QGIS API Documentation  2.18.21-Las Palmas (9fba24a)
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QgsComposition Class Reference

Graphics scene for map printing. More...

#include <qgscomposition.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsComposition:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  AtlasMode { AtlasOff, PreviewAtlas, ExportAtlas }
 Composition atlas modes. More...
enum  GridStyle { Solid, Dots, Crosses }
 Style to draw the snapping grid. More...
enum  PaperOrientation { Portrait, Landscape }
enum  PlotStyle { Preview = 0, Print, Postscript }
 Plot type. More...
enum  ZValueDirection { ZValueBelow, ZValueAbove }

Public Slots

QgsExpressionContextcreateExpressionContext () const
 Creates an expression context relating to the compositions's current state. More...
void refreshDataDefinedProperty (const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty property=QgsComposerObject::AllProperties, const QgsExpressionContext *context=nullptr)
 Refreshes a data defined property for the composition by reevaluating the property's value and redrawing the composition with this new value. More...
void refreshItems ()
 Forces items in the composition to refresh. More...
void sendItemAddedSignal (QgsComposerItem *item)
 Casts object to the proper subclass type and calls corresponding itemAdded signal. More...
void setAllUnselected ()
 Clears any selected items in the composition. More...
void setSelectedItem (QgsComposerItem *item)
 Clears any selected items and sets an item as the current selection. More...
void updateBounds ()
 Updates the scene bounds of the composition. More...


void composerArrowAdded (QgsComposerArrow *arrow)
 Is emitted when new composer arrow has been added to the view. More...
void composerHtmlFrameAdded (QgsComposerHtml *html, QgsComposerFrame *frame)
 Is emitted when a new composer html has been added to the view. More...
void composerItemGroupAdded (QgsComposerItemGroup *group)
 Is emitted when a new item group has been added to the view. More...
void composerLabelAdded (QgsComposerLabel *label)
 Is emitted when new composer label has been added to the view. More...
void composerLegendAdded (QgsComposerLegend *legend)
 Is emitted when a new composer legend has been added. More...
void composerMapAdded (QgsComposerMap *map)
 Is emitted when new composer map has been added to the view. More...
void composerPictureAdded (QgsComposerPicture *picture)
 Is emitted when a new composer picture has been added. More...
void composerPolygonAdded (QgsComposerPolygon *polygon)
 Is emitted when new composer polygon has been added to the view. More...
void composerPolylineAdded (QgsComposerPolyline *polyline)
 Is emitted when new composer polyline has been added to the view. More...
void composerScaleBarAdded (QgsComposerScaleBar *scalebar)
 Is emitted when new composer scale bar has been added. More...
void composerShapeAdded (QgsComposerShape *shape)
 Is emitted when a new composer shape has been added. More...
void composerTableAdded (QgsComposerAttributeTable *table)
 Is emitted when a new composer table has been added. More...
void composerTableFrameAdded (QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 *table, QgsComposerFrame *frame)
 Is emitted when a new composer table frame has been added to the view. More...
void itemRemoved (QgsComposerItem *)
 Is emitted when a composer item has been removed from the scene. More...
void nPagesChanged ()
void paperSizeChanged ()
void printResolutionChanged ()
 Is emitted when the compositions print resolution changes. More...
void refreshItemsTriggered ()
 Is emitted when item in the composition must be refreshed. More...
void selectedItemChanged (QgsComposerItem *selected)
 Is emitted when selected item changed. More...
void statusMsgChanged (const QString &message)
 Is emitted when the composition has an updated status bar message for the composer window. More...
void variablesChanged ()
 Emitted whenever the expression variables stored in the composition have been changed. More...

