QGIS API Documentation 3.41.0-Master (e38c80ef30c)
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QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile Class Reference

A layout item subclass for elevation profile plots. More...

#include <qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile:
Inheritance graph

Public Slots

void invalidateCache () override
void refresh () override
- Public Slots inherited from QgsLayoutItem
virtual void invalidateCache ()
 Forces a deferred update of any cached image the item uses.
virtual void redraw ()
 Triggers a redraw (update) of the item.
void refresh () override
 Refreshes the item, causing a recalculation of any property overrides and recalculation of its position and size.
virtual void rotateItem (double angle, QPointF transformOrigin)
 Rotates the item by a specified angle in degrees clockwise around a specified reference point.
virtual void setItemRotation (double rotation, bool adjustPosition=true)
 Sets the layout item's rotation, in degrees clockwise.
- Public Slots inherited from QgsLayoutObject
virtual void refresh ()
 Refreshes the object, causing a recalculation of any property overrides.


void previewRefreshed ()
 Emitted whenever the item's preview has been refreshed.
- Signals inherited from QgsLayoutItem
void backgroundTaskCountChanged (int count)
 Emitted whenever the number of background tasks an item is executing changes.
void clipPathChanged ()
 Emitted when the item's clipping path has changed.
void frameChanged ()
 Emitted if the item's frame style changes.
void lockChanged ()
 Emitted if the item's lock status changes.
void rotationChanged (double newRotation)
 Emitted on item rotation change.
void sizePositionChanged ()
 Emitted when the item's size or position changes.
- Signals inherited from QgsLayoutObject
void changed ()
 Emitted when the object's properties change.

