QGIS API Documentation  3.22.4-Białowieża (ce8e65e95e)
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1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgsqueryresultwidget.cpp - QgsQueryResultWidget
4  ---------------------
5  begin : 14.1.2021
6  copyright : (C) 2021 by Alessandro Pasotti
7  email : elpaso at itopen dot it
8  ***************************************************************************
9  * *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
13  * (at your option) any later version. *
14  * *
15  ***************************************************************************/
16 #include "qgsqueryresultwidget.h"
18 #include "qgsexpressionutils.h"
19 #include "qgscodeeditorsql.h"
20 #include "qgsmessagelog.h"
21 #include "qgsquerybuilder.h"
22 #include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
25  : QWidget( parent )
26 {
27  setupUi( this );
29  // Unsure :/
30  // mSqlEditor->setLineNumbersVisible( true );
32  mQueryResultsTableView->hide();
33  mQueryResultsTableView->setItemDelegate( new QgsQueryResultItemDelegate( mQueryResultsTableView ) );
34  mProgressBar->hide();
36  connect( mExecuteButton, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &QgsQueryResultWidget::executeQuery );
37  connect( mClearButton, &QPushButton::pressed, this, [ = ]
38  {
39  mSqlEditor->setText( QString() );
40  } );
41  connect( mLoadLayerPushButton, &QPushButton::pressed, this, [ = ]
42  {
43  if ( mConnection )
44  {
45  emit createSqlVectorLayer( mConnection->providerKey(), mConnection->uri(), sqlVectorLayerOptions() );
46  }
47  }
48  );
49  connect( mSqlEditor, &QgsCodeEditorSQL::textChanged, this, &QgsQueryResultWidget::updateButtons );
50  connect( mFilterToolButton, &QToolButton::pressed, this, [ = ]
51  {
52  if ( mConnection )
53  {
54  try
55  {
56  std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> vlayer { mConnection->createSqlVectorLayer( sqlVectorLayerOptions() ) };
57  QgsQueryBuilder builder{ vlayer.get() };
58  if ( builder.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
59  {
60  mFilterLineEdit->setText( builder.sql() );
61  }
62  }
63  catch ( const QgsProviderConnectionException &ex )
64  {
65  mMessageBar->pushCritical( tr( "Error opening filter dialog" ), tr( "There was an error while preparing SQL filter dialog: %1." ).arg( ex.what() ) );
66  }
67  }
68  } );
71  mStatusLabel->hide();
72  mSqlErrorText->hide();
74  mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox->setCollapsed( true );
76  connect( mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox, &QgsCollapsibleGroupBox::collapsedStateChanged, this, [ = ]( bool collapsed )
77  {
78  if ( ! collapsed )
79  {
80  // Configure the load layer interface
81  const bool showPkConfig { connection &&connection->sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities().testFlag( Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapability::PrimaryKeys )};
82  mPkColumnsCheckBox->setVisible( showPkConfig );
83  mPkColumnsComboBox->setVisible( showPkConfig );
85  const bool showGeometryColumnConfig {connection &&connection->sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities().testFlag( Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapability::GeometryColumn )};
86  mGeometryColumnCheckBox->setVisible( showGeometryColumnConfig );
87  mGeometryColumnComboBox->setVisible( showGeometryColumnConfig );
89  const bool showFilterConfig { connection &&connection->sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities().testFlag( Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapability::SubsetStringFilter ) };
90  mFilterLabel->setVisible( showFilterConfig );
91  mFilterToolButton->setVisible( showFilterConfig );
