QGIS API Documentation 3.39.0-Master (e62b17dac54)
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QgsMeshEditor Class Reference

Class that makes edit operation on a mesh. More...

#include <qgsmesheditor.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsMeshEditor:
Inheritance graph


void meshEdited ()
 Emitted when the mesh is edited.

Public Member Functions

 QgsMeshEditor (QgsMesh *nativeMesh, QgsTriangularMesh *triangularMesh, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 Constructor with a specific mesh nativeMesh and an associated triangular mesh triangularMesh.
 QgsMeshEditor (QgsMeshLayer *meshLayer)
 Constructor with a specified layer meshLayer.
 ~QgsMeshEditor ()
QgsMeshEditingError addFace (const QVector< int > &vertexIndexes)
 Adds a face face to the mesh with vertex indexes vertexIndexes, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized)
QgsMeshEditingError addFaces (const QVector< QgsMeshFace > &faces)
 Adds faces faces to the mesh, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized)
QgsMeshEditingError addFaceWithNewVertices (const QList< int > &vertexIndexes, const QList< QgsMeshVertex > &newVertices)
 Adds a face formed by some vertices vertexIndexes to the mesh, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized) The vertices are defined by verticesIndex that contains the index of already existing vertices or the value -1 if the vertex is not existing for now in the mesh.
int addPointsAsVertices (const QVector< QgsPoint > &point, double tolerance)
 Adds points as vertices in triangular mesh coordinate in the mesh.
int addVertices (const QVector< QgsMeshVertex > &vertices, double tolerance)
 Adds vertices in triangular mesh coordinate in the mesh.
void advancedEdit (QgsMeshAdvancedEditing *editing)
 Applies an advance editing on the edited mesh, see QgsMeshAdvancedEditing.
bool canBeMerged (int vertexIndex1, int vertexIndex2) const
 Returns true if faces separated by vertices with indexes vertexIndex1 and vertexIndex2 can be merged.
bool canBeTransformed (const QList< int > &facesToCheck, const std::function< const QgsMeshVertex(int)> &transformFunction) const
 Returns true if faces with index in transformedFaces can be transformed without obtaining topologic or geometrical errors considering the transform function transformFunction.
void changeCoordinates (const QList< int > &verticesIndexes, const QList< QgsPoint > &newCoordinates)
 Changes the (X,Y,Z) coordinates values of the vertices with indexes in vertices indexes with the values in newValues.
void changeXYValues (const QList< int > &verticesIndexes, const QList< QgsPointXY > &newValues)
 Changes the (X,Y) coordinates values of the vertices with indexes in verticesIndexes with the values in newValues.
void changeZValues (const QList< int > &verticesIndexes, const QList< double > &newValues)
 Changes the Z values of the vertices with indexes in vertices indexes with the values in newValues.
bool checkConsistency (QgsMeshEditingError &error) const
 Return true if the edited mesh is consistent.
QgsMeshDatasetGroupcreateZValueDatasetGroup ()
 Creates and returns a scalar dataset group with value on vertex that is can be used to access the Z value of the edited mesh.
bool edgeCanBeFlipped (int vertexIndex1, int vertexIndex2) const
 Returns true if the edge can be flipped (only available for edge shared by two faces with 3 vertices)
bool edgeIsClose (QgsPointXY point, double tolerance, int &faceIndex, int &edgePosition)
 Returns true if an edge of face is closest than the tolerance from the point in triangular mesh coordinate Returns also the face index and the edge position in faceIndex and edgePosition.
QgsRectangle extent () const
 Returns the extent of the edited mesh.
bool faceCanBeAdded (const QgsMeshFace &face) const
 Returns true if a face can be added to the mesh.
bool faceCanBeAddedWithNewVertices (const QList< int > &verticesIndex, const QList< QgsMeshVertex > &newVertices) const
 Returns true if a face formed by some vertices can be added to the mesh.
bool faceCanBeSplit (int faceIndex) const
 Returns true if face with index faceIndex can be split.
bool fixError (const QgsMeshEditingError &error)
 Tries to fix the topological error in the mesh.
void flipEdge (int vertexIndex1, int vertexIndex2)
 Flips edge (vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2)
QList< int > freeVerticesIndexes () const
 Returns all the free vertices indexes.
QgsMeshEditingError initialize ()
 Initializes the mesh editor and returns first error if the internal native mesh has topological errors.
QgsMeshEditingError initializeWithErrorsFix ()
 Initializes the mesh editor.
bool isFaceGeometricallyCompatible (const QgsMeshFace &face) const
 Returns true if the face does not intersect or contains any other elements (faces or vertices) The topological compatibility is not checked.
bool isModified () const
 Returns whether the mesh has been modified.
bool isVertexFree (int vertexIndex) const
 Returns whether the vertex with index vertexIndex is a free vertex.
bool isVertexOnBoundary (int vertexIndex) const
 Returns whether the vertex with index vertexIndex is on a boundary.
int maximumVerticesPerFace () const
 Returns the maximum count of vertices per face that the mesh can support.
void merge (int vertexIndex1, int vertexIndex2)
 Merges faces separated by vertices with indexes vertexIndex1 and vertexIndex2.
bool reindex (bool renumbering)
 Reindexes the mesh, that is remove unusued index of face and vertices, this operation void the undo/redo stack.
QgsMeshEditingError removeFaces (const QList< int > &facesToRemove)
 Removes faces faces to the mesh, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized)
QList< int > removeVerticesFillHoles (const QList< int > &verticesToRemoveIndexes)
 Removes vertices with indexes in the list verticesToRemoveIndexes in the mesh the surrounding faces AND fills the freed space.
QgsMeshEditingError removeVerticesWithoutFillHoles (const QList< int > &verticesToRemoveIndexes)
 Removes vertices with indexes in the list verticesToRemoveIndexes in the mesh removing the surrounding faces without filling the freed space.
void resetTriangularMesh (QgsTriangularMesh *triangularMesh)
 Resets the triangular mesh.
int splitFaces (const QList< int > &faceIndexes)
 Splits faces with index faceIndexes.
void stopEditing ()
 Stops editing.
QgsTopologicalMeshtopologicalMesh ()
 Returns a reference to the topological mesh.
QgsTriangularMeshtriangularMesh ()
 Returns a pointer to the triangular mesh.
int validFacesCount () const
 Returns the count of valid faces, that is non void faces in the mesh.
int validVerticesCount () const
 Returns the count of valid vertices, that is non void vertices in the mesh.
QgsMeshVertexCirculator vertexCirculator (int vertexIndex) const
 Returns a vertex circulator linked to this mesh around the vertex with index vertexIndex.