Public Member Functions

 QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile (QgsLayout *layout)
 Constructor for QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile, with the specified parent layout.
 ~QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile () override
bool atlasDriven () const
 Returns whether the profile curve is set to follow the current atlas feature.
bool containsAdvancedEffects () const override
 Returns true if the item contains contents with blend modes or transparency effects which can only be reproduced by rastering the item.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs () const
 Returns the desired Coordinate Reference System for the profile.
Qgis::DistanceUnit distanceUnit () const
 Returns the units for the distance axis.
QIcon icon () const override
 Returns the item's icon.
QgsLayoutItem::Flags itemFlags () const override
 Returns the item's flags, which indicate how the item behaves.
QList< QgsMapLayer * > layers () const
 Returns the list of map layers participating in the elevation profile.
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle, QWidget *pWidget) override
Qgs2DPlotplot ()
 Returns a reference to the elevation plot object, which can be used to set plot appearance and properties.
const Qgs2DPlotplot () const
 Returns a reference to the elevation plot object, which can be used to set plot appearance and properties.
QgsCurveprofileCurve () const
 Returns the cross section profile curve, which represents the line along which the profile should be generated.
QgsProfileRequest profileRequest () const
 Returns the profile request used to generate the elevation profile.
void refreshDataDefinedProperty (QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty property=QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty::AllProperties) override
 Refreshes a data defined property for the item by reevaluating the property's value and redrawing the item with this new value.
bool requiresRasterization () const override
 Returns true if the item is drawn in such a way that forces the whole layout to be rasterized when exporting to vector formats.
void setAtlasDriven (bool enabled)
 Sets whether the profile curve will follow the current atlas feature.
void setCrs (const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs)
 Sets the desired Coordinate Reference System (crs) for the profile.
void setDistanceUnit (Qgis::DistanceUnit unit)
 Sets the unit for the distance axis.
void setLayers (const QList< QgsMapLayer * > &layers)
 Sets the list of map layers participating in the elevation profile.
void setProfileCurve (QgsCurve *curve)
 Sets the cross section profile curve, which represents the line along which the profile should be generated.
void setTolerance (double tolerance)
 Sets the tolerance of the request (in crs() units).
double tolerance () const
 Returns the tolerance of the request (in crs() units).
int type () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsLayoutItem
 QgsLayoutItem (QgsLayout *layout, bool manageZValue=true)
 Constructor for QgsLayoutItem, with the specified parent layout.
 ~QgsLayoutItem () override
virtual bool accept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const
 Accepts the specified style entity visitor, causing it to visit all style entities associated with the layout item.
virtual void attemptMove (const QgsLayoutPoint &point, bool useReferencePoint=true, bool includesFrame=false, int page=-1)
 Attempts to move the item to a specified point.
void attemptMoveBy (double deltaX, double deltaY)
 Attempts to shift the item's position by a specified deltaX and deltaY, in layout units.
virtual void attemptResize (const QgsLayoutSize &size, bool includesFrame=false)
 Attempts to resize the item to a specified target size.
void attemptSetSceneRect (const QRectF &rect, bool includesFrame=false)
 Attempts to update the item's position and size to match the passed rect in layout coordinates.
QColor backgroundColor (bool useDataDefined=true) const
 Returns the background color for this item.
void beginCommand (const QString &commandText, UndoCommand command=UndoNone)
 Starts new undo command for this item.
QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode () const
 Returns the item's composition blending mode.
void cancelCommand ()
 Cancels the current item command and discards it.
virtual void cleanup ()
 Called just before a batch of items are deleted, allowing them to run cleanup tasks.
virtual QgsGeometry clipPath () const
 Returns the clipping path generated by this item, in layout coordinates.
QgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommandcreateCommand (const QString &text, int id, QUndoCommand *parent=nullptr) override
 Creates a new layout undo command with the specified text and parent.
QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext () const override
 This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an expression context.
virtual QString displayName () const
 Gets item display name.
void endCommand ()
 Completes the current item command and push it onto the layout's undo stack.
virtual double estimatedFrameBleed () const
 Returns the estimated amount the item's frame bleeds outside the item's actual rectangle.
bool excludeFromExports () const
 Returns whether the item should be excluded from layout exports and prints.
virtual ExportLayerBehavior exportLayerBehavior () const
 Returns the behavior of this item during exporting to layered exports (e.g.
virtual QgsLayoutItem::ExportLayerDetail exportLayerDetails () const
 Returns the details for the specified current export layer.
virtual void finalizeRestoreFromXml ()
 Called after all pending items have been restored from XML.
virtual QgsLayoutSize fixedSize () const
 Returns the fixed size of the item, if applicable, or an empty size if item can be freely resized.
bool frameEnabled () const
 Returns true if the item includes a frame.
Qt::PenJoinStyle frameJoinStyle () const
 Returns the join style used for drawing the item's frame.
QColor frameStrokeColor () const
 Returns the frame's stroke color.
QgsLayoutMeasurement frameStrokeWidth () const
 Returns the frame's stroke width.
bool hasBackground () const
 Returns true if the item has a background.
QString id () const
 Returns the item's ID name.
bool isGroupMember () const
 Returns true if the item is part of a QgsLayoutItemGroup group.
bool isLocked () const
 Returns true if the item is locked, and cannot be interacted with using the mouse.
virtual bool isRefreshing () const
 Returns true if the item is currently refreshing content in the background.
double itemOpacity () const
 Returns the item's opacity.
double itemRotation () const
 Returns the current rotation for the item, in degrees clockwise.
virtual QgsLayoutSize minimumSize () const
 Returns the minimum allowed size of the item, if applicable, or an empty size if item can be freely resized.
virtual void moveContent (double dx, double dy)
 Moves the content of the item, by a specified dx and dy in layout units.
virtual bool nextExportPart ()
 Moves to the next export part for a multi-layered export item, during a multi-layered export.
virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED int numberExportLayers () const
 Returns the number of layers that this item requires for exporting during layered exports (e.g.
int page () const
 Returns the page the item is currently on, with the first page returning 0.
QPointF pagePos () const
 Returns the item's position (in layout units) relative to the top left corner of its current page.
QgsLayoutPoint pagePositionWithUnits () const
 Returns the item's position (in item units) relative to the top left corner of its current page.
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle, QWidget *pWidget) override
 Handles preparing a paint surface for the layout item and painting the item's content.
QgsLayoutItemGroupparentGroup () const
 Returns the item's parent group, if the item is part of a QgsLayoutItemGroup group.
QgsLayoutPoint positionWithUnits () const
 Returns the item's current position, including units.
bool readXml (const QDomElement &itemElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
 Sets the item state from a DOM element.
virtual QRectF rectWithFrame () const
 Returns the item's rectangular bounds, including any bleed caused by the item's frame.
ReferencePoint referencePoint () const
 Returns the reference point for positioning of the layout item.
void setBackgroundColor (const QColor &color)
 Sets the background color for this item.
void setBackgroundEnabled (bool drawBackground)
 Sets whether this item has a background drawn under it or not.
void setBlendMode (QPainter::CompositionMode mode)
 Sets the item's composition blending mode.
void setExcludeFromExports (bool exclude)
 Sets whether the item should be excluded from layout exports and prints.
virtual void setFrameEnabled (bool drawFrame)
 Sets whether this item has a frame drawn around it or not.
void setFrameJoinStyle (Qt::PenJoinStyle style)
 Sets the join style used when drawing the item's frame.
void setFrameStrokeColor (const QColor &color)
 Sets the frame stroke color.
virtual void setFrameStrokeWidth (QgsLayoutMeasurement width)
 Sets the frame stroke width.
virtual void setId (const QString &id)
 Set the item's id name.
void setItemOpacity (double opacity)
 Sets the item's opacity.
void setLocked (bool locked)
 Sets whether the item is locked, preventing mouse interactions with the item.
virtual void setMoveContentPreviewOffset (double dx, double dy)
 Sets temporary offset for the item, by a specified dx and dy in layout units.
void setParentGroup (QgsLayoutItemGroup *group)
 Sets the item's parent group.
void setReferencePoint (ReferencePoint point)
 Sets the reference point for positioning of the layout item.
virtual void setSelected (bool selected)
 Sets whether the item should be selected.
virtual void setVisibility (bool visible)
 Sets whether the item is visible.
bool shouldDrawItem () const
 Returns whether the item should be drawn in the current context.
QgsLayoutSize sizeWithUnits () const
 Returns the item's current size, including units.
virtual void startLayeredExport ()
 Starts a multi-layer export operation.
virtual void stopLayeredExport ()
 Stops a multi-layer export operation.
int type () const override
 Returns a unique graphics item type identifier.
virtual QString uuid () const
 Returns the item identification string.
bool writeXml (QDomElement &parentElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
 Stores the item state in a DOM element.
virtual void zoomContent (double factor, QPointF point)
 Zooms content of item.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsLayoutObject
 QgsLayoutObject (QgsLayout *layout)
 Constructor for QgsLayoutObject, with the specified parent layout.
QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext () const override
 Creates an expression context relating to the objects' current state.
QStringList customProperties () const
 Returns list of keys stored in custom properties for the object.
QVariant customProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const
 Read a custom property from the object.
QgsPropertyCollectiondataDefinedProperties ()
 Returns a reference to the object's property collection, used for data defined overrides.
const QgsPropertyCollectiondataDefinedProperties () const
 Returns a reference to the object's property collection, used for data defined overrides.
QgsLayoutlayout ()
 Returns the layout the object is attached to.
const QgsLayoutlayout () const
 Returns the layout the object is attached to.
void removeCustomProperty (const QString &key)
 Remove a custom property from the object.
void setCustomProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
 Set a custom property for the object.
void setDataDefinedProperties (const QgsPropertyCollection &collection)
 Sets the objects's property collection, used for data defined overrides.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsExpressionContextGenerator
virtual ~QgsExpressionContextGenerator ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface
virtual ~QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface ()=default