Public Member Functions

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsComposition (QgsMapRenderer *mapRenderer)
 QgsComposition (const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings)
 ~QgsComposition ()
void addComposerArrow (QgsComposerArrow *arrow)
 Adds an arrow item to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerHtmlFrame (QgsComposerHtml *html, QgsComposerFrame *frame)
 Adds composer html frame and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerLabel (QgsComposerLabel *label)
 Adds label to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerLegend (QgsComposerLegend *legend)
 Adds legend to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerMap (QgsComposerMap *map, const bool setDefaultPreviewStyle=true)
 Adds map to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerPicture (QgsComposerPicture *picture)
 Adds picture to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerPolygon (QgsComposerPolygon *polygon)
 Adds a composer polygon and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerPolyline (QgsComposerPolyline *polyline)
 Adds a composer polyline and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerScaleBar (QgsComposerScaleBar *scaleBar)
 Adds scale bar to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerShape (QgsComposerShape *shape)
 Adds a composer shape to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerTable (QgsComposerAttributeTable *table)
 Adds a composer table to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addComposerTableFrame (QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 *table, QgsComposerFrame *frame)
 Adds composer tablev2 frame and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal) More...
void addItemsFromXML (const QDomElement &elem, const QDomDocument &doc, QMap< QgsComposerMap *, int > *mapsToRestore=nullptr, bool addUndoCommands=false, QPointF *pos=nullptr, bool pasteInPlace=false)
 Add items from XML representation to the graphics scene (for project file reading, pasting items from clipboard) More...
void addItemToZList (QgsComposerItem *item)
 Adds item to z list. More...
void addMultiFrame (QgsComposerMultiFrame *multiFrame)
 Adds multiframe. More...
QGraphicsLineItemaddSnapLine ()
 Add a custom snap line (can be horizontal or vertical) More...
bool alignmentSnap () const
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double alignmentSnapTolerance () const
 Returns the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items. More...
void alignSelectedItemsBottom ()
void alignSelectedItemsHCenter ()
void alignSelectedItemsLeft ()
void alignSelectedItemsRight ()
void alignSelectedItemsTop ()
void alignSelectedItemsVCenter ()
QgsAtlasCompositionatlasComposition ()
QgsComposition::AtlasMode atlasMode () const
 Returns the current atlas mode of the composition. More...
void beginCommand (QgsComposerItem *item, const QString &commandText, const QgsComposerMergeCommand::Context c=QgsComposerMergeCommand::Unknown)
 Allocates new item command and saves initial state in it. More...
void beginMultiFrameCommand (QgsComposerMultiFrame *multiFrame, const QString &text, const QgsComposerMultiFrameMergeCommand::Context c=QgsComposerMultiFrameMergeCommand::Unknown)
void beginPrint (QPrinter &printer, const bool evaluateDDPageSize=false)
 Prepare the printer for printing. More...
void beginPrintAsPDF (QPrinter &printer, const QString &file)
 Prepare the printer for printing in a PDF. More...
bool boundingBoxesVisible () const
 Returns whether selection bounding boxes should be shown in the composition. More...
void cancelCommand ()
 Deletes current command. More...
void cancelMultiFrameCommand ()
 Deletes current multi frame command. More...
void clearSnapLines ()
 Removes all snap lines. More...
QgsComposerItemcomposerItemAt (QPointF position, const bool ignoreLocked=false) const
 Returns the topmost composer item at a specified position. More...
QgsComposerItemcomposerItemAt (QPointF position, const QgsComposerItem *belowItem, const bool ignoreLocked=false) const
 Returns the topmost composer item at a specified position which is below a specified item. More...
template<class T >
void composerItems (QList< T *> &itemList)
 Return composer items of a specific type. More...
template<class T >
void composerItemsOnPage (QList< T *> &itemList, const int pageNumber) const
 Return composer items of a specific type on a specified page. More...
QList< const QgsComposerMap * > composerMapItems () const
 Returns pointers to all composer maps in the scene. More...
QRectF compositionBounds (bool ignorePages=false, double margin=0.0) const
 Calculates the bounds of all non-gui items in the composition. More...
void computeWorldFileParameters (double &a, double &b, double &c, double &d, double &e, double &f) const
 Compute world file parameters. More...
void computeWorldFileParameters (const QRectF &exportRegion, double &a, double &b, double &c, double &d, double &e, double &f) const
 Computes the world file parameters for a specified region of the composition. More...
QStringList customProperties () const
 Return list of keys stored in custom properties for composition. More...
QVariant customProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const
 Read a custom property from the composition. More...
QgsDataDefineddataDefinedProperty (const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty property)
 Returns a reference to the data defined settings for one of the composition's data defined properties. More...
void doPrint (QPrinter &printer, QPainter &painter, bool startNewPage=false)
 Print on a preconfigured printer. More...
void endCommand ()
 Saves end state of item and pushes command to the undo history. More...
void endMultiFrameCommand ()
bool exportAsPDF (const QString &file)
 Convenience function that prepares the printer for printing in PDF and prints. More...
bool generateWorldFile () const
 Returns true if the composition will generate corresponding world files when pages are exported. More...
void georeferenceOutput (const QString &file, QgsComposerMap *referenceMap=nullptr, const QRectF &exportRegion=QRectF(), double dpi=-1) const
 Georeferences a file (image of PDF) exported from the composition. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED const QgsComposerHtmlgetComposerHtmlByItem (QgsComposerItem *item) const
 Returns the composer html with specified id (a string as named in the composer user interface item properties). More...
QgsComposerItemgetComposerItemAbove (QgsComposerItem *item) const
QgsComposerItemgetComposerItemBelow (QgsComposerItem *item) const
const QgsComposerItemgetComposerItemById (const QString &theId) const
 Returns a composer item given its text identifier. More...
const QgsComposerItemgetComposerItemByUuid (const QString &theUuid) const
 Returns a composer item given its unique identifier. More...
const QgsComposerMapgetComposerMapById (const int id) const
 Returns the composer map with specified id. More...
const QPengridPen () const
GridStyle gridStyle () const
bool gridVisible () const
QgsComposerItemGroupgroupItems (QList< QgsComposerItem *> items)
 Creates a new group from a list of composer items and adds it to the composition. More...
int itemPageNumber (const QgsComposerItem *) const
 Returns on which page number (0-based) is displayed an item. More...
QgsComposerModelitemsModel ()
 Returns the items model attached to the composition. More...
bool loadFromTemplate (const QDomDocument &doc, QMap< QString, QString > *substitutionMap=nullptr, bool addUndoCommands=false, const bool clearComposition=true)
 Load a template document. More...
void lockSelectedItems ()
 Lock the selected items. More...
bool lowerItem (QgsComposerItem *item)
void lowerSelectedItems ()
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsMapRenderermapRenderer ()
 Returns pointer to map renderer of qgis map canvas. More...
const QgsMapSettingsmapSettings () const
 Return setting of QGIS map canvas. More...
bool moveItemToBottom (QgsComposerItem *item)
bool moveItemToTop (QgsComposerItem *item)
void moveSelectedItemsToBottom ()
void moveSelectedItemsToTop ()
QGraphicsLineItemnearestSnapLine (const bool horizontal, const double x, const double y, const double tolerance, QList< QPair< QgsComposerItem *, QgsComposerItem::ItemPositionMode > > &snappedItems) const
 Get nearest snap line. More...
int numPages () const
 Returns the number of pages in the composition. More...
bool pageIsEmpty (const int page) const
 Returns whether a page is empty, ie, it contains no items except for the background paper item. More...
QRectF pageItemBounds (int pageNumber, bool visibleOnly=false) const
 Returns the bounding box of the items contained on a specified page. More...
int pageNumberAt (QPointF position) const
 Returns the page number (0-based) given a coordinate. More...
int pageNumberForPoint (QPointF position) const
 Returns the page number corresponding to a point in the composition. More...
QList< QgsPaperItem *> pages ()
 Return pages in the correct order. More...
QgsFillSymbolV2pageStyleSymbol ()
 Note: added in version 2.1. More...
bool pagesVisible () const
 Returns whether the page items are be visible in the composition. More...
double paperHeight () const
 Height of paper item. More...
double paperWidth () const
 Width of paper item. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED int pixelFontSize (double pointSize) const
 Returns the mm font size for a font that has point size set. More...
QgsComposition::PlotStyle plotStyle () const
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double pointFontSize (int pixelSize) const
 Does the inverse calculation and returns points for mm. More...
QPointF positionOnPage (QPointF position) const
 Returns the position within a page of a point in the composition. More...
bool preventCursorChange () const
bool print (QPrinter &printer, const bool evaluateDDPageSize=false)
 Convenience function that prepares the printer and prints. More...
bool printAsRaster () const
QImage printPageAsRaster (int page, QSize imageSize=QSize(), int dpi=0)
 Renders a composer page to an image. More...
int printResolution () const
void pushAddRemoveCommand (QgsComposerItem *item, const QString &text, const QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::State state=QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::Added)
 Convenience function to create a QgsAddRemoveItemCommand, connect its signals and push it to the undo stack. More...
bool raiseItem (QgsComposerItem *item)
void raiseSelectedItems ()
bool readXML (const QDomElement &compositionElem, const QDomDocument &doc)
 Reads settings from xml file. More...
void refreshZList ()
 Rebuilds the z order list by adding any item which are present in the composition but missing from the z order list. More...
void removeComposerItem (QgsComposerItem *item, const bool createCommand=true, const bool removeGroupItems=true)
 Remove item from the graphics scene. More...
void removeCustomProperty (const QString &key)
 Remove a custom property from the composition. More...
void removeItemFromZList (QgsComposerItem *item)
 Removes item from z list. More...
void removeMultiFrame (QgsComposerMultiFrame *multiFrame)
 Removes multi frame (but does not delete it) More...
void removeSnapLine (QGraphicsLineItem *line)
 Remove custom snap line (and delete the object) More...
void renderPage (QPainter *p, int page)
 Renders a full page to a paint device. More...
void renderRect (QPainter *p, const QRectF &rect)
 Renders a portion of the composition to a paint device. More...
QImage renderRectAsRaster (const QRectF &rect, QSize imageSize=QSize(), int dpi=0)
 Renders a portion of the composition to an image. More...
void resizePageToContents (double marginTop=0.0, double marginRight=0.0, double marginBottom=0.0, double marginLeft=0.0)
 Resizes the composition page to fit the current contents of the composition. More...
void resizeToContentsMargins (double &marginTop, double &marginRight, double &marginBottom, double &marginLeft) const
 Returns the resize to contents margins. More...
QList< QgsComposerItem * > selectedComposerItems (const bool includeLockedItems=true)
 Returns list of selected composer items. More...
QgsComposerMouseHandlesselectionHandles ()
 Returns pointer to selection handles. More...
void selectNextByZOrder (const ZValueDirection direction)
void setAlignmentSnap (const bool s)
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setAlignmentSnapTolerance (double t)
 Sets the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items. More...
bool setAtlasMode (const QgsComposition::AtlasMode mode)
 Sets the current atlas mode of the composition. More...
