QGIS API Documentation
3.16.0-Hannover (43b64b13f3)
Ngdal | |
Ngeos | Contains geos related utilities and functions |
NMathUtils | |
Npal | |
NQCA | |
NQgsGuiUtils | The QgsGuiUtils namespace contains constants and helper functions used throughout the QGIS GUI |
NQgsHstoreUtils | The QgsHstoreUtils namespace provides functions to handle hstore-formatted strings |
NQgsMeshUtils | |
NQgsServerFeatureId | The QgsServerFeatureId namespace provides a way to use primary keys for feature id |
NQgsServerProjectUtils | The QgsServerProjectUtils namespace provides a way to retrieve specific entries from a QgsProject |
NQgsWcs | WCS implementation |
▼NQgsWfs | WMS implementation |
Nv1_0_0 | |
NQgsWms | Median cut implementation |
NQgsZipUtils | |
NQt3DCore | |
NQt3DExtras | |
NQt3DInput | |
NQt3DLogic | |
NQt3DRender | |
▼NSpatialIndex | |
NStorageManager |