QGIS API Documentation  3.16.0-Hannover (43b64b13f3)
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QgsMeshLayer Class Reference

Represents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes. More...

#include <qgsmeshlayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsMeshLayer:
Inheritance graph


struct  LayerOptions
 Setting options for loading mesh layers. More...

Public Slots

void setTransformContext (const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext) override
 Sets the coordinate transform context to transformContext. More...
- Public Slots inherited from QgsMapLayer
void emitStyleChanged ()
 Triggers an emission of the styleChanged() signal. More...
virtual bool setDependencies (const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &layers)
 Sets the list of dependencies. More...
void setMaximumScale (double scale)
 Sets the maximum map scale (i.e. More...
void setMinimumScale (double scale)
 Sets the minimum map scale (i.e. More...
void setRefreshOnNofifyMessage (const QString &message)
 Set the notification message that triggers repaint If refresh on notification is enabled, the notification will triggerRepaint only if the notification message is equal to. More...
void setRefreshOnNotifyEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set whether provider notification is connected to triggerRepaint. More...
void setScaleBasedVisibility (bool enabled)
 Sets whether scale based visibility is enabled for the layer. More...
virtual void setTransformContext (const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &transformContext)=0
 Sets the coordinate transform context to transformContext. More...
void triggerRepaint (bool deferredUpdate=false)
 Will advise the map canvas (and any other interested party) that this layer requires to be repainted. More...


void activeScalarDatasetGroupChanged (int index)
 Emitted when active scalar group dataset is changed. More...
void activeVectorDatasetGroupChanged (int index)
 Emitted when active vector group dataset is changed. More...
void timeSettingsChanged ()
 Emitted when time format is changed. More...
- Signals inherited from QgsMapLayer
void autoRefreshIntervalChanged (int interval)
 Emitted when the auto refresh interval changes. More...
void beforeResolveReferences (QgsProject *project)
 Emitted when all layers are loaded and references can be resolved, just before the references of this layer are resolved. More...
void blendModeChanged (QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode)
 Signal emitted when the blend mode is changed, through QgsMapLayer::setBlendMode() More...
void configChanged ()
 Emitted whenever the configuration is changed. More...
void crsChanged ()
 Emit a signal that layer's CRS has been reset. More...
void dataChanged ()
 Data of layer changed. More...
void dataSourceChanged ()
 Emitted whenever the layer's data source has been changed. More...
void dependenciesChanged ()
 Emitted when dependencies are changed. More...
void flagsChanged ()
 Emitted when layer's flags have been modified. More...
void isValidChanged ()
 Emitted when the validity of this layer changed. More...
void legendChanged ()
 Signal emitted when legend of the layer has changed. More...
void metadataChanged ()
 Emitted when the layer's metadata is changed. More...
void nameChanged ()
 Emitted when the name has been changed. More...
void recalculateExtents () const
 This is used to send a request that any mapcanvas using this layer update its extents. More...
void renderer3DChanged ()
 Signal emitted when 3D renderer associated with the layer has changed. More...
void rendererChanged ()
 Signal emitted when renderer is changed. More...
void repaintRequested (bool deferredUpdate=false)
 By emitting this signal the layer tells that either appearance or content have been changed and any view showing the rendered layer should refresh itself. More...
void statusChanged (const QString &status)
 Emit a signal with status (e.g. to be caught by QgisApp and display a msg on status bar) More...
void styleChanged ()
 Signal emitted whenever a change affects the layer's style. More...
void styleLoaded (QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories)
 Emitted when a style has been loaded. More...
void willBeDeleted ()
 Emitted in the destructor when the layer is about to be deleted, but it is still in a perfectly valid state: the last chance for other pieces of code for some cleanup if they use the layer. More...

