QGIS API Documentation  3.22.4-Białowieża (ce8e65e95e)
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1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgsmeshadvancedediting.cpp - QgsMeshAdvancedEditing
4  ---------------------
5  begin : 9.7.2021
6  copyright : (C) 2021 by Vincent Cloarec
7  email : vcloarec at gmail dot com
8  ***************************************************************************
9  * *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
13  * (at your option) any later version. *
14  * *
15  ***************************************************************************/
16 #include "qgsmeshadvancedediting.h"
18 #include "qgis.h"
19 #include "qgsmesheditor.h"
20 #include "poly2tri.h"
22 #include "qgsmeshlayer.h"
23 #include "qgsexpression.h"
31 void QgsMeshAdvancedEditing::setInputVertices( const QList<int> verticesIndexes )
32 {
33  mInputVertices = verticesIndexes;
34 }
36 void QgsMeshAdvancedEditing::setInputFaces( const QList<int> faceIndexes )
37 {
38  mInputFaces = faceIndexes;
39 }
42 {
43  return mMessage;
44 }
47 {
48  mInputVertices.clear();
49  mInputFaces.clear();
50  mMessage.clear();
51  mIsFinished = false;
52  clearChanges();
53 }
56 {
57  return mIsFinished;
58 }
61 {
62  return QString();
63 }
65 static int vertexPositionInFace( int vertexIndex, const QgsMeshFace &face )
66 {
67  return face.indexOf( vertexIndex );
68 }
70 static int vertexPositionInFace( const QgsMesh &mesh, int vertexIndex, int faceIndex )
71 {
72  if ( faceIndex < 0 || faceIndex >= mesh.faceCount() )
73  return -1;
75  return vertexPositionInFace( vertexIndex, mesh.face( faceIndex ) );
76 }
80 QgsTopologicalMesh::Changes QgsMeshEditRefineFaces::apply( QgsMeshEditor *meshEditor )
81 {
82  QSet<int> facesToRefine = qgis::listToSet( mInputFaces );
83  QHash<int, FaceRefinement> facesRefinement;
84  QHash<int, BorderFace> borderFaces;
86  createNewVerticesAndRefinedFaces( meshEditor, facesToRefine, facesRefinement );
87  if ( !createNewBorderFaces( meshEditor, facesToRefine, facesRefinement, borderFaces ) )
90  // create new vertices
91  const QgsMesh &nativeMesh = *meshEditor->topologicalMesh().mesh();
92  mAddedFacesFirstIndex = nativeMesh.faceCount();
94  mFaceIndexesToRemove = facesRefinement.keys();
95  mFaceIndexesToRemove.append( borderFaces.keys() );
96  mFacesToRemove.resize( mFaceIndexesToRemove.size() );
98  for ( int i = 0; i < mFaceIndexesToRemove.count(); ++i )
99  {
100  int faceIndexToRemove = mFaceIndexesToRemove.at( i );
101  mFacesToRemove[i] = nativeMesh.face( faceIndexToRemove );
102  mFacesNeighborhoodToRemove[i] = meshEditor->topologicalMesh().neighborsOfFace( faceIndexToRemove );
103  }
105  meshEditor->topologicalMesh().applyChanges( *this );
107  mIsFinished = true;
109  return *this;
110 }
112 void QgsMeshEditRefineFaces::createNewVerticesAndRefinedFaces( QgsMeshEditor *meshEditor,
113  QSet<int> &facesToRefine,
114  QHash<int, FaceRefinement> &facesRefinement )
115 {
116  const QgsTopologicalMesh &topology = meshEditor->topologicalMesh();
117  const QgsMesh &mesh = *meshEditor->topologicalMesh().mesh();
119  int startingVertexIndex = mesh.vertexCount();
120  int startingGlobalFaceIndex = mesh.faceCount();
122  for ( const int faceIndex : std::as_const( mInputFaces ) )
123  {
124  FaceRefinement refinement;
126  const QgsMeshFace &face = mesh.face( faceIndex );
127  int faceSize = face.size();
129  QVector<int> addedVerticesIndex( faceSize, -1 );
131  if ( faceSize == 3 || faceSize == 4 )
132  {
133  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.reserve( faceSize );
134  refinement.refinedFaceNeighbor.reserve( faceSize );
135  refinement.borderFaceNeighbor.reserve( faceSize );
136  const QVector<int> &neighbors = topology.neighborsOfFace( faceIndex );
138  double zValueSum = 0;
140  for ( int positionInFace = 0; positionInFace < faceSize; ++positionInFace )
141  {
142  refinement.refinedFaceNeighbor.append( false );
143  refinement.borderFaceNeighbor.append( false );
145  int neighborFaceIndex = neighbors.at( positionInFace );
146  bool needCreateVertex = true;
147  if ( neighborFaceIndex != -1 && facesToRefine.contains( neighborFaceIndex ) )
148  {
149  int neighborFaceSize = mesh.face( neighborFaceIndex ).size();
