QGIS API Documentation  3.22.4-Białowieża (ce8e65e95e)
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1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgisinterface.h
3  Interface class for exposing functions in QgisApp for use by plugins
4  -------------------
5  begin : 2004-02-11
6  copyright : (C) 2004 by Gary E.Sherman
7  email : sherman at mrcc.com
8  ***************************************************************************/
10 /***************************************************************************
11  * *
12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
13  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
14  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
15  * (at your option) any later version. *
16  * *
17  ***************************************************************************/
21 #include <QObject>
22 #include <map>
24 #include "qgis.h"
25 #include "qgis_sip.h"
26 #include "qgis_gui.h"
30 class QAction;
31 class QDialog;
32 class QFont;
33 class QMenu;
34 class QToolBar;
35 class QDockWidget;
36 class QMainWindow;
37 class QWidget;
38 class QActionGroup;
41 class QgsAttributeDialog;
45 class QgsFeature;
47 class QgsLayerTreeView;
48 class QgsLayerTreeGroup;
49 class QgsLayout;
52 class QgsMapCanvas;
53 class QgsMapLayer;
54 enum class QgsMapLayerType;
56 class QgsMapDecoration;
57 class QgsMessageBar;
59 class QgsRasterLayer;
60 class QgsVectorLayer;
62 class QgsVectorTileLayer;
63 class QgsPointCloudLayer;
65 class QgsLocatorFilter;
66 class QgsStatusBar;
67 class QgsMeshLayer;
68 class QgsBrowserGuiModel;
70 class QgsGpsConnection;
88 class GUI_EXPORT QgisInterface : public QObject
89 {
92  public:
95  QgisInterface() = default;
113  virtual void addCustomActionForLayerType( QAction *action, QString menu,
114  QgsMapLayerType type, bool allLayers ) = 0;
122  virtual void addCustomActionForLayer( QAction *action, QgsMapLayer *layer ) = 0;
128  virtual bool removeCustomActionForLayerType( QAction *action ) = 0;
134  virtual QList< QgsMapCanvas * > mapCanvases() = 0;
141  virtual QgsMapCanvas *createNewMapCanvas( const QString &name ) = 0;
148  virtual void closeMapCanvas( const QString &name ) = 0;
154  virtual QSize iconSize( bool dockedToolbar = false ) const = 0;
161  virtual QList<QgsMapLayer *> editableLayers( bool modified = false ) const = 0;
164  virtual QgsMapLayer *activeLayer() = 0;
167  virtual QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas() = 0;
173  virtual QList<QgsMapDecoration *> activeDecorations() = 0;
183  virtual QWidget *mainWindow() = 0;
186  virtual QgsMessageBar *messageBar() = 0;
192  virtual QList<QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *> openLayoutDesigners() = 0;
196  virtual QMap<QString, QVariant> defaultStyleSheetOptions() = 0;
199  virtual QFont defaultStyleSheetFont() = 0;
207  /*
208  * Accessors for inserting items into menus and toolbars.
209  * An item can be inserted before any existing action.
210  */
215  virtual QMenu *projectMenu() = 0;
220  virtual QMenu *editMenu() = 0;
225  virtual QMenu *viewMenu() = 0;
230  virtual QMenu *layerMenu() = 0;
235  virtual QMenu *newLayerMenu() = 0;
241  virtual QMenu *addLayerMenu() = 0;
246  virtual QMenu *settingsMenu() = 0;
251  virtual QMenu *pluginMenu() = 0;
261  virtual QMenu *pluginHelpMenu() = 0;
266  virtual QMenu *rasterMenu() = 0;
271  virtual QMenu *databaseMenu() = 0;
276  virtual QMenu *vectorMenu() = 0;
281  virtual QMenu *webMenu() = 0;
290  virtual QMenu *firstRightStandardMenu() = 0;
295  virtual QMenu *windowMenu() = 0;
300  virtual QMenu *helpMenu() = 0;
302  // ToolBars
307  virtual QToolBar *fileToolBar() = 0;
312  virtual QToolBar *layerToolBar() = 0;
318  virtual QToolBar *dataSourceManagerToolBar() = 0;
323  virtual QToolBar *mapNavToolToolBar() = 0;
328  virtual QToolBar *digitizeToolBar() = 0;
333  virtual QToolBar *advancedDigitizeToolBar() = 0;
339  virtual QToolBar *shapeDigitizeToolBar() = 0;
344  virtual QToolBar *attributesToolBar() = 0;
350  virtual QToolBar *selectionToolBar() = 0;
355  virtual QToolBar *pluginToolBar() = 0;
360  virtual QToolBar *helpToolBar() = 0;
365  virtual QToolBar *rasterToolBar() = 0;
370  virtual QToolBar *vectorToolBar() = 0;
375  virtual QToolBar *databaseToolBar() = 0;
380  virtual QToolBar *webToolBar() = 0;
382  // Project menu actions
384  virtual QAction *actionNewProject() = 0;
386  virtual QAction *actionOpenProject() = 0;
388  virtual QAction *actionSaveProject() = 0;
390  virtual QAction *actionSaveProjectAs() = 0;
392  virtual QAction *actionSaveMapAsImage() = 0;
394  virtual QAction *actionProjectProperties() = 0;
397  virtual QAction *actionCreatePrintLayout() = 0;
400  virtual QAction *actionShowLayoutManager() = 0;
402  virtual QAction *actionExit() = 0;
404  // Edit menu actions
407  virtual QAction *actionCutFeatures() = 0;
409  virtual QAction *actionCopyFeatures() = 0;
411  virtual QAction *actionPasteFeatures() = 0;
413  virtual QAction *actionAddFeature() = 0;
415  virtual QAction *actionDeleteSelected() = 0;
417  virtual QAction *actionMoveFeature() = 0;
419  virtual QAction *actionSplitFeatures() = 0;
421  virtual QAction *actionSplitParts() = 0;
