▼ src | |
► analysis | |
► interpolation | |
Bezier3D.h | |
CloughTocherInterpolator.h | |
DualEdgeTriangulation.h | |
HalfEdge.h | |
Line3D.h | |
LinTriangleInterpolator.h | |
MathUtils.h | |
Node.h | |
NormVecDecorator.h | |
ParametricLine.h | |
Point3D.h | |
qgsgridfilewriter.cpp | |
qgsgridfilewriter.h | |
qgsidwinterpolator.cpp | |
qgsidwinterpolator.h | |
qgsinterpolator.cpp | |
qgsinterpolator.h | |
qgstininterpolator.cpp | |
qgstininterpolator.h | |
TriangleInterpolator.h | |
Triangulation.h | |
TriDecorator.h | |
Vector3D.h | |
► network | |
qgsarcproperter.h | |
qgsdistancearcproperter.cpp | |
qgsdistancearcproperter.h | |
qgsgraph.cpp | Implementation QgsGraph, QgsGraphVertex, QgsGraphArc |
qgsgraph.h | |
qgsgraphanalyzer.cpp | |
qgsgraphanalyzer.h | |
qgsgraphbuilder.cpp | Implementation of QgsGraphBuilder |
qgsgraphbuilder.h | |
qgsgraphbuilderintr.h | |
qgsgraphdirector.h | |
qgslinevectorlayerdirector.cpp | Implementation of QgsLineVectorLayerDirector |
qgslinevectorlayerdirector.h | |
► openstreetmap | |
qgsosmbase.cpp | |
qgsosmbase.h | |
qgsosmdatabase.cpp | |
qgsosmdatabase.h | |
qgsosmdownload.cpp | |
qgsosmdownload.h | |
qgsosmimport.cpp | |
qgsosmimport.h | |
► raster | |
qgsalignraster.cpp | |
qgsalignraster.h | |
qgsaspectfilter.cpp | |
qgsaspectfilter.h | |
qgsderivativefilter.cpp | |
qgsderivativefilter.h | |
qgshillshadefilter.cpp | |
qgshillshadefilter.h | |
qgsninecellfilter.cpp | |
qgsninecellfilter.h | |
qgsrastercalcnode.cpp | |
qgsrastercalcnode.h | |
qgsrastercalculator.cpp | |
qgsrastercalculator.h | |
qgsrastermatrix.cpp | |
qgsrastermatrix.h | |
qgsrelief.cpp | |
qgsrelief.h | |
qgsruggednessfilter.cpp | |
qgsruggednessfilter.h | |
qgsslopefilter.cpp | |
qgsslopefilter.h | |
qgstotalcurvaturefilter.cpp | |
qgstotalcurvaturefilter.h | |
► vector | |
mersenne-twister.cpp | |
mersenne-twister.h | |
qgsgeometryanalyzer.cpp | |
qgsgeometryanalyzer.h | |
qgsoverlayanalyzer.cpp | |
qgsoverlayanalyzer.h | |
qgspointsample.cpp | |
qgspointsample.h | |
qgstransectsample.cpp | |
qgstransectsample.h | |
qgszonalstatistics.cpp | |
qgszonalstatistics.h | |
► core | |
► auth | |
qgsauthcertutils.cpp | |
qgsauthcertutils.h | |
qgsauthconfig.cpp | |
qgsauthconfig.h | |
qgsauthcrypto.cpp | |
qgsauthcrypto.h | |
qgsauthmanager.cpp | |
qgsauthmanager.h | |
qgsauthmethod.h | |
qgsauthmethodmetadata.cpp | |
qgsauthmethodmetadata.h | |
qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp | |
qgsauthmethodregistry.h | |
► composer | |
qgsaddremoveitemcommand.cpp | |
qgsaddremoveitemcommand.h | |
qgsaddremovemultiframecommand.cpp | |
qgsaddremovemultiframecommand.h | |
qgsatlascomposition.cpp | |
qgsatlascomposition.h | |
qgscomposerarrow.cpp | |
qgscomposerarrow.h | |
qgscomposerattributetable.cpp | |
qgscomposerattributetable.h | |
qgscomposerattributetablemodel.cpp | |
qgscomposerattributetablemodel.h | |
qgscomposerattributetablemodelv2.cpp | |
qgscomposerattributetablemodelv2.h | |
qgscomposerattributetablev2.cpp | |
qgscomposerattributetablev2.h | |
qgscomposereffect.cpp | |
qgscomposereffect.h | |
qgscomposerframe.cpp | |
qgscomposerframe.h | |
qgscomposerhtml.cpp | |
qgscomposerhtml.h | |
qgscomposeritem.cpp | |
qgscomposeritem.h | |
qgscomposeritemcommand.cpp | |
qgscomposeritemcommand.h | |
qgscomposeritemgroup.cpp | |
qgscomposeritemgroup.h | |
qgscomposerlabel.cpp | |
qgscomposerlabel.h | |
qgscomposerlegend.cpp | |
qgscomposerlegend.h | |
qgscomposerlegenditem.cpp | |
qgscomposerlegenditem.h | |
qgscomposerlegendstyle.cpp | |
qgscomposerlegendstyle.h | |
qgscomposermap.cpp | |
qgscomposermap.h | |
qgscomposermapgrid.cpp | |
qgscomposermapgrid.h | |
qgscomposermapitem.cpp | |
qgscomposermapitem.h | |
qgscomposermapoverview.cpp | |
qgscomposermapoverview.h | |
qgscomposermodel.cpp | |
qgscomposermodel.h | |
qgscomposermousehandles.cpp | |
qgscomposermousehandles.h | |
qgscomposermultiframe.cpp | |
qgscomposermultiframe.h | |
qgscomposermultiframecommand.cpp | |
qgscomposermultiframecommand.h | |
qgscomposernodesitem.cpp | |
qgscomposernodesitem.h | |
qgscomposerobject.cpp | |
qgscomposerobject.h | |
qgscomposerpicture.cpp | |
qgscomposerpicture.h | |
qgscomposerpolygon.cpp | |
qgscomposerpolygon.h | |
qgscomposerpolyline.cpp | |
qgscomposerpolyline.h | |
qgscomposerscalebar.cpp | |
qgscomposerscalebar.h | |
qgscomposershape.cpp | |
qgscomposershape.h | |
qgscomposertable.cpp | |
qgscomposertable.h | |
qgscomposertablecolumn.cpp | |
qgscomposertablecolumn.h | |
qgscomposertablev2.cpp | |
qgscomposertablev2.h | |
qgscomposertexttable.cpp | |
qgscomposertexttable.h | |
qgscomposerutils.cpp | |
qgscomposerutils.h | |
qgscomposition.cpp | |
qgscomposition.h | |
qgsdoubleboxscalebarstyle.cpp | |
qgsdoubleboxscalebarstyle.h | |
qgsgroupungroupitemscommand.cpp | |
qgsgroupungroupitemscommand.h | |
qgslegendmodel.cpp | |
qgslegendmodel.h | |
qgsnumericscalebarstyle.cpp | |
qgsnumericscalebarstyle.h | |
qgspaperitem.cpp | |
qgspaperitem.h | |
qgsscalebarstyle.cpp | |
qgsscalebarstyle.h | |
qgssingleboxscalebarstyle.cpp | |
qgssingleboxscalebarstyle.h | |
qgsticksscalebarstyle.cpp | |
qgsticksscalebarstyle.h | |
► diagram | |
qgsdiagram.cpp | |
qgsdiagram.h | |
qgshistogramdiagram.cpp | |
qgshistogramdiagram.h | |
qgspiediagram.cpp | |
qgspiediagram.h | |
qgstextdiagram.cpp | |
qgstextdiagram.h | |
► dxf | |
qgsdxfexport.cpp | |
qgsdxfexport.h | |
qgsdxfpaintdevice.cpp | |
qgsdxfpaintdevice.h | |
qgsdxfpaintengine.cpp | |
qgsdxfpaintengine.h | |
qgsdxfpallabeling.cpp | |
qgsdxfpallabeling.h | |
► effects | |
qgsblureffect.cpp | |
qgsblureffect.h | |
qgscoloreffect.cpp | |
qgscoloreffect.h | |