Public Member Functions

 QgsMeshLayer (const QgsMeshLayer &rhs)=delete
 QgsMeshLayer cannot be copied. More...
 QgsMeshLayer (const QString &path=QString(), const QString &baseName=QString(), const QString &providerLib=QStringLiteral("mesh_memory"), const QgsMeshLayer::LayerOptions &options=QgsMeshLayer::LayerOptions())
 Constructor - creates a mesh layer. More...
 ~QgsMeshLayer () override
QgsMeshDatasetIndex activeScalarDatasetAtTime (const QgsDateTimeRange &timeRange) const
 Returns dataset index from active scalar group depending on the time range. More...
QgsMeshDatasetIndex activeVectorDatasetAtTime (const QgsDateTimeRange &timeRange) const
 Returns dataset index from active vector group depending on the time range If the temporal properties is not active, return the static dataset. More...
bool addDatasets (const QString &path, const QDateTime &defaultReferenceTime=QDateTime())
 Adds datasets to the mesh from file with path. More...
bool addDatasets (QgsMeshDatasetGroup *datasetGroup)
 Adds extra datasets to the mesh. More...
QgsMeshDataBlock areFacesActive (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, int faceIndex, int count) const
 Returns whether the faces are active for particular dataset. More...
QgsMeshLayerclone () const override
 Returns a new instance equivalent to this one except for the id which is still unique. More...
QgsMapLayerRenderercreateMapRenderer (QgsRenderContext &rendererContext) override
 Returns new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context. More...
const QgsMeshDataProviderdataProvider () const override
 Returns the layer's data provider in a const-correct manner, it may be nullptr. More...
QgsMeshDataProviderdataProvider () override
 Returns the layer's data provider, it may be nullptr. More...
QgsMeshDatasetValue dataset1dValue (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, const QgsPointXY &point, double searchRadius) const
 Returns the value of 1D mesh dataset defined on edge that are in the search area defined by point ans searchRadius. More...
QgsMesh3dDataBlock dataset3dValue (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, const QgsPointXY &point) const
 Returns the 3d values of stacked 3d mesh defined by the given point. More...
QgsMesh3dDataBlock dataset3dValues (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, int faceIndex, int count) const
 Returns N vector/scalar values from the face index from the dataset for 3d stacked meshes. More...
int datasetCount (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index) const
 Returns the dataset count in the dataset groups. More...
int datasetGroupCount () const
 Returns the dataset groups count handle by the layer. More...
QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata datasetGroupMetadata (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index) const
 Returns the dataset groups metadata. More...
QList< int > datasetGroupsIndexes () const
 Returns the list of indexes of dataset groups count handled by the layer. More...
QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItemdatasetGroupTreeRootItem () const
 Returns the root items of the dataset group tree item. More...
QgsMeshDatasetIndex datasetIndexAtRelativeTime (const QgsInterval &relativeTime, int datasetGroupIndex) const
 Returns dataset index from datasets group depending on the relative time from the layer reference time. More...
QgsMeshDatasetIndex datasetIndexAtTime (const QgsDateTimeRange &timeRange, int datasetGroupIndex) const
 Returns dataset index from datasets group depending on the time range. More...
QgsMeshDatasetMetadata datasetMetadata (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index) const
 Returns the dataset metadata. More...
QgsInterval datasetRelativeTime (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index)
 Returns the relative time of the dataset from the reference time of its group. More...
qint64 datasetRelativeTimeInMilliseconds (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index)
 Returns the relative time (in milliseconds) of the dataset from the reference time of its group. More...
QgsMeshDatasetValue datasetValue (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, const QgsPointXY &point, double searchRadius=0) const
 Interpolates the value on the given point from given dataset. More...
QgsMeshDatasetValue datasetValue (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, int valueIndex) const
 Returns vector/scalar value associated with the index from the dataset To read multiple continuous values, use datasetValues() More...
QgsMeshDataBlock datasetValues (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, int valueIndex, int count) const
 Returns N vector/scalar values from the index from the dataset. More...
QString decodedSource (const QString &source, const QString &provider, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override
 Called by readLayerXML(), used by derived classes to decode provider's specific data source from project files. More...
QString encodedSource (const QString &source, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override
 Called by writeLayerXML(), used by derived classes to encode provider's specific data source to project files. More...
QgsRectangle extent () const override
 Returns the extent of the layer. More...
int extraDatasetGroupCount () const
 Returns the extra dataset groups count handle by the layer. More...
QgsInterval firstValidTimeStep () const
 Returns the first valid time step of the dataset groups, invalid QgInterval if no time step is present. More...
QString formatTime (double hours)
 Returns (date) time in hours formatted to human readable form. More...
QString htmlMetadata () const override
