| QgsAuxiliaryLayer (const QgsAuxiliaryLayer &rhs)=delete |
| QgsAuxiliaryLayer (const QString &pkField, const QString &filename, const QString &table, QgsVectorLayer *vlayer) |
| Constructor.
bool | addAuxiliaryField (const QgsPropertyDefinition &definition) |
| Adds an auxiliary field for the given property.
QgsFields | auxiliaryFields () const |
| Returns a list of all auxiliary fields currently managed by the layer.
bool | clear () |
| Deletes all features from the layer.
QgsVectorLayer * | clone () const override |
| Returns a new instance equivalent to this one.
QgsAuxiliaryLayer * | clone (QgsVectorLayer *layer) const |
| Returns a new instance equivalent to this one.
bool | deleteAttribute (int attr) override |
| Removes attribute from the layer and commits changes.
bool | exists (const QgsPropertyDefinition &definition) const |
| Returns true if the property is stored in the layer already, false otherwise.
int | indexOfPropertyDefinition (const QgsPropertyDefinition &definition) const |
| Returns the index of the auxiliary field for a specific property definition.
bool | isHiddenProperty (int index) const |
| Returns true if the underlying field has to be hidden from editing tools like attribute table, false otherwise.
QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo | joinInfo () const |
| Returns information to use for joining with primary key and so on.
QgsAuxiliaryLayer & | operator= (QgsAuxiliaryLayer const &rhs)=delete |
QgsPropertyDefinition | propertyDefinitionFromIndex (int index) const |
| Returns the property definition for the underlying field index.
int | propertyFromIndex (int index) const |
| Returns the underlying property key for the field index.
bool | save () |
| Commits changes and starts editing then.
QgsVectorLayer * | toSpatialLayer () const |
| An auxiliary layer is not spatial.
| QgsVectorLayer (const QgsVectorLayer &rhs)=delete |
| QgsVectorLayer (const QString &path=QString(), const QString &baseName=QString(), const QString &providerLib="ogr", const QgsVectorLayer::LayerOptions &options=QgsVectorLayer::LayerOptions()) |
| Constructor - creates a vector layer.
| ~QgsVectorLayer () override |
QgsActionManager * | actions () |
| Returns all layer actions defined on this layer.
const QgsActionManager * | actions () const |
| Returns all layer actions defined on this layer.
bool | addAttribute (const QgsField &field) |
| Add an attribute field (but does not commit it) returns true if the field was added.
int | addExpressionField (const QString &exp, const QgsField &fld) |
| Add a new field which is calculated by the expression specified.
bool | addFeature (QgsFeature &feature, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags=QgsFeatureSink::Flags()) FINAL |
| Adds a single feature to the sink.
void | addFeatureRendererGenerator (QgsFeatureRendererGenerator *generator) |
| Adds a new feature renderer generator to the layer.
bool | addFeatures (QgsFeatureList &features, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags=QgsFeatureSink::Flags()) FINAL |
| Adds a list of features to the sink.
bool | addJoin (const QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo &joinInfo) |
| Joins another vector layer to this layer.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | addPart (const QgsPointSequence &ring) |
| Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | addPart (const QList< QgsPointXY > &ring) |
| Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | addPart (QgsCurve *ring) |
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | addRing (const QgsPointSequence &ring, QgsFeatureId *featureId=nullptr) |
| Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | addRing (const QVector< QgsPointXY > &ring, QgsFeatureId *featureId=nullptr) |
| Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | addRing (QgsCurve *ring, QgsFeatureId *featureId=nullptr) |
| Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features (takes ownership)
int | addTopologicalPoints (const QgsGeometry &geom) |
| Adds topological points for every vertex of the geometry.
int | addTopologicalPoints (const QgsPoint &p) |
| Adds a vertex to segments which intersect point p but don't already have a vertex there.
int | addTopologicalPoints (const QgsPointSequence &ps) |
| Adds a vertex to segments which intersect any of the points p but don't already have a vertex there.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED int | addTopologicalPoints (const QgsPointXY &p) |
| Adds a vertex to segments which intersect point p but don't already have a vertex there.
QVariant | aggregate (Qgis::Aggregate aggregate, const QString &fieldOrExpression, const QgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParameters ¶meters=QgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParameters(), QgsExpressionContext *context=nullptr, bool *ok=nullptr, QgsFeatureIds *fids=nullptr, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr, QString *error=nullptr) const |
| Calculates an aggregated value from the layer's features.
bool | allowCommit () const |
| Controls, if the layer is allowed to commit changes.
QString | attributeAlias (int index) const |
| Returns the alias of an attribute name or a null string if there is no alias.
QgsStringMap | attributeAliases () const |
| Returns a map of field name to attribute alias.
QString | attributeDisplayName (int index) const |
| Convenience function that returns the attribute alias if defined or the field name else.
Q_INVOKABLE QgsAttributeList | attributeList () const |
| Returns list of attribute indexes.
QgsAttributeTableConfig | attributeTableConfig () const |
| Returns the attribute table configuration object.