92  mFilterLineEdit->setVisible( showFilterConfig );
94  const bool showDisableSelectAtId{ connection &&connection->sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities().testFlag( Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapability::UnstableFeatureIds ) };
95  mAvoidSelectingAsFeatureIdCheckBox->setVisible( showDisableSelectAtId );
97  }
98  } );
100  setConnection( connection );
101 }
104 {
105  cancelApiFetcher();
106  cancelRunningQuery();
107 }
110 {
111  mSqlVectorLayerOptions = options;
112  if ( ! options.sql.isEmpty() )
113  {
114  setQuery( options.sql );
115  }
116  mAvoidSelectingAsFeatureIdCheckBox->setChecked( options.disableSelectAtId );
117  mPkColumnsCheckBox->setChecked( ! options.primaryKeyColumns.isEmpty() );
118  mPkColumnsComboBox->setCheckedItems( {} );
119  if ( ! options.primaryKeyColumns.isEmpty() )
120  {
121  mPkColumnsComboBox->setCheckedItems( options.primaryKeyColumns );
122  }
123  mGeometryColumnCheckBox->setChecked( ! options.geometryColumn.isEmpty() );
124  mGeometryColumnComboBox->clear();
125  if ( ! options.geometryColumn.isEmpty() )
126  {
127  mGeometryColumnComboBox->setCurrentText( options.geometryColumn );
128  }
129  mFilterLineEdit->setText( options.filter );
130  mLayerNameLineEdit->setText( options.layerName );
131 }
134 {
135  mQueryWidgetMode = widgetMode;
136  switch ( widgetMode )
137  {
139  mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox->setTitle( tr( "Load as New Layer" ) );
140  mLoadLayerPushButton->setText( tr( "Load Layer" ) );
141  mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox->setCollapsed( true );
142  break;
144  mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox->setTitle( tr( "Update Query Layer" ) );
145  mLoadLayerPushButton->setText( tr( "Update Layer" ) );
146  mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox->setCollapsed( false );
147  break;
148  }
149 }
152 {
153  mQueryResultsTableView->hide();
154  mSqlErrorText->hide();
155  mFirstRowFetched = false;
157  cancelRunningQuery();
159  if ( mConnection )
160  {
161  const QString sql { mSqlEditor->text( ) };
163  mWasCanceled = false;
164  mFeedback = std::make_unique<QgsFeedback>();
165  mStopButton->setEnabled( true );
166  mStatusLabel->show();
167  mStatusLabel->setText( tr( "Executing query…" ) );
168  mProgressBar->show();
169  mProgressBar->setRange( 0, 0 );
170  mSqlErrorMessage.clear();
172  connect( mStopButton, &QPushButton::pressed, mFeedback.get(), [ = ]
173  {
174  mStatusLabel->setText( tr( "Stopped" ) );
175  mFeedback->cancel();
176  mProgressBar->hide();
177  mWasCanceled = true;
178  } );
180  // Create model when result is ready
181  connect( &mQueryResultWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QueryResult>::finished, this, &QgsQueryResultWidget::startFetching, Qt::ConnectionType::UniqueConnection );
183  QFuture<QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QueryResult> future = QtConcurrent::run( [ = ]() -> QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QueryResult
184  {
185  try
186  {
187  return mConnection->execSql( sql, mFeedback.get() );
188  }
189  catch ( QgsProviderConnectionException &ex )
190  {
191  mSqlErrorMessage = ex.what();
193  }
194  } );
195  mQueryResultWatcher.setFuture( future );
196  }
197  else
198  {
199  showError( tr( "Connection error" ), tr( "Cannot execute query: connection to the database is not available." ) );
200  }
201 }
203 void QgsQueryResultWidget::updateButtons()
204 {
205  mFilterLineEdit->setEnabled( mFirstRowFetched );
206  mFilterToolButton->setEnabled( mFirstRowFetched );
207  mExecuteButton->setEnabled( ! mSqlEditor->text().isEmpty() );
