect and its widget
 CQgsPaintEffectPropertiesWidgetA widget which modifies the properties of a QgsPaintEffect
 CQgsPaintEffectRegistrySingleton registry of available paint effects
 CQgsPaintEffectWidgetBase class for effect properties widgets
 CQgsPaintEngineHackHack to workaround Qt #5114 by disabling PatternTransform
 CQgsPalettedRasterRendererRenderer for paletted raster images
 CQgsPanelWidgetBase class for any widget that can be shown as a inline panel
 CQgsPanelWidgetStackA stack widget to manage panels in the interface
 CQgsPanelWidgetWrapperWrapper widget for existing widgets which can't have the inheritance tree changed, e.g dialogs
 CQgsPaperGridItem representing a grid
 CQgsPaperItemItem representing the paper
 CQgsPhotoWidgetWrapperWraps a photo widget
 CQgsPixmapLabelShows a pixmap and adjusts its size to the space given to the widget by the layout and keeping its aspect ratio
 CQgsPkiBundleStorage set for PKI bundle: SSL certificate, key, optional CA cert chain
 CQgsPkiConfigBundleStorage set for constructed SSL certificate, key, associated with an authentication config
 CQgsPluginLayerBase class for plugin layers
 CQgsPluginLayerRegistryRegistry of plugin layers types
 CQgsPluginLayerRendererFallback layer renderer implementation for layer that do not support map renderer yet
 CQgsPluginLayerTypeClass for creating plugin specific layers
 CQgsPointA class to represent a point
 CQgsPointDisplacementRendererA renderer that automatically displaces points with the same position
 CQgsPointLocatorThe class defines interface for querying point location:
 CQgsPointLocator_DumpTreeHelper class to dump the R-index nodes and their content
 CQgsPointLocator_StreamHelper class for bulk loading of R-trees
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorAreaHelper class used when traversing the index with areas - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorEdgesInRectHelper class used when traversing the index looking for edges - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestEdgeHelper class used when traversing the index looking for edges - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestVertexHelper class used when traversing the index looking for vertices - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointSampleCreates random points in polygons / multipolygons
 CQgsPointV2Point geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values
 CQgsPolygonV2Polygon geometry type
 CQgsPreviewEffectA graphics effect which can be applied to a widget to simulate various printing and color blindness modes
 CQgsProjectReads and writes project states
 CQgsProjectBadLayerDefaultHandlerDefault bad layer handler which ignores any missing layers
 CQgsProjectBadLayerGuiHandlerHandler for missing layers within project
 CQgsProjectBadLayerHandlerInterface for classes that handle missing layer files when reading project file
 CQgsProjectColorSchemeA color scheme which contains project specific colors set through project properties dialog
 CQgsProjectionSelectionWidgetA widget for selecting a projection
 CQgsProjectionSelectorA widget for selecting a Coordinate reference system from a tree
 CQgsProjectItemData item that can be used to represent QGIS projects
 CQgsProjectVersionA class to describe the version of a project
 CQgsPropertyAn Abstract Base Class for QGIS project property hierarchies
 CQgsPropertyKeyQgsPropertyKey node
 CQgsPropertyValueQgsPropertyValue node
 CQgsProviderCountCalcEventA custom event that is designed to be fired when a layer count has been fully calculated
 CQgsProviderExtentCalcEventA custom event that is designed to be fired when a layer extent has been fully calculated
 CQgsProviderMetadataHolds data provider key, description, and associated shared library file information
 CQgsProviderRegistryA registry / canonical manager of data providers
 CQgsPseudoColorShaderA raster color shader that highlighs low values in blue and high values in red
 CQgsPythonRunnerUtility class for running python commands from various parts of QGIS
 CQgsQueryBuilderQuery Builder for layers
 CQgsRangeWidgetWrapperWraps a range widget
 CQgsRasterRaster namespace
 CQgsRasterBandStatsThe RasterBandStats struct is a container for statistics about a single raster band
 CQgsRasterBlockRaster data container
 CQgsRasterBlockFeedbackFeedback object tailored for raster block reading
 CQgsRasterCalculatorRaster calculator class
 CQgsRasterCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRasterDataProviderBase class for raster data providers
 CQgsRasterDrawerThe drawing pipe for raster layers
 CQgsRasterFileWriterThe raster file writer which allows you to save a raster to a new file
 CQgsRasterFillSymbolLayerA class for filling symbols with a repeated raster image
 CQgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetA widget to select format-specific raster saving options
 CQgsRasterHistogramThe QgsRasterHistogram is a container for histogram of a single raster band
 CQgsRasterHistogramWidgetHistogram widget