Static Public Member Functions

static QgsLayoutItemElevationProfilecreate (QgsLayout *layout)
 Returns a new elevation profile item for the specified layout.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QgsLayoutObject
static bool propertyAssociatesWithParentMultiframe (DataDefinedProperty property)
 Returns true if the specified property key is normally associated with the parent QgsLayoutMultiFrame object instead of a child QgsLayoutFrame object.
static const QgsPropertiesDefinitionpropertyDefinitions ()
 Returns the layout object property definitions.

Protected Member Functions

void draw (QgsLayoutItemRenderContext &context) override
 Draws the item's contents using the specified item render context.
bool readPropertiesFromElement (const QDomElement &element, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override
 Sets item state from a DOM element.
bool writePropertiesToElement (QDomElement &element, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override
 Stores item state within an XML DOM element.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsLayoutItem
QPointF adjustPointForReferencePosition (QPointF point, QSizeF size, ReferencePoint reference) const
 Adjusts the specified point at which a reference position of the item sits and returns the top left corner of the item, if reference point were placed at the specified position.
QgsLayoutSize applyDataDefinedSize (const QgsLayoutSize &size)
 Applies any present data defined size overrides to the specified layout size.
virtual QSizeF applyItemSizeConstraint (QSizeF targetSize)
 Applies any item-specific size constraint handling to a given targetSize in layout units.
virtual void drawBackground (QgsRenderContext &context)
 Draws the background for the item.
virtual void drawDebugRect (QPainter *painter)
 Draws a debugging rectangle of the item's current bounds within the specified painter.
virtual void drawFrame (QgsRenderContext &context)
 Draws the frame around the item.
void drawRefreshingOverlay (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle)
 Draws a "refreshing" overlay icon on the item.
virtual QPainterPath framePath () const
 Returns the path to use when drawing the item's frame or background.
QPointF positionAtReferencePoint (ReferencePoint reference) const
 Returns the current position (in layout units) of a reference point for the item.
void refreshBackgroundColor (bool updateItem=true)
 Refresh item's background color, considering data defined colors.
void refreshBlendMode ()
 Refresh item's blend mode, considering data defined blend mode.
void refreshFrame (bool updateItem=true)
 Refresh item's frame, considering data defined colors and frame size.
void refreshItemPosition ()
 Refreshes an item's position by rechecking it against any possible overrides such as data defined positioning.
void refreshItemRotation (QPointF *origin=nullptr)
 Refreshes an item's rotation by rechecking it against any possible overrides such as data defined rotation.
void refreshItemSize ()
 Refreshes an item's size by rechecking it against any possible item fixed or minimum sizes.
void refreshOpacity (bool updateItem=true)
 Refresh item's opacity, considering data defined opacity.
virtual void setFixedSize (const QgsLayoutSize &size)
 Sets a fixed size for the layout item, which prevents it from being freely resized.
virtual void setMinimumSize (const QgsLayoutSize &size)
 Sets the minimum allowed size for the layout item.
QgsLayoutPoint topLeftToReferencePoint (const QgsLayoutPoint &point) const
 Returns the position for the reference point of the item, if the top-left of the item was placed at the specified point.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsLayoutObject
bool readObjectPropertiesFromElement (const QDomElement &parentElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
 Sets object properties from a DOM element.
bool writeObjectPropertiesToElement (QDomElement &parentElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
 Stores object properties within an XML DOM element.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QgsLayoutItem
enum  ExportLayerBehavior { CanGroupWithAnyOtherItem , CanGroupWithItemsOfSameType , MustPlaceInOwnLayer , ItemContainsSubLayers }
 Behavior of item when exporting to layered outputs. More...
enum  Flag { FlagOverridesPaint = 1 << 1 , FlagProvidesClipPath = 1 << 2 , FlagDisableSceneCaching = 1 << 3 }
 Flags for controlling how an item behaves. More...
typedef QFlags< FlagFlags
enum  ReferencePoint {
  UpperLeft , UpperMiddle , UpperRight , MiddleLeft ,
  Middle , MiddleRight , LowerLeft , LowerMiddle ,
 Fixed position reference point. More...
enum  UndoCommand {
  UndoNone = -1 , UndoIncrementalMove = 1 , UndoIncrementalResize , UndoStrokeColor ,
  UndoStrokeWidth , UndoBackgroundColor , UndoOpacity , UndoMarginLeft ,
  UndoMarginTop , UndoMarginBottom , UndoMarginRight , UndoSetId ,