208  mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox->setVisible( mConnection && mConnection->capabilities().testFlag( QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::Capability::SqlLayers ) );
209  mLoadAsNewLayerGroupBox->setEnabled(
210  mSqlErrorMessage.isEmpty() &&
211  mFirstRowFetched
212  );
213 }
215 void QgsQueryResultWidget::updateSqlLayerColumns( )
216 {
217  // Precondition
218  Q_ASSERT( mModel );
220  mFilterToolButton->setEnabled( true );
221  mFilterLineEdit->setEnabled( true );
222  mPkColumnsComboBox->clear();
223  mGeometryColumnComboBox->clear();
224  const bool hasPkInformation { ! mSqlVectorLayerOptions.primaryKeyColumns.isEmpty() };
225  const bool hasGeomColInformation { ! mSqlVectorLayerOptions.geometryColumn.isEmpty() };
226  static const QStringList geomColCandidates { QStringLiteral( "geom" ), QStringLiteral( "geometry" ), QStringLiteral( "the_geom" ) };
227  const QStringList constCols { mModel->columns() };
228  for ( const QString &c : constCols )
229  {
230  const bool pkCheckedState = hasPkInformation ? mSqlVectorLayerOptions.primaryKeyColumns.contains( c ) : c.contains( QStringLiteral( "id" ), Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive );
231  // Only check first match
232  mPkColumnsComboBox->addItemWithCheckState( c, pkCheckedState && mPkColumnsComboBox->checkedItems().isEmpty() ? Qt::CheckState::Checked : Qt::CheckState::Unchecked );
233  mGeometryColumnComboBox->addItem( c );
234  if ( ! hasGeomColInformation && geomColCandidates.contains( c, Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive ) )
235  {
236  mGeometryColumnComboBox->setCurrentText( c );
237  }
238  }
239  mPkColumnsCheckBox->setChecked( hasPkInformation );
240  mGeometryColumnCheckBox->setChecked( hasGeomColInformation );
241  if ( hasGeomColInformation )
242  {
243  mGeometryColumnComboBox->setCurrentText( mSqlVectorLayerOptions.geometryColumn );
244  }
245 }
247 void QgsQueryResultWidget::cancelRunningQuery()
248 {
249  // Cancel other threads
250  if ( mFeedback )
251  {
252  mFeedback->cancel();
253  }
255  // ... and wait
256  if ( mQueryResultWatcher.isRunning() )
257  {
258  mQueryResultWatcher.waitForFinished();
259  }
260 }
262 void QgsQueryResultWidget::cancelApiFetcher()
263 {
264  if ( mApiFetcher )
265  {
266  mApiFetcher->stopFetching();
267  mApiFetcherWorkerThread.quit();
268  mApiFetcherWorkerThread.wait();
269  }
270 }
272 void QgsQueryResultWidget::startFetching()
273 {
274  if ( ! mWasCanceled )
275  {
276  if ( ! mSqlErrorMessage.isEmpty() )
277  {
278  showError( tr( "SQL error" ), mSqlErrorMessage, true );
279  }
280  else
281  {
282  if ( mQueryResultWatcher.result().rowCount() != static_cast<long long>( Qgis::FeatureCountState::UnknownCount ) )
283  {
284  mStatusLabel->setText( QStringLiteral( "Query executed successfully (%1 rows, %2 ms)" )
285  .arg( QLocale().toString( mQueryResultWatcher.result().rowCount() ),
286  QLocale().toString( mQueryResultWatcher.result().queryExecutionTime() ) ) );
287  }
288  else
289  {
290  mStatusLabel->setText( QStringLiteral( "Query executed successfully (%1 s)" ).arg( QLocale().toString( mQueryResultWatcher.result().queryExecutionTime() ) ) );
291  }
292  mProgressBar->hide();
293  mModel = std::make_unique<QgsQueryResultModel>( mQueryResultWatcher.result() );
294  connect( mFeedback.get(), &QgsFeedback::canceled, mModel.get(), [ = ]
295  {
296  mModel->cancel();
297  mWasCanceled = true;
298  } );
300  connect( mModel.get(), &QgsQueryResultModel::fetchMoreRows, this, [ = ]( long long maxRows )
301  {
302  mFetchedRowsBatchCount = 0;
303  mProgressBar->setRange( 0, maxRows );
304  mProgressBar->show();
305  } );
