QGIS API Documentation  2.18.21-Las Palmas (9fba24a)
analysis library

The ANALYSIS library is built on top of CORE library and provides high level tools for carrying out spatial analysis on vector and raster data. More...


class  Bezier3D
 Class Bezier3D represents a bezier curve, represented by control points. More...
class  CloughTocherInterpolator
 This is an implementation of a Clough-Tocher interpolator based on a triangular tessellation. More...
class  DualEdgeTriangulation
 DualEdgeTriangulation is an implementation of a triangulation class based on the dual edge data structure. More...
class  HalfEdge
class  Line3D
 This class represents a line. More...
class  LinTriangleInterpolator
 LinTriangleInterpolator is a class which interpolates linearly on a triangulation. More...
class  Node
 Node is a class used by Line3D. More...
class  NormVecDecorator
 Decorator class which adds the functionality of estimating normals at the data points. More...
class  ParametricLine
 ParametricLine is an Interface for parametric lines. More...
class  Point3D
 Point3D is a class to represent a three dimensional point. More...
class  QgsAlignRaster
 QgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same: More...
class  QgsAspectFilter
 Calculates aspect values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions. More...
class  QgsDerivativeFilter
 Adds the ability to calculate derivatives in x- and y-directions. More...
class  QgsGeometryAnalyzer
 The QGis class provides vector geometry analysis functions. More...
class  QgsGridFileWriter
 A class that does interpolation to a grid and writes the results to an ascii grid. More...
class  QgsHillshadeFilter
class  QgsIDWInterpolator
class  QgsInterpolator
 Interface class for interpolations. More...
class  QgsNineCellFilter
 Base class for raster analysis methods that work with a 3x3 cell filter and calculate the value of each cell based on the cell value and the eight neighbour cells. More...
class  QgsOSMDatabase
 Class that encapsulates access to OpenStreetMap data stored in a database previously imported from XML file. More...
class  QgsOSMDownload
 OSMDownload is a utility class for downloading OpenStreetMap via Overpass API. More...
class  QgsOSMElement
 Elements (also data primitives) are the basic components in OpenStreetMap from which everything else is defined. More...
class  QgsOSMNode
 A node is one of the core elements in the OpenStreetMap data model. More...
class  QgsOSMNodeIterator
 Encapsulate iteration over table of nodes/. More...
class  QgsOSMTags
 This class is a container of tags for a node, way or a relation. More...
class  QgsOSMWay
 A way is an ordered list of nodes which normally also has at least one tag or is included within a Relation. More...
class  QgsOSMWayIterator
 Encapsulate iteration over table of ways. More...
class  QgsOSMXmlImport
 The QgsOSMXmlImport class imports OpenStreetMap XML format to our topological representation in a SQLite database (see QgsOSMDatabase for details). More...
class  QgsOverlayAnalyzer
 The QGis class provides vector overlay analysis functions. More...
class  QgsPointCompare
class  QgsPointSample
 Creates random points in polygons / multipolygons. More...
class  QgsRasterCalcNode
class  QgsRasterCalculator
 Raster calculator class. More...
class  QgsRasterMatrix
class  QgsRelief
 Produces colored relief rasters from DEM. More...
class  QgsRuggednessFilter
 Calculates the ruggedness index based on a 3x3 moving window. More...
class  QgsSlopeFilter
 Calculates slope values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions. More...
class  QgsTINInterpolator
 Interpolation in a triangular irregular network. More...
class  QgsTotalCurvatureFilter
 Calculates total curvature as described by Wilson, Gallant (2000): terrain analysis. More...
class  QgsTransectSample
 A class for the creation of transect sample lines based on a set of strata polygons and baselines. More...
class  QgsZonalStatistics
 A class that calculates raster statistics (count, sum, mean) for a polygon or multipolygon layer and appends the results as attributes. More...
class  TriangleInterpolator
 This is an interface for interpolator classes for triangulations. More...
class  Triangulation
 Interface for Triangulation classes. More...
class  TriDecorator
 Decorator class for Triangulations (s. More...
class  Vector3D
 Class Vector3D represents a 3D-Vector, capable to store x-,y- and z-coordinates in double values. More...

Detailed Description

The ANALYSIS library is built on top of CORE library and provides high level tools for carrying out spatial analysis on vector and raster data.