QGIS API Documentation  3.14.0-Pi (9f7028fd23)
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 C_LayerRef< TYPE >Internal structure to keep weak pointer to QgsMapLayer or layerId if the layer is not available yet
 C_LayerRef< QgsMapLayer >
 C_LayerRef< QgsVectorLayer >
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBase::AddressMetadata address structure
 CQgsAggregateMappingModel::AggregateThe Aggregate struct holds information about an aggregate column
 CQgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateInfoStructured information about the available aggregates
 CQgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParametersA bundle of parameters controlling aggregate calculation
 CQgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointConstraintStructure with details of one constraint
 CQgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointContextStructure defining all constraints for alignMapPoint() method
 CQgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointOutputStructure returned from alignMapPoint() method
 CAnchorAlongSegmentRecord about anchor being along a segment
 CAnchorPointRecord about vertex coordinates and index of anchor to which it is snapped
 CQgsTemporalUtils::AnimationExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting animations
 CQgsUnitTypes::AreaValueA combination of area value and unit
 CQgsSQLComposerDialog::ArgumentArgument of a function
 CQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget::CadConstraintThe CadConstraint is an abstract class for all basic constraints (angle/distance/x/y). It contains all values (locked, value, relative) and pointers to corresponding widgets
 Cpal::CandidatePolygonRingDistanceCalculatorCalculates distance from a label candidate to nearest polygon ring
 CQgsGeometryCheck::ChangeDescripts a change to fix a geometry
 CQgsPalettedRasterRenderer::ClassProperties of a single value class
 CQgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfigDefines the configuration of a column in the attribute table
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ComponentLayerDetailContains details of a particular input component to be used during PDF composition
 CQgsLayerMetadata::ConstraintMetadata constraint structure
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBase::ContactMetadata contact structure
 CQgsOgcUtils::ContextThe Context struct stores the current layer and coordinate transform context
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ControlPointContains details of a control point used during georeferencing GeoPDF outputs
 CQgsOpenClUtils::CPLAllocator< T >Tiny smart-pointer-like wrapper around CPLMalloc and CPLFree: this is needed because OpenCL C++ API may throw exceptions
 CQgsTerrainDownloader::DataSourceDefinition of data source for terrain tiles (assuming "terrarium" data encoding with usual XYZ tiling scheme)
 CQgsVectorLayer::DeleteContextContext for cascade delete features
 CQgsImageOperation::DistanceTransformPropertiesStruct for storing properties of a distance transform operation
 CQgsUnitTypes::DistanceValueA combination of distance value and unit
 CQgsVectorFileWriter::DriverDetailsDetails of available driver formats
 CQgsDxfExport::DxfLayerLayers and optional attribute index to split into multiple layers using attribute value as layer name
 CDxfLayerJobHolds information about each layer in a DXF job
 CQgsEllipsoidUtils::EllipsoidDefinitionContains definition of an ellipsoid
 CQgsEllipsoidUtils::EllipsoidParametersContains parameters for an ellipsoid
 CQgsNewsFeedParser::EntryRepresents a single entry from a news feed
 CQgsLayoutItem::ExportLayerDetailContains details of a particular export layer relating to a layout item
 CQgsLayerMetadata::ExtentMetadata extent structure
 Cpal::FeatsFor usage in problem solving algorithm
 CQgsRuleBasedRenderer::FeatureToRenderFeature for rendering by a QgsRuleBasedRenderer
 CQgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator::FetchJoinInfoJoin information prepared for fast attribute id mapping in QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer::updateFeatureAttributes()
 CQgsFieldMappingModel::FieldThe Field struct holds information about a mapped field
 CQgsRasterFileWriter::FilterFormatDetailsDetails of available filters and formats
 CQgsVectorFileWriter::FilterFormatDetailsDetails of available filters and formats
 CQgsSQLComposerDialog::FunctionDescription of server functions
 Cgdal::GDALDatasetCloserCloses and cleanups GDAL dataset
 Cgdal::GDALWarpOptionsDeleterCloses and cleanups GDAL warp options
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty::GeometryColumnTypeThe GeometryColumnType struct represents the combination of geometry type and CRS for the table geometry column
 Cgeos::GeosDeleterDestroys the GEOS geometry geom, using the static QGIS geos context
 CQgsExifTools::GeoTagDetailsExtended image geotag details