class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddFaces
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddVertices
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAdvancedEditing
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeCoordinates
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeXYValue
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeZValue
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandFlipEdge
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMerge
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMeshEdit
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveFaces
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesFillHoles
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesWithoutFillHoles
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSetZValue
class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSplitFaces
class TestQgsMeshEditor

Detailed Description

Class that makes edit operation on a mesh.

QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 67 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsMeshEditor() [1/2]

QgsMeshEditor::QgsMeshEditor ( QgsMeshLayer meshLayer)

Constructor with a specified layer meshLayer.

Definition at line 32 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ QgsMeshEditor() [2/2]

QgsMeshEditor::QgsMeshEditor ( QgsMesh nativeMesh,
QgsTriangularMesh triangularMesh,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

Constructor with a specific mesh nativeMesh and an associated triangular mesh triangularMesh.

Definition at line 45 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ ~QgsMeshEditor()

QgsMeshEditor::~QgsMeshEditor ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addFace()

QgsMeshEditingError QgsMeshEditor::addFace ( const QVector< int > &  vertexIndexes)

Adds a face face to the mesh with vertex indexes vertexIndexes, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized)

Definition at line 790 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ addFaces()

QgsMeshEditingError QgsMeshEditor::addFaces ( const QVector< QgsMeshFace > &  faces)

Adds faces faces to the mesh, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized)

Definition at line 770 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ addFaceWithNewVertices()

QgsMeshEditingError QgsMeshEditor::addFaceWithNewVertices ( const QList< int > &  vertexIndexes,
const QList< QgsMeshVertex > &  newVertices 

Adds a face formed by some vertices vertexIndexes to the mesh, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized) The vertices are defined by verticesIndex that contains the index of already existing vertices or the value -1 if the vertex is not existing for now in the mesh.