qgseffectstack.cpp | |
qgseffectstack.h | |
qgsgloweffect.cpp | |
qgsgloweffect.h | |
qgsimageoperation.cpp | |
qgsimageoperation.h | |
qgspainteffect.cpp | |
qgspainteffect.h | |
qgspainteffectregistry.cpp | |
qgspainteffectregistry.h | |
qgsshadoweffect.cpp | |
qgsshadoweffect.h | |
qgstransformeffect.cpp | |
qgstransformeffect.h | |
► geometry | |
qgsabstractgeometryv2.cpp | |
qgsabstractgeometryv2.h | |
qgscircularstringv2.cpp | |
qgscircularstringv2.h | |
qgscompoundcurvev2.cpp | |
qgscompoundcurvev2.h | |
qgscurvepolygonv2.cpp | |
qgscurvepolygonv2.h | |
qgscurvev2.cpp | |
qgscurvev2.h | |
qgsgeometry.cpp | |
qgsgeometry.h | |
qgsgeometrycollectionv2.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycollectionv2.h | |
qgsgeometryeditutils.cpp | |
qgsgeometryeditutils.h | |
qgsgeometryengine.h | |
qgsgeometryfactory.cpp | |
qgsgeometryfactory.h | |
qgsgeometryutils.cpp | |
qgsgeometryutils.h | |
qgsgeos.cpp | |
qgsgeos.h | |
qgsinternalgeometryengine.cpp | |
qgsinternalgeometryengine.h | |
qgslinestringv2.cpp | |
qgslinestringv2.h | |
qgsmulticurvev2.cpp | |
qgsmulticurvev2.h | |
qgsmultilinestringv2.cpp | |
qgsmultilinestringv2.h | |
qgsmultipointv2.cpp | |
qgsmultipointv2.h | |
qgsmultipolygonv2.cpp | |
qgsmultipolygonv2.h | |
qgsmultisurfacev2.cpp | |
qgsmultisurfacev2.h | |
qgspointv2.cpp | |
qgspointv2.h | |
qgspolygonv2.cpp | |
qgspolygonv2.h | |
qgssurfacev2.h | |
qgswkbptr.cpp | |
qgswkbptr.h | |
qgswkbsimplifierptr.cpp | |
qgswkbsimplifierptr.h | |
qgswkbtypes.cpp | |
qgswkbtypes.h | |
► gps | |
config.h | |
context.h | |
gmath.h | |
info.h | |
nmeatime.h | |
parse.h | |
parser.h | |
qgsgpsconnection.cpp | |
qgsgpsconnection.h | |
qgsgpsconnectionregistry.cpp | |
qgsgpsconnectionregistry.h | |
qgsgpsdconnection.cpp | |
qgsgpsdconnection.h | |
qgsgpsdetector.cpp | |
qgsgpsdetector.h | |
qgsnmeaconnection.cpp | |
qgsnmeaconnection.h | |
qgsqtlocationconnection.cpp | |
qgsqtlocationconnection.h | |
sentence.h | |
tok.h | |
units.h | |
► layertree | |
qgslayertree.h | |
qgslayertreegroup.cpp | |
qgslayertreegroup.h | |
qgslayertreelayer.cpp | |
qgslayertreelayer.h | |
qgslayertreemodel.cpp | |
qgslayertreemodel.h | |
qgslayertreemodellegendnode.cpp | |
qgslayertreemodellegendnode.h | |
qgslayertreenode.cpp | |
qgslayertreenode.h | |
qgslayertreeregistrybridge.cpp | |
qgslayertreeregistrybridge.h | |
qgslayertreeutils.cpp | |
qgslayertreeutils.h | |
► pal | |
costcalculator.cpp | |
costcalculator.h | |
feature.cpp | |
feature.h | |
geomfunction.cpp | |
geomfunction.h | |
internalexception.h | |
labelposition.cpp | |
labelposition.h | |
layer.cpp | |
layer.h | |
pal.cpp | |
pal.h | |
palexception.h | |
palgeometry.h | |
palstat.cpp | |
palstat.h | |
pointset.cpp | |
pointset.h | |
priorityqueue.cpp | |
priorityqueue.h | |
problem.cpp | |
problem.h | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
► raster | |
qgsbilinearrasterresampler.cpp | |
qgsbilinearrasterresampler.h | |
qgsbrightnesscontrastfilter.cpp | |
qgsbrightnesscontrastfilter.h | |
qgscliptominmaxenhancement.cpp | |
qgscliptominmaxenhancement.h | |
qgscolorrampshader.cpp | |
qgscolorrampshader.h | |
qgscontrastenhancement.cpp | |
qgscontrastenhancement.h | |
qgscontrastenhancementfunction.cpp | |
qgscontrastenhancementfunction.h | |
qgscubicrasterresampler.cpp | |
qgscubicrasterresampler.h | |
qgshillshaderenderer.cpp | |
qgshillshaderenderer.h | |
qgshuesaturationfilter.cpp | |
qgshuesaturationfilter.h | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancement.cpp | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancement.h | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancementwithclip.cpp | |
qgslinearminmaxenhancementwithclip.h | |
qgsmultibandcolorrenderer.cpp | |
qgsmultibandcolorrenderer.h | |
qgspalettedrasterrenderer.cpp | |
qgspalettedrasterrenderer.h | |
qgspseudocolorshader.cpp | |
qgspseudocolorshader.h | |
qgsraster.cpp | |
qgsraster.h | |
qgsrasterbandstats.h | |
qgsrasterblock.cpp | |
qgsrasterblock.h | |
qgsrasterchecker.cpp | |
qgsrasterchecker.h | |
qgsrasterdataprovider.cpp | |
qgsrasterdataprovider.h | |
qgsrasterdrawer.cpp | |
qgsrasterdrawer.h | |
qgsrasterfilewriter.cpp | |
qgsrasterfilewriter.h | |
qgsrasterhistogram.h | |
qgsrasteridentifyresult.cpp | |
qgsrasteridentifyresult.h | |
qgsrasterinterface.cpp | |
qgsrasterinterface.h | |
qgsrasteriterator.cpp | |
qgsrasteriterator.h | |
qgsrasterlayer.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayer.h | |
qgsrasterlayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayerrenderer.h | |
qgsrasternuller.cpp | |
qgsrasternuller.h | |
qgsrasterpipe.cpp | |
qgsrasterpipe.h | |
qgsrasterprojector.cpp | |
qgsrasterprojector.h | |
qgsrasterpyramid.h | |
qgsrasterrange.cpp | |
qgsrasterrange.h | |
qgsrasterrenderer.cpp | |
qgsrasterrenderer.h | |
qgsrasterrendererregistry.cpp | |
qgsrasterrendererregistry.h | |
qgsrasterresamplefilter.cpp | |
qgsrasterresamplefilter.h | |
qgsrasterresampler.h | |
qgsrastershader.cpp | |
qgsrastershader.h | |
qgsrastershaderfunction.cpp | |
qgsrastershaderfunction.h | |
qgsrastertransparency.cpp | |
qgsrastertransparency.h | |
qgsrasterviewport.h | |
qgssinglebandcolordatarenderer.cpp | |
qgssinglebandcolordatarenderer.h | |
qgssinglebandgrayrenderer.cpp | |
qgssinglebandgrayrenderer.h | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrenderer.cpp | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrenderer.h | |
► symbology-ng | |
qgs25drenderer.cpp | |
qgs25drenderer.h | |
qgsarrowsymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsarrowsymbollayer.h | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrendererv2.cpp | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrendererv2.h | |
qgscolorbrewerpalette.cpp | |
qgscolorbrewerpalette.h | |
qgscptcityarchive.cpp | |
qgscptcityarchive.h | |
qgsellipsesymbollayerv2.cpp | |
qgsellipsesymbollayerv2.h | |
qgsfillsymbollayerv2.cpp | |
qgsfillsymbollayerv2.h | |
qgsgeometrygeneratorsymbollayerv2.cpp | |
qgsgeometrygeneratorsymbollayerv2.h | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrendererv2.cpp | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrendererv2.h | |
qgsheatmaprenderer.cpp | |
qgsheatmaprenderer.h | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrenderer.cpp | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrenderer.h | |
qgslegendsymbolitemv2.cpp | |
qgslegendsymbolitemv2.h | |
qgslinesymbollayerv2.cpp | |
qgslinesymbollayerv2.h | |
qgsmarkersymbollayerv2.cpp | |
qgsmarkersymbollayerv2.h | |
qgsnullsymbolrenderer.cpp | |
qgsnullsymbolrenderer.h | |
qgspointdisplacementrenderer.cpp | |
qgspointdisplacementrenderer.h | |
qgsrendererv2.cpp | |
qgsrendererv2.h | |
qgsrendererv2registry.cpp | |
qgsrendererv2registry.h | |
qgsrulebasedrendererv2.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedrendererv2.h | |
qgssinglesymbolrendererv2.cpp | |
qgssinglesymbolrendererv2.h | |
qgsstylev2.cpp | |
qgsstylev2.h | |
qgssvgcache.cpp | |
qgssvgcache.h | |
qgssymbollayerv2.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerv2.h | |
qgssymbollayerv2registry.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerv2registry.h | |
qgssymbollayerv2utils.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerv2utils.h | |
qgssymbologyv2conversion.cpp | |
qgssymbologyv2conversion.h | |
qgssymbolv2.cpp | |
qgssymbolv2.h | |
qgsvectorcolorrampv2.cpp | |
qgsvectorcolorrampv2.h | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayer.cpp | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayer.h | |
qgis.cpp | |
qgis.h | |
qgsaction.cpp | |
qgsaction.h | |
qgsactionmanager.cpp | |
qgsactionmanager.h | |
qgsaggregatecalculator.cpp | |
qgsaggregatecalculator.h | |
qgsannotation.h | |
qgsapplication.cpp | |
qgsapplication.h | |
qgsattributeaction.h | |
qgsattributetableconfig.cpp | |
qgsattributetableconfig.h | |
qgsbearingutils.cpp | |
qgsbearingutils.h | |
qgsbrowsermodel.cpp | |
qgsbrowsermodel.h | |
qgscachedfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgscachedfeatureiterator.h | |
qgscacheindex.cpp | |
qgscacheindex.h | |
qgscacheindexfeatureid.cpp | |
qgscacheindexfeatureid.h | |
qgsclipper.cpp | |
qgsclipper.h | |
qgscolorscheme.cpp | |
qgscolorscheme.h | |
qgscolorschemeregistry.cpp | |
qgscolorschemeregistry.h | |
qgsconditionalstyle.cpp | |
qgsconditionalstyle.h | |
qgsconnectionpool.h | |
qgscontexthelp.cpp | |
qgscontexthelp.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h | |
qgscoordinatereferencesystem_p.h | |
qgscoordinatetransform.cpp | |
qgscoordinatetransform.h | |
qgscoordinateutils.cpp | |
qgscoordinateutils.h | |
qgscredentials.cpp | |
qgscredentials.h | |
qgscrscache.cpp | |
qgscrscache.h | |
qgscsexception.h | |
qgsdartmeasurement.cpp | |
qgsdartmeasurement.h | |
qgsdatadefined.cpp | |
qgsdatadefined.h | |
qgsdatadefined_p.h | |
qgsdataitem.cpp | |
qgsdataitem.h | |
qgsdataitemprovider.cpp | |
qgsdataitemprovider.h | |
qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgsdataitemproviderregistry.h | |
qgsdataprovider.cpp | |
qgsdataprovider.h | |
qgsdatasourceuri.cpp | |
qgsdatasourceuri.h | |
qgsdatetimestatisticalsummary.cpp | |
qgsdatetimestatisticalsummary.h | |
qgsdatumtransformstore.cpp | |
qgsdatumtransformstore.h | |
qgsdbfilterproxymodel.cpp | |
qgsdbfilterproxymodel.h | |
qgsdiagramrendererv2.cpp | |
qgsdiagramrendererv2.h | |
qgsdistancearea.cpp | |
qgsdistancearea.h | |
qgseditformconfig.cpp | |
qgseditformconfig.h | |
qgseditorwidgetconfig.h | |
qgserror.cpp | |
qgserror.h | |
qgsexception.h | |
qgsexpression.cpp | |
qgsexpression.h | |
qgsexpressioncontext.cpp | |
qgsexpressioncontext.h | |
qgsexpressionfieldbuffer.cpp | |
qgsexpressionfieldbuffer.h | |
qgsexpressionprivate.h | |
qgsexpressionsorter.cpp | |
qgsexpressionsorter.h | |
qgsfeature.cpp | |
qgsfeature.h | |
qgsfeature_p.h | |
qgsfeaturefilterprovider.h | |
qgsfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgsfeatureiterator.h | |
qgsfeaturerequest.cpp | |
qgsfeaturerequest.h | |
qgsfeaturestore.cpp | |
qgsfeaturestore.h | |
qgsfeedback.h | |
qgsfield.cpp | |
qgsfield.h | |
qgsfield_p.h | |
qgsfontutils.cpp | |
qgsfontutils.h | |
qgsgeometrycache.cpp | |
qgsgeometrycache.h | |
qgsgeometrysimplifier.cpp | |
qgsgeometrysimplifier.h | |
qgsgeometryvalidator.cpp | |
qgsgeometryvalidator.h | |
qgsgml.cpp | |
qgsgml.h | |
qgsgmlschema.cpp | |
qgsgmlschema.h | |
qgshistogram.cpp | |
qgshistogram.h | |
qgshttptransaction.cpp | |
qgshttptransaction.h | |
qgsindexedfeature.h | |
qgsinterval.cpp | |
qgsinterval.h | |
qgsjsonutils.cpp | |
qgsjsonutils.h | |
qgslabel.cpp | |
qgslabel.h | |
qgslabelattributes.cpp | |
qgslabelattributes.h | |
qgslabelfeature.cpp | |
qgslabelfeature.h | |
qgslabelingenginev2.cpp | |
qgslabelingenginev2.h | |
qgslabelsearchtree.cpp | |
qgslabelsearchtree.h | |
qgslayerdefinition.cpp | |
qgslayerdefinition.h | |
qgslegacyhelpers.cpp | |
qgslegacyhelpers.h | |
qgslegendrenderer.cpp | |
qgslegendrenderer.h | |
qgslegendsettings.cpp | |
qgslegendsettings.h | |
qgslocalec.cpp | |
qgslocalec.h | |
qgslogger.cpp | |
qgslogger.h | |
qgsmaphittest.cpp | |
qgsmaphittest.h | |
qgsmaplayer.cpp | |
qgsmaplayer.h | |
qgsmaplayerlegend.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerlegend.h | |
qgsmaplayerlistutils.h | |
qgsmaplayerref.h | |
qgsmaplayerregistry.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerregistry.h | |
qgsmaplayerrenderer.h | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanager.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanager.h | |
qgsmaprenderer.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderer.h | |
qgsmaprenderercache.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderercache.h | |
qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.h | |
qgsmaprendererjob.cpp | |
qgsmaprendererjob.h | |
qgsmaprendererparalleljob.cpp | |
qgsmaprendererparalleljob.h | |
qgsmaprenderersequentialjob.cpp | |
qgsmaprenderersequentialjob.h | |
qgsmapsettings.cpp | |
qgsmapsettings.h | |
qgsmaptopixel.cpp | |
qgsmaptopixel.h | |
qgsmaptopixelgeometrysimplifier.cpp | |
qgsmaptopixelgeometrysimplifier.h | |
qgsmapunitscale.h | |
qgsmessagelog.cpp | |
qgsmessagelog.h | |
qgsmessageoutput.cpp | |
qgsmessageoutput.h | |
qgsmimedatautils.cpp | |
qgsmimedatautils.h | |
qgsmultirenderchecker.cpp | |
qgsmultirenderchecker.h | |
qgsnetworkaccessmanager.cpp | |
qgsnetworkaccessmanager.h | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetcher.cpp | |
qgsnetworkcontentfetcher.h | |
qgsnetworkdiskcache.cpp | |
qgsnetworkdiskcache.h | |
qgsnetworkreplyparser.cpp | |
qgsnetworkreplyparser.h | |
qgsobjectcustomproperties.cpp | |
qgsobjectcustomproperties.h | |
qgsofflineediting.cpp | |
qgsofflineediting.h | |
qgsogcutils.cpp | |
qgsogcutils.h | |
qgsogrutils.cpp | |
qgsogrutils.h | |
qgsoptional.h | |
qgsoptionalexpression.cpp | |
qgsoptionalexpression.h | |
qgsowsconnection.cpp | |
qgsowsconnection.h | |
qgspaintenginehack.cpp | |
qgspaintenginehack.h | |
qgspalgeometry.h | |
qgspallabeling.cpp | |
qgspallabeling.h | |
qgspluginlayer.cpp | |
qgspluginlayer.h | |
qgspluginlayerregistry.cpp | |
qgspluginlayerregistry.h | |
qgspoint.cpp | |
qgspoint.h | |
qgspointlocator.cpp | |
qgspointlocator.h | |
qgsproject.cpp | |
qgsproject.h | |
qgsprojectfiletransform.cpp | |
qgsprojectfiletransform.h | |
qgsprojectproperty.cpp | |
qgsprojectproperty.h | |
qgsprojectversion.cpp | |
qgsprojectversion.h | |
qgsprovidercountcalcevent.cpp | |
qgsprovidercountcalcevent.h | |
qgsproviderextentcalcevent.cpp | |
qgsproviderextentcalcevent.h | |
qgsprovidermetadata.cpp | |
qgsprovidermetadata.h | |
qgsproviderregistry.cpp | |
qgsproviderregistry.h | |
qgspythonrunner.cpp | |
qgspythonrunner.h | |
qgsrectangle.cpp | |
qgsrectangle.h | |
qgsrelation.cpp | |
qgsrelation.h | |
qgsrelationmanager.cpp | |
qgsrelationmanager.h | |
qgsrenderchecker.cpp | |
qgsrenderchecker.h | |
qgsrendercontext.cpp | |
qgsrendercontext.h | |
qgsrulebasedlabeling.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedlabeling.h | |
qgsrunprocess.cpp | |
qgsrunprocess.h | |
qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp | |
qgsruntimeprofiler.h | |
qgsscalecalculator.cpp | |
qgsscalecalculator.h | |
qgsscaleexpression.cpp | |
qgsscaleexpression.h | |
qgsscaleutils.cpp | |
qgsscaleutils.h | |
qgssimplifymethod.cpp | |
qgssimplifymethod.h | |
qgsslconnect.cpp | |
qgsslconnect.h | |
qgssnapper.cpp | |
qgssnapper.h | |
qgssnappingutils.cpp | |
qgssnappingutils.h | |
qgsspatialindex.cpp | |
qgsspatialindex.h | |
qgssqlexpressioncompiler.cpp | |
qgssqlexpressioncompiler.h | |
qgssqliteexpressioncompiler.cpp | |
qgssqliteexpressioncompiler.h | |
qgssqlstatement.cpp | |
qgssqlstatement.h | |
qgsstatisticalsummary.cpp | |
qgsstatisticalsummary.h | |
qgsstringstatisticalsummary.cpp | |
qgsstringstatisticalsummary.h | |
qgsstringutils.cpp | |
qgsstringutils.h | |
qgstestutils.h | |
qgstextlabelfeature.cpp | |
qgstextlabelfeature.h | |
qgstolerance.cpp | |
qgstolerance.h | |
qgstracer.cpp | |
qgstracer.h | |
qgstransaction.cpp | |
qgstransaction.h | |
qgstransactiongroup.cpp | |
qgstransactiongroup.h | |
qgsunittypes.cpp | |
qgsunittypes.h | |
qgsvectordataprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectordataprovider.h | |
qgsvectorfilewriter.cpp | |
qgsvectorfilewriter.h | |
qgsvectorlayer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayer.h | |
qgsvectorlayercache.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayercache.h | |
qgsvectorlayerdiagramprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerdiagramprovider.h | |
qgsvectorlayereditbuffer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayereditbuffer.h | |
qgsvectorlayereditpassthrough.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayereditpassthrough.h | |
qgsvectorlayereditutils.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayereditutils.h | |
qgsvectorlayerfeatureiterator.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerfeatureiterator.h | |
qgsvectorlayerimport.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerimport.h | |
qgsvectorlayerjoinbuffer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerjoinbuffer.h | |
qgsvectorlayerlabeling.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerlabeling.h | |
qgsvectorlayerlabelprovider.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerlabelprovider.h | |
qgsvectorlayerref.h | |
qgsvectorlayerrenderer.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerrenderer.h | |
qgsvectorlayerundocommand.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerundocommand.h | |
qgsvectorsimplifymethod.cpp | |
qgsvectorsimplifymethod.h | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.cpp | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.h | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinitionutils.cpp | |
qgsvirtuallayerdefinitionutils.h | |
qgsvisibilitypresetcollection.cpp | |
qgsvisibilitypresetcollection.h | |
qgswebframe.h | |
qgswebpage.h | |
qgswebview.h | |
qgsxmlutils.cpp | |
qgsxmlutils.h | |
► gui | |
► attributetable | |
qgsattributetabledelegate.cpp | |
qgsattributetabledelegate.h | |
qgsattributetablefiltermodel.cpp | |
qgsattributetablefiltermodel.h | |
qgsattributetablemodel.cpp | |
qgsattributetablemodel.h | |
qgsattributetableview.cpp | |
qgsattributetableview.h | |
qgsdualview.cpp | |
qgsdualview.h | |
qgsfeaturelistmodel.cpp | |
qgsfeaturelistmodel.h | |
qgsfeaturelistview.cpp | |
qgsfeaturelistview.h | |
qgsfeaturelistviewdelegate.cpp | |
qgsfeaturelistviewdelegate.h | |
qgsfeaturemodel.h | |
qgsfeatureselectionmodel.cpp | |
qgsfeatureselectionmodel.h | |
qgsfieldconditionalformatwidget.cpp | |
qgsfieldconditionalformatwidget.h | |
qgsgenericfeatureselectionmanager.cpp | |
qgsgenericfeatureselectionmanager.h | |
qgsifeatureselectionmanager.h | |
qgsorganizetablecolumnsdialog.cpp | |
qgsorganizetablecolumnsdialog.h | |
qgsvectorlayerselectionmanager.cpp | |
qgsvectorlayerselectionmanager.h | |
► auth | |
qgsauthauthoritieseditor.cpp | |
qgsauthauthoritieseditor.h | |
qgsauthcertificateinfo.cpp | |
qgsauthcertificateinfo.h | |
qgsauthcertificatemanager.cpp | |
qgsauthcertificatemanager.h | |
qgsauthcerttrustpolicycombobox.cpp | |
qgsauthcerttrustpolicycombobox.h | |
qgsauthconfigedit.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigedit.h | |
qgsauthconfigeditor.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigeditor.h | |
qgsauthconfigidedit.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigidedit.h | |
qgsauthconfigselect.cpp | |
qgsauthconfigselect.h | |
qgsautheditorwidgets.cpp | |
qgsautheditorwidgets.h | |
qgsauthguiutils.cpp | |
qgsauthguiutils.h | |
qgsauthidentitieseditor.cpp | |
qgsauthidentitieseditor.h | |
qgsauthimportcertdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthimportcertdialog.h | |
qgsauthimportidentitydialog.cpp | |
qgsauthimportidentitydialog.h | |
qgsauthmasterpassresetdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthmasterpassresetdialog.h | |
qgsauthmethodedit.h | |
qgsauthserverseditor.cpp | |
qgsauthserverseditor.h | |
qgsauthsslconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgsauthsslconfigwidget.h | |
qgsauthsslerrorsdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthsslerrorsdialog.h | |
qgsauthsslimportdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthsslimportdialog.h | |
qgsauthtrustedcasdialog.cpp | |
qgsauthtrustedcasdialog.h | |
► editorwidgets | |
► core | |
qgseditorconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgseditorconfigwidget.h | |
qgseditorwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgseditorwidgetfactory.h | |
qgseditorwidgetregistry.cpp | |
qgseditorwidgetregistry.h | |
qgseditorwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgseditorwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgssearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgssearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgswidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgswidgetwrapper.h | |
qgscheckboxconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgscheckboxconfigdlg.h | |
qgscheckboxsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgscheckboxsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgscheckboxwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgscheckboxwidgetfactory.h | |
qgscheckboxwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgscheckboxwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapperfactory.cpp | |
qgsclassificationwidgetwrapperfactory.h | |
qgscolorwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgscolorwidgetfactory.h | |
qgscolorwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgscolorwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsdatetimeedit.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeedit.h | |
qgsdatetimeeditconfig.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeeditconfig.h | |
qgsdatetimeeditfactory.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeeditfactory.h | |
qgsdatetimeeditwrapper.cpp | |
qgsdatetimeeditwrapper.h | |
qgsdatetimesearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsdatetimesearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsdefaultsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsdefaultsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsdoublespinbox.cpp | |
qgsdoublespinbox.h | |
qgsdummyconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsdummyconfigdlg.h | |
qgsenumerationwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsenumerationwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsenumerationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsenumerationwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsexternalresourceconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourceconfigdlg.h | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetfactory.h | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourcewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsfilenamewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsfilenamewidgetfactory.h | |
qgsfilenamewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsfilenamewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgshiddenwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgshiddenwidgetfactory.h | |
qgshiddenwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgshiddenwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsmultiedittoolbutton.cpp | |
qgsmultiedittoolbutton.h | |
qgsphotoconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsphotoconfigdlg.h | |
qgsphotowidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsphotowidgetfactory.h | |
qgsphotowidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsphotowidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrangeconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsrangeconfigdlg.h | |
qgsrangewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsrangewidgetfactory.h | |
qgsrangewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrangewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrelationreferenceconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferenceconfigdlg.h | |
qgsrelationreferencefactory.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencefactory.h | |
qgsrelationreferencesearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencesearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrelationreferencewidget.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencewidget.h | |
qgsrelationreferencewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrelationreferencewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsrelationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsrelationwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgssearchwidgettoolbutton.cpp | |
qgssearchwidgettoolbutton.h | |
qgsspinbox.cpp | |
qgsspinbox.h | |
qgstexteditconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgstexteditconfigdlg.h | |
qgstexteditsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgstexteditsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgstexteditwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgstexteditwidgetfactory.h | |
qgstexteditwrapper.cpp | |
qgstexteditwrapper.h | |
qgsuniquevaluesconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsuniquevaluesconfigdlg.h | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetfactory.h | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsuniquevaluewidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsuuidwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsuuidwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsuuidwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsuuidwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluemapconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapconfigdlg.h | |
qgsvaluemapsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluemapwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluerelationconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationconfigdlg.h | |
qgsvaluerelationsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationsearchwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgsvaluerelationwidgetwrapper.h | |
qgswebviewconfigdlg.cpp | |
qgswebviewconfigdlg.h | |
qgswebviewwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgswebviewwidgetfactory.h | |
qgswebviewwidgetwrapper.cpp | |
qgswebviewwidgetwrapper.h | |
► effects | |
qgseffectdrawmodecombobox.cpp | |
qgseffectdrawmodecombobox.h | |
qgseffectstackpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgseffectstackpropertieswidget.h | |
qgspainteffectpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgspainteffectpropertieswidget.h | |
qgspainteffectwidget.cpp | |
qgspainteffectwidget.h | |
► layertree | |
qgscustomlayerorderwidget.cpp | |
qgscustomlayerorderwidget.h | |
qgslayertreeembeddedconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgslayertreeembeddedconfigwidget.h | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetregistry.cpp | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetregistry.h | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetsimpl.cpp | |
qgslayertreeembeddedwidgetsimpl.h | |
qgslayertreemapcanvasbridge.cpp | |
qgslayertreemapcanvasbridge.h | |
qgslayertreeview.cpp | |
qgslayertreeview.h | |
qgslayertreeviewdefaultactions.cpp | |
qgslayertreeviewdefaultactions.h | |
► raster | |
qgshillshaderendererwidget.cpp | |
qgshillshaderendererwidget.h | |
qgsmultibandcolorrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsmultibandcolorrendererwidget.h | |
qgspalettedrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspalettedrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrasterhistogramwidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterhistogramwidget.h | |
qgsrasterminmaxwidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterminmaxwidget.h | |
qgsrasterrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrastertransparencywidget.cpp | |
qgsrastertransparencywidget.h | |
qgsrendererrasterpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgsrendererrasterpropertieswidget.h | |
qgssinglebandgrayrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgssinglebandgrayrendererwidget.h | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgssinglebandpseudocolorrendererwidget.h | |
qwt5_histogram_item.cpp | |
qwt5_histogram_item.h | |
► symbology-ng | |
characterwidget.cpp | |
characterwidget.h | |
qgs25drendererwidget.cpp | |
qgs25drendererwidget.h | |
qgsarrowsymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgsarrowsymbollayerwidget.h | |
qgsbrushstylecombobox.cpp | |
qgsbrushstylecombobox.h | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrendererv2widget.cpp | |
qgscategorizedsymbolrendererv2widget.h | |
qgscolorrampcombobox.cpp | |
qgscolorrampcombobox.h | |
qgscptcitycolorrampv2dialog.cpp | |
qgscptcitycolorrampv2dialog.h | |
qgsdashspacedialog.cpp | |
qgsdashspacedialog.h | |
qgsdatadefinedsymboldialog.cpp | |
qgsdatadefinedsymboldialog.h | |
qgsellipsesymbollayerv2widget.cpp | |
qgsellipsesymbollayerv2widget.h | |
qgsgraduatedhistogramwidget.cpp | |
qgsgraduatedhistogramwidget.h | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrendererv2widget.cpp | |
qgsgraduatedsymbolrendererv2widget.h | |
qgsheatmaprendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsheatmaprendererwidget.h | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsinvertedpolygonrendererwidget.h | |
qgslayerpropertieswidget.cpp | |
qgslayerpropertieswidget.h | |
qgsnullsymbolrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgsnullsymbolrendererwidget.h | |
qgspenstylecombobox.cpp | |
qgspenstylecombobox.h | |
qgspointdisplacementrendererwidget.cpp | |
qgspointdisplacementrendererwidget.h | |
qgsrendererv2propertiesdialog.cpp | |
qgsrendererv2propertiesdialog.h | |
qgsrendererv2widget.cpp | |
qgsrendererv2widget.h | |
qgsrulebasedrendererv2widget.cpp | |
qgsrulebasedrendererv2widget.h | |
qgssinglesymbolrendererv2widget.cpp | |
qgssinglesymbolrendererv2widget.h | |
qgssizescalewidget.cpp | |
qgssizescalewidget.h | |
qgssmartgroupeditordialog.cpp | |
qgssmartgroupeditordialog.h | |
qgsstylev2exportimportdialog.cpp | |
qgsstylev2exportimportdialog.h | |
qgsstylev2groupselectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsstylev2groupselectiondialog.h | |
qgsstylev2managerdialog.cpp | |
qgsstylev2managerdialog.h | |
qgssvgselectorwidget.cpp | |
qgssvgselectorwidget.h | |
qgssymbollayerv2widget.cpp | |
qgssymbollayerv2widget.h | |
qgssymbollevelsv2dialog.cpp | |
qgssymbollevelsv2dialog.h | |
qgssymbolslistwidget.cpp | |
qgssymbolslistwidget.h | |
qgssymbolv2selectordialog.cpp | |
qgssymbolv2selectordialog.h | |
qgsvectorcolorbrewercolorrampv2dialog.cpp | |
qgsvectorcolorbrewercolorrampv2dialog.h | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayerwidget.cpp | |
qgsvectorfieldsymbollayerwidget.h | |
qgsvectorgradientcolorrampv2dialog.cpp | |
qgsvectorgradientcolorrampv2dialog.h | |
qgsvectorrandomcolorrampv2dialog.cpp | |
qgsvectorrandomcolorrampv2dialog.h | |
qgisgui.cpp | |
qgisgui.h | |
qgisinterface.cpp | |
qgisinterface.h | |
qgsactionmenu.cpp | |
qgsactionmenu.h | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingcanvasitem.cpp | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingcanvasitem.h | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingdockwidget.cpp | |
qgsadvanceddigitizingdockwidget.h | |
qgsannotationitem.cpp | |
qgsannotationitem.h | |
qgsattributedialog.cpp | |
qgsattributedialog.h | |
qgsattributeeditor.cpp | |
qgsattributeeditor.h | |
qgsattributeeditorcontext.h | |
qgsattributeform.cpp | |
qgsattributeform.h | |
qgsattributeformeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsattributeformeditorwidget.h | |
qgsattributeforminterface.cpp | |
qgsattributeforminterface.h | |
qgsattributeformlegacyinterface.cpp | |
qgsattributeformlegacyinterface.h | |
qgsattributetypeloaddialog.cpp | |
qgsattributetypeloaddialog.h | |
qgsblendmodecombobox.cpp | |
qgsblendmodecombobox.h | |
qgsbrowsertreeview.cpp | |
qgsbrowsertreeview.h | |
qgsbusyindicatordialog.cpp | |
qgsbusyindicatordialog.h | |
qgscharacterselectdialog.cpp | |
qgscharacterselectdialog.h | |
qgscodeeditor.cpp | |
qgscodeeditor.h | |
qgscodeeditorcss.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorcss.h | |
qgscodeeditorhtml.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorhtml.h | |
qgscodeeditorpython.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorpython.h | |
qgscodeeditorsql.cpp | |
qgscodeeditorsql.h | |
qgscollapsiblegroupbox.cpp | |
qgscollapsiblegroupbox.h | |
qgscolorbutton.cpp | |
qgscolorbutton.h | |
qgscolorbuttonv2.cpp | |
qgscolorbuttonv2.h | |
qgscolordialog.cpp | |
qgscolordialog.h | |
qgscolorschemelist.cpp | |
qgscolorschemelist.h | |
qgscolorswatchgrid.cpp | |
qgscolorswatchgrid.h | |
qgscolorwidgets.cpp | |
qgscolorwidgets.h | |
qgscomposeritemcombobox.cpp | |
qgscomposeritemcombobox.h | |
qgscomposerruler.cpp | |
qgscomposerruler.h | |
qgscomposerview.cpp | |
qgscomposerview.h | |
qgscompoundcolorwidget.cpp | |
qgscompoundcolorwidget.h | |
qgsconfigureshortcutsdialog.cpp | |
qgsconfigureshortcutsdialog.h | |
qgscredentialdialog.cpp | |
qgscredentialdialog.h | |
qgscursors.cpp | |
qgscursors.h | |
qgsdatadefinedbutton.cpp | |
qgsdatadefinedbutton.h | |
qgsdatumtransformdialog.cpp | |
qgsdatumtransformdialog.h | |
qgsdetaileditemdata.cpp | |
qgsdetaileditemdata.h | |
qgsdetaileditemdelegate.cpp | |
qgsdetaileditemdelegate.h | |
qgsdetaileditemwidget.cpp | |
qgsdetaileditemwidget.h | |
qgsdial.cpp | |
qgsdial.h | |
qgsdialog.cpp | |
qgsdialog.h | |
qgsdockwidget.cpp | |
qgsdockwidget.h | |
qgsencodingfiledialog.cpp | |
qgsencodingfiledialog.h | |
qgserrordialog.cpp | |
qgserrordialog.h | |
qgsexpressionbuilderdialog.cpp | |
qgsexpressionbuilderdialog.h | |
qgsexpressionbuilderwidget.cpp | |
qgsexpressionbuilderwidget.h | |
qgsexpressionhighlighter.cpp | |
qgsexpressionhighlighter.h | |
qgsexpressionlineedit.cpp | |
qgsexpressionlineedit.h | |
qgsexpressionselectiondialog.cpp | |
qgsexpressionselectiondialog.h | |
qgsextentgroupbox.cpp | |
qgsextentgroupbox.h | |
qgsexternalresourcewidget.cpp | |
qgsexternalresourcewidget.h | |
qgsfeatureselectiondlg.cpp | |
qgsfeatureselectiondlg.h | |
qgsfieldcombobox.cpp | |
qgsfieldcombobox.h | |
qgsfieldexpressionwidget.cpp | |
qgsfieldexpressionwidget.h | |
qgsfieldmodel.cpp | |
qgsfieldmodel.h | |
qgsfieldproxymodel.cpp | |
qgsfieldproxymodel.h | |
qgsfieldvalidator.cpp | |
qgsfieldvalidator.h | |
qgsfiledownloader.cpp | |
qgsfiledownloader.h | |
qgsfiledropedit.cpp | |
qgsfiledropedit.h | |
qgsfilewidget.cpp | |
qgsfilewidget.h | |
qgsfilterlineedit.cpp | |
qgsfilterlineedit.h | |
qgsfocuswatcher.cpp | |
qgsfocuswatcher.h | |
qgsformannotationitem.cpp | |
qgsformannotationitem.h | |
qgsgenericprojectionselector.cpp | |
qgsgenericprojectionselector.h | |
qgsgeometryrubberband.cpp | |
qgsgeometryrubberband.h | |
qgsgradientstopeditor.cpp | |
qgsgradientstopeditor.h | |
qgsgroupwmsdatadialog.cpp | |
qgsgroupwmsdatadialog.h | |
qgshighlight.cpp | |
qgshighlight.h | |
qgshistogramwidget.cpp | |
qgshistogramwidget.h | |
qgshtmlannotationitem.cpp | |
qgshtmlannotationitem.h | |
qgsidentifymenu.cpp | |
qgsidentifymenu.h | |
qgslegendfilterbutton.cpp | |
qgslegendfilterbutton.h | |
qgslegendinterface.cpp | |
qgslegendinterface.h | |
qgslonglongvalidator.h | |
qgsludialog.cpp | |
qgsludialog.h | |
qgsmanageconnectionsdialog.cpp | |
qgsmanageconnectionsdialog.h | |
qgsmapcanvas.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvas.h | |
qgsmapcanvasitem.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvasitem.h | |
qgsmapcanvasmap.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvasmap.h | |
qgsmapcanvassnapper.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvassnapper.h | |
qgsmapcanvassnappingutils.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvassnappingutils.h | |
qgsmapcanvastracer.cpp | |
qgsmapcanvastracer.h | |
qgsmaplayeractionregistry.cpp | |
qgsmaplayeractionregistry.h | |
qgsmaplayercombobox.cpp | |
qgsmaplayercombobox.h | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidget.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidget.h | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidgetfactory.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerconfigwidgetfactory.h | |
qgsmaplayermodel.cpp | |
qgsmaplayermodel.h | |
qgsmaplayerproxymodel.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerproxymodel.h | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanagerwidget.cpp | |
qgsmaplayerstylemanagerwidget.h | |
qgsmapmouseevent.cpp | |
qgsmapmouseevent.h | |
qgsmapoverviewcanvas.cpp | |
qgsmapoverviewcanvas.h | |
qgsmaptip.cpp | |
qgsmaptip.h | |
qgsmaptool.cpp | |
qgsmaptool.h | |
qgsmaptooladvanceddigitizing.cpp | |
qgsmaptooladvanceddigitizing.h | |
qgsmaptoolcapture.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolcapture.h | |
qgsmaptooledit.cpp | |
qgsmaptooledit.h | |
qgsmaptoolemitpoint.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolemitpoint.h | |
qgsmaptoolidentify.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolidentify.h | |
qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.h | |
qgsmaptoolpan.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolpan.h | |
qgsmaptooltouch.cpp | |
qgsmaptooltouch.h | |
qgsmaptoolzoom.cpp | |
qgsmaptoolzoom.h | |
qgsmessagebar.cpp | |
qgsmessagebar.h | |
qgsmessagebaritem.cpp | |
qgsmessagebaritem.h | |
qgsmessagelogviewer.cpp | |
qgsmessagelogviewer.h | |
qgsmessageviewer.cpp | |
qgsmessageviewer.h | |
qgsnewgeopackagelayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsnewgeopackagelayerdialog.h | |
qgsnewhttpconnection.cpp | |
qgsnewhttpconnection.h | |
qgsnewmemorylayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsnewmemorylayerdialog.h | |
qgsnewnamedialog.cpp | |
qgsnewnamedialog.h | |
qgsnewvectorlayerdialog.cpp | |
qgsnewvectorlayerdialog.h | |
qgsnumericsortlistviewitem.cpp | |
qgsnumericsortlistviewitem.h | |
qgsoptionsdialogbase.cpp | |
qgsoptionsdialogbase.h | |
qgsorderbydialog.cpp | |
qgsorderbydialog.h | |
qgsowssourceselect.cpp | |
qgsowssourceselect.h | |
qgspanelwidget.cpp | |
qgspanelwidget.h | |
qgspanelwidgetstack.cpp | |
qgspanelwidgetstack.h | |
qgspixmaplabel.cpp | |
qgspixmaplabel.h | |
qgspluginmanagerinterface.cpp | |
qgspluginmanagerinterface.h | |
qgsprevieweffect.cpp | |
qgsprevieweffect.h | |
qgsprojectbadlayerguihandler.cpp | |
qgsprojectbadlayerguihandler.h | |
qgsprojectionselectionwidget.cpp | |
qgsprojectionselectionwidget.h | |
qgsprojectionselector.cpp | |
qgsprojectionselector.h | |
qgsquerybuilder.cpp | |
qgsquerybuilder.h | |
qgsrasterformatsaveoptionswidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterformatsaveoptionswidget.h | |
qgsrasterlayersaveasdialog.cpp | |
qgsrasterlayersaveasdialog.h | |
qgsrasterpyramidsoptionswidget.cpp | |
qgsrasterpyramidsoptionswidget.h | |
qgsrelationeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsrelationeditorwidget.h | |
qgsrubberband.cpp | |
qgsrubberband.h | |
qgsscalecombobox.cpp | |
qgsscalecombobox.h | |
qgsscalerangewidget.cpp | |
qgsscalerangewidget.h | |
qgsscalevisibilitydialog.cpp | |
qgsscalevisibilitydialog.h | |
qgsscalewidget.cpp | |
qgsscalewidget.h | |
qgssearchquerybuilder.cpp | |
qgssearchquerybuilder.h | |
qgsshortcutsmanager.cpp | |
qgsshortcutsmanager.h | |
qgsslider.cpp | |
qgsslider.h | |
qgssourceselectdialog.cpp | |
qgssourceselectdialog.h | |
qgssqlcomposerdialog.cpp | |
qgssqlcomposerdialog.h | |
qgssublayersdialog.cpp | |
qgssublayersdialog.h | |
qgssvgannotationitem.cpp | |
qgssvgannotationitem.h | |
qgstablewidgetitem.cpp | |
qgstablewidgetitem.h | |
qgstabwidget.cpp | |
qgstabwidget.h | |
qgstextannotationitem.cpp | |
qgstextannotationitem.h | |
qgstrackedvectorlayertools.cpp | |
qgstrackedvectorlayertools.h | |
qgsunitselectionwidget.cpp | |
qgsunitselectionwidget.h | |
qgsuserinputdockwidget.cpp | |
qgsuserinputdockwidget.h | |
qgsvariableeditorwidget.cpp | |
qgsvariableeditorwidget.h | |
qgsvectorlayertools.h | |
qgsvertexmarker.cpp | |
qgsvertexmarker.h | |
► plugins | |
qgisplugin.h | |
qgsapplydialog.h | |
► server | |
qgsaccesscontrolfilter.h | |
qgscapabilitiescache.h | |
qgsmapserviceexception.h | |
qgsrequesthandler.h | |
qgsserver.h | |
qgsserverfilter.h | |
qgsserverinterface.h | |