QGIS API Documentation 3.39.0-Master (8f1a6e30482)
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QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature Class Reference

The QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature class is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer. More...

#include <qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature:
Inheritance graph


void featureIdentified (const QgsFeature &feature)
 Emitted when a feature has been identified.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void featureIdentified (QgsFeatureId id)
 Emitted when a feature has been identified by its id.
- Signals inherited from QgsMapToolIdentify
void changedRasterResults (QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult > &results)
 Emitted when the format of raster results is changed and need to be updated in user-facing displays.
void identifyMessage (const QString &message)
 Emitted when the identify operation needs to show a user-facing message.
void identifyProgress (int processed, int total)
 Emitted when the identify action progresses.
- Signals inherited from QgsMapTool
void activated ()
 signal emitted once the map tool is activated
void deactivated ()
 signal emitted once the map tool is deactivated
void messageDiscarded ()
 emit signal to clear previous message
void messageEmitted (const QString &message, Qgis::MessageLevel=Qgis::MessageLevel::Info)
 emit a message
void reactivated ()

Public Member Functions

 QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature (QgsMapCanvas *canvas, QgsVectorLayer *vl=nullptr)
 QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer.
void canvasReleaseEvent (QgsMapMouseEvent *e) override
 Mouse release event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.
void setLayer (QgsVectorLayer *vl)
 change the layer used by the map tool to identify
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsMapToolIdentify
 QgsMapToolIdentify (QgsMapCanvas *canvas)
 ~QgsMapToolIdentify () override
void activate () override
 called when set as currently active map tool
void canvasMoveEvent (QgsMapMouseEvent *e) override
 Mouse move event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.
void canvasPressEvent (QgsMapMouseEvent *e) override
 Mouse press event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.
void deactivate () override
 called when map tool is being deactivated
Flags flags () const override
 Returns the flags for the map tool.
void fromElevationProfileLayerIdentificationToIdentifyResults (QgsMapLayer *layer, const QVector< QVariantMap > &identified, QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult > &results)
 Converts elevation profile identification results from variant maps to QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult and apply some formatting.
QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResultidentify (const QgsGeometry &geometry, IdentifyMode mode, const QList< QgsMapLayer * > &layerList, LayerType layerType, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Performs identification based on a geometry (in map coordinates)
QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResultidentify (const QgsGeometry &geometry, IdentifyMode mode, LayerType layerType, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Performs identification based on a geometry (in map coordinates)
QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResultidentify (int x, int y, const QList< QgsMapLayer * > &layerList=QList< QgsMapLayer * >(), IdentifyMode mode=DefaultQgsSetting, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Performs the identification.
QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResultidentify (int x, int y, IdentifyMode mode, LayerType layerType=AllLayers, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Performs the identification.
QgsIdentifyMenuidentifyMenu ()
 Returns a pointer to the identify menu which will be used in layer selection mode this menu can also be customized.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsMapTool
 ~QgsMapTool () override
QAction * action ()
 Returns associated action with map tool or nullptr if no action is associated.
QAbstractButton * button ()
 Returns associated button with map tool or nullptr if no button is associated.
QgsMapCanvascanvas () const
 returns pointer to the tool's map canvas
virtual void canvasDoubleClickEvent (QgsMapMouseEvent *e)
 Mouse double-click event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.
virtual bool canvasToolTipEvent (QHelpEvent *e)
 Tooltip event for overriding.
virtual void clean ()
 convenient method to clean members
virtual bool gestureEvent (QGestureEvent *e)
 gesture event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.
bool isActive () const
 Returns if the current map tool active on the map canvas.
virtual void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *e)
 Key event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.
virtual void populateContextMenu (QMenu *menu)
 Allows the tool to populate and customize the given menu, prior to showing it in response to a right-mouse button click.
virtual bool populateContextMenuWithEvent (QMenu *menu, QgsMapMouseEvent *event)
 Allows the tool to populate and customize the given menu, prior to showing it in response to a right-mouse button click.
virtual void reactivate ()
 Called when the map tool is being activated while it is already active.
void setAction (QAction *action)
 Use this to associate a QAction to this maptool.
void setButton (QAbstractButton *button)
 Use this to associate a button to this maptool.
virtual void setCursor (const QCursor &cursor)
 Sets a user defined cursor.
QgsPointXY toMapCoordinates (QPoint point)
 Transforms a point from screen coordinates to map coordinates.
QString toolName ()
 Emit map tool changed with the old tool.
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e)
 Mouse wheel event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.