The positions of new vertices are stored in newVertices sorted by their positions in the face.

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 795 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ addPointsAsVertices()

int QgsMeshEditor::addPointsAsVertices ( const QVector< QgsPoint > &  point,
double  tolerance 

Adds points as vertices in triangular mesh coordinate in the mesh.

Vertex is effectivly added if the transform from triangular coordinate to layer coordinate succeeds or if any vertices are next the added vertex (under tolerance distance). The method returns the number of vertices effectivly added.

this operation remove including face if exists and replace it by new faces surrounding the vertex if the mesh hasn't topological error before this operation, the toological operation always succeed

Definition at line 859 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ addVertices()

int QgsMeshEditor::addVertices ( const QVector< QgsMeshVertex > &  vertices,
double  tolerance 

Adds vertices in triangular mesh coordinate in the mesh.

Vertex is effectivly added if the transform from triangular coordinate to layer coordinate succeeds or if any vertices are next the added vertex (under tolerance distance). The method returns the number of vertices effectivly added.

this operation remove including face if exists and replace it by new faces surrounding the vertex if the mesh hasn't topological error before this operation, the toological operation always succeed.

Definition at line 816 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ advancedEdit()

void QgsMeshEditor::advancedEdit ( QgsMeshAdvancedEditing editing)

Applies an advance editing on the edited mesh, see QgsMeshAdvancedEditing.

Definition at line 1025 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ canBeMerged()

bool QgsMeshEditor::canBeMerged ( int  vertexIndex1,
int  vertexIndex2 
) const

Returns true if faces separated by vertices with indexes vertexIndex1 and vertexIndex2 can be merged.

Definition at line 655 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ canBeTransformed()

bool QgsMeshEditor::canBeTransformed ( const QList< int > &  facesToCheck,
const std::function< const QgsMeshVertex(int)> &  transformFunction 
) const

Returns true if faces with index in transformedFaces can be transformed without obtaining topologic or geometrical errors considering the transform function transformFunction.

The transform function takes a vertex index in parameter and return a QgsMeshVertex object with transformed coordinates. This transformation is done in layer coordinates

Even only the faces with indexes in facesToCheck are checked to avoid testing all the mesh, all the mesh are supposed to path through this transform function (but it is possible that transform function is not able to transform all vertices). Moving free vertices of the mesh is also checked.

Definition at line 900 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ changeCoordinates()

void QgsMeshEditor::changeCoordinates ( const QList< int > &  verticesIndexes,
const QList< QgsPoint > &  newCoordinates 

Changes the (X,Y,Z) coordinates values of the vertices with indexes in vertices indexes with the values in newValues.

The caller has the responsibility to check if changing the vertices coordinates does not lead to topological errors New coordinates are in layer CRS.

Definition at line 1020 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ changeXYValues()

void QgsMeshEditor::changeXYValues ( const QList< int > &  verticesIndexes,
const QList< QgsPointXY > &  newValues 

Changes the (X,Y) coordinates values of the vertices with indexes in verticesIndexes with the values in newValues.

The caller has the responsibility to check if changing the vertices coordinates does not lead to topological errors. New values are in layer CRS.

Definition at line 1014 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ changeZValues()

void QgsMeshEditor::changeZValues ( const QList< int > &  verticesIndexes,
const QList< double > &  newValues 

Changes the Z values of the vertices with indexes in vertices indexes with the values in newValues.

Definition at line 895 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ checkConsistency()

bool QgsMeshEditor::checkConsistency ( QgsMeshEditingError error) const

Return true if the edited mesh is consistent.

Definition at line 544 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ createZValueDatasetGroup()

QgsMeshDatasetGroup * QgsMeshEditor::createZValueDatasetGroup ( )

Creates and returns a scalar dataset group with value on vertex that is can be used to access the Z value of the edited mesh.