150  int positionVertexInNeighbor = vertexPositionInFace( mesh, face.at( positionInFace ), neighborFaceIndex );
151  positionVertexInNeighbor = ( positionVertexInNeighbor + neighborFaceSize - 1 ) % neighborFaceSize;
152  refinement.refinedFaceNeighbor[positionInFace] = true;
153  QHash<int, FaceRefinement>::iterator it = facesRefinement.find( neighborFaceIndex );
154  if ( it != facesRefinement.end() )
155  {
156  FaceRefinement &neighborRefinement = it.value();
157  int existingVertexLocalIndex = neighborRefinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( positionVertexInNeighbor );
158  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.append( existingVertexLocalIndex );
159  needCreateVertex = false;
160  zValueSum += mVerticesToAdd.at( existingVertexLocalIndex ).z();
161  }
162  }
164  if ( needCreateVertex )
165  {
166  const QgsMeshVertex &vertex1 = mesh.vertex( face.at( positionInFace ) );
167  const QgsMeshVertex &vertex2 = mesh.vertex( face.at( ( positionInFace + 1 ) % faceSize ) );
169  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.append( mVerticesToAdd.count() );
170  addedVerticesIndex[positionInFace] = mVerticesToAdd.count();
172  mVerticesToAdd.append( QgsMeshVertex( ( vertex1.x() + vertex2.x() ) / 2,
173  ( vertex1.y() + vertex2.y() ) / 2,
174  ( vertex1.z() + vertex2.z() ) / 2 ) );
176  zValueSum += mVerticesToAdd.last().z();
177  mVertexToFaceToAdd.append( -1 );
179  }
180  }
182  int faceStartIndex = startingGlobalFaceIndex + mFacesToAdd.count();
184  if ( faceSize == 3 )
185  {
186  for ( int i = 0; i < faceSize; ++i )
187  {
188  QgsMeshFace newFace( {face.at( i ),
189  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( i ) + startingVertexIndex,
190  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( ( i + faceSize - 1 ) % faceSize ) + startingVertexIndex} );
191  refinement.newFacesChangesIndex.append( mFacesToAdd.count() );
192  mFacesToAdd.append( newFace );
193  mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd.append( {-1, faceStartIndex + 3, -1} );
195  }
196  QgsMeshFace newFace( {refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( 0 ) + startingVertexIndex,
197  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( 1 ) + startingVertexIndex,
198  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( ( 2 ) % faceSize ) + startingVertexIndex} );
199  refinement.newFacesChangesIndex.append( mFacesToAdd.count() );
200  mFacesToAdd.append( newFace );
201  mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd.append( {faceStartIndex + 1, faceStartIndex + 2, faceStartIndex} );
202  }
204  if ( faceSize == 4 )
205  {
206  int centerVertexIndex = mVerticesToAdd.count() + startingVertexIndex;
207  refinement.newCenterVertexIndex = mVerticesToAdd.count();
208  QgsMeshVertex centerVertex = QgsMeshUtils::centroid( face, mesh.vertices );
209  mVerticesToAdd.append( QgsMeshVertex( centerVertex.x(), centerVertex.y(), zValueSum / 4 ) );
211  for ( int i = 0; i < faceSize; ++i )
212  {
213  QgsMeshFace newFace( {face.at( i ),
214  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( i ) + startingVertexIndex,
215  centerVertexIndex,
216  refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( ( i + faceSize - 1 ) % faceSize ) + startingVertexIndex} );
217  refinement.newFacesChangesIndex.append( mFacesToAdd.count() );
218  mFacesToAdd.append( newFace );
219  mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd.append( {-1, faceStartIndex + ( i + 1 ) % 4, faceStartIndex + ( i + 3 ) % 4, -1} );
220  }
222  mVertexToFaceToAdd.append( mFacesToAdd.count() + startingGlobalFaceIndex - 1 );
223  }
224  else
225  refinement.newCenterVertexIndex = -1;
227  facesRefinement.insert( faceIndex, refinement );
228  }
229  else
230  {
231  //not 3 or 4 vertices, we do not refine this face
232  facesToRefine.remove( faceIndex );
233  }
235  //look for vertexToFace
236  for ( int positionInFace = 0; positionInFace < faceSize; ++positionInFace )
237  {
238  if ( addedVerticesIndex.at( positionInFace ) != -1 )
239  {
240  mVertexToFaceToAdd[addedVerticesIndex.at( positionInFace )] =
241  refinement.newFacesChangesIndex.at( positionInFace ) + startingGlobalFaceIndex;
242  }
244  int vertexIndex = face.at( positionInFace );
245  if ( topology.firstFaceLinked( vertexIndex ) == faceIndex )