423  virtual QAction *actionAddRing() = 0;
425  virtual QAction *actionAddPart() = 0;
427  virtual QAction *actionSimplifyFeature() = 0;
429  virtual QAction *actionDeleteRing() = 0;
431  virtual QAction *actionDeletePart() = 0;
437  virtual QAction *actionVertexTool() = 0;
444  virtual QAction *actionVertexToolActiveLayer() = 0;
454  virtual QActionGroup *mapToolActionGroup() = 0;
456  // View menu actions
458  virtual QAction *actionPan() = 0;
460  virtual QAction *actionPanToSelected() = 0;
462  virtual QAction *actionZoomIn() = 0;
464  virtual QAction *actionZoomOut() = 0;
466  virtual QAction *actionSelect() = 0;
468  virtual QAction *actionSelectRectangle() = 0;
470  virtual QAction *actionSelectPolygon() = 0;
472  virtual QAction *actionSelectFreehand() = 0;
474  virtual QAction *actionSelectRadius() = 0;
476  virtual QAction *actionIdentify() = 0;
478  virtual QAction *actionFeatureAction() = 0;
480  virtual QAction *actionMeasure() = 0;
482  virtual QAction *actionMeasureArea() = 0;
484  virtual QAction *actionZoomFullExtent() = 0;
491  Q_DECL_DEPRECATED virtual QAction *actionZoomToLayer() = 0 SIP_DEPRECATED;
497  virtual QAction *actionZoomToLayers() = 0;
500  virtual QAction *actionZoomToSelected() = 0;
502  virtual QAction *actionZoomLast() = 0;
504  virtual QAction *actionZoomNext() = 0;
506  virtual QAction *actionZoomActualSize() = 0;
508  virtual QAction *actionMapTips() = 0;
510  virtual QAction *actionNewBookmark() = 0;
512  virtual QAction *actionShowBookmarks() = 0;
514  virtual QAction *actionDraw() = 0;
516  // Layer menu actions
517  virtual QAction *actionNewVectorLayer() = 0;
518  virtual QAction *actionAddOgrLayer() = 0;
519  virtual QAction *actionAddRasterLayer() = 0;
520  virtual QAction *actionAddPgLayer() = 0;
521  virtual QAction *actionAddWmsLayer() = 0;
527  virtual QAction *actionAddXyzLayer() = 0;
533  virtual QAction *actionAddVectorTileLayer() = 0;
539  virtual QAction *actionAddPointCloudLayer() = 0;
542  virtual QAction *actionAddAfsLayer() = 0;
545  virtual QAction *actionAddAmsLayer() = 0;
547  virtual QAction *actionCopyLayerStyle() = 0;
548  virtual QAction *actionPasteLayerStyle() = 0;
549  virtual QAction *actionOpenTable() = 0;
550  virtual QAction *actionOpenFieldCalculator() = 0;
556  virtual QAction *actionOpenStatisticalSummary() = 0;
558  virtual QAction *actionToggleEditing() = 0;
559  virtual QAction *actionSaveActiveLayerEdits() = 0;
560  virtual QAction *actionAllEdits() = 0;
561  virtual QAction *actionSaveEdits() = 0;
562  virtual QAction *actionSaveAllEdits() = 0;
563  virtual QAction *actionRollbackEdits() = 0;
564  virtual QAction *actionRollbackAllEdits() = 0;
565  virtual QAction *actionCancelEdits() = 0;
566  virtual QAction *actionCancelAllEdits() = 0;
567  virtual QAction *actionLayerSaveAs() = 0;
568  virtual QAction *actionDuplicateLayer() = 0;
569  virtual QAction *actionLayerProperties() = 0;
570  virtual QAction *actionAddToOverview() = 0;
571  virtual QAction *actionAddAllToOverview() = 0;
572  virtual QAction *actionRemoveAllFromOverview() = 0;
573  virtual QAction *actionHideAllLayers() = 0;
574  virtual QAction *actionShowAllLayers() = 0;
575  virtual QAction *actionHideSelectedLayers() = 0;
581  virtual QAction *actionToggleSelectedLayers() = 0;
593  virtual QAction *actionHideDeselectedLayers() = 0;
594  virtual QAction *actionShowSelectedLayers() = 0;
596  // Plugin menu actions
597  virtual QAction *actionManagePlugins() = 0;
598  virtual QAction *actionPluginListSeparator() = 0;
599  virtual QAction *actionShowPythonDialog() = 0;
601  // Settings menu actions
602  virtual QAction *actionToggleFullScreen() = 0;
603  virtual QAction *actionOptions() = 0;
604  virtual QAction *actionCustomProjection() = 0;
606  // Help menu actions
607  virtual QAction *actionHelpContents() = 0;
608  virtual QAction *actionQgisHomePage() = 0;
609  virtual QAction *actionCheckQgisVersion() = 0;
610  virtual QAction *actionAbout() = 0;
612  // Shape digitize actions
614  virtual QAction *actionCircle2Points() = 0;
616  virtual QAction *actionCircle3Points() = 0;
618  virtual QAction *actionCircle3Tangents() = 0;
620  virtual QAction *actionCircle2TangentsPoint() = 0;
622  virtual QAction *actionCircleCenterPoint() = 0;
624  virtual QAction *actionEllipseCenter2Points() = 0;
626  virtual QAction *actionEllipseCenterPoint() = 0;
628  virtual QAction *actionEllipseExtent() = 0;
630  virtual QAction *actionEllipseFoci() = 0;
632  virtual QAction *actionRectangleCenterPoint() = 0;
634  virtual QAction *actionRectangleExtent() = 0;
636  virtual QAction *actionRectangle3PointsDistance() = 0;
638  virtual QAction *actionRectangle3PointsProjected() = 0;
640  virtual QAction *actionRegularPolygon2Points() = 0;
642  virtual QAction *actionRegularPolygonCenterPoint() = 0;
644  virtual QAction *actionRegularPolygonCenterCorner() = 0;
656  virtual int messageTimeout() = 0;
664  virtual QgsStatusBar *statusBarIface() = 0;
673  virtual void takeAppScreenShots( const QString &saveDirectory, const int categories = 0 ) {Q_UNUSED( saveDirectory ) Q_UNUSED( categories );}
682  public slots: // TODO: do these functions really need to be slots?