The caller takes ownership.

Definition at line 54 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ edgeCanBeFlipped()

bool QgsMeshEditor::edgeCanBeFlipped ( int  vertexIndex1,
int  vertexIndex2 
) const

Returns true if the edge can be flipped (only available for edge shared by two faces with 3 vertices)

Definition at line 642 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ edgeIsClose()

bool QgsMeshEditor::edgeIsClose ( QgsPointXY  point,
double  tolerance,
int &  faceIndex,
int &  edgePosition 

Returns true if an edge of face is closest than the tolerance from the point in triangular mesh coordinate Returns also the face index and the edge position in faceIndex and edgePosition.

Definition at line 569 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ extent()

QgsRectangle QgsMeshEditor::extent ( ) const

Returns the extent of the edited mesh.

Definition at line 1221 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ faceCanBeAdded()

bool QgsMeshEditor::faceCanBeAdded ( const QgsMeshFace face) const

Returns true if a face can be added to the mesh.

All vertices related to this face must be already in the mesh.

Definition at line 290 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ faceCanBeAddedWithNewVertices()

bool QgsMeshEditor::faceCanBeAddedWithNewVertices ( const QList< int > &  verticesIndex,
const QList< QgsMeshVertex > &  newVertices 
) const

Returns true if a face formed by some vertices can be added to the mesh.

The vertices are defined by verticesIndex that contains the index of already existing vertices or the value -1 if the vertex is not existing for now in the mesh. The positions of new vertices are stored in newVertices sorted by their positions in the face.

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 315 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ faceCanBeSplit()

bool QgsMeshEditor::faceCanBeSplit ( int  faceIndex) const

Returns true if face with index faceIndex can be split.

Definition at line 668 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ fixError()

bool QgsMeshEditor::fixError ( const QgsMeshEditingError error)

Tries to fix the topological error in the mesh.

Returns false if the fix fails

QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 113 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ flipEdge()

void QgsMeshEditor::flipEdge ( int  vertexIndex1,
int  vertexIndex2 

Flips edge (vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2)

Definition at line 647 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ freeVerticesIndexes()

QList< int > QgsMeshEditor::freeVerticesIndexes ( ) const

Returns all the free vertices indexes.

Definition at line 1260 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ initialize()

QgsMeshEditingError QgsMeshEditor::initialize ( )

Initializes the mesh editor and returns first error if the internal native mesh has topological errors.

Definition at line 69 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ initializeWithErrorsFix()

QgsMeshEditingError QgsMeshEditor::initializeWithErrorsFix ( )

Initializes the mesh editor.

If topological errors occur,tries to fix these errors and returns error if there is one that couldn't be fixed

QGIS 3.28

Definition at line 94 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ isFaceGeometricallyCompatible()

bool QgsMeshEditor::isFaceGeometricallyCompatible ( const QgsMeshFace face) const

Returns true if the face does not intersect or contains any other elements (faces or vertices) The topological compatibility is not checked.

Definition at line 277 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ isModified()

bool QgsMeshEditor::isModified ( ) const

Returns whether the mesh has been modified.

Definition at line 1226 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ isVertexFree()

bool QgsMeshEditor::isVertexFree ( int  vertexIndex) const

Returns whether the vertex with index vertexIndex is a free vertex.

Definition at line 1270 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ isVertexOnBoundary()

bool QgsMeshEditor::isVertexOnBoundary ( int  vertexIndex) const

Returns whether the vertex with index vertexIndex is on a boundary.

Definition at line 1265 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ maximumVerticesPerFace()

int QgsMeshEditor::maximumVerticesPerFace ( ) const

Returns the maximum count of vertices per face that the mesh can support.

Definition at line 626 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ merge()

void QgsMeshEditor::merge ( int  vertexIndex1,
int  vertexIndex2 

Merges faces separated by vertices with indexes vertexIndex1 and vertexIndex2.

Definition at line 660 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ meshEdited

void QgsMeshEditor::meshEdited ( )

Emitted when the mesh is edited.

