QGIS API Documentation  3.22.4-Białowieża (ce8e65e95e)
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 C_LayerRef< TYPE >Internal structure to keep weak pointer to QgsMapLayer or layerId if the layer is not available yet
 C_LayerRef< QgsMapLayer >
 C_LayerRef< QgsVectorLayer >
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBase::AddressMetadata address structure
 CQgsAggregateMappingModel::AggregateThe Aggregate struct holds information about an aggregate column
 CQgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateInfoStructured information about the available aggregates
 CQgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParametersA bundle of parameters controlling aggregate calculation
 CQgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointConstraintStructure with details of one constraint
 CQgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointContextDefines constraints for the QgsCadUtils::alignMapPoint() method
 CQgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointOutputStructure returned from alignMapPoint() method
 CAnchorAlongSegmentRecord about anchor being along a segment
 CAnchorPointRecord about vertex coordinates and index of anchor to which it is snapped
 CQgsTemporalUtils::AnimationExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting animations
 CQgsUnitTypes::AreaValueA combination of area value and unit
 CQgsSQLComposerDialog::ArgumentArgument of a function
 CQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget::CadConstraintThe CadConstraint is an abstract class for all basic constraints (angle/distance/x/y)
 Cpal::CandidatePolygonRingDistanceCalculatorCalculates distance from a label candidate to nearest polygon ring
 CQgsMapCanvas::CanvasPropertiesDeprecated to be deleted, stuff from here should be moved elsewhere
 CQgsGeometryCheck::ChangeDescripts a change to fix a geometry
 CQgsTopologicalMesh::ChangesClass that contains topological differences between two states of a topological mesh, only accessible from the QgsTopologicalMesh class
 CQgsTriangularMesh::ChangesUsed to make changes of the triangular and to keep traces of this changes If a Changes instance is applied (see QgsTriangularMesh::applyChanges()), these changes can be reversed (see QgsTriangularMesh::reverseChanges()) as long as other changes are not applied
 CQgsPalettedRasterRenderer::ClassProperties of a single value class
 CQgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfigDefines the configuration of a column in the attribute table
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ComponentLayerDetailContains details of a particular input component to be used during PDF composition
 CQgsAbstractGeometry::const_part_iteratorThe part_iterator class provides STL-style iterator for const references to geometry parts
 CQgsLayerMetadata::ConstraintMetadata constraint structure
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBase::ContactMetadata contact structure
 CQgsAbstractMapToolHandler::ContextContext of a QgsAbstractMapToolHandler call
 CQgsOgcUtils::ContextThe Context struct stores the current layer and coordinate transform context
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ControlPointContains details of a control point used during georeferencing GeoPDF outputs
 Cpal::CostCalculatorCalculates label candidate costs considering different factors
 CQgsOpenClUtils::CPLAllocator< T >Tiny smart-pointer-like wrapper around CPLMalloc and CPLFree: this is needed because OpenCL C++ API may throw exceptions
 CQgsTextRendererUtils::CurvedGraphemePlacementContains placement information for a single grapheme in a curved text layout
 CQgsTextRendererUtils::CurvePlacementPropertiesContains placement information for a curved text layout
 CQgsTerrainDownloader::DataSourceDefinition of data source for terrain tiles (assuming "terrarium" data encoding with usual XYZ tiling scheme)
 CQgsVectorLayer::DeleteContextContext for cascade delete features
 CQgsLayerDefinition::DependencySorterClass used to work with layer dependencies stored in a XML project or layer definition file
 CQgsImageOperation::DistanceTransformPropertiesStruct for storing properties of a distance transform operation
 CQgsUnitTypes::DistanceValueA combination of distance value and unit
 CQgsVectorFileWriter::DriverDetailsDetails of available driver formats
 CQgsDxfExport::DxfLayerLayers and optional attribute index to split into multiple layers using attribute value as layer name
 CDxfLayerJobHolds information about each layer in a DXF job
 CQgsEllipsoidUtils::EllipsoidDefinitionContains definition of an ellipsoid
 CQgsEllipsoidUtils::EllipsoidParametersContains parameters for an ellipsoid
 CQgsNewsFeedParser::EntryRepresents a single entry from a news feed
 CQgsGeometry::ErrorA geometry error
 CQgsLayoutItem::ExportLayerDetailContains details of a particular export layer relating to a layout item
 CQgsLayoutDesignerInterface::ExportResultsEncapsulates the results of an export operation performed in the designer
 CQgsLayerMetadata::ExtentMetadata extent structure
 Cpal::FeatsFor usage in problem solving algorithm
 CQgsRuleBasedRenderer::FeatureToRenderFeature for rendering by a QgsRuleBasedRenderer
 CQgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator::FetchJoinInfoJoin information prepared for fast attribute id mapping in QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer::updateFeatureAttributes()
 CQgsFieldMappingModel::FieldThe Field struct holds information about a mapped field
 CQgsAttributesFormProperties::FieldConfigHolds the configuration for a field
 CQgsVectorFileWriter::FieldValueConverterInterface to convert raw field values to their user-friendly value
 CQgsRasterFileWriter::FilterFormatDetailsDetails of available filters and formats
 CQgsVectorFileWriter::FilterFormatDetailsDetails of available filters and formats
 CQgsSQLComposerDialog::FunctionDescription of server functions
 Cgdal::GDALDatasetCloserCloses and cleanups GDAL dataset
 Cgdal::GDALWarpOptionsDeleterCloses and cleanups GDAL warp options
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty::GeometryColumnTypeThe GeometryColumnType struct represents the combination of geometry type and CRS for the table geometry column
 Cpal::GeomFunctionPal labeling engine geometry functions
 Cgeos::GeosDeleterDestroys the GEOS geometry geom, using the static QGIS geos context
 CQgsExifTools::GeoTagDetailsExtended image geotag details
 CQgsDatumTransform::GridDetailsContains information about a projection transformation grid file
 CQgsPointDistanceRenderer::GroupedFeatureContains properties for a feature within a clustered group
 CQgsLayoutExporter::ImageExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting layouts to raster images
 CIndexedPointCloudNodeRepresents a indexed point cloud node in octree
 CQgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettingsThis is a container of advanced configuration (per layer) of the snapping of the project
 CQgsProcessingParameterTinInputLayers::InputLayerUsed to store input layer Id and other associated parameters
 CQgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPointA structure to define the insertion point to the layer tree
 Cpal::InternalExceptionVarious Exceptions
 CQgsAlignRaster::ItemDefinition of one raster layer for alignment
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroup< T >::Item
 CQgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures::iteratorAn iterator over all features in a QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures
 CQgs3DAnimationSettings::KeyframeKeyframe definition
 CLabelInfoPal labeling engine
 Cpal::LayerA set of features which influence the labeling process
 CQgsVectorTileWriter::LayerConfiguration of a single input vector layer to be included in the output
 CQgsSnappingUtils::LayerConfigConfigures how a certain layer should be handled in a snapping operation
 CQgsInterpolator::LayerDataA source together with the information about interpolation attribute / z-coordinate interpolation and the type (point, structure line, breakline)
 CQgsSublayersDialog::LayerDefinitionA structure that defines layers for the purpose of this dialog
 CQgsProcessingContext::LayerDetailsDetails for layers to load into projects
 CQgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatureA layer feature combination to uniquely identify and access a feature in a set of layers
 CQgsGeometryCheck::LayerFeatureIdsA list of layers and feature ids for each of these layers
 CQgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeaturesContains a set of layers and feature ids in those layers to pass to a geometry check
 CQgsLayerTreeModel::LayerLegendDataStructure that stores all data associated with one map layer
 CQgsLayerTreeModel::LayerLegendTreeStructure that stores tree representation of map layer's legend
 CQgsAnnotationLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading annotation layers
 CQgsMapLayerFactory::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading layers
 CQgsMeshLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading mesh layers
 CQgsPointCloudLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading point cloud layers
 CQgsProviderSublayerDetails::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading layers
 CQgsRasterLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading raster layers
 CQgsVectorLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading vector layers
 CQgsVectorTileLayer::LayerOptionsSetting options for loading vector tile layers
 CQgsAccessControlFilter::LayerPermissionsDescribe the layer permission
 CQgsGmlStreamingParser::LayerPropertiesLayer properties
 CQgsOgcUtils::LayerPropertiesLayer properties
 CLessThanTileRequestHelper class for ordering tile requests according to the distance from view center
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBase::LinkMetadata link structure
 CQgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecordIndividual record of a visible layer in a map theme record
 CQgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecordIndividual map theme record of visible layers and styles
 CQgsPointLocator::MatchFilterInterface that allows rejection of some matches in intersection queries (e.g
 CQgsExpressionTreeView::MenuProviderImplementation of this interface can be implemented to allow QgsExpressionTreeView instance to provide custom context menus (opened upon right-click)
 CQgsProjectStorage::MetadataMetadata associated with a project
 CQgsServerMetadataUrlProperties::MetadataUrlMetadataUrl structure
 CMVTGeometryWriterHelper class for writing of geometry commands
 CQgsExpressionNode::NamedNodeNamed node
 CQgsSQLStatement::NodeAbstract node class
 CQgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface::NodeContains information relating to a node (i.e
 CQgsExpressionNode::NodeListA list of expression nodes
 CQgsSQLStatement::NodeListA list of nodes
 CQgsProviderSublayerModel::NonLayerItemContains details for a non-sublayer item to include in a QgsProviderSublayerModel
 Cgdal::OGRDataSourceDeleterDestroys OGR data sources
 Cgdal::OGRFeatureDeleterDestroys OGR feature
 Cgdal::OGRFldDeleterDestroys OGR field definition
 Cgdal::OGRGeometryDeleterDestroys OGR geometries
 CQgsCoordinateOperationWidget::OperationDetailsCoordinate operation details
 CQgsFeatureRequest::OrderByClauseOrder by clause for a QgsFeatureRequest
 Cpal::OrientedConvexHullBoundingBoxRepresents the minimum area, oriented bounding box surrounding a convex hull
 CQgsLayoutExporter::PageExportDetailsContains details of a page being exported by the class
 Cpal::PalMain Pal labeling class
 Cpal::PalExceptionVarious Exceptions
 Cpal::PalStatSummary statistics of labeling problem
 CQgsExpressionFunction::ParameterRepresents a single parameter passed to a function
 CQgsKernelDensityEstimation::ParametersKDE parameters
 CParametricLineParametricLine is an Interface for parametric lines
 CQgsExpression::ParserErrorDetails about any parser errors that were found when parsing the expression
 CQgsAbstractGeometry::part_iteratorSTL-style iterator for geometry parts
 CQgsLayoutExporter::PdfExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting layouts to PDF
 Cpal::PointSetThe underlying raw pal geometry class
 CQgsDataProvider::PreviewContextStores settings related to the context in which a preview job runs
 CQgsLayoutExporter::PrintExportSettingsContains settings relating to printing layouts
 Cpal::PriorityQueueCustom priority queue for use in pal labeling engine
 Cpal::ProblemRepresentation of a labeling problem
 CQgsAlignRaster::ProgressHandlerHelper struct to be sub-classed for progress reporting
 CQgsProjUtils::ProjPJDeleterDestroys Proj PJ objects
 CQgsProviderRegistry::ProviderCandidateDetailsContains information pertaining to a candidate provider
 CQgsDataProvider::ProviderOptionsSetting options for creating vector data providers
 CQgisGlobal constants for use throughout the application
 CQgisPluginAbstract base class from which all plugins must inherit
 CQgs3DQgs3D is a singleton class containing various registries and other global members related to 3D classes
 CQgs3DExportObjectManages the data of each object of the scene (positions, normals, texture coordinates ...) since each object
 CQgs3DMapExportSettingsManages the various settings the user can choose from when exporting a 3D scene 3
 CQgs3DRendererAbstractMetadataBase metadata class for 3D renderers
 CQgs3DRendererRegistryKeeps track of available 3D renderers
 CQgs3DSymbolAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one 3D symbol class
 CQgs3DSymbolRegistryRegistry of available 3D symbol classes
 CQgsAbstract3DRendererBase class for all renderers that may to participate in 3D view
 CQgsAbstract3DSymbol SIP_ABSTRACT
 CQgsAbstractAnnotationItemEditOperationAbstract base class for annotation item edit operations
 CQgsAbstractBabelFormatAbstract base class for babel GPS formats
 CQgsAbstractCacheIndexAbstract base class for cache indices
 CQgsAbstractContentCacheEntryBase class for entries in a QgsAbstractContentCache
 CQgsAbstractFeatureIteratorInternal feature iterator to be implemented within data providers
 CQgsAbstractFeatureSourceBase class that can be used for any class that is capable of returning features
 CQgsAbstractGeometryAbstract base class for all geometries
 CQgsAbstractGeometrySimplifierAbstract base class for simplify geometries using a specific algorithm
 CQgsAbstractGeometryTransformerAn abstract base class for classes which transform geometries by transforming input points to output points
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporterAbstract base class for GeoPDF exporters
 CQgsAbstractLabelProviderInterface class
 CQgsAbstractLayoutIteratorAn abstract base class for QgsLayout based classes which can be exported by QgsLayoutExporter
 CQgsAbstractMapToolHandlerAn abstract base class for map tool handlers which automatically handle all the necessary logic for toggling the map tool and enabling/disabling the associated action when the QGIS application is in a state permissible for the tool
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseAn abstract base class for metadata stores
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidatorAbstract base class for metadata validators
 CQgsAbstractPropertyCollectionAbstract base class for QgsPropertyCollection like objects
 CQgsAbstractProviderConnectionThe QgsAbstractProviderConnection provides an interface for data provider connections
 CQgsAbstractRelationEditorWidgetFactoryFactory class for creating relation widgets and their corresponding config widgets
 CQgsAbstractValidityCheckAbstract base class for individual validity checks
 CQgsAbstractVectorLayerLabelingAbstract base class - its implementations define different approaches to the labeling of a vector layer
 CQgsAccessControlFilterClass defining access control interface for QGIS Server plugins
 CQgsActionUtility class that encapsulates an action based on vector attributes
 CQgsActionScopeAn action scope defines a "place" for an action to be shown and may add additional expression variables
 CQgsAggregateCalculatorUtility class for calculating aggregates for a field (or expression) over the features from a vector layer
 CQgsAlignRasterQgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same:
 CQgsAnalysisQgsAnalysis is a singleton class containing various registry and other global members related to analysis classes
 CQgsAnnotationItemAbstract base class for annotation items which are drawn with QgsAnnotationLayers
 CQgsAnnotationItemAbstractGuiMetadataStores GUI metadata about one annotation item class
 CQgsAnnotationItemAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one annotation item class
 CQgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTransientResultsEncapsulates the transient results of an in-progress annotation edit operation
 CQgsAnnotationItemGuiGroupStores GUI metadata about a group of annotation item classes
 CQgsAnnotationItemNodeContains information about a node used for editing an annotation item
 CQgsApplicationExitBlockerInterfaceAn interface that may be implemented to allow plugins or scripts to temporarily block the QGIS application from exiting
 CQgsArcGisPortalUtilsUtility functions for working with ArcGIS REST services
 CQgsArcGisRestQueryUtilsUtility functions for querying ArcGIS REST services
 CQgsArcGisRestUtilsUtility functions for working with ArcGIS REST services
 CQgsArchiveClass allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions
 CQgsAttributeEditorContextThis class contains context information for attribute editor widgets
 CQgsAttributeEditorElementThis is an abstract base class for any elements of a drag and drop form
 CQgsAttributeTableConfigThis is a container for configuration of the attribute table
 CQgsAuthCertUtilsUtilities for working with certificates and keys
 CQgsAuthConfigSslServerConfiguration container for SSL server connection exceptions or overrides
 CQgsAuthCryptoFunctions for hashing/checking master password and encrypt/decrypting data with password
 CQgsAuthGuiUtilsUtility functions for use by authentication GUI widgets or standalone apps
 CQgsAuthMethodConfigConfiguration storage class for authentication method configurations
 CQgsAuthMethodMetadataHolds data auth method key, description, and associated shared library file information
 CQgsAuthMethodRegistryA registry / canonical manager of authentication methods
 CQgsAuxiliaryStorageClass providing some utility methods to manage auxiliary storage
 CQgsBabelFormatRegistryA registry for QgsAbstractBabelFormat GPSBabel formats
 CQgsBearingUtilsUtilities for calculating bearings and directions
 CQgsBookmarkRepresents a spatial bookmark, with a name, CRS and extent
 CQgsBox3dA 3-dimensional box composed of x, y, z coordinates
 CQgsCadUtilsRoutines for CAD editing
 CQgsCalloutAbstract base class for callout renderers
 CQgsCalloutAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one callout renderer class
 CQgsCallout::QgsCalloutContextContains additional contextual information about the context in which a callout is being rendered
 CQgsCalloutPositionRepresents the calculated placement of a map label callout line
 CQgsCalloutRegistryRegistry of available callout classes
 CQgsCelestialBodyContains information about a celestial body
 CQgsClassificationMethodQgsClassificationMethod is an abstract class for implementations of classification methods
 CQgsClassificationMethodRegistryThis class manages all known classification methods
 CQgsClassificationRangeQgsClassificationRange contains the information about a classification range
 CQgsClipperA class to trim lines and polygons to within a rectangular region
 CQgsCodeEditorColorSchemeDefines a color scheme for use in QgsCodeEditor widgets
 CQgsCodeEditorColorSchemeRegistryA registry of color schemes for use in QgsCodeEditor widgets
 CQgsColorRampAbstract base class for color ramps
 CQgsColorRampLegendNodeSettingsSettings for a color ramp legend node
 CQgsColorSchemeAbstract base class for color schemes
 CQgsColorSchemeRegistryRegistry of color schemes
 CQgsCommandLineUtilsUtils class for QGIS command line tools
 CQgsCompositionConverterQgsCompositionConverter class converts a QGIS 2.x composition to a QGIS 3.x layout
 CQgsConditionalStyleConditional styling for a rule
 CQgsConnectionPool< T, T_Group >Template class responsible for keeping a pool of open connections
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroup< T >Template that stores data related to a connection to a single server or datasource
 CQgsConstWkbPtrA const WKB pointer
 CQgsContrastEnhancementManipulates raster or point cloud pixel values so that they enhanceContrast or clip into a specified numerical range according to the specified ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm
 CQgsContrastEnhancementFunctionA contrast enhancement function is the base class for all raster contrast enhancements
 CQgsCoordinateFormatterContains methods for converting coordinates for display in various formats
 CQgsCoordinateReferenceSystemThis class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS)
 CQgsCoordinateTransformClass for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems
 CQgsCoordinateTransformContextContains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed
 CQgsCPLHTTPFetchOverriderUtility class to redirect GDAL's CPL HTTP calls through QgsBlockingNetworkRequest
 CQgsCreateAnnotationItemMapToolInterfaceAn interface for map tools which create annotation items
 CQgsCredentialsInterface for requesting credentials in QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsCurveTransformHandles scaling of input values to output values by using a curve created from smoothly joining a number of set control points
 CQgsDataDefinedSizeLegendObject that keeps configuration of appearance of marker symbol's data-defined size in legend
 CQgsDataItemGuiContextEncapsulates the context in which a QgsDataItem is shown within the application GUI
 CQgsDataItemGuiProviderAbstract base class for providers which affect how QgsDataItem items behave within the application GUI
 CQgsDataItemGuiProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of data item GUI providers that may affect how QgsDataItems behave within the application GUI
 CQgsDataItemProviderThis is the interface for those who want to add custom data items to the browser tree
 CQgsDataProviderTemporalCapabilitiesBase class for handling properties relating to a data provider's temporal capabilities
 CQgsDataSourceUriClass for storing the component parts of a RDBMS data source URI (e.g
 CQgsDateTimeStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of datetimes
 CQgsDatumEnsembleContains information about a datum ensemble
 CQgsDatumEnsembleMemberContains information about a member of a datum ensemble
 CQgsDatumTransformContains methods and classes relating the datum transformations
 CQgsDefaultValueContainer for managing client side default values for fields
 CQgsDetailedItemDataThis class is the data only representation of a QgsDetailedItemWidget, designed to be used in custom views
 CQgsDevToolWidgetFactoryFactory class for creating custom developer/debugging tool pages
 CQgsDiagramBase class for all diagram types
 CQgsDiagramInterpolationSettingsAdditional diagram settings for interpolated size rendering
 CQgsDiagramLayerSettingsStores the settings for rendering of all diagrams for a layer
 CQgsDiagramRendererEvaluates and returns the diagram settings relating to a diagram for a specific feature
 CQgsDiagramSettingsStores the settings for rendering a single diagram
 CQgsDistanceAreaA general purpose distance and area calculator, capable of performing ellipsoid based calculations
 CQgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContextContains mainly the QMap with QgsVectorLayer and QgsFeatureIds do list all the duplicated features
 CQgsEditFormConfigContains configuration settings for an editor form
 CQgsEditorWidgetAutoConfPluginBase class for plugins allowing to pick automatically a widget type for editing fields
 CQgsEditorWidgetFactoryEvery attribute editor widget needs a factory, which inherits this class
 CQgsEditorWidgetSetupHolder for the widget type and its configuration for a field
 CQgsEffectPainterA class to manager painter saving and restoring required for effect drawing
 CQgsElevationUtilsContains utility methods for working with elevation from layers and projects
 CQgsEllipseEllipse geometry type
 CQgsEllipsoidUtilsContains utility functions for working with ellipsoids and querying the ellipsoid database
 CQgsErrorQgsError is container for error messages (report)
 CQgsErrorMessageQgsErrorMessage represents single error message
 CQgsExceptionDefines a QGIS exception class
 CQgsExifToolsContains utilities for working with EXIF tags in images
 CQgsExpressionClass for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings")
 CQgsExpressionContextExpression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be evaluated
 CQgsExpressionContextGeneratorAbstract interface for generating an expression context
 CQgsExpressionContextScopeSingle scope for storing variables and functions for use within a QgsExpressionContext
 CQgsExpressionContextScopeGeneratorAbstract interface for generating an expression context scope
 CQgsExpressionContextScopePopperRAII class to pop scope from an expression context on destruction
 CQgsExpressionContextUtilsContains utilities for working with QgsExpressionContext objects, including methods for creating scopes for specific uses (e.g., project scopes, layer scopes)
 CQgsExpressionFieldBufferBuffers information about expression fields for a vector layer
 CQgsExpressionFunctionA abstract base class for defining QgsExpression functions
 CQgsExpressionNodeAbstract base class for all nodes that can appear in an expression
 CQgsExpressionUtilsA set of expression-related functions
 CQgsExternalStorageAbstract interface for external storage - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsExternalStorageRegistry
 CQgsExternalStorageRegistryRegistry of external storage backends used by QgsExternalResourceWidget
 CQgsFeatureThe feature class encapsulates a single feature including its unique ID, geometry and a list of field/values attributes
 CQgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsFeatureDataEncapsulate geometry and attributes for new features, to be passed to createFeatures
 CQgsFeatureFilterProviderAbstract interface for use by classes that filter the features or attributes of a layer
 CQgsFeatureIteratorWrapper for iterator of features from vector data provider or vector layer
 CQgsFeatureRendererGeneratorAn interface for objects which generate feature renderers for vector layers
 CQgsFeatureRequestThis class wraps a request for features to a vector layer (or directly its vector data provider)
 CQgsFeatureSinkAn interface for objects which accept features via addFeature(s) methods
 CQgsFeatureSourceAn interface for objects which provide features via a getFeatures method
 CQgsFieldEncapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source
 CQgsFieldConstraintsStores information about constraints which may be present on a field
 CQgsFieldFormatterA field formatter helps to handle and display values for a field
 CQgsFieldFormatterContextA context for field formatter containing information like the project
 CQgsFieldsContainer of fields for a vector layer
 CQgsFileFilterGeneratorAbstract interface for classes which generate a file filter string
 CQgsFileUtilsClass for file utilities
 CQgsGcpTransformerInterfaceAn interface for Ground Control Points (GCP) based transformations
 CQgsGdalUtilsUtilities for working with GDAL
 CQgsGenericSpatialIndex< T >A generic rtree spatial index based on a libspatialindex backend
 CQgsGenericSpatialIndex< QgsCalloutPosition >
 CQgsGenericSpatialIndex< QgsLabelPosition >
 CQgsGeocoderContextEncapsulates the context of a geocoding operation
 CQgsGeocoderInterfaceInterface for geocoders
 CQgsGeocoderResultRepresents a matching result from a geocoder search
 CQgsGeometryA geometry is the spatial representation of a feature
 CQgsGeometryCheckThis class implements a geometry check
 CQgsGeometryCheckContextBase configuration for geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCheckErrorThis represents an error reported by a geometry check
 CQgsGeometryCheckerUtilsContains utilities required for geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCheckFactoryA factory for geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCheckRegistryThis class manages all known geometry check factories
 CQgsGeometryCheckResolutionMethodThis class implements a resolution for problems detected in geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryConstPartIteratorJava-style iterator for const traversal of parts of a geometry
 CQgsGeometryEditUtilsConvenience functions for geometry editing
 CQgsGeometryEngineA geometry engine is a low-level representation of a QgsAbstractGeometry object, optimised for use with external geometry libraries such as GEOS
 CQgsGeometryFactoryContains geometry creation routines
 CQgsGeometryPartIteratorJava-style iterator for traversal of parts of a geometry
 CQgsGeometrySnapperSingleSourceMakes sure that any two vertices of the vector layer are at least at distance given by the threshold value
 CQgsGeometryUtilsContains various geometry utility functions
 CQgsGeoNodeConnectionEncapsulates settings related to a single GeoNode connection
 CQgsGeoNodeConnectionUtilsContains various utilities for managing the known collection of GeoNode servers associated with a QGIS install
 CQgsGeoNodeStyleEncapsulates information about a GeoNode layer style
 CQgsGmlFeatureClassDescription of feature class in GML
 CQgsGmlStreamingParserThis class builds features from GML data in a streaming way
 CQgsGpsConnectionRegistryA class to register / unregister existing GPS connections such that the information is available to all classes and plugins
 CQgsGpsInformationEncapsulates information relating to a GPS position fix
 CQgsGradientStopRepresents a color stop within a QgsGradientColorRamp color ramp
 CQgsGraphMathematical graph representation
 CQgsGraphAnalyzerThis class performs graph analysis, e.g
 CQgsGraphBuilderInterfaceDetermine interface for creating a graph
 CQgsGraphEdgeThis class implements a graph edge
 CQgsGraphVertexThis class implements a graph vertex
 CQgsGridFileWriterA class that does interpolation to a grid and writes the results to an ascii grid
 CQgsHelpHelper class for showing help topic URI for the given key
 CQgsHistogramCalculator for a numeric histogram from a list of values
 CQgsHtmlUtilsClass for HTML utilities
 CQgsIconUtilsContains utility functions for working with icons
 CQgsIdentifyContextIdentify contexts are used to encapsulate the settings to be used to perform an identify action
 CQgsImageOperationContains operations and filters which apply to QImages
 CQgsIndexedFeatureTemporarily used structure to cache order by information
 CQgsInternalGeometryEngineThis class offers geometry processing methods
 CQgsInternalGeometrySnapperQgsInternalGeometrySnapper allows a set of geometries to be snapped to each other
 CQgsInterpolatedLineColorClass defining color to render mesh datasets
 CQgsInterpolatedLineRendererRepresents a simple line renderer with width and color varying depending on values
 CQgsInterpolatedLineWidthRepresents a width than can vary depending on values
 CQgsInterpolatorInterface class for interpolations
 CQgsInterpolatorVertexDataInterpolation data for an individual source vertex
 CQgsIntervalA representation of the interval between two datetime values
 CQgsJsonExporterHandles exporting QgsFeature features to GeoJSON features
 CQgsJsonUtilsHelper utilities for working with JSON and GeoJSON conversions
 CQgsKernelDensityEstimationPerforms Kernel Density Estimation ("heatmap") calculations on a vector layer
 CQgsLabelBlockingRegionLabel blocking region (in map coordinates and CRS)
 CQgsLabelCandidateRepresents a label candidate
 CQgsLabelFeatureDescribes a feature that should be used within the labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingContains constants and enums relating to labeling
 CQgsLabelingEngineMap labeling functionality
 CQgsLabelingEngineSettingsStores global configuration for labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingResultsClass that stores computed placement from labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingUtilsContains helper utilities for working with QGIS' labeling engine
 CQgsLabelLineSettingsContains settings related to how the label engine places and formats labels for line features (or polygon features which are labeled in a "perimeter" style mode)
 CQgsLabelObstacleSettingsContains settings related to how the label engine treats features as obstacles
 CQgsLabelPositionRepresents the calculated placement of a map label
 CQgsLabelSearchTreeA class to query the labeling structure at a given point (small wrapper around pal RTree class)
 CQgsLabelSinkAbstract base class that can be used to intercept rendered labels from a labeling / rendering job
 CQgsLabelSorterHelper class for sorting labels into correct draw order
 CQgsLabelThinningSettingsContains settings related to how the label engine removes candidate label positions and reduces the number of displayed labels
 CQgsLayerDefinitionHolds generic methods for loading/exporting QLR files
 CQgsLayerMetadataFormatterClass for metadata formatter
 CQgsLayerNotesUtilsContains utility functions for working with layer notes
 CQgsLayerRestorerRAII class to restore layer configuration on destruction (opacity, filters, ...)
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetProviderProvider interface to be implemented in order to introduce new kinds of embedded widgets for use in layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistryRegistry of widgets that may be embedded into layer tree view
 CQgsLayerTreeUtilsAssorted functions for dealing with layer trees
 CQgsLayerTreeViewMenuProviderImplementation of this interface can be implemented to allow QgsLayerTreeView instance to provide custom context menus (opened upon right-click)
 CQgsLayoutAlignerHandles aligning and distributing sets of layout items
 CQgsLayoutExporterHandles rendering and exports of layouts to various formats
 CQgsLayoutGuiUtilsUtils for layout handling from app
 CQgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadataStores GUI metadata about one layout item class
 CQgsLayoutItemAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one layout item class
 CQgsLayoutItemGuiGroupStores GUI metadata about a group of layout item classes
 CQgsLayoutItemMapItemStackA collection of map items which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap
 CQgsLayoutItemRenderContextContains settings and helpers relating to a render of a QgsLayoutItem
 CQgsLayoutMeasurementThis class provides a method of storing measurements for use in QGIS layouts using a variety of different measurement units
 CQgsLayoutMeasurementConverterThis class provides a method of converting QgsLayoutMeasurements from one unit to another
 CQgsLayoutMultiFrameAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one layout multiframe class
 CQgsLayoutPointThis class provides a method of storing points, consisting of an x and y coordinate, for use in QGIS layouts
 CQgsLayoutSizeThis class provides a method of storing sizes, consisting of a width and height, for use in QGIS layouts
 CQgsLayoutTableColumnStores properties of a column for a QgsLayoutTable
 CQgsLayoutTableStyleStyling option for a layout table cell
 CQgsLayoutUndoObjectInterfaceInterface for layout objects which support undo/redo commands
 CQgsLayoutUtilsUtilities for layouts
 CQgsLayoutViewMenuProviderInterface for a QgsLayoutView context menu
 CQgsLeastSquaresUtilities for calculation of least squares based transformations
 CQgsLegendPatchShapeRepresents a patch shape for use in map legends
 CQgsLegendRendererHandles automatic layout and rendering of legend
 CQgsLegendSettingsStores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLegendRenderer
 CQgsLegendStyleContains detailed styling information relating to how a layout legend should be rendered
 CQgsLegendSymbolItemThe class stores information about one class/rule of a vector layer renderer in a unified way that can be used by legend model for rendering of legend
 CQgsLineSegment2DRepresents a single 2D line segment, consisting of a 2D start and end vertex only
 CQgsLocalDefaultSettingsContains local default settings which should be respected when creating new objects such as QgsProjects
 CQgsLocalizedDataPathRegistryA registry class to hold localized data paths which can be used for basemaps, logos, etc
 CQgsLocatorContextEncapsulates the properties relating to the context of a locator search
 CQgsLocatorFilter SIP_ABSTRACT
 CQgsLocatorResultEncapsulates properties of an individual matching result found by a QgsLocatorFilter
 CQgsLoggerQgsLogger is a class to print debug/warning/error messages to the console
 CQgsMapBoxGlStyleConversionContextContext for a MapBox GL style conversion operation
 CQgsMapBoxGlStyleConverterHandles conversion of MapBox GL styles to QGIS vector tile renderers and labeling settings
 CQgsMapCanvasInteractionBlockerAn interface for objects which block interactions with a QgsMapCanvas
 CQgsMapCanvasUtilsUtility functions for working with QgsMapCanvas widgets
 CQgsMapClippingRegionA map clipping region (in map coordinates and CRS)
 CQgsMapClippingUtilsUtility functions for use when clipping map renders
 CQgsMapDecorationInterface for map decorations
 CQgsMapHitTestClass that runs a hit test with given map settings
 CQgsMapInfoSymbolConversionContextContext for a MapInfo symbol conversion operation
 CQgsMapInfoSymbolConverterHandles conversion of MapInfo symbols to QGIS symbology
 CQgsMapLayerConfigWidgetContextEncapsulates the context for a QgsMapLayerConfigWidget
 CQgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactoryFactory class for creating custom map layer property pages
 CQgsMapLayerDependencyThis class models dependencies with or between map layers
 CQgsMapLayerFactoryContains utility functions for creating map layers
 CQgsMapLayerLegendUtilsMiscellaneous utility functions for handling of map layer legend
 CQgsMapLayerRendererBase class for utility classes that encapsulate information necessary for rendering of map layers
 CQgsMapLayerStyleStores style information (renderer, opacity, labeling, diagrams etc.) applicable to a map layer
 CQgsMapLayerStyleOverrideRestore overridden layer style on destruction
 CQgsMapLayerUtilsContains utility functions for working with map layers
 CQgsWms::QgsMapRendererJobProxyProxy for sequential or parallel map render job
 CQgsMapSettingsUtilsUtilities for map settings
 CQgsMapToPixelPerform transforms between map coordinates and device coordinates
 CQgsMapUnitScaleStruct for storing maximum and minimum scales for measurements in map units
 CQgsMarginsDefines the four margins of a rectangle
 CQgsMaskIdProviderThis class allows the creation of mask ids based on the different label layers and to give a mask id from a label layer
 CQgsMasterLayoutInterfaceInterface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports
 CQgsMaterialRegistryRegistry of available 3d material settings classes
 CQgsMaterialSettingsAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one 3D material settings class
 CQgsMbTilesUtility class for reading and writing MBTiles files (which are SQLite3 databases)
 CQgsMemoryProviderUtilsUtility functions for use with the memory vector data provider
 CQgsMeshMesh - vertices, edges and faces
 CQgsMesh3dAveragingMethodAbstract class to interpolate 3d stacked mesh data to 2d data
 CQgsMesh3dDataBlockQgsMesh3dDataBlock is a block of 3d stacked mesh data related N faces defined on base mesh frame
 CQgsMeshCalculatorPerforms mesh layer calculations
 CQgsMeshContoursExporter of contours lines or polygons from a mesh layer
 CQgsMeshDataBlockQgsMeshDataBlock is a block of integers/doubles that can be used to retrieve: active flags (e.g
 CQgsMeshDatasetAbstract class that represents a dataset
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupAbstract class that represents a dataset group
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadataQgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata is a collection of dataset group metadata such as whether the data is vector or scalar, name
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItemTree item for display of the mesh dataset groups
 CQgsMeshDatasetIndexQgsMeshDatasetIndex is index that identifies the dataset group (e.g
 CQgsMeshDatasetMetadataQgsMeshDatasetMetadata is a collection of mesh dataset metadata such as whether the data is valid or associated time for the dataset
 CQgsMeshDatasetSourceInterfaceInterface for mesh datasets and dataset groups
 CQgsMeshDatasetValueQgsMeshDatasetValue represents single dataset value
 CQgsMeshDataSourceInterfaceInterface for mesh data sources
 CQgsMeshDriverMetadataHolds metadata about mesh driver
 CQgsMeshEditingErrorClass that represents an error during mesh editing
 CQgsMeshRendererMeshSettingsRepresents a mesh renderer settings for mesh object
 CQgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsRepresents a mesh renderer settings for scalar datasets
 CQgsMeshRendererSettingsRepresents all mesh renderer settings
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorArrowSettingsRepresents a mesh renderer settings for vector datasets displayed with arrows
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorSettingsRepresents a renderer settings for vector datasets
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorStreamlineSettingsRepresents a streamline renderer settings for vector datasets displayed by streamlines
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorTracesSettingsRepresents a trace renderer settings for vector datasets displayed by particle traces
 CQgsMeshSimplificationSettingsRepresents an overview renderer settings
 CQgsMeshSpatialIndexA spatial index for QgsMeshFace or QgsMeshEdge objects
 CQgsMeshTimeSettingsRepresents a mesh time settings for mesh datasets
 CQgsMeshVectorTraceAnimationGeneratorA wrapper for QgsMeshParticuleTracesField used to render the particles
 CQgsMeshVertexCirculatorConvenient class that turn around a vertex and provide information about faces and vertices
 CQgsMessageLogNotifyBlockerTemporarily blocks the application QgsMessageLog (see QgsApplication::messageLog()) from emitting the messageReceived( bool ) signal for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsMessageOutputInterface for showing messages from QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsMetadataUtilsContains utility functions for working with metadata
 CQgsModelSnapperManages snapping grids and preset snap lines in a layout, and handles snapping points to the nearest grid coordinate/snap line when possible
 CQgsMultiRenderCheckerThis class allows checking rendered images against comparison images
 CQgsNetworkAuthenticationHandlerNetwork authentication handler, used for responding to network authentication requests during network requests
 CQgsNetworkReplyContentEncapsulates a network reply within a container which is inexpensive to copy and safe to pass between threads
 CQgsNetworkRequestParametersEncapsulates parameters and properties of a network request
 CQgsNetworkStrategyQgsNetworkStrategy defines strategy used for calculation of the edge cost
 CQgsNineCellFilterBase class for raster analysis methods that work with a 3x3 cell filter and calculate the value of each cell based on the cell value and the eight neighbour cells
 CQgsNumericFormatA numeric formatter allows for formatting a numeric value for display, using a variety of different formatting techniques (e.g
 CQgsNumericFormatConfigurationWidgetFactoryInterface base class for factories for numeric format configuration widgets
 CQgsNumericFormatContextA context for numeric formats
 CQgsNumericFormatGuiRegistryThe QgsNumericFormatGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for configuring QgsNumericFormat objects
 CQgsNumericFormatRegistryThe QgsNumericFormatRegistry manages registered classes of QgsNumericFormat
 CQgsObjectCustomPropertiesSimple key-value store (keys = strings, values = variants) that supports loading/saving to/from XML in
 CQgsOgcUtilsVarious utility functions for conversion between OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and QGIS internal representations
 CQgsOgcUtilsExpressionFromFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgcUtilsExprToFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgcUtilsSQLStatementToFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgrUtilsUtilities for working with OGR features and layers
 CQgsOpenClUtilsResponsible for common OpenCL operations such as
 CQgsOptional< T >QgsOptional is a container for other classes and adds an additional enabled/disabled flag
 CQgsOptional< QgsExpression >
 CQgsOWSServerFilterRestorerRAII class to restore layer filters on destruction
 CQgsPageSizeA named page size for layouts
 CQgsPageSizeRegistryA registry for known page sizes
 CQgsPaintEffectBase class for visual effects which can be applied to QPicture drawings
 CQgsPaintEffectAbstractMetadataStores metadata about a paint effect class
 CQgsPaintEffectRegistryRegistry of available paint effects
 CQgsPainterSwapperA class to manage painter saving and restoring required for drawing on a different painter (mask painter for example)
 CQgsPaintingMisc painting enums and functions
 CQgsPalLabelingPAL labeling utilities
 CQgsPalLayerSettingsContains settings for how a map layer will be labeled
 CQgsPathResolverResolves relative paths into absolute paths and vice versa
 CQgsPkiBundleStorage set for PKI bundle: SSL certificate, key, optional CA cert chain
 CQgsPkiConfigBundleStorage set for constructed SSL certificate, key, associated with an authentication config
 CQgsPluginLayerRegistryA registry of plugin layers types
 CQgsPluginLayerTypeClass for creating plugin specific layers
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeAttribute for point cloud data pair of name and size in bytes
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeCollectionCollection of point cloud attributes
 CQgsPointCloudBlockBase class for storing raw data from point cloud nodes
 CQgsPointCloudCategoryRepresents an individual category (class) from a QgsPointCloudClassifiedRenderer
 CQgsPointCloudDataBoundsRepresents packaged data bounds
 CQgsPointCloudRenderContextEncapsulates the render context for a 2D point cloud rendering operation
 CQgsPointCloudRendererAbstract base class for 2d point cloud renderers
 CQgsPointCloudRendererAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one point cloud renderer class
 CQgsPointCloudRendererRegistryRegistry of 2D renderers for point clouds
 CQgsPointCloudRequestPoint cloud data request
 CQgsPointXYA class to represent a 2D point
 CQgsPolymorphicRelationA polymorphic relation consists of the same properties like a normal relation except for the referenced layer which is calculated based on one or several fields of the referencing layer
 CQgsPostgresStringUtilsThe QgsPostgresStringUtils provides functions to handle postgres array like formatted lists in strings
 CQgsPrecalculatedTextMetricsContains precalculated properties regarding text metrics for text to be renderered at a later stage
 CQgsProcessingContains enumerations and other constants for use in processing algorithms and parameters
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithmAbstract base class for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetFactoryInterface base class for factories for algorithm configuration widgets
 CQgsProcessingContextContains information about the context in which a processing algorithm is executed
 CQgsProcessingContextGeneratorAn interface for objects which can create Processing contexts
 CQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionEncapsulates settings relating to a feature source input to a processing algorithm
 CQgsProcessingGuiContains general functions and values related to Processing GUI components
 CQgsProcessingGuiRegistryThe QgsProcessingGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for processing configuration widgets
 CQgsProcessingLayerPostProcessorInterfaceAn interface for layer post-processing handlers for execution following a processing algorithm operation
 CQgsProcessingOutputDefinitionBase class for the definition of processing outputs
 CQgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinitionEncapsulates settings relating to a feature sink or output raster layer for a processing algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterDefinitionBase class for the definition of processing parameters
 CQgsProcessingParameterLimitedDataTypesCan be inherited by parameters which require limits to their acceptable data types
 CQgsProcessingParametersA collection of utilities for working with parameters when running a processing algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParametersGeneratorAn interface for objects which can create sets of parameter values for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMakes metadata of processing parameters available
 CQgsProcessingParameterWidgetContextContains settings which reflect the context in which a Processing parameter widget is shown, e.g., the parent model algorithm, a linked map canvas, and other relevant information which allows the widget to fine-tune its behavior
 CQgsProcessingParameterWidgetFactoryInterfaceAn interface for Processing widget wrapper factories
 CQgsProcessingUtilsUtility functions for use with processing classes
 CQgsProjContextUsed to create and store a proj context object, correctly freeing the context upon destruction
 CQgsProjectBadLayerHandlerInterface for classes that handle missing layer files when reading project file
 CQgsProjectDirtyBlockerTemporarily blocks QgsProject "dirtying" for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsProjectFileTransformClass to convert from older project file versions to newer
 CQgsProjectionFactorsVarious cartographic properties, such as scale factors, angular distortion and meridian convergence
 CQgsProjectPropertyAn Abstract Base Class for QGIS project property hierarchys
 CQgsProjectServerValidatorValidates the server specific parts of the configuration of a QGIS project
 CQgsProjectStorageAbstract interface for project storage - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsProjectStorageRegistry
 CQgsProjectStorageGuiProviderAbstract interface for project storage GUI - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsProjectStorageGuiRegistry
 CQgsProjectStorageGuiRegistryA registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of project storage backends
 CQgsProjectStorageRegistryRegistry of storage backends that QgsProject may use
 CQgsProjectTranslatorWherever an object of this class is available, the derived translate function can be called from
 CQgsProjectUtilsContains utility functions for working with QGIS projects
 CQgsProjectVersionA class to describe the version of a project
 CQgsProjOperationContains information about a PROJ operation
 CQgsProjUtilsUtility functions for working with the proj library
 CQgsPropertyA store for object properties
 CQgsPropertyDefinitionDefinition for a property
 CQgsPropertyTransformerAbstract base class for objects which transform the calculated value of a property
 CQgsProviderGuiMetadataHolds data for GUI part of the data providers
 CQgsProviderGuiRegistryA registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of data providers
 CQgsProviderRegistryA registry / canonical manager of data providers
 CQgsProviderSourceWidgetProviderAn interface for providers of widgets designed to configure a data provider's source
 CQgsProviderSourceWidgetProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of provider source widget providers
 CQgsProviderSublayerDetailsContains details about a sub layer available from a dataset
 CQgsProviderUtilsContains utility functions for working with data providers
 CQgsPythonRunnerUtility class for running Python commands from various parts of QGIS
 CQgsQuadrilateralQuadrilateral geometry type
 CQgsRange< T >A template based class for storing ranges (lower to upper values)
 CQgsRange< double >
 CQgsRange< int >
 CQgsRasterRaster namespace
 CQgsRasterBandStatsThe RasterBandStats struct is a container for statistics about a single raster band
 CQgsRasterBlockRaster data container
 CQgsRasterCalcNodeRepresents a node in a raster calculator
 CQgsRasterCalculatorPerforms raster layer calculations
 CQgsRasterCalculatorEntryRepresents an individual raster layer/band number entry within a raster calculation
 CQgsRasterCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRasterDrawerThe drawing pipe for raster layers
 CQgsRasterFileWriterThe raster file writer which allows you to save a raster to a new file
 CQgsRasterHistogramThe QgsRasterHistogram is a container for histogram of a single raster band
 CQgsRasterIdentifyResultRaster identify results container
 CQgsRasterInterfaceBase class for processing filters like renderers, reprojector, resampler etc
 CQgsRasterIteratorIterator for sequentially processing raster cells
 CQgsRasterMatrixRepresents a matrix in a raster calculator operation
 CQgsRasterMinMaxOriginThis class describes the origin of min/max values
 CQgsRasterPipeContains a pipeline of raster interfaces for sequential raster processing
 CQgsRasterPyramidThis struct is used to store pyramid info for the raster layer
 CQgsRasterRangeRaster values range container
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryRegistry for raster renderers
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryEntryRegistry for raster renderer entries
 CQgsRasterRendererUtilsUtility functions for raster renderers
 CQgsRasterResamplerInterface for resampling rasters (e.g
 CQgsRasterShaderInterface for all raster shaders
 CQgsRasterShaderFunctionThe raster shade function applies a shader to a pixel at render time - typically used to render grayscale images as false color
 CQgsRasterTransparencyDefines the list of pixel values to be considered as transparent or semi transparent when rendering rasters
 CQgsRasterViewPortThis class provides details of the viewable area that a raster will be rendered into
 CQgsRay2DA 2D ray which extends from an origin point to an infinite distance in a given direction
 CQgsRay3DA representation of a ray in 3D
 CQgsReadWriteContextThe class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects
 CQgsReadWriteContextCategoryPopperAllows entering a context category and takes care of leaving this category on deletion of the class
 CQgsReadWriteLockerConvenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking QReadWriteLocks
 CQgsRecentStyleHandlerHandles and tracks style items recently used in the QGIS GUI
 CQgsRectangleA rectangle specified with double values
 CQgsReferencedGeometryBaseA base class for geometry primitives which are stored with an associated reference system
 CQgsRegularPolygonRegular Polygon geometry type
 CQgsRelationContextContext for relations
 CQgsRelationWidgetRegistryKeeps track of the registered relations widgets
 CQgsReliefProduces colored relief rasters from DEM
 CQgsRemappingSinkDefinitionDefines the parameters used to remap features when creating a QgsRemappingProxyFeatureSink
 CQgsRenderCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRenderedFeatureHandlerInterfaceAn interface for classes which provider custom handlers for features rendered as part of a map render job
 CQgsRenderedItemDetailsBase class for detailed information about a rendered item
 CQgsRenderedItemResultsStores collated details of rendered items during a map rendering operation
 CQgsWms::QgsRendererMap renderer for WMS requests
 CQgsRendererAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one renderer class
 CQgsRendererCategoryRepresents an individual category (class) from a QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
 CQgsRendererRegistryRegistry of renderers
 CQgsRequestHandlerThis class is an interface hiding the details of reading input and writing output from/to a wms request mechanism
 CQgsRuntimeProfilerNodeA node representing an entry in a QgsRuntimeProfiler
 CQgsSatelliteInfoEncapsulates information relating to a GPS satellite
 CQgsScaleBarRendererAbstract base class for scale bar renderers
 CQgsScaleBarRendererRegistryThe QgsScaleBarRendererRegistry manages registered scalebar renderers
 CQgsScaleBarSettingsStores the appearance and layout settings for scalebar drawing with QgsScaleBarRenderer
 CQgsScaleCalculatorCalculates scale for a given combination of canvas size, map extent, and monitor dpi
 CQgsScopedProxyProgressTaskScoped QgsScopedProxyProgressTask, which automatically adds the proxy task to the application task manager on construction and finalizes the task when it goes out of scope
 CQgsScopedQPainterStateScoped object for saving and restoring a QPainter object's state
 CQgsScopedRenderContextPainterSwapScoped object for temporary replacement of a QgsRenderContext destination painter
 CQgsScopedRenderContextReferenceScaleOverrideScoped object for temporary override of the symbologyReferenceScale property of a QgsRenderContext
 CQgsScopedRenderContextScaleToMmScoped object for temporary scaling of a QgsRenderContext for millimeter based rendering
 CQgsScopedRenderContextScaleToPixelsScoped object for temporary scaling of a QgsRenderContext for pixel based rendering
 CQgsScopedRuntimeProfileScoped object for logging of the runtime for a single operation or group of operations
 CQgsServerOGC web services
 CQgsServerApiServer generic API endpoint abstract base class
 CQgsServerApiContextEncapsulates the resources for a particular client request: the request and response objects, the project (might be NULL) and the server interface, the API root path that matched the request is also added
 CQgsServerApiUtilsHelper functions to handle common API operations
 CQgsServerCacheFilterClass defining cache interface for QGIS Server plugins
 CQgsServerCacheManagerA helper class that centralizes caches accesses given by all the server cache filter plugins
 CQgsServerFilterClass defining I/O filters for QGIS Server and implemented in plugins
 CQgsServerInterfaceQgsServerInterface Class defining interfaces exposed by QGIS Server and made available to plugins
 CQgsServerMetadataUrlPropertiesManages QGIS Server properties for a map layer
 CQgsServerOgcApiHandlerThe QgsServerOgcApiHandler abstract class represents a OGC API handler to be registered in QgsServerOgcApi class
 CQgsServerParameterDefinitionDefinition of a parameter with basic conversion methods
 CQgsServerParametersQgsServerParameters provides an interface to retrieve and manipulate global parameters received from the client
 CQgsServerPluginsInitializes Python server plugins and stores a list of server plugin names
 CQgsServerQueryStringParameterHolds the information regarding a query string input parameter and its validation
 CQgsServerRequestQgsServerRequest Class defining request interface passed to services QgsService::executeRequest() method
 CQgsServerResponseQgsServerResponse Class defining response interface passed to services QgsService::executeRequest() method
 CQgsServerSettingsProvides a way to retrieve settings by prioritizing according to environment variables, ini file and default values
 CQgsServerWmsDimensionPropertiesManages QGIS Server properties for Wms dimensions
 CQgsServiceQgsService Class defining interfaces for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceModuleClass defining the service module interface for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceNativeLoaderClass defining the native service module loader for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceNativeModuleEntryNative module (location, the module itself and the unload function)
 CQgsServiceRegistryQgsServiceRegistry Class defining the registry manager for QGIS server services
 CQgsSettingsEntryBaseRepresent settings entry and provides methods for reading and writing settings values
 CQgsSettingsRegistryQgsSettingsRegistry is used for settings introspection and collects a list of child QgsSettingsRegistry and a list of child QgsSettingsRegistry
 CQgsShadowSettingsClass containing the configuration of shadows rendering 3
 CQgsShapeGeneratorContains utility functions for generating shapes
 CQgsSignalBlocker< Object >RAII signal blocking class
 CQgsSimplifyMethodThis class contains information about how to simplify geometries fetched from a QgsFeatureIterator
 CQgsSingleGeometryCheckErrorAn error from a QgsSingleGeometryCheck
 CQgsSkyboxSettingsContains the configuration of a skybox entity
 CQgsSnapIndicatorClass that shows snapping marker on map canvas for the current snapping match
 CQgsSnappingConfigThis is a container for configuration of the snapping of the project
 CQgsSourceSelectProviderThis is the interface for those who want to add entries to the QgsDataSourceManagerDialog
 CQgsSourceSelectProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of source select providers that may add items to the QgsDataSourceManagerDialog When created, it automatically adds providers from data provider plugins (e.g
 CQgsSpatialIndexKDBushA very fast static spatial index for 2D points based on a flat KD-tree
 CQgsSpatialIndexKDBushDataA container for data stored inside a QgsSpatialIndexKDBush index
 CQgsSpatialIndexUtilsContains utility functions for working with spatial indexes
 CQgsSpatialiteCloserCloses a spatialite database
 CQgsSqlExpressionCompilerGeneric expression compiler for translation to provider specific SQL WHERE clauses
 CQgsSqlite3CloserCloses a sqlite3 database
 CQgsSqlite3StatementFinalizerFinalizes an sqlite3 statement
 CQgsSqliteUtilsContains utilities for working with Sqlite data sources
 CQgsSQLStatementClass for parsing SQL statements
 CQgsSslErrorHandlerSSL error handler, used for responding to SSL errors encountered during network requests
 CQgsStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics for a list of doubles
 CQgsStoredExpressionStored expression containing name, content (expression text) and a category tag
 CQgsStringReplacementA representation of a single string replacement
 CQgsStringReplacementCollectionA collection of string replacements (specified using QgsStringReplacement objects)
 CQgsStringStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of strings
 CQgsStringUtilsUtility functions for working with strings
 CQgsStyleEntityInterfaceAn interface for entities which can be placed in a QgsStyle database
 CQgsStyleEntityVisitorInterfaceAn interface for classes which can visit style entity (e.g
 CQgsSubsetStringEditorProviderThis is the interface for those who want to provide a dialog to edit a subset string
 CQgsSubsetStringEditorProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of subset string editor providers
 CQgsSymbolAbstract base class for all rendered symbols
 CQgsSymbolLayerAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one symbol layer class
 CQgsSymbolLayerIdWe may need stable references to symbol layers, when pointers to symbol layers is not usable (when a symbol or a feature renderer is cloned for example)
 CQgsSymbolLayerReferenceType used to refer to a specific symbol layer in a symbol of a layer
 CQgsSymbolLayerRegistryRegistry of available symbol layer classes
 CQgsSymbolWidgetContextContains settings which reflect the context in which a symbol (or renderer) widget is shown, e.g., the map canvas and relevant expression contexts
 CQgsTableCellEncapsulates the contents and formatting of a single table cell
 CQgsTemporalRange< T >A template based class for storing temporal ranges (beginning to end values)
 CQgsTemporalRangeObjectBase class for objects with an associated (optional) temporal range
 CQgsTemporalUtilsContains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects
 CQgsTemporaryCursorOverrideTemporarily sets a cursor override for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsTemporaryCursorRestoreOverrideTemporarily removes all cursor overrides for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsTessellatorClass that takes care of tessellation of polygons into triangles
 CQgsTextBackgroundSettingsContainer for settings relating to a text background object
 CQgsTextBlockRepresents a block of text consisting of one or more QgsTextFragment objects
 CQgsTextBufferSettingsContainer for settings relating to a text buffer
 CQgsTextCharacterFormatStores information relating to individual character formatting
 CQgsTextDocumentRepresents a document consisting of one or more QgsTextBlock objects
 CQgsTextFormatContainer for all settings relating to text rendering
 CQgsTextFragmentStores a fragment of text along with formatting overrides to be used when rendering the fragment
 CQgsTextMaskSettingsContainer for settings relating to a selective masking around a text
 CQgsTextRendererHandles rendering text using rich formatting options, including drop shadows, buffers and background shapes
 CQgsTextRendererUtilsUtility functions for text rendering
 CQgsTextShadowSettingsContainer for settings relating to a text shadow
 CQgsThreadingUtilsProvides threading utilities for QGIS
 CQgsTileCacheA simple tile cache implementation
 CQgsTileDownloadManagerTile download manager handles downloads of map tiles for the purpose of map rendering
 CQgsTileMatrixDefines a matrix of tiles for a single zoom level: it is defined by its size (width *
 CQgsTileRangeRange of tiles in a tile matrix to be rendered
 CQgsTileXYZStores coordinates of a tile in a tile matrix set
 CQgsTimeDurationContains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects
 CQgsToleranceThis is the class is providing tolerance value in map unit values
 CQgsTopologicalMeshClass that wraps a QgsMesh to ensure the consistency of the mesh during editing and help to access to elements from other elements
 CQgsTracerGraphSimple graph structure for shortest path search
 CQgsTranslationContextUsed for the collecting of strings from projects for translation and creation of ts files
 CQgsTriangularMeshTriangular/Derived Mesh is mesh with vertices in map coordinates
 CQgsTriangulationInterface for Triangulation classes
 CQgsUnitTypesHelper functions for various unit types
 CQgsUserProfileUser profile contains information about the user profile folders on the machine
 CQgsValidityCheckContextBase class for validity check contexts
 CQgsValidityCheckRegistryThis class keeps a list of QgsAbstractValidityCheck checks which can be used when performing validity checks
 CQgsValidityCheckResultRepresents an individual result from a validity check run by a QgsAbstractValidityCheck subclass
 CQgsVectorA class to represent a vector
 CQgsVectorLayerJoinInfoDefines left outer join from our vector layer to some other vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerTemporalContextEncapsulates the context in which a QgsVectorLayer's temporal capabilities will be applied
 CQgsVectorLayerUtilsContains utility methods for working with QgsVectorLayers
 CQgsVectorSimplifyMethodThis class contains information how to simplify geometries fetched from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorTileBasicLabelingStyleConfiguration of a single style within QgsVectorTileBasicLabeling
 CQgsVectorTileBasicRendererStyleDefinition of map rendering of a subset of vector tile data
 CQgsVectorTileLabelingBase class for labeling configuration classes for vector tile layers
 CQgsVectorTileMVTDecoderThis class is responsible for decoding raw tile data written with Mapbox Vector Tiles encoding
 CQgsVectorTileMVTEncoderHandles conversion of vector features to Mapbox vector tiles encoding
 CQgsVectorTileMVTUtilsAssorted utility functions used during MVT decoding and encoding
 CQgsVectorTileRawDataKeeps track of raw tile data that need to be decoded
 CQgsVectorTileRendererAbstract base class for all vector tile renderer implementations
 CQgsVectorTileRendererDataContains decoded features of a single vector tile and any other data necessary for rendering of it
 CQgsVectorTileUtilsRandom utility functions for working with vector tiles
 CQgsVectorTileWriterTakes care of writing vector tiles
 CQgsVertexIdUtility class for identifying a unique vertex within a geometry
 CQgsVertexIteratorJava-style iterator for traversal of vertices of a geometry
 CQgsVirtualLayerDefinitionClass to manipulate the definition of a virtual layer
 CQgsVirtualLayerDefinitionUtilsUtils class for QgsVirtualLayerDefinition
 CQgsWeakRelationRepresent a QgsRelation with possibly unresolved layers or unmatched fields
 CQgsWkbPtrWKB pointer handler
 CQgsWkbTypesHandles storage of information regarding WKB types and their properties
 CQgsWms::QgsWmsRenderContextRendering context for the WMS renderer
 CQgsWms::QgsWmsRestorerRAII class to restore the rendering context configuration on destruction
 CQgsXmlUtilsAssorted helper methods for reading and writing chunks of XML
 CQgsZonalStatisticsA class that calculates raster statistics (count, sum, mean) for a polygon or multipolygon layer and appends the results as attributes
 CQObjectUniquePtr< T >Keeps a pointer to a QObject and deletes it whenever this object is deleted
 CQObjectUniquePtr< QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature >
 CQObjectUniquePtr< QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature >
 CQObjectUniquePtr< QgsRubberBand >
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QueryResultResult of a query executed by execSql()
 CQgsAlignRaster::RasterInfoUtility class for gathering information about rasters
 CQgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessageStruct for QgsReadWriteContext error or warning messages
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::RenderedFeatureContains information about a feature rendered inside the PDF
 CQgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderJobA QgsRuleBasedRenderer rendering job, consisting of a feature to be rendered with a particular symbol
 CQgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderLevelRender level: a list of jobs to be drawn at particular level for a QgsRuleBasedRenderer
 CQgsLocatorResult::ResultActionThe ResultAction stores basic information for additional actions to be used in a locator widget for the result
 CQgsRuleBasedLabeling::RuleA child rule for QgsRuleBasedLabeling
 CQgsRuleBasedRenderer::RuleThis class keeps data about a rules for rule-based renderer
 CQgsVectorFileWriter::SaveVectorOptionsOptions to pass to writeAsVectorFormat()
 CQgsScaleBarRenderer::ScaleBarContextContains parameters regarding scalebar calculations
 CQgsGeoNodeRequest::ServiceLayerDetailService layer details for an individual layer from a GeoNode connection
 CQgsDatumTransform::SingleOperationDetailsContains information about a single coordinate operation
 CQgsDataDefinedSizeLegend::SizeClassDefinition of one class for the legend
 CSolChain solution parameters
 CQgsVirtualLayerDefinition::SourceLayerA SourceLayer is either a reference to a live layer in the registry or all the parameters needed to load it (provider key, source, etc.)
 CQgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtentMetadata spatial extent structure
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SpatialIndexOptionsThe SpatialIndexOptions contains extra options relating to spatial index creation
 CQgsSQLComposerDialog::SQLValidatorCallbackCallback to do validation check on dialog validation
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SqlVectorLayerOptionsThe SqlVectorLayerOptions stores all information required to create a SQL (query) layer
 CQgsExpressionContextScope::StaticVariableSingle variable definition for use within a QgsExpressionContextScope
 CQgsTileDownloadManager::StatsEncapsulates any statistics we would like to keep about requests
 CQgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface::StyleLeafContains information relating to the style entity currently being visited
 CQgsOWSSourceSelect::SupportedFormatFormats supported by provider
 CQgsLayoutExporter::SvgExportSettingsContains settings relating to exporting layouts to SVG
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TablePropertyDatabase table or view
 CQgsSQLComposerDialog::TableSelectedCallbackCallback to do actions on table selection
 CQgsTaskManager::TaskDefinitionDefinition of a task for inclusion in the manager
 CQgsTopologicalMesh::TopologicalFacesClass that contains independent faces an topological information about this faces
 CQgsDatumTransform::TransformDetailsContains information about a coordinate transformation operation
 CQgsDatumTransform::TransformInfoContains datum transform information
 CQgsDatumTransformDialog::TransformInfoDialog transformation entry info
 CQgsDatumTransform::TransformPairContains datum transform information
 CTriangleInterpolatorThis is an interface for interpolator classes for triangulations
 CQgsProviderRegistry::UnusableUriDetailsContains information about unusable URIs which aren't handled by any registered providers
 CQgsProviderRegistry::UnusableUriHandlerInterfaceAn interface used to handle unusable URIs which aren't handled by any registered providers, and construct user-friendly warnings as to why the URI is unusable
 CQgsCoordinateReferenceSystemRegistry::UserCrsDetailsContains details of a custom (user defined) CRS
 Cpal::UtilPal utilities
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidator::ValidationResultContains the parameters describing a metadata validation failure
 CQgsProjectServerValidator::ValidationResultContains the parameters describing a project validation failure
 CVector3DClass Vector3D represents a 3D-Vector, capable to store x-,y- and z-coordinates in double values
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::VectorComponentDetailContains information relating to a single PDF layer in the GeoPDF export
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithm::VectorPropertiesProperties of a vector source or sink used in an algorithm
 CQgsAbstractGeometry::vertex_iteratorSTL-style iterator for vertices
 CQgsRasterDataProvider::VirtualRasterInputLayersStruct that stores information of the raster used in QgsVirtualRasterProvider for the calculations, this struct is stored in the DecodedUriParameters
 CQgsRasterDataProvider::VirtualRasterParametersStruct that stores the information about the parameters that should be given to the QgsVirtualRasterProvider through the QgsRasterDataProvider::DecodedUriParameters
 CQgsSQLStatement::VisitorSupport for visitor pattern - algorithms dealing with the statement may be implemented without modifying the Node classes
 CQgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThenRepresents a "WHEN... THEN..." portation of a CASE WHEN clause in an expression
 CQgsServerWmsDimensionProperties::WmsDimensionInfoSetting to define QGIS Server WMS Dimension