684  /* Exposed functions */
689  virtual void zoomFull() = 0;
694  virtual void zoomToPrevious() = 0;
699  virtual void zoomToNext() = 0;
704  virtual void zoomToActiveLayer() = 0;
709  virtual QgsVectorLayer *addVectorLayer( const QString &vectorLayerPath, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey ) = 0;
714  virtual QgsRasterLayer *addRasterLayer( const QString &rasterLayerPath, const QString &baseName = QString() ) = 0;
719  virtual QgsRasterLayer *addRasterLayer( const QString &url, const QString &layerName, const QString &providerKey ) = 0;
724  virtual QgsMeshLayer *addMeshLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey ) = 0;
730  virtual QgsVectorTileLayer *addVectorTileLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName ) = 0;
736  virtual QgsPointCloudLayer *addPointCloudLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey ) = 0;
739  virtual bool addProject( const QString &project ) = 0;
751  virtual bool newProject( bool promptToSaveFlag = false ) = 0;
760  virtual void reloadConnections( ) = 0;
766  virtual bool setActiveLayer( QgsMapLayer * ) = 0;
772  virtual void copySelectionToClipboard( QgsMapLayer * ) = 0;
778  virtual void pasteFromClipboard( QgsMapLayer * ) = 0;
781  virtual int addToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
791  virtual QAction *addToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget SIP_TRANSFER ) = 0;
794  virtual void removeToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
804  virtual QAction *addRasterToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget SIP_TRANSFER ) = 0;
807  virtual int addRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
810  virtual void removeRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
813  virtual int addVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
823  virtual QAction *addVectorToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget SIP_TRANSFER ) = 0;
826  virtual void removeVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
829  virtual int addDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
839  virtual QAction *addDatabaseToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget SIP_TRANSFER ) = 0;
842  virtual void removeDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
845  virtual int addWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
855  virtual QAction *addWebToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget SIP_TRANSFER ) = 0;
858  virtual void removeWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
861  virtual QToolBar *addToolBar( const QString &name ) = 0 SIP_FACTORY;
867  virtual void addToolBar( QToolBar *toolbar SIP_TRANSFER, Qt::ToolBarArea area = Qt::TopToolBarArea ) = 0;
872  virtual void openMessageLog() = 0;
875  virtual void addUserInputWidget( QWidget *widget ) = 0;
881  virtual void showLayoutManager() = 0;
896  virtual void showOptionsDialog( QWidget *parent = nullptr, const QString &currentPage = QString() ) = 0;
903  virtual void showProjectPropertiesDialog( const QString &currentPage = QString() ) = 0;
909  virtual void buildStyleSheet( const QMap<QString, QVariant> &opts ) = 0;
912  virtual void saveStyleSheetOptions( const QMap<QString, QVariant> &opts ) = 0;
915  virtual void addPluginToMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
918  virtual void removePluginMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
921  virtual void insertAddLayerAction( QAction *action ) = 0;
924  virtual void removeAddLayerAction( QAction *action ) = 0;
927  virtual void addPluginToDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
930  virtual void removePluginDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
933  virtual void addPluginToRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
936  virtual void removePluginRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
939  virtual void addPluginToVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
942  virtual void removePluginVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
945  virtual void addPluginToWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
948  virtual void removePluginWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) = 0;
956  virtual void addDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget ) = 0;
972  virtual void addTabifiedDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget, const QStringList &tabifyWith = QStringList(), bool raiseTab = false ) = 0;
979  virtual void removeDockWidget( QDockWidget *dockwidget ) = 0;
1013  virtual void showLayerProperties( QgsMapLayer *l, const QString &page = QString() ) = 0;
1016  virtual QDialog *showAttributeTable( QgsVectorLayer *l, const QString &filterExpression = QString() ) = 0;
1022  virtual void addWindow( QAction *action ) = 0;
1028  virtual void removeWindow( QAction *action ) = 0;
1031  virtual bool registerMainWindowAction( QAction *action, const QString &defaultShortcut ) = 0;
1034  virtual bool unregisterMainWindowAction( QAction *action ) = 0;
1154  virtual void registerCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler ) = 0;
1200  // TODO is this deprecated in favour of QgsContextHelp?