QgsAuxiliaryLayer * | auxiliaryLayer () |
| Returns the current auxiliary layer.
const QgsAuxiliaryLayer * | auxiliaryLayer () const |
| Returns the current const auxiliary layer.
void | beginEditCommand (const QString &text) |
| Create edit command for undo/redo operations.
Q_INVOKABLE QgsRectangle | boundingBoxOfSelected () const |
| Returns the bounding box of the selected features. If there is no selection, QgsRectangle(0,0,0,0) is returned.
QString | capabilitiesString () const |
| Capabilities for this layer, comma separated and translated.
Q_INVOKABLE bool | changeAttributeValue (QgsFeatureId fid, int field, const QVariant &newValue, const QVariant &oldValue=QVariant(), bool skipDefaultValues=false, QgsVectorLayerToolsContext *context=nullptr) |
| Changes an attribute value for a feature (but does not immediately commit the changes).
Q_INVOKABLE bool | changeAttributeValues (QgsFeatureId fid, const QgsAttributeMap &newValues, const QgsAttributeMap &oldValues=QgsAttributeMap(), bool skipDefaultValues=false, QgsVectorLayerToolsContext *context=nullptr) |
| Changes attributes' values for a feature (but does not immediately commit the changes).
bool | changeGeometry (QgsFeatureId fid, QgsGeometry &geometry, bool skipDefaultValue=false) |
| Changes a feature's geometry within the layer's edit buffer (but does not immediately commit the changes).
QgsVectorLayer * | clone () const override |
| Returns a new instance equivalent to this one.
Q_INVOKABLE bool | commitChanges (bool stopEditing=true) |
| Attempts to commit to the underlying data provider any buffered changes made since the last to call to startEditing().
QStringList | commitErrors () const |
| Returns a list containing any error messages generated when attempting to commit changes to the layer.
QgsConditionalLayerStyles * | conditionalStyles () const |
| Returns the conditional styles that are set for this layer.
QString | constraintDescription (int index) const |
| Returns the descriptive name for the constraint expression for a specified field index.
QString | constraintExpression (int index) const |
| Returns the constraint expression for for a specified field index, if set.
QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounter * | countSymbolFeatures (bool storeSymbolFids=false) |
| Count features for symbols.
QgsExpressionContext | createExpressionContext () const FINAL |
| This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an expression context.
QgsExpressionContextScope * | createExpressionContextScope () const FINAL |
| This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an expression context scope.
QgsMapLayerRenderer * | createMapRenderer (QgsRenderContext &rendererContext) FINAL |
| Returns new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context.
QgsAbstractProfileGenerator * | createProfileGenerator (const QgsProfileRequest &request) override |
| Given a profile request, returns a new profile generator ready for generating elevation profiles.
QString | dataComment () const |
| Returns a description for this layer as defined in the data provider.
const QgsVectorDataProvider * | dataProvider () const FINAL |
| Returns the layer's data provider in a const-correct manner, it may be nullptr .
QgsVectorDataProvider * | dataProvider () FINAL |
| Returns the layer's data provider, it may be nullptr .
QString | decodedSource (const QString &source, const QString &provider, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const FINAL |
| Called by readLayerXML(), used by derived classes to decode provider's specific data source from project files.
QVariant | defaultValue (int index, const QgsFeature &feature=QgsFeature(), QgsExpressionContext *context=nullptr) const |
| Returns the calculated default value for the specified field index.
QgsDefaultValue | defaultValueDefinition (int index) const |
| Returns the definition of the expression used when calculating the default value for a field.
bool | deleteAttributes (const QList< int > &attrs) |
| Deletes a list of attribute fields (but does not commit it)
Q_INVOKABLE bool | deleteFeature (QgsFeatureId fid, QgsVectorLayer::DeleteContext *context=nullptr) |
| Deletes a feature from the layer (but does not commit it).
Q_INVOKABLE bool | deleteFeatures (const QgsFeatureIds &fids, QgsVectorLayer::DeleteContext *context=nullptr) |
| Deletes a set of features from the layer (but does not commit it)
Q_INVOKABLE bool | deleteSelectedFeatures (int *deletedCount=nullptr, QgsVectorLayer::DeleteContext *context=nullptr) |
| Deletes the selected features.
Qgis::VectorEditResult | deleteVertex (QgsFeatureId featureId, int vertex) |
| Deletes a vertex from a feature.
QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > | dependencies () const FINAL |
| Gets the list of dependencies.
void | destroyEditCommand () |
| Destroy active command and reverts all changes in it.
const QgsDiagramLayerSettings * | diagramLayerSettings () const |
const QgsDiagramRenderer * | diagramRenderer () const |
bool | diagramsEnabled () const |
| Returns whether the layer contains diagrams which are enabled and should be drawn.
QString | displayExpression () const |
| Returns the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string.
QString | displayField () const |
| This is a shorthand for accessing the displayExpression if it is a simple field.
Q_INVOKABLE QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer * | editBuffer () |
| Buffer with uncommitted editing operations. Only valid after editing has been turned on.
const QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer * | editBuffer () const |
| Buffer with uncommitted editing operations.