void setBoundingBoxesVisible (const bool boundsVisible)
 Sets whether selection bounding boxes should be shown in the composition. More...
void setCustomProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
 Set a custom property for the composition. More...
void setDataDefinedProperty (const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty property, bool active, bool useExpression, const QString &expression, const QString &field)
 Sets parameters for a data defined property for the composition. More...
void setGenerateWorldFile (bool enabled)
 Sets whether the composition will generate corresponding world files when pages are exported. More...
void setGridPen (const QPen &p)
void setGridStyle (const GridStyle s)
void setGridVisible (const bool b)
void setNumPages (const int pages)
 Sets the number of pages for the composition. More...
void setPageStyleSymbol (QgsFillSymbolV2 *symbol)
 Note: added in version 2.1. More...
void setPagesVisible (bool visible)
 Sets whether the page items should be visible in the composition. More...
void setPaperSize (double width, double height, bool keepRelativeItemPosition=true)
 Changes size of paper item. More...
void setPlotStyle (const QgsComposition::PlotStyle style)
void setPreventCursorChange (const bool preventChange)
 If true, prevents any mouse cursor changes by the composition or by any composer items Used by QgsComposer and QgsComposerView to prevent unwanted cursor changes. More...
void setPrintAsRaster (const bool enabled)
void setPrintResolution (const int dpi)
void setResizeToContentsMargins (double marginTop, double marginRight, double marginBottom, double marginLeft)
 Sets the resize to contents margins. More...
void setSmartGuidesEnabled (const bool b)
void setSnapGridOffsetX (const double offset)
void setSnapGridOffsetY (const double offset)
void setSnapGridResolution (const double r)
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setSnapGridTolerance (double tolerance)
 Sets the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to the composition grid. More...
void setSnapLinesVisible (const bool visible)
 Hides / shows custom snap lines. More...
void setSnapToGridEnabled (const bool b)
void setSnapTolerance (const int snapTolerance)
 Sets the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items. More...
void setStatusMessage (const QString &message)
 Sets the status bar message for the composer window. More...
void setUseAdvancedEffects (const bool effectsEnabled)
 Used to enable or disable advanced effects such as blend modes in a composition. More...
void setWorldFileMap (QgsComposerMap *map)
 Sets the map item which will be used to generate corresponding world files when the composition is exported. More...
bool shouldExportPage (const int page) const
 Returns whether a specified page number should be included in exports of the composition. More...
bool smartGuidesEnabled () const
double snapGridOffsetX () const
double snapGridOffsetY () const
double snapGridResolution () const
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double snapGridTolerance () const
 Returns the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to the composition grid. More...
QList< QGraphicsLineItem *> * snapLines ()
 Returns pointer to snap lines collection. More...
bool snapLinesVisible () const
QPointF snapPointToGrid (QPointF scenePoint) const
 Snaps a scene coordinate point to grid. More...
bool snapToGridEnabled () const
int snapTolerance () const
 Returns the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void sortZList ()
 Sorts the zList. More...
double spaceBetweenPages () const
 Returns the vertical space between pages in a composer view. More...
QUndoStackundoStack ()
 Returns pointer to undo/redo command storage. More...
QList< QgsComposerItem * > ungroupItems (QgsComposerItemGroup *group)
 Ungroups items by removing them from an item group and removing the group from the composition. More...
void unlockAllItems ()
 Unlock all items. More...
void updateSettings ()
 Refreshes the composition when composer related options change. More...
bool useAdvancedEffects () const
 Returns true if a composition should use advanced effects such as blend modes. More...
QgsComposerMapworldFileMap () const
 Returns the map item which will be used to generate corresponding world files when the composition is exported, or nullptr if no corresponding map is set. More...
bool writeXML (QDomElement &composerElem, QDomDocument &doc)
 Writes settings to xml (paper dimension) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene (QObject *parent)
 QGraphicsScene (const QRectF &sceneRect, QObject *parent)
 QGraphicsScene (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height, QObject *parent)
virtual ~QGraphicsScene ()
QGraphicsItemactivePanel () const
QGraphicsWidgetactiveWindow () const
QGraphicsEllipseItemaddEllipse (const QRectF &rect, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush)
QGraphicsEllipseItemaddEllipse (qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush)
void addItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
QGraphicsLineItemaddLine (const QLineF &line, const QPen &pen)
QGraphicsLineItemaddLine (qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, const QPen &pen)
QGraphicsPathItemaddPath (const QPainterPath &path, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush)
QGraphicsPixmapItemaddPixmap (const QPixmap &pixmap)
QGraphicsPolygonItemaddPolygon (const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush)
QGraphicsRectItemaddRect (const QRectF &rect, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush)
QGraphicsRectItemaddRect (qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush)
QGraphicsSimpleTextItemaddSimpleText (const QString &text, const QFont &font)
QGraphicsTextItemaddText (const QString &text, const QFont &font)
QGraphicsProxyWidgetaddWidget (QWidget *widget, QFlags< Qt::WindowType > wFlags)
void advance ()
QBrush backgroundBrush () const
int bspTreeDepth () const
void changed (const QList< QRectF > &region)
void clear ()
void clearFocus ()
void clearSelection ()
QList< QGraphicsItem * > collidingItems (const QGraphicsItem *item, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode) const
QGraphicsItemGroupcreateItemGroup (const QList< QGraphicsItem * > &items)
void destroyItemGroup (QGraphicsItemGroup *group)
QGraphicsItemfocusItem () const
QFont font () const
QBrush foregroundBrush () const
bool hasFocus () const
qreal height () const
virtual QVariant inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const
void invalidate (qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, QFlags< QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer > layers)
void invalidate (const QRectF &rect, QFlags< QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer > layers)
bool isActive () const
bool isSortCacheEnabled () const
QGraphicsItemitemAt (qreal x, qreal y) const
QGraphicsItemitemAt (qreal x, qreal y, const QTransform &deviceTransform) const
QGraphicsItemitemAt (const QPointF &position) const
QGraphicsItemitemAt (const QPointF &position, const QTransform &deviceTransform) const
ItemIndexMethod itemIndexMethod () const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, Qt::SortOrder order, const QTransform &deviceTransform) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items () const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (Qt::SortOrder order) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QPointF &pos, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, Qt::SortOrder order, const QTransform &deviceTransform) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QPolygonF &polygon, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, Qt::SortOrder order, const QTransform &deviceTransform) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QRectF &rect, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, Qt::SortOrder order, const QTransform &deviceTransform) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QPainterPath &path, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, Qt::SortOrder order, const QTransform &deviceTransform) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QPointF &pos) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QRectF &rectangle, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QPolygonF &polygon, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (const QPainterPath &path, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode) const
QList< QGraphicsItem * > items (qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode) const
QRectF itemsBoundingRect () const
QGraphicsItemmouseGrabberItem () const
QPalette palette () const
void removeItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
void render (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &target, const QRectF &source, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode)
QRectF sceneRect () const
void sceneRectChanged (const QRectF &rect)
QList< QGraphicsItem * > selectedItems () const
QPainterPath selectionArea () const
void selectionChanged ()
bool sendEvent (QGraphicsItem *item, QEvent *event)
void setActivePanel (QGraphicsItem *item)
void setActiveWindow (QGraphicsWidget *widget)
void setBackgroundBrush (const QBrush &brush)
void setBspTreeDepth (int depth)
void setFocus (Qt::FocusReason focusReason)
void setFocusItem (QGraphicsItem *item, Qt::FocusReason focusReason)
void setFont (const QFont &font)
void setForegroundBrush (const QBrush &brush)
void setItemIndexMethod (ItemIndexMethod method)
void setPalette (const QPalette &palette)
void setSceneRect (qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h)
void setSceneRect (const QRectF &rect)
void setSelectionArea (const QPainterPath &path, const QTransform &deviceTransform)
void setSelectionArea (const QPainterPath &path)
void setSelectionArea (const QPainterPath &path, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, const QTransform &deviceTransform)
void setSelectionArea (const QPainterPath &path, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode)
void setSortCacheEnabled (bool enabled)
void setStickyFocus (bool enabled)
void setStyle (QStyle *style)
bool stickyFocus () const
QStylestyle () const
void update (const QRectF &rect)
void update (qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h)
QList< QGraphicsView * > views () const
qreal width () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
 QObject (QObject *parent)
 QObject (QObject *parent, const char *name)
virtual ~QObject ()
bool blockSignals (bool block)
QObjectchild (const char *objName, const char *inheritsClass, bool recursiveSearch) const
const QObjectList & children () const
const char * className () const
bool connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const
void deleteLater ()
void destroyed (QObject *obj)
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
bool disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
void dumpObjectInfo ()
void dumpObjectTree ()
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const
findChild (const QString &name) const
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegExp &regExp) const
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &name) const
bool inherits (const char *className) const
void insertChild (QObject *object)
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
bool isA (const char *className) const
bool isWidgetType () const
void killTimer (int id)
virtual const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
const char * name () const
const char * name (const char *defaultName) const
QString objectName () const
QObjectparent () const
QVariant property (const char *name) const
void removeChild (QObject *object)
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
void setName (const char *name)
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
bool signalsBlocked () const
int startTimer (int interval)
QThreadthread () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double relativePosition (double position, double beforeMin, double beforeMax, double afterMin, double afterMax)
 Returns a scaled position given a before and after range. More...
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void relativeResizeRect (QRectF &rectToResize, const QRectF &boundsBefore, const QRectF &boundsAfter)
 Resizes a QRectF relative to the change from boundsBefore to boundsAfter. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
bool connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method)
QString tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
QString trUtf8 (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)