246  mVerticesToFaceChanges.append( {vertexIndex, faceIndex, refinement.newFacesChangesIndex.at( positionInFace ) + startingGlobalFaceIndex} );
247  }
248  }
250  //all new refined faces are in place, we can build their neighborhood with other new refined faces
251  for ( QHash<int, FaceRefinement>::iterator it = facesRefinement.begin(); it != facesRefinement.end(); ++it )
252  {
253  int faceIndex = it.key();
254  FaceRefinement &faceRefinement = it.value();
255  const QgsMeshFace &face = mesh.face( faceIndex );
256  int faceSize = face.size();
258  const QVector<int> &neighbors = topology.neighborsOfFace( faceIndex );
260  for ( int positionInFace = 0; positionInFace < faceSize; ++positionInFace )
261  {
262  if ( faceRefinement.refinedFaceNeighbor.at( positionInFace ) )
263  {
264  int neighborIndex = neighbors.at( positionInFace );
265  int firstVertexIndex = face.at( positionInFace );
266  int secondVertexIndex = faceRefinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( positionInFace ) + startingVertexIndex;
268  const FaceRefinement &otherRefinement = facesRefinement.value( neighborIndex );
269  const QgsMeshFace &otherFace = mesh.face( neighborIndex );
270  int otherFaceSize = otherFace.size();
271  int otherPositionInface = ( vertexPositionInFace( firstVertexIndex, otherFace ) + otherFaceSize - 1 ) % otherFaceSize;
273  int newFace1ChangesIndex = faceRefinement.newFacesChangesIndex.at( ( positionInFace ) );
274  const QgsMeshFace &newFace1 = mFacesToAdd.at( newFace1ChangesIndex );
275  int positionInNewface1Index = vertexPositionInFace( firstVertexIndex, newFace1 );
277  int newFace2ChangesIndex = faceRefinement.newFacesChangesIndex.at( ( positionInFace + 1 ) % faceSize );
278  const QgsMeshFace &newFace2 = mFacesToAdd.at( newFace2ChangesIndex );
279  int positionInNewface2Index = vertexPositionInFace( secondVertexIndex, newFace2 );
281  int otherNewFace1ChangesIndex = otherRefinement.newFacesChangesIndex.at( ( otherPositionInface ) % otherFaceSize );
282  int otherNewFace2ChangesIndex = otherRefinement.newFacesChangesIndex.at( ( otherPositionInface + 1 ) % otherFaceSize );
284  mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd[newFace1ChangesIndex][positionInNewface1Index] = otherNewFace2ChangesIndex + startingGlobalFaceIndex;
285  mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd[newFace2ChangesIndex][positionInNewface2Index] = otherNewFace1ChangesIndex + startingGlobalFaceIndex;
286  }
287  }
288  }
289 }
291 bool QgsMeshEditRefineFaces::createNewBorderFaces( QgsMeshEditor *meshEditor,
292  const QSet<int> &facesToRefine,
293  QHash<int, FaceRefinement> &facesRefinement,
294  QHash<int, BorderFace> &borderFaces )
295 {
296  const QgsTopologicalMesh &topology = meshEditor->topologicalMesh();
297  const QgsMesh &mesh = *meshEditor->topologicalMesh().mesh();
299  int startingVertexIndex = mesh.vertexCount();
300  int startingFaceChangesGlobalIndex = mesh.faceCount();
302  // first create the border faces
303  for ( int faceIndexToRefine : facesToRefine )
304  {
305  const QgsMeshFace &faceToRefine = mesh.face( faceIndexToRefine );
306  int faceToRefineSize = faceToRefine.size();
308  const QVector<int> &neighbors = topology.neighborsOfFace( faceIndexToRefine );
310  QHash<int, FaceRefinement>::iterator itFace = facesRefinement.find( faceIndexToRefine );
312  if ( itFace == facesRefinement.end() )
313  Q_ASSERT( false ); // That could not happen
315  FaceRefinement &refinement = itFace.value();
317  for ( int posInFaceToRefine = 0; posInFaceToRefine < faceToRefineSize; ++posInFaceToRefine )
318  {
319  int neighborFaceIndex = neighbors.at( posInFaceToRefine );
320  if ( neighborFaceIndex != -1 && !facesToRefine.contains( neighborFaceIndex ) )
321  {
322  const QgsMeshFace &neighborFace = mesh.face( neighborFaceIndex );
323  int neighborFaceSize = neighborFace.size();
324  int positionInNeighbor = vertexPositionInFace( mesh, faceToRefine.at( posInFaceToRefine ), neighborFaceIndex );
325  positionInNeighbor = ( positionInNeighbor + neighborFaceSize - 1 ) % neighborFaceSize;
327  QHash<int, BorderFace>::iterator it = borderFaces.find( neighborFaceIndex );
328  if ( it == borderFaces.end() ) //not present for now--> create a border face
329  {
330  BorderFace borderFace;
