QGIS API Documentation  3.22.4-Białowieża (ce8e65e95e)
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1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgsannotationpointtextitem.cpp
3  ----------------
4  begin : August 2020
5  copyright : (C) 2020 by Nyall Dawson
6  email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  * *
11  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
12  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
13  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
14  * (at your option) any later version. *
15  * *
16  ***************************************************************************/
19 #include "qgstextrenderer.h"
20 #include "qgsannotationitemnode.h"
22 #include "qgsrendercontext.h"
26  , mText( text )
27  , mPoint( point )
28 {
30 }
32 Qgis::AnnotationItemFlags QgsAnnotationPointTextItem::flags() const
33 {
34  // in truth this should depend on whether the text format is scale dependent or not!
36 }
41 {
42  return QStringLiteral( "pointtext" );
43 }
46 {
47  QPointF pt;
48  if ( context.coordinateTransform().isValid() )
49  {
50  double x = mPoint.x();
51  double y = mPoint.y();
52  double z = 0.0;
53  context.coordinateTransform().transformInPlace( x, y, z );
54  pt = QPointF( x, y );
55  }
56  else
57  pt = mPoint.toQPointF();
59  context.mapToPixel().transformInPlace( pt.rx(), pt.ry() );
61  const QString displayText = QgsExpression::replaceExpressionText( mText, &context.expressionContext(), &context.distanceArea() );
62  QgsTextRenderer::drawText( pt, mAngle * M_PI / 180.0,
64  displayText.split( '\n' ), context, mTextFormat );
65 }
67 bool QgsAnnotationPointTextItem::writeXml( QDomElement &element, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const
68 {
69  element.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ), qgsDoubleToString( mPoint.x() ) );
70  element.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ), qgsDoubleToString( mPoint.y() ) );
71  element.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "text" ), mText );
72  element.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "angle" ), qgsDoubleToString( mAngle ) );
73  element.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "alignment" ), QString::number( mAlignment ) );
75  QDomElement textFormatElem = document.createElement( QStringLiteral( "pointTextFormat" ) );
76  textFormatElem.appendChild( mTextFormat.writeXml( document, context ) );
77  element.appendChild( textFormatElem );
79  writeCommonProperties( element, document, context );
80  return true;
81 }
84 {
85  return new QgsAnnotationPointTextItem( QString(), QgsPointXY() );
86 }
88 bool QgsAnnotationPointTextItem::readXml( const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context )
89 {
90  const double x = element.attribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ) ).toDouble();
91  const double y = element.attribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ) ).toDouble();
92  mPoint = QgsPointXY( x, y );
93  mText = element.attribute( QStringLiteral( "text" ) );
94  mAngle = element.attribute( QStringLiteral( "angle" ) ).toDouble();
95  mAlignment = static_cast< Qt::Alignment >( element.attribute( QStringLiteral( "alignment" ) ).toInt() );
97  const QDomElement textFormatElem = element.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "pointTextFormat" ) );
98  if ( !textFormatElem.isNull() )
99  {
100  const QDomNodeList textFormatNodeList = textFormatElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "text-style" ) );
101  const QDomElement textFormatElem = textFormatNodeList.at( 0 ).toElement();
102  mTextFormat.readXml( textFormatElem, context );
103  }
105  readCommonProperties( element, context );
106  return true;
107 }
110 {
111  std::unique_ptr< QgsAnnotationPointTextItem > item = std::make_unique< QgsAnnotationPointTextItem >( mText, mPoint );
112  item->setFormat( mTextFormat );
113  item->setAngle( mAngle );
114  item->setAlignment( mAlignment );
115  item->copyCommonProperties( this );
116  return item.release();
117 }
120 {
121  return QgsRectangle( mPoint.x(), mPoint.y(), mPoint.x(), mPoint.y() );
122 }
125 {
126  const QString displayText = QgsExpression::replaceExpressionText( mText, &context.expressionContext(), &context.distanceArea() );
128  const double widthInPixels = QgsTextRenderer::textWidth( context, mTextFormat, displayText.split( '\n' ) );
129  const double heightInPixels = QgsTextRenderer::textHeight( context, mTextFormat, displayText.split( '\n' ) );
131  // text size has already been calculated using any symbology reference scale factor above -- we need
132  // to temporarily remove the reference scale here or we'll be undoing the scaling