QgsEditFormConfig | editFormConfig () const |
| Returns the configuration of the form used to represent this vector layer.
QgsEditorWidgetSetup | editorWidgetSetup (int index) const |
| Returns the editor widget setup for the field at the specified index.
QgsMapLayerElevationProperties * | elevationProperties () override |
| Returns the layer's elevation properties.
QString | encodedSource (const QString &source, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const FINAL |
| Called by writeLayerXML(), used by derived classes to encode provider's specific data source to project files.
void | endEditCommand () |
| Finish edit command and add it to undo/redo stack.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QSet< QString > | excludeAttributesWfs () const |
| A set of attributes that are not advertised in WFS requests with QGIS server.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QSet< QString > | excludeAttributesWms () const |
| A set of attributes that are not advertised in WMS requests with QGIS server.
QString | expressionField (int index) const |
| Returns the expression used for a given expression field.
QgsRectangle | extent () const FINAL |
| Returns the extent of the layer.
QgsBox3D | extent3D () const FINAL |
| Returns the 3D extent of the layer.
QPainter::CompositionMode | featureBlendMode () const |
| Returns the current blending mode for features.
long long | featureCount () const FINAL |
| Returns feature count including changes which have not yet been committed If you need only the count of committed features call this method on this layer's provider.
long long | featureCount (const QString &legendKey) const |
| Number of features rendered with specified legend key.
QList< const QgsFeatureRendererGenerator * > | featureRendererGenerators () const |
| Returns a list of the feature renderer generators owned by the layer.
Qgis::FieldConfigurationFlags | fieldConfigurationFlags (int index) const |
| Returns the configuration flags of the field at given index.
QgsFieldConstraints::Constraints | fieldConstraints (int fieldIndex) const |
| Returns any constraints which are present for a specified field index.
QMap< QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrength > | fieldConstraintsAndStrength (int fieldIndex) const |
| Returns a map of constraint with their strength for a specific field of the layer.
QgsFields | fields () const FINAL |
| Returns the list of fields of this layer.
QgsGeometryOptions * | geometryOptions () const |
| Configuration and logic to apply automatically on any edit happening on this layer.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryType | geometryType () const |
| Returns point, line or polygon.
Q_INVOKABLE QgsFeature | getFeature (QgsFeatureId fid) const |
| Queries the layer for the feature with the given id.
QgsFeatureIterator | getFeatures (const QgsFeatureIds &fids) |
| Queries the layer for the features with the given ids.
QgsFeatureIterator | getFeatures (const QgsFeatureRequest &request=QgsFeatureRequest()) const FINAL |
| Queries the layer for features specified in request.
QgsFeatureIterator | getFeatures (const QgsRectangle &rectangle) |
| Queries the layer for the features which intersect the specified rectangle.
QgsFeatureIterator | getFeatures (const QString &expression) |
| Queries the layer for features matching a given expression.
QgsGeometry | getGeometry (QgsFeatureId fid) const |
| Queries the layer for the geometry at the given id.
QgsFeatureIterator | getSelectedFeatures (QgsFeatureRequest request=QgsFeatureRequest()) const |
| Returns an iterator of the selected features.
Qgis::FeatureAvailability | hasFeatures () const FINAL |
| Determines if this vector layer has features.
bool | hasMapTips () const FINAL |
| Returns true if the layer contains map tips.
QString | htmlMetadata () const FINAL |
| Obtain a formatted HTML string containing assorted metadata for this layer.
bool | insertVertex (const QgsPoint &point, QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int beforeVertex) |
| Inserts a new vertex before the given vertex number, in the given ring, item (first number is index 0), and feature.
bool | insertVertex (double x, double y, QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int beforeVertex) |
| Inserts a new vertex before the given vertex number, in the given ring, item (first number is index 0), and feature.
Q_INVOKABLE void | invertSelection () |
| Selects not selected features and deselects selected ones.
Q_INVOKABLE void | invertSelectionInRectangle (QgsRectangle &rect) |
| Inverts selection of features found within the search rectangle (in layer's coordinates)
bool | isAuxiliaryField (int index, int &srcIndex) const |
| Returns true if the field comes from the auxiliary layer, false otherwise.
bool | isEditable () const FINAL |
| Returns true if the provider is in editing mode.
bool | isEditCommandActive () const |
| Tests if an edit command is active.
bool | isModified () const override |
| Returns true if the provider has been modified since the last commit.
bool | isSpatial () const FINAL |
| Returns true if this is a geometry layer and false in case of NoGeometry (table only) or UnknownGeometry.
bool | isSqlQuery () const |
| Returns true if the layer is a query (SQL) layer.
QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer * | joinBuffer () |
| Returns the join buffer object.
const QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer * | joinBuffer () const |
| Returns a const pointer on join buffer object.
QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling * | labeling () |
| Access to labeling configuration.
const QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling * | labeling () const |
| Access to const labeling configuration.
bool | labelsEnabled () const |
| Returns whether the layer contains labels which are enabled and should be drawn.
bool | loadAuxiliaryLayer (const QgsAuxiliaryStorage &storage, const QString &key=QString()) |
| Loads the auxiliary layer for this vector layer.
