class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeAnnotationLayer |
| An annotation layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeAuthConfig |
| A authentication configuration parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeBand |
| A raster band parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeBoolean |
| A boolean parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeColor |
| A color parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeCoordinateOperation |
| A coordinate operation parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeCrs |
| A crs parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseSchema |
| A database schema name parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseTable |
| A database table name parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDateTime |
| A datetime parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDistance |
| A distance parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDuration |
| A duration parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeEnum |
| An enum based parameter for processing algorithms, allowing for selection from predefined values. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeExpression |
| An expression parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeExtent |
| A rectangular map extent parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSink |
| A feature sink parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSource |
| An input feature source (such as vector layers) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeField |
| A vector layer or feature source field parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFile |
| An input file or folder parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFileDestination |
| A generic file based destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a file (non-map layer) created by the algorithm. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFolderDestination |
| A folder destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a folder created by the algorithm or used for creating new files within the algorithm. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeGeometry |
| A geometry parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayout |
| A print layout parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayoutItem |
| A print layout item parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMapLayer |
| A generic map layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMapTheme |
| A map theme parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMatrix |
| A table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMeshLayer |
| A mesh layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMultipleLayers |
| A parameter for processing algorithms which accepts multiple map layers. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeNumber |
| A numeric parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypePoint |
| A point parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypePointCloudLayer |
| A point cloud layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeProviderConnection |
| A provider connection name parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeRange |
| A numeric range parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterDestination |
| A raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterLayer |
| A raster layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeScale |
| A scale parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeString |
| A string parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorDestination |
| A vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm. More...
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorLayer |
| A vector layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...