 CQgsDatumTransform::GridDetailsContains information about a projection transformation grid file
 CQgsPointDistanceRenderer::GroupedFeatureContains properties for a feature within a clustered group
 CQgsLayoutExporter::ImageExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting layouts to raster images
 CQgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPointA structure to define the insertion point to the layer tree
 Cpal::InternalExceptionVarious Exceptions
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroup< T >::Item
 CQgsAlignRaster::ItemDefinition of one raster layer for alignment
 CQgs3DAnimationSettings::KeyframeKeyframe definition
 Cpal::LabelInfoOptional additional info about label (for curved labels)
 Cpal::LayerA set of features which influence the labeling process
 CQgsSnappingUtils::LayerConfigConfigures how a certain layer should be handled in a snapping operation
 CQgsInterpolator::LayerDataA source together with the information about interpolation attribute / z-coordinate interpolation and the type (point, structure line, breakline)
 CQgsSublayersDialog::LayerDefinitionA structure that defines layers for the purpose of this dialog
 CQgsProcessingContext::LayerDetailsDetails for layers to load into projects
 CQgsGeometryCheck::LayerFeatureIdsA list of layers and feature ids for each of these layers
 CQgsLayerTreeModel::LayerLegendDataStructure that stores all data associated with one map layer
 CQgsLayerTreeModel::LayerLegendTreeStructure that stores tree representation of map layer's legend
 CQgsRasterLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading raster layers
 CQgsMeshLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading mesh layers
 CQgsVectorLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading vector layers
 CQgsAccessControlFilter::LayerPermissionsDescribe the layer permission
 CLessThanTileRequestHelper class for ordering tile requests according to the distance from view center
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBase::LinkMetadata link structure
 CQgsPointLocator::MatchFilterInterface that allows rejection of some matches in intersection queries (e.g
 CMVTGeometryWriterHelper class for writing of geometry commands
 CQgsExpressionNode::NamedNodeNamed node
 CQgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface::NodeContains information relating to a node (i.e
 CQgsExpressionNode::NodeListA list of expression nodes
 CQgsSQLStatement::NodeListA list of nodes
 Cgdal::OGRDataSourceDeleterDestroys OGR data sources
 Cgdal::OGRFeatureDeleterDestroys OGR feature
 Cgdal::OGRFldDeleterDestroys OGR field definition
 Cgdal::OGRGeometryDeleterDestroys OGR geometries
 CQgsCoordinateOperationWidget::OperationDetailsCoordinate operation details
 CQgsLayoutExporter::PageExportDetailsContains details of a page being exported by the class
 Cpal::PalMain Pal labeling class
 Cpal::PalExceptionVarious Exceptions
 Cpal::PalStatSummary statistics of labeling problem
 CQgsKernelDensityEstimation::ParametersKDE parameters
 CQgsExpression::ParserErrorDetails about any parser errors that were found when parsing the expression
 CQgsLayoutExporter::PdfExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting layouts to PDF
 CQgsDataProvider::PreviewContextStores settings related to the context in which a preview job runs
 CQgsLayoutExporter::PrintExportSettingsContains settings relating to printing layouts
 Cpal::ProblemRepresentation of a labeling problem
 CQgsAlignRaster::ProgressHandlerHelper struct to be sub-classed for progress reporting
 CQgsDataProvider::ProviderOptionsSetting options for creating vector data providers
 CQgisPluginAbstract base class from which all plugins must inherit
 CQgs3DRendererAbstractMetadataBase metadata class for 3D renderers
 CQgs3DRendererRegistryKeeps track of available 3D renderers
 CQgsAbstractCacheIndexAbstract base class for cache indices
 CQgsAbstractGeometryAbstract base class for all geometries
 CQgsAbstractLabelProviderInterface class. Implementations return list of labels and their associated geometries - these are used by QgsLabelingEngine to compute the final layout of labels
 CQgsAbstractLayoutIteratorAn abstract base class for QgsLayout based classes which can be exported by QgsLayoutExporter
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseAn abstract base class for metadata stores
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidatorAbstract base class for metadata validators
 CQgsAbstractPropertyCollectionAbstract base class for QgsPropertyCollection like objects
 CQgsAbstractProviderConnectionThe QgsAbstractProviderConnection provides an interface for data provider connections
 CQgsAbstractValidityCheckAbstract base class for individual validity checks
 CQgsAccessControlFilterClass defining access control interface for QGIS Server plugins