1211 #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
1213 #endif
1214  virtual void openURL( const QString &url, bool useQgisDocDirectory = true ) = 0 SIP_DEPRECATED;
1224  virtual bool openFeatureForm( QgsVectorLayer *l, QgsFeature &f, bool updateFeatureOnly = false, bool showModal = true ) = 0;
1248  virtual void preloadForm( const QString &uifile ) = 0;
1256  virtual void locatorSearch( const QString &searchText ) = 0;
1278  virtual void deregisterLocatorFilter( QgsLocatorFilter *filter ) = 0;
1287  virtual void invalidateLocatorResults() = 0;
1312  virtual void setGpsPanelConnection( QgsGpsConnection *connection ) = 0;
1314  signals:
1327  void currentThemeChanged( const QString &theme );
1364  void projectRead();
1380  void layerSavedAs( QgsMapLayer *l, const QString &path );
1382 };
1385 #endif //#ifndef QGISINTERFACE_H
QgisInterface Abstract base class defining interfaces exposed by QgisApp and made available to plugin...
Definition: qgisinterface.h:89
virtual void preloadForm(const QString &uifile)=0
This method is only needed when using a UI form with a custom widget plugin and calling openFeatureFo...
virtual QAction * actionFeatureAction()=0
Returns the native run action feature action. Call trigger() on it to set the default run feature act...
virtual QAction * actionAddPart()=0
Returns the native Add Part action.
virtual void unregisterCustomDropHandler(QgsCustomDropHandler *handler)=0
Unregister a previously registered custom drop handler.
virtual void zoomToNext()=0
Zooms to the next view extent.
virtual QToolBar * digitizeToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Digitize" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionMeasure()=0
Returns the native measure action. Call trigger() on it to set the default measure map tool.
virtual QAction * actionEllipseFoci()=0
Returns the native add ellipse from foci action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool.
virtual QgsAttributeDialog * getFeatureForm(QgsVectorLayer *l, QgsFeature &f)=0
Returns a feature form for a given feature.
virtual void removePluginMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Remove action from the plugins menu.
virtual QAction * actionIdentify()=0
Returns the native identify action. Call trigger() on it to set the default identify map tool.
virtual void addPluginToWebMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Add action to the Web menu.
virtual void unregisterMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory(QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Unregister a previously registered tab in the map layer properties dialog.
virtual void removeVectorToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Remove an action (icon) from the Vector toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionNewProject()=0
Returns the native New Project action.
virtual QAction * actionVertexToolActiveLayer()=0
Returns the native "Vertex Tool for Active Layer" action.
virtual QAction * actionCircle3Points()=0
Returns the native add circle from 3 points action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool.
virtual QAction * actionCutFeatures()=0
Returns the native Cut Features action.
virtual QAction * actionRectangleCenterPoint()=0
Returns the native add rectangle from center and a point action. Call trigger() on it to set the map ...
virtual QAction * actionAddAfsLayer()=0
Returns the native Add ArcGIS REST Server action.
virtual bool openFeatureForm(QgsVectorLayer *l, QgsFeature &f, bool updateFeatureOnly=false, bool showModal=true)=0
Opens a new feature form.
virtual int addWebToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Add an icon to the Web toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionAddPgLayer()=0
virtual QAction * actionPluginListSeparator()=0
virtual QList< QgsMapCanvas * > mapCanvases()=0
Returns a list of all map canvases open in the app.
virtual void showLayoutManager()=0
Opens the layout manager dialog.
virtual QgsLayerTreeView * layerTreeView()=0
void layoutDesignerWillBeClosed(QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *designer)
Emitted before a layout designer is going to be closed and deleted.
virtual QAction * actionHelpContents()=0
virtual QAction * actionZoomOut()=0
Returns the native zoom out action. Call trigger() on it to set the default zoom out map tool.
virtual QAction * actionAddOgrLayer()=0
virtual QAction * actionToggleFullScreen()=0
virtual QAction * actionRollbackAllEdits()=0
virtual void zoomToActiveLayer()=0
Zooms to extent of the active layer.
virtual void showLayerProperties(QgsMapLayer *l, const QString &page=QString())=0
Opens layer properties dialog for the layer l.
virtual QAction * actionSimplifyFeature()=0
Returns the native Simplify/Smooth Features action.
virtual void zoomFull()=0
Zooms to the full extent of all map layers.
virtual QgsMapLayer * activeLayer()=0
Returns a pointer to the active layer (layer selected in the legend)
virtual void pasteFromClipboard(QgsMapLayer *)=0
Paste features from clipboard to the layer.
virtual QAction * actionOpenProject()=0
Returns the Open Project action.
void currentThemeChanged(const QString &theme)
Emitted when the current theme is changed so plugins can change their tool button icons.
virtual QgsStatusBar * statusBarIface()=0
Returns a pointer to the app's status bar interface.
virtual QAction * actionShowAllLayers()=0
virtual void removeRasterToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Remove an action (icon) from the Raster toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionPasteFeatures()=0
Returns the native Paste Features action.
virtual QToolBar * mapNavToolToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Map Navigation" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionCheckQgisVersion()=0
virtual QMenu * vectorMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Vector" menu.
