23 #include <QHeaderView>
24 #include <QPushButton>
26 #include <QToolButton>
27 #include <QFileDialog>
28 #include <QMessageBox>
29 #include <QDesktopWidget>
30 #include <QMouseEvent>
32 #include <QInputDialog>
33 #include <QVBoxLayout>
39 connect( mHueRadio, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mHueRadio_toggled );
40 connect( mSaturationRadio, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mSaturationRadio_toggled );
41 connect( mValueRadio, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mValueRadio_toggled );
42 connect( mRedRadio, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mRedRadio_toggled );
43 connect( mGreenRadio, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mGreenRadio_toggled );
44 connect( mBlueRadio, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mBlueRadio_toggled );
45 connect( mAddColorToSchemeButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mAddColorToSchemeButton_clicked );
46 connect( mAddCustomColorButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mAddCustomColorButton_clicked );
47 connect( mSampleButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mSampleButton_clicked );
48 connect( mTabWidget, &QTabWidget::currentChanged,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mTabWidget_currentChanged );
49 connect( mActionShowInButtons, &QAction::toggled,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::mActionShowInButtons_toggled );
54 QVBoxLayout *newLayout =
new QVBoxLayout();
55 newLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
56 newLayout->addWidget( mTabWidget );
57 newLayout->addWidget( mSlidersWidget );
58 newLayout->addWidget( mPreviewWidget );
59 newLayout->addWidget( mSwatchesWidget );
61 setLayout( newLayout );
66 mSchemeList->header()->hide();
67 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0)
68 mSchemeList->setColumnWidth( 0,
static_cast< int >(
Qgis::UI_SCALE_FACTOR * fontMetrics().width(
'X' ) * 6 ) );
70 mSchemeList->setColumnWidth( 0,
static_cast< int >(
Qgis::UI_SCALE_FACTOR * fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(
'X' ) * 6 ) );
75 refreshSchemeComboBox();
79 int activeScheme = settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/activeScheme" ), 0 ).toInt();
80 activeScheme = activeScheme >= mSchemeComboBox->count() ? 0 : activeScheme;
82 mSchemeList->setScheme( schemeList.at( activeScheme ) );
84 mSchemeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( activeScheme );
85 updateActionsForCurrentScheme();
88 connect( mSchemeList->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::listSelectionChanged );
90 mActionCopyColors->setEnabled(
false );
96 connect( mActionImportPalette, &QAction::triggered,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::importPalette );
97 connect( mActionRemovePalette, &QAction::triggered,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::removePalette );
98 connect( mActionNewPalette, &QAction::triggered,
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::newPalette );
101 QMenu *schemeMenu =
new QMenu( mSchemeToolButton );
102 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionCopyColors );
103 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionPasteColors );
104 schemeMenu->addSeparator();
105 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionImportColors );
106 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionExportColors );
107 schemeMenu->addSeparator();
108 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionNewPalette );
109 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionImportPalette );
110 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionRemovePalette );
111 schemeMenu->addAction( mActionShowInButtons );
112 mSchemeToolButton->setMenu( schemeMenu );
114 connect( mSchemeComboBox,
static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )(
int )
>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsCompoundColorWidget::schemeIndexChanged );
117 mOldColorLabel->hide();
120 mVerticalRamp->setInteriorMargin( 2 );
121 mVerticalRamp->setShowFrame(
true );
131 mSwatchButton1->setShowMenu(
false );
133 mSwatchButton2->setShowMenu(
false );
135 mSwatchButton3->setShowMenu(
false );
137 mSwatchButton4->setShowMenu(
false );
139 mSwatchButton5->setShowMenu(
false );
141 mSwatchButton6->setShowMenu(
false );
143 mSwatchButton7->setShowMenu(
false );
145 mSwatchButton8->setShowMenu(
false );
147 mSwatchButton9->setShowMenu(
false );
149 mSwatchButton10->setShowMenu(
false );
151 mSwatchButton11->setShowMenu(
false );
153 mSwatchButton12->setShowMenu(
false );
155 mSwatchButton13->setShowMenu(
false );
157 mSwatchButton14->setShowMenu(
false );
159 mSwatchButton15->setShowMenu(
false );
161 mSwatchButton16->setShowMenu(
false );
164 mSwatchButton1->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor1" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
165 mSwatchButton2->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor2" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
166 mSwatchButton3->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor3" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
167 mSwatchButton4->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor4" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
168 mSwatchButton5->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor5" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
169 mSwatchButton6->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor6" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
170 mSwatchButton7->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor7" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
171 mSwatchButton8->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor8" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