 CQgsAggregateCalculatorUtility class for calculating aggregates for a field (or expression) over the features from a vector layer. It is recommended that QgsVectorLayer::aggregate() is used rather then directly using this class, as the QgsVectorLayer method can handle delegating aggregate calculation to a data provider for remote calculation
 CQgsAlignRasterQgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same:
 CQgsArchiveClass allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions
 CQgsAuthCertUtilsUtilities for working with certificates and keys
 CQgsAuthConfigSslServerConfiguration container for SSL server connection exceptions or overrides
 CQgsAuthGuiUtilsUtility functions for use by authentication GUI widgets or standalone apps
 CQgsAuthMethodConfigConfiguration storage class for authentication method configurations
 CQgsAuxiliaryStorageClass providing some utility methods to manage auxiliary storage
 CQgsBookmarkRepresents a spatial bookmark, with a name, CRS and extent
 CQgsCalloutAbstract base class for callout renderers
 CQgsCallout::QgsCalloutContextContains additional contextual information about the context in which a callout is being rendered
 CQgsColorRampAbstract base class for color ramps
 CQgsColorSchemeAbstract base class for color schemes
 CQgsColorSchemeRegistryRegistry of color schemes
 CQgsCompositionConverterQgsCompositionConverter class converts a QGIS 2.x composition to a QGIS 3.x layout
 CQgsConnectionPool< T, T_Group >
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroup< T >
 CQgsCoordinateFormatterContains methods for converting coordinates for display in various formats
 CQgsCurveTransformHandles scaling of input values to output values by using a curve created from smoothly joining a number of set control points
 CQgsDateTimeStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of datetimes
 CQgsDatumTransformContains methods and classes relating the datum transformations
 CQgsDefaultValueContainer for managing client side default values for fields
 CQgsDiagramLayerSettingsStores the settings for rendering of all diagrams for a layer
 CQgsDiagramRendererEvaluates and returns the diagram settings relating to a diagram for a specific feature
 CQgsDiagramSettingsStores the settings for rendering a single diagram
 CQgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContextContains mainly the QMap with QgsVectorLayer and QgsFeatureIds do list all the duplicated features
 CQgsEffectPainterA class to manager painter saving and restoring required for effect drawing
 CQgsEllipseEllipse geometry type
 CQgsExifToolsContains utilities for working with EXIF tags in images
 CQgsExpressionContextExpression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be evaluated. QgsExpressions can then utilize the information stored within a context to contextualise their evaluated result. A QgsExpressionContext consists of a stack of QgsExpressionContextScope objects, where scopes added later to the stack will override conflicting variables and functions from scopes lower in the stack
 CQgsExpressionContextScopeSingle scope for storing variables and functions for use within a QgsExpressionContext. Examples include a project's scope, which could contain information about the current project such as the project file's location. QgsExpressionContextScope can encapsulate both variables (static values) and functions(which are calculated only when an expression is evaluated)
 CQgsExpressionContextUtilsContains utilities for working with QgsExpressionContext objects, including methods for creating scopes for specific uses (e.g., project scopes, layer scopes)
 CQgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsFeatureDataEncapsulate geometry and attributes for new features, to be passed to createFeatures
 CQgsFileUtilsClass for file utilities
 CQgsGdalUtilsUtilities for working with GDAL
 CQgsGenericSpatialIndex< T >
 CQgsGenericSpatialIndex< QgsLabelPosition >
 CQgsGeometryConstPartIteratorJava-style iterator for const traversal of parts of a geometry
 CQgsGeometryEditUtilsConvenience functions for geometry editing
 CQgsGeometryEngineContains geometry relation and modification algorithms
 CQgsGeometryFactoryContains geometry creation routines
 CQgsGeometryPartIteratorJava-style iterator for traversal of parts of a geometry
 CQgsGeometryUtilsContains various geometry utility functions
 CQgsGeoNodeConnectionEncapsulates settings related to a single GeoNode connection
 CQgsGeoNodeConnectionUtilsContains various utilities for managing the known collection of GeoNode servers associated with a QGIS install
 CQgsGeoNodeStyleEncapsulates information about a GeoNode layer style
 CQgsGradientStopRepresents a color stop within a QgsGradientColorRamp color ramp
 CQgsGraphMathematical graph representation
 CQgsGraphBuilderInterfaceDetermine interface for creating a graph. Contains the settings of the graph. QgsGraphBuilder and QgsGraphDirector both use a "builder" design pattern
 CQgsGraphEdgeThis class implements a graph edge