Protected Member Functions

void init ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QGraphicsScene
virtual void contextMenuEvent (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *contextMenuEvent)
virtual void dragEnterEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
virtual void dragLeaveEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
virtual void dragMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
virtual void drawBackground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
virtual void drawForeground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
virtual void drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem *[] items, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem[] options, QWidget *widget)
virtual void dropEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
virtual bool event (QEvent *event)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
virtual void focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *focusEvent)
bool focusNextPrevChild (bool next)
virtual void focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *focusEvent)
virtual void helpEvent (QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent *helpEvent)
virtual void inputMethodEvent (QInputMethodEvent *event)
virtual void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *keyEvent)
virtual void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *keyEvent)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
virtual void mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
virtual void wheelEvent (QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *wheelEvent)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
bool checkConnectArgs (const char *signal, const QObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const char *signal)
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const char *signal)
int receivers (const char *signal) const
QObjectsender () const
int senderSignalIndex () const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)


class QgsComposerModel
class QgsComposerObject
class TestQgsComposition

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from QGraphicsScene
typedef SceneLayers
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
QByteArray normalizeSignalSlot (const char *signalSlot)
- Properties inherited from QGraphicsScene
- Properties inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

Graphics scene for map printing.

The class manages the paper item which always is the item in the back (z-value 0). It maintains the z-Values of the items and stores them in a list in ascending z-Order. This list can be changed to lower/raise items one position or to bring them to front/back.

Definition at line 76 of file qgscomposition.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AtlasMode

Composition atlas modes.


Definition at line 114 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ GridStyle

Style to draw the snapping grid.


Definition at line 90 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ PaperOrientation


Definition at line 103 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ PlotStyle

Plot type.


Definition at line 82 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ ZValueDirection


Definition at line 97 of file qgscomposition.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsComposition() [1/2]

QgsComposition::QgsComposition ( QgsMapRenderer mapRenderer)
since 2.4 - use the constructor with QgsMapSettings

Definition at line 64 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ QgsComposition() [2/2]

QgsComposition::QgsComposition ( const QgsMapSettings mapSettings)

Definition at line 73 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ ~QgsComposition()

QgsComposition::~QgsComposition ( )

Definition at line 194 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addComposerArrow()

void QgsComposition::addComposerArrow ( QgsComposerArrow arrow)

Adds an arrow item to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

not available in python bindings

Definition at line 2540 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerHtmlFrame()

void QgsComposition::addComposerHtmlFrame ( QgsComposerHtml html,
QgsComposerFrame frame 

Adds composer html frame and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2650 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerLabel()

void QgsComposition::addComposerLabel ( QgsComposerLabel label)

Adds label to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2570 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerLegend()

void QgsComposition::addComposerLegend ( QgsComposerLegend legend)

Adds legend to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2610 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerMap()

void QgsComposition::addComposerMap ( QgsComposerMap map,
const bool  setDefaultPreviewStyle = true 

Adds map to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2580 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerPicture()

void QgsComposition::addComposerPicture ( QgsComposerPicture picture)

Adds picture to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2620 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerPolygon()

void QgsComposition::addComposerPolygon ( QgsComposerPolygon polygon)

Adds a composer polygon and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2550 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerPolyline()

void QgsComposition::addComposerPolyline ( QgsComposerPolyline polyline)

Adds a composer polyline and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2560 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerScaleBar()

void QgsComposition::addComposerScaleBar ( QgsComposerScaleBar scaleBar)

Adds scale bar to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2600 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerShape()

void QgsComposition::addComposerShape ( QgsComposerShape shape)

Adds a composer shape to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2630 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerTable()

void QgsComposition::addComposerTable ( QgsComposerAttributeTable table)

Adds a composer table to the graphics scene and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2640 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addComposerTableFrame()

void QgsComposition::addComposerTableFrame ( QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 table,
QgsComposerFrame frame 

Adds composer tablev2 frame and advises composer to create a widget for it (through signal)

Definition at line 2660 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addItemsFromXML()

void QgsComposition::addItemsFromXML ( const QDomElement elem,
const QDomDocument doc,
QMap< QgsComposerMap *, int > *  mapsToRestore = nullptr,
bool  addUndoCommands = false,
QPointF pos = nullptr,
bool  pasteInPlace = false 

Add items from XML representation to the graphics scene (for project file reading, pasting items from clipboard)

elemitems parent element, e.g.
docxml document
mapsToRestorefor reading from project file: set preview move 'rectangle' to all maps and save the preview states to show composer maps on demand
addUndoCommandsinsert AddItem commands if true (e.g. for copy/paste)
positem position. Optional, take position from xml if 0
pasteInPlacewhether the position should be kept but mapped to the page origin. (the page is the page under to the mouse cursor)
parameters mapsToRestore, addUndoCommands pos and pasteInPlace not available in python bindings

Definition at line 1198 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addItemToZList()

void QgsComposition::addItemToZList ( QgsComposerItem item)

Adds item to z list.

Usually called from constructor of QgsComposerItem

Definition at line 1616 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addMultiFrame()

void QgsComposition::addMultiFrame ( QgsComposerMultiFrame multiFrame)

Adds multiframe.

The object is owned by QgsComposition until removeMultiFrame is called

Definition at line 2526 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ addSnapLine()

QGraphicsLineItem * QgsComposition::addSnapLine ( )

Add a custom snap line (can be horizontal or vertical)

Definition at line 2167 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ alignmentSnap()

bool QgsComposition::alignmentSnap ( ) const

Definition at line 263 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ alignmentSnapTolerance()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double QgsComposition::alignmentSnapTolerance ( ) const

Returns the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items.

snap tolerance in pixels
See also
Use snapTolerance instead

Definition at line 333 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ alignSelectedItemsBottom()

void QgsComposition::alignSelectedItemsBottom ( )

Definition at line 1940 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ alignSelectedItemsHCenter()

void QgsComposition::alignSelectedItemsHCenter ( )

Definition at line 1823 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ alignSelectedItemsLeft()

void QgsComposition::alignSelectedItemsLeft ( )

Definition at line 1793 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ alignSelectedItemsRight()

void QgsComposition::alignSelectedItemsRight ( )

Definition at line 1853 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ alignSelectedItemsTop()

void QgsComposition::alignSelectedItemsTop ( )

Definition at line 1883 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ alignSelectedItemsVCenter()

void QgsComposition::alignSelectedItemsVCenter ( )

Definition at line 1912 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ atlasComposition()

QgsAtlasComposition& QgsComposition::atlasComposition ( )

Definition at line 775 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ atlasMode()

QgsComposition::AtlasMode QgsComposition::atlasMode ( ) const

Returns the current atlas mode of the composition.

current atlas mode
See also

Definition at line 791 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ beginCommand()

void QgsComposition::beginCommand ( QgsComposerItem item,
const QString commandText,
const QgsComposerMergeCommand::Context  c = QgsComposerMergeCommand::Unknown 

Allocates new item command and saves initial state in it.

itemtarget item
commandTextdescriptive command text
ccontext for merge commands (unknown for non-mergeable commands)

Definition at line 2437 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ beginMultiFrameCommand()

void QgsComposition::beginMultiFrameCommand ( QgsComposerMultiFrame multiFrame,
const QString text,
const QgsComposerMultiFrameMergeCommand::Context  c = QgsComposerMultiFrameMergeCommand::Unknown 

Definition at line 2481 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ beginPrint()

void QgsComposition::beginPrint ( QPrinter printer,
const bool  evaluateDDPageSize = false 

Prepare the printer for printing.

Definition at line 3019 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ beginPrintAsPDF()

void QgsComposition::beginPrintAsPDF ( QPrinter printer,
const QString file 

Prepare the printer for printing in a PDF.

Definition at line 2902 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ boundingBoxesVisible()

bool QgsComposition::boundingBoxesVisible ( ) const

Returns whether selection bounding boxes should be shown in the composition.

true if selection bounding boxes should be shown
See also
added in QGIS 2.7

Definition at line 363 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ cancelCommand()

void QgsComposition::cancelCommand ( )

Deletes current command.

Definition at line 2475 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ cancelMultiFrameCommand()

void QgsComposition::cancelMultiFrameCommand ( )

Deletes current multi frame command.

Definition at line 2520 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ clearSnapLines()

void QgsComposition::clearSnapLines ( )

Removes all snap lines.

Definition at line 2190 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ composerArrowAdded

void QgsComposition::composerArrowAdded ( QgsComposerArrow arrow)

Is emitted when new composer arrow has been added to the view.