307  connect( mModel.get(), &QgsQueryResultModel::rowsInserted, this, [ = ]( const QModelIndex &, int first, int last )
308  {
309  if ( ! mFirstRowFetched )
310  {
311  emit firstResultBatchFetched();
312  mFirstRowFetched = true;
313  mQueryResultsTableView->show();
314  updateButtons();
315  updateSqlLayerColumns( );
316  mActualRowCount = mModel->queryResult().rowCount();
317  }
318  mStatusLabel->setText( tr( "Fetched rows: %1/%2 %3 %4 ms" )
319  .arg( QLocale().toString( mModel->rowCount( mModel->index( -1, -1 ) ) ),
320  mActualRowCount != -1 ? QLocale().toString( mActualRowCount ) : tr( "unknown" ),
321  mWasCanceled ? tr( "(stopped)" ) : QString(),
322  QLocale().toString( mQueryResultWatcher.result().queryExecutionTime() ) ) );
323  mFetchedRowsBatchCount += last - first + 1;
324  mProgressBar->setValue( mFetchedRowsBatchCount );
325  } );
327  mQueryResultsTableView->setModel( mModel.get() );
328  mQueryResultsTableView->show();
330  connect( mModel.get(), &QgsQueryResultModel::fetchingComplete, mStopButton, [ = ]
331  {
332  mProgressBar->hide();
333  mStopButton->setEnabled( false );
334  } );
335  }
336  }
337  else
338  {
339  mStatusLabel->setText( tr( "SQL command aborted" ) );
340  mProgressBar->hide();
341  }
342 }
344 void QgsQueryResultWidget::showError( const QString &title, const QString &message, bool isSqlError )
345 {
346  mStatusLabel->show();
347  mStatusLabel->setText( tr( "An error occurred while executing the query" ) );
348  mProgressBar->hide();
349  mQueryResultsTableView->hide();
350  if ( isSqlError )
351  {
352  mSqlErrorText->show();
353  mSqlErrorText->setText( message );
354  }
355  else
356  {
357  mMessageBar->pushCritical( title, message );
358  }
359 }
361 void QgsQueryResultWidget::tokensReady( const QStringList &tokens )
362 {
363  mSqlEditor->setExtraKeywords( mSqlEditor->extraKeywords() + tokens );
364  mSqlErrorText->setExtraKeywords( mSqlErrorText->extraKeywords() + tokens );
365 }
368 QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SqlVectorLayerOptions QgsQueryResultWidget::sqlVectorLayerOptions() const
369 {
370  mSqlVectorLayerOptions.sql = mSqlEditor->text();
371  mSqlVectorLayerOptions.filter = mFilterLineEdit->text();
372  mSqlVectorLayerOptions.primaryKeyColumns = mPkColumnsComboBox->checkedItems();
373  mSqlVectorLayerOptions.geometryColumn = mGeometryColumnComboBox->currentText();
374  mSqlVectorLayerOptions.layerName = mLayerNameLineEdit->text();
375  mSqlVectorLayerOptions.disableSelectAtId = mAvoidSelectingAsFeatureIdCheckBox->isChecked();
376  QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SqlVectorLayerOptions options { mSqlVectorLayerOptions };
377  // Override if not used
378  if ( ! mPkColumnsCheckBox->isChecked() )
379  {
380  options.primaryKeyColumns.clear();
381  }
382  if ( ! mGeometryColumnCheckBox->isChecked() )
383  {
384  options.geometryColumn.clear();
385  }
386  return options;
387 }
390 {
391  mConnection.reset( connection );
393  cancelApiFetcher();
395  if ( connection )
396  {
398  // Add provider specific APIs
399  const QMultiMap<Qgis::SqlKeywordCategory, QStringList> keywordsDict { connection->sqlDictionary() };
400  QStringList keywords;
401  for ( auto it = keywordsDict.constBegin(); it != keywordsDict.constEnd(); it++ )
402  {
403  keywords.append( it.value() );
404  }
406  // Add static keywords from provider
407  mSqlEditor->setExtraKeywords( keywords );
408  mSqlErrorText->setExtraKeywords( keywords );
410  // Add dynamic keywords in a separate thread
411  mApiFetcher = std::make_unique<QgsConnectionsApiFetcher>( connection );
412  mApiFetcher->moveToThread( &mApiFetcherWorkerThread );
413  connect( &mApiFetcherWorkerThread, &QThread::started, mApiFetcher.get(), &QgsConnectionsApiFetcher::fetchTokens );