QString | loadDefaultStyle (bool &resultFlag) FINAL |
| Retrieve the default style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
QVariant | maximumValue (int index) const FINAL |
| Returns the maximum value for an attribute column or an invalid variant in case of error.
void | minimumAndMaximumValue (int index, QVariant &minimum, QVariant &maximum) const |
| Calculates both the minimum and maximum value for an attribute column.
QVariant | minimumValue (int index) const FINAL |
| Returns the minimum value for an attribute column or an invalid variant in case of error.
Q_INVOKABLE void | modifySelection (const QgsFeatureIds &selectIds, const QgsFeatureIds &deselectIds) |
| Modifies the current selection on this layer.
bool | moveVertex (const QgsPoint &p, QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int atVertex) |
| Moves the vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature to the given coordinates.
bool | moveVertex (double x, double y, QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int atVertex) |
| Moves the vertex at the given position number, ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature to the given coordinates.
QgsVectorLayer & | operator= (QgsVectorLayer const &rhs)=delete |
QgsAttributeList | primaryKeyAttributes () const |
| Returns the list of attributes which make up the layer's primary keys.
bool | readExtentFromXml () const |
| Returns true if the extent is read from the XML document when data source has no metadata, false if it's the data provider which determines it.
bool | readSld (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage) FINAL |
bool | readStyle (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) FINAL |
| Read the style for the current layer from the DOM node supplied.
bool | readSymbology (const QDomNode &layerNode, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) FINAL |
| Read the symbology for the current layer from the DOM node supplied.
bool | readXml (const QDomNode &layer_node, QgsReadWriteContext &context) FINAL |
| Reads vector layer specific state from project file Dom node.
QList< QgsRelation > | referencingRelations (int idx) const |
| Returns the layer's relations, where the foreign key is on this layer.
void | reload () FINAL |
| Synchronises with changes in the datasource.
void | removeExpressionField (int index) |
| Removes an expression field.
void | removeFeatureRendererGenerator (const QString &id) |
| Removes the feature renderer with matching id from the layer.
void | removeFieldAlias (int index) |
| Removes an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs.
void | removeFieldConstraint (int index, QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint constraint) |
| Removes a constraint for a specified field index.
bool | removeJoin (const QString &joinLayerId) |
| Removes a vector layer join.
bool | renameAttribute (int index, const QString &newName) |
| Renames an attribute field (but does not commit it).
QgsFeatureRenderer * | renderer () |
| Returns the feature renderer used for rendering the features in the layer in 2D map views.
const QgsFeatureRenderer * | renderer () const |
| Returns the feature renderer used for rendering the features in the layer in 2D map views.
void | resolveReferences (QgsProject *project) FINAL |
| Resolves references to other layers (kept as layer IDs after reading XML) into layer objects.
Q_INVOKABLE bool | rollBack (bool deleteBuffer=true) |
| Stops a current editing operation and discards any uncommitted edits.
Q_INVOKABLE void | selectAll () |
| Select all the features.
Q_INVOKABLE void | selectByExpression (const QString &expression, Qgis::SelectBehavior behavior=Qgis::SelectBehavior::SetSelection, QgsExpressionContext *context=nullptr) |
| Selects matching features using an expression.
Q_INVOKABLE void | selectByIds (const QgsFeatureIds &ids, Qgis::SelectBehavior behavior=Qgis::SelectBehavior::SetSelection) |
| Selects matching features using a list of feature IDs.
Q_INVOKABLE void | selectByRect (QgsRectangle &rect, Qgis::SelectBehavior behavior=Qgis::SelectBehavior::SetSelection) |
| Selects features found within the search rectangle (in layer's coordinates)
int | selectedFeatureCount () const |
| Returns the number of features that are selected in this layer.
Q_INVOKABLE const QgsFeatureIds & | selectedFeatureIds () const |
| Returns a list of the selected features IDs in this layer.
Q_INVOKABLE QgsFeatureList | selectedFeatures () const |
| Returns a copy of the user-selected features.
QgsMapLayerSelectionProperties * | selectionProperties () override |
| Returns the layer's selection properties.
void | setAllowCommit (bool allowCommit) |
| Controls, if the layer is allowed to commit changes.
void | setAttributeTableConfig (const QgsAttributeTableConfig &attributeTableConfig) |
| Sets the attribute table configuration object.
void | setAuxiliaryLayer (QgsAuxiliaryLayer *layer=nullptr) |
| Sets the current auxiliary layer.
void | setConstraintExpression (int index, const QString &expression, const QString &description=QString()) |
| Sets the constraint expression for the specified field index.
void | setCoordinateSystem () |
| Setup the coordinate system transformation for the layer.
void | setDefaultValueDefinition (int index, const QgsDefaultValue &definition) |
| Sets the definition of the expression to use when calculating the default value for a field.
bool | setDependencies (const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &layers) FINAL |
| Sets the list of dependencies.
