QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (b1964063d82)
The ANALYSIS library is built on top of CORE library and provides high level tools for carrying out spatial analysis on vector and raster data. More...
Classes | |
class | Bezier3D |
Class Bezier3D represents a bezier curve, represented by control points. More... | |
class | CloughTocherInterpolator |
This is an implementation of a Clough-Tocher interpolator based on a triangular tessellation. More... | |
class | QgsExifTools::GeoTagDetails |
Extended image geotag details. More... | |
class | HalfEdge |
HalfEdge. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures::iterator |
An iterator over all features in a QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeature |
A layer feature combination to uniquely identify and access a feature in a set of layers. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures |
Contains a set of layers and feature ids in those layers to pass to a geometry check. More... | |
class | LinTriangleInterpolator |
LinTriangleInterpolator is a class which interpolates linearly on a triangulation. More... | |
class | NormVecDecorator |
Decorator class which adds the functionality of estimating normals at the data points. More... | |
class | ParametricLine |
ParametricLine is an Interface for parametric lines. More... | |
class | Qgs3DAlgorithms |
QGIS 3D processing algorithm provider. More... | |
class | QgsAlignRaster |
QgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same: More... | |
class | QgsAnalysis |
QgsAnalysis is a singleton class containing various registry and other global members related to analysis classes. More... | |
class | QgsAspectFilter |
Calculates aspect values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions. More... | |
class | QgsBatchGeocodeAlgorithm |
A base class for batch geocoder algorithms, which takes a QgsGeocoderInterface object and exposes it as a Processing algorithm for batch geocoding operations. More... | |
class | QgsDerivativeFilter |
Adds the ability to calculate derivatives in x- and y-directions. More... | |
class | QgsDualEdgeTriangulation |
DualEdgeTriangulation is an implementation of a triangulation class based on the dual edge data structure. More... | |
class | QgsExifTools |
Contains utilities for working with EXIF tags in images. More... | |
class | QgsFeaturePool |
A feature pool is based on a vector layer and caches features. More... | |
class | QgsGcpGeometryTransformer |
A geometry transformer which uses an underlying Ground Control Points (GCP) based transformation to modify geometries. More... | |
class | QgsGcpPoint |
Contains properties of a ground control point (GCP). More... | |
class | QgsGcpTransformerInterface |
An interface for Ground Control Points (GCP) based transformations. More... | |
class | QgsGDALGeorefTransform |
Interface to gdal thin plate splines and 1st/2nd/3rd order polynomials. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryAngleCheck |
Angle check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryAreaCheck |
Area check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheck |
This class implements a geometry check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckContext |
Base configuration for geometry checks. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryChecker |
Manages and runs a set of geometry checks. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckError |
This represents an error reported by a geometry check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckErrorSingle |
Wraps a QgsSingleGeometryError into a standard QgsGeometryCheckError. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckerUtils |
Contains utilities required for geometry checks. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckFactory |
A factory for geometry checks. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckFactoryT< T > |
Template to create a factory for a geometry check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckRegistry |
This class manages all known geometry check factories. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCheckResolutionMethod |
This class implements a resolution for problems detected in geometry checks. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryContainedCheck |
A contained check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryContainedCheckError |
A contained check error. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryDangleCheck |
A dangle check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheck |
A degenerate polygon check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryDuplicateCheck |
A duplicate geometry check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryDuplicateCheckError |
A duplicate geometry check error. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryDuplicateNodesCheck |
A duplicate nodes check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryFollowBoundariesCheck |
A follow boundaries check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryGapCheck |
Checks for gaps between neighbouring polygons. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryGapCheckError |
An error produced by a QgsGeometryGapCheck. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryHoleCheck |
A hole check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryIsValidCheck |
Checks if geometries are valid using the backend configured in the QGIS settings. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryIsValidCheckError |
An error for a QgsGeometryIsValid check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryLineIntersectionCheck |
A line intersection check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryLineLayerIntersectionCheck |
A line layer intersection check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryMissingVertexCheck |
A topology check for missing vertices. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryMissingVertexCheckError |
A geometry check error for a missing vertex. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryMultipartCheck |
A multipark check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryOverlapCheck |
Checks if geometries overlap. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryOverlapCheckError |
An error of a QgsGeometryOverlapCheck. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryPointCoveredByLineCheck |
A point covered by line check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryPointInPolygonCheck |
A point in polygon check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheck |
A segment length check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometrySelfContactCheck |
A self contact check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheck |
A self intersection check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckError |
A self intersection check error. More... | |
class | QgsGeometrySliverPolygonCheck |
A sliver polygon check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometrySnapper |
QgsGeometrySnapper allows a geometry to be snapped to the geometries within a different reference layer. More... | |
class | QgsGeometrySnapperSingleSource |
Makes sure that any two vertices of the vector layer are at least at distance given by the threshold value. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryTypeCheck |
A geometry type check. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryTypeCheckError |
A geometry type check error. More... | |
class | QgsGraph |
Mathematical graph representation. More... | |
class | QgsGraphAnalyzer |
This class performs graph analysis, e.g. More... | |
class | QgsGraphBuilder |
This class used for making the QgsGraph object. More... | |
class | QgsGraphBuilderInterface |
Determine interface for creating a graph. More... | |
class | QgsGraphDirector |
Determine making the graph. More... | |
class | QgsGraphEdge |
This class implements a graph edge. More... | |
class | QgsGraphVertex |
This class implements a graph vertex. More... | |
class | QgsGridFileWriter |
A class that does interpolation to a grid and writes the results to an ascii grid. More... | |
class | QgsHelmertGeorefTransform |
2-dimensional helmert transform, parametrised by isotropic scale, rotation angle and translation. More... | |
class | QgsHillshadeFilter |
A hillshade filter. More... | |
class | QgsIDWInterpolator |
Inverse distance weight interpolator. More... | |
class | QgsInternalGeometrySnapper |
QgsInternalGeometrySnapper allows a set of geometries to be snapped to each other. More... | |
class | QgsInterpolator |
Interface class for interpolations. More... | |
class | QgsKernelDensityEstimation |
Performs Kernel Density Estimation ("heatmap") calculations on a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsLeastSquares |
Utilities for calculation of least squares based transformations. More... | |
class | QgsLinearGeorefTransform |
A simple transform which is parametrized by a translation and anistotropic scale. More... | |
class | QgsMeshContours |
Exporter of contours lines or polygons from a mesh layer. More... | |
class | QgsMeshEditingDelaunayTriangulation |
Class that can be used with QgsMeshEditor::advancedEdit() to add triangle faces to a mesh created by a Delaunay triangulation on provided existing vertex. More... | |
class | QgsMeshTriangulation |
Class that handles mesh creation with Delaunay constrained triangulation. More... | |
class | QgsMeshZValueDataset |
Convenient class that can be used to obtain a dataset that represents the Z values of mesh vertices. More... | |
class | QgsMeshZValueDatasetGroup |
Convenient class that can be used to obtain a datasetgroup on vertices that represents the Z value of the mesh vertices. More... | |
class | QgsNativeAlgorithms |
Native c++ processing algorithm provider. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy |
Strategy for calculating edge cost based on its length. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkSpeedStrategy |
Strategy for calculating edge cost based on travel time. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkStrategy |
QgsNetworkStrategy defines strategy used for calculation of the edge cost. More... | |
class | QgsNineCellFilter |
Base class for raster analysis methods that work with a 3x3 cell filter and calculate the value of each cell based on the cell value and the eight neighbour cells. More... | |
class | QgsProjectiveGeorefTransform |
A planar projective transform, expressed by a homography. More... | |
class | QgsRasterCalcNode |
Represents a node in a raster calculator. More... | |
class | QgsRasterCalculator |
Performs raster layer calculations. More... | |
class | QgsRasterCalculatorEntry |
Represents an individual raster layer/band number entry within a raster calculation. More... | |
class | QgsRasterMatrix |
Represents a matrix in a raster calculator operation. More... | |
class | QgsRelief |
Produces colored relief rasters from DEM. More... | |
class | QgsRuggednessFilter |
Calculates the ruggedness index based on a 3x3 moving window. More... | |
class | QgsSingleGeometryCheck |
Base class for geometry checks for a single geometry without any context of the layer or other layers in the project. More... | |
class | QgsSingleGeometryCheckError |
An error from a QgsSingleGeometryCheck. More... | |
class | QgsSlopeFilter |
Calculates slope values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions. More... | |
class | QgsTinInterpolator |
Interpolation in a triangular irregular network. More... | |
class | QgsTotalCurvatureFilter |
Calculates total curvature as described by Wilson, Gallant (2000): terrain analysis. More... | |
class | QgsTriangulation |
Interface for Triangulation classes. More... | |
class | QgsVectorDataProviderFeaturePool |
A feature pool based on a vector data provider. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerDirector |
Determine making the graph from vector line layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerFeaturePool |
A feature pool based on a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorWarper |
Vector layer warper which warps vector layers based on a list of source and destination GCPs. More... | |
class | QgsVectorWarperTask |
A task for warping a vector layer in a background thread. More... | |
class | QgsZonalStatistics |
A class that calculates raster statistics (count, sum, mean) for a polygon or multipolygon layer and appends the results as attributes. More... | |
class | TriangleInterpolator |
This is an interface for interpolator classes for triangulations. More... | |
class | TriDecorator |
Decorator class for Triangulations (s. More... | |
class | Vector3D |
Class Vector3D represents a 3D-Vector, capable to store x-,y- and z-coordinates in double values. More... | |
The ANALYSIS library is built on top of CORE library and provides high level tools for carrying out spatial analysis on vector and raster data.
It also contains high level tools for building network topologies and analysing them.