Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- o -
- offsetLine()
: qgssymbollayerutils.h
, qgssymbollayerutils.cpp
: qgsogcutils.cpp
: qgswmsrendercontext.cpp
- ogrGeometryToQgsLineString()
: qgsogrutils.cpp
- ogrGeometryToQgsMultiLineString()
: qgsogrutils.cpp
- ogrGeometryToQgsMultiPoint()
: qgsogrutils.cpp
- ogrGeometryToQgsMultiPolygon()
: qgsogrutils.cpp
- ogrGeometryToQgsPoint()
: qgsogrutils.cpp
- ogrGeometryToQgsPolygon()
: qgsogrutils.cpp
- OGRSpatialReferenceH
: qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h
- one()
: porting_processing.dox
- operator!=()
: qgsfeatureiterator.h
, qobjectuniqueptr.h
, qgsmargins.h
- operator*()
: qgsmargins.h
- operator+()
: qgsmargins.h
, qgsinterval.h
, qgsinterval.cpp
- operator-()
: qgsinterval.cpp
, qgsinterval.h
, qgsmargins.h
- operator/()
: qgsmargins.h
- operator<()
: qgis.h
, qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp
, qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h
- operator<<()
: qgsattributesformproperties.h
, qgsattributesformproperties.cpp
, qgscoordinatetransform.h
, qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h
, qgsfields.h
, qgsrectangle.h
, qgsrectangle.cpp
, qgsgeometry.h
, qgspointxy.h
, qgsgeometry.cpp
, qgsfeature.cpp
, qgsfeature.h
, qgsfield.cpp
, qgsfields.cpp
, qgsinterval.cpp
, qgsinterval.h
- operator<=()
: qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp
, qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h
- operator==()
: qgsfeatureiterator.h
, qgsmargins.h
, qgspointxy.h
, qobjectuniqueptr.h
- operator>()
: qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h
, qgis.h
, qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp
- operator>=()
: qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp
, qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h
- operator>>()
: qgsgeometry.cpp
, qgsattributesformproperties.h
, qgsattributesformproperties.cpp
, qgsrectangle.h
, qgsrectangle.cpp
, qgsgeometry.h
, qgsfields.h
, qgsfields.cpp
, qgsfield.h
, qgsfield.cpp
, qgsfeature.h
, qgsfeature.cpp
: qgs25drenderer.cpp
- orderByKeyLessThan()
: qgsvaluerelationfieldformatter.cpp
- orderByValueLessThan()
: qgsvaluerelationfieldformatter.cpp
- orthogonalizeGeom()
: qgsinternalgeometryengine.cpp
- outputCrs
: qgswfsgetfeature.cpp