 CQgsRasterIdentifyResultRaster identify results container
 CQgsRasterInterfaceBase class for processing filters like renderers, reprojector, resampler etc
 CQgsRasterIteratorIterator for sequentially processing raster cells
 CQgsRasterLayerThis class provides qgis with the ability to render raster datasets onto the mapcanvas
 CQgsRasterLayerRendererImplementation of threaded rendering for raster layers
 CQgsRasterNullerRaster pipe that deals with null values
 CQgsRasterPipeBase class for processing modules
 CQgsRasterProjectorQgsRasterProjector implements approximate projection support for it calculates grid of points in source CRS for target CRS + extent which are used to calculate affine transformation matrices
 CQgsRasterPyramidThis struct is used to store pyramid info for the raster layer
 CQgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidgetA widget to select format-specific raster saving options
 CQgsRasterRangeRaster values range container
 CQgsRasterRendererRaster renderer pipe that applies colors to a raster
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryRegistry for raster renderers
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryEntryRegistry for raster renderer entries
 CQgsRasterResampleFilterResample filter pipe for rasters
 CQgsRasterResamplerInterface for resampling rasters (e.g
 CQgsRasterShaderInterface for all raster shaders
 CQgsRasterShaderFunctionThe raster shade function applies a shader to a pixel at render time - typically used to render grayscale images as false color
 CQgsRasterSymbolLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying raster legend entries
 CQgsRasterTransparencyDefines the list of pixel values to be considered as transparent or semi transparent when rendering rasters
 CQgsRasterTransparencyWidgetWidget to control a layers transparency and related options
 CQgsRasterViewPortThis class provides details of the viewable area that a raster will be rendered into
 CQgsRecentColorSchemeA color scheme which contains the most recently used colors
 CQgsRectangleA rectangle specified with double values
 CQgsRelationManagerThis class manages a set of relations between layers
 CQgsRelationReferenceSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a relation reference search widget
 CQgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapperWraps a relation reference widget
 CQgsReliefProduces colored relief rasters from DEM
 CQgsRenderCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRenderContextContains information about the context of a rendering operation
 CQgsRendererCategoryV2Categorized renderer
 CQgsRendererV2AbstractMetadataStores metadata about one renderer class
 CQgsRendererV2DataDefinedMenusUtility class for providing GUI for data-defined rendering
 CQgsRendererV2MetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create renderer and its widget
 CQgsRendererV2RegistryRegistry of renderers
 CQgsRendererV2WidgetBase class for renderer settings widgets
 CQgsRequestHandlerThis class is an interface hiding the details of reading input and writing output from/to a wms request mechanism
 CQgsRubberBandA class for drawing transient features (e.g
 CQgsRuggednessFilterCalculates the ruggedness index based on a 3x3 moving window
 CQgsRuleBasedRendererV2When drawing a vector layer with rule-based renderer, it goes through the rules and draws features with symbols from rules that match
 CQgsRuleBasedRendererV2ModelTree model for the rules:
 CQgsRunProcessA class that executes an external program/script
 CQgsScaleBarStyleAbstraction of composer scale bar style
 CQgsScaleCalculatorCalculates scale for a given combination of canvas size, map extent, and monitor dpi
 CQgsScaleComboBoxA combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value
 CQgsScaleExpressionClass storing parameters of a scale expression, which is a subclass of QgsExpression for expressions which return a size or width
 CQgsScaleWidgetA combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value
 CQgsScopedExpressionFunctionExpression function for use within a QgsExpressionContextScope
 CQgsSearchQueryBuilderQuery Builder for search strings
 CQgsSearchWidgetToolButtonA tool button widget which is displayed next to search widgets in forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and how the filtering/searching operates
 CQgsSearchWidgetWrapperManages an editor widget Widget and wrapper share the same parent
 CQgsServerOGC web services
 CQgsServerFilterClass defining I/O filters for QGIS Server and implemented in plugins
 CQgsServerInterfaceQgsServerInterface Class defining interfaces exposed by QGIS Server and made available to plugins
 CQgsShadowEffectBase class for paint effects which offset, blurred shadows
 CQgsShortcutsManagerShortcuts manager is a class that contains a list of QActions and QShortcuts that have been registered and their shortcuts can be changed
 CQgsSignalBlockerRAII signal blocking class
 CQgsSimpleLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying arbitrary label with icon
 CQgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerBaseAbstract base class for simple marker symbol layers
 CQgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2Simple marker symbol layer, consisting of a rendered shape with solid fill color and an outline
 CQgsSimplifyMethodThis class contains information about how to simplify geometries fetched from a QgsFeatureIterator
 CQgsSingleBandColorDataRendererRaster renderer pipe for single band color
 CQgsSingleBandGrayRendererRaster renderer pipe for single band gray
 CQgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererRaster renderer pipe for single band pseudocolor
 CQgsSingleBoxScaleBarStyleScalebar style that draws a single box with alternating color for the segments
 CQgsSingleCategoryDiagramRendererRenders the diagrams for all features with the same settings
 CQgsSlopeFilterCalculates slope values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions
 CQgsSnapperA class that allows advanced snapping operations on a set of vector layers
 CQgsSnappingResultRepresents the result of a snapping operation
 CQgsSnappingUtilsThis class has all the configuration of snapping and can return answers to snapping queries
 CQgsSourceSelectDialogGeneric class listing layers available from a remote service
 CQgsSourceSelectItemDelegateItem delegate with tweaked sizeHint
 CQgsSpatialIndexDataData of spatial index that may be implicitly shared
 CQgsSpinBoxThe QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value
 CQgsSQLComposerDialogSQL composer dialog
 CQgsSqlExpressionCompilerGeneric expression compiler for translation to provider specific SQL WHERE clauses
 CQgsSQLStatementClass for parsing SQL statements
 CQgsSQLStatementCollectTableNamesInternal use
 CQgsStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics for a list of doubles
 CQgsStringReplacementA representation of a single string replacement
 CQgsStringReplacementCollectionA collection of string replacements (specified using QgsStringReplacement objects)
 CQgsStringStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of strings
 CQgsStringUtilsUtility functions for working with strings
 CQgsSvgCacheA cache for images / pictures derived from svg files
 CQgsSVGFillSymbolLayerA class for svg fill patterns
 CQgsSvgSelectorGroupsModelA model for displaying SVG search paths
 CQgsSvgSelectorListModelA model for displaying SVG files with a preview icon
 CQgsSymbolLayerV2AbstractMetadataStores metadata about one symbol layer class
 CQgsSymbolLayerV2MetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create symbol layer and its widget
 CQgsSymbolLayerV2RegistryRegistry of available symbol layer classes
 CQgsSymbologyV2ConversionThis class is not a part of public API, it is intended only for compatibility with older versions of QGIS (1.x)
 CQgsSymbolV2LegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying preview of vector symbols and their labels and allowing interaction with the symbol / renderer
 CQgsSymbolV2SelectorWidgetSymbol selector widget that cna be used to select and build a symbol
 CQgsTableWidgetItemThis can be used like a regular QTableWidgetItem with the difference that a specific role can be set to sort
 CQgsTabWidgetSame as the QTabWidget but with additional methods to temporarily hide/show tabs
 CQgsTextAnnotationItemAn annotation item that displays formated text
 CQgsTextEditSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a text edit widget for searching
 CQgsTextEditWrapperWraps a text widget
 CQgsTextLabelFeatureClass that adds extra information to QgsLabelFeature for text labels
 CQgsTicksScaleBarStyleA scale bar that draws segments using short ticks
 CQgsTINInterpolatorInterpolation in a triangular irregular network
 CQgsToleranceThis is the class is providing tolerance value in map unit values
 CQgsTopologyPreservingSimplifierImplementation of GeometrySimplifier using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
 CQgsTotalCurvatureFilterCalculates total curvature as described by Wilson, Gallant (2000): terrain analysis
 CQgsTracerUtility class that construct a planar graph from the input vector layers and provides shortest path search for tracing of existing features
 CQgsTracerGraphSimple graph structure for shortest path search
 CQgsTransactionThis class allows including a set of layers in a database-side transaction, provided the layer data providers support transactions and are compatible with each other
 CQgsTransectSampleA class for the creation of transect sample lines based on a set of strata polygons and baselines
 CQgsTransformEffectA paint effect which applies transformations (such as move, scale and rotate) to a picture
 CQgsTreeWidgetItemCustom QTreeWidgetItem with extra signal when item is edited and numeric sorting
 CQgsUniqueValuesWidgetWrapperWraps a unique value widget
 CQgsUnitSelectionWidgetWidget displaying a combobox allowing the user to choose between millimeter and map units If the user chooses map units, a button appears allowing the specification of minimum and maximum scale