◆ reindex()

bool QgsMeshEditor::reindex ( bool  renumbering)

Reindexes the mesh, that is remove unusued index of face and vertices, this operation void the undo/redo stack.

If renumbering is true, a renumbering is operated to optimize the vertices indexes.

Returns false if the operation fail.

Definition at line 1234 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ removeFaces()

QgsMeshEditingError QgsMeshEditor::removeFaces ( const QList< int > &  facesToRemove)

Removes faces faces to the mesh, returns topological errors if this operation fails (operation is not realized)

Definition at line 631 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ removeVerticesFillHoles()

QList< int > QgsMeshEditor::removeVerticesFillHoles ( const QList< int > &  verticesToRemoveIndexes)

Removes vertices with indexes in the list verticesToRemoveIndexes in the mesh the surrounding faces AND fills the freed space.

This operation fills holes by a Delaunay triangulation using the surrounding vertices. Some vertices could no be deleted to avoid topological error even with hole filling (can not be detected before execution). A list of the remaining vertex indexes is returned.

Definition at line 886 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ removeVerticesWithoutFillHoles()

QgsMeshEditingError QgsMeshEditor::removeVerticesWithoutFillHoles ( const QList< int > &  verticesToRemoveIndexes)

Removes vertices with indexes in the list verticesToRemoveIndexes in the mesh removing the surrounding faces without filling the freed space.

If removing these vertices leads to a topological errors, the method will return the corresponding error and the operation is canceled

Definition at line 864 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ resetTriangularMesh()

void QgsMeshEditor::resetTriangularMesh ( QgsTriangularMesh triangularMesh)

Resets the triangular mesh.

Definition at line 156 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ splitFaces()

int QgsMeshEditor::splitFaces ( const QList< int > &  faceIndexes)

Splits faces with index faceIndexes.

Only faces that can be split are split. Returns the count of faces effictively split

Definition at line 673 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ stopEditing()

void QgsMeshEditor::stopEditing ( )

Stops editing.

Definition at line 1030 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ topologicalMesh()

QgsTopologicalMesh & QgsMeshEditor::topologicalMesh ( )

Returns a reference to the topological mesh.

Definition at line 1280 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ triangularMesh()

QgsTriangularMesh * QgsMeshEditor::triangularMesh ( )

Returns a pointer to the triangular mesh.

Definition at line 1285 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ validFacesCount()

int QgsMeshEditor::validFacesCount ( ) const

Returns the count of valid faces, that is non void faces in the mesh.

Definition at line 616 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ validVerticesCount()

int QgsMeshEditor::validVerticesCount ( ) const

Returns the count of valid vertices, that is non void vertices in the mesh.

Definition at line 621 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

◆ vertexCirculator()

QgsMeshVertexCirculator QgsMeshEditor::vertexCirculator ( int  vertexIndex) const

Returns a vertex circulator linked to this mesh around the vertex with index vertexIndex.

If the vertex does not exist or is a free vertex, the cirxulator is invalid. If stopEditing() is called, circulator created before and new circulator are valid and must not be used. It is recommended to destruct all circulator created before calling any edit methods or stopEditing() to save memory usage. Calling initialize() allows creation of new circulator after stopEditing() is called.

Definition at line 1275 of file qgsmesheditor.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddFaces

friend class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddFaces

Definition at line 357 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddVertices

Definition at line 354 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAdvancedEditing

Definition at line 367 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeCoordinates

Definition at line 362 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeXYValue

Definition at line 361 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeZValue

Definition at line 360 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandFlipEdge

friend class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandFlipEdge

Definition at line 363 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMerge

friend class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMerge

Definition at line 364 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMeshEdit

friend class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMeshEdit

Definition at line 353 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveFaces

Definition at line 358 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesFillHoles

Definition at line 356 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesWithoutFillHoles

Definition at line 355 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSetZValue

friend class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSetZValue

Definition at line 359 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSplitFaces

friend class QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSplitFaces

Definition at line 365 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

◆ TestQgsMeshEditor

friend class TestQgsMeshEditor

Definition at line 352 of file qgsmesheditor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: