QGIS API Documentation 3.41.0-Master (ff097244f9c)
A layout item subclass for map legends. More...
#include <qgslayoutitemlegend.h>
Public Slots | |
void | invalidateCache () override |
void | refresh () override |
void | refreshDataDefinedProperty (QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty property=QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty::AllProperties) override |
![]() | |
virtual void | invalidateCache () |
Forces a deferred update of any cached image the item uses. | |
virtual void | redraw () |
Triggers a redraw (update) of the item. | |
void | refresh () override |
Refreshes the item, causing a recalculation of any property overrides and recalculation of its position and size. | |
virtual void | refreshDataDefinedProperty (QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty property=QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty::AllProperties) |
Refreshes a data defined property for the item by reevaluating the property's value and redrawing the item with this new value. | |
virtual void | rotateItem (double angle, QPointF transformOrigin) |
Rotates the item by a specified angle in degrees clockwise around a specified reference point. | |
virtual void | setItemRotation (double rotation, bool adjustPosition=true) |
Sets the layout item's rotation, in degrees clockwise. | |
![]() | |
virtual void | refresh () |
Refreshes the object, causing a recalculation of any property overrides. | |
Public Member Functions | |
QgsLayoutItemLegend (QgsLayout *layout) | |
Constructor for QgsLayoutItemLegend, with the specified parent layout. | |
bool | accept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const override |
Accepts the specified style entity visitor, causing it to visit all style entities associated with the layout item. | |
void | adjustBoxSize () |
Sets the legend's item bounds to fit the whole legend content. | |
bool | autoUpdateModel () const |
Returns whether the legend content should auto update to reflect changes in the project's layer tree. | |
double | boxSpace () const |
Returns the legend box space. | |
int | columnCount () const |
Returns the legend column count. | |
double | columnSpace () const |
Returns the legend column spacing. | |
bool | containsAdvancedEffects () const override |
Returns true if the item contains contents with blend modes or transparency effects which can only be reproduced by rastering the item. | |
QgsExpressionContext | createExpressionContext () const override |
This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an expression context. | |
QString | displayName () const override |
Gets item display name. | |
bool | drawRasterStroke () const |
Returns whether a stroke will be drawn around raster symbol items. | |
bool | equalColumnWidth () const |
Returns whether column widths should be equalized. | |
ExportLayerBehavior | exportLayerBehavior () const override |
Returns the behavior of this item during exporting to layered exports (e.g. | |
QList< QgsLayoutItemMap * > | filterByMapItems () const |
Returns the maps to use when filtering legend content by map extents. | |
void | finalizeRestoreFromXml () override |
Called after all pending items have been restored from XML. | |
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QColor | fontColor () const |
Returns the legend font color. | |
QIcon | icon () const override |
Returns the item's icon. | |
bool | isRefreshing () const override |
Returns true if the item is currently refreshing content in the background. | |
QgsLayoutItem::Flags | itemFlags () const override |
Returns the item's flags, which indicate how the item behaves. | |
bool | legendFilterByMapEnabled () const |
Find out whether legend items are filtered to show just the ones visible in the associated map. | |
bool | legendFilterOutAtlas () const |
Returns whether to filter out legend elements outside of the current atlas feature. | |
const QgsLegendSettings & | legendSettings () const |
Returns the legend's renderer settings object. | |
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double | lineSpacing () const |
Returns the spacing in-between lines in layout units. | |
QgsLayoutItemMap * | linkedMap () const |
Returns the associated map. | |
double | maximumSymbolSize () const |
Returns the maximum symbol size (in mm). | |
double | minimumSymbolSize () const |
Returns the minimum symbol size (in mm). | |
QgsLegendModel * | model () |
Returns the legend model. | |
const QgsLegendModel * | model () const |
Returns the legend model. | |
void | paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle, QWidget *pWidget) override |
QColor | rasterStrokeColor () const |