void | setDiagramLayerSettings (const QgsDiagramLayerSettings &s) |
void | setDiagramRenderer (QgsDiagramRenderer *r) |
| Sets diagram rendering object (takes ownership)
void | setDisplayExpression (const QString &displayExpression) |
| Set the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string.
void | setEditFormConfig (const QgsEditFormConfig &editFormConfig) |
| Sets the editFormConfig (configuration) of the form used to represent this vector layer.
void | setEditorWidgetSetup (int index, const QgsEditorWidgetSetup &setup) |
| Sets the editor widget setup for the field at the specified index.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setExcludeAttributesWfs (const QSet< QString > &att) |
| A set of attributes that are not advertised in WFS requests with QGIS server.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setExcludeAttributesWms (const QSet< QString > &att) |
| A set of attributes that are not advertised in WMS requests with QGIS server.
void | setFeatureBlendMode (QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode) |
| Sets the blending mode used for rendering each feature.
void | setFieldAlias (int index, const QString &aliasString) |
| Sets an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs.
void | setFieldConfigurationFlag (int index, Qgis::FieldConfigurationFlag flag, bool active) |
| Sets the given configuration flag for the field at given index to be active or not.
void | setFieldConfigurationFlags (int index, Qgis::FieldConfigurationFlags flags) |
| Sets the configuration flags of the field at given index.
void | setFieldConstraint (int index, QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint constraint, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrength strength=QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrengthHard) |
| Sets a constraint for a specified field index.
void | setFieldDuplicatePolicy (int index, Qgis::FieldDuplicatePolicy policy) |
| Sets a duplicate policy for the field with the specified index.
void | setFieldSplitPolicy (int index, Qgis::FieldDomainSplitPolicy policy) |
| Sets a split policy for the field with the specified index.
void | setLabeling (QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling *labeling) |
| Sets labeling configuration.
void | setLabelsEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets whether labels should be enabled for the layer.
void | setProviderEncoding (const QString &encoding) |
| Sets the text encoding of the data provider.
void | setReadExtentFromXml (bool readExtentFromXml) |
| Flag allowing to indicate if the extent has to be read from the XML document when data source has no metadata or if the data provider has to determine it.
bool | setReadOnly (bool readonly=true) |
| Makes layer read-only (editing disabled) or not.
void | setRenderer (QgsFeatureRenderer *r) |
| Sets the feature renderer which will be invoked to represent this layer in 2D map views.
void | setSimplifyMethod (const QgsVectorSimplifyMethod &simplifyMethod) |
| Sets the simplification settings for fast rendering of features.
virtual bool | setSubsetString (const QString &subset) |
| Sets the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer.
void | setWeakRelations (const QList< QgsWeakRelation > &relations) |
| Sets the layer's weak relations.
bool | simplifyDrawingCanbeApplied (const QgsRenderContext &renderContext, Qgis::VectorRenderingSimplificationFlag simplifyHint) const |
| Returns whether the VectorLayer can apply the specified simplification hint.
const QgsVectorSimplifyMethod & | simplifyMethod () const |
| Returns the simplification settings for fast rendering of features.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem | sourceCrs () const FINAL |
| Returns the coordinate reference system for features in the source.
QgsRectangle | sourceExtent () const FINAL |
| Returns the extent of all geometries from the source.
QgsBox3D | sourceExtent3D () const FINAL |
| Returns the 3D extent of all geometries from the source.
QString | sourceName () const FINAL |
| Returns a friendly display name for the source.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | splitFeatures (const QgsCurve *curve, QgsPointSequence &topologyTestPoints, bool preserveCircular=false, bool topologicalEditing=false) |
| Splits features cut by the given curve.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | splitFeatures (const QgsPointSequence &splitLine, bool topologicalEditing=false) |
| Splits features cut by the given line.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | splitFeatures (const QVector< QgsPointXY > &splitLine, bool topologicalEditing=false) |
| Splits features cut by the given line.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | splitParts (const QgsPointSequence &splitLine, bool topologicalEditing=false) |
| Splits parts cut by the given line.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED Qgis::GeometryOperationResult | splitParts (const QVector< QgsPointXY > &splitLine, bool topologicalEditing=false) |
| Splits parts cut by the given line.
QString | storageType () const |
| Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name.
QgsStoredExpressionManager * | storedExpressionManager () |
| Returns the manager of the stored expressions for this layer.
virtual QString | subsetString () const |
| Returns the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer.
bool | supportsEditing () const override |
| Returns whether the layer supports editing or not.
QgsFeatureIds | symbolFeatureIds (const QString &legendKey) const |
| Ids of features rendered with specified legend key.
QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties * | temporalProperties () override |
| Returns the layer's temporal properties.
Q_INVOKABLE int | translateFeature (QgsFeatureId featureId, double dx, double dy) |
| Translates feature by dx, dy.
QStringList | uniqueStringsMatching (int index, const QString &substring, int limit=-1, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) const |
| Returns unique string values of an attribute which contain a specified subset string.
