QGIS API Documentation  3.22.4-Białowieża (ce8e65e95e)
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NgeosContains geos related utilities and functions
 NQgsWcsWCS implementation
 NQgsWfsWMS implementation
 NQgsWmsMedian cut implementation
 C_LayerRefInternal structure to keep weak pointer to QgsMapLayer or layerId if the layer is not available yet
 CAnchorAlongSegmentRecord about anchor being along a segment
 CAnchorPointRecord about vertex coordinates and index of anchor to which it is snapped
 CBezier3DClass Bezier3D represents a bezier curve, represented by control points
 CCharacterWidgetA widget for displaying characters available in a preset font, and allowing users to select an individual character
 CCloughTocherInterpolatorThis is an implementation of a Clough-Tocher interpolator based on a triangular tessellation
 CDxfLayerJobHolds information about each layer in a DXF job
 CFromDbTablePluginWidget auto conf plugin that reads the widget setup to use from what the data provider says
 CFromFactoriesPluginWidget auto conf plugin that guesses what widget type to use in function of what the widgets support
 CIndexedPointCloudNodeRepresents a indexed point cloud node in octree
 CLabelInfoPal labeling engine
 CLessThanTileRequestHelper class for ordering tile requests according to the distance from view center
 CLinTriangleInterpolatorLinTriangleInterpolator is a class which interpolates linearly on a triangulation
 CMVTGeometryWriterHelper class for writing of geometry commands
 CNormVecDecoratorDecorator class which adds the functionality of estimating normals at the data points
 CPalRtreeA rtree spatial index for use in the pal labeling engine
 CParametricLineParametricLine is an Interface for parametric lines
 CQgisGlobal constants for use throughout the application
 CQgisInterfaceQgisInterface Abstract base class defining interfaces exposed by QgisApp and made available to plugins
 CQgisPluginAbstract base class from which all plugins must inherit
 CQgisVisitorCustom visitor that adds found features to list
 CQgs3DQgs3D is a singleton class containing various registries and other global members related to 3D classes
 CQgs3DAlgorithmsQGIS 3D processing algorithm provider
 CQgs3DExportObjectManages the data of each object of the scene (positions, normals, texture coordinates ...) since each object
 CQgs3DMapExportSettingsManages the various settings the user can choose from when exporting a 3D scene 3
 CQgs3DRendererAbstractMetadataBase metadata class for 3D renderers
 CQgs3DRendererRegistryKeeps track of available 3D renderers
 CQgs3DSceneExporterEntity that handles the exporting of 3D scene
 CQgs3DSymbolAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one 3D symbol class
 CQgs3DSymbolDialogA dialog for configuring a 3D symbol
 CQgs3DSymbolMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create a 3D symbol and its widget
 CQgs3DSymbolRegistryRegistry of available 3D symbol classes
 CQgs3DSymbolWidgetBase class for 3D symbol configuration widgets
 CQgsAbstract3DRendererBase class for all renderers that may to participate in 3D view
 CQgsAbstractAnnotationItemEditOperationAbstract base class for annotation item edit operations
 CQgsAbstractBabelFormatAbstract base class for babel GPS formats
 CQgsAbstractCacheIndexAbstract base class for cache indices
 CQgsAbstractContentCacheAbstract base class for file content caches, such as SVG or raster image caches
 CQgsAbstractContentCacheBaseA QObject derived base class for QgsAbstractContentCache
 CQgsAbstractContentCacheEntryBase class for entries in a QgsAbstractContentCache
 CQgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnectionCommon functionality for DB based connections
 CQgsAbstractDataSourceWidgetAbstract base Data Source Widget to create connections and add layers This class provides common functionality and the interface for all source select dialogs used by data providers to configure data sources and add layers
 CQgsAbstractFeatureIteratorInternal feature iterator to be implemented within data providers
 CQgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSourceHelper template that cares of two things: 1
 CQgsAbstractFeatureSourceBase class that can be used for any class that is capable of returning features
 CQgsAbstractFileContentSourceLineEditAbstract base class for a widgets which allows users to select content from a file, embedding a file, etc
 CQgsAbstractGeocoderLocatorFilterAn abstract base class which implements a locator filter populated from a QgsGeocoderInterface
 CQgsAbstractGeometryAbstract base class for all geometries
 CQgsAbstractGeometrySimplifierAbstract base class for simplify geometries using a specific algorithm
 CQgsAbstractGeometryTransformerAn abstract base class for classes which transform geometries by transforming input points to output points
 CQgsAbstractGeoPdfExporterAbstract base class for GeoPDF exporters
 CQgsAbstractLabelProviderInterface class
 CQgsAbstractLayoutIteratorAn abstract base class for QgsLayout based classes which can be exported by QgsLayoutExporter
 CQgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommandBase class for commands to undo/redo layout and layout object changes
 CQgsAbstractMapToolHandlerAn abstract base class for map tool handlers which automatically handle all the necessary logic for toggling the map tool and enabling/disabling the associated action when the QGIS application is in a state permissible for the tool
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseAn abstract base class for metadata stores
 CQgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidatorAbstract base class for metadata validators
 CQgsAbstractProcessingParameterWidgetWrapperA widget wrapper for Processing parameter value widgets
 CQgsAbstractPropertyCollectionAbstract base class for QgsPropertyCollection like objects
 CQgsAbstractProviderConnectionThe QgsAbstractProviderConnection provides an interface for data provider connections
 CQgsAbstractRelationEditorConfigWidgetThis class should be subclassed for every configurable relation widget type
 CQgsAbstractRelationEditorWidgetBase class to build new relation widgets
 CQgsAbstractRelationEditorWidgetFactoryFactory class for creating relation widgets and their corresponding config widgets
 CQgsAbstractStyleEntityIconGeneratorAn abstract base class for icon generators for a QgsStyleModel
 CQgsAbstractValidityCheckAbstract base class for individual validity checks
 CQgsAbstractVectorLayerLabelingAbstract base class - its implementations define different approaches to the labeling of a vector layer
 CQgsAccessControlA helper class that centralizes restrictions given by all the access control filter plugins
 CQgsAccessControlFilterClass defining access control interface for QGIS Server plugins
 CQgsActionUtility class that encapsulates an action based on vector attributes
 CQgsActionManagerStorage and management of actions associated with a layer
 CQgsActionMenuThis class is a menu that is populated automatically with the actions defined for a given layer
 CQgsActionScopeAn action scope defines a "place" for an action to be shown and may add additional expression variables
 CQgsActionScopeRegistryThe action scope registry is an application wide registry that contains a list of available action scopes
 CQgsActionWidgetWrapperWraps a button widget to launch a layer action
 CQgsAddAttrDialogDialog to add a source field attribute
 CQgsAddTabOrGroupDialog to add a tab or group of attributes
 CQgsAdvancedDigitizingCanvasItemDraws the graphical elements of the CAD tools (
 CQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetDockable widget used to handle the CAD tools on top of a selection of map tools
 CQgsAdvancedDigitizingFloaterWidget that floats next to the mouse pointer, and allow interaction with the AdvancedDigitizing feature
 CQgsAggregateCalculatorUtility class for calculating aggregates for a field (or expression) over the features from a vector layer
 CQgsAggregateMappingModelThe QgsAggregateMappingModel holds mapping information for defining sets of aggregates of fields from a QgsFields object
 CQgsAggregateMappingWidgetCreates a mapping for defining sets of aggregates of fields from a QgsFields object
 CQgsAggregateToolButtonOffers a toolbutton to choose between different aggregate functions
 CQgsAlignmentComboBoxA combo box which allows choice of alignment settings (e.g
 CQgsAlignRasterQgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same:
 CQgsAnalysisQgsAnalysis is a singleton class containing various registry and other global members related to analysis classes
 CQgsAnimatedIconAnimated icon is keeping an animation running if there are listeners connected to frameChanged
 CQgsAnnotationAbstract base class for annotation items which are drawn over a map
 CQgsAnnotationItemAbstract base class for annotation items which are drawn with QgsAnnotationLayers
 CQgsAnnotationItemAbstractGuiMetadataStores GUI metadata about one annotation item class
 CQgsAnnotationItemAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one annotation item class
 CQgsAnnotationItemBaseWidgetA base class for property widgets for annotation items
 CQgsAnnotationItemCommonPropertiesWidgetA widget for configuring common properties for QgsAnnotationItems
 CQgsAnnotationItemEditOperationAddNodeAnnotation item edit operation consisting of adding a node
 CQgsAnnotationItemEditOperationDeleteNodeAnnotation item edit operation consisting of deleting a node
 CQgsAnnotationItemEditOperationMoveNodeAnnotation item edit operation consisting of moving a node
 CQgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTransientResultsEncapsulates the transient results of an in-progress annotation edit operation
 CQgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTranslateItemAnnotation item edit operation consisting of translating (moving) an item
 CQgsAnnotationItemGuiGroupStores GUI metadata about a group of annotation item classes
 CQgsAnnotationItemGuiMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to handle annotation item GUI behavior
 CQgsAnnotationItemGuiRegistryRegistry of available annotation item GUI behavior
 CQgsAnnotationItemMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create annotation items and their configuration widgets
 CQgsAnnotationItemNodeContains information about a node used for editing an annotation item
 CQgsAnnotationItemRegistryRegistry of available annotation item types
 CQgsAnnotationLayerRepresents a map layer containing a set of georeferenced annotations, e.g
 CQgsAnnotationLayerRendererImplementation of threaded rendering for annotation layers
 CQgsAnnotationLineItemAn annotation item which renders a line symbol along a line geometry
 CQgsAnnotationManagerManages storage of a set of QgsAnnotation annotation objects
 CQgsAnnotationMarkerItemAn annotation item which renders a marker symbol at a point location
 CQgsAnnotationPointTextItemAn annotation item which renders a text string at a point location
 CQgsAnnotationPolygonItemAn annotation item which renders a fill symbol for a polygon geometry
 CQgsApplicationExtends QApplication to provide access to QGIS specific resources such as theme paths, database paths etc
 CQgsApplicationExitBlockerInterfaceAn interface that may be implemented to allow plugins or scripts to temporarily block the QGIS application from exiting
 CQgsApplyDialogInterface class for dialogs that have an apply operation (e.g
 CQgsArcGisPortalUtilsUtility functions for working with ArcGIS REST services
 CQgsArcGisRestQueryUtilsUtility functions for querying ArcGIS REST services
 CQgsArcGisRestUtilsUtility functions for working with ArcGIS REST services
 CQgsArchiveClass allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions
 CQgsArrayFilterExpressionFunctionHandles the array_filter(array, expression) expression function
 CQgsArrayForeachExpressionFunctionHandles the array loopingarray_Foreach(array, expression) expression function
 CQgsArrowSymbolLayerLine symbol layer used for representing lines as arrows
 CQgsAspectFilterCalculates aspect values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions
 CQgsAttributeEditorActionThis element will load a layer action onto the form
 CQgsAttributeEditorContainerThis is a container for attribute editors, used to group them visually in the attribute form if it is set to the drag and drop designer
 CQgsAttributeEditorContextThis class contains context information for attribute editor widgets
 CQgsAttributeEditorElementThis is an abstract base class for any elements of a drag and drop form
 CQgsAttributeEditorFieldThis element will load a field's widget onto the form
 CQgsAttributeEditorHtmlElementAn attribute editor widget that will represent arbitrary HTML code
 CQgsAttributeEditorQmlElementAn attribute editor widget that will represent arbitrary QML code
 CQgsAttributeEditorRelationThis element will load a relation editor onto the form
 CQgsAttributeFormEditorWidgetA widget consisting of both an editor widget and additional widgets for controlling the behavior of the editor widget depending on a number of possible modes
 CQgsAttributeFormLegacyInterfaceThis class helps to support legacy open form scripts to be compatible with the new QgsAttributeForm style interface
 CQgsAttributeFormRelationEditorWidgetWidget to show for child relations on an attribute form
 CQgsAttributeFormWidgetBase class for all widgets shown on a QgsAttributeForm
 CQgsAttributesA vector of attributes
 CQgsAttributesDnDTreeThis class overrides mime type handling to be able to work with the drag and drop attribute editor
 CQgsAttributeTableConfigThis is a container for configuration of the attribute table
 CQgsAttributeTableDelegateA delegate item class for QgsAttributeTable (see Qt documentation for QItemDelegate)
 CQgsAttributeTableModelA model backed by a QgsVectorLayerCache which is able to provide feature/attribute information to a QAbstractItemView
 CQgsAttributeTableViewProvides a table view of features of a QgsVectorLayer
 CQgsAuthAuthoritiesEditorWidget for viewing and editing authentication identities database
 CQgsAuthCertEditorsWrapper widget to manage available certificate editors
 CQgsAuthCertInfoWidget for viewing detailed info on a certificate and its hierarchical trust chain
 CQgsAuthCertInfoDialogDialog wrapper for widget displaying detailed info on a certificate and its hierarchical trust chain
 CQgsAuthCertManagerDialog wrapper for widget to manage available certificate editors
 CQgsAuthCertTrustPolicyComboBoxWidget for editing the trust policy associated with a Certificate (Intermediate) Authority
 CQgsAuthCertUtilsUtilities for working with certificates and keys
 CQgsAuthConfigEditWidget for editing an authentication configuration
 CQgsAuthConfigEditorWidget for editing authentication configuration database
 CQgsAuthConfigIdEditCustom widget for editing an authentication configuration ID
 CQgsAuthConfigSelectSelector widget for authentication configs
 CQgsAuthConfigSslServerConfiguration container for SSL server connection exceptions or overrides
 CQgsAuthConfigUriEditDialog wrapper of select widget to edit an authcfg in a data source URI
 CQgsAuthCryptoFunctions for hashing/checking master password and encrypt/decrypting data with password
 CQgsAuthEditorWidgetsWrapper widget for available authentication editors
 CQgsAuthGuiUtilsUtility functions for use by authentication GUI widgets or standalone apps
 CQgsAuthIdentitiesEditorWidget for viewing and editing authentication identities database
 CQgsAuthImportCertDialogWidget for importing a certificate into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthImportIdentityDialogWidget for importing an identity certificate/key bundle into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthManagerSingleton offering an interface to manage the authentication configuration database and to utilize configurations through various authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodAbstract base class for authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodConfigConfiguration storage class for authentication method configurations
 CQgsAuthMethodEditAbstract base class for the edit widget of authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodMetadataHolds data auth method key, description, and associated shared library file information
 CQgsAuthMethodPluginsDialog for viewing available authentication method plugins
 CQgsAuthMethodRegistryA registry / canonical manager of authentication methods
 CQgsAuthServersEditorWidget for viewing and editing servers in authentication database
 CQgsAuthSettingsWidgetWidget for entering authentication credentials both in the form username/password and by using QGIS Authentication Database and its authentication configurations
 CQgsAuthSslConfigDialogDialog wrapper of widget for editing an SSL server configuration
 CQgsAuthSslConfigWidgetWidget for editing an SSL server configuration
 CQgsAuthSslErrorsDialogWidget for reporting SSL errors and offering an option to store an SSL server exception into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthSslImportDialogWidget for importing an SSL server certificate exception into the authentication database
 CQgsAuthTrustedCAsDialogWidget for listing trusted Certificate (Intermediate) Authorities used in secure connections
 CQgsAuxiliaryLayerClass allowing to manage the auxiliary storage for a vector layer
 CQgsAuxiliaryStorageClass providing some utility methods to manage auxiliary storage
 CQgsBabelFormatRegistryA registry for QgsAbstractBabelFormat GPSBabel formats
 CQgsBabelGpsDeviceFormatA babel format capable of interacting directly with a GPS device
 CQgsBabelSimpleImportFormatA babel format capable of converting input files to GPX files
 CQgsBadRequestExceptionException thrown in case of malformed request
 CQgsBalloonCalloutA cartoon talking bubble callout style
 CQgsBasicNumericFormatA numeric formatter which returns a simple text representation of a value
 CQgsBasicNumericFormatWidgetA widget which allow control over the properties of a QgsBasicNumericFormat
 CQgsBatchGeocodeAlgorithmA base class for batch geocoder algorithms, which takes a QgsGeocoderInterface object and exposes it as a Processing algorithm for batch geocoding operations
 CQgsBearingNumericFormatA numeric formatter which returns a text representation of a direction/bearing
 CQgsBearingNumericFormatDialogA dialog which allow control over the properties of a QgsBearingNumericFormat
 CQgsBearingNumericFormatWidgetA widget which allow control over the properties of a QgsBearingNumericFormat
 CQgsBearingUtilsUtilities for calculating bearings and directions
 CQgsBilinearRasterResamplerBilinear Raster Resampler
 CQgsBinaryWidgetFactoryEditor widget factory for binary (BLOB) widgets
 CQgsBinaryWidgetWrapperWidget wrapper for binary (BLOB) fields
 CQgsBlendModeComboBoxA combobox which lets the user select blend modes from a predefined list
 CQgsBlockingNetworkRequestA thread safe class for performing blocking (sync) network requests, with full support for QGIS proxy and authentication settings
 CQgsBlurEffectA paint effect which blurs a source picture, using a number of different blur methods
 CQgsBookmarkRepresents a spatial bookmark, with a name, CRS and extent
 CQgsBookmarkManagerManages storage of a set of bookmarks
 CQgsBookmarkManagerModelImplements a model for the contents of QgsBookmarkManager objects
 CQgsBookmarkManagerProxyModelA QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for sorting the entries in a QgsBookmarkManagerModel
 CQgsBox3dA 3-dimensional box composed of x, y, z coordinates
 CQgsBrightnessContrastFilterBrightness/contrast and gamma correction filter pipe for rasters
 CQgsBrowserDockWidgetA dock widget containing a QgsBrowserWidget for navigating and managing data sources
 CQgsBrowserGuiModelA model for showing available data sources and other items in a structured tree
 CQgsBrowserModelA model for showing available data sources and other items in a structured tree
 CQgsBrowserProxyModelA QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for filtering and sorting browser model items
 CQgsBrowserTreeViewExtends QTreeView with save/restore tree state functionality
 CQgsBrowserWidgetA widget showing a browser tree view along with toolbar and toggleable properties pane
 CQgsBufferServerRequestClass defining request with data
 CQgsBufferServerResponseClass defining buffered response
 CQgsBusyIndicatorDialogA simple dialog to show an indeterminate busy progress indicator
 CQgsCachedFeatureIteratorDelivers features from the cache
 CQgsCachedFeatureWriterIteratorUses another iterator as backend and writes features to the cache
 CQgsCadUtilsRoutines for CAD editing
 CQgsCalloutAbstract base class for callout renderers
 CQgsCalloutAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one callout renderer class
 CQgsCalloutMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create callouts and their widgets
 CQgsCalloutPositionRepresents the calculated placement of a map label callout line
 CQgsCalloutRegistryRegistry of available callout classes
 CQgsCalloutWidgetBase class for widgets which allow control over the properties of callouts
 CQgsCapabilitiesCacheA cache for capabilities xml documents (by configuration file path)
 CQgsCelestialBodyContains information about a celestial body
 CQgsCharacterSelectorDialogA dialog for selecting a single character from a single font
 CQgsCheckableComboBoxQComboBox subclass which allows selecting multiple items
 CQgsCheckableItemModelQStandardItemModel subclass which makes all items checkable by default
 CQgsCheckBoxDelegateQStyledItemDelegate subclass for QgsCheckableComboBox
 CQgsCheckBoxFieldFormatterField formatter for a checkbox field
 CQgsCheckboxSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a checkbox edit widget for searching