133  QgsScopedRenderContextReferenceScaleOverride resetScaleFactor( context, -1.0 );
134  const double widthInMapUnits = context.convertToMapUnits( widthInPixels, QgsUnitTypes::RenderPixels );
135  const double heightInMapUnits = context.convertToMapUnits( heightInPixels, QgsUnitTypes::RenderPixels );
137  return QgsRectangle( mPoint.x(), mPoint.y(), mPoint.x() + widthInMapUnits, mPoint.y() + heightInMapUnits );
138 }
140 QList<QgsAnnotationItemNode> QgsAnnotationPointTextItem::nodes() const
141 {
143 }
146 {
147  switch ( operation->type() )
148  {
150  {
151  QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationMoveNode *moveOperation = dynamic_cast< QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationMoveNode * >( operation );
152  mPoint = moveOperation->after();
154  }
157  {
159  }
162  {
163  QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTranslateItem *moveOperation = qgis::down_cast< QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTranslateItem * >( operation );
164  mPoint.setX( mPoint.x() + moveOperation->translationX() );
165  mPoint.setY( mPoint.y() + moveOperation->translationY() );
167  }
170  break;
171  }
174 }
177 {
178  switch ( operation->type() )
179  {
181  {
182  QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationMoveNode *moveOperation = dynamic_cast< QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationMoveNode * >( operation );
183  return new QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTransientResults( QgsGeometry( moveOperation->after().clone() ) );
184  }
187  {
188  QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTranslateItem *moveOperation = qgis::down_cast< QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTranslateItem * >( operation );
189  return new QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTransientResults( QgsGeometry( new QgsPoint( mPoint.x() + moveOperation->translationX(), mPoint.y() + moveOperation->translationY() ) ) );
190  }
194  break;
195  }
196  return nullptr;
197 }
200 {
201  return mTextFormat;
202 }
205 {
206  mTextFormat = format;
207 }
210 {
211  return mAlignment;
212 }
214 void QgsAnnotationPointTextItem::setAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment )
215 {
216  mAlignment = alignment;
217 }
@ VertexHandle
Node is a handle for manipulating vertices.
@ ScaleDependentBoundingBox
Item's bounding box will vary depending on map scale.
Results from an edit operation on an annotation item.
Definition: qgis.h:814
@ Invalid
Operation has invalid parameters for the item, no change occurred.
@ Success
Item was modified successfully.
@ ItemCleared
The operation results in the item being cleared, and the item should be removed from the layer as a r...
Abstract base class for annotation item edit operations.
@ TranslateItem
Translate (move) an item.
virtual Type type() const =0
Returns the operation type.
Annotation item edit operation consisting of moving a node.
QgsPoint after() const
Returns the node position after the move occurred (in layer coordinates).
Encapsulates the transient results of an in-progress annotation edit operation.
Annotation item edit operation consisting of translating (moving) an item.
double translationY() const
Returns the y-axis translation, in layer units.
double translationX() const
Returns the x-axis translation, in layer units.
Contains information about a node used for editing an annotation item.
Abstract base class for annotation items which are drawn with QgsAnnotationLayers.
bool writeCommonProperties(QDomElement &element, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
Writes common properties from the base class into an XML element.
bool readCommonProperties(const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
Reads common properties from the base class from the given DOM element.
An annotation item which renders a text string at a point location.
QString type() const override
Returns a unique (untranslated) string identifying the type of item.
QgsTextFormat format() const
Returns the text format used to render the text.
void setFormat(const QgsTextFormat &format)
Sets the text format used to render the text.
~QgsAnnotationPointTextItem() override
Qt::Alignment alignment() const
Returns the text's alignment relative to the reference point().
void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment)
Sets the text's alignment relative to the reference point().
QgsRectangle boundingBox() const override
Returns the bounding box of the item's geographic location, in the parent layer's coordinate referenc...
QgsAnnotationPointTextItem * clone() override
Returns a clone of the item.