172 mSwatchButton9->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor9" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
173 mSwatchButton10->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor10" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
174 mSwatchButton11->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor11" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
175 mSwatchButton12->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor12" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
176 mSwatchButton13->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor13" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
177 mSwatchButton14->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor14" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
178 mSwatchButton15->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor15" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
179 mSwatchButton16->setColor( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor16" ), QVariant( QColor() ) ).value<QColor>() );
182 mSpinBoxRadius->setValue( settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/sampleRadius" ), 1 ).toInt() );
183 mSamplePreview->setColor( QColor() );
186 const int swatchWidth =
static_cast< int >( std::round( std::max(
Qgis::UI_SCALE_FACTOR * 1.9 * mSwatchButton1->fontMetrics().height(), 38.0 ) ) );
187 const int swatchHeight =
static_cast< int >( std::round( std::max(
Qgis::UI_SCALE_FACTOR * 1.5 * mSwatchButton1->fontMetrics().height(), 30.0 ) ) );
188 mSwatchButton1->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
189 mSwatchButton1->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
190 mSwatchButton2->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
191 mSwatchButton2->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
192 mSwatchButton3->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
193 mSwatchButton3->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
194 mSwatchButton4->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
195 mSwatchButton4->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
196 mSwatchButton5->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
197 mSwatchButton5->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
198 mSwatchButton6->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
199 mSwatchButton6->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
200 mSwatchButton7->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
201 mSwatchButton7->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
202 mSwatchButton8->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
203 mSwatchButton8->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
204 mSwatchButton9->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
205 mSwatchButton9->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
206 mSwatchButton10->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
207 mSwatchButton10->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
208 mSwatchButton11->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
209 mSwatchButton11->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
210 mSwatchButton12->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
211 mSwatchButton12->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
212 mSwatchButton13->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
213 mSwatchButton13->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
214 mSwatchButton14->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
215 mSwatchButton14->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
216 mSwatchButton15->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
217 mSwatchButton15->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
218 mSwatchButton16->setMinimumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
219 mSwatchButton16->setMaximumSize( swatchWidth, swatchHeight );
220 const int previewHeight =
static_cast< int >( std::round( std::max(
Qgis::UI_SCALE_FACTOR * 2.0 * mSwatchButton1->fontMetrics().height(), 40.0 ) ) );
221 mColorPreview->setMinimumSize( 0, previewHeight );
222 mPreviewWidget->setMaximumHeight( previewHeight * 2 );
223 const int swatchAddSize =
static_cast< int >( std::round( std::max(
Qgis::UI_SCALE_FACTOR * 1.4 * mSwatchButton1->fontMetrics().height(), 28.0 ) ) );
224 mAddCustomColorButton->setMinimumWidth( swatchAddSize );
225 mAddCustomColorButton->setMaximumWidth( swatchAddSize );
230 if (
color.isValid() )
236 int activeRadio = settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/activeComponent" ), 2 ).toInt();
237 switch ( activeRadio )
240 mHueRadio->setChecked(
true );
243 mSaturationRadio->setChecked(
true );
246 mValueRadio->setChecked(
true );
249 mRedRadio->setChecked(
true );
252 mGreenRadio->setChecked(
true );
255 mBlueRadio->setChecked(
true );
258 int currentTab = settings.
value( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/activeTab" ), 0 ).toInt();
259 mTabWidget->setCurrentIndex( currentTab );
304 return mColorPreview->color();
309 mAllowAlpha = allowOpacity;
310 mAlphaLabel->setVisible( allowOpacity );
311 mAlphaSlider->setVisible( allowOpacity );
314 mAlphaLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
315 mAlphaLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
319 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::refreshSchemeComboBox()
321 mSchemeComboBox->blockSignals(
true );
322 mSchemeComboBox->clear();
324 QList<QgsColorScheme *>::const_iterator schemeIt = schemeList.constBegin();
325 for ( ; schemeIt != schemeList.constEnd(); ++schemeIt )
327 mSchemeComboBox->addItem( ( *schemeIt )->schemeName() );
329 mSchemeComboBox->blockSignals(
false );
336 QString lastDir = s.
value( QStringLiteral(
"/UI/lastGplPaletteDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
337 QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( parent, tr(
"Select Palette File" ), lastDir, QStringLiteral(
"GPL (*.gpl);;All files (*.*)" ) );
339 parent->activateWindow();
340 if ( filePath.isEmpty() )
346 QFileInfo fileInfo( filePath );
347 if ( !fileInfo.exists() || !fileInfo.isReadable() )
349 QMessageBox::critical(
nullptr, tr(
"Import Color Palette" ), tr(
"Error, file does not exist or is not readable." ) );
353 s.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"/UI/lastGplPaletteDir" ), fileInfo.absolutePath() );
354 QFile file( filePath );
362 QMessageBox::critical(
nullptr, tr(
"Import Color Palette" ), tr(
"Palette file is not readable." ) );
366 if ( importedColors.length() == 0 )
369 QMessageBox::critical(
nullptr, tr(
"Import Color Palette" ), tr(
"No colors found in palette file." ) );
375 importedScheme->
setName( paletteName );
376 importedScheme->
setColors( importedColors );
379 return importedScheme;
382 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::importPalette()
387 refreshSchemeComboBox();
388 mSchemeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mSchemeComboBox->count() - 1 );
395 if ( QMessageBox::question( parent, tr(
"Remove Color Palette" ),
396 tr(
"Are you sure you want to remove %1?" ).arg( scheme->
schemeName() ),
397 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No ) != QMessageBox::Yes )
404 if ( !scheme->
erase() )
415 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::removePalette()
419 int prevIndex = mSchemeComboBox->currentIndex();
420 if ( prevIndex >= schemeList.length() )
434 refreshSchemeComboBox();
435 prevIndex = std::max( std::min( prevIndex, mSchemeComboBox->count() - 1 ), 0 );
436 mSchemeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( prevIndex );
443 QString name = QInputDialog::getText( parent, tr(
"Create New Palette" ), tr(
"Enter a name for the new palette:" ),
444 QLineEdit::Normal, tr(
"New palette" ), &ok );
446 if ( !ok || name.isEmpty() )
453 QDir palettePath( gplFilePath() );
454 QRegExp badChars(
"[,^@={}\\[\\]~!?:&*\"|#%<>$\"'();`' /\\\\]" );
455 QString filename = name.simplified().toLower().replace( badChars, QStringLiteral(
"_" ) );
456 if ( filename.isEmpty() )
458 filename = tr(
"new_palette" );
460 QFileInfo destFileInfo( palettePath.filePath( filename +
".gpl" ) );
462 while ( destFileInfo.exists() )
465 destFileInfo = QFileInfo( palettePath.filePath( filename + QStringLiteral(
"%1.gpl" ).arg( fileNumber ) ) );
476 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::newPalette()
481 refreshSchemeComboBox();
482 mSchemeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mSchemeComboBox->count() - 1 );
486 QString QgsCompoundColorWidget::gplFilePath()
491 if ( !localDir.mkpath( palettesDir ) )
499 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::schemeIndexChanged(
int index )
502 if ( mSchemeList->isDirty() )
504 mSchemeList->saveColorsToScheme();
509 if ( index >= schemeList.length() )
515 mSchemeList->setScheme( scheme );
517 updateActionsForCurrentScheme();
520 mActionCopyColors->setEnabled(
false );
523 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::listSelectionChanged(
const QItemSelection &selected,
const QItemSelection &deselected )
525 Q_UNUSED( deselected )
526 mActionCopyColors->setEnabled( selected.length() > 0 );
529 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mAddCustomColorButton_clicked()
531 switch ( mLastCustomColorIndex )
534 mSwatchButton1->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
537 mSwatchButton2->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
540 mSwatchButton3->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
543 mSwatchButton4->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
546 mSwatchButton5->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
549 mSwatchButton6->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
552 mSwatchButton7->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
555 mSwatchButton8->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
558 mSwatchButton9->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
561 mSwatchButton10->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
564 mSwatchButton11->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
567 mSwatchButton12->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
570 mSwatchButton13->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
573 mSwatchButton14->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
576 mSwatchButton15->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
579 mSwatchButton16->setColor( mColorPreview->color() );
582 mLastCustomColorIndex++;
583 if ( mLastCustomColorIndex >= 16 )
585 mLastCustomColorIndex = 0;
589 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mSampleButton_clicked()
595 mPickingColor =
596 setMouseTracking(
true );
599 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mTabWidget_currentChanged(
int index )
602 bool enabled = index == 0;
603 mRedRadio->setEnabled( enabled );
604 mBlueRadio->setEnabled( enabled );
605 mGreenRadio->setEnabled( enabled );
606 mHueRadio->setEnabled( enabled );
607 mSaturationRadio->setEnabled( enabled );
608 mValueRadio->setEnabled( enabled );
611 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mActionShowInButtons_toggled(
bool state )
620 QScreen *QgsCompoundColorWidget::findScreenAt( QPoint pos )
622 const QList< QScreen * > screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
623 for ( QScreen *screen : screens )
625 if ( screen->geometry().contains( pos ) )
633 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::saveSettings()
636 if ( mSchemeList->isDirty() )
638 mSchemeList->saveColorsToScheme();
645 if ( mHueRadio->isChecked() )
647 if ( mSaturationRadio->isChecked() )
649 if ( mValueRadio->isChecked() )
651 if ( mRedRadio->isChecked() )
653 if ( mGreenRadio->isChecked() )
655 if ( mBlueRadio->isChecked() )
657 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/activeComponent" ), activeRadio );
660 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/activeScheme" ), mSchemeComboBox->currentIndex() );
663 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/activeTab" ), mTabWidget->currentIndex() );
666 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor1" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton1->color() ) );
667 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor2" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton2->color() ) );
668 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor3" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton3->color() ) );
669 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor4" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton4->color() ) );
670 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor5" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton5->color() ) );
671 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor6" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton6->color() ) );
672 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor7" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton7->color() ) );
673 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor8" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton8->color() ) );
674 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor9" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton9->color() ) );
675 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor10" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton10->color() ) );
676 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor11" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton11->color() ) );
677 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor12" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton12->color() ) );
678 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor13" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton13->color() ) );
679 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor14" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton14->color() ) );
680 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor15" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton15->color() ) );
681 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/customColor16" ), QVariant( mSwatchButton16->color() ) );
684 settings.
setValue( QStringLiteral(
"Windows/ColorDialog/sampleRadius" ), mSpinBoxRadius->value() );
687 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::stopPicking( QPoint eventPos,
const bool takeSample )
693 setMouseTracking(
false );
694 mPickingColor =
703 QColor snappedColor = sampleColor( eventPos );
704 mSamplePreview->setColor( snappedColor );
705 mColorPreview->setColor( snappedColor,
true );
710 if ( !
color.isValid() )
715 QColor fixedColor = QColor(
color );
719 fixedColor.setAlpha( 255 );
721 QList<QgsColorWidget *> colorWidgets = this->findChildren<QgsColorWidget *>();
722 const auto constColorWidgets = colorWidgets;
725 if ( widget == mSamplePreview )
729 widget->blockSignals(
true );
730 widget->setColor( fixedColor );
731 widget->blockSignals(
false );
738 mOldColorLabel->setVisible(
color.isValid() );
739 mColorPreview->setColor2(
color );
745 QWidget::hideEvent( e );
757 QWidget::mousePressEvent( e );
760 QColor QgsCompoundColorWidget::averageColor(
const QImage &image )
768 for (
int heightIndex = 0; heightIndex < image.height(); ++heightIndex )
770 const QRgb *scanLine =
reinterpret_cast< const QRgb *
>( image.constScanLine( heightIndex ) );
771 for (
int widthIndex = 0; widthIndex < image.width(); ++widthIndex )
773 tmpRgb = scanLine[widthIndex];
774 sumRed += qRed( tmpRgb );
775 sumBlue += qBlue( tmpRgb );
776 sumGreen += qGreen( tmpRgb );
781 double avgRed =
static_cast<double>( sumRed ) / ( 255.0 * colorCount );
782 double avgGreen =
static_cast<double>( sumGreen ) / ( 255.0 * colorCount );
783 double avgBlue =
static_cast<double>( sumBlue ) / ( 255.0 * colorCount );
786 return QColor::fromRgbF( avgRed, avgGreen, avgBlue );
789 QColor QgsCompoundColorWidget::sampleColor( QPoint point )
791 int sampleRadius = mSpinBoxRadius->value() - 1;
792 QScreen *screen = findScreenAt( point );
797 QPixmap snappedPixmap = screen->grabWindow( QApplication::desktop()->winId(),
798 point.x() - sampleRadius,
799 point.y() - sampleRadius,
800 1 + sampleRadius * 2,
801 1 + sampleRadius * 2 );
802 QImage snappedImage = snappedPixmap.toImage();
804 return averageColor( snappedImage );
813 QColor hoverColor = sampleColor( e->globalPos() );
814 mSamplePreview->setColor( hoverColor );
820 QWidget::mouseMoveEvent( e );
828 stopPicking( e->globalPos() );
833 QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( e );
838 if ( !mPickingColor )
846 stopPicking( QCursor::pos(), e->key() == Qt::Key_Space );
849 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mHueRadio_toggled(
bool checked )
858 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mSaturationRadio_toggled(
bool checked )
867 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mValueRadio_toggled(
bool checked )
876 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mRedRadio_toggled(
bool checked )
885 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mGreenRadio_toggled(
bool checked )
894 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mBlueRadio_toggled(
bool checked )
903 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::mAddColorToSchemeButton_clicked()
908 void QgsCompoundColorWidget::updateActionsForCurrentScheme()
912 mActionImportColors->setEnabled( scheme->
isEditable() );
913 mActionPasteColors->setEnabled( scheme->
isEditable() );
914 mAddColorToSchemeButton->setEnabled( scheme->
isEditable() );
915 mRemoveColorsFromSchemeButton->setEnabled( scheme->
isEditable() );
918 mActionRemovePalette->setEnabled(
static_cast< bool >( userScheme ) );
921 mActionShowInButtons->setEnabled(
true );
927 mActionShowInButtons->setEnabled(
false );