 CQgsCheckboxWidgetWrapperWraps a checkbox widget
 CQgsCircleCircle geometry type
 CQgsCircularStringCircular string geometry type
 CQgsClassificationCustomQgsClassificationCustom is a dummy implementation of QgsClassification which does not compute any break
 CQgsClassificationEqualIntervalQgsClassificationEqualInterval is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod for equal intervals
 CQgsClassificationJenksQgsClassificationJenks is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod for natural breaks based on Jenks method
 CQgsClassificationLogarithmicImplementation of a logarithmic scale method
 CQgsClassificationMethodQgsClassificationMethod is an abstract class for implementations of classification methods
 CQgsClassificationMethodRegistryThis class manages all known classification methods
 CQgsClassificationPrettyBreaksQgsClassificationPrettyBreaks is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod for pretty breaks
 CQgsClassificationQuantileQgsClassificationQuantile is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod based on quantiles
 CQgsClassificationRangeQgsClassificationRange contains the information about a classification range
 CQgsClassificationStandardDeviationQgsClassificationCustom is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod based on standard deviation
 CQgsClipperA class to trim lines and polygons to within a rectangular region
 CQgsClipToMinMaxEnhancementA raster contrast enhancement that will clip a value to the specified min/max range
 CQgsCodeEditorA text editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorColorSchemeDefines a color scheme for use in QgsCodeEditor widgets
 CQgsCodeEditorColorSchemeRegistryA registry of color schemes for use in QgsCodeEditor widgets
 CQgsCodeEditorCSSA CSS editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorExpressionA QGIS expression editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorHTMLA HTML editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorJavascriptA Javascript editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorJsonA JSON editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorPythonA Python editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCodeEditorSQLA SQL editor based on QScintilla2
 CQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxA groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled and can save its collapsed and checked states
 CQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasicA groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled
 CQgsColorBoxA color box widget
 CQgsColorBrewerColorRampColor ramp utilising "Color Brewer" preset color schemes
 CQgsColorBrewerColorRampDialogA dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsColorBrewerColorRamp
 CQgsColorBrewerColorRampWidgetA widget which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsColorBrewerColorRamp
 CQgsColorButtonA cross platform button subclass for selecting colors
 CQgsColorDialogA custom QGIS dialog for selecting a color
 CQgsColorEffectA paint effect which alters the colors (e.g., brightness, contrast) in a source picture
 CQgsColorPreviewWidgetA preview box which displays one or two colors as swatches
 CQgsColorRampAbstract base class for color ramps
 CQgsColorRampButtonA cross platform button subclass for selecting color ramps
 CQgsColorRampLegendNodeA legend node which renders a color ramp
 CQgsColorRampLegendNodeDialogA dialog for configuring a QgsColorRampLegendNode (QgsColorRampLegendNodeSettings)
 CQgsColorRampLegendNodeSettingsSettings for a color ramp legend node
 CQgsColorRampLegendNodeWidgetA widget for properties relating to a QgsColorRampLegendNode (QgsColorRampLegendNodeSettings)
 CQgsColorRampShaderA ramp shader will color a raster pixel based on a list of values ranges in a ramp
 CQgsColorRampShaderWidgetIt has 2 ways how to use it
 CQgsColorRampTransformerQgsPropertyTransformer subclass for transforming a numeric value into a color from a color ramp
 CQgsColorRampWidgetA color ramp widget
 CQgsColorSchemeAbstract base class for color schemes
 CQgsColorSchemeListAn editable list of color swatches, taken from an associated QgsColorScheme
 CQgsColorSchemeModelA model for colors in a color scheme
 CQgsColorSchemeRegistryRegistry of color schemes
 CQgsColorSliderWidgetA composite horizontal color ramp widget and associated spinbox for manual value entry
 CQgsColorSwatchDelegateA delegate for showing a color swatch in a list
 CQgsColorSwatchGridA grid of color swatches, which allows for user selection
 CQgsColorSwatchGridActionA color swatch grid which can be embedded into a menu
 CQgsColorTextWidgetA line edit widget which displays colors as text and accepts string representations of colors
 CQgsColorWheelA color wheel widget
 CQgsColorWidgetA base class for interactive color widgets
 CQgsColorWidgetActionAn action containing a color widget, which can be embedded into a menu
 CQgsColorWidgetWrapperWraps a color widget
 CQgsCommandLineUtilsUtils class for QGIS command line tools
 CQgsCompositionConverterQgsCompositionConverter class converts a QGIS 2.x composition to a QGIS 3.x layout
 CQgsCompoundColorWidgetA custom QGIS widget for selecting a color, including options for selecting colors via hue wheel, color swatches, and a color sampler
 CQgsCompoundCurveCompound curve geometry type
 CQgsConditionalLayerStylesHolds conditional style information for a layer
 CQgsConditionalStyleConditional styling for a rule
 CQgsConfigCacheCache for server configuration
 CQgsConfigureShortcutsDialogReusable dialog for allowing users to configure shortcuts contained in a QgsShortcutsManager
 CQgsConnectionPoolTemplate class responsible for keeping a pool of open connections
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroupTemplate that stores data related to a connection to a single server or datasource
 CQgsConnectionRegistryA registry for saved data provider connections, allowing retrieval of saved connections by name and provider type
 CQgsConnectionsRootItemA Collection that represents a root group of connections from a single data provider
 CQgsConstWkbPtrA const WKB pointer
 CQgsContrastEnhancementManipulates raster or point cloud pixel values so that they enhanceContrast or clip into a specified numerical range according to the specified ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm
 CQgsContrastEnhancementFunctionA contrast enhancement function is the base class for all raster contrast enhancements
 CQgsCoordinateBoundsPreviewMapWidgetA widget for showing the bounds of a rectangular region on an interactive map
 CQgsCoordinateFormatterContains methods for converting coordinates for display in various formats
 CQgsCoordinateOperationWidgetA widget for selecting the coordinate operation to use when transforming between a source and destination coordinate reference system
 CQgsCoordinateReferenceSystemThis class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS)
 CQgsCoordinateReferenceSystemRegistryA registry for known coordinate reference system (CRS) definitions, including any user-defined CRSes
 CQgsCoordinateTransformClass for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems
 CQgsCoordinateTransformContextContains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed
 CQgsCopyFileTaskTask to copy a file on disk
 CQgsCPLHTTPFetchOverriderUtility class to redirect GDAL's CPL HTTP calls through QgsBlockingNetworkRequest
 CQgsCptCityAllRampsItemAn "All ramps item", which contains all items in a flat hierarchy
 CQgsCptCityCollectionItemA Collection: logical collection of subcollections and color ramps
 CQgsCptCityColorRampDialogA dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsCptCityColorRamp
 CQgsCptCityColorRampItemItem that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers
 CQgsCptCityDataItemBase class for all items in the model
 CQgsCptCityDirectoryItemA directory: contains subdirectories and color ramps
 CQgsCptCitySelectionItemA selection: contains subdirectories and color ramps
 CQgsCreateAnnotationItemMapToolHandlerA handler object for map tools which create annotation items
 CQgsCreateAnnotationItemMapToolInterfaceAn interface for map tools which create annotation items
 CQgsCredentialDialogA generic dialog for requesting credentials
 CQgsCredentialsInterface for requesting credentials in QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsCredentialsConsoleImplementation of credentials interface for the console
 CQgsCredentialsNoneDefault implementation of credentials interface
 CQgsCsExceptionCustom exception class for Coordinate Reference System related exceptions
 CQgsCubeFacesSkyboxEntityA skybox constructed from a 6 cube faces
 CQgsCubicRasterResamplerCubic Raster Resampler
 CQgsCurrencyNumericFormatA numeric formatter which returns a text representation of a currency value
 CQgsCurrencyNumericFormatWidgetA widget which allow control over the properties of a QgsCurrencyNumericFormat
 CQgsCurveAbstract base class for curved geometry type
 CQgsCurvedLineCalloutDraws curved lines as callouts
 CQgsCurveEditorWidgetA widget for manipulating QgsCurveTransform curves
 CQgsCurvePolygonCurve polygon geometry type
 CQgsCurveTransformHandles scaling of input values to output values by using a curve created from smoothly joining a number of set control points
 CQgsCustomColorSchemeA color scheme which contains custom colors set through QGIS app options dialog
 CQgsCustomDropHandlerAbstract base class that may be implemented to handle new types of data to be dropped in QGIS
 CQgsCustomLayerOrderWidgetList box where the user can define custom order for drawing of layers
 CQgsCustomProjectOpenHandlerAbstract base class that may be implemented to handle new project file types within the QGIS application
 CQgsDashSpaceDialogA dialog to enter a custom dash space pattern for lines
 CQgsDashSpaceWidgetA widget to enter a custom dash space pattern for lines
 CQgsDatabaseFilterProxyModelA class that implements a custom filter and can be used as a proxy for QgsDbTableModel
 CQgsDatabaseSchemaComboBoxCombo box which displays the list of schemas for a specific database connection
 CQgsDatabaseSchemaItemA Collection that represents a database schema item
 CQgsDatabaseSchemaModelA model containing schemas from a database connection
 CQgsDatabaseTableComboBoxCombo box which displays the list of tables for a specific database connection
 CQgsDatabaseTableModelA model containing tables from a database connection
 CQgsDataCollectionItemA Collection: logical collection of layers or subcollections, e.g
 CQgsDataDefinedSizeLegendObject that keeps configuration of appearance of marker symbol's data-defined size in legend
 CQgsDataDefinedSizeLegendNodeProduces legend node with a marker symbol
 CQgsDataDefinedSizeLegendWidgetWidget for configuration of appearance of legend for marker symbols with data-defined size
 CQgsDataDefinedValueDialogUtility classes for "en masse" size definition
 CQgsDataItemBase class for all items in the model
 CQgsDataItemGuiContextEncapsulates the context in which a QgsDataItem is shown within the application GUI
 CQgsDataItemGuiProviderAbstract base class for providers which affect how QgsDataItem items behave within the application GUI
 CQgsDataItemGuiProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of data item GUI providers that may affect how QgsDataItems behave within the application GUI
 CQgsDataItemProviderThis is the interface for those who want to add custom data items to the browser tree
 CQgsDataItemProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of data item providers that may add items to the browser tree
 CQgsDataProviderAbstract base class for spatial data provider implementations
 CQgsDataProviderTemporalCapabilitiesBase class for handling properties relating to a data provider's temporal capabilities
 CQgsDataSourceManagerDialogEmbeds the browser panel and all the provider dialogs
 CQgsDataSourceSelectDialogEmbeds the browser view to select an existing data source
 CQgsDataSourceSelectWidgetEmbeds the browser view to select an existing data source
 CQgsDataSourceUriClass for storing the component parts of a RDBMS data source URI (e.g
 CQgsDateEditQDateEdit widget with the capability of setting/reading null dates
 CQgsDateTimeEditQDateTimeEdit with the capability of setting/reading null date/times
 CQgsDateTimeEditWrapperWraps a date time widget
 CQgsDateTimeFieldFormatterField formatter for a date time field
 CQgsDateTimeSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a date/time edit widget for searching
 CQgsDateTimeStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of datetimes
 CQgsDatumEnsembleContains information about a datum ensemble
 CQgsDatumEnsembleMemberContains information about a member of a datum ensemble
 CQgsDatumTransformContains methods and classes relating the datum transformations
 CQgsDefaultLabelingEngineDefault QgsLabelingEngine implementation, which completes the whole labeling operation (including label rendering) in the run() method
 CQgsDefaultMeshLayerLegendDefault legend implementation for mesh layers
 CQgsDefaultPointCloudLayerLegendDefault legend implementation for point cloud layers
 CQgsDefaultRasterLayerLegendDefault legend implementation for raster layers
 CQgsDefaultSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a search widget
 CQgsDefaultValueContainer for managing client side default values for fields
 CQgsDefaultVectorLayerLegendDefault legend implementation for vector layers
 CQgsDerivativeFilterAdds the ability to calculate derivatives in x- and y-directions
 CQgsDetailedItemDataThis class is the data only representation of a QgsDetailedItemWidget, designed to be used in custom views
 CQgsDetailedItemDelegateA custom model/view delegate that can display an icon, heading and detail sections
 CQgsDetailedItemWidgetA widget renderer for detailed item views
 CQgsDevToolWidgetA panel widget that can be shown in the developer tools panel
 CQgsDevToolWidgetFactoryFactory class for creating custom developer/debugging tool pages
 CQgsDiagramBase class for all diagram types
 CQgsDiagramInterpolationSettingsAdditional diagram settings for interpolated size rendering
 CQgsDiagramLabelFeatureClass that adds extra information to QgsLabelFeature for labeling of diagrams
 CQgsDiagramLayerSettingsStores the settings for rendering of all diagrams for a layer
 CQgsDiagramRendererEvaluates and returns the diagram settings relating to a diagram for a specific feature
 CQgsDiagramSettingsStores the settings for rendering a single diagram
 CQgsDialogA generic dialog with layout and button box
 CQgsDimensionFilterA server filter to apply a dimension filter to a request
 CQgsDirectoryItemA directory: contains subdirectories and layers
 CQgsDirectoryParamWidgetBrowser parameter widget implementation for directory items
 CQgsDistanceAreaA general purpose distance and area calculator, capable of performing ellipsoid based calculations
 CQgsDockWidgetQgsDockWidget subclass with more fine-grained control over how the widget is closed or opened
 CQgsDoubleBoxScaleBarRendererDouble box with alternating colors
 CQgsDoubleRangeQgsRange which stores a range of double values
 CQgsDoubleSpinBoxThe QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value
 CQgsDoubleValidatorQgsDoubleValidator is a QLineEdit Validator that combines QDoubleValidator and QRegularExpressionValidator to allow users to enter doubles with both local and C interpretation as a fallback
 CQgsDrawSourceEffectA paint effect which draws the source picture with minor or no alterations
 CQgsDropShadowEffectA paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow
 CQgsDualEdgeTriangulationDualEdgeTriangulation is an implementation of a triangulation class based on the dual edge data structure
 CQgsDualViewThis widget is used to show the attributes of a set of features of a QgsVectorLayer
 CQgsDxfExportExports QGIS layers to the DXF format
 CQgsDxfPaintDeviceA paint device for drawing into dxf files
 CQgsDxfPaintEngineCustom paint engine for rendering to DXF drawings
 CQgsEditConditionalFormatRuleWidgetA widget for customizing an individual conditional formatting rule
 CQgsEditFormConfigContains configuration settings for an editor form
 CQgsEditorConfigWidgetThis class should be subclassed for every configurable editor widget type
 CQgsEditorWidgetAutoConfPluginBase class for plugins allowing to pick automatically a widget type for editing fields
 CQgsEditorWidgetFactoryEvery attribute editor widget needs a factory, which inherits this class
 CQgsEditorWidgetRegistryThis class manages all known edit widget factories
 CQgsEditorWidgetSetupHolder for the widget type and its configuration for a field
 CQgsEditorWidgetWrapperManages an editor widget Widget and wrapper share the same parent
 CQgsEffectDrawModeComboBoxA combo box allowing selection of paint effect draw modes
 CQgsEffectPainterA class to manager painter saving and restoring required for effect drawing
 CQgsEffectStackA paint effect which consists of a stack of other chained paint effects
 CQgsEffectStackCompactWidgetA small widget consisting of a checkbox for enabling/disabling an effect stack and a button for opening an effect stack customization dialog
 CQgsEffectStackPropertiesDialogA dialog for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack
 CQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetA widget for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack
 CQgsElevationUtilsContains utility methods for working with elevation from layers and projects
 CQgsEllipseEllipse geometry type
 CQgsEllipseSymbolLayerA symbol layer for rendering objects with major and minor axis (e.g
 CQgsEllipsoidUtilsContains utility functions for working with ellipsoids and querying the ellipsoid database
 CQgsEmbeddedSymbolRendererA vector feature renderer which uses embedded feature symbology to render per-feature symbols
 CQgsEmbeddedSymbolRendererWidgetA widget used represent options of a QgsEmbeddedSymbolRenderer
 CQgsEncodingFileDialogA file dialog which lets the user select the preferred encoding type for a data provider
 CQgsEncodingSelectionDialogA dialog which presents the user with a choice of file encodings
 CQgsErrorQgsError is container for error messages (report)
 CQgsErrorItemData item that can be used to report problems (e.g
 CQgsErrorMessageQgsErrorMessage represents single error message
 CQgsExceptionDefines a QGIS exception class
 CQgsExifToolsContains utilities for working with EXIF tags in images
 CQgsExpressionClass for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings")
 CQgsExpressionBuilderDialogA generic dialog for building expression strings
 CQgsExpressionBuilderWidgetA reusable widget that can be used to build a expression string
 CQgsExpressionContextExpression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be evaluated
 CQgsExpressionContextGeneratorAbstract interface for generating an expression context
 CQgsExpressionContextScopeSingle scope for storing variables and functions for use within a QgsExpressionContext
 CQgsExpressionContextScopeGeneratorAbstract interface for generating an expression context scope
 CQgsExpressionContextScopePopperRAII class to pop scope from an expression context on destruction
 CQgsExpressionContextUtilsContains utilities for working with QgsExpressionContext objects, including methods for creating scopes for specific uses (e.g., project scopes, layer scopes)
 CQgsExpressionFieldBufferBuffers information about expression fields for a vector layer
 CQgsExpressionFunctionA abstract base class for defining QgsExpression functions
 CQgsExpressionItemAn expression item that can be used in the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree
 CQgsExpressionItemSearchProxySearch proxy used to filter the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree
 CQgsExpressionLineEditIncludes a line edit for entering expressions together with a button to open the expression creation dialog
 CQgsExpressionNodeAbstract base class for all nodes that can appear in an expression
 CQgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperatorA binary expression operator, which operates on two values
 CQgsExpressionNodeColumnRefAn expression node which takes it value from a feature's field
 CQgsExpressionNodeConditionAn expression node for CASE WHEN clauses
 CQgsExpressionNodeFunctionAn expression node for expression functions
 CQgsExpressionNodeIndexOperatorA indexing expression operator, which allows use of square brackets [] to reference map and array items
 CQgsExpressionNodeInOperatorAn expression node for value IN or NOT IN clauses
 CQgsExpressionNodeLiteralAn expression node for literal values
 CQgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperatorA unary node is either negative as in boolean (not) or as in numbers (minus)
 CQgsExpressionPreviewWidgetQgsExpressionPreviewWidget is a widget to preview an expression result
 CQgsExpressionSelectionDialogThis class offers a dialog to change feature selections
 CQgsExpressionStoreDialogA generic dialog for editing expression text, label and help text
 CQgsExpressionTreeViewQgsExpressionTreeView is a tree view to list all expressions functions, variables and fields that can be used in an expression
 CQgsExpressionUtilsA set of expression-related functions
 CQgsExtentGroupBoxCollapsible group box for configuration of extent, typically for a save operation
 CQgsExtentWidgetA widget for configuration of a map extent
 CQgsExternalResourceWidgetWidget to display file path with a push button for an "open file" dialog It can also be used to display a picture or a web page
 CQgsExternalResourceWidgetWrapperWraps a file name widget
 CQgsExternalStorageAbstract interface for external storage - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsExternalStorageRegistry
 CQgsExternalStorageContentBase class for QgsExternalStorage stored and fetched content
 CQgsExternalStorageFetchedContentClass for QgsExternalStorage fetched content
 CQgsExternalStorageFileWidgetCreates a widget for selecting a file or a folder and stores it to a given external storage backend if defined
 CQgsExternalStorageRegistryRegistry of external storage backends used by QgsExternalResourceWidget
 CQgsExternalStorageStoredContentClass for QgsExternalStorage stored content
 CQgsFallbackFieldFormatterA default fallback field formatter in case no specialized field formatter is defined
 CQgsFallbackNumericFormatA basic numeric formatter which returns a simple text representation of a value
 CQgsFavoriteItemA directory item showing the a single favorite directory
 CQgsFavoritesItemContains various Favorites directories
 CQgsFcgiServerRequestClass defining fcgi request
 CQgsFcgiServerResponseClass defining fcgi response
 CQgsFeatureThe feature class encapsulates a single feature including its unique ID, geometry and a list of field/values attributes
 CQgsFeatureFilterA feature filter provider allowing to set filter expressions on a per-layer basis
 CQgsFeatureFilterModelProvides a list of features based on filter conditions
 CQgsFeatureFilterProviderAbstract interface for use by classes that filter the features or attributes of a layer
 CQgsFeatureFilterProviderGroupA filter filter provider grouping several filter providers
 CQgsFeatureIteratorWrapper for iterator of features from vector data provider or vector layer
 CQgsFeatureListComboBoxThis offers a combobox with autocompleter that allows selecting features from a layer
 CQgsFeatureListViewShows a list of features and renders a edit button next to each feature
 CQgsFeaturePickerModelProvides a list of features based on filter conditions
 CQgsFeaturePickerModelBaseProvides a list of features based on filter conditions
 CQgsFeaturePickerWidgetThis offers a combobox with autocompleter that allows selecting features from a layer
 CQgsFeaturePoolA feature pool is based on a vector layer and caches features
 CQgsFeatureRendererGeneratorAn interface for objects which generate feature renderers for vector layers
 CQgsFeatureRequestThis class wraps a request for features to a vector layer (or directly its vector data provider)
 CQgsFeatureSinkAn interface for objects which accept features via addFeature(s) methods
 CQgsFeatureSourceAn interface for objects which provide features via a getFeatures method
 CQgsFeatureStoreA container for features with the same fields and crs
 CQgsFeedbackBase class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread
 CQgsFetchedContentFetchedContent holds useful information about a network content being fetched
 CQgsFieldEncapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source
 CQgsFieldCalculatorA dialog class that provides calculation of new fields using existing fields, values and a set of operators
 CQgsFieldComboBoxThe QgsFieldComboBox is a combo box which displays the list of fields of a given layer
 CQgsFieldConditionalFormatWidgetA widget for customizing conditional formatting options
 CQgsFieldConstraintsStores information about constraints which may be present on a field
 CQgsFieldExpressionWidgetReates a widget to choose fields and edit expressions It contains a combo box to display the fields and expression and a button to open the expression dialog
 CQgsFieldFormatterA field formatter helps to handle and display values for a field
 CQgsFieldFormatterContextA context for field formatter containing information like the project
 CQgsFieldFormatterRegistryThe QgsFieldFormatterRegistry manages registered classes of QgsFieldFormatter
 CQgsFieldItemA layer field item, information about the connection URI, the schema and the table as well as the layer instance the field belongs to can be retrieved from the parent QgsFieldsItem object
 CQgsFieldMappingModelThe QgsFieldMappingModel holds mapping information for mapping from one set of QgsFields to another, for each set of "destination" fields an expression defines how to obtain the values of the "destination" fields
 CQgsFieldMappingWidgetCreates a mapping from one set of QgsFields to another, for each set of "destination" fields an expression defines how to obtain the values of the "destination" fields
 CQgsFieldModelModel to display the list of fields in widgets (optionally associated with a vector layer)
 CQgsFieldProxyModelEasy to use model to display the list of fields of a layer
 CQgsFieldsContainer of fields for a vector layer
 CQgsFieldsItemA collection of field items with some internal logic to retrieve the fields and a the vector layer instance from a connection URI, the schema and the table name
 CQgsFieldValuesLineEditA line edit with an autocompleter which takes unique values from a vector layer's fields
 CQgsFileBasedDataItemProviderA data item provider for file based data sources
 CQgsFileDataCollectionItemA data collection item for file based data collections (e.g
 CQgsFileDownloaderQgsFileDownloader is a utility class for downloading files
 CQgsFileDownloaderDialogQgsFileDownloaderDialog is a QProgressDialog subclass which handles file downloads and user feedback
 CQgsFileFilterGeneratorAbstract interface for classes which generate a file filter string
 CQgsFileUtilsClass for file utilities
 CQgsFileWidgetCreates a widget for selecting a file or a folder
 CQgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayerFilled marker symbol layer, consisting of a shape which is rendered using a QgsFillSymbol
 CQgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetWidget for configuring QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayer symbol layers
 CQgsFillSymbolA fill symbol type, for rendering Polygon and MultiPolygon geometries
 CQgsFilterLineEditQLineEdit subclass with built in support for clearing the widget's value and handling custom null value representations
 CQgsFilterResponseDecoratorClass defining decorator for calling filter's hooks
 CQgsFindFilesByPatternDialogA dialog for finding files (recursively) by file pattern
 CQgsFindFilesByPatternWidgetA reusable widget for finding files (recursively) by file pattern
 CQgsFloatingWidgetA QWidget subclass for creating widgets which float outside of the normal Qt layout system
 CQgsFocusKeeperTrick to keep a widget focused and avoid QT crashes
 CQgsFocusWatcherA event filter for watching for focus events on a parent object
 CQgsFontButtonA button for customizing QgsTextFormat settings
 CQgsFormAnnotationAn annotation item that embeds a designer form showing the feature attribute
 CQgsFractionNumericFormatA numeric formatter which returns a vulgar fractional representation of a decimal value (e.g
 CQgsFractionNumericFormatWidgetA widget which allow control over the properties of a QgsFractionNumericFormat
 CQgsGcpGeometryTransformerA geometry transformer which uses an underlying Ground Control Points (GCP) based transformation to modify geometries
 CQgsGcpTransformerInterfaceAn interface for Ground Control Points (GCP) based transformations
 CQgsGDALGeorefTransformInterface to gdal thin plate splines and 1st/2nd/3rd order polynomials
 CQgsGdalUtilsUtilities for working with GDAL
 CQgsGenericFeatureSelectionManagerThis selection manager synchronizes a local set of selected features with an attribute table
 CQgsGenericNumericTransformerQgsPropertyTransformer subclass for scaling an input numeric value into an output numeric value
 CQgsGenericSpatialIndexA generic rtree spatial index based on a libspatialindex backend
 CQgsGeocoderContextEncapsulates the context of a geocoding operation
 CQgsGeocoderInterfaceInterface for geocoders
 CQgsGeocoderLocatorFilterAn adapter class which implements a locator filter populated from a QgsGeocoderInterface
 CQgsGeocoderResultRepresents a matching result from a geocoder search
 CQgsGeometryA geometry is the spatial representation of a feature
 CQgsGeometryAngleCheckAngle check
 CQgsGeometryAreaCheckArea check
 CQgsGeometryCheckThis class implements a geometry check
 CQgsGeometryCheckContextBase configuration for geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCheckerManages and runs a set of geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCheckErrorThis represents an error reported by a geometry check
 CQgsGeometryCheckErrorSingleWraps a QgsSingleGeometryError into a standard QgsGeometryCheckError
 CQgsGeometryCheckerUtilsContains utilities required for geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCheckFactoryA factory for geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCheckFactoryTTemplate to create a factory for a geometry check
 CQgsGeometryCheckRegistryThis class manages all known geometry check factories
 CQgsGeometryCheckResolutionMethodThis class implements a resolution for problems detected in geometry checks
 CQgsGeometryCollectionGeometry collection
 CQgsGeometryConstPartIteratorJava-style iterator for const traversal of parts of a geometry
 CQgsGeometryContainedCheckA contained check
 CQgsGeometryContainedCheckErrorA contained check error
 CQgsGeometryDangleCheckA dangle check
 CQgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheckA degenerate polygon check
 CQgsGeometryDuplicateCheckA duplicate geometry check
 CQgsGeometryDuplicateCheckErrorA duplicate geometry check error
 CQgsGeometryDuplicateNodesCheckA duplicate nodes check
 CQgsGeometryEditUtilsConvenience functions for geometry editing
 CQgsGeometryEngineA geometry engine is a low-level representation of a QgsAbstractGeometry object, optimised for use with external geometry libraries such as GEOS
 CQgsGeometryFactoryContains geometry creation routines
 CQgsGeometryFollowBoundariesCheckA follow boundaries check
 CQgsGeometryGapCheckChecks for gaps between neighbouring polygons
 CQgsGeometryGapCheckErrorAn error produced by a QgsGeometryGapCheck
 CQgsGeometryHoleCheckA hole check
 CQgsGeometryIsValidCheckChecks if geometries are valid using the backend configured in the QGIS settings
 CQgsGeometryIsValidCheckErrorAn error for a QgsGeometryIsValid check
 CQgsGeometryLineIntersectionCheckA line intersection check
 CQgsGeometryLineLayerIntersectionCheckA line layer intersection check
 CQgsGeometryMissingVertexCheckA topology check for missing vertices
 CQgsGeometryMissingVertexCheckErrorA geometry check error for a missing vertex
 CQgsGeometryMultipartCheckA multipark check
 CQgsGeometryOptionsOptions to automatically adjust geometries to constraints on a layer
 CQgsGeometryOverlapCheckChecks if geometries overlap
 CQgsGeometryOverlapCheckErrorAn error of a QgsGeometryOverlapCheck
 CQgsGeometryPartIteratorJava-style iterator for traversal of parts of a geometry
 CQgsGeometryPointCoveredByLineCheckA point covered by line check
 CQgsGeometryPointInPolygonCheckA point in polygon check
 CQgsGeometryRubberBandA rubberband class for QgsAbstractGeometry (considering curved geometries)
 CQgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheckA segment length check
 CQgsGeometrySelfContactCheckA self contact check
 CQgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckA self intersection check
 CQgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckErrorA self intersection check error
 CQgsGeometrySliverPolygonCheckA sliver polygon check
 CQgsGeometrySnapperQgsGeometrySnapper allows a geometry to be snapped to the geometries within a different reference layer
 CQgsGeometrySnapperSingleSourceMakes sure that any two vertices of the vector layer are at least at distance given by the threshold value
 CQgsGeometryTypeCheckA geometry type check
 CQgsGeometryTypeCheckErrorA geometry type check error
 CQgsGeometryUtilsContains various geometry utility functions
 CQgsGeoNodeConnectionEncapsulates settings related to a single GeoNode connection
 CQgsGeoNodeConnectionUtilsContains various utilities for managing the known collection of GeoNode servers associated with a QGIS install
 CQgsGeoNodeRequestRequest handler for GeoNode servers
 CQgsGeoNodeStyleEncapsulates information about a GeoNode layer style
 CQgsGeoPdfLayerTreeModelLayer tree model for Geo-PDF layers
 CQgsGeosDoes vector analysis using the geos library and handles import, export, exception handling*
 CQgsGlowEffectBase class for paint effect which draw a glow inside or outside a picture
 CQgsGmlThis class reads data from a WFS server or alternatively from a GML file
 CQgsGmlFeatureClassDescription of feature class in GML
 CQgsGmlStreamingParserThis class builds features from GML data in a streaming way
 CQgsGoogleMapsGeocoderA geocoder which uses the Google Map geocoding API to retrieve results
 CQgsGplColorSchemeA color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file
 CQgsGpsConnectionAbstract base class for connection to a GPS device
 CQgsGpsConnectionRegistryA class to register / unregister existing GPS connections such that the information is available to all classes and plugins
 CQgsGpsdConnectionEvaluates NMEA sentences coming from gpsd
 CQgsGpsDetectorClass to detect the GPS port
 CQgsGpsInformationEncapsulates information relating to a GPS position fix
 CQgsGradientColorRampGradient color ramp, which smoothly interpolates between two colors and also supports optional extra color stops
 CQgsGradientColorRampDialogA dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsGradientColorRamp
 CQgsGradientStopRepresents a color stop within a QgsGradientColorRamp color ramp
 CQgsGradientStopEditorAn interactive editor for previewing a gradient color ramp and modifying the position of color stops along the gradient
 CQgsGraduatedHistogramWidgetGraphical histogram for displaying distribution of field values and editing range breaks for a QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer renderer
 CQgsGraphMathematical graph representation
 CQgsGraphAnalyzerThis class performs graph analysis, e.g
 CQgsGraphBuilderThis class used for making the QgsGraph object
 CQgsGraphBuilderInterfaceDetermine interface for creating a graph
 CQgsGraphDirectorDetermine making the graph
 CQgsGraphEdgeThis class implements a graph edge
 CQgsGraphVertexThis class implements a graph vertex
 CQgsGridFileWriterA class that does interpolation to a grid and writes the results to an ascii grid
 CQgsGuiQgsGui is a singleton class containing various registry and other global members related to GUI classes
 CQgsHashedLineSymbolLayerLine symbol layer type which draws repeating line sections along a line feature
 CQgsHashedLineSymbolLayerWidgetWidget for controlling the properties of a QgsHashedLineSymbolLayer
 CQgsHeatmapRendererA renderer which draws points as a live heatmap
 CQgsHelmertGeorefTransform2-dimensional helmert transform, parametrised by isotropic scale, rotation angle and translation
 CQgsHelpHelper class for showing help topic URI for the given key
 CQgsHiddenWidgetWrapperWraps a hidden widget
 CQgsHighlightA class for highlight features on the map
 CQgsHighlightableComboBoxA QComboBox subclass with the ability to "highlight" the edges of the widget
 CQgsHighlightableLineEditA QgsFilterLineEdit subclass with the ability to "highlight" the edges of the widget
 CQgsHillshadeFilterA hillshade filter
 CQgsHillshadeRendererA renderer for generating live hillshade models
 CQgsHillshadeRendererWidgetRenderer widget for the hill shade renderer
 CQgsHistogramCalculator for a numeric histogram from a list of values
 CQgsHistogramDiagramA histogram style diagram
 CQgsHistogramWidgetGraphical histogram for displaying distributions of field values
 CQgsHollowScaleBarRendererScalebar style that draws a single box with alternating color for the segments, with horizontal lines through alternating segments
 CQgsHtmlAnnotationAn annotation item that embeds HTML content
 CQgsHtmlUtilsClass for HTML utilities
 CQgsHtmlWidgetWrapperWraps a QQuickWidget to display HTML code
 CQgsHueSaturationFilterColor and saturation filter pipe for rasters
 CQgsIconUtilsContains utility functions for working with icons
 CQgsIdentifyContextIdentify contexts are used to encapsulate the settings to be used to perform an identify action
 CQgsIdentifyMenuBuilds a menu to be used with identify results (
 CQgsIDWInterpolatorInverse distance weight interpolator
 CQgsIFeatureSelectionManagerIs an interface class to abstract feature selection handling
 CQgsImageCacheA cache for images derived from raster files
 CQgsImageFetcherHandles asynchronous download of images
 CQgsImageFillSymbolLayerBase class for polygon renderers generating texture images
 CQgsImageLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying arbitrary raster image
 CQgsImageOperationContains operations and filters which apply to QImages
 CQgsImageSourceLineEditA line edit widget with toolbutton for setting a raster image path
 CQgsImageTextureHolds an image that can be used as a texture in the 3D view
 CQgsIndexedFeatureTemporarily used structure to cache order by information
 CQgsInnerGlowEffectA paint effect which draws a glow within a picture
 CQgsInnerShadowEffectA paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow within a picture
 CQgsInternalGeometryEngineThis class offers geometry processing methods
 CQgsInternalGeometrySnapperQgsInternalGeometrySnapper allows a set of geometries to be snapped to each other
 CQgsInterpolatedLineColorClass defining color to render mesh datasets
 CQgsInterpolatedLineRendererRepresents a simple line renderer with width and color varying depending on values
 CQgsInterpolatedLineSymbolLayerA symbol layer that represents vector layer line feature as interpolated line The interpolation is done between two values defined at the extremities
 CQgsInterpolatedLineWidthRepresents a width than can vary depending on values
 CQgsInterpolatorInterface class for interpolations
 CQgsInterpolatorVertexDataInterpolation data for an individual source vertex
 CQgsIntervalA representation of the interval between two datetime values
 CQgsIntRangeQgsRange which stores a range of integer values
 CQgsInvertedPolygonRendererQgsInvertedPolygonRenderer is a polygon-only feature renderer used to display features inverted, where the exterior is turned to an interior and where the exterior theoretically spans the entire plane, allowing to mask the surroundings of some features
 CQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetA widget used represent options of a QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer
 CQgsJsonEditConfigDlgThe QgsJsonEditConfigDlg is a configuration widget for JSON edit widget
 CQgsJsonEditWidgetThe QgsJsonEditWidget is a widget to display JSON data in a code highlighted text or tree form
 CQgsJsonEditWidgetFactoryEditor widget factory for JSON edit widgets
 CQgsJsonEditWrapperWraps a JSON edit widget
 CQgsJsonExporterHandles exporting QgsFeature features to GeoJSON features
 CQgsJsonUtilsHelper utilities for working with JSON and GeoJSON conversions
 CQgsKernelDensityEstimationPerforms Kernel Density Estimation ("heatmap") calculations on a vector layer
 CQgsKeyValueFieldFormatterField formatter for a key value field
 CQgsKeyValueWidgetWidget allowing to edit a QVariantMap, using a table
 CQgsKeyValueWidgetFactoryFactory for widgets for editing a QVariantMap
 CQgsKeyValueWidgetWrapperWraps a key/value widget
 CQgsLabelBlockingRegionLabel blocking region (in map coordinates and CRS)
 CQgsLabelCandidateRepresents a label candidate
 CQgsLabelEngineConfigDialogDialog for configuring the labeling engine
 CQgsLabelEngineConfigWidgetWidget for configuring the labeling engine
 CQgsLabelFeatureDescribes a feature that should be used within the labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingContains constants and enums relating to labeling
 CQgsLabelingEngineMap labeling functionality
 CQgsLabelingEngineSettingsStores global configuration for labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingResultsClass that stores computed placement from labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingRulePropsWidgetWidget for editing a labeling rule
 CQgsLabelingUtilsContains helper utilities for working with QGIS' labeling engine
 CQgsLabelingWidgetMaster widget for configuration of labeling of a vector layer
 CQgsLabelLineAnchorWidgetA widget for customising label line anchor settings
 CQgsLabelLineSettingsContains settings related to how the label engine places and formats labels for line features (or polygon features which are labeled in a "perimeter" style mode)
 CQgsLabelObstacleSettingsContains settings related to how the label engine treats features as obstacles
 CQgsLabelObstacleSettingsWidgetA widget for customising label obstacle settings
 CQgsLabelPositionRepresents the calculated placement of a map label
 CQgsLabelSearchTreeA class to query the labeling structure at a given point (small wrapper around pal RTree class)
 CQgsLabelSettingsWidgetBaseBase class for widgets which allow customization of label engine properties, such as label placement settings
 CQgsLabelSettingsWidgetDialogA blocking dialog containing a QgsLabelSettingsWidgetBase
 CQgsLabelSinkAbstract base class that can be used to intercept rendered labels from a labeling / rendering job
 CQgsLabelSinkProviderImplements a derived label provider for use with QgsLabelSink
 CQgsLabelSorterHelper class for sorting labels into correct draw order
 CQgsLabelThinningSettingsContains settings related to how the label engine removes candidate label positions and reduces the number of displayed labels
 CQgsLayerDefinitionHolds generic methods for loading/exporting QLR files
 CQgsLayerItemItem that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers
 CQgsLayerMetadataA structured metadata store for a map layer
 CQgsLayerMetadataFormatterClass for metadata formatter
 CQgsLayerNotesUtilsContains utility functions for working with layer notes
 CQgsLayerRestorerRAII class to restore layer configuration on destruction (opacity, filters, ...)
