Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- g -
- gaussianBlur()
: QgsImageOperation
- Gdal
: QgsSublayersDialog
- generateBandName()
: QgsRasterInterface
- GeneratedLayout
: QgsVectorLayer
- generateListOfVisibleFeatures()
: QgsAttributeTableFilterModel
- generateWorldFile()
: QgsComposition
- Generic
: QgsAction
- GenericPython
: QgsAction
- geographic()
: QgsDistanceArea
- geographicCRSAuthId()
: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
- geographicFlag()
: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
- geomCalculator()
: QgsExpression
- geometries
: QgsDiagramLayerSettings
, QgsPalLayerSettings
- geometry()
: QgsFeature
, QgsGeometryCache
- geometryAndOwnership()
: QgsFeature
- geometryAttributes()
: QgsGmlFeatureClass
, QgsGmlSchema
- geometryChanged()
: QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
- geometryColumn()
: QgsDataSourceURI
- geometryFromGML()
: QgsOgcUtils
- geometryFromSldElement()
: QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils
- GeometrySimplification
: QgsVectorSimplifyMethod
- geometryToGML()
: QgsOgcUtils
- geometryType()
: QgsVectorDataProvider
, QgsVectorLayer
- GeometryType
: QGis
- GEOSException()
: GEOSException
- GEOSInit()
: GEOSInit
- gestureEvent()
: QgsMapToolTouch
- get()
: QgsCredentials
- getAlpha()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getAlwaysShow()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getArrangement()
: pal::Layer
- getArrangementFlags()
: pal::Layer
- getAsynchronously()
: QgsHttpTransaction
- getBest()
: pal::PriorityQueue
- getBlendModeEnum()
: QgsMapRenderer
- getBoundingBox()
: pal::LabelPosition
, pal::PointSet
- getBreak()
: HalfEdge
- getCacheIterator()
: QgsAbstractCacheIndex
, QgsCacheIndexFeatureId
- getCentroid()
: pal::PointSet
- getCentroidInside()
: pal::Layer
- getColor()
: QgsColorDialogV2
- getColorRamp()
: QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2Widget
- getColumns()
: CharacterWidget
- getComposerHtmlByItem()
: QgsComposition
- getComposerItemAbove()
: QgsComposerModel
, QgsComposition
- getComposerItemBelow()
: QgsComposerModel
, QgsComposition
- getComposerItemById()
: QgsComposition
- getComposerItemByUuid()
: QgsComposition
- getComposerMapById()
: QgsComposition
- getCompositionMode()
: QgsMapRenderer
- getControlPoint()
: Bezier3D
, ParametricLine
- getControlPoly()
: Bezier3D
, ParametricLine
- getCoordinateTransform()
: QgsMapCanvas
- getCost()
: pal::PolygonCostCalculator
, pal::LabelPosition
- getCurrent()
: Line3D
- getDataValues()
: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2
- getDatumTransformInfo()
: QgsMapCanvas
- getDegree()
: Bezier3D
, ParametricLine
- getDisplayAll()
: pal::Layer
- getDist()
: pal::PointSet
- getDistanceToPoint()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getDpi()
: pal::Pal
- getDual()
: HalfEdge
- getExpression()
: QgsDiagram
, QgsDataDefinedButton
- getExpressionText()
: QgsExpressionItem
- getFeature()
: pal::FeaturePart
, pal::Layer
- getFeatureAttributes()
: QgsComposerAttributeTable
, QgsComposerTable
, QgsComposerTextTable
- getFeatureCandidate()
: pal::Problem
- getFeatureCandidateCount()
: pal::Problem
- getFeatureForm()
: QgisInterface
- getFeaturePart()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getFeatures()
: QgsAbstractFeatureSource
, QgsGml
, QgsVectorDataProvider
, QgsVectorLayer
, QgsVectorLayerCache
, QgsVectorLayerFeatureSource
- getField()
: QgsDataDefinedButton
- getFixedPosition()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getFixedRotation()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getForced()
: HalfEdge
- getGeometry()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getGeosGeometry()
: QgsPalGeometry
, pal::PalGeometry
- getGEOSHandler()
: QgsGeometry
- getGeosType()
: pal::PointSet
- getGroupRemoveQuery()
: QgsStyleV2
- getHeight()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getHelpText()
: QgsExpressionItem
- getHoleOf()
: pal::PointSet
- getId()
: pal::LabelPosition
, pal::PriorityQueue
, QgsStyleV2
- getImageData()
: QgsSvgCache
- getItemType()
: QgsExpressionItem
- getLabel()
: pal::PolygonCostCalculator
- getLabelAngle()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getLabelDistance()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getLabelExpression()
: QgsPalLayerSettings
- getLabelFontMetrics()
: QgsPalGeometry
- getLabelHeight()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getLabelMode()
: pal::Layer
- getLabelUnit()
: pal::Layer
- getLabelWidth()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getLayer()
: pal::FeaturePart
, pal::Pal
- getLayerName()
: pal::LabelPosition
, pal::PalStat
- getLayerNbLabelledObjects()
: pal::PalStat
- getLayerNbObjects()
: pal::PalStat
- getLayers()
: pal::Pal
- getLegendGraphic()
: QgsRasterDataProvider
- getLegendGraphicFetcher()
: QgsRasterDataProvider
- getLength()
: Vector3D
- getLineP()
: pal::Pal
- getLiveColor()
: QgsColorDialog
, QgsColorDialogV2
- getMapUnit()
: pal::Pal
- getMapUnitScale()
: QgsMapUnitScaleDialog
, QgsUnitSelectionWidget
- getMaxScale()
: pal::Layer
- getMergeConnectedLines()
: pal::Layer
- getMinScale()
: pal::Layer
- getMonospaceFont()
: QgsCodeEditor
- getName()
: pal::Layer
- getNbFeatures()
: pal::Layer
- getNbLabelledObjects()
: pal::PalStat
- getNbLayers()
: pal::PalStat
- getNbObjects()
: pal::PalStat
- getNext()
: QgsPointLocator_Stream
, QgsFeatureIteratorDataStream
, HalfEdge
, Node
- getNextEntry()
: QgsPointLocator_DumpTree
- getNextPart()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getNormal()
: NormVecDecorator
- getNumberOfPoints()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getNumFeatures()
: pal::Problem
- getNumOverlaps()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getNumPoints()
: pal::PointSet
- getNumPointsInPolygon()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getNumSelfObstacles()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getOppositePoint()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getParent()
: Bezier3D
, ParametricLine
- getPartId()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getPoint()
: pal::PointSet
, QgsRubberBand
, DualEdgeTriangulation
, HalfEdge
, Line3D
, Node
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getPointP()
: pal::Pal
- getPointsAroundEdge()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getPolyP()
: pal::Pal
- getPriority()
: pal::Layer
- getProblemFeatureId()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getRelatedFeatures()
: QgsRelation
- getRelatedFeaturesRequest()
: QgsRelation
- getReversed()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getSearch()
: pal::Pal
- getSelfObstacle()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getShowPartial()
: pal::Pal
- getSize()
: pal::PriorityQueue
, Line3D
- getSizeByPos()
: pal::PriorityQueue
- getSolution()
: pal::Problem
- getSquareSize()
: CharacterWidget
- getStandardTestFont()
: QgsFontUtils
- getState()
: NormVecDecorator
- getStats()
: pal::Problem
- getStyleFromDatabase()
: QgsVectorLayer
- getStyleSheet()
: QgsMessageBarItem
- getSurroundingTriangles()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getSvgParameterList()
: QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils
- getSynchronously()
: QgsHttpTransaction
- getTableContents()
: QgsComposerAttributeTableV2
, QgsComposerTableV2
- getThemeIcon()
: QgsApplication
- getThemePixmap()
: QgsApplication
- getTriangle()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, DualEdgeTriangulation
, NormVecDecorator
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getTriangulation()
: LinTriangleInterpolator
- getUID()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getUnit()
: QgsUnitSelectionWidget
- getUpsideDown()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getUpsidedownLabels()
: pal::Layer
- getUserGeometry()
: pal::FeaturePart
- getVendorOptionList()
: QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils
- getWidth()
: pal::LabelPosition
- getX()
: pal::LabelPosition
, Point3D
, Vector3D
- getXMax()
: Triangulation
, DualEdgeTriangulation
, TriDecorator
- getXMin()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getY()
: pal::LabelPosition
, Point3D
, Vector3D
- getYMax()
: DualEdgeTriangulation
, Triangulation
, TriDecorator
- getYMin()
: Triangulation
, DualEdgeTriangulation
, TriDecorator
- getZ()
: Point3D
, Vector3D
- getZipFileList()
: QgsZipItem
- gFunctionHelpTexts
: QgsExpression
- gGroups
: QgsExpression
- glob
: QgsVectorFileWriter::MetaData
- gmBuiltinFunctions
: QgsExpression
- gmFunctions
: QgsExpression
- gmSpecialColumnGroups
: QgsExpression
- gmSpecialColumns
: QgsExpression
- goToBegin()
: Line3D
- goToNext()
: Line3D
- gplFilePath()
: QgsGplColorScheme
, QgsUserColorScheme
- GPSDataReceived
: QgsGPSConnection
- Gradient
: QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer
- gradient()
: QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer
- gradientColorMap()
: QgsCptCityArchive
- gradientColorType()
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- GradientColorType
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- GradientCoordinateMode
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- gradientCoordModeDesc()
: QgsDataDefinedButton
- gradientCoordModeHelpText()
: QgsDataDefinedSymbolDialog
- GradientSpread
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- gradientSpread()
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- gradientSpreadDesc()
: QgsDataDefinedButton
- gradientSpreadHelpText()
: QgsDataDefinedSymbolDialog
- gradientType()
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- GradientType
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- gradientTypeDesc()
: QgsDataDefinedButton
- gradientTypeHelpText()
: QgsDataDefinedSymbolDialog
- graduatedColumnChanged()
: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget
- graph()
: QgsGraphBuilder
- grayBand()
: QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer
- GrayIndex
: QgsRaster
- GrayOrUndefined
: QgsRasterLayer
- GrayscaleAverage
: QgsImageOperation
, QgsHueSaturationFilter
- GrayscaleLightness
: QgsImageOperation
, QgsHueSaturationFilter
- GrayscaleLuminosity
: QgsHueSaturationFilter
, QgsImageOperation
- GrayscaleMode
: QgsImageOperation
, QgsHueSaturationFilter
- grayscaleMode()
: QgsHueSaturationFilter
- GrayscaleOff
: QgsHueSaturationFilter
- greaterEqual()
: QgsRasterMatrix
- greaterThan()
: QgsRasterMatrix
- Green
: QgsColorWidget
- green
: QgsRasterTransparency::TransparentThreeValuePixel
- greenBand()
: QgsMultiBandColorRenderer
- GreenBand
: QgsRaster
- greenContrastEnhancement()
: QgsMultiBandColorRenderer
- grid()
: QgsComposerMapGridStack
, QgsComposerMap
, QgsComposerMapGridStack
- gridAnnotationDirection()
: QgsComposerMap
- GridAnnotationDirection
: QgsComposerMap
- gridAnnotationFont()
: QgsComposerMap
- GridAnnotationFormat
: QgsComposerMap
- gridAnnotationFormat()
: QgsComposerMap
- GridAnnotationPosition
: QgsComposerMap
- gridAnnotationPosition()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridAnnotationPrecision()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridBlendMode()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridColor()
: QgsComposerTable
, QgsComposerTableV2
- gridEnabled()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridFrameFillColor1()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridFrameFillColor2()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridFramePenColor()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridFramePenSize()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridFrameStyle()
: QgsComposerMap
- GridFrameStyle
: QgsComposerMap
- gridFrameWidth()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridIntervalX()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridIntervalY()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridLineSymbol()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridOffsetX()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridOffsetY()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridPen()
: QgsComposition
, QgsComposerMap
- grids()
: QgsComposerMap
- gridStrokeWidth()
: QgsComposerTable
, QgsComposerTableV2
- GridStyle
: QgsComposerMap
, QgsComposition
- gridStyle()
: QgsComposerMap
, QgsComposition
- GridStyle
: QgsComposerMapGrid
- GridUnit
: QgsComposerMapGrid
- gridVisible()
: QgsComposition
- group()
: QgsExpression::Function
- Group
: QgsComposerLegendStyle
, QgsDirectoryItem
- group()
: QgsExpression
, QgsStyleV2
- groupChanged()
: QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog
- GroupData()
: QgsVectorLayer::GroupData
- GroupEntity
: QgsStyleV2
- groupExists()
: QgsLegendInterface
- groupId()
: QgsStyleV2
- groupIndexChanged()
: QgsLegendInterface
- GroupItem
: QgsComposerLegendItem
, QgsLegendModel
- groupItems()
: QgsComposition
, QgsComposerView
- groupLayerRelationship()
: QgsLegendInterface
- groupNames()
: QgsStyleV2
- groupRelationsChanged()
: QgsLegendInterface
- groupRemovedChildren()
: QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge
- groupRenamed()
: QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog
- groups()
: QgsLegendInterface
- groupSelected()
: QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions
- groupsTreeView()
: QgsSvgSelectorWidget
- groupSymbolsAction()
: QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog
- grouptreeContextMenu()
: QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog
- groupWillRemoveChildren()
: QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge
- guessSchema()
: QgsGmlSchema
- QgsGenericFeatureSelectionManager()
: QgsGenericFeatureSelectionManager
- QgsGenericProjectionSelector()
: QgsGenericProjectionSelector
- QgsGeometry()
: QgsGeometry
- QgsGeometryCache()
: QgsGeometryCache
- QgsGeometryValidator()
: QgsGeometryValidator
- QgsGml()
: QgsGml
- QgsGmlFeatureClass()
: QgsGmlFeatureClass
- QgsGmlSchema()
: QgsGmlSchema
- QgsGplColorScheme()
: QgsGplColorScheme
- QgsGPSConnection()
: QgsGPSConnection
- QgsGPSConnectionRegistry()
: QgsGPSConnectionRegistry
- QgsGpsdConnection()
: QgsGpsdConnection
- QgsGPSDetector()
: QgsGPSDetector
- QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2()
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2
- QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2Widget()
: QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2Widget
- QgsGradientStop()
: QgsGradientStop
- QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2()
: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2
- QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Model()
: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Model
- QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2ViewStyle()
: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2ViewStyle
- QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget()
: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget
- QgsGraph
: QgsGraphArc
, QgsGraph
, QgsGraphVertex
- QgsGraphArc()
: QgsGraphArc
- QgsGraphBuilder()
: QgsGraphBuilder
- QgsGraphBuilderInterface()
: QgsGraphBuilderInterface
- QgsGraphVertex()
: QgsGraphVertex
- QgsGridFileWriter()
: QgsGridFileWriter
- QgsGroupBoxCollapseButton()
: QgsGroupBoxCollapseButton