 CQgsGraphVertexThis class implements a graph vertex
 CQgsHelpHelper class for showing help topic URI for the given key
 CQgsHistogramCalculator for a numeric histogram from a list of values
 CQgsHtmlUtilsClass for HTML utilities
 CQgsImageOperationContains operations and filters which apply to QImages
 CQgsInterpolatorVertexDataInterpolation data for an individual source vertex
 CQgsIntervalA representation of the interval between two datetime values
 CQgsJsonExporterHandles exporting QgsFeature features to GeoJSON features
 CQgsJsonUtilsHelper utilities for working with JSON and GeoJSON conversions
 CQgsLabelFeatureDescribes a feature that should be used within the labeling engine. Those may be the usual textual labels, diagrams, or any other custom type of map annotations (generated by custom label providers)
 CQgsLabelingEngineMap labeling functionality. The input for the engine is a list of label provider objects and map settings. Based on the input, the engine computes layout of labels for the given map view with no collisions between the labels. Drawing of resulting labels is done again by label providers
 CQgsLabelingUtilsContains helper utilities for working with QGIS' labeling engine
 CQgsLayerDefinitionHolds generic methods for loading/exporting QLR files
 CQgsLayerMetadataFormatterClass for metadata formatter
 CQgsLayoutAlignerHandles aligning and distributing sets of layout items
 CQgsLayoutExporterHandles rendering and exports of layouts to various formats
 CQgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadataStores GUI metadata about one layout item class
 CQgsLayoutItemAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one layout item class
 CQgsLayoutItemGuiGroupStores GUI metadata about a group of layout item classes
 CQgsLayoutItemMapItemStackA collection of map items which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. The item stack controls which items are drawn and the order they are drawn in
 CQgsLayoutMeasurementThis class provides a method of storing measurements for use in QGIS layouts using a variety of different measurement units
 CQgsLayoutMeasurementConverterThis class provides a method of converting QgsLayoutMeasurements from one unit to another. Conversion to or from pixel units utilizes a specified dots per inch (DPI) property for the converter. Converters default to using 300 DPI
 CQgsLayoutMultiFrameAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one layout multiframe class
 CQgsLayoutPointThis class provides a method of storing points, consisting of an x and y coordinate, for use in QGIS layouts. Measurement units are stored alongside the position
 CQgsLayoutSizeThis class provides a method of storing sizes, consisting of a width and height, for use in QGIS layouts. Measurement units are stored alongside the size
 CQgsLayoutTableStyleStyling option for a layout table cell
 CQgsLegendRendererHandles automatic layout and rendering of legend. The content is given by QgsLayerTreeModel instance. Various layout properties can be configured within QgsLegendRenderer
 CQgsLegendSettingsStores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLegendRenderer. The content of the legend is given in QgsLegendModel class
 CQgsLocalDefaultSettingsContains local default settings which should be respected when creating new objects such as QgsProjects
 CQgsMapDecorationInterface for map decorations
 CQgsWms::QgsMapRendererJobProxyProxy for sequential or parallel map render job
 CQgsMapUnitScaleStruct for storing maximum and minimum scales for measurements in map units
 CQgsMarginsDefines the four margins of a rectangle
 CQgsMasterLayoutInterfaceInterface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports
 CQgsMessageLogNotifyBlockerTemporarily blocks the application QgsMessageLog (see QgsApplication::messageLog()) from emitting the messageReceived( bool ) signal for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsModelSnapperManages snapping grids and preset snap lines in a layout, and handles snapping points to the nearest grid coordinate/snap line when possible
 CQgsNetworkAuthenticationHandlerNetwork authentication handler, used for responding to network authentication requests during network requests
 CQgsNetworkReplyContentEncapsulates a network reply within a container which is inexpensive to copy and safe to pass between threads
 CQgsNetworkStrategyQgsNetworkStrategy defines strategy used for calculation of the edge cost. For example it can take into account travel distance, amount of time or money. Currently there are two strategies implemented in the analysis library: QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy and QgsNetworkSpeedStrategy. QgsNetworkStrategy implemented using "strategy" design pattern
 CQgsNumericFormatConfigurationWidgetFactoryInterface base class for factories for numeric format configuration widgets