331  for ( int i = 0; i < neighborFaceSize; ++i )
332  {
333  borderFace.unchangeFacesNeighbor.append( false );
334  borderFace.borderFacesNeighbor.append( false );
335  if ( i == positionInNeighbor )
336  {
337  borderFace.refinedFacesNeighbor.append( true );
338  borderFace.newVerticesLocalIndex.append( refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( posInFaceToRefine ) );
339  }
340  else
341  {
342  borderFace.refinedFacesNeighbor.append( false );
343  borderFace.newVerticesLocalIndex.append( -1 );
344  }
345  }
346  borderFaces.insert( neighborFaceIndex, borderFace );
347  }
348  else
349  {
350  BorderFace &borderFace = it.value();
351  for ( int i = 0; i < neighborFaceSize; ++i )
352  {
353  if ( i == positionInNeighbor )
354  {
355  borderFace.unchangeFacesNeighbor[i] = false;
356  borderFace.borderFacesNeighbor[i] = false;
357  borderFace.refinedFacesNeighbor[i] = true;
358  borderFace.newVerticesLocalIndex[i] = refinement.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( posInFaceToRefine );
359  }
360  }
361  }
362  }
363  }
364  }
366  // now build information about neighbors
367  for ( QHash<int, BorderFace>::iterator it = borderFaces.begin(); it != borderFaces.end(); ++it )
368  {
369  int faceIndex = it.key();
370  BorderFace &borderFace = it.value();
372  const QgsMeshFace &face = mesh.face( faceIndex );
373  int faceSize = face.size();
375  const QVector<int> &neighbors = topology.neighborsOfFace( faceIndex );
376  for ( int posInFace = 0; posInFace < faceSize; ++posInFace )
377  {
378  int neighborIndex = neighbors.at( posInFace );
380  if ( neighborIndex != -1 )
381  {
382  const QgsMeshFace &neighborFace = mesh.face( neighborIndex );
383  int neighborFaceSize = neighborFace.size();
384  int posInNeighbor = vertexPositionInFace( mesh, face.at( posInFace ), neighborIndex );
385  posInNeighbor = ( posInNeighbor - 1 + neighborFaceSize ) % neighborFaceSize;
387  QHash<int, FaceRefinement>::iterator itRefinement = facesRefinement.find( neighborIndex );
388  if ( itRefinement != facesRefinement.end() )
389  {
390  FaceRefinement &neighborRefinement = itRefinement.value();
391  neighborRefinement.borderFaceNeighbor[posInNeighbor] = true;
392  borderFace.refinedFacesNeighbor[posInFace] = true;
393  continue;
394  }
396  QHash<int, BorderFace>::iterator itNeighborBorder = borderFaces.find( neighborIndex );
397  if ( itNeighborBorder == borderFaces.end() )
398  borderFace.unchangeFacesNeighbor[posInFace] = true;
399  else
400  {
401  BorderFace &neighborBorderFace = itNeighborBorder.value();
402  neighborBorderFace.borderFacesNeighbor[posInNeighbor] = true;
403  borderFace.borderFacesNeighbor[posInFace] = true;
404  continue;
405  }
406  }
408  borderFace.unchangeFacesNeighbor[posInFace] = true;
410  }
411  }
413 // create new faces for each border faces
414  for ( QHash<int, BorderFace>::iterator it = borderFaces.begin(); it != borderFaces.end(); ++it )
415  {
416  int faceIndex = it.key();
417  BorderFace &borderFace = it.value();
419  const QgsMeshFace &face = mesh.face( faceIndex );
420  int faceSize = face.size();
422  QHash<p2t::Point *, int> mapPoly2TriPointToVertex;
423  std::vector<p2t::Point *> points;
424  for ( int i = 0; i < faceSize; ++i )
425  {
426  const QgsMeshVertex &vert = mesh.vertex( face.at( i ) );
427  points.push_back( new p2t::Point( vert.x(), vert.y() ) );
428  mapPoly2TriPointToVertex.insert( points.back(), face.at( i ) );
429  if ( borderFace.refinedFacesNeighbor.at( i ) )
430  {
431  int localVertexIndex = borderFace.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( i );
432  const QgsMeshVertex &newVert = mVerticesToAdd.at( localVertexIndex );
433  points.push_back( new p2t::Point( newVert.x(), newVert.y() ) );
434  mapPoly2TriPointToVertex.insert( points.back(), localVertexIndex + startingVertexIndex );
435  }
436  }
438  try
439  {
440  std::unique_ptr<p2t::CDT> cdt( new p2t::CDT( points ) );
441  cdt->Triangulate();
442  std::vector<p2t::Triangle *> triangles = cdt->GetTriangles();
443  QVector<QgsMeshFace> faces( triangles.size() );
444  for ( size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); ++i )
445  {
446  QgsMeshFace &triangle = faces[i];
447  triangle.resize( 3 );
448  QVector<QgsMeshVertex> vertices( 3 );