  UndoRotation , UndoExportLayerName , UndoShapeStyle , UndoShapeCornerRadius ,
  UndoNodeMove , UndoAtlasMargin , UndoMapRotation , UndoZoomContent ,
  UndoOverviewStyle , UndoGridFramePenColor , UndoMapGridFrameFill1Color , UndoMapGridFrameFill2Color ,
  UndoMapAnnotationDistance , UndoMapGridAnnotationFontColor , UndoMapGridLineSymbol , UndoMapGridMarkerSymbol ,
  UndoMapGridIntervalRange , UndoMapLabelMargin , UndoPictureRotation , UndoPictureFillColor ,
  UndoPictureStrokeColor , UndoPictureStrokeWidth , UndoPictureNorthOffset , UndoLabelText ,
  UndoLabelFont , UndoLabelMargin , UndoLabelFontColor , UndoLegendText ,
  UndoLegendColumnCount , UndoLegendSymbolWidth , UndoLegendSymbolHeight , UndoLegendMaxSymbolSize ,
  UndoLegendMinSymbolSize , UndoLegendWmsLegendWidth , UndoLegendWmsLegendHeight , UndoLegendTitleSpaceBottom ,
  UndoLegendGroupSpace , UndoLegendGroupIndent , UndoLegendSubgroupIndent , UndoLegendLayerSpace ,
  UndoLegendSymbolSpace , UndoLegendIconSymbolSpace , UndoLegendFontColor , UndoLegendBoxSpace ,
  UndoLegendColumnSpace , UndoLegendLineSpacing , UndoLegendRasterStrokeWidth , UndoLegendRasterStrokeColor ,
  UndoLegendTitleFont , UndoLegendGroupFont , UndoLegendLayerFont , UndoLegendItemFont ,
  UndoScaleBarLineWidth , UndoScaleBarSegmentSize , UndoScaleBarSegmentsLeft , UndoScaleBarSegments ,
  UndoScaleBarHeight , UndoScaleBarSubdivisions , UndoScaleBarSubdivisionsHeight , UndoScaleBarFontColor ,
  UndoScaleBarFillColor , UndoScaleBarFillColor2 , UndoScaleBarStrokeColor , UndoScaleBarUnitText ,
  UndoScaleBarMapUnitsSegment , UndoScaleBarLabelBarSize , UndoScaleBarBoxContentSpace , UndoArrowStrokeWidth ,
  UndoArrowHeadWidth , UndoArrowHeadFillColor , UndoArrowHeadStrokeColor , UndoElevationProfileTolerance ,
  UndoElevationProfileChartBackground , UndoElevationProfileChartBorder , UndoElevationProfileDistanceMajorGridlines , UndoElevationProfileDistanceMinorGridlines ,
  UndoElevationProfileDistanceFormat , UndoElevationProfileDistanceFont , UndoElevationProfileDistanceLabels , UndoElevationProfileElevationMajorGridlines ,
  UndoElevationProfileElevationMinorGridlines , UndoElevationProfileElevationFormat , UndoElevationProfileElevationFont , UndoElevationProfileElevationLabels ,
  UndoElevationProfileMinimumDistance , UndoElevationProfileMaximumDistance , UndoElevationProfileMinimumElevation , UndoElevationProfileMaximumElevation ,
 Layout item undo commands, used for collapsing undo commands. More...
- Public Types inherited from QgsLayoutObject
enum class  DataDefinedProperty : int {
  NoProperty = 0 , AllProperties , TestProperty , PresetPaperSize ,
  PaperWidth , PaperHeight , NumPages , PaperOrientation ,
  PageNumber , PositionX , PositionY , ItemWidth ,
  ItemHeight , ItemRotation , Transparency , Opacity ,
  BlendMode , ExcludeFromExports , FrameColor , BackgroundColor ,
  MarginLeft , MarginTop , MarginRight , MarginBottom ,
  MapRotation , MapScale , MapXMin , MapYMin ,
  MapXMax , MapYMax , MapAtlasMargin , MapLayers ,
  MapStylePreset , MapLabelMargin , MapGridEnabled , MapGridIntervalX ,
  MapGridIntervalY , MapGridOffsetX , MapGridOffsetY , MapGridFrameSize ,
  MapGridFrameMargin , MapGridLabelDistance , MapGridCrossSize , MapGridFrameLineThickness ,
  MapGridAnnotationDisplayLeft , MapGridAnnotationDisplayRight , MapGridAnnotationDisplayTop , MapGridAnnotationDisplayBottom ,
  MapGridFrameDivisionsLeft , MapGridFrameDivisionsRight , MapGridFrameDivisionsTop , MapGridFrameDivisionsBottom ,
  MapCrs , StartDateTime , EndDateTime , MapZRangeLower ,
  MapZRangeUpper , PictureSource , PictureSvgBackgroundColor , PictureSvgStrokeColor ,
  PictureSvgStrokeWidth , SourceUrl , LegendTitle , LegendColumnCount ,
  ScalebarLeftSegments , ScalebarRightSegments , ScalebarSegmentWidth , ScalebarMinimumWidth ,
  ScalebarMaximumWidth , ScalebarHeight , ScalebarRightSegmentSubdivisions , ScalebarSubdivisionHeight ,
  ScalebarFillColor , ScalebarFillColor2 , ScalebarLineColor , ScalebarLineWidth ,
  AttributeTableSourceLayer , ElevationProfileTolerance , ElevationProfileDistanceMajorInterval , ElevationProfileDistanceMinorInterval ,
  ElevationProfileDistanceLabelInterval , ElevationProfileElevationMajorInterval , ElevationProfileElevationMinorInterval , ElevationProfileElevationLabelInterval ,
  ElevationProfileMinimumDistance , ElevationProfileMaximumDistance , ElevationProfileMinimumElevation , ElevationProfileMaximumElevation
 Data defined properties for different item types. More...
enum  PropertyValueType { EvaluatedValue = 0 , OriginalValue }
 Specifies whether the value returned by a function should be the original, user set value, or the current evaluated value for the property. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsLayoutObject
QgsObjectCustomProperties mCustomProperties
 Custom properties for object.
QgsPropertyCollection mDataDefinedProperties
QPointer< QgsLayoutmLayout
- Properties inherited from QgsLayoutItem
bool locked