virtual void deregisterLocatorFilter(QgsLocatorFilter *filter)=0
Deregisters a locator filter from the app's locator bar and deletes it.
virtual void invalidateLocatorResults()=0
Invalidate results from the locator filter.
virtual void registerMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory(QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Register a new tab in the map layer properties dialog.
virtual QAction * actionAddVectorTileLayer()=0
Returns the native Add Vector Tile Layer action.
virtual QAction * actionEllipseExtent()=0
Returns the native add ellipse from an extent action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool.
virtual QAction * actionCircle2TangentsPoint()=0
Returns the native add circle from 2 tangents and a point action. Call trigger() on it to set the map...
virtual void addCustomActionForLayerType(QAction *action, QString menu, QgsMapLayerType type, bool allLayers)=0
Add action to context menu for layers in the layer tree.
virtual QAction * actionRectangle3PointsProjected()=0
Returns the native add rectangle from 3 points (distance from projected 3rd point on segment p1 and p...
virtual QAction * actionOptions()=0
virtual void unregisterProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Unregister a previously registered tab in the options dialog.
virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QAction * actionZoomToLayer()=0
Returns the native zoom to layer action.
virtual QAction * actionSelect()=0
Returns the native select action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select map tool.
virtual QAction * actionProjectProperties()=0
Returns the native Project Properties action.
virtual QAction * actionCreatePrintLayout()=0
Create new print layout action.
virtual QDialog * showAttributeTable(QgsVectorLayer *l, const QString &filterExpression=QString())=0
Open attribute table dialog.
virtual void showProjectPropertiesDialog(const QString &currentPage=QString())=0
Opens the project properties dialog.
virtual QAction * addToolBarWidget(QWidget *widget)=0
Add a widget to the plugins toolbar.
virtual QgsBrowserGuiModel * browserModel()=0
Returns the application browser model.
virtual void addWindow(QAction *action)=0
Add window to Window menu.
virtual QAction * actionRectangle3PointsDistance()=0
Returns the native add rectangle from 3 points (distance from 2nd and 3rd points) action....
virtual QAction * actionAddPointCloudLayer()=0
Returns the native Add Point Cloud Layer action.
virtual QAction * actionQgisHomePage()=0
virtual QgsVectorLayer * addVectorLayer(const QString &vectorLayerPath, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey)=0
Adds a vector layer to the current project.
virtual QActionGroup * mapToolActionGroup()=0
Returns the action group for map tools.
virtual void addPluginToRasterMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Add action to the Raster menu.
virtual QToolBar * rasterToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Raster" toolbar.
virtual QgsMeshLayer * addMeshLayer(const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey)=0
Adds a mesh layer to the current project.
virtual QAction * actionZoomToSelected()=0
Returns the native zoom to selected action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to the current selection.
virtual void addPluginToVectorMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Add action to the Vector menu.
virtual void addPluginToDatabaseMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Add action to the Database menu.
virtual void locatorSearch(const QString &searchText)=0
This will perform a search in the locator bar by setting the line edit text to searchText and automat...
virtual int messageTimeout()=0
Returns the timeout for timed messages: default of 5 seconds.
virtual QgsRasterLayer * addRasterLayer(const QString &rasterLayerPath, const QString &baseName=QString())=0
Adds a raster layer to the current project, given a raster layer file name.
virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void openURL(const QString &url, bool useQgisDocDirectory=true)=0
Open a url in the users browser.
virtual void unregisterDevToolWidgetFactory(QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Unregister a previously registered tool factory from the development/debugging tools dock.
virtual void removeWebToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Remove an action (icon) from the Web toolbar.
virtual int addRasterToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Add an icon to the Raster toolbar.
virtual bool askForDatumTransform(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCrs)=0
Checks available datum transforms and ask user if several are available and none is chosen.
virtual void buildStyleSheet(const QMap< QString, QVariant > &opts)=0
Generate stylesheet.
virtual QAction * actionMoveFeature()=0
Returns the native Move Features action.
virtual QAction * addRasterToolBarWidget(QWidget *widget)=0
Add a widget to the raster toolbar.
void layerSavedAs(QgsMapLayer *l, const QString &path)
Emitted when a layer has been saved using save as.
virtual QAction * actionRemoveAllFromOverview()=0
virtual QMap< QString, QVariant > defaultStyleSheetOptions()=0
Returns changeable options built from settings and/or defaults.
virtual QMenu * firstRightStandardMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the right most standard menu, which is usually the last menu item before the "...
virtual bool newProject(bool promptToSaveFlag=false)=0
Starts a new blank project.
virtual QAction * actionManagePlugins()=0
virtual QAction * actionLayerSaveAs()=0
virtual void registerCustomLayoutDropHandler(QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler)=0
Register a new custom drop handler for layout windows.
virtual QMenu * addLayerMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Add Layer" menu.
virtual QAction * actionSaveAllEdits()=0
virtual QMenu * projectMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Project" menu.
virtual QToolBar * shapeDigitizeToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Shape Digitizing" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionRegularPolygon2Points()=0
Returns the native add regular polygon from 2 points action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool...
virtual QAction * actionAllEdits()=0
virtual QAction * actionDuplicateLayer()=0
virtual QMenu * viewMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "View" menu.
virtual QgsMessageBar * messageBar()=0
Returns the message bar of the main app.
virtual QAction * actionZoomActualSize()=0
Returns the native zoom resolution (100%) action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to actual size.
virtual QAction * actionEllipseCenterPoint()=0
Returns the native add ellipse from center and a point action. Call trigger() on it to set the map to...
virtual QAction * actionDraw()=0
Returns the native draw action.
virtual void registerProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Register a new tab in the project properties dialog.
virtual QgsPointCloudLayer * addPointCloudLayer(const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey)=0
Adds a point cloud layer to the current project.
virtual QAction * actionSelectPolygon()=0
Returns the native select polygon action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select polygon map ...
virtual QAction * actionCopyFeatures()=0
Returns the native Copy Features action.
virtual QgsLayoutDesignerInterface * openLayoutDesigner(QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout)=0
Opens a new layout designer dialog for the specified layout, or brings an already open designer windo...
void initializationCompleted()
Emitted when the initialization is complete.
virtual QToolBar * attributesToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Attributes" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionMapTips()=0
Returns the native map tips action. Call trigger() on it to toggle map tips.
virtual QAction * actionAddAmsLayer()=0
Returns the native Add ArcGIS REST Server action.
virtual void zoomToPrevious()=0
Zooms to the previous view extent.
virtual QgsMapCanvas * mapCanvas()=0
Returns a pointer to the map canvas.
virtual QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPoint layerTreeInsertionPoint()=0
Returns the insertion point.
virtual QAction * actionRegularPolygonCenterPoint()=0
Returns the native add regular polygon from center and a point action. Call trigger() on it to set th...
virtual QAction * actionToggleEditing()=0
virtual QAction * actionPasteLayerStyle()=0
virtual QList< QgsMapDecoration * > activeDecorations()=0
Returns a list of the active decorations.
virtual QAction * actionSelectFreehand()=0
Returns the native select freehand action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select freehand ma...
virtual QAction * actionNewBookmark()=0
Returns the native new bookmark action. Call trigger() on it to open the new bookmark dialog.
virtual int addToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Add an icon to the plugins toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionAbout()=0
virtual QToolBar * addToolBar(const QString &name)=0
Add toolbar with specified name.
void currentLayerChanged(QgsMapLayer *layer)
Emitted whenever current (selected) layer changes.
virtual QAction * actionCustomProjection()=0
virtual QMenu * layerMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Layer" menu.
virtual QgsRasterLayer * addRasterLayer(const QString &url, const QString &layerName, const QString &providerKey)=0
Adds a raster layer to the current project, from the specified raster data provider.
virtual QAction * actionAddRing()=0
Returns the native Add Ring action.
virtual QMenu * pluginMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Plugin" menu.
virtual QAction * actionSplitParts()=0
Returns the native Split Parts action.
virtual QAction * actionZoomIn()=0
Returns the native zoom in action. Call trigger() on it to set the default zoom in map tool.
virtual QMenu * editMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Edit" menu.
virtual void registerDevToolWidgetFactory(QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Register a new tool in the development/debugging tools dock.
virtual void registerOptionsWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Register a new tab in the options dialog.
virtual QAction * actionDeleteSelected()=0
Returns the native Delete Selected Features action.
virtual void removePluginRasterMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Remove action from the Raster menu.
virtual QAction * actionCircle2Points()=0
Returns the native add circle from 2 points action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool.
virtual void unregisterMapToolHandler(QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler)=0
Unregister a previously registered map tool handler.
virtual QAction * actionCancelAllEdits()=0
virtual QToolBar * webToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Web" toolbar.
virtual void copySelectionToClipboard(QgsMapLayer *)=0
Copy selected features from the layer to clipboard.
virtual QAction * actionSelectRectangle()=0
Returns the native select rectangle action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select rectangle ...
virtual QList< QgsMapLayer * > editableLayers(bool modified=false) const =0
Returns vector layers in edit mode.
virtual QAction * actionCircleCenterPoint()=0
Returns the native add circle from center action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool.
virtual QMenu * pluginHelpMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Plugin Help" sub-menu.
virtual void unregisterCustomProjectOpenHandler(QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler)=0
Unregister a previously registered custom project open handler.
virtual QAction * actionSplitFeatures()=0
Returns the native Split Features action.
virtual void addUserInputWidget(QWidget *widget)=0
Adds a widget to the user input tool bar.
virtual void removeToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Remove an action (icon) from the plugin toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionZoomLast()=0
Returns the native zoom last action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to last.
virtual QAction * actionRegularPolygonCenterCorner()=0
Returns the native add regular polygon from center and a corner action. Call trigger() on it to set t...
virtual QToolBar * fileToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "File" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionShowPythonDialog()=0
virtual QFont defaultStyleSheetFont()=0
Returns a reference font for initial qApp (may not be same as QgisApp)
virtual QAction * actionAddXyzLayer()=0
Returns the native Add XYZ Layer action.
virtual QAction * actionToggleSelectedLayers()=0
Returns the Toggle Selected Layers action.
virtual void insertAddLayerAction(QAction *action)=0
Add "add layer" action to layer menu.
virtual void unregisterOptionsWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory)=0
Unregister a previously registered tab in the options dialog.
virtual void addToolBar(QToolBar *toolbar, Qt::ToolBarArea area=Qt::TopToolBarArea)=0
Add a toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionSaveProjectAs()=0
Returns the native Save Project As action.
virtual QAction * actionOpenFieldCalculator()=0
virtual void registerMapToolHandler(QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler)=0
Register a new application map tool handler, which can be used to automatically setup all connections...