 CQgsLayerTreeNamespace with helper functions for layer tree operations
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidgetA widget to configure layer tree embedded widgets for a particular map layer
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetProviderProvider interface to be implemented in order to introduce new kinds of embedded widgets for use in layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistryRegistry of widgets that may be embedded into layer tree view
 CQgsLayerTreeFilterProxyModelQgsLayerTreeFilterProxyModel is a sort filter proxy model to easily reproduce the legend/layer tree in a tree view
 CQgsLayerTreeGroupLayer tree group node serves as a container for layers and further groups
 CQgsLayerTreeLayerLayer tree node points to a map layer
 CQgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridgeTakes care of updates of layer set for QgsMapCanvas from a layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeModelModel implementation for Qt item views framework
 CQgsLayerTreeModelLegendNodeThe QgsLegendRendererItem class is abstract interface for legend items returned from QgsMapLayerLegend implementation
 CQgsLayerTreeNodeThis class is a base class for nodes in a layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeProxyModelProxy model for QgsLayerTreeModel, supports private layers and text filtering
 CQgsLayerTreeRegistryBridgeListens to the updates in map layer registry and does changes in layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeUtilsAssorted functions for dealing with layer trees
 CQgsLayerTreeViewExtends QTreeView and provides some additional functionality when working with a layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActionsServes as a factory of actions that can be used together with a layer tree view
 CQgsLayerTreeViewIndicatorIndicator that can be used in a layer tree view to display icons next to items of the layer tree
 CQgsLayerTreeViewMenuProviderImplementation of this interface can be implemented to allow QgsLayerTreeView instance to provide custom context menus (opened upon right-click)
 CQgsLayoutBase class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc
 CQgsLayoutAddPagesDialogA dialog for configuring properties of new pages to be added to a layout
 CQgsLayoutAlignerHandles aligning and distributing sets of layout items
 CQgsLayoutAtlasClass used to render QgsLayout as an atlas, by iterating over the features from an associated vector layer
 CQgsLayoutAtlasWidgetWidget for configuring the properties of a layout atlas
 CQgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogA dialog to select what attributes to display (in the table item), set the column properties and specify a sort order
 CQgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModelA model for displaying columns shown in a QgsLayoutAttributeTable
 CQgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModelBaseA base model to hold the displaying or sortings columns used in a QgsLayoutAttributeTable
 CQgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetA widget for configuring layout attribute table items
 CQgsLayoutColumnAlignmentDelegateA delegate for showing column alignment as a combo box
 CQgsLayoutColumnSortOrderDelegateA delegate for showing column sort order as a combo box
 CQgsLayoutColumnSourceDelegateA delegate for showing column attribute source as a QgsFieldExpressionWidget
 CQgsLayoutColumnWidthDelegateA delegate for showing column width as a spin box
 CQgsLayoutComboBoxCombo box which displays available layouts from a QgsLayoutManager
 CQgsLayoutConfigObjectAn object for property widgets for layout items
 CQgsLayoutCustomDropHandlerAbstract base class that may be implemented to handle new types of data to be dropped or pasted in QGIS layouts
 CQgsLayoutDesignerInterfaceA common interface for layout designer dialogs and widgets
 CQgsLayoutEffectA QGraphicsEffect subclass used for rendering layout items onto a scene with custom composition modes
 CQgsLayoutExporterHandles rendering and exports of layouts to various formats
 CQgsLayoutFrameBase class for frame items, which form a layout multiframe item
 CQgsLayoutGeoPdfExporterHandles GeoPDF export specific setup, cleanup and processing steps
 CQgsLayoutGridSettingsContains settings relating to the appearance, spacing and offset for layout grids
 CQgsLayoutGuideContains the configuration for a single snap guide used by a layout
 CQgsLayoutGuideCollectionStores and manages the snap guides used by a layout
 CQgsLayoutGuidePositionDelegateView delegate displaying a QgsDoubleSpinBox for the layout guide position
 CQgsLayoutGuideProxyModelFilters QgsLayoutGuideCollection models to guides of a single orientation (horizontal or vertical)
 CQgsLayoutGuideUnitDelegateView delegate displaying a QgsLayoutUnitsComboBox for the layout guide unit
 CQgsLayoutGuideWidgetWidget for managing the layout guides
 CQgsLayoutGuiUtilsUtils for layout handling from app
 CQgsLayoutHtmlWidgetA widget for configuring layout html items
 CQgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialogA dialog for customizing the properties of an exported image file
 CQgsLayoutItemBase class for graphical items within a QgsLayout
 CQgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadataStores GUI metadata about one layout item class
 CQgsLayoutItemAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one layout item class
 CQgsLayoutItemAttributeTableA layout table subclass that displays attributes from a vector layer
 CQgsLayoutItemBaseWidgetA base class for property widgets for layout items
 CQgsLayoutItemComboBoxCombo box which displays items of a matching type from a layout
 CQgsLayoutItemGroupA container for grouping several QgsLayoutItems
 CQgsLayoutItemGuiGroupStores GUI metadata about a group of layout item classes
 CQgsLayoutItemGuiMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to handle layout item GUI behavior
 CQgsLayoutItemGuiRegistryRegistry of available layout item GUI behavior
 CQgsLayoutItemHtmlA layout multiframe subclass for HTML content
 CQgsLayoutItemLabelA layout item subclass for text labels
 CQgsLayoutItemLegendA layout item subclass for map legends
 CQgsLayoutItemManualTableA layout table subclass that displays manually entered (and formatted) content
 CQgsLayoutItemMapLayout graphical items for displaying a map
 CQgsLayoutItemMapAtlasClippingSettingsContains settings relating to clipping a layout map by the current atlas feature
 CQgsLayoutItemMapGridAn individual grid which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap
 CQgsLayoutItemMapGridStackA collection of grids which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap
 CQgsLayoutItemMapItemAn item which is drawn inside a QgsLayoutItemMap, e.g., a grid or map overview
 CQgsLayoutItemMapItemClipPathSettingsContains settings relating to clipping a layout map by another layout item
 CQgsLayoutItemMapItemStackA collection of map items which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap
 CQgsLayoutItemMapOverviewAn individual overview which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap, and shows the extent of another QgsLayoutItemMap
 CQgsLayoutItemMapOverviewStackA collection of overviews which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap
 CQgsLayoutItemMarkerA layout item for showing marker symbols
 CQgsLayoutItemMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create layout items and their configuration widgets
 CQgsLayoutItemPageItem representing the paper in a layout
 CQgsLayoutItemPictureA layout item subclass that displays SVG files or raster format images (jpg, png, ...)
 CQgsLayoutItemPolygonLayout item for node based polygon shapes
 CQgsLayoutItemPolylineLayout item for node based polyline shapes
 CQgsLayoutItemPropertiesDialogA dialog for configuring properties like the size and position of layout items
 CQgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidgetA widget for controlling the common properties of layout items (e.g
 CQgsLayoutItemRegistryRegistry of available layout item types
 CQgsLayoutItemRenderContextContains settings and helpers relating to a render of a QgsLayoutItem
 CQgsLayoutItemScaleBarA layout item subclass for scale bars
 CQgsLayoutItemShapeLayout item for basic filled shapes (e.g
 CQgsLayoutItemsListViewA list view for showing items in a layout
 CQgsLayoutItemsListViewModelModel for the layout items list view
 CQgsLayoutItemTextTableA text table item that reads text from string lists
 CQgsLayoutLabelWidgetA widget for layout item settings
 CQgsLayoutLegendLayersDialogA dialog to add new layers to the legend
 CQgsLayoutManagerManages storage of a set of layouts
 CQgsLayoutManagerModelList model representing the print layouts and reports available in a layout manager
 CQgsLayoutManagerProxyModelQSortFilterProxyModel subclass for QgsLayoutManagerModel
 CQgsLayoutManualTableWidgetA widget for configuring layout manual table items
 CQgsLayoutMapClippingWidgetAllows configuration of layout map clipping settings
 CQgsLayoutMapGridWidgetA widget for configuring layout map grid items
 CQgsLayoutMapItemBlocksLabelsModelModel for label blocking items
 CQgsLayoutMapLabelingWidgetAllows configuration of layout map labeling settings
 CQgsLayoutMapWidgetInput widget for the configuration of QgsLayoutItemMap
 CQgsLayoutMarkerWidgetA widget for configuring layout shape items
 CQgsLayoutMeasurementThis class provides a method of storing measurements for use in QGIS layouts using a variety of different measurement units
 CQgsLayoutMeasurementConverterThis class provides a method of converting QgsLayoutMeasurements from one unit to another
 CQgsLayoutModelA model for items attached to a layout
 CQgsLayoutMultiFrameAbstract base class for layout items with the ability to distribute the content to several frames (QgsLayoutFrame items)
 CQgsLayoutMultiFrameAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one layout multiframe class
 CQgsLayoutMultiFrameMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create layout multiframes and their configuration widgets
 CQgsLayoutNodesItemAn abstract layout item that provides generic methods for node based shapes such as polygon or polylines
 CQgsLayoutNorthArrowHandlerAn object which handles north-arrow type behavior for layout items
 CQgsLayoutNorthArrowValidityCheckLayout north arrow validity check
 CQgsLayoutObjectA base class for objects which belong to a layout
 CQgsLayoutOverviewValidityCheckLayout overview validity check
 CQgsLayoutPageCollectionA manager for a collection of pages in a layout
 CQgsLayoutPagePropertiesWidgetA widget for configuring properties of pages in a layout
 CQgsLayoutPdfExportOptionsDialogA dialog for customizing the properties of an exported PDF file from a layout
 CQgsLayoutPictureSourceValidityCheckLayout picture source validity check
 CQgsLayoutPictureWidgetA widget for configuring layout picture items
 CQgsLayoutPointThis class provides a method of storing points, consisting of an x and y coordinate, for use in QGIS layouts
 CQgsLayoutPolygonWidgetInput widget for QgsLayoutItemPolygon
 CQgsLayoutPolylineWidgetInput widget for QgsLayoutItemPolyline
 CQgsLayoutPropertiesWidgetWidget for configuring the properties of a layout
 CQgsLayoutProxyModelAllows for filtering a QgsLayoutModel by item type
 CQgsLayoutQptDropHandlerLayout drop handler for handling QPT files
 CQgsLayoutRenderContextStores information relating to the current rendering settings for a layout
 CQgsLayoutReportContextStores information relating to the current reporting context for a layout
 CQgsLayoutRulerA custom ruler widget for use with QgsLayoutView, displaying the current zoom and position of the visible layout and for interacting with guides in a layout
 CQgsLayoutScaleBarValidityCheckLayout scalebar validity check
 CQgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetA widget to define the properties of a QgsLayoutItemScaleBar
 CQgsLayoutSerializableObjectAn interface for layout objects which can be stored and read from DOM elements
 CQgsLayoutShapeWidgetA widget for configuring layout shape items
 CQgsLayoutSizeThis class provides a method of storing sizes, consisting of a width and height, for use in QGIS layouts
 CQgsLayoutSnapperManages snapping grids and preset snap lines in a layout, and handles snapping points to the nearest grid coordinate/snap line when possible
 CQgsLayoutTableA class to display a table in the print layout, and allow the table to span over multiple frames
 CQgsLayoutTableBackgroundColorsDialogA dialog for customization of the cell background colors for a QgsLayoutTable
 CQgsLayoutTableColumnStores properties of a column for a QgsLayoutTable
 CQgsLayoutTableSortModelAllows for filtering QgsComposerAttributeTable columns by columns which are sorted or unsorted
 CQgsLayoutTableStyleStyling option for a layout table cell
 CQgsLayoutUndoObjectInterfaceInterface for layout objects which support undo/redo commands
 CQgsLayoutUndoStackAn undo stack for QgsLayouts
 CQgsLayoutUnitsComboBoxA custom combo box for selecting units for layout settings
 CQgsLayoutUtilsUtilities for layouts
 CQgsLayoutValidityCheckContextValidity check context for print layout validation
 CQgsLayoutViewA graphical widget to display and interact with QgsLayouts
 CQgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBandQgsLayoutViewEllipseRubberBand is elliptical rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets
 CQgsLayoutViewMenuProviderInterface for a QgsLayoutView context menu
 CQgsLayoutViewMouseEventA QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsLayoutView
 CQgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBandQgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand is rectangular rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets
 CQgsLayoutViewRubberBandQgsLayoutViewRubberBand is an abstract base class for temporary rubber band items in various shapes, for use within QgsLayoutView widgets
 CQgsLayoutViewToolAbstract base class for all layout view tools
 CQgsLayoutViewToolAddItemLayout view tool for adding items to a layout
 CQgsLayoutViewToolAddNodeItemLayout view tool for adding node based items to a layout
 CQgsLayoutViewToolEditNodesLayout view tool for edit node based items in the layout
 CQgsLayoutViewToolMoveItemContentLayout view tool for moving and zooming item content
 CQgsLayoutViewToolPanLayout view tool for panning the layout
 CQgsLayoutViewToolSelectLayout view tool for selecting items in the layout
 CQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyPanLayout view tool for temporarily panning a layout while a key is depressed
 CQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyZoomLayout view tool for temporarily zooming a layout while a key is depressed
 CQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryMousePanLayout view tool for temporarily panning a layout while a mouse button is depressed
 CQgsLayoutViewToolZoomLayout view tool for zooming into and out of the layout
 CQgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBandQgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBand is triangular rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets
 CQgsLeastSquaresUtilities for calculation of least squares based transformations
 CQgsLegendFilterButtonA tool button that allows enabling or disabling legend filter by contents of the map
 CQgsLegendModelItem model implementation based on layer tree model for layout legend
 CQgsLegendPatchShapeRepresents a patch shape for use in map legends
 CQgsLegendPatchShapeButtonA button for creating and modifying QgsLegendPatchShape settings
 CQgsLegendPatchShapeDialogA dialog for configuring a custom legend patch shape
 CQgsLegendPatchShapeWidgetWidget for configuring a custom legend patch shape
 CQgsLegendRendererHandles automatic layout and rendering of legend
 CQgsLegendSettingsStores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLegendRenderer
 CQgsLegendStyleContains detailed styling information relating to how a layout legend should be rendered
 CQgsLegendSymbolItemThe class stores information about one class/rule of a vector layer renderer in a unified way that can be used by legend model for rendering of legend
 CQgsLimitedRandomColorRampConstrained random color ramp, which returns random colors based on preset parameters
 CQgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialogA dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsLimitedRandomColorRamp
 CQgsLimitedRandomColorRampWidgetA widget which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsLimitedRandomColorRamp
 CQgsLinearGeorefTransformA simple transform which is parametrized by a translation and anistotropic scale
 CQgsLinearMinMaxEnhancementA color enhancement function that performs a linear enhanceContrast between min and max
 CQgsLinearMinMaxEnhancementWithClipA linear enhanceContrast enhancement that first clips to min max and then enhanceContrastes linearly between min and max
 CQgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayerA symbol fill consisting of repeated parallel lines
 CQgsLineSegment2DRepresents a single 2D line segment, consisting of a 2D start and end vertex only
 CQgsLineStringLine string geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values
 CQgsLineSymbolA line symbol type, for rendering LineString and MultiLineString geometries
 CQgsListConfigDlgA configuration dialog for the List Widget class
 CQgsListFieldFormatterField formatter for a list field
 CQgsListWidgetWidget allowing to edit a QVariantList, using a table
 CQgsListWidgetFactoryFactory for widgets for editing a QVariantList or a QStringList
 CQgsListWidgetWrapperWraps a list widget
 CQgsLocalDefaultSettingsContains local default settings which should be respected when creating new objects such as QgsProjects
 CQgsLocalizedDataPathRegistryA registry class to hold localized data paths which can be used for basemaps, logos, etc
 CQgsLocatorHandles the management of QgsLocatorFilter objects and async collection of search results from them
 CQgsLocatorAutomaticModelA QgsLocatorModel which has is associated directly with a QgsLocator, and is automatically populated with results from locator searches
 CQgsLocatorContextEncapsulates the properties relating to the context of a locator search
 CQgsLocatorFilterAbstract base class for filters which collect locator results
 CQgsLocatorModelAn abstract list model for displaying the results of locator searches
 CQgsLocatorModelBridgeCore functionality to be used in a locator widget
 CQgsLocatorProxyModelA sort proxy model for QgsLocatorModel, which automatically sorts results by precedence
 CQgsLocatorResultEncapsulates properties of an individual matching result found by a QgsLocatorFilter
 CQgsLocatorWidgetA special locator widget which allows searching for matching results from a QgsLocator and presenting them to users for selection
 CQgsLoggerQgsLogger is a class to print debug/warning/error messages to the console
 CQgsManhattanLineCalloutDraws straight (right angled) lines as callouts
 CQgsMapBoxGlStyleConversionContextContext for a MapBox GL style conversion operation
 CQgsMapBoxGlStyleConverterHandles conversion of MapBox GL styles to QGIS vector tile renderers and labeling settings
 CQgsMapCanvasMap canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas
 CQgsMapCanvasAnnotationItemAn interactive map canvas item which displays a QgsAnnotation
 CQgsMapCanvasInteractionBlockerAn interface for objects which block interactions with a QgsMapCanvas
 CQgsMapCanvasItemAn abstract class for items that can be placed on the map canvas
 CQgsMapCanvasSnappingUtilsSnapping utils instance that is connected to a canvas and updates the configuration (map settings + current layer) whenever that is changed in the canvas
 CQgsMapCanvasTracerExtension of QgsTracer that provides extra functionality:
 CQgsMapCanvasUtilsUtility functions for working with QgsMapCanvas widgets
 CQgsMapClippingRegionA map clipping region (in map coordinates and CRS)
 CQgsMapClippingUtilsUtility functions for use when clipping map renders
 CQgsMapDecorationInterface for map decorations
 CQgsMapHitTestClass that runs a hit test with given map settings
 CQgsMapInfoSymbolConversionContextContext for a MapInfo symbol conversion operation
 CQgsMapInfoSymbolConverterHandles conversion of MapInfo symbols to QGIS symbology
 CQgsMapLayerBase class for all map layer types
 CQgsMapLayerActionAn action which can run on map layers The class can be used in two manners:
 CQgsMapLayerActionRegistryThis class tracks map layer actions
 CQgsMapLayerComboBoxCombo box which displays the list of layers
 CQgsMapLayerConfigWidgetA panel widget that can be shown in the map style dock
 CQgsMapLayerConfigWidgetContextEncapsulates the context for a QgsMapLayerConfigWidget
 CQgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactoryFactory class for creating custom map layer property pages
 CQgsMapLayerDependencyThis class models dependencies with or between map layers
 CQgsMapLayerElevationPropertiesBase class for storage of map layer elevation properties
 CQgsMapLayerFactoryContains utility functions for creating map layers
 CQgsMapLayerLegendAbstract interface for implementations of legends for one map layer
 CQgsMapLayerLegendUtilsMiscellaneous utility functions for handling of map layer legend
 CQgsMapLayerLoadStyleDialogA reusable dialog which allows users to select stored layer styles and categories to load for a map layer
 CQgsMapLayerModelModel to display layers in widgets
 CQgsMapLayerProxyModelEasy to use model to display the list of layers in widgets
 CQgsMapLayerRendererBase class for utility classes that encapsulate information necessary for rendering of map layers
 CQgsMapLayerServerPropertiesManages QGIS Server properties for a map layer
 CQgsMapLayerStoreA storage object for map layers, in which the layers are owned by the store and have their lifetime bound to the store
 CQgsMapLayerStyleStores style information (renderer, opacity, labeling, diagrams etc.) applicable to a map layer
 CQgsMapLayerStyleCategoriesModelModel for layer style categories
 CQgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtilsVarious GUI utility functions for dealing with map layer's style manager
 CQgsMapLayerStyleManagerManagement of styles for use with one map layer
 CQgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidgetWhich is used to visually manage the layer styles
 CQgsMapLayerStyleOverrideRestore overridden layer style on destruction
 CQgsMapLayerTemporalPropertiesBase class for storage of map layer temporal properties
 CQgsMapLayerUtilsContains utility functions for working with map layers
 CQgsMapMouseEventA QgsMapMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsMapCanvas
 CQgsMapOverviewCanvasA widget that displays an overview map
 CQgsMapRendererAbstractCustomPainterJobAbstract base class for map renderer jobs which use custom painters
 CQgsMapRendererCacheThis class is responsible for keeping cache of rendered images resulting from a map rendering job
 CQgsMapRendererCustomPainterJobJob implementation that renders everything sequentially using a custom painter
 CQgsMapRendererJobAbstract base class for map rendering implementations
 CQgsMapRendererParallelJobJob implementation that renders all layers in parallel
 CQgsMapRendererQImageJobIntermediate base class adding functionality that allows client to query the rendered image
 CQgsMapRendererSequentialJobJob implementation that renders everything sequentially in one thread
 CQgsMapRendererStagedRenderJobRender job implementation that renders maps in stages, allowing different stages (e.g
 CQgsMapRendererTaskQgsTask task which draws a map to an image file or a painter as a background task
 CQgsMapServiceExceptionException class for WMS service exceptions (for compatibility only)
 CQgsMapSettingsConfiguration for rendering of the map
 CQgsMapSettingsUtilsUtilities for map settings
 CQgsMapThemeCollectionContainer class that allows storage of map themes consisting of visible map layers and layer styles
 CQgsMapTipA maptip is a class to display a tip on a map canvas when a mouse is hovered over a feature
 CQgsMapToolAbstract base class for all map tools
 CQgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizingQgsMapTool which gives event directly in map coordinates and allows filtering its events
 CQgsMapToolDigitizeFeatureThis tool digitizes geometry of new point/line/polygon features on already existing vector layers Once the map tool is enabled, user can digitize the feature geometry
 CQgsMapToolEditBase class for map tools that edit vector geometry
 CQgsMapToolEmitPointA map tool that simply emits a point when clicking on the map
 CQgsMapToolExtentA map tool that emits an extent from a rectangle drawn onto the map canvas
 CQgsMapToolIdentifyMap tool for identifying features in layers
 CQgsMapToolIdentifyFeatureMap tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer
 CQgsMapToolModifyAnnotationA map tool for modifying annotations in a QgsAnnotationLayer
 CQgsMapToolPanA map tool for panning the map
 CQgsMapToolZoomA map tool for zooming into the map
 CQgsMapToPixelPerform transforms between map coordinates and device coordinates
 CQgsMapToPixelSimplifierImplementation of GeometrySimplifier using the "MapToPixel" algorithm
 CQgsMapUnitScaleStruct for storing maximum and minimum scales for measurements in map units
 CQgsMapUnitScaleDialogA dialog which allows the user to choose the minimum and maximum scale of an object in map units and millimeters
 CQgsMapUnitScaleWidgetA widget which allows the user to choose the minimum and maximum scale of an object in map units and millimeters
 CQgsMarginsDefines the four margins of a rectangle
 CQgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerLine symbol layer type which draws repeating marker symbols along a line feature
 CQgsMarkerSymbolA marker symbol type, for rendering Point and MultiPoint geometries
 CQgsMarkerSymbolLayerAbstract base class for marker symbol layers
 CQgsMaskIdProviderThis class allows the creation of mask ids based on the different label layers and to give a mask id from a label layer
 CQgsMaskMarkerSymbolLayerSpecial symbol layer that uses its sub symbol as a selective mask
 CQgsMaskMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSymbol layer widget for the handling of QgsMaskMarkerSymbolLayer
 CQgsMaskSourceSelectionWidgetA widget that allows the selection of a list of sources for selective masking
 CQgsMasterLayoutInterfaceInterface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports
 CQgsMasterPasswordResetDialogDialog to verify current master password and initiate reset of authentication database with a new password
 CQgsMaterialRegistryRegistry of available 3d material settings classes
 CQgsMaterialSettingsAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one 3D material settings class
 CQgsMaterialSettingsMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create a 3D material settings object and its widget
 CQgsMaterialSettingsWidgetBase class for 3D material settings widgets
 CQgsMbTilesUtility class for reading and writing MBTiles files (which are SQLite3 databases)
 CQgsMemoryProviderUtilsUtility functions for use with the memory vector data provider
 CQgsMenuHeaderCustom widget for displaying subheaders within a QMenu in a standard style
 CQgsMenuHeaderWidgetActionCustom QWidgetAction for displaying subheaders within a QMenu in a standard style
 CQgsMergedFeatureRendererQgsMergedFeatureRenderer is a polygon or line-only feature renderer used to renderer a set of features merged (or dissolved) into a single geometry
 CQgsMergedFeatureRendererWidgetA widget used represent options of a QgsMergedFeatureRenderer
 CQgsMeshMesh - vertices, edges and faces
 CQgsMesh3dAveragingMethodAbstract class to interpolate 3d stacked mesh data to 2d data
 CQgsMesh3dDataBlockQgsMesh3dDataBlock is a block of 3d stacked mesh data related N faces defined on base mesh frame
 CQgsMeshActiveDatasetGroupTreeViewTree widget for display of the mesh dataset groups
 CQgsMeshAdvancedEditingAbstract class that can be derived to implement advanced editing on mesh
 CQgsMeshCalculatorPerforms mesh layer calculations
 CQgsMeshContoursExporter of contours lines or polygons from a mesh layer
 CQgsMeshDataBlockQgsMeshDataBlock is a block of integers/doubles that can be used to retrieve: active flags (e.g
 CQgsMeshDataProviderBase class for providing data for QgsMeshLayer
 CQgsMeshDataProviderTemporalCapabilitiesClass for handling properties relating to a mesh data provider's temporal capabilities
 CQgsMeshDatasetAbstract class that represents a dataset
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupAbstract class that represents a dataset group
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadataQgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata is a collection of dataset group metadata such as whether the data is vector or scalar, name
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupStoreClass used to register and access all the dataset groups related to a mesh layer
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItemTree item for display of the mesh dataset groups
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItemDelagateDelegate to display tree item with a contours and vector selector
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeModelItem Model for QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItem
 CQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeViewTree widget for display of the mesh dataset groups
 CQgsMeshDatasetIndexQgsMeshDatasetIndex is index that identifies the dataset group (e.g
 CQgsMeshDatasetListModelList model for dataset contained in dataset group, used to display by time dataset in widget
 CQgsMeshDatasetMetadataQgsMeshDatasetMetadata is a collection of mesh dataset metadata such as whether the data is valid or associated time for the dataset
 CQgsMeshDatasetSourceInterfaceInterface for mesh datasets and dataset groups
 CQgsMeshDatasetValueQgsMeshDatasetValue represents single dataset value
 CQgsMeshDataSourceInterfaceInterface for mesh data sources
 CQgsMeshDriverMetadataHolds metadata about mesh driver
 CQgsMeshEditForceByLineClass derived from QgsMeshAdvancedEditing that forces mesh based on a line
 CQgsMeshEditForceByPolylinesClass derived from QgsMeshEditForceByLine that forces mesh based on polyline
 CQgsMeshEditingDelaunayTriangulationClass that can be used with QgsMeshEditor::advancedEdit() to add triangle faces to a mesh created by a Delaunay triangulation on provided existing vertex
 CQgsMeshEditingErrorClass that represents an error during mesh editing
 CQgsMeshEditorClass that makes edit operation on a mesh
 CQgsMeshEditRefineFacesClass that can do a refinement of faces of a mesh
 CQgsMeshElevationAveragingMethodElevation averaging method averages the values based on range defined absolute value to the model's datum The range is defined in the same length units as defined by model (e.g
 CQgsMeshExtraDatasetStoreClass that can be used to store and access extra dataset group, like memory dataset (temporary) Derived from QgsMeshDatasetSourceInterface, this class has same methods as QgsMeshDataProvider to access to the datasets
 CQgsMeshLayerRepresents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes
 CQgsMeshLayer3DRenderer3D renderer that renders all mesh triangles of a mesh layer
 CQgsMeshLayer3DRendererMetadataMetadata for mesh layer 3D renderer to allow creation of its instances from XML
 CQgsMeshLayerPropertiesProperty sheet for a mesh map layer
 CQgsMeshLayerRendererImplementation of threaded rendering for mesh layers
 CQgsMeshLayerTemporalPropertiesImplementation of map layer temporal properties for mesh layers
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddFacesClass for undo/redo command for adding faces in mesh
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddVerticesClass for undo/redo command for adding vertices in mesh
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAdvancedEditingClass for undo/redo command for applying advanced editing
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeCoordinatesClass for undo/redo command for changing coordinate (X,Y,Z) values of vertices
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeXYValueClass for undo/redo command for changing (X,Y) value of vertices
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeZValueClass for undo/redo command for changing Z value of vertices
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandFlipEdgeClass for undo/redo command for flipping edge
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMergeClass for undo/redo command for merging face
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMeshEditBase class for undo/redo command for mesh editing
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveFacesClass for undo/redo command for removing faces in mesh
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesFillHolesClass for undo/redo command for removing vertices in mesh filling holes created by removed faces
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesWithoutFillHolesClass for undo/redo command for removing vertices in mesh without filling holes created by removed faces
 CQgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSplitFacesClass for undo/redo command for splitting faces
 CQgsMeshMemoryDatasetClass to store memory dataset
 CQgsMeshMemoryDatasetGroupClass that represents a dataset group stored in memory
 CQgsMeshMultiLevelsAveragingMethodMulti level averaging method specifies limits of vertical layers from the top layer down or reversed
 CQgsMeshRelativeHeightAveragingMethodRelative height averaging method averages the values based on range defined relative to bed elevation or surface (when countedFromTop()) The range is defined in the same length units as defined by model (e.g
 CQgsMeshRenderer3dAveragingWidgetA widget for setup of the averaging method from 3d to 2d datasets on 3d stacked mesh
 CQgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetWidget for selection of active dataset group from tree view
 CQgsMeshRendererMeshSettingsRepresents a mesh renderer settings for mesh object
 CQgsMeshRendererMeshSettingsWidgetA widget for setup of the mesh frame settings of the mesh layer
 CQgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsRepresents a mesh renderer settings for scalar datasets
 CQgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsWidgetA widget for setup of the scalar dataset renderer settings of a mesh layer
 CQgsMeshRendererSettingsRepresents all mesh renderer settings
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorArrowSettingsRepresents a mesh renderer settings for vector datasets displayed with arrows
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorSettingsRepresents a renderer settings for vector datasets
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorSettingsWidgetA widget for setup of the vector dataset renderer settings of a mesh layer
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorStreamlineSettingsRepresents a streamline renderer settings for vector datasets displayed by streamlines
 CQgsMeshRendererVectorTracesSettingsRepresents a trace renderer settings for vector datasets displayed by particle traces
 CQgsMeshSigmaAveragingMethodSigma averages over the values between 0 (bed level) and 1 (surface)
 CQgsMeshSimplificationSettingsRepresents an overview renderer settings
 CQgsMeshSpatialIndexA spatial index for QgsMeshFace or QgsMeshEdge objects
 CQgsMeshStaticDatasetWidgetA widget for setup of the static dataset of a mesh layer
 CQgsMeshTimeSettingsRepresents a mesh time settings for mesh datasets
 CQgsMeshTransformVerticesByExpressionClass that can transform vertices of a mesh by expression
 CQgsMeshTriangulationClass that handles mesh creation with Delaunay constrained triangulation
 CQgsMeshVariableStrokeWidthButtonA widget push button that store variable stroke width and call a widget to set parameters
 CQgsMeshVariableStrokeWidthWidgetA widget to set parameters of variable stroke width
 CQgsMeshVectorTraceAnimationGeneratorA wrapper for QgsMeshParticuleTracesField used to render the particles
 CQgsMeshVertexCirculatorConvenient class that turn around a vertex and provide information about faces and vertices
 CQgsMeshVerticesElevationDatasetClass that represents a dataset with elevation value of the vertices of a existing mesh that can be edited
 CQgsMeshVerticesElevationDatasetGroupClass that represents a dataset group with elevation value of the vertices of a existing mesh that can be edited This dataset group contains only one dataset
 CQgsMeshVirtualDatasetGroupRepresents a dataset group calculated from a formula string
 CQgsMeshZValueDatasetConvenient class that can be used to obtain a dataset that represents the Z values of mesh vertices
 CQgsMeshZValueDatasetGroupConvenient class that can be used to obtain a datasetgroup on vertices that represents the Z value of the mesh vertices
 CQgsMessageBarA bar for displaying non-blocking messages to the user
 CQgsMessageBarItemRepresents an item shown within a QgsMessageBar widget
 CQgsMessageLogInterface for logging messages from QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsMessageLogConsoleDefault implementation of message logging interface
 CQgsMessageLogNotifyBlockerTemporarily blocks the application QgsMessageLog (see QgsApplication::messageLog()) from emitting the messageReceived( bool ) signal for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsMessageLogViewerA generic dialog widget for displaying QGIS log messages
 CQgsMessageOutputInterface for showing messages from QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsMessageOutputConsoleDefault implementation of message output interface
 CQgsMessageViewerA generic message view for displaying QGIS messages
 CQgsMetadataUtilsContains utility functions for working with metadata
 CQgsMetadataWidgetA wizard to edit metadata on a map layer
 CQgsModelGroupBoxDefinitionDialogA widget which allow users to specify the properties of a model group box
 CQgsModelSnapperManages snapping grids and preset snap lines in a layout, and handles snapping points to the nearest grid coordinate/snap line when possible
 CQgsModelViewMouseEventA QgsModelViewMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsModelGraphicsView
 CQgsModelViewRectangularRubberBandQgsModelViewRectangularRubberBand is rectangular rubber band for use within QgsModelGraphicsView widgets
 CQgsModelViewRubberBandQgsModelViewRubberBand is an abstract base class for temporary rubber band items in various shapes, for use within QgsModelGraphicsView widgets
 CQgsModelViewToolAbstract base class for all model designer view tools
 CQgsModelViewToolPanModel designer view tool for panning a model
 CQgsModelViewToolSelectModel designer view tool for selecting items in the model
 CQgsModelViewToolTemporaryKeyPanModel designer view tool for temporarily panning a layout while a key is depressed
 CQgsModelViewToolTemporaryKeyZoomModel view tool for temporarily zooming a model while a key is depressed
 CQgsModelViewToolTemporaryMousePanModel view tool for temporarily panning a model while a mouse button is depressed
 CQgsModelViewToolZoomModel view tool for zooming into and out of the model
 CQgsMultiBandColorRendererRenderer for multiband images with the color components
 CQgsMultiCurveMulti curve geometry collection
 CQgsMultiEditToolButtonA tool button widget which is displayed next to editor widgets in attribute forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and interacts with the form while in multi edit mode
 CQgsMultiLineStringMulti line string geometry collection
 CQgsMultiPointMulti point geometry collection
 CQgsMultiPolygonMulti polygon geometry collection
 CQgsMultiRenderCheckerThis class allows checking rendered images against comparison images
 CQgsMultiSurfaceMulti surface geometry collection
 CQgsNativeAlgorithmsNative c++ processing algorithm provider
 CQgsNativeMetadataBaseValidatorA validator for the native base QGIS metadata schema definition
 CQgsNativeMetadataValidatorA validator for the native QGIS layer metadata schema definition
 CQgsNativeProjectMetadataValidatorA validator for the native QGIS project metadata schema definition
 CQgsNetworkAccessManagerNetwork access manager for QGIS
 CQgsNetworkAuthenticationHandlerNetwork authentication handler, used for responding to network authentication requests during network requests
 CQgsNetworkContentFetcherHTTP network content fetcher
 CQgsNetworkContentFetcherRegistryRegistry for temporary fetched files
 CQgsNetworkContentFetcherTaskHandles HTTP network content fetching in a background task
 CQgsNetworkDiskCacheWrapper implementation of QNetworkDiskCache with all methods guarded by a mutex soly for internal use of QgsNetworkAccessManagers
 CQgsNetworkDistanceStrategyStrategy for calculating edge cost based on its length
 CQgsNetworkReplyContentEncapsulates a network reply within a container which is inexpensive to copy and safe to pass between threads
 CQgsNetworkReplyParserMultipart QNetworkReply parser
 CQgsNetworkRequestParametersEncapsulates parameters and properties of a network request
 CQgsNetworkSpeedStrategyStrategy for calculating edge cost based on travel time
 CQgsNetworkStrategyQgsNetworkStrategy defines strategy used for calculation of the edge cost
 CQgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogA dialog to create a new auxiliary field
 CQgsNewAuxiliaryLayerDialogA dialog to create a new auxiliary layer
 CQgsNewDatabaseTableNameDialogQgsNewDatabaseTableNameDialog is a dialog which allows selection of a DB schema and a new table name
 CQgsNewDatabaseTableNameWidgetEmbeds the browser view to select a DB schema and a new table name
 CQgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogDialog to set up parameters to create a new GeoPackage layer, and on accept() to create it and add it to the layers
 CQgsNewHttpConnectionDialog to allow the user to configure and save connection information for an HTTP Server for WMS, etc
 CQgsNewNameDialogNew name, for example new layer name dialog
 CQgsNewOgrConnectionDialog to allow the user to define, test and save connection information for OGR databases
 CQgsNewsFeedModelA model for published QGIS news feeds
 CQgsNewsFeedParserParser for published QGIS news feeds
 CQgsNewsFeedProxyModelA proxy model for use with QgsNewsFeedModel
 CQgsNewVectorTableDialogProvider-agnostic database vector and aspatial table designer dialog based on the connections API
 CQgsNineCellFilterBase class for raster analysis methods that work with a 3x3 cell filter and calculate the value of each cell based on the cell value and the eight neighbour cells
 CQgsNmeaConnectionEvaluates NMEA sentences coming from a GPS device
 CQgsNominatimGeocoderA geocoder which uses the Nominatim geocoding API to retrieve results
 CQgsNotSupportedExceptionCustom exception class which is raised when an operation is not supported
 CQgsNullSymbolRendererNull symbol renderer
 CQgsNullSymbolRendererWidgetBlank widget for customizing QgsNullSymbolRenderer
 CQgsNumericFormatA numeric formatter allows for formatting a numeric value for display, using a variety of different formatting techniques (e.g
 CQgsNumericFormatConfigurationWidgetFactoryInterface base class for factories for numeric format configuration widgets
 CQgsNumericFormatContextA context for numeric formats
 CQgsNumericFormatGuiRegistryThe QgsNumericFormatGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for configuring QgsNumericFormat objects
 CQgsNumericFormatRegistryThe QgsNumericFormatRegistry manages registered classes of QgsNumericFormat
 CQgsNumericFormatSelectorWidgetA widget which allows choice of numeric formats and the properties of them
 CQgsNumericFormatWidgetBase class for widgets which allow control over the properties of QgsNumericFormat subclasses
 CQgsNumericScaleBarRendererA scale bar style that draws text in the form of '1:XXXXX'
 CQgsObjectCustomPropertiesSimple key-value store (keys = strings, values = variants) that supports loading/saving to/from XML in
 CQgsOgcServiceExceptionException base class for service exceptions
 CQgsOgcUtilsVarious utility functions for conversion between OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and QGIS internal representations
 CQgsOgcUtilsExpressionFromFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgcUtilsExprToFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgcUtilsSQLStatementToFilterInternal use by QgsOgcUtils
 CQgsOgrProxyTextCodecA QTextCodec implementation which relies on OGR to do the text conversion
 CQgsOgrUtilsUtilities for working with OGR features and layers
 CQgsOpacityWidgetA widget for setting an opacity value
 CQgsOpenClUtilsResponsible for common OpenCL operations such as
 CQgsOptionalQgsOptional is a container for other classes and adds an additional enabled/disabled flag
 CQgsOptionalExpressionAn expression with an additional enabled flag
 CQgsOptionsDialogBaseA base dialog for options and properties dialogs that offers vertical tabs
 CQgsOptionsDialogHighlightButtonA highlight widget for buttons
 CQgsOptionsDialogHighlightCheckBoxA highlight widget for checkboxes
 CQgsOptionsDialogHighlightGroupBoxA highlight widget for group boxes
 CQgsOptionsDialogHighlightLabelA highlight widget for labels
 CQgsOptionsDialogHighlightTableA highlight widget for table widgets
 CQgsOptionsDialogHighlightTreeA highlight widget for trees
 CQgsOptionsDialogHighlightWidgetContainer for a widget to be used to search text in the option dialog If the widget type is handled, it is valid
 CQgsOptionsPageWidgetBase class for widgets for pages included in the options dialog
 CQgsOptionsWidgetFactoryA factory class for creating custom options pages
 CQgsOrderByDialogThis is a dialog to build and manage a list of order by clauses
 CQgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialogDialog for organising (hiding and reordering) columns in the attributes table
 CQgsOuterGlowEffectA paint effect which draws a glow outside of a picture
 CQgsOwsConnectionConnections management
 CQgsOWSServerFilterRestorerRAII class to restore layer filters on destruction
 CQgsOWSSourceSelectDialog to create connections and add layers WCS etc
 CQgsPageSizeA named page size for layouts
 CQgsPageSizeRegistryA registry for known page sizes
 CQgsPaintEffectBase class for visual effects which can be applied to QPicture drawings
 CQgsPaintEffectAbstractMetadataStores metadata about a paint effect class
 CQgsPaintEffectMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create an effect and its widget
 CQgsPaintEffectPropertiesWidgetA widget which modifies the properties of a QgsPaintEffect
 CQgsPaintEffectRegistryRegistry of available paint effects
 CQgsPaintEffectWidgetBase class for effect properties widgets
 CQgsPaintEngineHackHack to workaround Qt #5114 by disabling PatternTransform
 CQgsPainterSwapperA class to manage painter saving and restoring required for drawing on a different painter (mask painter for example)
 CQgsPaintingMisc painting enums and functions
 CQgsPalettedRasterRendererRenderer for paletted raster images
 CQgsPalLabelingPAL labeling utilities
 CQgsPalLayerSettingsContains settings for how a map layer will be labeled
 CQgsPanelWidgetBase class for any widget that can be shown as a inline panel
 CQgsPanelWidgetStackA stack widget to manage panels in the interface
 CQgsPanelWidgetWrapperWrapper widget for existing widgets which can't have the inheritance tree changed, e.g dialogs
 CQgsPanoramicSkyboxEntityA skybox constructed from a panoramic image
 CQgsPasswordLineEditQLineEdit subclass with built in support for showing/hiding entered password
 CQgsPathResolverResolves relative paths into absolute paths and vice versa
 CQgsPercentageNumericFormatA numeric formatter which returns a text representation of a percentage value
 CQgsPercentageNumericFormatWidgetA widget which allow control over the properties of a QgsPercentageNumericFormat