414  connect( mApiFetcher.get(), &QgsConnectionsApiFetcher::tokensReady, this, &QgsQueryResultWidget::tokensReady );
415  connect( mApiFetcher.get(), &QgsConnectionsApiFetcher::fetchingFinished, &mApiFetcherWorkerThread, [ = ]
416  {
417  mApiFetcherWorkerThread.quit();
418  mApiFetcherWorkerThread.wait();
419  } );
420  mApiFetcherWorkerThread.start();
421  }
423  updateButtons();
425 }
427 void QgsQueryResultWidget::setQuery( const QString &sql )
428 {
429  mSqlEditor->setText( sql );
430 }
432 void QgsQueryResultWidget::notify( const QString &title, const QString &text, Qgis::MessageLevel level )
433 {
434  mMessageBar->pushMessage( title, text, level );
435 }
440 void QgsConnectionsApiFetcher::fetchTokens()
441 {
442  if ( ! mStopFetching && mConnection )
443  {
444  QStringList schemas;
445  if ( mConnection->capabilities().testFlag( QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::Capability::Schemas ) )
446  {
447  try
448  {
449  schemas = mConnection->schemas();
450  emit tokensReady( schemas );
451  }
452  catch ( QgsProviderConnectionException &ex )
453  {
454  QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Error retrieving schemas: %1" ).arg( ex.what() ), QStringLiteral( "QGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
455  }
456  }
457  else
458  {
459  schemas.push_back( QString() ); // Fake empty schema for DBs not supporting it
460  }
462  for ( const auto &schema : std::as_const( schemas ) )
463  {
465  if ( mStopFetching )
466  {
467  return;
468  }
470  QStringList tableNames;
471  try
472  {
473  const QList<QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty> tables = mConnection->tables( schema );
474  for ( const QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty &table : std::as_const( tables ) )
475  {
476  if ( mStopFetching ) { return; }
477  tableNames.push_back( table.tableName() );
478  }
479  emit tokensReady( tableNames );
480  }
481  catch ( QgsProviderConnectionException &ex )
482  {
483  QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Error retrieving tables: %1" ).arg( ex.what() ), QStringLiteral( "QGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
484  }
486  // Get fields
487  for ( const auto &table : std::as_const( tableNames ) )
488  {
490  if ( mStopFetching )
491  {
492  return;
493  }
495  QStringList fieldNames;
496  try
497  {
498  const QgsFields fields( mConnection->fields( schema, table ) );
499  if ( mStopFetching ) { return; }
500  for ( const auto &field : std::as_const( fields ) )
501  {
502  fieldNames.push_back( field.name() );
503  if ( mStopFetching ) { return; }
504  }
505  emit tokensReady( fieldNames );
506  }
507  catch ( QgsProviderConnectionException &ex )
508  {
509  QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Error retrieving fields for table %1: %2" ).arg( table, ex.what() ), QStringLiteral( "QGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
510  }
511  }
512  }
513  }
514  emit fetchingFinished();
515 }
517 void QgsConnectionsApiFetcher::stopFetching()
518 {
519  mStopFetching = 1;
520 }
523 QgsQueryResultItemDelegate::QgsQueryResultItemDelegate( QObject *parent )
524  : QStyledItemDelegate( parent )
525 {
526 }
528 QString QgsQueryResultItemDelegate::displayText( const QVariant &value, const QLocale &locale ) const
529 {
530  Q_UNUSED( locale )
531  QString result { QgsExpressionUtils::toLocalizedString( value ) };
532  // Show no more than 255 characters
533  if ( result.length() > 255 )
534  {
535  result.truncate( 255 );
536  result.append( QStringLiteral( "…" ) );
537  }
538  return result;
539 }
Level for messages This will be used both for message log and message bar in application.