449  for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
450  {
451  int vertInd = mapPoly2TriPointToVertex.value( triangles.at( i )->GetPoint( j ), -1 );
452  if ( vertInd == -1 )
453  throw std::exception();;
454  triangle[j] = vertInd;
455  if ( vertInd >= startingVertexIndex )
456  vertices[j] = mVerticesToAdd.at( vertInd - startingVertexIndex );
457  else
458  vertices[j] = mesh.vertex( vertInd );
459  }
460  QgsMeshUtils::setCounterClockwise( triangle, vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2] );
461  }
463  int startingFaceIndex = mesh.faceCount() + mFacesToAdd.count();
465  QgsMeshEditingError error;
467  QVector<QgsTopologicalMesh::FaceNeighbors> neighborhood = topologicalFaces.facesNeighborhood();
469  // reindex internal neighborhod
470  for ( int i = 0; i < neighborhood.count(); ++i )
471  {
472  QgsTopologicalMesh::FaceNeighbors &neighbors = neighborhood[i];
473  for ( int j = 0; j < neighbors.count(); ++j )
474  {
475  if ( neighbors[j] != -1 ) //internal neighborhood
476  neighbors[j] = neighbors[j] + startingFaceIndex;
477  }
478  }
480  QVector<int> neighborOfFace = topology.neighborsOfFace( faceIndex );
482  // connect neighboring with refined faces, other border face and unchanged faces
483  for ( int positionInFace = 0; positionInFace < faceSize; ++positionInFace )
484  {
485  if ( borderFace.refinedFacesNeighbor.at( positionInFace ) )
486  {
487  //here we have two edges to treat
488  QVector<int> vertexIndexes( 2 );
489  QVector<int> localFaceIndex( 2 );
490  vertexIndexes[0] = face.at( positionInFace );
491  vertexIndexes[1] = borderFace.newVerticesLocalIndex.at( positionInFace ) + startingVertexIndex;
493  int refinedFaceIndex = neighborOfFace.at( positionInFace );
494  const FaceRefinement &faceRefinement = facesRefinement.value( refinedFaceIndex );
495  const QgsMeshFace &refinedFace = mesh.face( refinedFaceIndex );
496  int refinedFaceSize = refinedFace.size();
497  int positionInRefinedFace = ( vertexPositionInFace( vertexIndexes[0], refinedFace ) + refinedFaceSize - 1 ) % refinedFaceSize;
499  for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
500  {
501  QgsMeshVertexCirculator circulator( topologicalFaces, vertexIndexes.at( i ) );
502  circulator.goBoundaryClockwise();
503  localFaceIndex[i] = circulator.currentFaceIndex();
505  // new refined faces are in place, so we can link neighborhood
506  QgsTopologicalMesh::FaceNeighbors &neighborsNewFace = neighborhood[localFaceIndex.at( i )];
507  const QgsMeshFace newFace = faces.at( localFaceIndex.at( i ) );
508  int positionInNewFace = vertexPositionInFace( vertexIndexes.at( i ), newFace );
509  int newFaceRefinedIndexInChanges = faceRefinement.newFacesChangesIndex.at( ( positionInRefinedFace + ( 1 - i ) ) % refinedFaceSize ) ;
510  neighborsNewFace[positionInNewFace] = newFaceRefinedIndexInChanges + startingFaceChangesGlobalIndex;
512  QgsTopologicalMesh::FaceNeighbors &neighborsRefinedFace = mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd[newFaceRefinedIndexInChanges];
513  const QgsMeshFace &newRefinedFace = mFacesToAdd.at( newFaceRefinedIndexInChanges );
514  int newRefinedFaceSize = newRefinedFace.size();
515  int positionInNewRefinedChange = ( vertexPositionInFace( vertexIndexes.at( i ), newRefinedFace ) + newRefinedFaceSize - 1 ) % newRefinedFaceSize;
516  neighborsRefinedFace[positionInNewRefinedChange] = localFaceIndex.at( i ) + startingFaceIndex;
517  }
519  borderFace.edgeFace.append( localFaceIndex.at( 0 ) + startingFaceIndex );
520  }
522  if ( borderFace.borderFacesNeighbor.at( positionInFace ) )
523  {
524  int vertexIndex = face.at( positionInFace );
525  QgsMeshVertexCirculator circulator( topologicalFaces, vertexIndex );
526  circulator.goBoundaryClockwise();
527  int localFaceIndex = circulator.currentFaceIndex();
529  // all new border faces are not in place, so store information for later
530  borderFace.edgeFace.append( localFaceIndex + startingFaceIndex );
531  }
533  if ( borderFace.unchangeFacesNeighbor.at( positionInFace ) )
534  {
535  int vertexIndex = face.at( positionInFace );
536  QgsMeshVertexCirculator circulator( topologicalFaces, vertexIndex );
537  circulator.goBoundaryClockwise();
538  int localFaceIndex = circulator.currentFaceIndex();
540  const QgsMeshFace &newFace = faces.at( localFaceIndex );