 CQgsUnitTypesHelper functions for various unit types
 CQgsUserColorSchemeA color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file within the "palettes" subfolder off the user's QGIS settings folder
 CQgsUserInputDockWidgetDock widget that shall be used to display widgets for user inputs
 CQgsUuidWidgetWrapperWraps a uuid widget
 CQgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a value map search widget
 CQgsValueMapWidgetWrapperWraps a value map widget
 CQgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a value relation search widget
 CQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapperWraps a value relation widget
 CQgsVariableEditorWidgetA tree based widget for editing expression context scope variables
 CQgsVectorA class to represent a vector
 CQgsVectorColorRampV2Abstract base class for color ramps
 CQgsVectorDataProviderThis is the base class for vector data providers
 CQgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerA symbol layer class for displaying displacement arrows based on point layer attributes
 CQgsVectorFileWriterA convenience class for writing vector files to disk
 CQgsVectorGradientColorRampV2Gradient color ramp, which smoothly interpolates between two colors and also supports optional extra color stops
 CQgsVectorLayerRepresents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets
 CQgsVectorLayerCacheThis class caches features of a given QgsVectorLayer
 CQgsVectorLayerDiagramProviderImplements support for diagrams within the labeling engine
 CQgsVectorLayerFeatureSourcePartial snapshot of vector layer's state (only the members necessary for access to features)
 CQgsVectorLayerImportA convenience class for writing vector files to disk
 CQgsVectorLayerInterruptionCheckerDuringCountSymbolFeaturesUsed by QgsVectorLayer::countSymbolFeatures() to provide an interruption checker
 CQgsVectorLayerJoinBufferManages joined fields for a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerLabelProviderImplements a label provider for vector layers
 CQgsVectorLayerRendererImplementation of threaded rendering for vector layers
 CQgsVectorLayerRendererInterruptionCheckerInterruption checker used by QgsVectorLayerRenderer::render()
 CQgsVectorLayerSimpleLabelingBasic implementation of the labeling interface
 CQgsVectorLayerToolsMethods in this class are used to handle basic operations on vector layers
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandBase class for undo commands within a QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddAttributeUndo command for adding a new attribute to a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddFeatureUndo command for adding a feature to a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeAttributeUndo command for modifying an attribute of a feature from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeGeometryUndo command for modifying the geometry of a feature from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteAttributeUndo command for removing an existing attribute from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteFeatureUndo command for deleting a feature from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandRenameAttributeUndo command for renaming an existing attribute of a vector layer
 CQgsVectorRandomColorRampV2Random color ramp, which returns random colors based on preset parameters
 CQgsVectorSimplifyMethodThis class contains information how to simplify geometries fetched from a vector layer
 CQgsVertexIdUtility class for identifying a unique vertex within a geometry
 CQgsVertexMarkerA class for marking vertices of features using e.g
 CQgsVirtualLayerDefinitionClass to manipulate the definition of a virtual layer
 CQgsVirtualLayerDefinitionUtilsUtils class for QgsVirtualLayerDefinition
 CQgsVisibilityPresetCollectionContainer class that allows storage of visibility presets consisting of visible map layers and layer styles
 CQgsWebPageQWebPage subclass which redirects JavaScript errors and console output to the QGIS message log
 CQgsWebViewCollection of stubs to mimic the API of QWebView on systems where the real library is not available
 CQgsWebViewWidgetWrapperWraps a web view widget
 CQgsWidgetWrapperManages an editor widget Widget and wrapper share the same parent
 CQgsWKBTypesHandles storage of information regarding WKB types and their properties
 CQgsWMSLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying WMS legend entries
 CQgsXmlUtilsAssorted helper methods for reading and writing chunks of XML
 CQgsZipItemA zip file: contains layers, using GDAL/OGR VSIFILE mechanism
 CQgsZonalStatisticsA class that calculates raster statistics (count, sum, mean) for a polygon or multipolygon layer and appends the results as attributes
 CTriangleInterpolatorThis is an interface for interpolator classes for triangulations
 CTriangulationInterface for Triangulation classes
 CTriDecoratorDecorator class for Triangulations (s
 CVector3DClass Vector3D represents a 3D-Vector, capable to store x-,y- and z-coordinates in double values