Returns the stroke color for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items. | |
double | rasterStrokeWidth () const |
Returns the stroke width (in layout units) for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items. | |
bool | requiresRasterization () const override |
Returns true if the item is drawn in such a way that forces the whole layout to be rasterized when exporting to vector formats. | |
bool | resizeToContents () const |
Returns whether the legend should automatically resize to fit its contents. | |
QgsLegendStyle & | rstyle (QgsLegendStyle::Style s) |
Returns reference to modifiable legend style. | |
void | setAutoUpdateModel (bool autoUpdate) |
Sets whether the legend content should auto update to reflect changes in the project's layer tree. | |
void | setBoxSpace (double space) |
Sets the legend box space. | |
void | setColumnCount (int count) |
Sets the legend column count. | |
void | setColumnSpace (double spacing) |
Sets the legend column spacing. | |
void | setDrawRasterStroke (bool enabled) |
Sets whether a stroke will be drawn around raster symbol items. | |
void | setEqualColumnWidth (bool equalize) |
Sets whether column widths should be equalized. | |
void | setFilterByMapItems (const QList< QgsLayoutItemMap * > &maps) |
Sets the maps to use when filtering legend content by map extents. | |
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setFontColor (const QColor &color) |
Sets the legend font color. | |
void | setLegendFilterByMapEnabled (bool enabled) |
Set whether legend items should be filtered to show just the ones visible in the associated map. | |
void | setLegendFilterOutAtlas (bool doFilter) |
When set to true , during an atlas rendering, it will filter out legend elements where features are outside the current atlas feature. | |
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setLineSpacing (double spacing) |
Sets the spacing in-between multiple lines. | |
void | setLinkedMap (QgsLayoutItemMap *map) |
Sets the map to associate with the legend. | |
void | setMaximumSymbolSize (double size) |
Set the maximum symbol size for symbol (in millimeters). | |
void | setMinimumSymbolSize (double size) |
Set the minimum symbol size for symbol (in millimeters). | |
void | setRasterStrokeColor (const QColor &color) |
Sets the stroke color for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items. | |
void | setRasterStrokeWidth (double width) |
Sets the stroke width for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items. | |
void | setResizeToContents (bool enabled) |
Sets whether the legend should automatically resize to fit its contents. | |
void | setSplitLayer (bool enabled) |
Sets whether the legend items from a single layer can be split over multiple columns. | |
void | setStyle (QgsLegendStyle::Style component, const QgsLegendStyle &style) |
Sets the style of component to style for the legend. | |
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void | setStyleFont (QgsLegendStyle::Style component, const QFont &font) |
Sets the style font for a legend component. | |
void | setStyleMargin (QgsLegendStyle::Style component, double margin) |
Set the margin for a legend component. | |
void | setStyleMargin (QgsLegendStyle::Style component, QgsLegendStyle::Side side, double margin) |
Set the margin for a particular side of a legend component. | |
void | setSymbolAlignment (Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment) |
Sets the alignment for placement of legend symbols. | |
void | setSymbolHeight (double height) |
Sets the legend symbol height. | |
void | setSymbolWidth (double width) |
Sets the legend symbol width. | |
void | setTitle (const QString &title) |
Sets the legend title. | |
void | setTitleAlignment (Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment) |
Sets the alignment of the legend title. | |
void | setWmsLegendHeight (double height) |
Sets the WMS legend height. | |
void | setWmsLegendWidth (double width) |
Sets the WMS legend width. | |
void | setWrapString (const QString &string) |
Sets the legend text wrapping string. | |
bool | splitLayer () const |
Returns whether the legend items from a single layer can be split over multiple columns. | |
QgsLegendStyle | style (QgsLegendStyle::Style s) const |
Returns legend style. | |
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QFont | styleFont (QgsLegendStyle::Style component) const |
Returns the font settings for a legend component. | |
Qt::AlignmentFlag | symbolAlignment () const |
Returns the alignment for placement of legend symbols. | |
double | symbolHeight () const |
Returns the legend symbol height. | |
double | symbolWidth () const |
Returns the legend symbol width. | |
QString | themeName () const |
Returns the name of the theme currently linked to the legend. | |
QString | title () const |
Returns the legend title. | |
Qt::AlignmentFlag | titleAlignment () const |
Returns the alignment of the legend title. | |
int | type () const override |
void | updateFilterByMap (bool redraw=true) |
Updates the legend content when filtered by map. | |
void | updateLegend () |
Updates the model and all legend entries. | |
double | wmsLegendHeight () const |
Returns the WMS legend height. | |
double | wmsLegendWidth () const |
Returns the WMS legend width. | |
QString | wrapString () const |
Returns the legend text wrapping string. | |
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QgsLayoutItem (QgsLayout *layout, bool manageZValue=true) | |
Constructor for QgsLayoutItem, with the specified parent layout. | |
~QgsLayoutItem () override | |
virtual void | attemptMove (const QgsLayoutPoint &point, bool useReferencePoint=true, bool includesFrame=false, int page=-1) |
Attempts to move the item to a specified point. | |
void | attemptMoveBy (double deltaX, double deltaY) |
Attempts to shift the item's position by a specified deltaX and deltaY, in layout units. | |
virtual void | attemptResize (const QgsLayoutSize &size, bool includesFrame=false) |
Attempts to resize the item to a specified target size. | |
void | attemptSetSceneRect (const QRectF &rect, bool includesFrame=false) |
Attempts to update the item's position and size to match the passed rect in layout coordinates. | |
QColor | backgroundColor (bool useDataDefined=true) const |
Returns the background color for this item. | |
void | beginCommand (const QString &commandText, UndoCommand command=UndoNone) |
Starts new undo command for this item. | |
QPainter::CompositionMode | blendMode () const |
Returns the item's composition blending mode. | |
void | cancelCommand () |
Cancels the current item command and discards it. | |
virtual void | cleanup () |
Called just before a batch of items are deleted, allowing them to run cleanup tasks. | |
virtual QgsGeometry | clipPath () const |
Returns the clipping path generated by this item, in layout coordinates. | |
QgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommand * | createCommand (const QString &text, int id, QUndoCommand *parent=nullptr) override |
Creates a new layout undo command with the specified text and parent. | |
void | endCommand () |
Completes the current item command and push it onto the layout's undo stack. | |
virtual double | estimatedFrameBleed () const |
Returns the estimated amount the item's frame bleeds outside the item's actual rectangle. | |
bool | excludeFromExports () const |
Returns whether the item should be excluded from layout exports and prints. | |
virtual QgsLayoutItem::ExportLayerDetail | exportLayerDetails () const |
Returns the details for the specified current export layer. | |
virtual QgsLayoutSize | fixedSize () const |
Returns the fixed size of the item, if applicable, or an empty size if item can be freely resized. | |
bool | frameEnabled () const |
Returns true if the item includes a frame. | |
Qt::PenJoinStyle | frameJoinStyle () const |
Returns the join style used for drawing the item's frame. | |
QColor | frameStrokeColor () const |
Returns the frame's stroke color. | |
QgsLayoutMeasurement | frameStrokeWidth () const |
Returns the frame's stroke width. | |
bool | hasBackground () const |
Returns true if the item has a background. | |
QString | id () const |
Returns the item's ID name. | |
bool | isGroupMember () const |
Returns true if the item is part of a QgsLayoutItemGroup group. | |
bool | isLocked () const |
Returns true if the item is locked, and cannot be interacted with using the mouse. | |
double | itemOpacity () const |
Returns the item's opacity. | |
double | itemRotation () const |
Returns the current rotation for the item, in degrees clockwise. | |
virtual QgsLayoutSize | minimumSize () const |
Returns the minimum allowed size of the item, if applicable, or an empty size if item can be freely resized. | |
virtual void | moveContent (double dx, double dy) |
Moves the content of the item, by a specified dx and dy in layout units. | |
virtual bool | nextExportPart () |
Moves to the next export part for a multi-layered export item, during a multi-layered export. | |
virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED int | numberExportLayers () const |
Returns the number of layers that this item requires for exporting during layered exports (e.g. | |
int | page () const |
Returns the page the item is currently on, with the first page returning 0. | |
QPointF | pagePos () const |
Returns the item's position (in layout units) relative to the top left corner of its current page. | |
QgsLayoutPoint | pagePositionWithUnits () const |
Returns the item's position (in item units) relative to the top left corner of its current page. | |
void | paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle, QWidget *pWidget) override |
Handles preparing a paint surface for the layout item and painting the item's content. | |
QgsLayoutItemGroup * | parentGroup () const |
Returns the item's parent group, if the item is part of a QgsLayoutItemGroup group. | |
QgsLayoutPoint | positionWithUnits () const |
Returns the item's current position, including units. | |
bool | readXml (const QDomElement &itemElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) |
Sets the item state from a DOM element. | |
virtual QRectF | rectWithFrame () const |
Returns the item's rectangular bounds, including any bleed caused by the item's frame. | |
ReferencePoint | referencePoint () const |
Returns the reference point for positioning of the layout item. | |
void | setBackgroundColor (const QColor &color) |
Sets the background color for this item. | |
void | setBackgroundEnabled (bool drawBackground) |
Sets whether this item has a background drawn under it or not. | |
void | setBlendMode (QPainter::CompositionMode mode) |
Sets the item's composition blending mode. | |
void | setExcludeFromExports (bool exclude) |
Sets whether the item should be excluded from layout exports and prints. | |
virtual void | setFrameEnabled (bool drawFrame) |
Sets whether this item has a frame drawn around it or not. | |
void | setFrameJoinStyle (Qt::PenJoinStyle style) |
Sets the join style used when drawing the item's frame. | |
void | setFrameStrokeColor (const QColor &color) |
Sets the frame stroke color. | |
virtual void | setFrameStrokeWidth (QgsLayoutMeasurement width) |
Sets the frame stroke width. | |
virtual void | setId (const QString &id) |
Set the item's id name. | |
void | setItemOpacity (double opacity) |
Sets the item's opacity. | |
void | setLocked (bool locked) |
Sets whether the item is locked, preventing mouse interactions with the item. | |
virtual void | setMoveContentPreviewOffset (double dx, double dy) |
Sets temporary offset for the item, by a specified dx and dy in layout units. | |
void | setParentGroup (QgsLayoutItemGroup *group) |
Sets the item's parent group. | |
void | setReferencePoint (ReferencePoint point) |
Sets the reference point for positioning of the layout item. | |
virtual void | setSelected (bool selected) |
Sets whether the item should be selected. | |
virtual void | setVisibility (bool visible) |
Sets whether the item is visible. | |
bool | shouldDrawItem () const |
Returns whether the item should be drawn in the current context. | |
QgsLayoutSize | sizeWithUnits () const |
Returns the item's current size, including units. | |
virtual void | startLayeredExport () |
Starts a multi-layer export operation. | |
virtual void | stopLayeredExport () |
Stops a multi-layer export operation. | |
int | type () const override |
Returns a unique graphics item type identifier. | |
virtual QString | uuid () const |
Returns the item identification string. | |
bool | writeXml (QDomElement &parentElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const |
Stores the item state in a DOM element. | |
virtual void | zoomContent (double factor, QPointF point) |
Zooms content of item. | |
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QgsLayoutObject (QgsLayout *layout) | |
Constructor for QgsLayoutObject, with the specified parent layout. | |
QgsExpressionContext | createExpressionContext () const override |
Creates an expression context relating to the objects' current state. | |
QStringList | customProperties () const |
Returns list of keys stored in custom properties for the object. | |
QVariant | customProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const |
Read a custom property from the object. | |
QgsPropertyCollection & | dataDefinedProperties () |
Returns a reference to the object's property collection, used for data defined overrides. | |
const QgsPropertyCollection & | dataDefinedProperties () const |
Returns a reference to the object's property collection, used for data defined overrides. | |
QgsLayout * | layout () |
Returns the layout the object is attached to. | |
const QgsLayout * | layout () const |
Returns the layout the object is attached to. | |
void | removeCustomProperty (const QString &key) |
Remove a custom property from the object. | |
void | setCustomProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &value) |
Set a custom property for the object. | |