 CQgsNumericFormatGuiRegistryThe QgsNumericFormatGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for configuring QgsNumericFormat objects
 CQgsOgcUtilsVarious utility functions for conversion between OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and QGIS internal representations
 CQgsOgcUtilsExpressionFromFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgrUtilsUtilities for working with OGR features and layers
 CQgsOpenClUtilsResponsible for common OpenCL operations such as
 CQgsOptional< T >QgsOptional is a container for other classes and adds an additional enabled/disabled flag
 CQgsOptional< QgsExpression >
 CQgsOWSServerFilterRestorerRAII class to restore layer filters on destruction
 CQgsPageSizeA named page size for layouts
 CQgsPageSizeRegistryA registry for known page sizes
 CQgsPaintEffectBase class for visual effects which can be applied to QPicture drawings
 CQgsPaintEffectAbstractMetadataStores metadata about a paint effect class
 CQgsPaintEffectRegistryRegistry of available paint effects
 CQgsPainterSwapperA class to manage painter saving and restoring required for drawing on a different painter (mask painter for example)
 CQgsPkiBundleStorage set for PKI bundle: SSL certificate, key, optional CA cert chain
 CQgsPkiConfigBundleStorage set for constructed SSL certificate, key, associated with an authentication config
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetFactoryInterface base class for factories for algorithm configuration widgets
 CQgsProcessingGuiRegistryThe QgsProcessingGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for processing configuration widgets
 CQgsProcessingLayerPostProcessorInterfaceAn interface for layer post-processing handlers for execution following a processing algorithm operation
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMakes metadata of processing parameters available
 CQgsProjectDirtyBlockerTemporarily blocks QgsProject "dirtying" for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsProjectServerValidatorValidates the server specific parts of the configuration of a QGIS project
 CQgsPropertyA store for object properties
 CQgsPropertyDefinitionDefinition for a property
 CQgsPropertyTransformerAbstract base class for objects which transform the calculated value of a property. Possible uses include transformers which map a value into a scaled size or color from a gradient
 CQgsQuadrilateralQuadrilateral geometry type. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four edges (or sides) and four vertices or corners. This class allows the creation of simple quadrilateral (which does not self-intersect)
 CQgsRange< T >
 CQgsRay2DA 2D ray which extends from an origin point to an infinite distance in a given direction
 CQgsRegularPolygonRegular Polygon geometry type
 CQgsWms::QgsRendererMap renderer for WMS requests
 CQgsRendererCategoryRepresents an individual category (class) from a QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
 CQgsRendererRegistryRegistry of renderers
 CQgsServerCacheFilterClass defining cache interface for QGIS Server plugins
 CQgsServerCacheManagerA helper class that centralizes caches accesses given by all the server cache filter plugins
 CQgsServerFilterClass defining I/O filters for QGIS Server and implemented in plugins
 CQgsServerParameterDefinitionDefinition of a parameter with basic conversion methods
 CQgsServerParametersQgsServerParameters provides an interface to retrieve and manipulate global parameters received from the client
 CQgsServerPluginsInitializes Python server plugins and stores a list of server plugin names
 CQgsServerQueryStringParameterHolds the information regarding a query string input parameter and its validation
 CQgsServerSettingsProvides a way to retrieve settings by prioritizing according to environment variables, ini file and default values
 CQgsServiceModuleClass defining the service module interface for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceNativeLoaderClass defining the native service module loader for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceNativeModuleEntryNative module (location, the module itself and the unload function)
 CQgsSignalBlocker< Object >
 CQgsSqlExpressionCompilerGeneric expression compiler for translation to provider specific SQL WHERE clauses
 CQgsSqlite3StatementFinalizerFinalizes an sqlite3 statement
 CQgsSqliteUtilsContains utilities for working with Sqlite data sources
 CQgsSslErrorHandlerSSL error handler, used for responding to SSL errors encountered during network requests
 CQgsStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics for a list of doubles
 CQgsStringReplacementA representation of a single string replacement
 CQgsStringReplacementCollectionA collection of string replacements (specified using QgsStringReplacement objects)
 CQgsStringStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of strings
 CQgsStringUtilsUtility functions for working with strings
 CQgsSymbolLayerIdWe may need stable references to symbol layers, when pointers to symbol layers is not usable (when a symbol or a feature renderer is cloned for example)
 CQgsTableCellEncapsulates the contents and formatting of a single table cell
 CQgsTemporalRange< T >
 CQgsTemporalUtilsContains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects
 CQgsTemporaryCursorOverrideTemporarily sets a cursor override for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsTemporaryCursorRestoreOverrideTemporarily removes all cursor overrides for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsTileCacheA simple tile cache implementation
 CQgsTracerGraphSimple graph structure for shortest path search
 CQgsTranslationContextUsed for the collecting of strings from projects for translation and creation of ts files
 CQgsUnitTypesHelper functions for various unit types
 CQgsValidityCheckContextBase class for validity check contexts
 CQgsValidityCheckResultRepresents an individual result from a validity check run by a QgsAbstractValidityCheck subclass
 CQgsVectorLayerUtilsContains utility methods for working with QgsVectorLayers
 CQgsVertexIdUtility class for identifying a unique vertex within a geometry
 CQgsVertexIteratorJava-style iterator for traversal of vertices of a geometry
 CQgsWeakRelationRepresent a QgsRelation with possibly unresolved layers or unmatched fields
 CQgsWkbTypesHandles storage of information regarding WKB types and their properties
 CQgsWms::QgsWmsRenderContextRendering context for the WMS renderer
 CQObjectUniquePtr< T >Keeps a pointer to a QObject and deletes it whenever this object is deleted
 CQObjectUniquePtr< QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature >
 CQObjectUniquePtr< QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature >
 CQObjectUniquePtr< QgsRubberBand >
 CQgsAlignRaster::RasterInfoUtility class for gathering information about rasters
 CQgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessageStruct for QgsReadWriteContext error or warning messages
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::RenderedFeatureContains information about a feature rendered inside the PDF
 CQgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderJobA QgsRuleBasedRenderer rendering job, consisting of a feature to be rendered with a particular symbol
 CQgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderLevelRender level: a list of jobs to be drawn at particular level for a QgsRuleBasedRenderer
 CQgsLocatorResult::ResultActionThe ResultAction stores basic information for additional actions to be used in a locator widget for the result
 CQgsScaleBarRenderer::ScaleBarContextContains parameters regarding scalebar calculations
 CQgsGeoNodeRequest::ServiceLayerDetailService layer details for an individual layer from a GeoNode connection
 CQgsDatumTransform::SingleOperationDetailsContains information about a single coordinate operation
 CQgsDataDefinedSizeLegend::SizeClassDefinition of one class for the legend
 CQgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtentMetadata spatial extent structure
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SpatialIndexOptionsContains extra options relating to spatial index creation
 CQgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariableSingle variable definition for use within a QgsExpressionContextScope
 CQgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface::StyleLeafContains information relating to the style entity currently being visited
 CQgsOWSSourceSelect::SupportedFormatFormats supported by provider
 CQgsLayoutExporter::SvgExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting layouts to SVG
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TablePropertyDatabase table or view
 CQgsTaskManager::TaskDefinitionDefinition of a task for inclusion in the manager
 CQgsDatumTransform::TransformDetailsContains information about a coordinate transformation operation
 CQgsDatumTransform::TransformInfoContains datum transform information
 CQgsDatumTransformDialog::TransformInfoDialog transformation entry info
 CQgsDatumTransform::TransformPairContains datum transform information
 CQgsProjectServerValidator::ValidationResultContains the parameters describing a project validation failure
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidator::ValidationResultContains the parameters describing a metadata validation failure
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::VectorComponentDetailContains information relating to a single PDF layer in the GeoPDF export
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithm::VectorPropertiesProperties of a vector source or sink used in an algorithm
 CQgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThenRepresents a "WHEN... THEN..." portation of a CASE WHEN clause in an expression
 CQgsVectorLayerServerProperties::WmsDimensionInfoSetting to define QGIS Server WMS Dimension