◆ composerHtmlFrameAdded

void QgsComposition::composerHtmlFrameAdded ( QgsComposerHtml html,
QgsComposerFrame frame 

Is emitted when a new composer html has been added to the view.

◆ composerItemAt() [1/2]

QgsComposerItem * QgsComposition::composerItemAt ( QPointF  position,
const bool  ignoreLocked = false 
) const

Returns the topmost composer item at a specified position.

Ignores paper items.

positionpoint to search for item at
ignoreLockedset to true to ignore locked items
composer item at position

Definition at line 652 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ composerItemAt() [2/2]

QgsComposerItem * QgsComposition::composerItemAt ( QPointF  position,
const QgsComposerItem belowItem,
const bool  ignoreLocked = false 
) const

Returns the topmost composer item at a specified position which is below a specified item.

Ignores paper items.

positionpoint to search for item at
belowItemitem to search below
ignoreLockedset to true to ignore locked items
composer item at position which is below specified item

Definition at line 657 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ composerItemGroupAdded

void QgsComposition::composerItemGroupAdded ( QgsComposerItemGroup group)

Is emitted when a new item group has been added to the view.

◆ composerItems()

template<class T >
void QgsComposition::composerItems ( QList< T *> &  itemList)

Return composer items of a specific type.

itemListlist of item type to store matching items in
not available in python bindings

Definition at line 1159 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ composerItemsOnPage()

template<class T >
void QgsComposition::composerItemsOnPage ( QList< T *> &  itemList,
const int  pageNumber 
) const

Return composer items of a specific type on a specified page.

itemListlist of item type to store matching items in
pageNumberpage number (0 based)
not available in python bindings
added in QGIS 2.5

Definition at line 1174 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ composerLabelAdded

void QgsComposition::composerLabelAdded ( QgsComposerLabel label)

Is emitted when new composer label has been added to the view.

◆ composerLegendAdded

void QgsComposition::composerLegendAdded ( QgsComposerLegend legend)

Is emitted when a new composer legend has been added.

◆ composerMapAdded

void QgsComposition::composerMapAdded ( QgsComposerMap map)

Is emitted when new composer map has been added to the view.

◆ composerMapItems()

QList< const QgsComposerMap * > QgsComposition::composerMapItems ( ) const

Returns pointers to all composer maps in the scene.

available in python bindings only with PyQt >= 4.8.4

Definition at line 719 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ composerPictureAdded

void QgsComposition::composerPictureAdded ( QgsComposerPicture picture)

Is emitted when a new composer picture has been added.

◆ composerPolygonAdded

void QgsComposition::composerPolygonAdded ( QgsComposerPolygon polygon)

Is emitted when new composer polygon has been added to the view.

◆ composerPolylineAdded

void QgsComposition::composerPolylineAdded ( QgsComposerPolyline polyline)

Is emitted when new composer polyline has been added to the view.

◆ composerScaleBarAdded

void QgsComposition::composerScaleBarAdded ( QgsComposerScaleBar scalebar)

Is emitted when new composer scale bar has been added.

◆ composerShapeAdded

void QgsComposition::composerShapeAdded ( QgsComposerShape shape)

Is emitted when a new composer shape has been added.

◆ composerTableAdded

void QgsComposition::composerTableAdded ( QgsComposerAttributeTable table)

Is emitted when a new composer table has been added.

◆ composerTableFrameAdded

void QgsComposition::composerTableFrameAdded ( QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 table,
QgsComposerFrame frame 

Is emitted when a new composer table frame has been added to the view.

◆ compositionBounds()

QRectF QgsComposition::compositionBounds ( bool  ignorePages = false,
double  margin = 0.0 
) const

Calculates the bounds of all non-gui items in the composition.

Ignores snap lines and mouse handles.

ignorePagesset to true to ignore page items
marginoptional marginal (in percent, eg 0.05 = 5% ) to add around items

Definition at line 300 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ computeWorldFileParameters() [1/2]

void QgsComposition::computeWorldFileParameters ( double &  a,
double &  b,
double &  c,
double &  d,
double &  e,
double &  f 
) const

Compute world file parameters.

Assumes the whole page containing the associated map item will be exported.

Definition at line 3266 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ computeWorldFileParameters() [2/2]

void QgsComposition::computeWorldFileParameters ( const QRectF exportRegion,
double &  a,
double &  b,
double &  c,
double &  d,
double &  e,
double &  f 
) const

Computes the world file parameters for a specified region of the composition.

exportRegionregion of the composition which will be associated with world file
added in QGIS 2.12

Definition at line 3280 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ createExpressionContext

QgsExpressionContext * QgsComposition::createExpressionContext ( ) const

Creates an expression context relating to the compositions's current state.

The context includes scopes for global, project, composition and atlas properties.

added in QGIS 2.12

Definition at line 3687 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ customProperties()

QStringList QgsComposition::customProperties ( ) const

Return list of keys stored in custom properties for composition.

See also
added in QGIS 2.12

Definition at line 3525 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ customProperty()

QVariant QgsComposition::customProperty ( const QString key,
const QVariant defaultValue = QVariant() 
) const

Read a custom property from the composition.

keyproperty key
defaultValuedefault value to return if property with matching key does not exist
value of matching property
See also
added in QGIS 2.12

Definition at line 3515 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ dataDefinedProperty()

QgsDataDefined * QgsComposition::dataDefinedProperty ( const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty  property)

Returns a reference to the data defined settings for one of the composition's data defined properties.

propertydata defined property to return
this method was added in version 2.5

Definition at line 3459 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ doPrint()

void QgsComposition::doPrint ( QPrinter printer,
QPainter painter,
bool  startNewPage = false 

Print on a preconfigured printer.

printerQPrinter destination
painterQPainter source
startNewPageset to true to begin the print on a new page

Definition at line 2961 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ endCommand()

void QgsComposition::endCommand ( )

Saves end state of item and pushes command to the undo history.

Definition at line 2457 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ endMultiFrameCommand()

void QgsComposition::endMultiFrameCommand ( )

Definition at line 2502 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ exportAsPDF()

bool QgsComposition::exportAsPDF ( const QString file)

Convenience function that prepares the printer for printing in PDF and prints.

true if export was successful

Definition at line 2926 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ generateWorldFile()

bool QgsComposition::generateWorldFile ( ) const

Returns true if the composition will generate corresponding world files when pages are exported.

See also

Definition at line 450 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ georeferenceOutput()

void QgsComposition::georeferenceOutput ( const QString file,
QgsComposerMap referenceMap = nullptr,
const QRectF exportRegion = QRectF(),
double  dpi = -1 
) const

Georeferences a file (image of PDF) exported from the composition.

filefilename of exported file
referenceMapmap item to use for georeferencing, or leave as nullptr to use the currently defined worldFileMap().
exportRegionset to a valid rectangle to indicate that only part of the composition was exported
dpiset to DPI of exported file, or leave as -1 to use composition's DPI.
added in QGIS 2.16

Definition at line 2933 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ getComposerHtmlByItem()

const QgsComposerHtml * QgsComposition::getComposerHtmlByItem ( QgsComposerItem item) const

Returns the composer html with specified id (a string as named in the composer user interface item properties).

itemthe item.
QgsComposerHtml pointer or 0 pointer if no such item exists.
Use QgsComposerFrame::multiFrame() instead

Definition at line 755 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ getComposerItemAbove()

QgsComposerItem * QgsComposition::getComposerItemAbove ( QgsComposerItem item) const

Definition at line 1665 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ getComposerItemBelow()

QgsComposerItem * QgsComposition::getComposerItemBelow ( QgsComposerItem item) const

Definition at line 1670 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ getComposerItemById()

const QgsComposerItem * QgsComposition::getComposerItemById ( const QString theId) const

Returns a composer item given its text identifier.

Ids are not necessarely unique, but this function returns only one element.

theId- A QString representing the identifier of the item to retrieve.
QgsComposerItem pointer or 0 pointer if no such item exists.

Definition at line 774 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ getComposerItemByUuid()

const QgsComposerItem * QgsComposition::getComposerItemByUuid ( const QString theUuid) const

Returns a composer item given its unique identifier.

theUuidA QString representing the UUID of the item to

Definition at line 829 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ getComposerMapById()

const QgsComposerMap * QgsComposition::getComposerMapById ( const int  id) const

Returns the composer map with specified id.

QgsComposerMap or 0 pointer if the composer map item does not exist

Definition at line 737 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ gridPen()

const QPen& QgsComposition::gridPen ( ) const

Definition at line 298 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ gridStyle()

GridStyle QgsComposition::gridStyle ( ) const

Definition at line 301 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ gridVisible()

bool QgsComposition::gridVisible ( ) const

Definition at line 256 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ groupItems()

QgsComposerItemGroup * QgsComposition::groupItems ( QList< QgsComposerItem *>  items)

Creates a new group from a list of composer items and adds it to the composition.

itemsitems to include in group
QgsComposerItemGroup of grouped items, if grouping was possible
added in QGIS 2.6

Definition at line 2015 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ init()

void QgsComposition::init ( )

Definition at line 82 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ itemPageNumber()

int QgsComposition::itemPageNumber ( const QgsComposerItem item) const

Returns on which page number (0-based) is displayed an item.

Definition at line 695 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ itemRemoved

void QgsComposition::itemRemoved ( QgsComposerItem )

Is emitted when a composer item has been removed from the scene.

◆ itemsModel()

QgsComposerModel* QgsComposition::itemsModel ( )

Returns the items model attached to the composition.

QgsComposerModel for composition
this method was added in version 2.5

Definition at line 826 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ loadFromTemplate()

bool QgsComposition::loadFromTemplate ( const QDomDocument doc,
QMap< QString, QString > *  substitutionMap = nullptr,
bool  addUndoCommands = false,
const bool  clearComposition = true 

Load a template document.

doctemplate document
substitutionMapmap with text to replace. Text needs to be enclosed by brackets (e.g. '[text]' )
addUndoCommandswhether or not to add undo commands
clearCompositionset to true to clear the existing composition and read all composition and atlas properties from the template. Set to false to only add new items from the template, without overwriting the existing items or composition settings.

Definition at line 1076 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ lockSelectedItems()

void QgsComposition::lockSelectedItems ( )

Lock the selected items.

Definition at line 1968 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ lowerItem()

bool QgsComposition::lowerItem ( QgsComposerItem item)

Definition at line 1733 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ lowerSelectedItems()

void QgsComposition::lowerSelectedItems ( )

Definition at line 1712 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ mapRenderer()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsMapRenderer* QgsComposition::mapRenderer ( )

Returns pointer to map renderer of qgis map canvas.

since 2.4 - use mapSettings() instead. May return null if not initialized with QgsMapRenderer

Definition at line 482 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ mapSettings()

const QgsMapSettings& QgsComposition::mapSettings ( ) const

Return setting of QGIS map canvas.

added in 2.4

Definition at line 486 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ moveItemToBottom()

bool QgsComposition::moveItemToBottom ( QgsComposerItem item)

Definition at line 1787 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ moveItemToTop()

bool QgsComposition::moveItemToTop ( QgsComposerItem item)

Definition at line 1760 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ moveSelectedItemsToBottom()

void QgsComposition::moveSelectedItemsToBottom ( )

Definition at line 1766 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ moveSelectedItemsToTop()

void QgsComposition::moveSelectedItemsToTop ( )

Definition at line 1739 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ nearestSnapLine()

QGraphicsLineItem * QgsComposition::nearestSnapLine ( const bool  horizontal,
const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  tolerance,
QList< QPair< QgsComposerItem *, QgsComposerItem::ItemPositionMode > > &  snappedItems 
) const

Get nearest snap line.

not available in python bindings

Definition at line 2215 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ nPagesChanged

void QgsComposition::nPagesChanged ( )

◆ numPages()

int QgsComposition::numPages ( ) const

Returns the number of pages in the composition.

number of pages
See also

Definition at line 552 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ pageIsEmpty()

bool QgsComposition::pageIsEmpty ( const int  page) const

Returns whether a page is empty, ie, it contains no items except for the background paper item.

pagepage number, starting with 1
true if page is empty
added in QGIS 2.5
See also

Definition at line 557 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ pageItemBounds()

QRectF QgsComposition::pageItemBounds ( int  pageNumber,
bool  visibleOnly = false 
) const

Returns the bounding box of the items contained on a specified page.

pageNumberpage number, where 0 is the first page
visibleOnlyset to true to only include visible items
added in QGIS 2.12

Definition at line 331 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ pageNumberAt()

int QgsComposition::pageNumberAt ( QPointF  position) const

Returns the page number (0-based) given a coordinate.

Definition at line 690 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ pageNumberForPoint()

int QgsComposition::pageNumberForPoint ( QPointF  position) const

Returns the page number corresponding to a point in the composition.

Added in QGIS 2.1

Definition at line 639 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ pages()

QList< QgsPaperItem* > QgsComposition::pages ( )

Return pages in the correct order.

composerItems(QList< QgsPaperItem* > &) may not return pages in the correct order
added in version 2.4

Definition at line 804 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ pageStyleSymbol()

QgsFillSymbolV2* QgsComposition::pageStyleSymbol ( )

Note: added in version 2.1.

Definition at line 230 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ pagesVisible()

bool QgsComposition::pagesVisible ( ) const

Returns whether the page items are be visible in the composition.

This setting effects both display of the page boundaries in composer views and whether they will be rendered in composition exports.

added in QGIS 2.12
See also

Definition at line 283 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ paperHeight()

double QgsComposition::paperHeight ( ) const

Height of paper item.

height in mm
See also

Definition at line 425 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ paperSizeChanged

void QgsComposition::paperSizeChanged ( )

◆ paperWidth()

double QgsComposition::paperWidth ( ) const

Width of paper item.

width in mm
See also

Definition at line 430 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ pixelFontSize()

int QgsComposition::pixelFontSize ( double  pointSize) const

Returns the mm font size for a font that has point size set.

Each item that sets a font should call this function before drawing text

use QgsComposerUtils::pointsToMM instead

Definition at line 883 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ plotStyle()

QgsComposition::PlotStyle QgsComposition::plotStyle ( ) const

Definition at line 488 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ pointFontSize()

double QgsComposition::pointFontSize ( int  pixelSize) const

Does the inverse calculation and returns points for mm.

use QgsComposerUtils::mmToPoints instead

Definition at line 888 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ positionOnPage()

QPointF QgsComposition::positionOnPage ( QPointF  position) const

Returns the position within a page of a point in the composition.

Added in QGIS 2.1

Definition at line 622 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ preventCursorChange()

bool QgsComposition::preventCursorChange ( ) const

Definition at line 674 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ print()

bool QgsComposition::print ( QPrinter printer,
const bool  evaluateDDPageSize = false 

Convenience function that prepares the printer and prints.

true if print was successful

Definition at line 3039 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ printAsRaster()

bool QgsComposition::printAsRaster ( ) const

Definition at line 442 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ printPageAsRaster()

QImage QgsComposition::printPageAsRaster ( int  page,
QSize  imageSize = QSize(),
int  dpi = 0 

Renders a composer page to an image.

pagepage number, 0 based such that the first page is page 0
imageSizeoptional target image size, in pixels. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the ratio of the target image size matches the ratio of the composition page size.
dpioptional dpi override, or 0 to use default composition print resolution. This parameter has no effect if imageSize is specified.
rendered image, or null image if image does not fit into available memory
See also

Definition at line 3054 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ printResolution()

int QgsComposition::printResolution ( ) const

Definition at line 439 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ printResolutionChanged

void QgsComposition::printResolutionChanged ( )

Is emitted when the compositions print resolution changes.

◆ pushAddRemoveCommand()

void QgsComposition::pushAddRemoveCommand ( QgsComposerItem item,
const QString text,
const QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::State  state = QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::Added 

Convenience function to create a QgsAddRemoveItemCommand, connect its signals and push it to the undo stack.

Definition at line 2752 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ raiseItem()

bool QgsComposition::raiseItem ( QgsComposerItem item)

Definition at line 1659 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ raiseSelectedItems()

void QgsComposition::raiseSelectedItems ( )

Definition at line 1638 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ readXML()

bool QgsComposition::readXML ( const QDomElement compositionElem,
const QDomDocument doc 

Reads settings from xml file.

Definition at line 992 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ refreshDataDefinedProperty

void QgsComposition::refreshDataDefinedProperty ( const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty  property = QgsComposerObject::AllProperties,
const QgsExpressionContext context = nullptr 

Refreshes a data defined property for the composition by reevaluating the property's value and redrawing the composition with this new value.

propertydata defined property to refresh. If property is set to QgsComposerItem::AllProperties then all data defined properties for the composition will be refreshed.
contextexpression context for evaluating data defined expressions
this method was added in version 2.5

Definition at line 277 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ refreshItems

void QgsComposition::refreshItems ( )

Forces items in the composition to refresh.

For instance, this causes maps to redraw and rebuild cached images, html items to reload their source url, and attribute tables to refresh their contents. Calling this also triggers a recalculation of all data defined attributes within the composition.

added in version 2.3

Definition at line 234 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ refreshItemsTriggered

void QgsComposition::refreshItemsTriggered ( )

Is emitted when item in the composition must be refreshed.

◆ refreshZList()

void QgsComposition::refreshZList ( )

Rebuilds the z order list by adding any item which are present in the composition but missing from the z order list.

Definition at line 2120 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ relativePosition()

double QgsComposition::relativePosition ( double  position,
double  beforeMin,
double  beforeMax,
double  afterMin,
double  afterMax 

Returns a scaled position given a before and after range.

use QgsComposerUtils::relativePosition instead

Definition at line 3711 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ relativeResizeRect()

void QgsComposition::relativeResizeRect ( QRectF rectToResize,
const QRectF boundsBefore,
const QRectF boundsAfter 

Resizes a QRectF relative to the change from boundsBefore to boundsAfter.

use QgsComposerUtils::relativeResizeRect instead

Definition at line 3706 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ removeComposerItem()

void QgsComposition::removeComposerItem ( QgsComposerItem item,
const bool  createCommand = true,
const bool  removeGroupItems = true 

Remove item from the graphics scene.

Additionally to QGraphicsScene::removeItem, this function considers undo/redo command

Definition at line 2671 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ removeCustomProperty()

void QgsComposition::removeCustomProperty ( const QString key)

Remove a custom property from the composition.

keyproperty key
See also
added in QGIS 2.12

Definition at line 3520 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ removeItemFromZList()

void QgsComposition::removeItemFromZList ( QgsComposerItem item)

Removes item from z list.

Usually called from destructor of QgsComposerItem

Definition at line 1627 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ removeMultiFrame()

void QgsComposition::removeMultiFrame ( QgsComposerMultiFrame multiFrame)

Removes multi frame (but does not delete it)

Definition at line 2533 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ removeSnapLine()

void QgsComposition::removeSnapLine ( QGraphicsLineItem line)

Remove custom snap line (and delete the object)

Definition at line 2183 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ renderPage()

void QgsComposition::renderPage ( QPainter p,
int  page 

Renders a full page to a paint device.

pdestination painter
pagepage number, 0 based such that the first page is page 0
See also

Definition at line 3122 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ renderRect()

void QgsComposition::renderRect ( QPainter p,
const QRectF rect 

Renders a portion of the composition to a paint device.

This method can be used to render sections of pages rather than full pages.

pdestination painter
rectregion of composition to render
added in QGIS 2.12
See also

Definition at line 3139 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ renderRectAsRaster()

QImage QgsComposition::renderRectAsRaster ( const QRectF rect,
QSize  imageSize = QSize(),
int  dpi = 0 

Renders a portion of the composition to an image.

This method can be used to render sections of pages rather than full pages.

rectregion of composition to render
imageSizeoptional target image size, in pixels. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the ratio of the target image size matches the ratio of the specified region of the composition.
dpioptional dpi override, or 0 to use default composition print resolution. This parameter has no effect if imageSize is specified.
rendered image, or null image if image does not fit into available memory
added in QGIS 2.12
See also

Definition at line 3088 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ resizePageToContents()

void QgsComposition::resizePageToContents ( double  marginTop = 0.0,
double  marginRight = 0.0,
double  marginBottom = 0.0,
double  marginLeft = 0.0 

Resizes the composition page to fit the current contents of the composition.

Calling this method resets the number of pages to 1, with the size set to the minimum size required to fit all existing composer items. Items will also be repositioned so that the new top-left bounds of the composition is at the point (marginLeft, marginTop). An optional margin can be specified.

marginToptop margin (millimeters)
marginRightright margin (millimeters)
marginBottombottom margin (millimeters)
marginLeftleft margin (millimeters)
added in QGIS 2.12
See also

Definition at line 435 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ resizeToContentsMargins()

void QgsComposition::resizeToContentsMargins ( double &  marginTop,
double &  marginRight,
double &  marginBottom,
double &  marginLeft 
) const

Returns the resize to contents margins.

These margins are saved in the composition so that they can be restored with the composer.

marginTopreference for top margin (millimeters)
marginRightreference for right margin (millimeters)
marginBottomreference for bottom margin (millimeters)
marginLeftreference for left margin (millimeters)
added in QGIS 2.12
See also

Definition at line 487 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ selectedComposerItems()

QList< QgsComposerItem * > QgsComposition::selectedComposerItems ( const bool  includeLockedItems = true)

Returns list of selected composer items.

includeLockedItemsset to true to include locked items in list
list of selected items

Definition at line 700 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ selectedItemChanged

void QgsComposition::selectedItemChanged ( QgsComposerItem selected)

Is emitted when selected item changed.

If 0, no item is selected

◆ selectionHandles()

QgsComposerMouseHandles* QgsComposition::selectionHandles ( )

Returns pointer to selection handles.

not available in python bindings

Definition at line 606 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ selectNextByZOrder()

void QgsComposition::selectNextByZOrder ( const ZValueDirection  direction)

Definition at line 1675 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ sendItemAddedSignal

void QgsComposition::sendItemAddedSignal ( QgsComposerItem item)

Casts object to the proper subclass type and calls corresponding itemAdded signal.

Definition at line 2771 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setAlignmentSnap()

void QgsComposition::setAlignmentSnap ( const bool  s)

Definition at line 262 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setAlignmentSnapTolerance()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void QgsComposition::setAlignmentSnapTolerance ( double  t)

Sets the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items.

tsnap tolerance in pixels
See also
Use setSnapTolerance instead

Definition at line 325 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setAllUnselected

void QgsComposition::setAllUnselected ( )

Clears any selected items in the composition.

Call this method rather than QGraphicsScene::clearSelection, as the latter does not correctly emit signals to allow the composition's model to update.

added in version 2.5

Definition at line 258 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setAtlasMode()

bool QgsComposition::setAtlasMode ( const QgsComposition::AtlasMode  mode)

Sets the current atlas mode of the composition.

modeatlas mode to switch to
false if the mode could not be changed.
See also

Definition at line 3349 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setBoundingBoxesVisible()

void QgsComposition::setBoundingBoxesVisible ( const bool  boundsVisible)

Sets whether selection bounding boxes should be shown in the composition.

boundsVisibleset to true to show selection bounding box
See also
added in QGIS 2.7

Definition at line 2387 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setCustomProperty()

void QgsComposition::setCustomProperty ( const QString key,
const QVariant value 

Set a custom property for the composition.

keyproperty key. If a property with the same key already exists it will be overwritten.
valueproperty value
See also
added in QGIS 2.12

Definition at line 3507 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setDataDefinedProperty()

void QgsComposition::setDataDefinedProperty ( const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty  property,
bool  active,
bool  useExpression,
const QString expression,
const QString field 

Sets parameters for a data defined property for the composition.

propertydata defined property to set
activetrue if data defined property is active, false if it is disabled
useExpressiontrue if the expression should be used
expressionexpression for data defined property
fieldfield name if the data defined property should take its value from a field
this method was added in version 2.5

Definition at line 3478 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setGenerateWorldFile()

void QgsComposition::setGenerateWorldFile ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether the composition will generate corresponding world files when pages are exported.

enabledset to true to generate world files
See also

Definition at line 458 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setGridPen()

void QgsComposition::setGridPen ( const QPen p)

Definition at line 2373 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setGridStyle()

void QgsComposition::setGridStyle ( const GridStyle  s)

Definition at line 2381 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setGridVisible()

void QgsComposition::setGridVisible ( const bool  b)

Definition at line 2349 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setNumPages()

void QgsComposition::setNumPages ( const int  pages)

Sets the number of pages for the composition.

pagesnumber of pages
See also

Definition at line 495 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setPageStyleSymbol()

void QgsComposition::setPageStyleSymbol ( QgsFillSymbolV2 symbol)

Note: added in version 2.1.