541  int positionInNewface = vertexPositionInFace( vertexIndex, newFace );
542  QgsTopologicalMesh::FaceNeighbors &neighborsNewFace = neighborhood[localFaceIndex];
543  int unchangedFaceIndex = neighborOfFace.at( positionInFace );
544  neighborsNewFace[positionInNewface] = unchangedFaceIndex;
546  if ( unchangedFaceIndex != -1 )
547  {
548  const QgsMeshFace &unchangedFace = mesh.face( unchangedFaceIndex );
549  int unchangedFaceSize = unchangedFace.size();
550  int positionInUnchangedFace = ( vertexPositionInFace( vertexIndex, unchangedFace ) + unchangedFaceSize - 1 ) % unchangedFaceSize;
551  mNeighborhoodChanges.append( {unchangedFaceIndex, positionInUnchangedFace, faceIndex, localFaceIndex + startingFaceIndex} );
552  }
554  borderFace.edgeFace.append( localFaceIndex + startingFaceIndex );
555  }
556  }
558  mFacesToAdd.append( faces );
559  mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd.append( neighborhood );
561  for ( p2t::Point *pt : points )
562  delete pt;
564  }
565  catch ( ... )
566  {
567  return false;
568  }
569  }
571  //all border faces are in place, now it is possible to finalize with completing their nieghborhood with other border faces
572  for ( QHash<int, BorderFace>::iterator it = borderFaces.begin(); it != borderFaces.end(); ++it )
573  {
574  int faceIndex = it.key();
575  BorderFace &borderFace = it.value();
576  const QgsMeshFace &face = mesh.face( faceIndex );
577  int faceSize = face.size();
579  const QVector<int> neighbors = topology.neighborsOfFace( faceIndex );
581  for ( int positionInFace = 0; positionInFace < faceSize; ++positionInFace )
582  {
583  if ( borderFace.borderFacesNeighbor.at( positionInFace ) )
584  {
585  int otherIndex = neighbors.at( positionInFace );
586  const QgsMeshFace &otherFace = mesh.face( otherIndex );
587  int otherFaceSize = otherFace.size();
588  int otherPositionInface = ( vertexPositionInFace( face.at( positionInFace ), otherFace ) + otherFaceSize - 1 ) % otherFaceSize;
589  const BorderFace &otherBorderFace = borderFaces.value( otherIndex );
590  int otherNewFaceIndex = otherBorderFace.edgeFace.at( otherPositionInface );
592  int newFaceChangesIndex = borderFace.edgeFace.at( positionInFace ) - startingFaceChangesGlobalIndex;
593  const QgsMeshFace &newFace = mFacesToAdd.at( newFaceChangesIndex );
594  int newFacePositionInFace = vertexPositionInFace( face.at( positionInFace ), newFace );
596  mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd[newFaceChangesIndex][newFacePositionInFace] = otherNewFaceIndex;
597  }
599  // ... and look for vertexToFace
600  for ( int positionInFace = 0; positionInFace < faceSize; ++positionInFace )
601  {
602  int vertexIndex = face.at( positionInFace );
603  if ( topology.firstFaceLinked( vertexIndex ) == faceIndex )
604  mVerticesToFaceChanges.append( {vertexIndex, faceIndex, borderFace.edgeFace.at( positionInFace ) } );
605  }
606  }
607  }
609  return true;
610 }
613 {
614  return QObject::tr( "Refine %n faces", nullptr, mInputFaces.count() );
615 }
618 {
619  if ( !layer || !layer->meshEditor() || !layer->nativeMesh() )
620  return false;
622  if ( mInputVertices.isEmpty() )
623  return false;
625  const QgsMesh mesh = *layer->nativeMesh();
626  QSet<int> concernedFaces;
627  mChangingVertexMap = QHash<int, int>();
629  std::unique_ptr<QgsExpressionContextScope> expScope( QgsExpressionContextUtils::meshExpressionScope( QgsMesh::Vertex ) );
630  QgsExpressionContext context;
631  context.appendScope( expScope.release() );
632  context.lastScope()->setVariable( QStringLiteral( "_mesh_layer" ), QVariant::fromValue( layer ) );
634  QVector<QgsMeshVertex> newVertices;
635  newVertices.reserve( mInputVertices.count() );
637  int inputCount = mInputVertices.count();
640  bool calcX = !mExpressionX.isEmpty();
641  bool calcY = !mExpressionY.isEmpty();
642  bool calcZ = !mExpressionZ.isEmpty();
643  QgsExpression expressionX;
644  if ( calcX )
645  {
646  expressionX = QgsExpression( mExpressionX );
647  expressionX.prepare( &context );
648  }
650  QgsExpression expressionY;
651  if ( calcY )
652  {
653  expressionY = QgsExpression( mExpressionY );
654  expressionY.prepare( &context );
655  }
657  if ( calcX || calcY )
658  {
659  mNewXYValues.reserve( inputCount );