void | setDataDefinedProperties (const QgsPropertyCollection &collection) |
Sets the objects's property collection, used for data defined overrides. | |
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virtual | ~QgsExpressionContextGenerator ()=default |
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virtual | ~QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface ()=default |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static QgsLayoutItemLegend * | create (QgsLayout *layout) |
Returns a new legend item for the specified layout. | |
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static bool | propertyAssociatesWithParentMultiframe (DataDefinedProperty property) |
Returns true if the specified property key is normally associated with the parent QgsLayoutMultiFrame object instead of a child QgsLayoutFrame object. | |
static const QgsPropertiesDefinition & | propertyDefinitions () |
Returns the layout object property definitions. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | draw (QgsLayoutItemRenderContext &context) override |
Draws the item's contents using the specified item render context. | |
bool | readPropertiesFromElement (const QDomElement &element, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override |
Sets item state from a DOM element. | |
bool | writePropertiesToElement (QDomElement &element, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override |
Stores item state within an XML DOM element. | |
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QPointF | adjustPointForReferencePosition (QPointF point, QSizeF size, ReferencePoint reference) const |
Adjusts the specified point at which a reference position of the item sits and returns the top left corner of the item, if reference point were placed at the specified position. | |
QgsLayoutSize | applyDataDefinedSize (const QgsLayoutSize &size) |
Applies any present data defined size overrides to the specified layout size. | |
virtual QSizeF | applyItemSizeConstraint (QSizeF targetSize) |
Applies any item-specific size constraint handling to a given targetSize in layout units. | |
virtual void | drawBackground (QgsRenderContext &context) |
Draws the background for the item. | |
virtual void | drawDebugRect (QPainter *painter) |
Draws a debugging rectangle of the item's current bounds within the specified painter. | |
virtual void | drawFrame (QgsRenderContext &context) |
Draws the frame around the item. | |
void | drawRefreshingOverlay (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle) |
Draws a "refreshing" overlay icon on the item. | |
virtual QPainterPath | framePath () const |
Returns the path to use when drawing the item's frame or background. | |
QPointF | positionAtReferencePoint (ReferencePoint reference) const |
Returns the current position (in layout units) of a reference point for the item. | |
void | refreshBackgroundColor (bool updateItem=true) |
Refresh item's background color, considering data defined colors. | |
void | refreshBlendMode () |
Refresh item's blend mode, considering data defined blend mode. | |
void | refreshFrame (bool updateItem=true) |
Refresh item's frame, considering data defined colors and frame size. | |
void | refreshItemPosition () |
Refreshes an item's position by rechecking it against any possible overrides such as data defined positioning. | |
void | refreshItemRotation (QPointF *origin=nullptr) |
Refreshes an item's rotation by rechecking it against any possible overrides such as data defined rotation. | |
void | refreshItemSize () |
Refreshes an item's size by rechecking it against any possible item fixed or minimum sizes. | |
void | refreshOpacity (bool updateItem=true) |
Refresh item's opacity, considering data defined opacity. | |
virtual void | setFixedSize (const QgsLayoutSize &size) |
Sets a fixed size for the layout item, which prevents it from being freely resized. | |
virtual void | setMinimumSize (const QgsLayoutSize &size) |
Sets the minimum allowed size for the layout item. | |
QgsLayoutPoint | topLeftToReferencePoint (const QgsLayoutPoint &point) const |
Returns the position for the reference point of the item, if the top-left of the item was placed at the specified point. | |
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bool | readObjectPropertiesFromElement (const QDomElement &parentElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) |
Sets object properties from a DOM element. | |
bool | writeObjectPropertiesToElement (QDomElement &parentElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const |
Stores object properties within an XML DOM element. | |
Friends | |
class | QgsCompositionConverter |
A layout item subclass for map legends.
Definition at line 111 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.h.
QgsLayoutItemLegend::QgsLayoutItemLegend | ( | QgsLayout * | layout | ) |
Constructor for QgsLayoutItemLegend, with the specified parent layout.
Definition at line 49 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Accepts the specified style entity visitor, causing it to visit all style entities associated with the layout item.
Returns true
if the visitor should continue visiting other objects, or false
if visiting should be canceled.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 1322 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::adjustBoxSize | ( | ) |
Sets the legend's item bounds to fit the whole legend content.
Definition at line 268 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
bool QgsLayoutItemLegend::autoUpdateModel | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether the legend content should auto update to reflect changes in the project's layer tree.
Definition at line 371 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::boxSpace | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend box space.
Definition at line 464 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
int QgsLayoutItemLegend::columnCount | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend column count.
Definition at line 577 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::columnSpace | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend column spacing.
Definition at line 474 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Returns true
if the item contains contents with blend modes or transparency effects which can only be reproduced by rastering the item.
Subclasses should ensure that implemented overrides of this method also check the base class result.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 894 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
static |
Returns a new legend item for the specified layout.
The caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.
Definition at line 85 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an expression context.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 1294 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Gets item display name.
This is the item's id if set, and if not, a user-friendly string identifying item type.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 866 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Draws the item's contents using the specified item render context.
Note that the context's painter has been scaled so that painter units are pixels. Use the QgsRenderContext methods to convert from millimeters or other units to the painter's units.
Implements QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 231 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
bool QgsLayoutItemLegend::drawRasterStroke | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether a stroke will be drawn around raster symbol items.
Definition at line 608 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
bool QgsLayoutItemLegend::equalColumnWidth | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether column widths should be equalized.
Definition at line 598 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Returns the behavior of this item during exporting to layered exports (e.g.
SVG or geospatial PDF).
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 1317 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QList< QgsLayoutItemMap * > QgsLayoutItemLegend::filterByMapItems | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maps to use when filtering legend content by map extents.
Definition at line 969 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Called after all pending items have been restored from XML.
Items can use this method to run steps which must take place after all items have been restored to the layout, such as connecting to signals emitted by other items, which may not have existed in the layout at the time readXml() was called. E.g. a scalebar can use this to connect to its linked map item after restoration from XML.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 196 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QColor QgsLayoutItemLegend::fontColor | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend font color.
Definition at line 484 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Returns the item's icon.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 95 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overrideslot |
Definition at line 225 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Returns true
if the item is currently refreshing content in the background.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 1366 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Returns the item's flags, which indicate how the item behaves.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 100 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
inline |
Find out whether legend items are filtered to show just the ones visible in the associated map.
Definition at line 192 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.h.
bool QgsLayoutItemLegend::legendFilterOutAtlas | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether to filter out legend elements outside of the current atlas feature.
Definition at line 1275 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
inline |
Returns the legend's renderer settings object.
Definition at line 590 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.h.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::lineSpacing | ( | ) | const |
Returns the spacing in-between lines in layout units.
Definition at line 450 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
inline |
Returns the associated map.
Definition at line 546 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.h.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::maximumSymbolSize | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum symbol size (in mm).
0.0 means there is no maximum set.
Definition at line 508 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::minimumSymbolSize | ( | ) | const |
Returns the minimum symbol size (in mm).
A value 0.0 means there is no minimum set.
Definition at line 518 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QgsLegendModel * QgsLayoutItemLegend::model | ( | ) |
Returns the legend model.
Definition at line 336 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
const QgsLegendModel * QgsLayoutItemLegend::model | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend model.
Definition at line 342 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 105 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QColor QgsLayoutItemLegend::rasterStrokeColor | ( | ) | const |
Returns the stroke color for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
The stroke is only drawn if drawRasterStroke() is true
Definition at line 618 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::rasterStrokeWidth | ( | ) | const |
Returns the stroke width (in layout units) for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
The stroke is only drawn if drawRasterStroke() is true
Definition at line 628 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Sets item state from a DOM element.
element | is the DOM element for the item |
document | DOM document |
context | read write context |
Note that item subclasses should not rely on all other items being present in the layout at the time this method is called. Instead, any connections and links to other items must be made in the finalizeRestoreFromXml() method. E.g. when restoring a scalebar, the connection to the linked map's signals should be implemented in finalizeRestoreFromXml(), not readPropertiesFromElement().
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 720 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overrideslot |
Definition at line 218 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overrideslot |
Definition at line 986 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Returns true
if the item is drawn in such a way that forces the whole layout to be rasterized when exporting to vector formats.
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 889 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
bool QgsLayoutItemLegend::resizeToContents | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether the legend should automatically resize to fit its contents.
Definition at line 301 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QgsLegendStyle & QgsLayoutItemLegend::rstyle | ( | QgsLegendStyle::Style | s | ) |
Returns reference to modifiable legend style.
Definition at line 411 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setAutoUpdateModel | ( | bool | autoUpdate | ) |
Sets whether the legend content should auto update to reflect changes in the project's layer tree.
Definition at line 348 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setBoxSpace | ( | double | space | ) |
Sets the legend box space.
Definition at line 469 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setColumnCount | ( | int | count | ) |
Sets the legend column count.
Definition at line 582 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setColumnSpace | ( | double | spacing | ) |
Sets the legend column spacing.
Definition at line 479 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setDrawRasterStroke | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Sets whether a stroke will be drawn around raster symbol items.
enabled | set to true to draw borders |
Definition at line 613 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setEqualColumnWidth | ( | bool | equalize | ) |
Sets whether column widths should be equalized.
Definition at line 603 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setFilterByMapItems | ( | const QList< QgsLayoutItemMap * > & | maps | ) |
Sets the maps to use when filtering legend content by map extents.
Definition at line 945 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setFontColor | ( | const QColor & | color | ) |
Sets the legend font color.
Definition at line 491 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setLegendFilterByMapEnabled | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Set whether legend items should be filtered to show just the ones visible in the associated map.
Definition at line 376 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setLegendFilterOutAtlas | ( | bool | doFilter | ) |
When set to true
, during an atlas rendering, it will filter out legend elements where features are outside the current atlas feature.
Definition at line 1270 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setLineSpacing | ( | double | spacing | ) |
Sets the spacing in-between multiple lines.
Definition at line 457 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setLinkedMap | ( | QgsLayoutItemMap * | map | ) |
Sets the map to associate with the legend.
Definition at line 924 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setMaximumSymbolSize | ( | double | size | ) |
Set the maximum symbol size for symbol (in millimeters).
A symbol size of 0.0 indicates no maximum is set.
Definition at line 513 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setMinimumSymbolSize | ( | double | size | ) |
Set the minimum symbol size for symbol (in millimeters).
A symbol size of 0.0 indicates no minimum is set.
Definition at line 523 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setRasterStrokeColor | ( | const QColor & | color | ) |
Sets the stroke color for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
The stroke is only drawn if drawRasterStroke() is true
Definition at line 623 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setRasterStrokeWidth | ( | double | width | ) |
Sets the stroke width for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
The stroke is only drawn if drawRasterStroke() is true
Definition at line 633 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setResizeToContents | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Sets whether the legend should automatically resize to fit its contents.
enabled | set to false to disable automatic resizing. The legend frame will not be expanded to fit legend items, and items may be cropped from display. |
Definition at line 296 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setSplitLayer | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Sets whether the legend items from a single layer can be split over multiple columns.
Definition at line 593 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setStyle | ( | QgsLegendStyle::Style | component, |
const QgsLegendStyle & | style | ||
) |
Sets the style of component to style for the legend.
Definition at line 421 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setStyleFont | ( | QgsLegendStyle::Style | component, |
const QFont & | font | ||
) |
Sets the style font for a legend component.
Definition at line 433 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setStyleMargin | ( | QgsLegendStyle::Style | component, |
double | margin | ||
) |
Set the margin for a legend component.
Definition at line 440 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setStyleMargin | ( | QgsLegendStyle::Style | component, |
QgsLegendStyle::Side | side, | ||
double | margin | ||
) |
Set the margin for a particular side of a legend component.
Definition at line 445 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setSymbolAlignment | ( | Qt::AlignmentFlag | alignment | ) |
Sets the alignment for placement of legend symbols.
Only Qt::AlignLeft or Qt::AlignRight are supported values.
Definition at line 528 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setSymbolHeight | ( | double | height | ) |
Sets the legend symbol height.
Definition at line 543 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setSymbolWidth | ( | double | width | ) |
Sets the legend symbol width.
Definition at line 503 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setTitle | ( | const QString & | title | ) |
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setTitleAlignment | ( | Qt::AlignmentFlag | alignment | ) |
Sets the alignment of the legend title.
Definition at line 406 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setWmsLegendHeight | ( | double | height | ) |
Sets the WMS legend height.
Definition at line 562 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setWmsLegendWidth | ( | double | width | ) |
Sets the WMS legend width.
Definition at line 553 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::setWrapString | ( | const QString & | string | ) |
Sets the legend text wrapping string.
Definition at line 567 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
bool QgsLayoutItemLegend::splitLayer | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether the legend items from a single layer can be split over multiple columns.
Definition at line 588 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QgsLegendStyle QgsLayoutItemLegend::style | ( | QgsLegendStyle::Style | s | ) | const |
Returns legend style.
Definition at line 416 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QFont QgsLayoutItemLegend::styleFont | ( | QgsLegendStyle::Style | component | ) | const |
Returns the font settings for a legend component.
Definition at line 426 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
Qt::AlignmentFlag QgsLayoutItemLegend::symbolAlignment | ( | ) | const |
Returns the alignment for placement of legend symbols.
Only Qt::AlignLeft or Qt::AlignRight are supported values.
Definition at line 533 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::symbolHeight | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend symbol height.
Definition at line 538 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::symbolWidth | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend symbol width.
Definition at line 498 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QString QgsLayoutItemLegend::themeName | ( | ) | const |
Returns the name of the theme currently linked to the legend.
This usually equates to the theme rendered in the linkedMap().
Definition at line 1265 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QString QgsLayoutItemLegend::title | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend title.
Definition at line 396 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
Qt::AlignmentFlag QgsLayoutItemLegend::titleAlignment | ( | ) | const |
Returns the alignment of the legend title.
Definition at line 401 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 90 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::updateFilterByMap | ( | bool | redraw = true | ) |
Updates the legend content when filtered by map.
Definition at line 1101 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
void QgsLayoutItemLegend::updateLegend | ( | ) |
Updates the model and all legend entries.
Definition at line 638 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::wmsLegendHeight | ( | ) | const |
Returns the WMS legend height.
Definition at line 558 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
double QgsLayoutItemLegend::wmsLegendWidth | ( | ) | const |
Returns the WMS legend width.
Definition at line 548 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
QString QgsLayoutItemLegend::wrapString | ( | ) | const |
Returns the legend text wrapping string.
Definition at line 572 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Stores item state within an XML DOM element.
element | is the DOM element to store the item's properties in |
document | DOM document |
context | read write context |
Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.
Definition at line 644 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.cpp.
friend |
Definition at line 688 of file qgslayoutitemlegend.h.