Definition: qgis.h:106
@ UnstableFeatureIds
SQL layer definition supports disabling select at id.
@ SubsetStringFilter
SQL layer definition supports subset string filter.
@ PrimaryKeys
SQL layer definition supports primary keys.
@ GeometryColumn
SQL layer definition supports geometry column.
The QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection class provides common functionality for DB based connection...
virtual Qgis::SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities sqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities()
Returns SQL layer definition capabilities (Filters, GeometryColumn, PrimaryKeys).
virtual QMultiMap< Qgis::SqlKeywordCategory, QStringList > sqlDictionary()
Returns a dictionary of SQL keywords supported by the provider.
void collapsedStateChanged(bool collapsed)
Signal emitted when groupbox collapsed/expanded state is changed, and when first shown.
QString what() const
Definition: qgsexception.h:48
void canceled()
Internal routines can connect to this signal if they use event loop.
QString name
Definition: qgsfield.h:60
Container of fields for a vector layer.
Definition: qgsfields.h:45
static void logMessage(const QString &message, const QString &tag=QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning, bool notifyUser=true)
Adds a message to the log instance (and creates it if necessary).
Custom exception class for provider connection related exceptions.
Definition: qgsexception.h:101
Query Builder for layers.
void fetchMoreRows(qlonglong maxRows)
Emitted when more rows are requested.
void fetchingComplete()
Emitted when rows have been fetched (all of them or a batch if maxRows was passed to fetchMoreRows() ...
void tokensReady(const QStringList &tokens)
Triggered when the threaded API fetcher has new tokens to add.
void notify(const QString &title, const QString &text, Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Info)
Displays a message with text title and level in the widget's message bar.
void setQuery(const QString &sql)
Convenience method to set the SQL editor text to sql.
void setSqlVectorLayerOptions(const QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SqlVectorLayerOptions &options)
Initializes the widget from options.
QgsQueryResultWidget(QWidget *parent=nullptr, QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection *connection=nullptr)
Creates a QgsQueryResultWidget with the given connection, ownership is transferred to the widget.
void setConnection(QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection *connection)
Sets the connection to connection, ownership is transferred to the widget.
void showError(const QString &title, const QString &message, bool isSqlError=false)
Hides the result table and shows the error title and message in the message bar or in the SQL error p...
void executeQuery()
Starts executing the query.
The QueryWidgetMode enum represents various modes for the widget appearance.
@ QueryLayerUpdateMode
SQL query layer update mode: the create SQL layer button is renamed to 'Update' and the SQL layer cre...
@ SqlQueryMode
Defaults widget mode for SQL execution and SQL query layer creation.
void createSqlVectorLayer(const QString &providerKey, const QString &connectionUri, const QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::SqlVectorLayerOptions &options)
Emitted when a new vector SQL (query) layer must be created.
void setWidgetMode(QueryWidgetMode widgetMode)
Sets the widget mode to widgetMode, default is SqlQueryMode.
@ UnknownCount
Provider returned an unknown feature count.
As part of the API refactoring and improvements which landed in the Processing API was substantially reworked from the x version This was done in order to allow much of the underlying Processing framework to be ported into c
const QgsField & field
Definition: qgsfield.h:463
The QueryResult class represents the result of a query executed by execSql()
The SqlVectorLayerOptions stores all information required to create a SQL (query) layer.
QString sql
The SQL expression that defines the SQL (query) layer.
QString filter
Additional subset string (provider-side filter), not all data providers support this feature: check s...
bool disableSelectAtId
If SelectAtId is disabled (default is false), not all data providers support this feature: check supp...
The TableProperty class represents a database table or view.