QGIS API Documentation  3.14.0-Pi (9f7028fd23)
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QgsAuthMethodRegistry Class Reference

#include <qgsauthmethodregistry.h>

Public Types

typedef std::map< QString, QgsAuthMethodMetadata * > AuthMethods
 Type for auth method metadata associative container. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~QgsAuthMethodRegistry ()
 Virtual dectructor. More...
std::unique_ptr< QgsAuthMethodauthMethod (const QString &authMethodKey)
 Create an instance of the auth method. More...
std::unique_ptr< QLibrary > authMethodLibrary (const QString &authMethodKey) const
 Returns the library object associated with an auth method key. More...
QStringList authMethodList () const
 Returns list of available auth methods by their keys. More...
const QgsAuthMethodMetadataauthMethodMetadata (const QString &authMethodKey) const
 Returns metadata of the auth method or nullptr if not found. More...
QWidget * editWidget (const QString &authMethodKey, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 Returns the GUI edit widget associated with the auth method. More...
QFunctionPointer function (const QString &authMethodKey, const QString &functionName)
 Gets pointer to auth method function. More...
QString library (const QString &authMethodKey) const
 Returns path for the library of the auth method. More...
QDir libraryDirectory () const
 Returns library directory where plugins are found. More...
QString pluginList (bool asHtml=false) const
 Returns list of auth method plugins found. More...
void setLibraryDirectory (const QDir &path)
 Sets library directory where to search for plugins. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static QgsAuthMethodRegistryinstance (const QString &pluginPath=QString())
 Means of accessing canonical single instance. More...

Detailed Description

A registry / canonical manager of authentication methods.

This is a Singleton class that manages authentication method plugin access.

Loaded auth methods may be restricted using QGIS_AUTHMETHOD_FILE environment variable. QGIS_AUTHMETHOD_FILE is regexp pattern applied to auth method file name (not auth method key). For example, if the variable is set to basic|pkipaths it will load only auth methods basic, and pkipaths.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 46 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AuthMethods

Type for auth method metadata associative container.

Definition at line 112 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~QgsAuthMethodRegistry()

QgsAuthMethodRegistry::~QgsAuthMethodRegistry ( )

Virtual dectructor.

Definition at line 148 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ authMethod()

std::unique_ptr< QgsAuthMethod > QgsAuthMethodRegistry::authMethod ( const QString &  authMethodKey)

Create an instance of the auth method.

authMethodKeyidentificator of the auth method
instance of auth method or nullptr on error

Definition at line 264 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ authMethodLibrary()

std::unique_ptr< QLibrary > QgsAuthMethodRegistry::authMethodLibrary ( const QString &  authMethodKey) const

Returns the library object associated with an auth method key.

Definition at line 346 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ authMethodList()

QStringList QgsAuthMethodRegistry::authMethodList ( ) const

Returns list of available auth methods by their keys.

Definition at line 359 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ authMethodMetadata()

const QgsAuthMethodMetadata * QgsAuthMethodRegistry::authMethodMetadata ( const QString &  authMethodKey) const

Returns metadata of the auth method or nullptr if not found.

Definition at line 369 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ editWidget()

QWidget * QgsAuthMethodRegistry::editWidget ( const QString &  authMethodKey,
QWidget *  parent = nullptr 

Returns the GUI edit widget associated with the auth method.

parentParent widget
authMethodKeyidentificator of the auth method

Definition at line 317 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ function()

QFunctionPointer QgsAuthMethodRegistry::function ( const QString &  authMethodKey,
const QString &  functionName 

Gets pointer to auth method function.

authMethodKeyidentificator of the auth method
functionNamename of function
pointer to function or nullptr on error

Definition at line 328 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ instance()

QgsAuthMethodRegistry * QgsAuthMethodRegistry::instance ( const QString &  pluginPath = QString())

Means of accessing canonical single instance.

Definition at line 38 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ library()

QString QgsAuthMethodRegistry::library ( const QString &  authMethodKey) const

Returns path for the library of the auth method.

Definition at line 193 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ libraryDirectory()

QDir QgsAuthMethodRegistry::libraryDirectory ( ) const

Returns library directory where plugins are found.

Definition at line 250 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ pluginList()

QString QgsAuthMethodRegistry::pluginList ( bool  asHtml = false) const

Returns list of auth method plugins found.

Definition at line 205 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

◆ setLibraryDirectory()

void QgsAuthMethodRegistry::setLibraryDirectory ( const QDir &  path)

Sets library directory where to search for plugins.

Definition at line 255 of file qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp.

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