QSet< QVariant > | uniqueValues (int fieldIndex, int limit=-1) const FINAL |
| Calculates a list of unique values contained within an attribute in the layer.
void | updateExpressionField (int index, const QString &exp) |
| Changes the expression used to define an expression based (virtual) field.
bool | updateFeature (QgsFeature &feature, bool skipDefaultValues=false) |
| Updates an existing feature in the layer, replacing the attributes and geometry for the feature with matching QgsFeature::id() with the attributes and geometry from feature.
void | updateFields () |
| Will regenerate the fields property of this layer by obtaining all fields from the dataProvider, joined fields and virtual fields.
const QList< QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo > | vectorJoins () const |
Qgis::VectorLayerTypeFlags | vectorLayerTypeFlags () const |
| Returns the vector layer type flags.
QList< QgsWeakRelation > | weakRelations () const |
| Returns the layer's weak relations as specified in the layer's style.
Q_INVOKABLE Qgis::WkbType | wkbType () const FINAL |
| Returns the WKBType or WKBUnknown in case of error.
bool | writeSld (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QVariantMap &props=QVariantMap()) const |
| Writes the symbology of the layer into the document provided in SLD 1.1 format.
bool | writeStyle (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) const FINAL |
| Write just the symbology information for the layer into the document.
bool | writeSymbology (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) const FINAL |
| Write the style for the layer into the document provided.
bool | writeXml (QDomNode &layer_node, QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const FINAL |
| Writes vector layer specific state to project file Dom node.
| QgsMapLayer (const QgsMapLayer &)=delete |
| QgsMapLayer (Qgis::LayerType type=Qgis::LayerType::Vector, const QString &name=QString(), const QString &source=QString()) |
| Constructor for QgsMapLayer.
| ~QgsMapLayer () override |
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | abstract () const |
| Returns the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
virtual bool | accept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const |
| Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the layer.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | attribution () const |
| Returns the attribution of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | attributionUrl () const |
| Returns the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
int | autoRefreshInterval () const |
| Returns the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds).
Qgis::AutoRefreshMode | autoRefreshMode () const |
| Returns the layer's automatic refresh mode.
QPainter::CompositionMode | blendMode () const |
| Returns the current blending mode for a layer.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem | crs () const |
| Returns the layer's spatial reference system.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem | crs3D () const |
| Returns the CRS to use for the layer when transforming 3D data, or when z/elevation value handling is important.
template<class T > |
T | customEnumProperty (const QString &key, const T &defaultValue) |
| Returns the property value for a property based on an enum.
template<class T > |
T | customFlagProperty (const QString &key, const T &defaultValue) |
| Returns the property value for a property based on a flag.
const QgsObjectCustomProperties & | customProperties () const |
| Read all custom properties from layer.
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant | customProperty (const QString &value, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const |
| Read a custom property from layer.
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList | customPropertyKeys () const |
| Returns list of all keys within custom properties.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | dataUrl () const |
| Returns the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | dataUrlFormat () const |
| Returns the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
virtual bool | deleteStyleFromDatabase (const QString &styleId, QString &msgError) |
| Deletes a style from the database.
virtual QgsError | error () const |
| Gets current status error.
void | exportNamedMetadata (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const |
| Export the current metadata of this layer as named metadata in a QDomDocument.
virtual void | exportNamedStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, const QgsReadWriteContext &context=QgsReadWriteContext(), QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) const |
| Export the properties of this layer as named style in a QDomDocument.
virtual void | exportSldStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const |
| Export the properties of this layer as SLD style in a QDomDocument.
virtual void | exportSldStyleV2 (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, const QgsSldExportContext &exportContext) const |
| Export the properties of this layer as SLD style in a QDomDocument.
QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags | flags () const |
| Returns the flags for this layer.
virtual QString | getStyleFromDatabase (const QString &styleId, QString &msgError) |
| Returns the named style corresponding to style id provided.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool | hasAutoRefreshEnabled () const |
| Returns true if auto refresh is enabled for the layer.
bool | hasScaleBasedVisibility () const |
| Returns whether scale based visibility is enabled for the layer.
QString | id () const |
| Returns the layer's unique ID, which is used to access this layer from QgsProject.
bool | importNamedMetadata (QDomDocument &document, QString &errorMessage) |
| Import the metadata of this layer from a QDomDocument.
virtual bool | importNamedStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) |
| Import the properties of this layer from a QDomDocument.
bool | isInScaleRange (double scale) const |
| Tests whether the layer should be visible at the specified scale.
bool | isRefreshOnNotifyEnabled () const |
| Returns true if the refresh on provider nofification is enabled.
virtual bool | isTemporary () const |
| Returns true if the layer is considered a temporary layer.
bool | isValid () const |
| Returns the status of the layer.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | keywordList () const |
| Returns the keyword list of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
QgsMapLayerLegend * | legend () const |
| Can be nullptr .
QString | legendPlaceholderImage () const |
| Returns path to the placeholder image or an empty string if a generated legend is shown.
QString | legendUrl () const |
| Returns the URL for the layer's legend.
QString | legendUrlFormat () const |
| Returns the format for a URL based layer legend.
virtual int | listStylesInDatabase (QStringList &ids, QStringList &names, QStringList &descriptions, QString &msgError) |
| Lists all the style in db split into related to the layer and not related to.
virtual QString | loadDefaultMetadata (bool &resultFlag) |
| Retrieve the default metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users metadata table in their personal qgis.db)
virtual QString | loadNamedMetadata (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) |
| Retrieve a named metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
bool | loadNamedMetadataFromDatabase (const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qmd) |
| Retrieve a named metadata for this layer from a sqlite database.
virtual QString | loadNamedStyle (const QString &theURI, bool &resultFlag, bool loadFromLocalDb, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories, Qgis::LoadStyleFlags flags=Qgis::LoadStyleFlags()) |
| Loads a named style from file/local db/datasource db.
virtual QString | loadNamedStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories, Qgis::LoadStyleFlags flags=Qgis::LoadStyleFlags()) |
| Retrieve a named style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
virtual bool | loadNamedStyleFromDatabase (const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qml) |
| Retrieve a named style for this layer from a sqlite database.
virtual QString | loadSldStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) |
| Attempts to style the layer using the formatting from an SLD type file.
bool | mapTipsEnabled () const |
| Returns true if map tips are enabled for this layer.
QString | mapTipTemplate () const |
| The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.
double | maximumScale () const |
| Returns the maximum map scale (i.e.
virtual const QgsLayerMetadata & | metadata () const |
| Returns a reference to the layer's metadata store.
virtual QString | metadataUri () const |
| Retrieve the metadata URI for this layer (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | metadataUrl () const |
| Returns the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | metadataUrlFormat () const |
| Returns the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | metadataUrlType () const |
| Returns the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
double | minimumScale () const |
| Returns the minimum map scale (i.e.
QString | name () const |
| Returns the display name of the layer.
virtual double | opacity () const |
| Returns the opacity for the layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).
QgsMapLayer & | operator= (const QgsMapLayer &)=delete |
QString | originalXmlProperties () const |
| Returns the XML properties of the original layer as they were when the layer was first read from the project file.
virtual Qgis::MapLayerProperties | properties () const |
| Returns the map layer properties of this layer.
QgsProviderMetadata * | providerMetadata () const |
| Returns the layer data provider's metadata, it may be nullptr .
QString | providerType () const |
| Returns the provider type (provider key) for this layer.
QString | publicSource (bool hidePassword=false) const |
| Gets a version of the internal layer definition that has sensitive bits removed (for example, the password).
bool | readLayerXml (const QDomElement &layerElement, QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags flags=QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags(), QgsDataProvider *preloadedProvider=nullptr) |
| Sets state from DOM document.
bool | readOnly () const |
| Returns if this layer is read only.
QString | refreshOnNotifyMessage () const |
| Returns the message that should be notified by the provider to triggerRepaint.
void | removeCustomProperty (const QString &key) |
| Remove a custom property from layer.
QgsAbstract3DRenderer * | renderer3D () const |
| Returns 3D renderer associated with the layer.
virtual QString | saveDefaultMetadata (bool &resultFlag) |
| Save the current metadata of this layer as the default metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | saveDefaultStyle (bool &resultFlag) |
| Save the properties of this layer as the default style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
virtual QString | saveDefaultStyle (bool &resultFlag, StyleCategories categories) |
| Save the properties of this layer as the default style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
QString | saveNamedMetadata (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) |
| Save the current metadata of this layer as a named metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
virtual QString | saveNamedStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) |
| Save the properties of this layer as a named style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
virtual QString | saveSldStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) const |
| Saves the properties of this layer to an SLD format file.
virtual QString | saveSldStyleV2 (bool &resultFlag, const QgsSldExportContext &exportContext) const |
| Saves the properties of this layer to an SLD format file.
virtual void | saveStyleToDatabase (const QString &name, const QString &description, bool useAsDefault, const QString &uiFileContent, QString &msgError, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) |
| Saves named and sld style of the layer to the style table in the db.
QgsMapLayerServerProperties * | serverProperties () |
| Returns QGIS Server Properties for the map layer.
const QgsMapLayerServerProperties * | serverProperties () const |
| Returns QGIS Server Properties const for the map layer.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setAbstract (const QString &abstract) |
| Sets the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setAttribution (const QString &attrib) |
| Sets the attribution of the layerused by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setAttributionUrl (const QString &attribUrl) |
| Sets the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setAutoRefreshEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets whether auto refresh is enabled for the layer.
void | setAutoRefreshInterval (int interval) |
| Sets the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds) for the layer.
void | setAutoRefreshMode (Qgis::AutoRefreshMode mode) |
| Sets the automatic refresh mode for the layer.
void | setBlendMode (QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode) |
| Set the blending mode used for rendering a layer.
void | setCrs (const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs, bool emitSignal=true) |
| Sets layer's spatial reference system.
template<class T > |
void | setCustomEnumProperty (const QString &key, const T &value) |
| Set the value of a property based on an enum.
template<class T > |
void | setCustomFlagProperty (const QString &key, const T &value) |
| Set the value of a property based on a flag.
void | setCustomProperties (const QgsObjectCustomProperties &properties) |
| Set custom properties for layer.
Q_INVOKABLE void | setCustomProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &value) |
| Set a custom property for layer.
void | setDataSource (const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName, const QString &provider, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag=false) |
| Updates the data source of the layer.
void | setDataSource (const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName, const QString &provider, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, Qgis::DataProviderReadFlags flags) |
| Updates the data source of the layer.
void | setDataSource (const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName=QString(), const QString &provider=QString(), bool loadDefaultStyleFlag=false) |
| Updates the data source of the layer.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setDataUrl (const QString &dataUrl) |
| Sets the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setDataUrlFormat (const QString &dataUrlFormat) |
| Sets the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
void | setFlags (QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags flags) |
| Returns the flags for this layer.
bool | setId (const QString &id) |
| Sets the layer's id.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setKeywordList (const QString &keywords) |
| Sets the keyword list of the layerused by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
virtual void | setLayerOrder (const QStringList &layers) |
| Reorders the previously selected sublayers of this layer from bottom to top.
void | setLegend (QgsMapLayerLegend *legend) |
| Assign a legend controller to the map layer.
void | setLegendPlaceholderImage (const QString &imgPath) |
| Set placeholder image for legend.
void | setLegendUrl (const QString &legendUrl) |
| Sets the URL for the layer's legend.
void | setLegendUrlFormat (const QString &legendUrlFormat) |
| Sets the format for a URL based layer legend.
void | setMapTipsEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Enable or disable map tips for this layer.
void | setMapTipTemplate (const QString &mapTipTemplate) |
| The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.
virtual void | setMetadata (const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata) |
| Sets the layer's metadata store.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setMetadataUrl (const QString &metaUrl) |
| Sets the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setMetadataUrlFormat (const QString &metaUrlFormat) |
| Sets the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setMetadataUrlType (const QString &metaUrlType) |
| Set the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request MetadataUrlType indicates the standard to which the metadata complies.
void | setName (const QString &name) |
| Set the display name of the layer.
virtual void | setOpacity (double opacity) |
| Sets the opacity for the layer, where opacity is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).
void | setOriginalXmlProperties (const QString &originalXmlProperties) |
| Sets the original XML properties for the layer to originalXmlProperties.
void | setRenderer3D (QgsAbstract3DRenderer *renderer) |
| Sets 3D renderer for the layer.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setShortName (const QString &shortName) |
| Sets the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer.
virtual void | setSubLayerVisibility (const QString &name, bool visible) |
| Set the visibility of the given sublayer name.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setTitle (const QString &title) |
| Sets the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
bool | setVerticalCrs (const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) |
| Sets the layer's vertical coordinate reference system.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | shortName () const |
| Returns the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer.
QString | source () const |
| Returns the source for the layer.
QgsMapLayerStyleManager * | styleManager () const |
| Gets access to the layer's style manager.
virtual QString | styleURI () const |
| Retrieve the style URI for this layer (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db)
virtual QStringList | subLayers () const |
| Returns the sublayers of this layer.
virtual QDateTime | timestamp () const |
| Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString | title () const |
| Returns the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request.
QgsCoordinateTransformContext | transformContext () const |
| Returns the layer data provider coordinate transform context or a default transform context if the layer does not have a valid data provider.
Qgis::LayerType | type () const |
| Returns the type of the layer.
QUndoStack * | undoStack () |
| Returns pointer to layer's undo stack.
QUndoStack * | undoStackStyles () |
| Returns pointer to layer's style undo stack.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem | verticalCrs () const |
| Returns the layer's vertical coordinate reference system.
QgsRectangle | wgs84Extent (bool forceRecalculate=false) const |
| Returns the WGS84 extent (EPSG:4326) of the layer according to ReadFlag::FlagTrustLayerMetadata.
bool | writeLayerXml (QDomElement &layerElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const |
| Stores state in DOM node.
virtual | ~QgsExpressionContextGenerator ()=default |
virtual | ~QgsExpressionContextScopeGenerator ()=default |
virtual | ~QgsFeatureSink ()=default |
virtual bool | addFeatures (QgsFeatureIterator &iterator, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags=QgsFeatureSink::Flags()) |
| Adds all features from the specified iterator to the sink.
virtual void | finalize () |
| Finalizes the sink, flushing any buffered features to the destination.
virtual bool | flushBuffer () |
| Flushes any internal buffer which may exist in the sink, causing any buffered features to be added to the sink's destination.
virtual QString | lastError () const |
| Returns the most recent error encountered by the sink, e.g.
virtual | ~QgsFeatureSource ()=default |
virtual QgsFeatureIds | allFeatureIds () const |
| Returns a list of all feature IDs for features present in the source.
virtual Qgis::SpatialIndexPresence | hasSpatialIndex () const |
| Returns an enum value representing the presence of a valid spatial index on the source, if it can be determined.
QgsVectorLayer * | materialize (const QgsFeatureRequest &request, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) |
| Materializes a request (query) made against this feature source, by running it over the source and returning a new memory based vector layer containing the result.
virtual | ~QgsAbstractProfileSource () |