 CQgsPictureSourceLineEditBaseA line edit widget with toolbutton for setting a raster image path
 CQgsPieDiagramA pie chart diagram
 CQgsPixmapLabelShows a pixmap and adjusts its size to the space given to the widget by the layout and keeping its aspect ratio
 CQgsPkiBundleStorage set for PKI bundle: SSL certificate, key, optional CA cert chain
 CQgsPkiConfigBundleStorage set for constructed SSL certificate, key, associated with an authentication config
 CQgsPluginLayerBase class for plugin layers
 CQgsPluginLayerRegistryA registry of plugin layers types
 CQgsPluginLayerTypeClass for creating plugin specific layers
 CQgsPointPoint geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values
 CQgsPointCloud3DRenderContextEncapsulates the render context for a 3D point cloud rendering operation
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeAttribute for point cloud data pair of name and size in bytes
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeByRampRendererAn RGB renderer for 2d visualisation of point clouds using embedded red, green and blue attributes
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeCollectionCollection of point cloud attributes
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeComboBoxThe QgsPointCloudAttributeComboBox is a combo box which displays the list of attributes of a given point cloud layer
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeModelA model for display of available attributes from a point cloud
 CQgsPointCloudAttributeProxyModelA proxy model for filtering available attributes from a point cloud attribute model
 CQgsPointCloudBlockBase class for storing raw data from point cloud nodes
 CQgsPointCloudBlockRequestBase class for handling loading QgsPointCloudBlock asynchronously
 CQgsPointCloudCategoryRepresents an individual category (class) from a QgsPointCloudClassifiedRenderer
 CQgsPointCloudClassifiedRendererRenders point clouds by a classification attribute
 CQgsPointCloudDataBoundsRepresents packaged data bounds
 CQgsPointCloudDataProviderBase class for providing data for QgsPointCloudLayer
 CQgsPointCloudExtentRendererA renderer for 2d visualisation of point clouds which shows the dataset's extents using a fill symbol
 CQgsPointCloudIndexRepresents a indexed point clouds data in octree
 CQgsPointCloudLayerRepresents a map layer supporting display of point clouds
 CQgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer3D renderer that renders all points from a point cloud layer
 CQgsPointCloudLayer3DRendererMetadataMetadata for point cloud layer 3D renderer to allow creation of its instances from XML
 CQgsPointCloudLayerElevationPropertiesPoint cloud layer specific subclass of QgsMapLayerElevationProperties
 CQgsPointCloudLayerRendererImplementation of threaded rendering for point cloud layers
 CQgsPointCloudRenderContextEncapsulates the render context for a 2D point cloud rendering operation
 CQgsPointCloudRendererAbstract base class for 2d point cloud renderers
 CQgsPointCloudRendererAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one point cloud renderer class
 CQgsPointCloudRendererMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create point cloud renderer and its widget
 CQgsPointCloudRendererPropertiesWidgetA generic widget for setting the 2D renderer for a point cloud layer
 CQgsPointCloudRendererRegistryRegistry of 2D renderers for point clouds
 CQgsPointCloudRendererWidgetBase class for point cloud 2D renderer settings widgets
 CQgsPointCloudRequestPoint cloud data request
 CQgsPointCloudRgbRendererAn RGB renderer for 2d visualisation of point clouds using embedded red, green and blue attributes
 CQgsPointClusterRendererA renderer that automatically clusters points with the same geographic position
 CQgsPointClusterRendererWidgetA widget which allows configuration of the properties for a QgsPointClusterRenderer
 CQgsPointDisplacementRendererA renderer that automatically displaces points with the same geographic location
 CQgsPointDistanceRendererAn abstract base class for distance based point renderers (e.g., clusterer and displacement renderers)
 CQgsPointLocatorThe class defines interface for querying point location:
 CQgsPointLocator_DumpTreeHelper class to dump the R-index nodes and their content
 CQgsPointLocator_StreamHelper class for bulk loading of R-trees
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorAreaHelper class used when traversing the index with areas - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorCentroidsInRectHelper class used when traversing the index looking for centroid - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorEdgesInRectHelper class used when traversing the index looking for edges - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorMiddlesInRectHelper class used when traversing the index looking for middle segment - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroidHelper class used when traversing the index looking for centroid - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestEdgeHelper class used when traversing the index looking for edges - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestLineEndpointHelper class used when traversing the index looking for line endpoints (start or end vertex) - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegmentHelper class used when traversing the index looking for middle segment - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestVertexHelper class used when traversing the index looking for vertices - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointLocator_VisitorVerticesInRectHelper class used when traversing the index looking for vertices - builds a list of matches
 CQgsPointXYA class to represent a 2D point
 CQgsPolygonPolygon geometry type
 CQgsPolymorphicRelationA polymorphic relation consists of the same properties like a normal relation except for the referenced layer which is calculated based on one or several fields of the referencing layer
 CQgsPostgresStringUtilsThe QgsPostgresStringUtils provides functions to handle postgres array like formatted lists in strings
 CQgsPrecalculatedTextMetricsContains precalculated properties regarding text metrics for text to be renderered at a later stage
 CQgsPresetColorRampDialogA dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsPresetSchemeColorRamp
 CQgsPresetColorRampWidgetA widget which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsPresetSchemeColorRamp
 CQgsPresetSchemeColorRampA scheme based color ramp consisting of a list of predefined colors
 CQgsPreviewEffectA graphics effect which can be applied to a widget to simulate various printing and color blindness modes
 CQgsPrintLayoutPrint layout, a QgsLayout subclass for static or atlas-based layouts
 CQgsProcessingContains enumerations and other constants for use in processing algorithms and parameters
 CQgsProcessingAbstractParameterDefinitionWidgetAbstract base class for widgets which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithmAbstract base class for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetA configuration widget for processing algorithms allows providing additional configuration options directly on algorithm level, in addition to parameters
 CQgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetFactoryInterface base class for factories for algorithm configuration widgets
 CQgsProcessingAlgRunnerTaskQgsTask task which runs a QgsProcessingAlgorithm in a background task
 CQgsProcessingContextContains information about the context in which a processing algorithm is executed
 CQgsProcessingContextGeneratorAn interface for objects which can create Processing contexts
 CQgsProcessingDestinationParameterBase class for all parameter definitions which represent file or layer destinations, e.g
 CQgsProcessingExceptionCustom exception class for processing related exceptions
 CQgsProcessingFeatureBasedAlgorithmAn abstract QgsProcessingAlgorithm base class for processing algorithms which operate "feature-by-feature"
 CQgsProcessingFeatureSinkQgsProxyFeatureSink subclass which reports feature addition errors to a QgsProcessingContext
 CQgsProcessingFeatureSourceQgsFeatureSource subclass which proxies methods to an underlying QgsFeatureSource, modifying results according to the settings in a QgsProcessingContext
 CQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionEncapsulates settings relating to a feature source input to a processing algorithm
 CQgsProcessingFeedbackBase class for providing feedback from a processing algorithm
 CQgsProcessingGuiContains general functions and values related to Processing GUI components
 CQgsProcessingGuiRegistryThe QgsProcessingGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for processing configuration widgets
 CQgsProcessingHiddenWidgetWrapperAn widget wrapper for hidden widgets
 CQgsProcessingLayerPostProcessorInterfaceAn interface for layer post-processing handlers for execution following a processing algorithm operation
 CQgsProcessingModelerParameterWidgetA widget for customising the value of Processing algorithm parameter inside a Processing model
 CQgsProcessingMultiStepFeedbackProcessing feedback object for multi-step operations
 CQgsProcessingOutputBooleanA boolean output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingOutputConditionalBranchA conditional branch output for processing algorithms, which represents a possible model logic flow which branches out from this algorithm
 CQgsProcessingOutputDefinitionBase class for the definition of processing outputs
 CQgsProcessingOutputFileA file output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingOutputFolderA folder output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingOutputHtmlA HTML file output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinitionEncapsulates settings relating to a feature sink or output raster layer for a processing algorithm
 CQgsProcessingOutputMapLayerA map layer output for processing algorithms, where layers may be either vector or raster
 CQgsProcessingOutputMultipleLayersA multi-layer output for processing algorithms which create map layers, when the number and nature of the output layers is not predefined
 CQgsProcessingOutputNumberA numeric output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingOutputRasterLayerA raster layer output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingOutputStringA string output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingOutputVectorLayerA vector layer output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterAggregateA parameter for "aggregate" configurations, which consist of a definition of desired output fields, types, and aggregate used to populate then
 CQgsProcessingParameterAnnotationLayerAn annotation layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterAuthConfigA string parameter for authentication configuration ID values
 CQgsProcessingParameterBandA raster band parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterBooleanA boolean parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterColorA color parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterCoordinateOperationA coordinate operation parameter for processing algorithms, for selection between available coordinate operations to use when projecting between a source and destination coordinate reference system
 CQgsProcessingParameterCrsA coordinate reference system parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterDatabaseSchemaA database schema parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from existing schemas on a registered database connection
 CQgsProcessingParameterDatabaseTableA database table name parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from existing database tables on a registered database connection (or optionally to enter a new table name)
 CQgsProcessingParameterDateTimeA datetime (or pure date or time) parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterDefinitionBase class for the definition of processing parameters
 CQgsProcessingParameterDefinitionDialogA dialog which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter
 CQgsProcessingParameterDefinitionWidgetA widget which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter
 CQgsProcessingParameterDistanceA double numeric parameter for distance values
 CQgsProcessingParameterDurationA double numeric parameter for duration values
 CQgsProcessingParameterDxfLayersA parameter for Processing algorithms that need a list of input vector layers to export as DXF file - this parameter provides Processing framework's adapter for QList<QgsDxfExport::DxfLayer>
 CQgsProcessingParameterEnumAn enum based parameter for processing algorithms, allowing for selection from predefined values
 CQgsProcessingParameterExpressionAn expression parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterExtentA rectangular map extent parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterFeatureSinkA feature sink output for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterFeatureSourceAn input feature source (such as vector layers) parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterFieldA vector layer or feature source field parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterFieldMappingA parameter for "field mapping" configurations, which consist of a definition of desired output fields, types, and expressions used to populate then
 CQgsProcessingParameterFileAn input file or folder parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterFileDestinationA generic file based destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a file (non-map layer) created by the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterFolderDestinationA folder destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a folder created by the algorithm or used for creating new files within the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterGeometryA geometry parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterLayoutA print layout parameter, allowing users to select a print layout
 CQgsProcessingParameterLayoutItemA print layout item parameter, allowing users to select a particular item from a print layout
 CQgsProcessingParameterLimitedDataTypesCan be inherited by parameters which require limits to their acceptable data types
 CQgsProcessingParameterMapLayerA map layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterMapThemeA map theme parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select an existing map theme from a project
 CQgsProcessingParameterMatrixA table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterMeshDatasetGroupsA parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of mesh dataset groups
 CQgsProcessingParameterMeshDatasetTimeA parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of mesh dataset index from time parameter
 CQgsProcessingParameterMeshLayerA mesh layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayersA parameter for processing algorithms which accepts multiple map layers
 CQgsProcessingParameterNumberA numeric parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterPointA point parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterPointCloudLayerA point cloud layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterProviderConnectionA data provider connection parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from available registered connections for a particular data provider
 CQgsProcessingParameterRangeA numeric range parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterRasterDestinationA raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterRasterLayerA raster layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParametersA collection of utilities for working with parameters when running a processing algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterScaleA double numeric parameter for map scale values
 CQgsProcessingParametersGeneratorAn interface for objects which can create sets of parameter values for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterStringA string parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTinInputLayersA parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of input vector layers to construct a TIN
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMakes metadata of processing parameters available
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeAnnotationLayerAn annotation layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeAuthConfigA authentication configuration parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeBandA raster band parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeBooleanA boolean parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeColorA color parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeCoordinateOperationA coordinate operation parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeCrsA crs parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseSchemaA database schema name parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseTableA database table name parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeDateTimeA datetime parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeDistanceA distance parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeDurationA duration parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeEnumAn enum based parameter for processing algorithms, allowing for selection from predefined values
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeExpressionAn expression parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeExtentA rectangular map extent parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSinkA feature sink parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSourceAn input feature source (such as vector layers) parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeFieldA vector layer or feature source field parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeFileAn input file or folder parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeFileDestinationA generic file based destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a file (non-map layer) created by the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeFolderDestinationA folder destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a folder created by the algorithm or used for creating new files within the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeGeometryA geometry parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeLayoutA print layout parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeLayoutItemA print layout item parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMapLayerA generic map layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMapThemeA map theme parameter for Processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMatrixA table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMeshLayerA mesh layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeMultipleLayersA parameter for processing algorithms which accepts multiple map layers
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeNumberA numeric parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypePointA point parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypePointCloudLayerA point cloud layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeProviderConnectionA provider connection name parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeRangeA numeric range parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterDestinationA raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterLayerA raster layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeScaleA scale parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeStringA string parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorDestinationA vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorLayerA vector layer parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterVectorDestinationA vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm
 CQgsProcessingParameterVectorLayerA vector layer (with or without geometry) parameter for processing algorithms
 CQgsProcessingParameterVectorTileWriterLayersA parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of input vector layers for writing of vector tiles - this parameter provides processing framework's adapter for QList<QgsVectorTileWriter::Layer>
 CQgsProcessingParameterWidgetContextContains settings which reflect the context in which a Processing parameter widget is shown, e.g., the parent model algorithm, a linked map canvas, and other relevant information which allows the widget to fine-tune its behavior
 CQgsProcessingParameterWidgetFactoryInterfaceAn interface for Processing widget wrapper factories
 CQgsProcessingProviderAbstract base class for processing providers
 CQgsProcessingRegistryRegistry for various processing components, including providers, algorithms and various parameters and outputs
 CQgsProcessingToolboxModelA model for providers and algorithms shown within the Processing toolbox
 CQgsProcessingToolboxProxyModelA sort/filter proxy model for providers and algorithms shown within the Processing toolbox, which automatically sorts the toolbox in a logical fashion and supports filtering the results
 CQgsProcessingUtilsUtility functions for use with processing classes
 CQgsProjContextUsed to create and store a proj context object, correctly freeing the context upon destruction
 CQgsProjectEncapsulates a QGIS project, including sets of map layers and their styles, layouts, annotations, canvases, etc
 CQgsProjectArchiveClass allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions on project file
 CQgsProjectBadLayerHandlerInterface for classes that handle missing layer files when reading project file
 CQgsProjectColorSchemeA color scheme which contains project specific colors set through project properties dialog
 CQgsProjectDirtyBlockerTemporarily blocks QgsProject "dirtying" for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsProjectDisplaySettingsContains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should display values such as map coordinates and bearings
 CQgsProjectFileTransformClass to convert from older project file versions to newer
 CQgsProjectHomeItemA directory item showing the current project directory
 CQgsProjectionFactorsVarious cartographic properties, such as scale factors, angular distortion and meridian convergence
 CQgsProjectionSelectionDialogA generic dialog to prompt the user for a Coordinate Reference System
 CQgsProjectionSelectionTreeWidgetA widget for selecting a coordinate reference system from a tree
 CQgsProjectionSelectionWidgetA widget for selecting a projection
 CQgsProjectItemData item that can be used to represent QGIS projects
 CQgsProjectiveGeorefTransformA planar projective transform, expressed by a homography
 CQgsProjectMetadataA structured metadata store for a map layer
 CQgsProjectPropertyAn Abstract Base Class for QGIS project property hierarchys
 CQgsProjectPropertyKeyProject property key node
 CQgsProjectPropertyValueProject property value node, contains a QgsProjectPropertyKey's value
 CQgsProjectServerValidatorValidates the server specific parts of the configuration of a QGIS project
 CQgsProjectStorageAbstract interface for project storage - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsProjectStorageRegistry
 CQgsProjectStorageGuiProviderAbstract interface for project storage GUI - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsProjectStorageGuiRegistry
 CQgsProjectStorageGuiRegistryA registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of project storage backends
 CQgsProjectStorageRegistryRegistry of storage backends that QgsProject may use
 CQgsProjectTimeSettingsContains temporal settings and properties for the project, this may be used when animating maps or showing temporal layers
 CQgsProjectTranslatorWherever an object of this class is available, the derived translate function can be called from
 CQgsProjectUtilsContains utility functions for working with QGIS projects
 CQgsProjectVersionA class to describe the version of a project
 CQgsProjectViewSettingsContains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should be displayed inside map canvas, e.g
 CQgsProjOperationContains information about a PROJ operation
 CQgsProjUtilsUtility functions for working with the proj library
 CQgsPropertyA store for object properties
 CQgsPropertyAssistantWidgetShows a user-friendly assistant guiding users through the creation of QgsProperty overrides
 CQgsPropertyCollectionA grouped map of multiple QgsProperty objects, each referenced by a integer key value
 CQgsPropertyCollectionStackAn ordered stack of QgsPropertyCollection containers, where collections added later to the stack will take priority over earlier collections
 CQgsPropertyDefinitionDefinition for a property
 CQgsPropertyOverrideButtonA button for controlling property overrides which may apply to a widget
 CQgsPropertyTransformerAbstract base class for objects which transform the calculated value of a property
 CQgsProviderConnectionComboBoxCombo box which displays the list of connections registered for a given provider
 CQgsProviderConnectionExceptionCustom exception class for provider connection related exceptions
 CQgsProviderConnectionModelA model containing registered connection names for a specific data provider
 CQgsProviderGuiMetadataHolds data for GUI part of the data providers
 CQgsProviderGuiRegistryA registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of data providers
 CQgsProviderMetadataHolds data provider key, description, and associated shared library file or function pointer information
 CQgsProviderRegistryA registry / canonical manager of data providers
 CQgsProviderSourceWidgetBase class for widgets which allow customization of a provider's source URI
 CQgsProviderSourceWidgetProviderAn interface for providers of widgets designed to configure a data provider's source
 CQgsProviderSourceWidgetProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of provider source widget providers
 CQgsProviderSublayerDetailsContains details about a sub layer available from a dataset
 CQgsProviderSublayerItemA generic data item for file based layers
 CQgsProviderSublayerModelA model for representing the sublayers present in a URI
 CQgsProviderSublayerProxyModelA QSortFilterProxyModel for filtering and sorting a QgsProviderSublayerModel
 CQgsProviderSublayerTaskA QgsTask which retrieves sublayer details for a URI
 CQgsProviderUtilsContains utility functions for working with data providers
 CQgsProxyFeatureSinkA simple feature sink which proxies feature addition on to another feature sink
 CQgsProxyProgressTaskA QgsTask shell which proxies progress reports
 CQgsProxyStyleA QProxyStyle subclass which correctly sets the base style to match the QGIS application style, and handles object lifetime by correctly parenting to a parent widget
 CQgsPythonRunnerUtility class for running Python commands from various parts of QGIS
 CQgsQmlWidgetWrapperWraps a QQuickWidget to display QML code
 CQgsQtLocationConnectionA GPS connection subclass based on the Qt Location libraries
 CQgsQuadrilateralQuadrilateral geometry type
 CQgsQueryBuilderQuery Builder for layers
 CQgsQueryResultModelModel for QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QueryResult
 CQgsQueryResultWidgetAllows users to enter and run an SQL query on a DB connection (an instance of QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection)
 CQgsQuickCoordinateTransformerHelper class for transform of coordinates (QgsPoint) to a different coordinate reference system
 CQgsQuickMapCanvasMapThis class implements a visual Qt Quick Item that does map rendering according to the current map settings
 CQgsQuickMapSettingsEncapsulates QgsMapSettings class to offer settings of configuration of map rendering via QML properties
 CQgsQuickMapTransformThe QgsQuickMapTransform is transformation that can be attached to any QQuickItem
 CQgsQuickPluginQGIS Qml Extension Plugin responsible for exposing C++ QGIS classes to QML
 CQgsRandomColorRampTotally random color ramp
 CQgsRandomMarkerFillSymbolLayerA fill symbol layer which places markers at random locations within polygons
 CQgsRandomMarkerFillSymbolLayerWidgetWidget for controlling the properties of a QgsRandomMarkerFillSymbolLayer
 CQgsRangeA template based class for storing ranges (lower to upper values)
 CQgsRangeFieldFormatterField formatter for a range (double) field with precision and locale
 CQgsRangeSliderA slider control with two interactive endpoints, for interactive selection of a range of values
 CQgsRangeWidgetWrapperWraps a range widget
 CQgsRasterRaster namespace
 CQgsRasterBandComboBoxA combobox widget which displays the bands present in a raster layer
 CQgsRasterBandStatsThe RasterBandStats struct is a container for statistics about a single raster band
 CQgsRasterBlockRaster data container
 CQgsRasterBlockFeedbackFeedback object tailored for raster block reading
 CQgsRasterCalcNodeRepresents a node in a raster calculator
 CQgsRasterCalculatorPerforms raster layer calculations
 CQgsRasterCalculatorEntryRepresents an individual raster layer/band number entry within a raster calculation
 CQgsRasterCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRasterContourRendererRaster renderer that generates contours on the fly for a source raster band
 CQgsRasterContourRendererWidgetConfiguration widget for QgsRasterContourRenderer
 CQgsRasterDataProviderBase class for raster data providers
 CQgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilitiesImplementation of data provider temporal properties for QgsRasterDataProviders
 CQgsRasterDrawerThe drawing pipe for raster layers
 CQgsRasterFileWriterThe raster file writer which allows you to save a raster to a new file
 CQgsRasterFileWriterTaskQgsTask task which performs a QgsRasterFileWriter layer saving operation as a background task
 CQgsRasterFillSymbolLayerA class for filling symbols with a repeated raster image
 CQgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetA widget to select format-specific raster saving options
 CQgsRasterHistogramThe QgsRasterHistogram is a container for histogram of a single raster band
 CQgsRasterHistogramWidgetHistogram widget
 CQgsRasterIdentifyResultRaster identify results container
 CQgsRasterInterfaceBase class for processing filters like renderers, reprojector, resampler etc
 CQgsRasterIteratorIterator for sequentially processing raster cells
 CQgsRasterLayerRepresents a raster layer
 CQgsRasterLayerPropertiesProperty sheet for a raster map layer
 CQgsRasterLayerRendererImplementation of threaded rendering for raster layers
 CQgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesImplementation of map layer temporal properties for raster layers
 CQgsRasterLayerTemporalPropertiesWidgetA widget for configuring the temporal properties for a raster layer
 CQgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayerRaster marker symbol layer class
 CQgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetWidget for configuring QgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayer symbol layers
 CQgsRasterMatrixRepresents a matrix in a raster calculator operation
 CQgsRasterMinMaxOriginThis class describes the origin of min/max values
 CQgsRasterNullerRaster pipe that deals with null values
 CQgsRasterPipeContains a pipeline of raster interfaces for sequential raster processing
 CQgsRasterProjectorQgsRasterProjector implements approximate projection support for it calculates grid of points in source CRS for target CRS + extent which are used to calculate affine transformation matrices
 CQgsRasterPyramidThis struct is used to store pyramid info for the raster layer
 CQgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidgetA widget to select format-specific raster saving options
 CQgsRasterRangeRaster values range container
 CQgsRasterRendererRaster renderer pipe that applies colors to a raster
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryRegistry for raster renderers
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryEntryRegistry for raster renderer entries
 CQgsRasterRendererUtilsUtility functions for raster renderers
 CQgsRasterRendererWidgetAbstract base class for widgets which configure a QgsRasterRenderer
 CQgsRasterResampleFilterResample filter pipe for rasters
 CQgsRasterResamplerInterface for resampling rasters (e.g
 CQgsRasterResamplerV2Interface for resampling rasters (V2) (e.g
 CQgsRasterShaderInterface for all raster shaders
 CQgsRasterShaderFunctionThe raster shade function applies a shader to a pixel at render time - typically used to render grayscale images as false color
 CQgsRasterSymbolLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying raster legend entries
 CQgsRasterTransparencyDefines the list of pixel values to be considered as transparent or semi transparent when rendering rasters
 CQgsRasterTransparencyWidgetWidget to control a layers transparency and related options
 CQgsRasterViewPortThis class provides details of the viewable area that a raster will be rendered into
 CQgsRatioLockButtonA cross platform button subclass used to represent a locked / unlocked ratio state
 CQgsRay2DA 2D ray which extends from an origin point to an infinite distance in a given direction
 CQgsRay3DA representation of a ray in 3D
 CQgsReadWriteContextThe class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects
 CQgsReadWriteContextCategoryPopperAllows entering a context category and takes care of leaving this category on deletion of the class
 CQgsReadWriteLockerConvenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking QReadWriteLocks
 CQgsRecentColorSchemeA color scheme which contains the most recently used colors
 CQgsRecentStyleHandlerHandles and tracks style items recently used in the QGIS GUI
 CQgsRectangleA rectangle specified with double values
 CQgsReferencedGeometryA QgsGeometry with associated coordinate reference system
 CQgsReferencedGeometryBaseA base class for geometry primitives which are stored with an associated reference system
 CQgsReferencedPointXYA QgsPointXY with associated coordinate reference system
 CQgsReferencedRectangleA QgsRectangle with associated coordinate reference system
 CQgsRegularPolygonRegular Polygon geometry type
 CQgsRelationAggregateSearchWidgetWrapperSearch widget for the children of a relation
 CQgsRelationContextContext for relations
 CQgsRelationEditorConfigWidgetCreates a new configuration widget for the relation editor widget
 CQgsRelationEditorWidgetThe default relation widget in QGIS
 CQgsRelationEditorWidgetFactoryFactory class for creating a relation editor widget and the respective config widget
 CQgsRelationManagerThis class manages a set of relations between layers
 CQgsRelationReferenceFieldFormatterField formatter for a relation reference field
 CQgsRelationReferenceSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a relation reference search widget
 CQgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapperWraps a relation reference widget
 CQgsRelationWidgetRegistryKeeps track of the registered relations widgets
 CQgsReliefProduces colored relief rasters from DEM
 CQgsRemappingProxyFeatureSinkA QgsFeatureSink which proxies incoming features to a destination feature sink, after applying transformations and field value mappings
 CQgsRemappingSinkDefinitionDefines the parameters used to remap features when creating a QgsRemappingProxyFeatureSink
 CQgsRenderCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRenderContextContains information about the context of a rendering operation
 CQgsRenderedAnnotationItemDetailsContains information about a rendered annotation item
 CQgsRenderedFeatureHandlerInterfaceAn interface for classes which provider custom handlers for features rendered as part of a map render job
 CQgsRenderedItemDetailsBase class for detailed information about a rendered item
 CQgsRenderedItemResultsStores collated details of rendered items during a map rendering operation
 CQgsRendererAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one renderer class
 CQgsRendererCategoryRepresents an individual category (class) from a QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
 CQgsRendererMeshPropertiesWidgetWidget for renderer properties of the mesh, contours (scalars) and vectors data associated with the mesh layer
 CQgsRendererMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create renderer and its widget
 CQgsRendererRegistryRegistry of renderers
 CQgsRendererWidgetBase class for renderer settings widgets
 CQgsRequestHandlerThis class is an interface hiding the details of reading input and writing output from/to a wms request mechanism
 CQgsRichTextEditorA widget for editing rich text documents, with support for user controlled formatting of text and insertion of hyperlinks and images
 CQgsRubberBandA class for drawing transient features (e.g
 CQgsRuggednessFilterCalculates the ruggedness index based on a 3x3 moving window
 CQgsRuleBasedLabelingRule based labeling for a vector layer
 CQgsRuleBasedLabelingModelModel for rule based rendering rules view
 CQgsRuleBasedLabelingWidgetWidget for configuring rule based labeling
 CQgsRuleBasedLabelProviderLabel provider for rule based labeling
 CQgsRuleBasedLabelSinkProviderImplements a derived label provider for rule based labels for use with QgsLabelSink
 CQgsRuleBasedRendererRule based renderer
 CQgsRuleBasedRendererModelTree model for the rules:
 CQgsRunProcessA class that executes an external program/script
 CQgsRuntimeProfilerProvides a method of recording run time profiles of operations, allowing easy recording of their overall run time
 CQgsRuntimeProfilerNodeA node representing an entry in a QgsRuntimeProfiler
 CQgsSatelliteInfoEncapsulates information relating to a GPS satellite
 CQgsScaleBarRendererAbstract base class for scale bar renderers
 CQgsScaleBarRendererRegistryThe QgsScaleBarRendererRegistry manages registered scalebar renderers
 CQgsScaleBarSettingsStores the appearance and layout settings for scalebar drawing with QgsScaleBarRenderer
 CQgsScaleCalculatorCalculates scale for a given combination of canvas size, map extent, and monitor dpi
 CQgsScaleComboBoxA combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value
 CQgsScaleRangeWidgetA widget allowing entry of a range of map scales, e.g
 CQgsScaleVisibilityDialogA dialog allowing users to enter a scale visibility range
 CQgsScaleWidgetA combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value
 CQgsScientificNumericFormatA numeric formatter which returns a scientific notation representation of a value
 CQgsScientificNumericFormatWidgetA widget which allow control over the properties of a QgsScientificNumericFormat
 CQgsScopedExpressionFunctionExpression function for use within a QgsExpressionContextScope
 CQgsScopedProxyProgressTaskScoped QgsScopedProxyProgressTask, which automatically adds the proxy task to the application task manager on construction and finalizes the task when it goes out of scope
 CQgsScopedQPainterStateScoped object for saving and restoring a QPainter object's state
 CQgsScopedRenderContextPainterSwapScoped object for temporary replacement of a QgsRenderContext destination painter
 CQgsScopedRenderContextReferenceScaleOverrideScoped object for temporary override of the symbologyReferenceScale property of a QgsRenderContext
 CQgsScopedRenderContextScaleToMmScoped object for temporary scaling of a QgsRenderContext for millimeter based rendering
 CQgsScopedRenderContextScaleToPixelsScoped object for temporary scaling of a QgsRenderContext for pixel based rendering
 CQgsScopedRuntimeProfileScoped object for logging of the runtime for a single operation or group of operations
 CQgsScrollAreaA QScrollArea subclass with improved scrolling behavior
 CQgsSearchQueryBuilderQuery Builder for search strings
 CQgsSearchWidgetToolButtonA tool button widget which is displayed next to search widgets in forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and how the filtering/searching operates
 CQgsSearchWidgetWrapperShows a search widget on a filter form
 CQgsServerOGC web services
 CQgsServerApiServer generic API endpoint abstract base class
 CQgsServerApiBadRequestExceptionBad request error API exception
 CQgsServerApiContextEncapsulates the resources for a particular client request: the request and response objects, the project (might be NULL) and the server interface, the API root path that matched the request is also added
 CQgsServerApiExceptionException base class for API exceptions
 CQgsServerApiImproperlyConfiguredExceptionConfiguration error on the server prevents to serve the request, which would be valid otherwise
 CQgsServerApiInternalServerErrorInternal server error API exception
 CQgsServerApiInvalidMimeTypeExceptionClient sent an invalid mime type in the "Accept" header
 CQgsServerApiNotFoundErrorNot found error API exception
 CQgsServerApiNotImplementedExceptionThis method is not yet implemented
 CQgsServerApiPermissionDeniedExceptionForbidden (permission denied) 403
 CQgsServerApiUtilsHelper functions to handle common API operations
 CQgsServerCacheFilterClass defining cache interface for QGIS Server plugins
 CQgsServerCacheManagerA helper class that centralizes caches accesses given by all the server cache filter plugins
 CQgsServerExceptionException base class for server exceptions
 CQgsServerFilterClass defining I/O filters for QGIS Server and implemented in plugins
 CQgsServerInterfaceQgsServerInterface Class defining interfaces exposed by QGIS Server and made available to plugins
 CQgsServerInterfaceImplInterfaces exposed by QGIS Server and made available to plugins
 CQgsServerLoggerWrites message log into server logfile
 CQgsServerMetadataUrlPropertiesManages QGIS Server properties for a map layer
 CQgsServerOgcApiQGIS Server OGC API endpoint
 CQgsServerOgcApiHandlerThe QgsServerOgcApiHandler abstract class represents a OGC API handler to be registered in QgsServerOgcApi class
 CQgsServerParameterParameter common to all services (WMS, WFS, ...)
 CQgsServerParameterDefinitionDefinition of a parameter with basic conversion methods
 CQgsServerParametersQgsServerParameters provides an interface to retrieve and manipulate global parameters received from the client
 CQgsServerPluginsInitializes Python server plugins and stores a list of server plugin names
 CQgsServerQueryStringParameterHolds the information regarding a query string input parameter and its validation
 CQgsServerRequestQgsServerRequest Class defining request interface passed to services QgsService::executeRequest() method
 CQgsServerResponseQgsServerResponse Class defining response interface passed to services QgsService::executeRequest() method
 CQgsServerSettingsProvides a way to retrieve settings by prioritizing according to environment variables, ini file and default values
 CQgsServerSettingsEnvProvides some enum describing the environment currently supported for configuration
 CQgsServerStaticHandlerServes static files from the static path (resources/server/api/wfs3/static)
 CQgsServerWmsDimensionPropertiesManages QGIS Server properties for Wms dimensions
 CQgsServiceQgsService Class defining interfaces for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceModuleClass defining the service module interface for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceNativeLoaderClass defining the native service module loader for QGIS server services
 CQgsServiceNativeModuleEntryNative module (location, the module itself and the unload function)
 CQgsServiceRegistryQgsServiceRegistry Class defining the registry manager for QGIS server services
 CQgsSettingsThis class is a composition of two QSettings instances:
 CQgsSettingsEntryBaseRepresent settings entry and provides methods for reading and writing settings values
 CQgsSettingsEntryBoolA boolean settings entry
 CQgsSettingsEntryColorA color settings entry
 CQgsSettingsEntryDoubleA double settings entry
 CQgsSettingsEntryEnumFlagA template class for enum and flag settings entry
 CQgsSettingsEntryIntegerAn integer settings entry
 CQgsSettingsEntryStringA string settings entry
 CQgsSettingsEntryStringListA string list settings entry
 CQgsSettingsEntryVariantA variant settings entry
 CQgsSettingsRegistryQgsSettingsRegistry is used for settings introspection and collects a list of child QgsSettingsRegistry and a list of child QgsSettingsRegistry
 CQgsSettingsRegistryCoreQgsSettingsRegistryCore is used for settings introspection and collects all QgsSettingsEntry instances of core
 CQgsSettingsRegistryGuiQgsSettingsRegistryGui is used for settings introspection and collects all QgsSettingsEntry instances of gui
 CQgsShadowEffectBase class for paint effects which offset, blurred shadows
 CQgsShadowSettingsClass containing the configuration of shadows rendering 3
 CQgsShapeGeneratorContains utility functions for generating shapes
 CQgsShortcutsManagerShortcuts manager is a class that contains a list of QActions and QShortcuts that have been registered and their shortcuts can be changed
 CQgsSignalBlockerRAII signal blocking class
 CQgsSimpleLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying arbitrary label with icon
 CQgsSimpleLineCalloutA simple direct line callout style
 CQgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerA simple line symbol layer, which renders lines using a line in a variety of styles (e.g
 CQgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerSimple marker symbol layer, consisting of a rendered shape with solid fill color and an stroke
 CQgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerBaseAbstract base class for simple marker symbol layers
 CQgsSimplifyMethodThis class contains information about how to simplify geometries fetched from a QgsFeatureIterator
 CQgsSingleBandColorDataRendererRaster renderer pipe for single band color
 CQgsSingleBandGrayRendererRaster renderer pipe for single band gray
 CQgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererRaster renderer pipe for single band pseudocolor
 CQgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidgetSingle band pseudo color renderer widget consists of a color ramp shader widget, a raster min max widget and a band selector
 CQgsSingleBoxScaleBarRendererScalebar style that draws a single box with alternating color for the segments
 CQgsSingleCategoryDiagramRendererRenders the diagrams for all features with the same settings
 CQgsSingleGeometryCheckBase class for geometry checks for a single geometry without any context of the layer or other layers in the project
 CQgsSingleGeometryCheckErrorAn error from a QgsSingleGeometryCheck
 CQgsSizeScaleTransformerQgsPropertyTransformer subclass for scaling a value into a size according to various scaling methods
 CQgsSkyboxEntityBase class for all skybox types
 CQgsSkyboxSettingsContains the configuration of a skybox entity
 CQgsSlopeFilterCalculates slope values in a window of 3x3 cells based on first order derivatives in x- and y- directions
 CQgsSnapIndicatorClass that shows snapping marker on map canvas for the current snapping match
 CQgsSnappingConfigThis is a container for configuration of the snapping of the project
 CQgsSnappingUtilsThis class has all the configuration of snapping and can return answers to snapping queries
 CQgsSnapToGridCanvasItemShows a grid on the map canvas given a spatial resolution
 CQgsSourceCacheA cache for source strings that returns a local file path containing the source content
 CQgsSourceSelectProviderThis is the interface for those who want to add entries to the QgsDataSourceManagerDialog
 CQgsSourceSelectProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of source select providers that may add items to the QgsDataSourceManagerDialog When created, it automatically adds providers from data provider plugins (e.g
 CQgsSpatialIndexA spatial index for QgsFeature objects
 CQgsSpatialIndexKDBushA very fast static spatial index for 2D points based on a flat KD-tree