QList< QgsAnnotationItemNode > nodes() const override
Returns the nodes for the item, used for editing the item.
static QgsAnnotationPointTextItem * create()
Creates a new text at point annotation item.
bool readXml(const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override
Reads the item's state from the given DOM element.
bool writeXml(QDomElement &element, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override
Writes the item's state into an XML element.
Qgis::AnnotationItemFlags flags() const override
Returns item flags.
void render(QgsRenderContext &context, QgsFeedback *feedback) override
Renders the item to the specified render context.
QgsAnnotationPointTextItem(const QString &text, QgsPointXY point)
Constructor for QgsAnnotationPointTextItem, containing the specified text at the specified point.
QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTransientResults * transientEditResults(QgsAbstractAnnotationItemEditOperation *operation) override
Retrieves the results of a transient (in progress) edit operation on the item.
Qgis::AnnotationItemEditOperationResult applyEdit(QgsAbstractAnnotationItemEditOperation *operation) override
Applies an edit operation to the item.
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the coordinate transform is valid, ie both the source and destination CRS have been s...
void transformInPlace(double &x, double &y, double &z, Qgis::TransformDirection direction=Qgis::TransformDirection::Forward) const SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
Transforms an array of x, y and z double coordinates in place, from the source CRS to the destination...
static QString replaceExpressionText(const QString &action, const QgsExpressionContext *context, const QgsDistanceArea *distanceArea=nullptr)
This function replaces each expression between [% and %] in the string with the result of its evaluat...
Base class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread.
Definition: qgsfeedback.h:45
A geometry is the spatial representation of a feature.
Definition: qgsgeometry.h:125
void transformInPlace(double &x, double &y) const
Transforms device coordinates to map coordinates.
A class to represent a 2D point.
Definition: qgspointxy.h:59
void setX(double x) SIP_HOLDGIL
Sets the x value of the point.
Definition: qgspointxy.h:122
double y
Definition: qgspointxy.h:63
Q_GADGET double x
Definition: qgspointxy.h:62
void setY(double y) SIP_HOLDGIL
Sets the y value of the point.
Definition: qgspointxy.h:132
QPointF toQPointF() const
Converts a point to a QPointF.
Definition: qgspointxy.h:169
Point geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values.
Definition: qgspoint.h:49
QgsPoint * clone() const override
Clones the geometry by performing a deep copy.
Definition: qgspoint.cpp:104
The class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects.
A rectangle specified with double values.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:42
Contains information about the context of a rendering operation.
QgsExpressionContext & expressionContext()
Gets the expression context.
const QgsMapToPixel & mapToPixel() const
Returns the context's map to pixel transform, which transforms between map coordinates and device coo...
double convertToMapUnits(double size, QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit unit, const QgsMapUnitScale &scale=QgsMapUnitScale()) const
Converts a size from the specified units to map units.
const QgsDistanceArea & distanceArea() const
A general purpose distance and area calculator, capable of performing ellipsoid based calculations.
QgsCoordinateTransform coordinateTransform() const
Returns the current coordinate transform for the context.
Scoped object for temporary override of the symbologyReferenceScale property of a QgsRenderContext.
Container for all settings relating to text rendering.
Definition: qgstextformat.h:41
void readXml(const QDomElement &elem, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
Read settings from a DOM element.
QDomElement writeXml(QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
Write settings into a DOM element.
static double textWidth(const QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsTextFormat &format, const QStringList &textLines, QFontMetricsF *fontMetrics=nullptr)
Returns the width of a text based on a given format.
static double textHeight(const QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsTextFormat &format, const QStringList &textLines, DrawMode mode=Point, QFontMetricsF *fontMetrics=nullptr)
Returns the height of a text based on a given format.
static HAlignment convertQtHAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment)
Converts a Qt horizontal alignment flag to a QgsTextRenderer::HAlignment value.
static void drawText(const QRectF &rect, double rotation, HAlignment alignment, const QStringList &textLines, QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsTextFormat &format, bool drawAsOutlines=true, VAlignment vAlignment=AlignTop)
Draws text within a rectangle using the specified settings.
@ RenderPixels
Definition: qgsunittypes.h:171
QString qgsDoubleToString(double a, int precision=17)
Returns a string representation of a double.
Definition: qgis.h:1198
Utility class for identifying a unique vertex within a geometry.
Definition: qgsvertexid.h:31