virtual QMenu * webMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Web" menu.
virtual void saveStyleSheetOptions(const QMap< QString, QVariant > &opts)=0
Save changed default option keys/values to user settings.
virtual void removeWindow(QAction *action)=0
Remove window from Window menu.
virtual int addDatabaseToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Add an icon to the Database toolbar.
virtual QToolBar * layerToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Layer" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionSaveProject()=0
Returns the native Save Project action.
virtual QAction * actionToggleSelectedLayersIndependently()=0
Returns the Toggle Selected Layers Independently action.
virtual QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge * layerTreeCanvasBridge()=0
Returns a pointer to the layer tree canvas bridge.
virtual QAction * actionSaveActiveLayerEdits()=0
virtual QAction * actionAddAllToOverview()=0
virtual bool addProject(const QString &project)=0
Adds (opens) a project.
virtual QToolBar * helpToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Help" toolbar.
virtual void unregisterCustomLayoutDropHandler(QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler)=0
Unregister a previously registered custom drop handler for layout windows.
virtual QAction * actionShowLayoutManager()=0
Show layout manager action.
virtual QAction * actionPanToSelected()=0
Returns the native pan to selected action. Call trigger() on it to pan the map canvas to the selectio...
virtual QWidget * mainWindow()=0
Returns a pointer to the main window (instance of QgisApp in case of QGIS)
virtual void removePluginVectorMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Remove action from the Vector menu.
virtual QAction * actionRollbackEdits()=0
virtual QToolBar * advancedDigitizeToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Advanced Digitizing" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionEllipseCenter2Points()=0
Returns the native add ellipse from center and 2 points action. Call trigger() on it to set the map t...
virtual QToolBar * pluginToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Plugin" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionPan()=0
Returns the native pan action. Call trigger() on it to set the default pan map tool.
virtual void removeDockWidget(QDockWidget *dockwidget)=0
Removes the specified dock widget from main window (without deleting it).
virtual QAction * actionAddToOverview()=0
void layoutDesignerClosed()
Emitted after a layout designer window is closed.
virtual void reloadConnections()=0
Triggered when connections have changed.
virtual QMenu * newLayerMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Create New Layer" menu.
virtual QAction * actionSelectRadius()=0
Returns the native select radius action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select radius map to...
virtual QAction * actionDeleteRing()=0
Returns the native Delete Ring action.
virtual QAction * actionShowBookmarks()=0
Returns the native show bookmarks action. Call trigger() on it to open the bookmarks dialog.
virtual void removeDatabaseToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Remove an action (icon) from the Database toolbar.
virtual QList< QgsLayoutDesignerInterface * > openLayoutDesigners()=0
Returns all currently open layout designers.
virtual QAction * actionAddFeature()=0
Returns the native Add Feature action.
virtual QMenu * helpMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Help" menu.
virtual QSize iconSize(bool dockedToolbar=false) const =0
Returns the toolbar icon size.
virtual QToolBar * dataSourceManagerToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Data Source Manager" toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionAddWmsLayer()=0
virtual void registerApplicationExitBlocker(QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker)=0
Register a new application exit blocker, which can be used to prevent the QGIS application from exiti...
virtual void removePluginDatabaseMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Remove action from the Database menu.
virtual QgsVectorLayerTools * vectorLayerTools()=0
Access the vector layer tools instance.
virtual bool setActiveLayer(QgsMapLayer *)=0
Set the active layer (layer gets selected in the legend) returns true if the layer exists,...
virtual QAction * actionSaveEdits()=0
virtual QAction * actionDeletePart()=0
Returns the native Delete Part action.
virtual void takeAppScreenShots(const QString &saveDirectory, const int categories=0)
Take screenshots for user documentation.
virtual bool registerMainWindowAction(QAction *action, const QString &defaultShortcut)=0
Register action to the shortcuts manager so its shortcut can be changed in GUI.
virtual QAction * actionZoomNext()=0
Returns the native zoom next action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to next.
virtual QAction * actionSaveMapAsImage()=0
Returns the native Save Map as Image action.
virtual QAction * actionHideDeselectedLayers()=0
Returns the Hide Deselected Layers action.
virtual QAction * actionLayerProperties()=0
virtual QAction * actionRectangleExtent()=0
Returns the native add rectangle from extent action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool.
virtual void removePluginWebMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Remove action from the Web menu.
virtual QAction * actionVertexTool()=0
Returns the native "Vertex Tool for All Layers" action.
virtual QAction * actionShowSelectedLayers()=0
virtual void addDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget)=0
Adds a dock widget to the main window, in the specified dock area.
virtual void registerCustomDropHandler(QgsCustomDropHandler *handler)=0
Register a new custom drop handler.
void layoutDesignerOpened(QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *designer)
Emitted when a new layout designer has been opened.
virtual QAction * actionOpenStatisticalSummary()=0
Statistical summary action.
virtual QAction * actionExit()=0
Returns the Exit QGIS action.
virtual QgsMapCanvas * createNewMapCanvas(const QString &name)=0
Create a new map canvas with the specified unique name.
virtual void unregisterApplicationExitBlocker(QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker)=0
Unregister a previously registered application exit blocker.
virtual bool removeCustomActionForLayerType(QAction *action)=0
Remove action for layers in the layer tree previously added with addCustomActionForLayerType()
virtual void registerLocatorFilter(QgsLocatorFilter *filter)=0
Registers a locator filter for the app's locator bar.
virtual void openMessageLog()=0
Opens the message log dock widget.
virtual QgsVectorTileLayer * addVectorTileLayer(const QString &url, const QString &baseName)=0
Adds a vector tile layer to the current project.
virtual QAction * actionNewVectorLayer()=0
virtual QAction * actionHideAllLayers()=0
virtual int addVectorToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction)=0
Add an icon to the Vector toolbar.
virtual QAction * actionZoomToLayers()=0
Returns the native zoom to layers action.
virtual void setGpsPanelConnection(QgsGpsConnection *connection)=0
Sets a GPS connection to use within the GPS Panel widget.
virtual QAction * actionCancelEdits()=0
virtual QAction * actionCircle3Tangents()=0
Returns the native add circle from 3 tangents action. Call trigger() on it to set the map tool.
virtual QAction * actionCopyLayerStyle()=0
virtual bool unregisterMainWindowAction(QAction *action)=0
Unregister a previously registered action. (e.g. when plugin is going to be unloaded)
virtual QAction * addDatabaseToolBarWidget(QWidget *widget)=0
Add a widget to the database toolbar.
virtual QMenu * windowMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Window" menu.
virtual QgsPluginManagerInterface * pluginManagerInterface()=0
virtual void registerCustomProjectOpenHandler(QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler)=0
Register a new custom project open handler.
virtual QToolBar * selectionToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Selection" toolbar.
virtual QMenu * databaseMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Database" menu.
virtual QAction * actionHideSelectedLayers()=0
virtual QAction * addWebToolBarWidget(QWidget *widget)=0
Add a widget to the web toolbar.
virtual void removeAddLayerAction(QAction *action)=0
Remove "add layer" action from layer menu.
virtual QAction * addVectorToolBarWidget(QWidget *widget)=0
Add a widget to the vector toolbar.
virtual void addTabifiedDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget, const QStringList &tabifyWith=QStringList(), bool raiseTab=false)=0
Add a dock widget to the given area and tabify it (if other dock widgets exist in the same area).
virtual QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget * cadDockWidget()=0
Advanced digitizing dock widget.
void newProjectCreated()
Emitted when starting an entirely new project.
virtual QToolBar * databaseToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Database" toolbar.
virtual QMenu * settingsMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Settings" menu.
virtual void closeMapCanvas(const QString &name)=0
Closes the additional map canvas with matching name.
void projectRead()
Emitted when a project file is successfully read.
virtual void addPluginToMenu(const QString &name, QAction *action)=0
Add action to the plugins menu.
virtual void showOptionsDialog(QWidget *parent=nullptr, const QString &currentPage=QString())=0
Opens the options dialog.
virtual QAction * actionAddRasterLayer()=0
virtual QAction * actionMeasureArea()=0
Returns the native measure area action. Call trigger() on it to set the default measure area map tool...
virtual void addCustomActionForLayer(QAction *action, QgsMapLayer *layer)=0
Add action to context menu for a specific layer in the layer tree.
virtual QToolBar * vectorToolBar()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Vector" toolbar.
virtual QMenu * rasterMenu()=0
Returns a reference to the main window "Raster" menu.
virtual QAction * actionZoomFullExtent()=0
Returns the native zoom full extent action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to the full extent.
virtual QAction * actionOpenTable()=0
An abstract base class for map tool handlers which automatically handle all the necessary logic for t...
The QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget class is a dockable widget used to handle the CAD tools on top of...
An interface that may be implemented to allow plugins or scripts to temporarily block the QGIS applic...
A model for showing available data sources and other items in a structured tree.
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
Abstract base class that may be implemented to handle new types of data to be dropped in QGIS.
Abstract base class that may be implemented to handle new project file types within the QGIS applicat...
Factory class for creating custom developer/debugging tool pages.
The feature class encapsulates a single feature including its unique ID, geometry and a list of field...
Definition: qgsfeature.h:56
Abstract base class for connection to a GPS device.
Layer tree group node serves as a container for layers and further groups.
The QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge class takes care of updates of layer set for QgsMapCanvas from a laye...
The QgsLayerTreeView class extends QTreeView and provides some additional functionality when working ...
Abstract base class that may be implemented to handle new types of data to be dropped or pasted in QG...
A common interface for layout designer dialogs and widgets.
Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc.
Definition: qgslayout.h:51
Abstract base class for filters which collect locator results.
Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas.
Definition: qgsmapcanvas.h:89
Interface for map decorations.
Factory class for creating custom map layer property pages.
Base class for all map layer types.
Definition: qgsmaplayer.h:73
Interface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports.
Represents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes.
Definition: qgsmeshlayer.h:97
A bar for displaying non-blocking messages to the user.
Definition: qgsmessagebar.h:61
A factory class for creating custom options pages.
Represents a map layer supporting display of point clouds.
Represents a raster layer.
A proxy widget for QStatusBar.
Definition: qgsstatusbar.h:47
Methods in this class are used to handle basic operations on vector layers.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
Implements a map layer that is dedicated to rendering of vector tiles.
Types of layers that can be added to a map.
Definition: qgis.h:47
Definition: qgis.h:1742
Definition: qgis.h:1741
Definition: qgis_sip.h:106
Definition: qgis_sip.h:36
Definition: qgis_sip.h:76
A structure to define the insertion point to the layer tree.