 CQgsSpatialIndexKDBushDataA container for data stored inside a QgsSpatialIndexKDBush index
 CQgsSpatialIndexUtilsContains utility functions for working with spatial indexes
 CQgsSpatialiteCloserCloses a spatialite database
 CQgsSpinBoxThe QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value
 CQgsSQLComposerDialogSQL composer dialog
 CQgsSqlExpressionCompilerGeneric expression compiler for translation to provider specific SQL WHERE clauses
 CQgsSqlite3CloserCloses a sqlite3 database
 CQgsSqlite3StatementFinalizerFinalizes an sqlite3 statement
 CQgsSqliteUtilsContains utilities for working with Sqlite data sources
 CQgsSQLStatementClass for parsing SQL statements
 CQgsSQLStatementCollectTableNamesInternal use
 CQgsSQLStatementFragmentClass for parsing fragments of SQL statements, such as an expression or where clause
 CQgsSslErrorHandlerSSL error handler, used for responding to SSL errors encountered during network requests
 CQgsStackedBarDiagramA stacked bar chart diagram
 CQgsStagedRenderLabelingEngineA QgsLabelingEngine implementation, which only calculates the labeling solution during its run() method
 CQgsStaticExpressionFunctionC++ helper class for defining QgsExpression functions
 CQgsStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics for a list of doubles
 CQgsStatusBarA proxy widget for QStatusBar
 CQgsSteppedLineScaleBarRendererScalebar style that draws a stepped line representation of a scalebar
 CQgsStoreBadLayerInfoStores layer ids of bad layers
 CQgsStoredExpressionStored expression containing name, content (expression text) and a category tag
 CQgsStoredExpressionManagerManages stored expressions regarding creation, modification and storing in the project
 CQgsStringReplacementA representation of a single string replacement
 CQgsStringReplacementCollectionA collection of string replacements (specified using QgsStringReplacement objects)
 CQgsStringStatisticalSummaryCalculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of strings
 CQgsStringUtilsUtility functions for working with strings
 CQgsStyleColorRampEntityA color ramp entity for QgsStyle databases
 CQgsStyleEntityInterfaceAn interface for entities which can be placed in a QgsStyle database
 CQgsStyleEntityVisitorInterfaceAn interface for classes which can visit style entity (e.g
 CQgsStyleItemsListWidgetA reusable widget for showing a filtered list of entities from a QgsStyle database
 CQgsStyleLabelSettingsEntityA label settings entity for QgsStyle databases
 CQgsStyleLegendPatchShapeEntityA legend patch shape entity for QgsStyle databases
 CQgsStyleManagerDialogA dialog allowing users to customize and populate a QgsStyle
 CQgsStyleModelA QAbstractItemModel subclass for showing symbol and color ramp entities contained within a QgsStyle database
 CQgsStyleProxyModelA QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for showing filtered symbol and color ramps entries from a QgsStyle database
 CQgsStyleSaveDialogDialog for setting properties of a newly saved style
 CQgsStyleSymbol3DEntityA 3d symbol entity for QgsStyle databases
 CQgsStyleSymbolEntityA symbol entity for QgsStyle databases
 CQgsStyleTextFormatEntityA text format entity for QgsStyle databases
 CQgsSubsetStringEditorInterfaceInterface for a dialog that can edit subset strings
 CQgsSubsetStringEditorProviderThis is the interface for those who want to provide a dialog to edit a subset string
 CQgsSubsetStringEditorProviderRegistryThis class keeps a list of subset string editor providers
 CQgsSubstitutionListDialogA dialog which allows users to specify a list of substitutions to apply to a string, with options for exporting and importing substitution lists
 CQgsSubstitutionListWidgetA widget which allows users to specify a list of substitutions to apply to a string, with options for exporting and importing substitution lists
 CQgsSurfaceSurface geometry type
 CQgsSvgAnnotationAn annotation which renders the contents of an SVG file
 CQgsSvgCacheA cache for images / pictures derived from SVG files
 CQgsSVGFillSymbolLayerA class for filling symbols with a repeated SVG file
 CQgsSvgSelectorFilterModelA model for displaying SVG files with a preview icon which can be filtered by file name
 CQgsSvgSelectorGroupsModelA model for displaying SVG search paths
 CQgsSvgSelectorListModelA model for displaying SVG files with a preview icon
 CQgsSvgSourceLineEditA line edit widget with toolbutton for setting an SVG image path
 CQgsSymbolAbstract base class for all rendered symbols
 CQgsSymbolButtonA button for creating and modifying QgsSymbol settings
 CQgsSymbolLayerAbstractMetadataStores metadata about one symbol layer class
 CQgsSymbolLayerIdWe may need stable references to symbol layers, when pointers to symbol layers is not usable (when a symbol or a feature renderer is cloned for example)
 CQgsSymbolLayerMetadataConvenience metadata class that uses static functions to create symbol layer and its widget
 CQgsSymbolLayerReferenceType used to refer to a specific symbol layer in a symbol of a layer
 CQgsSymbolLayerRegistryRegistry of available symbol layer classes
 CQgsSymbolLayerSelectionWidgetA widget that allows the selection of a list of symbol layers from a layer
 CQgsSymbolLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying preview of vector symbols and their labels and allowing interaction with the symbol / renderer
 CQgsSymbolLevelsDialogA dialog which allows the user to modify the rendering order of symbol layers
 CQgsSymbolLevelsWidgetA widget which allows the user to modify the rendering order of symbol layers
 CQgsSymbolSelectorWidgetSymbol selector widget that can be used to select and build a symbol
 CQgsSymbolWidgetContextContains settings which reflect the context in which a symbol (or renderer) widget is shown, e.g., the map canvas and relevant expression contexts
 CQgsTableCellEncapsulates the contents and formatting of a single table cell
 CQgsTableEditorDialogA reusable window for editing simple spreadsheet-style tables
 CQgsTableEditorFormattingWidgetA reusable widget for formatting the contents of a QgsTableCell
 CQgsTableEditorWidgetA reusable widget for editing simple spreadsheet-style tables
 CQgsTableWidgetBaseBase widget allowing to edit a collection, using a table
 CQgsTableWidgetItemThis can be used like a regular QTableWidgetItem with the difference that a specific role can be set to sort
 CQgsTabWidgetSame as the QTabWidget but with additional methods to temporarily hide/show tabs
 CQgsTaskAbstract base class for long running background tasks
 CQgsTaskManagerTask manager for managing a set of long-running QgsTask tasks
 CQgsTaskManagerWidgetA widget which displays tasks from a QgsTaskManager and allows for interaction with the manager
 CQgsTemplatedLineSymbolLayerBaseBase class for templated line symbols, e.g
 CQgsTemporalControllerA controller base class for temporal objects, contains a signal for notifying updates of the objects temporal range
 CQgsTemporalControllerWidgetA widget for controlling playback properties of a QgsTemporalController
 CQgsTemporalNavigationObjectImplements a temporal controller based on a frame by frame navigation and animation
 CQgsTemporalPropertyBase class for temporal property
 CQgsTemporalRangeA template based class for storing temporal ranges (beginning to end values)
 CQgsTemporalRangeObjectBase class for objects with an associated (optional) temporal range
 CQgsTemporalUtilsContains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects
 CQgsTemporaryCursorOverrideTemporarily sets a cursor override for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsTemporaryCursorRestoreOverrideTemporarily removes all cursor overrides for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object
 CQgsTessellatorClass that takes care of tessellation of polygons into triangles
 CQgsTextAnnotationAn annotation item that displays formatted text from a QTextDocument document
 CQgsTextBackgroundSettingsContainer for settings relating to a text background object
 CQgsTextBlockRepresents a block of text consisting of one or more QgsTextFragment objects
 CQgsTextBufferSettingsContainer for settings relating to a text buffer
 CQgsTextCharacterFormatStores information relating to individual character formatting
 CQgsTextDiagramA text based diagram
 CQgsTextDocumentRepresents a document consisting of one or more QgsTextBlock objects
 CQgsTextEditSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a text edit widget for searching
 CQgsTextEditWrapperWraps a text widget
 CQgsTextFormatContainer for all settings relating to text rendering
 CQgsTextFormatDialogA simple dialog for customizing text formatting settings
 CQgsTextFormatPanelWidgetA panel widget for customizing text formatting settings
 CQgsTextFormatWidgetA widget for customizing text formatting settings
 CQgsTextFragmentStores a fragment of text along with formatting overrides to be used when rendering the fragment
 CQgsTextLabelFeatureClass that adds extra information to QgsLabelFeature for text labels
 CQgsTextMaskSettingsContainer for settings relating to a selective masking around a text
 CQgsTextPreviewA widget for previewing text formatting settings
 CQgsTextRendererHandles rendering text using rich formatting options, including drop shadows, buffers and background shapes
 CQgsTextRendererUtilsUtility functions for text rendering
 CQgsTextShadowSettingsContainer for settings relating to a text shadow
 CQgsThreadingUtilsProvides threading utilities for QGIS
 CQgsTicksScaleBarRendererA scale bar that draws segments using short ticks
 CQgsTileCacheA simple tile cache implementation
 CQgsTileDownloadManagerTile download manager handles downloads of map tiles for the purpose of map rendering
 CQgsTileDownloadManagerReplyReply object for tile download manager requests returned from calls to QgsTileDownloadManager::get()
 CQgsTileMatrixDefines a matrix of tiles for a single zoom level: it is defined by its size (width *
 CQgsTileRangeRange of tiles in a tile matrix to be rendered
 CQgsTileXYZStores coordinates of a tile in a tile matrix set
 CQgsTimeDurationContains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects
 CQgsTimeEditQTimeEdit widget with the capability of setting/reading null date/times
 CQgsTinInterpolatorInterpolation in a triangular irregular network
 CQgsToleranceThis is the class is providing tolerance value in map unit values
 CQgsTopologicalMeshClass that wraps a QgsMesh to ensure the consistency of the mesh during editing and help to access to elements from other elements
 CQgsTopologyPreservingSimplifierImplementation of GeometrySimplifier using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
 CQgsTotalCurvatureFilterCalculates total curvature as described by Wilson, Gallant (2000): terrain analysis
 CQgsTracerUtility class that construct a planar graph from the input vector layers and provides shortest path search for tracing of existing features
 CQgsTracerGraphSimple graph structure for shortest path search
 CQgsTransactionThis class allows including a set of layers in a database-side transaction, provided the layer data providers support transactions and are compatible with each other
 CQgsTransformEffectA paint effect which applies transformations (such as move, scale and rotate) to a picture
 CQgsTranslationContextUsed for the collecting of strings from projects for translation and creation of ts files
 CQgsTreeWidgetItemQTreeWidgetItem subclass with custom handling for item sorting
 CQgsTreeWidgetItemObjectCustom QgsTreeWidgetItem with extra signals when item is edited
 CQgsTriangleTriangle geometry type
 CQgsTriangularMeshTriangular/Derived Mesh is mesh with vertices in map coordinates
 CQgsTriangulationInterface for Triangulation classes
 CQgsUniqueValuesWidgetWrapperWraps a unique value widget
 CQgsUnitSelectionWidgetA widget displaying a combobox allowing the user to choose between various display units, such as millimeters or map unit
 CQgsUnitTypesHelper functions for various unit types
 CQgsUserColorSchemeA color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file within the "palettes" subfolder off the user's QGIS settings folder
 CQgsUserInputWidgetFloating widget that shall be used to display widgets for user inputs
 CQgsUserProfileUser profile contains information about the user profile folders on the machine
 CQgsUserProfileManagerUser profile manager is used to manager list, and manage user profiles on the users machine
 CQgsUuidWidgetWrapperWraps a uuid widget
 CQgsValidityCheckContextBase class for validity check contexts
 CQgsValidityCheckRegistryThis class keeps a list of QgsAbstractValidityCheck checks which can be used when performing validity checks
 CQgsValidityCheckResultRepresents an individual result from a validity check run by a QgsAbstractValidityCheck subclass
 CQgsValidityCheckResultsModelA QAbstractItemModel subclass for displaying the results from a QgsAbtractValidityCheck
 CQgsValidityCheckResultsWidgetA reusable widget which displays a summary of the results from a QgsAbstractValidityCheck (or checks)
 CQgsValueMapFieldFormatterField formatter for a ValueMap field
 CQgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a value map search widget
 CQgsValueMapWidgetWrapperWraps a value map widget
 CQgsValueRelationFieldFormatterField formatter for a value relation field
 CQgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapperWraps a value relation search widget
 CQgsValueRelationWidgetWrapperWraps a value relation widget
 CQgsVariableEditorWidgetA tree based widget for editing expression context scope variables
 CQgsVectorA class to represent a vector
 CQgsVectorDataProviderThis is the base class for vector data providers
 CQgsVectorDataProviderFeaturePoolA feature pool based on a vector data provider
 CQgsVectorDataProviderTemporalCapabilitiesImplementation of data provider temporal properties for QgsVectorDataProviders
 CQgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerA symbol layer class for displaying displacement arrows based on point layer attributes
 CQgsVectorFileWriterA convenience class for writing vector layers to disk based formats (e.g
 CQgsVectorFileWriterTaskQgsTask task which performs a QgsVectorFileWriter layer saving operation as a background task
 CQgsVectorLabelLegendNodeProduces legend node for a labeling text symbol
 CQgsVectorLayerRepresents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets
 CQgsVectorLayer3DRenderer3D renderer that renders all features of a vector layer with the same 3D symbol
 CQgsVectorLayer3DRendererMetadataMetadata for vector layer 3D renderer to allow creation of its instances from XML
 CQgsVectorLayerCacheThis class caches features of a given QgsVectorLayer
 CQgsVectorLayerDiagramProviderImplements support for diagrams within the labeling engine
 CQgsVectorLayerDirectorDetermine making the graph from vector line layer
 CQgsVectorLayerExporterA convenience class for exporting vector layers to a destination data provider
 CQgsVectorLayerExporterTaskQgsTask task which performs a QgsVectorLayerExporter layer export operation as a background task
 CQgsVectorLayerFeatureCounterCounts the features in a QgsVectorLayer in task
 CQgsVectorLayerFeaturePoolA feature pool based on a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerFeatureSourcePartial snapshot of vector layer's state (only the members necessary for access to features)
 CQgsVectorLayerJoinBufferManages joined fields for a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerJoinInfoDefines left outer join from our vector layer to some other vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerLabelProviderImplements a label provider for vector layers
 CQgsVectorLayerLegendWidgetA widget for configuration of options specific to vector layer's legend
 CQgsVectorLayerRendererImplementation of threaded rendering for vector layers
 CQgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogClass to select destination file, type and CRS for ogr layers
 CQgsVectorLayerSaveStyleDialogUI to save the current style or multiple styles into different storage containers (QML, SLD and DB)
 CQgsVectorLayerSelectedFeatureSourceQgsFeatureSource subclass for the selected features from a QgsVectorLayer
 CQgsVectorLayerServerPropertiesConvenient class for API compatibility
 CQgsVectorLayerSimpleLabelingBasic implementation of the labeling interface
 CQgsVectorLayerTemporalContextEncapsulates the context in which a QgsVectorLayer's temporal capabilities will be applied
 CQgsVectorLayerTemporalPropertiesImplementation of map layer temporal properties for vector layers
 CQgsVectorLayerTemporalPropertiesWidgetA widget for configuring the temporal properties for a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerToolsMethods in this class are used to handle basic operations on vector layers
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandBase class for undo commands within a QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddAttributeUndo command for adding a new attribute to a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddFeatureUndo command for adding a feature to a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeAttributeUndo command for modifying an attribute of a feature from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeGeometryUndo command for modifying the geometry of a feature from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteAttributeUndo command for removing an existing attribute from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteFeatureUndo command for deleting a feature from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoCommandRenameAttributeUndo command for renaming an existing attribute of a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandUndo command for vector layer in transaction group mode
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandAddAttributeUndo command for adding attri to a vector layer in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandAddFeaturesUndo command for adding a feature to a vector layer in transaction group mode
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeAttributeUndo command for changing attr value from a vector layer in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeAttributesUndo command for changing attributes' values from a vector layer in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeGeometryUndo command for changing feature geometry from a vector layer in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandDeleteAttributeUndo command for deleting attri of a vector layer in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandDeleteFeaturesUndo command for deleting features from a vector layer in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandRenameAttributeUndo command for deleting attri of a vector layer in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandUpdateUndo command for running a specific sql query in transaction group
 CQgsVectorLayerUtilsContains utility methods for working with QgsVectorLayers
 CQgsVectorSimplifyMethodThis class contains information how to simplify geometries fetched from a vector layer
 CQgsVectorTileBasicLabelingBasic labeling configuration for vector tile layers
 CQgsVectorTileBasicLabelingStyleConfiguration of a single style within QgsVectorTileBasicLabeling
 CQgsVectorTileBasicLabelProviderImplementation class for QgsVectorTileBasicLabeling
 CQgsVectorTileBasicRendererThe default vector tile renderer implementation
 CQgsVectorTileBasicRendererStyleDefinition of map rendering of a subset of vector tile data
 CQgsVectorTileLabelingBase class for labeling configuration classes for vector tile layers
 CQgsVectorTileLabelProviderInternal base class for implementation of label providers for vector tile labeling
 CQgsVectorTileLayerImplements a map layer that is dedicated to rendering of vector tiles
 CQgsVectorTileLayerRendererThis class provides map rendering functionality for vector tile layers
 CQgsVectorTileLoaderThe loader class takes care of loading raw vector tile data from a tile source
 CQgsVectorTileMVTDecoderThis class is responsible for decoding raw tile data written with Mapbox Vector Tiles encoding
 CQgsVectorTileMVTEncoderHandles conversion of vector features to Mapbox vector tiles encoding
 CQgsVectorTileMVTUtilsAssorted utility functions used during MVT decoding and encoding
 CQgsVectorTileRawDataKeeps track of raw tile data that need to be decoded
 CQgsVectorTileRendererAbstract base class for all vector tile renderer implementations
 CQgsVectorTileRendererDataContains decoded features of a single vector tile and any other data necessary for rendering of it
 CQgsVectorTileUtilsRandom utility functions for working with vector tiles
 CQgsVectorTileWriterTakes care of writing vector tiles
 CQgsVertexIdUtility class for identifying a unique vertex within a geometry
 CQgsVertexIteratorJava-style iterator for traversal of vertices of a geometry
 CQgsVertexMarkerA class for marking vertices of features using e.g
 CQgsVirtualLayerDefinitionClass to manipulate the definition of a virtual layer
 CQgsVirtualLayerDefinitionUtilsUtils class for QgsVirtualLayerDefinition
 CQgsVirtualLayerTaskInitializes a virtual layer with postpone mode activated and reloads the data in a separated thread
 CQgsVScrollAreaQgsVScrollArea is a QScrollArea subclass which only displays a vertical scrollbar and fits the width to the contents
 CQgsWcsModuleService module specialized for WCS
 CQgsWeakRelationRepresent a QgsRelation with possibly unresolved layers or unmatched fields
 CQgsWebPageQWebPage subclass which redirects JavaScript errors and console output to the QGIS message log
 CQgsWebViewCollection of stubs to mimic the API of QWebView on systems where the real library is not available
 CQgsWfsModuleModule specialized for WFS service
 CQgsWidgetStateHelperQgsWidgetStateHelper is a helper class to save and restore the geometry of QWidgets in the application
 CQgsWidgetWrapperManages an editor widget Widget and wrapper share the same parent
 CQgsWithVariableExpressionFunctionHandles the with_variable(name, value, node) expression function
 CQgsWkbExceptionCustom exception class for Wkb related exceptions
 CQgsWkbPtrWKB pointer handler
 CQgsWkbTypesHandles storage of information regarding WKB types and their properties
 CQgsWmsDimensionDialogInterface for WMS/OAPIF (WFS3) dimensions configuration Available pre-defined dimensions are
 CQgsWmsLegendNodeImplementation of legend node interface for displaying WMS legend entries
 CQgsWmsModuleModule specialized for WMS service
 CQgsXmlUtilsAssorted helper methods for reading and writing chunks of XML
 CQgsZipItemA zip file: contains layers, using GDAL/OGR VSIFILE mechanism
 CQgsZonalStatisticsA class that calculates raster statistics (count, sum, mean) for a polygon or multipolygon layer and appends the results as attributes
 CQObjectUniquePtrKeeps a pointer to a QObject and deletes it whenever this object is deleted
 CQWebFrameCollection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebFrame on systems where QtWebkit is not available
 CQWebPageCollection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebPage on systems where QtWebkit is not available
 CQWebSettingsCollection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebSettings on systems where QtWebkit is not available
 CSolChain solution parameters
 Cspatialite_database_unique_ptrUnique pointer for spatialite databases, which automatically closes the database when the pointer goes out of scope or is reset
 Csqlite3_database_unique_ptrUnique pointer for sqlite3 databases, which automatically closes the database when the pointer goes out of scope or is reset
 Csqlite3_statement_unique_ptrUnique pointer for sqlite3 prepared statements, which automatically finalizes the statement when the pointer goes out of scope or is reset
 CTriangleInterpolatorThis is an interface for interpolator classes for triangulations
 CTriDecoratorDecorator class for Triangulations (s
 CVector3DClass Vector3D represents a 3D-Vector, capable to store x-,y- and z-coordinates in double values