Definition at line 604 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setPagesVisible()

void QgsComposition::setPagesVisible ( bool  visible)

Sets whether the page items should be visible in the composition.

Removing them will prevent both display of the page boundaries in composer views and will also prevent them from being rendered in composition exports.

visibleset to true to show pages, false to hide pages
added in QGIS 2.12
See also

Definition at line 2209 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setPaperSize()

void QgsComposition::setPaperSize ( double  width,
double  height,
bool  keepRelativeItemPosition = true 

Changes size of paper item.

widthpage width in mm
heightpage height in mm
keepRelativeItemPositionif true, all items and guides will be moved so that they retain their same relative position to the top left corner of their current page.
See also

Definition at line 359 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setPlotStyle()

void QgsComposition::setPlotStyle ( const QgsComposition::PlotStyle  style)

Definition at line 489 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setPreventCursorChange()

void QgsComposition::setPreventCursorChange ( const bool  preventChange)

If true, prevents any mouse cursor changes by the composition or by any composer items Used by QgsComposer and QgsComposerView to prevent unwanted cursor changes.

Definition at line 673 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setPrintAsRaster()

void QgsComposition::setPrintAsRaster ( const bool  enabled)

Definition at line 443 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setPrintResolution()

void QgsComposition::setPrintResolution ( const int  dpi)

Definition at line 848 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setResizeToContentsMargins()

void QgsComposition::setResizeToContentsMargins ( double  marginTop,
double  marginRight,
double  marginBottom,
double  marginLeft 

Sets the resize to contents margins.

These margins are saved in the composition so that they can be restored with the composer.

marginToptop margin (millimeters)
marginRightright margin (millimeters)
marginBottombottom margin (millimeters)
marginLeftleft margin (millimeters)
added in QGIS 2.12
See also

Definition at line 479 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setSelectedItem

void QgsComposition::setSelectedItem ( QgsComposerItem item)

Clears any selected items and sets an item as the current selection.

itemitem to set as selected
added in version 2.3

Definition at line 248 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setSmartGuidesEnabled()

void QgsComposition::setSmartGuidesEnabled ( const bool  b)

Definition at line 265 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setSnapGridOffsetX()

void QgsComposition::setSnapGridOffsetX ( const double  offset)

Definition at line 2361 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setSnapGridOffsetY()

void QgsComposition::setSnapGridOffsetY ( const double  offset)

Definition at line 2367 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setSnapGridResolution()

void QgsComposition::setSnapGridResolution ( const double  r)

Definition at line 2355 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setSnapGridTolerance()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void QgsComposition::setSnapGridTolerance ( double  tolerance)

Sets the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to the composition grid.

tolerancesnap tolerance in pixels
See also
Use setSnapTolerance instead

Definition at line 309 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setSnapLinesVisible()

void QgsComposition::setSnapLinesVisible ( const bool  visible)

Hides / shows custom snap lines.

Definition at line 2200 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setSnapToGridEnabled()

void QgsComposition::setSnapToGridEnabled ( const bool  b)

Definition at line 2343 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setSnapTolerance()

void QgsComposition::setSnapTolerance ( const int  snapTolerance)

Sets the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items.

snapTolerancesnap tolerance in pixels
See also
Added in QGIS 2.5

Definition at line 341 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ setStatusMessage()

void QgsComposition::setStatusMessage ( const QString message)

Sets the status bar message for the composer window.

Added in QGIS 2.1

Definition at line 647 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setUseAdvancedEffects()

void QgsComposition::setUseAdvancedEffects ( const bool  effectsEnabled)

Used to enable or disable advanced effects such as blend modes in a composition.

Definition at line 866 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ setWorldFileMap()

void QgsComposition::setWorldFileMap ( QgsComposerMap map)

Sets the map item which will be used to generate corresponding world files when the composition is exported.

mapcomposer map item
See also

Definition at line 860 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ shouldExportPage()

bool QgsComposition::shouldExportPage ( const int  page) const

Returns whether a specified page number should be included in exports of the composition.

pagepage number, starting with 1
true if page should be exported
added in QGIS 2.5
See also

Definition at line 580 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ smartGuidesEnabled()

bool QgsComposition::smartGuidesEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 266 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapGridOffsetX()

double QgsComposition::snapGridOffsetX ( ) const

Definition at line 292 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapGridOffsetY()

double QgsComposition::snapGridOffsetY ( ) const

Definition at line 295 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapGridResolution()

double QgsComposition::snapGridResolution ( ) const

Definition at line 289 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapGridTolerance()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double QgsComposition::snapGridTolerance ( ) const

Returns the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to the composition grid.

snap tolerance in pixels
See also
Use snapTolerance instead

Definition at line 317 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapLines()

QList< QGraphicsLineItem* >* QgsComposition::snapLines ( )

Returns pointer to snap lines collection.

Definition at line 601 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapLinesVisible()

bool QgsComposition::snapLinesVisible ( ) const

Definition at line 260 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapPointToGrid()

QPointF QgsComposition::snapPointToGrid ( QPointF  scenePoint) const

Snaps a scene coordinate point to grid.

Definition at line 2130 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ snapToGridEnabled()

bool QgsComposition::snapToGridEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 253 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ snapTolerance()

int QgsComposition::snapTolerance ( ) const

Returns the snap tolerance to use when automatically snapping items during movement and resizing to guides and the edges and centers of other items.

snap tolerance in pixels
See also
Added in QGIS 2.5

Definition at line 349 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ sortZList()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void QgsComposition::sortZList ( )

Sorts the zList.

The only time where this function needs to be called is from QgsComposer after reading all the items from xml file

use refreshZList instead

Definition at line 590 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ spaceBetweenPages()

double QgsComposition::spaceBetweenPages ( ) const

Returns the vertical space between pages in a composer view.

space between pages in mm

Definition at line 193 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ statusMsgChanged

void QgsComposition::statusMsgChanged ( const QString message)

Is emitted when the composition has an updated status bar message for the composer window.

◆ undoStack()

QUndoStack* QgsComposition::undoStack ( )

Returns pointer to undo/redo command storage.

Definition at line 366 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ ungroupItems()

QList< QgsComposerItem * > QgsComposition::ungroupItems ( QgsComposerItemGroup group)

Ungroups items by removing them from an item group and removing the group from the composition.

groupitem group to ungroup
list of items removed from the group, or an empty list if ungrouping was not successful
added in QGIS 2.6

Definition at line 2049 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ unlockAllItems()

void QgsComposition::unlockAllItems ( )

Unlock all items.

Definition at line 1986 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ updateBounds

void QgsComposition::updateBounds ( )

Updates the scene bounds of the composition.

added in version 2.2

Definition at line 229 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ updateSettings()

void QgsComposition::updateSettings ( )

Refreshes the composition when composer related options change.

added in version 2.1

Definition at line 2397 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ useAdvancedEffects()

bool QgsComposition::useAdvancedEffects ( ) const

Returns true if a composition should use advanced effects such as blend modes.

Definition at line 476 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ variablesChanged

void QgsComposition::variablesChanged ( )

Emitted whenever the expression variables stored in the composition have been changed.

added in QGIS 2.18

◆ worldFileMap()

QgsComposerMap * QgsComposition::worldFileMap ( ) const

Returns the map item which will be used to generate corresponding world files when the composition is exported, or nullptr if no corresponding map is set.

See also

Definition at line 855 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

◆ writeXML()

bool QgsComposition::writeXML ( QDomElement composerElem,
QDomDocument doc 

Writes settings to xml (paper dimension)

Definition at line 893 of file qgscomposition.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ QgsComposerModel

friend class QgsComposerModel

Definition at line 1155 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ QgsComposerObject

friend class QgsComposerObject

Definition at line 1154 of file qgscomposition.h.

◆ TestQgsComposition

friend class TestQgsComposition

Definition at line 1156 of file qgscomposition.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: