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QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer Class Reference

A symbol fill consisting of repeated parallel lines. More...

#include <qgsfillsymbollayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer ()
 ~QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer () override
QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayerclone () const override
 Shall be reimplemented by subclasses to create a deep copy of the instance. More...
QColor color () const override
 The fill color. More...
double distance () const
 Returns the distance between lines in the fill pattern. More...
const QgsMapUnitScaledistanceMapUnitScale () const
 Returns the map unit scale for the pattern's line distance. More...
QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distanceUnit () const
 Returns the units for the distance between lines in the fill pattern. More...
double estimateMaxBleed (const QgsRenderContext &context) const override
 Returns the estimated maximum distance which the layer style will bleed outside the drawn shape when drawn in the specified /a context. More...
bool hasDataDefinedProperties () const override
 Returns true if the symbol layer (or any of its sub-symbols) contains data defined properties. More...
QString layerType () const override
 Returns a string that represents this layer type. More...
double lineAngle () const
 Returns the angle for the parallel lines used to fill the symbol. More...
double lineWidth () const
 Returns the width of the line subsymbol used to render the parallel lines in the fill. More...
const QgsMapUnitScalelineWidthMapUnitScale () const
 Returns the map unit scale for the pattern's line width. More...
QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit lineWidthUnit () const
 Returns the units for the line's width. More...
QgsMapUnitScale mapUnitScale () const override
double offset () const
 Returns the offset distance for lines within the fill, which is the distance to offset the parallel lines from their normal position. More...
const QgsMapUnitScaleoffsetMapUnitScale () const
 Returns the map unit scale for the pattern's line offset. More...
QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit offsetUnit () const
 Returns the units for the line pattern's offset. More...
QString ogrFeatureStyleWidth (double widthScaleFactor) const
QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit outputUnit () const override
 Returns the units to use for sizes and widths within the symbol layer. More...
QVariantMap properties () const override
 Should be reimplemented by subclasses to return a string map that contains the configuration information for the symbol layer. More...
void setColor (const QColor &c) override
 The fill color. More...
void setDistance (double d)
 Sets the distance between lines in the fill pattern. More...
void setDistanceMapUnitScale (const QgsMapUnitScale &scale)
 Sets the map unit scale for the pattern's line distance. More...
void setDistanceUnit (QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit)
 Sets the unit for the distance between lines in the fill pattern. More...
void setLineAngle (double a)
 Sets the angle for the parallel lines used to fill the symbol. More...
void setLineWidth (double w)
 Sets the width of the line subsymbol used to render the parallel lines in the fill. More...
void setLineWidthMapUnitScale (const QgsMapUnitScale &scale)
 Sets the map unit scale for the pattern's line width. More...
void setLineWidthUnit (QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit)
 Sets the unit for the line's width. More...
void setMapUnitScale (const QgsMapUnitScale &scale) override
void setOffset (double offset)
 Sets the offset distance for lines within the fill, which is the distance to offset the parallel lines from their normal position. More...
void setOffsetMapUnitScale (const QgsMapUnitScale &scale)
 Sets the map unit scale for the pattern's line offset. More...
void setOffsetUnit (QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit)
 Sets the unit for the line pattern's offset. More...
void setOutputUnit (QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit) override
 Sets the units to use for sizes and widths within the symbol layer. More...
bool setSubSymbol (QgsSymbol *symbol) override
 Sets layer's subsymbol. takes ownership of the passed symbol. More...
void startRender (QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) override
 Called before a set of rendering operations commences on the supplied render context. More...
void stopRender (QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) override
 Called after a set of rendering operations has finished on the supplied render context. More...
QgsSymbolsubSymbol () override
 Returns the symbol's sub symbol, if present. More...
void toSld (QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QVariantMap &props) const override
 Saves the symbol layer as SLD. More...
QSet< QString > usedAttributes (const QgsRenderContext &context) const override
 Returns the set of attributes referenced by the layer. More...
bool usesMapUnits () const override
 Returns true if the symbol layer has any components which use map unit based sizes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer
 QgsImageFillSymbolLayer ()
 ~QgsImageFillSymbolLayer () override
QColor dxfColor (QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) const override
 Gets color. More...
Qt::PenStyle dxfPenStyle () const override
 Gets pen style. More...
double dxfWidth (const QgsDxfExport &e, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) const override
 Gets line width. More...
void renderPolygon (const QPolygonF &points, const QVector< QPolygonF > *rings, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) override
 Renders the fill symbol layer for the polygon whose outer ring is defined by points, using the given render context. More...
void setStrokeWidthMapUnitScale (const QgsMapUnitScale &scale)
 Sets the stroke width map unit scale. More...
void setStrokeWidthUnit (QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit)
 Sets the units fo the symbol's stroke width. More...
const QgsMapUnitScalestrokeWidthMapUnitScale () const
 Returns the stroke width map unit scale. More...
QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit strokeWidthUnit () const
 Returns the units for the symbol's stroke width. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsFillSymbolLayer
 QgsFillSymbolLayer (const QgsFillSymbolLayer &other)=delete
 QgsFillSymbolLayer cannot be copied. More...
double angle () const
void drawPreviewIcon (QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, QSize size) override
QgsFillSymbolLayeroperator= (const QgsFillSymbolLayer &other)=delete
 QgsFillSymbolLayer cannot be copied. More...
void setAngle (double angle)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsSymbolLayer
 QgsSymbolLayer (const QgsSymbolLayer &other)=delete
 QgsSymbolLayer cannot be copied. More...
virtual ~QgsSymbolLayer ()
virtual bool canCauseArtifactsBetweenAdjacentTiles () const
 Returns true if the symbol layer rendering can cause visible artifacts across a single feature when the feature is rendered as a series of adjacent map tiles each containing a portion of the feature's geometry. More...
QgsPropertyCollectiondataDefinedProperties ()
 Returns a reference to the symbol layer's property collection, used for data defined overrides. More...
const QgsPropertyCollectiondataDefinedProperties () const
 Returns a reference to the symbol layer's property collection, used for data defined overrides. More...
virtual double dxfAngle (QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) const
 Gets angle. More...
virtual QColor dxfBrushColor (QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) const
 Gets brush/fill color. More...
virtual Qt::BrushStyle dxfBrushStyle () const
 Gets brush/fill style. More...
virtual QVector< qreal > dxfCustomDashPattern (QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit &unit) const
 Gets dash pattern. More...
virtual double dxfOffset (const QgsDxfExport &e, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) const
 Gets offset. More...
bool enabled () const
 Returns true if symbol layer is enabled and will be drawn. More...
virtual QColor fillColor () const
 Gets fill color. More...
virtual Qgis::SymbolLayerFlags flags () const
 Returns flags which control the symbol layer's behavior. More...
virtual bool isCompatibleWithSymbol (QgsSymbol *symbol) const
 Returns if the layer can be used below the specified symbol. More...
bool isLocked () const
 Returns true if the symbol layer colors are locked and the layer will ignore any symbol-level color changes. More...
virtual QList< QgsSymbolLayerReferencemasks () const
 Returns masks defined by this symbol layer. More...
virtual QString ogrFeatureStyle (double mmScaleFactor, double mapUnitScaleFactor) const
QgsSymbolLayeroperator= (const QgsSymbolLayer &other)=delete
 QgsSymbolLayer cannot be copied. More...
QgsPaintEffectpaintEffect () const
 Returns the current paint effect for the layer. More...
virtual void prepareExpressions (const QgsSymbolRenderContext &context)
 Prepares all data defined property expressions for evaluation. More...
int renderingPass () const
 Specifies the rendering pass in which this symbol layer should be rendered. More...
void setDataDefinedProperties (const QgsPropertyCollection &collection)
 Sets the symbol layer's property collection, used for data defined overrides. More...
virtual void setDataDefinedProperty (Property key, const QgsProperty &property)
 Sets a data defined property for the layer. More...
void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether symbol layer is enabled and should be drawn. More...
virtual void setFillColor (const QColor &color)
 Set fill color. More...
void setLocked (bool locked)
 Sets whether the layer's colors are locked. More...
void setPaintEffect (QgsPaintEffect *effect)
 Sets the current paint effect for the layer. More...
void setRenderingPass (int renderingPass)
 Specifies the rendering pass in which this symbol layer should be rendered. More...
virtual void setStrokeColor (const QColor &color)
 Set stroke color. More...
virtual void startFeatureRender (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context)
 Called before the layer will be rendered for a particular feature. More...
virtual void stopFeatureRender (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context)
 Called after the layer has been rendered for a particular feature. More...
virtual QColor strokeColor () const
 Gets stroke color. More...
Qgis::SymbolType type () const
virtual bool writeDxf (QgsDxfExport &e, double mmMapUnitScaleFactor, const QString &layerName, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, QPointF shift=QPointF(0.0, 0.0)) const
 write as DXF More...

Static Public Member Functions

static QgsSymbolLayercreate (const QVariantMap &properties=QVariantMap())
 Creates a new QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer from a properties map. More...
static QgsSymbolLayercreateFromSld (QDomElement &element)
 Creates a new QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer from a SLD element. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QgsSymbolLayer
static const QgsPropertiesDefinitionpropertyDefinitions ()
 Returns the symbol layer property definitions. More...

Protected Member Functions

void applyDataDefinedSettings (QgsSymbolRenderContext &context) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer
virtual bool applyBrushTransformFromContext () const
 Returns true if the image brush should be transformed using the render context's texture origin. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsFillSymbolLayer
 QgsFillSymbolLayer (bool locked=false)
void _renderPolygon (QPainter *p, const QPolygonF &points, const QVector< QPolygonF > *rings, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context)
 Default method to render polygon. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsSymbolLayer
 QgsSymbolLayer (Qgis::SymbolType type, bool locked=false)
 Constructor for QgsSymbolLayer. More...
void copyDataDefinedProperties (QgsSymbolLayer *destLayer) const
 Copies all data defined properties of this layer to another symbol layer. More...
void copyPaintEffect (QgsSymbolLayer *destLayer) const
 Copies paint effect of this layer to another symbol layer. More...
void restoreOldDataDefinedProperties (const QVariantMap &stringMap)
 Restores older data defined properties from string map. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QgsSymbolLayer
enum  Property {
  PropertySize = 0 , PropertyAngle , PropertyName , PropertyFillColor ,
  PropertyStrokeColor , PropertyStrokeWidth , PropertyStrokeStyle , PropertyOffset ,
  PropertyCharacter , PropertyWidth , PropertyHeight , PropertyPreserveAspectRatio ,
  PropertyFillStyle , PropertyJoinStyle , PropertySecondaryColor , PropertyLineAngle ,
  PropertyLineDistance , PropertyGradientType , PropertyCoordinateMode , PropertyGradientSpread ,
  PropertyGradientReference1X , PropertyGradientReference1Y , PropertyGradientReference2X , PropertyGradientReference2Y ,
  PropertyGradientReference1IsCentroid , PropertyGradientReference2IsCentroid , PropertyBlurRadius , PropertyShapeburstUseWholeShape ,
  PropertyShapeburstMaxDistance , PropertyShapeburstIgnoreRings , PropertyFile , PropertyDistanceX ,
  PropertyDistanceY , PropertyDisplacementX , PropertyDisplacementY , PropertyOpacity ,
  PropertyCustomDash , PropertyCapStyle , PropertyPlacement , PropertyInterval ,
  PropertyOffsetAlongLine , PropertyAverageAngleLength , PropertyHorizontalAnchor , PropertyVerticalAnchor ,
  PropertyLayerEnabled , PropertyArrowWidth , PropertyArrowStartWidth , PropertyArrowHeadLength ,
  PropertyArrowHeadThickness , PropertyArrowHeadType , PropertyArrowType , PropertyOffsetX ,
  PropertyOffsetY , PropertyPointCount , PropertyRandomSeed , PropertyClipPoints ,
  PropertyDensityArea , PropertyFontFamily , PropertyFontStyle , PropertyDashPatternOffset ,
  PropertyTrimStart , PropertyTrimEnd , PropertyLineStartWidthValue , PropertyLineEndWidthValue ,
  PropertyLineStartColorValue , PropertyLineEndColorValue
 Data definable properties. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer
QBrush mBrush
double mNextAngle = 0.0
std::unique_ptr< QgsLineSymbolmStroke
 Custom stroke. More...
double mStrokeWidth = 0.0
 Stroke width. More...
QgsMapUnitScale mStrokeWidthMapUnitScale
QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit mStrokeWidthUnit = QgsUnitTypes::RenderMillimeters
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsFillSymbolLayer
double mAngle = 0.0
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsSymbolLayer
QColor mColor
QgsPropertyCollection mDataDefinedProperties
bool mEnabled = true
 True if layer is enabled and should be drawn. More...
QgsFields mFields
bool mLocked = false
std::unique_ptr< QgsPaintEffectmPaintEffect
int mRenderingPass = 0
Qgis::SymbolType mType
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from QgsSymbolLayer
static const bool SELECT_FILL_BORDER = false
 Whether fill styles for selected features also highlight symbol stroke. More...
static const bool SELECT_FILL_STYLE = false
 Whether fill styles for selected features uses symbol layer style. More...
static const bool SELECTION_IS_OPAQUE = true
 Whether styles for selected features ignore symbol alpha. More...

Detailed Description

A symbol fill consisting of repeated parallel lines.

Definition at line 1312 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer()

QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer ( )

Definition at line 2460 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ ~QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer()

QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::~QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer ( )

Definition at line 2467 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyDataDefinedSettings()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::applyDataDefinedSettings ( QgsSymbolRenderContext context)

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 3091 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ clone()

QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer * QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::clone ( ) const

Shall be reimplemented by subclasses to create a deep copy of the instance.

Implements QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 3018 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ color()

QColor QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::color ( ) const

The fill color.

Reimplemented from QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2484 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ create()

QgsSymbolLayer * QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::create ( const QVariantMap &  properties = QVariantMap())

Creates a new QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer from a properties map.

The caller takes ownership of the returned object.

Definition at line 2582 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ createFromSld()

QgsSymbolLayer * QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::createFromSld ( QDomElement &  element)

Creates a new QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer from a SLD element.

The caller takes ownership of the returned object.

Definition at line 3114 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ distance()

double QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::distance ( ) const

Returns the distance between lines in the fill pattern.

Units are retrieved by distanceUnit().

See also

Definition at line 1371 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ distanceMapUnitScale()

const QgsMapUnitScale& QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::distanceMapUnitScale ( ) const

Returns the map unit scale for the pattern's line distance.

See also

Definition at line 1450 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ distanceUnit()

QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::distanceUnit ( ) const

Returns the units for the distance between lines in the fill pattern.

See also

Definition at line 1432 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ estimateMaxBleed()

double QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::estimateMaxBleed ( const QgsRenderContext context) const

Returns the estimated maximum distance which the layer style will bleed outside the drawn shape when drawn in the specified /a context.

For example, polygons drawn with an stroke will draw half the width of the stroke outside of the polygon. This amount is estimated, since it may be affected by data defined symbology rules.

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2533 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ hasDataDefinedProperties()

bool QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::hasDataDefinedProperties ( ) const

Returns true if the symbol layer (or any of its sub-symbols) contains data defined properties.

QGIS 3.4.5

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2524 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ layerType()

QString QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::layerType ( ) const

Returns a string that represents this layer type.

Used for serialization. Should match with the string used to register this symbol layer in the registry.

Implements QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2688 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ lineAngle()

double QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::lineAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle for the parallel lines used to fill the symbol.

Angles are in degrees, clockwise from North.

See also

Definition at line 1356 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ lineWidth()

double QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::lineWidth ( ) const

Returns the width of the line subsymbol used to render the parallel lines in the fill.

See also

Definition at line 1387 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ lineWidthMapUnitScale()

const QgsMapUnitScale& QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::lineWidthMapUnitScale ( ) const

Returns the map unit scale for the pattern's line width.

See also

Definition at line 1482 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ lineWidthUnit()

QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::lineWidthUnit ( ) const

Returns the units for the line's width.

See also

Definition at line 1464 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ mapUnitScale()

QgsMapUnitScale QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::mapUnitScale ( ) const

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2571 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ offset()

double QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::offset ( ) const

Returns the offset distance for lines within the fill, which is the distance to offset the parallel lines from their normal position.

Units are retrieved via offsetUnit().

See also

Definition at line 1416 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ offsetMapUnitScale()

const QgsMapUnitScale& QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::offsetMapUnitScale ( ) const

Returns the map unit scale for the pattern's line offset.

See also

Definition at line 1514 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ offsetUnit()

QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::offsetUnit ( ) const

Returns the units for the line pattern's offset.

See also

Definition at line 1496 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ ogrFeatureStyleWidth()

QString QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::ogrFeatureStyleWidth ( double  widthScaleFactor) const

Definition at line 3076 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ outputUnit()

QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::outputUnit ( ) const

Returns the units to use for sizes and widths within the symbol layer.

Individual symbol layer subclasses will interpret this in different ways, e.g., a marker symbol layer may use it to specify the units for the marker size, while a line symbol layer may use it to specify the units for the line width.

output unit, or QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnknownUnit if the symbol layer contains mixed units
See also

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2546 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ properties()

QVariantMap QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::properties ( ) const

Should be reimplemented by subclasses to return a string map that contains the configuration information for the symbol layer.

This is used to serialize a symbol layer perstistently.

Implements QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2999 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ setColor()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setColor ( const QColor &  color)

The fill color.

Reimplemented from QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2478 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ setDistance()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setDistance ( double  d)

Sets the distance between lines in the fill pattern.

ddistance. Units are specified by setDistanceUnit()
See also

Definition at line 1364 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setDistanceMapUnitScale()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setDistanceMapUnitScale ( const QgsMapUnitScale scale)

Sets the map unit scale for the pattern's line distance.

See also

Definition at line 1441 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setDistanceUnit()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setDistanceUnit ( QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit  unit)

Sets the unit for the distance between lines in the fill pattern.

See also

Definition at line 1424 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setLineAngle()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setLineAngle ( double  a)

Sets the angle for the parallel lines used to fill the symbol.

Angles are in degrees, clockwise from North.

See also

Definition at line 1347 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setLineWidth()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setLineWidth ( double  w)

Sets the width of the line subsymbol used to render the parallel lines in the fill.

See also

Definition at line 2472 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ setLineWidthMapUnitScale()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setLineWidthMapUnitScale ( const QgsMapUnitScale scale)

Sets the map unit scale for the pattern's line width.

See also

Definition at line 1473 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setLineWidthUnit()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setLineWidthUnit ( QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit  unit)

Sets the unit for the line's width.

See also

Definition at line 1457 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setMapUnitScale()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setMapUnitScale ( const QgsMapUnitScale scale)

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2563 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ setOffset()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setOffset ( double  offset)

Sets the offset distance for lines within the fill, which is the distance to offset the parallel lines from their normal position.

Units are specified via setOffsetUnit().

See also

Definition at line 1403 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setOffsetMapUnitScale()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setOffsetMapUnitScale ( const QgsMapUnitScale scale)

Sets the map unit scale for the pattern's line offset.

See also

Definition at line 1505 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setOffsetUnit()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setOffsetUnit ( QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit  unit)

Sets the unit for the line pattern's offset.

See also

Definition at line 1489 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.h.

◆ setOutputUnit()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setOutputUnit ( QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit  unit)

Sets the units to use for sizes and widths within the symbol layer.

Individual symbol layer subclasses will interpret this in different ways, e.g., a marker symbol layer may use it to specify the units for the marker size, while a line symbol layer may use it to specify the units for the line width.

unitoutput units
See also

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2538 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ setSubSymbol()

bool QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::setSubSymbol ( QgsSymbol symbol)

Sets layer's subsymbol. takes ownership of the passed symbol.

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2489 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ startRender()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::startRender ( QgsSymbolRenderContext context)

Called before a set of rendering operations commences on the supplied render context.

This is always followed by a call to stopRender() after all rendering operations have been completed.

Subclasses can use this method to prepare for a set of rendering operations, e.g. by pre-evaluating paths or images to render, and performing other one-time optimisations.

See also

Implements QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2981 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ stopRender()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::stopRender ( QgsSymbolRenderContext context)

Called after a set of rendering operations has finished on the supplied render context.

This is always preceded by a call to startRender() before all rendering operations are commenced.

Subclasses can use this method to cleanup after a set of rendering operations.

See also

Implements QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2991 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ subSymbol()

QgsSymbol * QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::subSymbol ( )

Returns the symbol's sub symbol, if present.

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2511 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ toSld()

void QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::toSld ( QDomDocument &  doc,
QDomElement &  element,
const QVariantMap &  props 
) const

Saves the symbol layer as SLD.

Reimplemented from QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 3030 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ usedAttributes()

QSet< QString > QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::usedAttributes ( const QgsRenderContext context) const

Returns the set of attributes referenced by the layer.

This includes attributes required by any data defined properties associated with the layer.

Reimplemented from QgsImageFillSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2516 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

◆ usesMapUnits()

bool QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer::usesMapUnits ( ) const

Returns true if the symbol layer has any components which use map unit based sizes.

QGIS 3.18

Reimplemented from QgsSymbolLayer.

Definition at line 2556 of file qgsfillsymbollayer.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: