136 int count()
const {
return mMap.count(); }
A way is an ordered list of nodes which normally also has at least one tag or is included within a Re...
QgsOSMElementID elemID() const
Node is a class used by Line3D.
Elements (also data primitives) are the basic components in OpenStreetMap from which everything else ...
QgsOSMWay(QgsOSMId id, const QList< QgsOSMId > &nodes)
A node is one of the core elements in the OpenStreetMap data model.
Class that encapsulates access to OpenStreetMap data stored in a database previously imported from XM...
QgsOSMElement(QgsOSMElementID::Type t, QgsOSMId id)
A class to represent a point.
QList< QgsOSMId > nodes() const
QgsOSMNode(QgsOSMId id, const QgsPoint &point)