Detailed Description

A layout item subclass for elevation profile plots.

QGIS 3.30

Definition at line 34 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile()

PRIVATE QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile ( QgsLayout layout)

Constructor for QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile, with the specified parent layout.

Definition at line 74 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ ~QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile()

QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::~QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile ( )

Definition at line 98 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ atlasDriven()

bool QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::atlasDriven ( ) const

Returns whether the profile curve is set to follow the current atlas feature.

See also

Definition at line 154 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.h.

◆ containsAdvancedEffects()

bool QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::containsAdvancedEffects ( ) const

Returns true if the item contains contents with blend modes or transparency effects which can only be reproduced by rastering the item.

Subclasses should ensure that implemented overrides of this method also check the base class result.

See also

Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 459 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ create()

QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile * QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::create ( QgsLayout layout)

Returns a new elevation profile item for the specified layout.

The caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.

Definition at line 109 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ crs()

QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::crs ( ) const

Returns the desired Coordinate Reference System for the profile.

This also represents the CRS associated with the profileCurve().

See also

Definition at line 508 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ distanceUnit()

Qgis::DistanceUnit QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::distanceUnit ( ) const

Returns the units for the distance axis.

See also
QGIS 3.32

Definition at line 1009 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ draw()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::draw ( QgsLayoutItemRenderContext context)

Draws the item's contents using the specified item render context.

Note that the context's painter has been scaled so that painter units are pixels. Use the QgsRenderContext methods to convert from millimeters or other units to the painter's units.

Implements QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 800 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ icon()

QIcon QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::icon ( ) const

Returns the item's icon.

Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 119 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ invalidateCache

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::invalidateCache ( )

Definition at line 791 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ itemFlags()

QgsLayoutItem::Flags QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::itemFlags ( ) const

Returns the item's flags, which indicate how the item behaves.

QGIS 3.4.3

Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 449 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ layers()

QList< QgsMapLayer * > QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::layers ( ) const

Returns the list of map layers participating in the elevation profile.

See also

Definition at line 474 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ paint()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *  itemStyle,
QWidget *  pWidget 

Definition at line 553 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ plot() [1/2]

Qgs2DPlot * QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::plot ( )

Returns a reference to the elevation plot object, which can be used to set plot appearance and properties.

Definition at line 464 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ plot() [2/2]

const Qgs2DPlot * QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::plot ( ) const

Returns a reference to the elevation plot object, which can be used to set plot appearance and properties.

Definition at line 469 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ previewRefreshed

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::previewRefreshed ( )

Emitted whenever the item's preview has been refreshed.

QGIS 3.34

◆ profileCurve()

QgsCurve * QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::profileCurve ( ) const

Returns the cross section profile curve, which represents the line along which the profile should be generated.

The coordinate reference system of the curve is retrieved via crs().

See also

Definition at line 494 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ profileRequest()

QgsProfileRequest QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::profileRequest ( ) const

Returns the profile request used to generate the elevation profile.

Definition at line 532 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ readPropertiesFromElement()

bool QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::readPropertiesFromElement ( const QDomElement &  element,
const QDomDocument &  document,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 

Sets item state from a DOM element.

elementis the DOM element for the item
documentDOM document
contextread write context

Note that item subclasses should not rely on all other items being present in the layout at the time this method is called. Instead, any connections and links to other items must be made in the finalizeRestoreFromXml() method. E.g. when restoring a scalebar, the connection to the linked map's signals should be implemented in finalizeRestoreFromXml(), not readPropertiesFromElement().

See also

Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 843 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ refresh

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::refresh ( )

Definition at line 770 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ refreshDataDefinedProperty()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::refreshDataDefinedProperty ( QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty  property = QgsLayoutObject::DataDefinedProperty::AllProperties)

Refreshes a data defined property for the item by reevaluating the property's value and redrawing the item with this new value.

If property is set to QgsLayoutObject::AllProperties then all data defined properties for the item will be refreshed.

Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 124 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ requiresRasterization()

bool QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::requiresRasterization ( ) const

Returns true if the item is drawn in such a way that forces the whole layout to be rasterized when exporting to vector formats.

See also

Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 454 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ setAtlasDriven()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::setAtlasDriven ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether the profile curve will follow the current atlas feature.

This requires an active layout atlas or report, using a line geometry type coverage layer.

See also

Definition at line 527 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ setCrs()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::setCrs ( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs)

Sets the desired Coordinate Reference System (crs) for the profile.

This also represents the CRS associated with the profileCurve().

See also

Definition at line 499 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ setDistanceUnit()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::setDistanceUnit ( Qgis::DistanceUnit  unit)

Sets the unit for the distance axis.

See also
QGIS 3.32

Definition at line 1014 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ setLayers()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::setLayers ( const QList< QgsMapLayer * > &  layers)

Sets the list of map layers participating in the elevation profile.

See also

Definition at line 479 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ setProfileCurve()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::setProfileCurve ( QgsCurve curve)

Sets the cross section profile curve, which represents the line along which the profile should be generated.

Ownership of curve is transferred to the item.

The coordinate reference system of the curve is set via setCrs().

See also

Definition at line 488 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ setTolerance()

void QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::setTolerance ( double  tolerance)

Sets the tolerance of the request (in crs() units).

This value determines how far from the profileCurve() is appropriate for inclusion of results. For instance, when a profile is generated for a point vector layer this tolerance distance will dictate how far from the actual profile curve a point can reside within to be included in the results. Other sources may completely ignore this tolerance if it is not appropriate for the particular source.

See also

Definition at line 513 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ tolerance()

double QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::tolerance ( ) const

Returns the tolerance of the request (in crs() units).

This value determines how far from the profileCurve() is appropriate for inclusion of results. For instance, when a profile is generated for a point vector layer this tolerance distance will dictate how far from the actual profile curve a point can reside within to be included in the results. Other sources may completely ignore this tolerance if it is not appropriate for the particular source.

See also

Definition at line 522 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ type()

int QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::type ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

◆ writePropertiesToElement()

bool QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile::writePropertiesToElement ( QDomElement &  element,
QDomDocument &  document,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Stores item state within an XML DOM element.

elementis the DOM element to store the item's properties in
documentDOM document
contextread write context
See also

Reimplemented from QgsLayoutItem.

Definition at line 804 of file qgslayoutitemelevationprofile.cpp.

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