660  mOldXYValues.reserve( inputCount );
661  }
663  QgsExpression expressionZ;
664  if ( calcZ )
665  {
666  expressionZ = QgsExpression( mExpressionZ );
667  expressionZ.prepare( &context );
668  mNewZValues.reserve( inputCount );
669  mOldZValues.reserve( inputCount );
670  }
672  for ( int i = 0; i < mInputVertices.count(); ++i )
673  {
674  const int vertexIndex = mInputVertices.at( i );
675  context.lastScope()->setVariable( QStringLiteral( "_mesh_vertex_index" ), vertexIndex, false );
677  mChangingVertexMap[vertexIndex] = i;
678  const QVariant xvar = expressionX.evaluate( &context );
679  const QVariant yvar = expressionY.evaluate( &context );
680  const QVariant zvar = expressionZ.evaluate( &context );
682  const QgsMeshVertex &vert = mesh.vertex( vertexIndex );
684  if ( calcX || calcY )
685  {
686  mOldXYValues.append( QgsPointXY( vert ) );
687  mNewXYValues.append( QgsPointXY( vert ) );
689  const QList<int> facesAround = layer->meshEditor()->topologicalMesh().facesAroundVertex( vertexIndex );
690  concernedFaces.unite( qgis::listToSet( facesAround ) );
691  }
693  bool ok = false;
694  if ( calcX )
695  {
696  if ( xvar.isValid() )
697  {
698  double x = xvar.toDouble( &ok );
699  if ( ok )
700  {
701  mNewXYValues.last().setX( x );
702  }
703  else
704  return false;
705  }
706  else
707  {
708  return false;
709  }
710  }
712  if ( calcY )
713  {
714  if ( yvar.isValid() )
715  {
716  double y = yvar.toDouble( &ok );
717  if ( ok )
718  {
719  mNewXYValues.last().setY( y );
720  }
721  else
722  return false;
723  }
724  else
725  return false;
726  }
728  if ( calcZ )
729  {
730  double z = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
731  if ( zvar.isValid() )
732  {
733  z = zvar.toDouble( &ok );
734  if ( !ok )
735  z = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
736  }
738  mNewZValues.append( z );
739  mOldZValues.append( vert.z() );
740  }
741  }
743  auto transformFunction = [this, layer ]( int vi )-> const QgsMeshVertex
744  {
745  return transformedVertex( layer, vi );
746  };
748  mNativeFacesIndexesGeometryChanged = qgis::setToList( concernedFaces );
749  return ( !calcX && !calcY ) || layer->meshEditor()->canBeTransformed( mNativeFacesIndexesGeometryChanged, transformFunction );
750 }
753 {
754  return QObject::tr( "Transform %n vertices by expression", nullptr, mInputVertices.count() );
755 }
757 void QgsMeshTransformVerticesByExpression::setExpressions( const QString &expressionX, const QString &expressionY, const QString &expressionZ )
758 {
759  mExpressionX = expressionX;
760  mExpressionY = expressionY;
761  mExpressionZ = expressionZ;
763  mChangingVertexMap.clear();
764 }
766 QgsTopologicalMesh::Changes QgsMeshTransformVerticesByExpression::apply( QgsMeshEditor *meshEditor )
767 {
768  meshEditor->topologicalMesh().applyChanges( *this );
769  mIsFinished = true;
770  return *this;
771 }
774 {
775  int pos = mChangingVertexMap.value( vertexIndex, -1 );
776  if ( pos > -1 )
777  {
778  QgsPointXY pointXY;
779  double z;
781  if ( mNewXYValues.isEmpty() )
782  pointXY = layer->nativeMesh()->vertex( vertexIndex );
783  else
784  pointXY = mNewXYValues.at( pos );
786  if ( mNewZValues.isEmpty() )
787  z = layer->nativeMesh()->vertex( vertexIndex ).z();
788  else
789  z = mNewZValues.at( pos );
791  return QgsMeshVertex( pointXY.x(), pointXY.y(), z );
792  }
793  else
794  return layer->nativeMesh()->vertex( vertexIndex );
795 }
void setVariable(const QString &name, const QVariant &value, bool isStatic=false)
Convenience method for setting a variable in the context scope by name name and value.
static QgsExpressionContextScope * meshExpressionScope(QgsMesh::ElementType elementType)
Creates a new scope which contains functions relating to mesh layer element elementType.
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
QgsExpressionContextScope * lastScope()
Returns the last scope added to the context.
void appendScope(QgsExpressionContextScope *scope)
Appends a scope to the end of the context.
Class for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings").
bool prepare(const QgsExpressionContext *context)
Gets the expression ready for evaluation - find out column indexes.
QVariant evaluate()
Evaluate the feature and return the result.
QString message() const
Returns a message that can be provided by the advanced editing when applying is done.
void setInputVertices(const QList< int > verticesIndexes)
Sets the input vertices indexes that will be used for the editing.
virtual ~QgsMeshAdvancedEditing()
void clear()
Removes all data provided to the editing or created by the editing.
virtual bool isFinished() const
Returns whether the advanced edit is finished, if not, this edit has to be applied again with QgsMesh...
virtual QString text() const
Returns a short text string describing what this advanced edit does. Default implementation return a ...
void setInputFaces(const QList< int > faceIndexes)
Sets the input faces indexes that will be used for the editing.
QString text() const override
Returns a short text string describing what this advanced edit does. Default implementation return a ...
Class that represents an error during mesh editing.
Definition: qgsmesheditor.h:43
Class that makes edit operation on a mesh.
Definition: qgsmesheditor.h:68
bool canBeTransformed(const QList< int > &facesToCheck, const std::function< const QgsMeshVertex(int)> &transformFunction) const
Returns true if faces with index in transformedFaces can be transformed without obtaining topologic o...
QgsTopologicalMesh & topologicalMesh()
Returns a reference to the topological mesh.
Represents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes.
Definition: qgsmeshlayer.h:97
QgsMeshEditor * meshEditor()
Returns a pointer to the mesh editor own by the mesh layer.
QgsMesh * nativeMesh()
Returns native mesh (nullptr before rendering or calling to updateMesh)
void setExpressions(const QString &expressionX, const QString &expressionY, const QString &expressionZ)
Sets the expressions for the coordinates transformation.
QgsMeshVertex transformedVertex(QgsMeshLayer *layer, int vertexIndex) const
Returns the transformed vertex from its index vertexIndex for the mesh layer.
bool calculate(QgsMeshLayer *layer)
Calculates the transformed vertices of the mesh layer, returns false if this leads to topological or ...
QString text() const override
Returns a short text string describing what this advanced edit does. Default implementation return a ...
Convenient class that turn around a vertex and provide information about faces and vertices.
A class to represent a 2D point.
Definition: qgspointxy.h:59
double y
Definition: qgspointxy.h:63
Q_GADGET double x
Definition: qgspointxy.h:62
Point geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values.
Definition: qgspoint.h:49
Q_GADGET double x
Definition: qgspoint.h:52
double z
Definition: qgspoint.h:54
double y
Definition: qgspoint.h:53
Class that contains topological differences between two states of a topological mesh,...
QList< int > mChangeCoordinateVerticesIndexes
void clearChanges()
Clears all changes.
QVector< FaceNeighbors > mFacesNeighborhoodToRemove
QList< QgsPointXY > mNewXYValues
QList< int > mNativeFacesIndexesGeometryChanged
QVector< QgsMeshFace > mFacesToAdd
QVector< FaceNeighbors > mFacesNeighborhoodToAdd
QList< std::array< int, 3 > > mVerticesToFaceChanges
QList< QgsPointXY > mOldXYValues
QVector< QgsMeshVertex > mVerticesToAdd
QVector< QgsMeshFace > mFacesToRemove
Class that contains independent faces an topological information about this faces.
QVector< FaceNeighbors > facesNeighborhood() const
Returns the face neighborhood of the faces, indexing is local.
Class that wraps a QgsMesh to ensure the consistency of the mesh during editing and help to access to...
void applyChanges(const Changes &changes)
Applies the changes.
int firstFaceLinked(int vertexIndex) const
Returns the index of the first face linked, returns -1 if it is a free vertex or out of range index.
QVector< int > neighborsOfFace(int faceIndex) const
Returns the indexes of neighbor faces of the face with index faceIndex.
QVector< int > FaceNeighbors
QList< int > facesAroundVertex(int vertexIndex) const
Returns the indexes of faces that are around the vertex with index vertexIndex.
QgsMesh * mesh() const
Returns a pointer to the wrapped mesh.
static TopologicalFaces createNewTopologicalFaces(const QVector< QgsMeshFace > &faces, bool uniqueSharedVertexAllowed, QgsMeshEditingError &error)
Creates new topological faces that are not yet included in the mesh.
void setCounterClockwise(QgsMeshFace &triangle, const QgsMeshVertex &v0, const QgsMeshVertex &v1, const QgsMeshVertex &v2)
Checks if the triangle is counter clockwise, if not sets it counter clockwise.
CORE_EXPORT QgsMeshVertex centroid(const QgsMeshFace &face, const QVector< QgsMeshVertex > &vertices)
Returns the centroid of the face.
QVector< int > QgsMeshFace
List of vertex indexes.
QgsPoint QgsMeshVertex
xyz coords of vertex
Mesh - vertices, edges and faces.
int vertexCount() const
Returns number of vertices.
QVector< QgsMeshVertex > vertices
QgsMeshFace face(int index) const
Returns a face at the index.
int faceCount() const
Returns number of faces.
QgsMeshVertex vertex(int index) const
Returns a vertex at the index.