Protected Member Functions

void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e) override
 Key event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsMapToolIdentify
QMap< QString, QString > derivedAttributesForPoint (const QgsPoint &point)
 Returns derived attributes map for a clicked point in map coordinates. May be 2D or 3D point.
QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResultidentify (int x, int y, IdentifyMode mode, const QList< QgsMapLayer * > &layerList, LayerType layerType=AllLayers, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Performs the identification.
bool identifyLayer (QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult > *results, QgsMapLayer *layer, const QgsPointXY &point, const QgsRectangle &viewExtent, double mapUnitsPerPixel, QgsMapToolIdentify::LayerType layerType=AllLayers, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Call the right method depending on layer type.
bool identifyMeshLayer (QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult > *results, QgsMeshLayer *layer, const QgsPointXY &point, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Identifies data from active scalar and vector dataset from the mesh layer.
bool identifyRasterLayer (QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult > *results, QgsRasterLayer *layer, QgsPointXY point, const QgsRectangle &viewExtent, double mapUnitsPerPixel, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Performs the identification against a given raster layer.
bool identifyVectorLayer (QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult > *results, QgsVectorLayer *layer, const QgsPointXY &point, const QgsIdentifyContext &identifyContext=QgsIdentifyContext())
 Performs the identification against a given vector layer.
void restoreCanvasPropertiesOverrides ()
 Clears canvas properties overrides previously set with setCanvasPropertiesOverrides()
void setCanvasPropertiesOverrides (double searchRadiusMapUnits)
 Overrides some map canvas properties inside the map tool for the upcoming identify requests.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsMapTool
 QgsMapTool (QgsMapCanvas *canvas)
 Constructor takes a map canvas as a parameter.
QgsMapLayerlayer (const QString &id)
 Returns the map layer with the matching ID, or nullptr if no layers could be found.
void setToolName (const QString &name)
 Sets the tool's name.
QPoint toCanvasCoordinates (const QgsPointXY &point) const
 Transforms a point from map coordinates to screen coordinates.
QgsPoint toLayerCoordinates (const QgsMapLayer *layer, const QgsPoint &point)
 Transforms a point from map coordinates to layer coordinates.
QgsPointXY toLayerCoordinates (const QgsMapLayer *layer, const QgsPointXY &point)
 Transforms a point from map coordinates to layer coordinates.
QgsRectangle toLayerCoordinates (const QgsMapLayer *layer, const QgsRectangle &rect)
 Transforms a rect from map coordinates to layer coordinates.
QgsPointXY toLayerCoordinates (const QgsMapLayer *layer, QPoint point)
 Transforms a point from screen coordinates to layer coordinates.
QgsPoint toMapCoordinates (const QgsMapLayer *layer, const QgsPoint &point)
 Transforms a point from layer coordinates to map coordinates (which is different in case reprojection is used).
QgsPointXY toMapCoordinates (const QgsMapLayer *layer, const QgsPointXY &point)
 Transforms a point from layer coordinates to map coordinates (which is different in case reprojection is used).

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QgsMapToolIdentify
enum  IdentifyMode {
  DefaultQgsSetting = -1 , ActiveLayer , TopDownStopAtFirst , TopDownAll ,
typedef QFlags< TypeLayerType
enum  Type {
  VectorLayer = 1 , RasterLayer = 2 , MeshLayer = 4 , VectorTileLayer = 8 ,
  PointCloudLayer = 16 , AllLayers = VectorLayer | RasterLayer | MeshLayer | VectorTileLayer | PointCloudLayer
- Public Types inherited from QgsMapTool
enum  Flag { Transient = 1 << 1 , EditTool = 1 << 2 , AllowZoomRect = 1 << 3 , ShowContextMenu = 1 << 4 }
 Enumeration of flags that adjust the way the map tool operates. More...
typedef QFlags< FlagFlags
- Public Slots inherited from QgsMapToolIdentify
void formatChanged (QgsRasterLayer *layer)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QgsMapToolIdentify
static void fromPointCloudIdentificationToIdentifyResults (QgsPointCloudLayer *layer, const QVector< QVariantMap > &identified, QList< QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult > &results)
 Converts point cloud identification results from variant maps to QgsMapToolIdentify::IdentifyResult and apply some formatting.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QgsMapTool
static double searchRadiusMM ()
 Gets search radius in mm.
static double searchRadiusMU (const QgsRenderContext &context)
 Gets search radius in map units for given context.
static double searchRadiusMU (QgsMapCanvas *canvas)
 Gets search radius in map units for given canvas.
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsMapToolIdentify
QgsIdentifyMenumIdentifyMenu = nullptr
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsMapTool
QAction * mAction = nullptr
 Optional pointer to an action that will be checked on map tool activation and unchecked on map tool deactivation.
QAbstractButton * mButton = nullptr
 Optional pointer to a button that will be checked on map tool activation and unchecked on map tool deactivation.
QPointer< QgsMapCanvasmCanvas
 The pointer to the map canvas.
QCursor mCursor
 The cursor used in the map tool.
QString mToolName
 The translated name of the map tool.

Detailed Description

The QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature class is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer.

Once the map tool is enable, user can click on the map canvas to identify a feature. A signal will then be emitted.

Definition at line 28 of file qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature()

QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature::QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature ( QgsMapCanvas canvas,
QgsVectorLayer vl = nullptr 

QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer.

canvasthe map canvas
vlthe vector layer. The map tool can be initialized without any layer and can be set afterward.

Definition at line 21 of file qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ canvasReleaseEvent()

void QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature::canvasReleaseEvent ( QgsMapMouseEvent e)

Mouse release event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented from QgsMapToolIdentify.

Definition at line 31 of file qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.cpp.

◆ featureIdentified [1/2]

void QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature::featureIdentified ( const QgsFeature feature)

Emitted when a feature has been identified.

◆ featureIdentified [2/2]

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature::featureIdentified ( QgsFeatureId  id)

Emitted when a feature has been identified by its id.

QGIS 3.40. Use the signal with a QgsFeature argument instead.

◆ keyPressEvent()

void QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  e)

Key event for overriding. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented from QgsMapTool.

Definition at line 48 of file qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.cpp.

◆ setLayer()

void QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature::setLayer ( QgsVectorLayer vl)

change the layer used by the map tool to identify

Definition at line 42 of file qgsmaptoolidentifyfeature.h.

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