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QGIS gui library.

It's built on top of core library and adds reusable GUI widgets. More...


namespace  QgisGui
 /namespace QgisGui The QgisGui namespace contains constants and helper functions used throughout the QGIS GUI.


class  QgisInterface
 QgisInterface Abstract base class defining interfaces exposed by QgisApp and made available to plugins. More...
class  QgsBlendModeComboBox
 A combobox which lets the user select blend modes from a predefined list. More...
class  QgsBusyIndicatorDialog
 A simple dialog to show an indeterminate busy progress indicator. More...
class  QgsCodeEditor
 A text editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorCSS
 A CSS editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorHTML
 A HTML editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorPython
 A Python editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorSQL
 A SQL editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCollapsibleGroupBox
 A groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled and can save its collapsed and checked states. More...
class  QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic
 A groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled. More...
class  QgsColorBox
 A color box widget. More...
class  QgsColorButton
 A cross platform button subclass for selecting colors. Will open a color chooser dialog when clicked. Offers live updates to button from color chooser dialog. More...
class  QgsColorButtonV2
 A cross platform button subclass for selecting colors. More...
class  QgsColorDialog
 A native operating system dialog for selecting a color. More...
class  QgsColorDialogV2
 A custom QGIS dialog for selecting a color. More...
class  QgsColorGridAction
 A color swatch grid which can be embedded into a menu. More...
class  QgsColorPreviewWidget
 A preview box which displays one or two colors as swatches. More...
class  QgsColorRampWidget
 A color ramp widget. More...
class  QgsColorSchemeList
 An editable list of color swatches, taken from an associated QgsColorScheme. More...
class  QgsColorSchemeModel
 A model for colors in a color scheme. More...
class  QgsColorSliderWidget
 A composite horizontal color ramp widget and associated spinbox for manual value entry. More...
class  QgsColorSwatchDelegate
 A delegate for showing a color swatch in a list. More...
class  QgsColorSwatchGrid
 A grid of color swatches, which allows for user selection. More...
class  QgsColorTextWidget
 A line edit widget which displays colors as text and accepts string representations of colors. More...
class  QgsColorWheel
 A color wheel widget. More...
class  QgsColorWidget
 A base class for interactive color widgets. More...
class  QgsCredentialDialog
 A generic dialog for requesting credentials. More...
class  QgsDataDefinedButton
 A button for defining data source field mappings or expressions. More...
class  QgsDataDefinedSymbolDialog
class  QgsDetailedItemData
 This class is the data only representation of a QgsDetailedItemWidget, designed to be used in custom views. More...
class  QgsDetailedItemDelegate
 A custom model/view delegate that can display an icon, heading and detail sections. More...
class  QgsDetailedItemWidget
 A widget renderer for detailed item views. More...
class  QgsDialog
 A generic dialog with layout and button box. More...
class  QgsEncodingFileDialog
 A file dialog which lets the user select the preferred encoding type for a data provider. More...
class  QgsFileDropEdit
 A line edit for capturing file names that can have files dropped onto it via drag & drop. More...
class  QgsFilterLineEdit
 Lineedit with builtin clear button. More...
class  QgsGenericProjectionSelector
 A generic dialog to prompt the user for a Coordinate Reference System. More...
class  QgsLegendInterface
 QgsLegendInterface Abstract base class to make QgsLegend available to plugins. More...
class  QgsMapCanvas
 Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasItem
 An abstract class for items that can be placed on the map canvas. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasLayer
 A class that stores visibility and presence in overview flags together with pointer to the layer. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasMap
 A rectangular graphics item representing the map on the canvas. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasSnapper
 This class reads the snapping properties from the current project and configures a QgsSnapper to perform the snapping. More...
class  QgsMapOverviewCanvas
 A widget that displays an overview map. More...
class  QgsMapTip
 A maptip is a class to display a tip on a map canvas when a mouse is hovered over a feature. More...
class  QgsMapTool
 Abstract base class for all map tools. More...
class  QgsMapToolEmitPoint
 A map tool that simply emits a point when clicking on the map. More...
class  QgsMapToolPan
 A map tool for panning the map. More...
class  QgsMapToolTouch
 A map tool for panning the map. More...
class  QgsMapToolZoom
 A map tool for zooming into the map. More...
class  QgsMessageBar
 A bar for displaying non-blocking messages to the user. More...
class  QgsMessageLogViewer
 A generic dialog widget for displaying QGIS log messages. More...
class  QgsMessageViewer
 A generic message view for displaying QGIS messages. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogBase
 A base dialog for options and properties dialogs that offers vertical tabs. More...
class  QgsPreviewEffect
 A graphics effect which can be applied to a widget to simulate various printing and color blindness modes. More...
class  QgsProjectBadLayerGuiHandler
 Handler for missing layers within project. More...
class  QgsProjectionSelectionWidget
 A widget for selecting a projection. More...
class  QgsProjectionSelector
 A widget for selecting a Coordinate reference system from a tree. More...
class  QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget
 A widget to select format-specific raster saving options. More...
class  QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget
 A widget to select format-specific raster saving options. More...
class  QgsRubberBand
 A class for drawing transient features (e.g. More...
class  QgsScaleComboBox
 A combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value. More...
class  QgsScaleWidget
 A combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value. More...
class  QgsVertexMarker
 A class for marking vertices of features using e.g. More...


GUI_EXPORT const char * zoom_in []
 Bitmap cursors for map operations.

Detailed Description

It's built on top of core library and adds reusable GUI widgets.

Variable Documentation

GUI_EXPORT const char* zoom_in[]

Bitmap cursors for map operations.

Definition at line 21 of file qgscursors.cpp.