 Obtain a formatted HTML string containing assorted metadata for this layer. More...
bool isFaceActive (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &index, int faceIndex) const
 Returns N vector/scalar values from the face index from the dataset for 3d stacked meshes. More...
QgsMeshSimplificationSettings meshSimplificationSettings () const
 Returns mesh simplification settings. More...
QgsMeshnativeMesh ()
 Returns native mesh (nullptr before rendering or calling to updateMesh) More...
const QgsMeshnativeMesh () const
 Returns native mesh (nullptr before rendering or calling to updateMesh) More...
QgsMeshLayeroperator= (QgsMeshLayer const &rhs)=delete
 QgsMeshLayer cannot be copied. More...
QString providerType () const
 Returns the provider type for this layer. More...
bool readStyle (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) override
 Read the style for the current layer from the DOM node supplied. More...
bool readSymbology (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) override
bool readXml (const QDomNode &layer_node, QgsReadWriteContext &context) override
 Called by readLayerXML(), used by children to read state specific to them from project files. More...
void reload () override
 Synchronises with changes in the datasource. More...
QgsMeshLayerRendererCache * rendererCache ()
 Returns native mesh (nullptr before rendering) More...
QgsMeshRendererSettings rendererSettings () const
 Returns renderer settings. More...
void resetDatasetGroupTreeItem ()
 Reset the dataset group tree item to default from provider. More...
bool saveDataset (const QString &path, int datasetGroupIndex, QString driver)
 Saves datasets group on file with the specified driver. More...
void setDatasetGroupTreeRootItem (QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItem *rootItem)
 Sets the root items of the dataset group tree item. More...
void setMeshSimplificationSettings (const QgsMeshSimplificationSettings &meshSimplificationSettings)
 Sets mesh simplification settings. More...
void setReferenceTime (const QDateTime &referenceTime)
 Sets the reference time of the layer. More...
void setRendererSettings (const QgsMeshRendererSettings &settings)
 Sets new renderer settings. More...
void setStaticScalarDatasetIndex (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &staticScalarDatasetIndex)
 Sets the static scalar dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active. More...
void setStaticVectorDatasetIndex (const QgsMeshDatasetIndex &staticVectorDatasetIndex)
 Sets the static vector dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active. More...
void setTemporalMatchingMethod (const QgsMeshDataProviderTemporalCapabilities::MatchingTemporalDatasetMethod &matchingMethod)
 Sets the method used to match the temporal dataset from a requested time, see activeVectorDatasetAtTime() More...
void setTimeSettings (const QgsMeshTimeSettings &settings)
 Sets time format settings. More...
QgsPointXY snapOnElement (QgsMesh::ElementType elementType, const QgsPointXY &point, double searchRadius)
 Returns the position of the snapped point on the mesh element closest to point intersecting with the searching area defined by point and searchRadius. More...
QgsMeshDatasetIndex staticScalarDatasetIndex () const
 Returns the static scalar dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active. More...
QgsMeshDatasetIndex staticVectorDatasetIndex () const
 Returns the static vector dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active. More...
QStringList subLayers () const override
 Returns the sublayers of this layer. More...
QgsMapLayerTemporalPropertiestemporalProperties () override
 Returns the layer's temporal properties. More...
QgsMeshTimeSettings timeSettings () const
 Returns time format settings. More...
QgsTriangularMeshtriangularMesh (double minimumTriangleSize=0) const
 Returns triangular mesh (nullptr before rendering or calling to updateMesh). More...
void updateTriangularMesh (const QgsCoordinateTransform &transform=QgsCoordinateTransform())
 Gets native mesh and updates (creates if it doesn't exist) the base triangular mesh. More...
bool writeStyle (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const override
 Write just the symbology information for the layer into the document. More...
bool writeSymbology (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) const override
bool writeXml (QDomNode &layer_node, QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override
 Called by writeLayerXML(), used by children to write state specific to them to project files. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsMapLayer
 QgsMapLayer (QgsMapLayer const &)=delete
 QgsMapLayer cannot be copied. More...
 QgsMapLayer (QgsMapLayerType type=QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer, const QString &name=QString(), const QString &source=QString())
 Constructor for QgsMapLayer. More...
 ~QgsMapLayer () override
QString abstract () const
 Returns the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
virtual bool accept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const
 Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the layer. More...
QString attribution () const
 Returns the attribution of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString attributionUrl () const
 Returns the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
int autoRefreshInterval () const
 Returns the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds). More...
QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode () const
 Returns the current blending mode for a layer. More...
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs () const
 Returns the layer's spatial reference system. More...
const QgsObjectCustomPropertiescustomProperties () const
 Read all custom properties from layer. More...
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant customProperty (const QString &value, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const
 Read a custom property from layer. More...
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList customPropertyKeys () const
 Returns list of all keys within custom properties. More...
QString dataUrl () const
 Returns the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString dataUrlFormat () const
 Returns the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
virtual QSet< QgsMapLayerDependencydependencies () const
 Gets the list of dependencies. More...
virtual QgsError error () const
 Gets current status error. More...
void exportNamedMetadata (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const
 Export the current metadata of this layer as named metadata in a QDomDocument. More...
virtual void exportNamedStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, const QgsReadWriteContext &context=QgsReadWriteContext(), QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories) const
 Export the properties of this layer as named style in a QDomDocument. More...
virtual void exportSldStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg) const
 Export the properties of this layer as SLD style in a QDomDocument. More...
QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags flags () const
 Returns the flags for this layer. More...
bool hasAutoRefreshEnabled () const
 Returns true if auto refresh is enabled for the layer. More...
bool hasScaleBasedVisibility () const
 Returns whether scale based visibility is enabled for the layer. More...
QString id () const
 Returns the layer's unique ID, which is used to access this layer from QgsProject. More...
bool importNamedMetadata (QDomDocument &document, QString &errorMessage)
 Import the metadata of this layer from a QDomDocument. More...
virtual bool importNamedStyle (QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMsg, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories)
 Import the properties of this layer from a QDomDocument. More...
virtual bool isEditable () const
 Returns true if the layer can be edited. More...
bool isInScaleRange (double scale) const
 Tests whether the layer should be visible at the specified scale. More...
bool isRefreshOnNotifyEnabled () const
 Returns true if the refresh on provider nofification is enabled. More...
virtual bool isSpatial () const
 Returns true if the layer is considered a spatial layer, ie it has some form of geometry associated with it. More...
virtual bool isTemporary () const
 Returns true if the layer is considered a temporary layer. More...
bool isValid () const
 Returns the status of the layer. More...
QString keywordList () const
 Returns the keyword list of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QgsMapLayerLegendlegend () const
 Can be nullptr. More...
QString legendUrl () const
 Returns the URL for the layer's legend. More...
QString legendUrlFormat () const
 Returns the format for a URL based layer legend. More...
virtual QString loadDefaultMetadata (bool &resultFlag)
 Retrieve the default metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users metadata table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString loadDefaultStyle (bool &resultFlag)
 Retrieve the default style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString loadNamedMetadata (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag)
 Retrieve a named metadata for this layer if one exists (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
bool loadNamedMetadataFromDatabase (const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qmd)
 Retrieve a named metadata for this layer from a sqlite database. More...
virtual QString loadNamedStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories=QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories)
 Retrieve a named style for this layer if one exists (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual bool loadNamedStyleFromDatabase (const QString &db, const QString &uri, QString &qml)
 Retrieve a named style for this layer from a sqlite database. More...
virtual QString loadSldStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag)
 Attempts to style the layer using the formatting from an SLD type file. More...
double maximumScale () const
 Returns the maximum map scale (i.e. More...
virtual const QgsLayerMetadatametadata () const
 Returns a reference to the layer's metadata store. More...
virtual QString metadataUri () const
 Retrieve the metadata URI for this layer (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
QString metadataUrl () const
 Returns the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString metadataUrlFormat () const
 Returns the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString metadataUrlType () const
 Returns the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
double minimumScale () const
 Returns the minimum map scale (i.e. More...
QString name () const
 Returns the display name of the layer. More...
QgsMapLayeroperator= (QgsMapLayer const &)=delete
 QgsMapLayer cannot be copied. More...
QString originalXmlProperties () const
 Returns the XML properties of the original layer as they were when the layer was first read from the project file. More...
QString providerType () const
 Returns the provider type (provider key) for this layer. More...
QString publicSource () const
 Gets a version of the internal layer definition that has sensitive bits removed (for example, the password). More...
bool readLayerXml (const QDomElement &layerElement, QgsReadWriteContext &context, QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags flags=QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags())
 Sets state from DOM document. More...
bool readOnly () const
 Returns if this layer is read only. More...
virtual bool readSld (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage)
virtual bool readSymbology (const QDomNode &node, QString &errorMessage, QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories)=0
 Read the symbology for the current layer from the DOM node supplied. More...
QString refreshOnNotifyMessage () const
 Returns the message that should be notified by the provider to triggerRepaint. More...
void removeCustomProperty (const QString &key)
 Remove a custom property from layer. More...
QgsAbstract3DRendererrenderer3D () const
 Returns 3D renderer associated with the layer. More...
virtual void resolveReferences (QgsProject *project)
 Resolve references to other layers (kept as layer IDs after reading XML) into layer objects. More...
virtual QString saveDefaultMetadata (bool &resultFlag)
 Save the current metadata of this layer as the default metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString saveDefaultStyle (bool &resultFlag)
 Save the properties of this layer as the default style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
QString saveNamedMetadata (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag)
 Save the current metadata of this layer as a named metadata (either as a .qmd file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString saveNamedStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories)
 Save the properties of this layer as a named style (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QString saveSldStyle (const QString &uri, bool &resultFlag) const
 Saves the properties of this layer to an SLD format file. More...
void setAbstract (const QString &abstract)
 Sets the abstract of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setAttribution (const QString &attrib)
 Sets the attribution of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setAttributionUrl (const QString &attribUrl)
 Sets the attribution URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setAutoRefreshEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether auto refresh is enabled for the layer. More...
void setAutoRefreshInterval (int interval)
 Sets the auto refresh interval (in milliseconds) for the layer. More...
void setBlendMode (QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode)
 Set the blending mode used for rendering a layer. More...
void setCrs (const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs, bool emitSignal=true)
 Sets layer's spatial reference system. More...
void setCustomProperties (const QgsObjectCustomProperties &properties)
 Set custom properties for layer. More...
Q_INVOKABLE void setCustomProperty (const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
 Set a custom property for layer. More...
virtual void setDataSource (const QString &dataSource, const QString &baseName, const QString &provider, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag=false)
 Updates the data source of the layer. More...
void setDataUrl (const QString &dataUrl)
 Sets the DataUrl of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setDataUrlFormat (const QString &dataUrlFormat)
 Sets the DataUrl format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setFlags (QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags flags)
 Returns the flags for this layer. More...
void setKeywordList (const QString &keywords)
 Sets the keyword list of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
virtual void setLayerOrder (const QStringList &layers)
 Reorders the previously selected sublayers of this layer from bottom to top. More...
void setLegend (QgsMapLayerLegend *legend)
 Assign a legend controller to the map layer. More...
void setLegendUrl (const QString &legendUrl)
 Sets the URL for the layer's legend. More...
void setLegendUrlFormat (const QString &legendUrlFormat)
 Sets the format for a URL based layer legend. More...
virtual void setMetadata (const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata)
 Sets the layer's metadata store. More...
void setMetadataUrl (const QString &metaUrl)
 Sets the metadata URL of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setMetadataUrlFormat (const QString &metaUrlFormat)
 Sets the metadata format of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
void setMetadataUrlType (const QString &metaUrlType)
 Set the metadata type of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request MetadataUrlType indicates the standard to which the metadata complies. More...
void setName (const QString &name)
 Set the display name of the layer. More...
void setOriginalXmlProperties (const QString &originalXmlProperties)
 Sets the original XML properties for the layer to originalXmlProperties. More...
void setRenderer3D (QgsAbstract3DRenderer *renderer)
 Sets 3D renderer for the layer. More...
void setShortName (const QString &shortName)
 Sets the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer. More...
virtual void setSubLayerVisibility (const QString &name, bool visible)
 Set the visibility of the given sublayer name. More...
void setTitle (const QString &title)
 Sets the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QString shortName () const
 Returns the short name of the layer used by QGIS Server to identify the layer. More...
QString source () const
 Returns the source for the layer. More...
QgsMapLayerStyleManagerstyleManager () const
 Gets access to the layer's style manager. More...
virtual QString styleURI () const
 Retrieve the style URI for this layer (either as a .qml file on disk or as a record in the users style table in their personal qgis.db) More...
virtual QDateTime timestamp () const
 Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider. More...
QString title () const
 Returns the title of the layer used by QGIS Server in GetCapabilities request. More...
QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext () const
 Returns the layer data provider coordinate transform context or a default transform context if the layer does not have a valid data provider. More...
QgsMapLayerType type () const
 Returns the type of the layer. More...
QUndoStack * undoStack ()
 Returns pointer to layer's undo stack. More...
QUndoStack * undoStackStyles ()
 Returns pointer to layer's style undo stack. More...
bool writeLayerXml (QDomElement &layerElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const
 Stores state in DOM node. More...
virtual bool writeSymbology (QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc, QString &errorMessage, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const =0
 Write the style for the layer into the docment provided. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QgsMapLayer
enum  LayerFlag { Identifiable = 1 << 0, Removable = 1 << 1, Searchable = 1 << 2 }
 Flags for the map layer. More...
enum  PropertyType { Style = 0, Metadata }
 Maplayer has a style and a metadata property. More...
enum  ReadFlag { FlagDontResolveLayers = 1 << 0, FlagTrustLayerMetadata = 1 << 1 }
 Flags which control project read behavior. More...
enum  StyleCategory {
  LayerConfiguration = 1 << 0, Symbology = 1 << 1, Symbology3D = 1 << 2, Labeling = 1 << 3,
  Fields = 1 << 4, Forms = 1 << 5, Actions = 1 << 6, MapTips = 1 << 7,
  Diagrams = 1 << 8, AttributeTable = 1 << 9, Rendering = 1 << 10, CustomProperties = 1 << 11,
  GeometryOptions = 1 << 12, Relations = 1 << 13, Temporal = 1 << 14, Legend = 1 << 15,
 Categories of style to distinguish appropriate sections for import/export. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QgsMapLayer
static QString extensionPropertyType (PropertyType type)
 Returns the extension of a Property. More...
static QString formatLayerName (const QString &name)
 A convenience function to capitalize and format a layer name. More...
static QString generateId (const QString &layerName)
 Generates an unique identifier for this layer, the generate ID is prefixed by layerName. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsMapLayer
void appendError (const QgsErrorMessage &error)
 Add error message. More...
void clone (QgsMapLayer *layer) const
 Copies attributes like name, short name, ... More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool hasDependencyCycle (const QSet< QgsMapLayerDependency > &) const
 Checks whether a new set of dependencies will introduce a cycle this method is now deprecated and always return false, because circular dependencies are now correctly managed. More...
void readCommonStyle (const QDomElement &layerElement, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories)
 Read style data common to all layer types. More...
void readCustomProperties (const QDomNode &layerNode, const QString &keyStartsWith=QString())
 Read custom properties from project file. More...
void readStyleManager (const QDomNode &layerNode)
 Read style manager's configuration (if any). To be called by subclasses. More...
void setError (const QgsError &error)
 Sets error message. More...
virtual void setExtent (const QgsRectangle &rect)
 Sets the extent. More...
void setProviderType (const QString &providerType)
 Sets the providerType (provider key) More...
void setValid (bool valid)
 Sets whether layer is valid or not. More...
void writeCommonStyle (QDomElement &layerElement, QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, StyleCategories categories=AllStyleCategories) const
 Write style data common to all layer types. More...
void writeCustomProperties (QDomNode &layerNode, QDomDocument &doc) const
 Write custom properties to project file. More...
void writeStyleManager (QDomNode &layerNode, QDomDocument &doc) const
 Write style manager's configuration (if exists). To be called by subclasses. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsMapLayer
QString mAbstract
 Description of the layer. More...
QString mAttribution
 Attribution of the layer. More...
QString mAttributionUrl
QString mDataSource
 Data source description string, varies by layer type. More...
QString mDataUrl
 DataUrl of the layer. More...
QString mDataUrlFormat
QSet< QgsMapLayerDependencymDependencies
 List of layers that may modify this layer on modification. More...
QgsError mError
 Error. More...
QgsRectangle mExtent
 Extent of the layer. More...
bool mIsRefreshOnNofifyEnabled = false
QString mKeywordList
QString mLayerName
 Name of the layer - used for display. More...
QString mLegendUrl
 WMS legend. More...
QString mLegendUrlFormat
QString mMetadataUrl
 MetadataUrl of the layer. More...
QString mMetadataUrlFormat
QString mMetadataUrlType
QString mProviderKey
 Data provider key (name of the data provider) More...
QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags mReadFlags = QgsMapLayer::ReadFlags()
 Read flags. It's up to the subclass to respect these when restoring state from XML. More...
QString mRefreshOnNofifyMessage
QString mShortName
bool mShouldValidateCrs = true
 true if the layer's CRS should be validated and invalid CRSes are not permitted. More...
QString mTitle
bool mValid = false
 Indicates if the layer is valid and can be drawn. More...
- Properties inherited from QgsMapLayer
int autoRefreshInterval
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs
bool isValid
QgsLayerMetadata metadata
QString name
QgsMapLayerType type

Detailed Description

Represents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes.

The QgsMeshLayer is instantiated by specifying the name of a data provider, such as mdal, and url defining the specific data set to connect to. The vector layer constructor in turn instantiates a QgsMeshDataProvider subclass corresponding to the provider type, and passes it the url. The data provider connects to the data source.

The QgsMeshLayer provides a common interface to the different data types. It does not yet support editing transactions.

The main data providers supported by QGIS are listed below.

Mesh data providers

Memory data providerType (mesh_memory)

The memory data provider is used to construct in memory data, for example scratch data. There is no inherent persistent storage of the data. The data source uri is constructed. Data can be populated by setMesh(const QString &vertices, const QString &faces), where vertices and faces is comma separated coordinates and connections for mesh. E.g. to create mesh with one quad and one triangle

uri = "1.0, 2.0 \n" \
"2.0, 2.0 \n" \
"3.0, 2.0 \n" \
"2.0, 3.0 \n" \
"1.0, 3.0 \n" \
"---" \
"0, 1, 3, 4 \n" \
"1, 2, 3 \n"
scratchLayer = QgsMeshLayer(uri, "My Scratch layer", "mesh_memory")

MDAL data provider (mdal)

Accesses data using the MDAL drivers (https://github.com/lutraconsulting/MDAL). The url is the MDAL connection string. QGIS must be built with MDAL support to allow this provider.

uri = "test/land.2dm"
scratchLayer = QgsMeshLayer(uri, "My Scratch Layer", "mdal")
The API is considered EXPERIMENTAL and can be changed without a notice
QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 94 of file qgsmeshlayer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsMeshLayer() [1/2]

QgsMeshLayer::QgsMeshLayer ( const QString &  path = QString(),
const QString &  baseName = QString(),
const QString &  providerLib = QStringLiteral( "mesh_memory" ),
const QgsMeshLayer::LayerOptions options = QgsMeshLayer::LayerOptions() 

Constructor - creates a mesh layer.

The QgsMeshLayer is constructed by instantiating a data provider. The provider interprets the supplied path (url) of the data source to connect to and access the data.

pathThe path or url of the parameter. Typically this encodes parameters used by the data provider as url query items.
baseNameThe name used to represent the layer in the legend
providerLibThe name of the data provider, e.g., "mesh_memory", "mdal"
optionsgeneral mesh layer options

Definition at line 41 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ ~QgsMeshLayer()

QgsMeshLayer::~QgsMeshLayer ( )

Definition at line 151 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ QgsMeshLayer() [2/2]

QgsMeshLayer::QgsMeshLayer ( const QgsMeshLayer rhs)

QgsMeshLayer cannot be copied.

Member Function Documentation

◆ activeScalarDatasetAtTime()

QgsMeshDatasetIndex QgsMeshLayer::activeScalarDatasetAtTime ( const QgsDateTimeRange &  timeRange) const

Returns dataset index from active scalar group depending on the time range.

If the temporal properties is not active, return the static dataset

timeRangethe time range
dataset index
the returned dataset index depends on the matching method, see setTemporalMatchingMethod()
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 630 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ activeScalarDatasetGroupChanged

void QgsMeshLayer::activeScalarDatasetGroupChanged ( int  index)

Emitted when active scalar group dataset is changed.

QGIS 3.14

◆ activeVectorDatasetAtTime()

QgsMeshDatasetIndex QgsMeshLayer::activeVectorDatasetAtTime ( const QgsDateTimeRange &  timeRange) const

Returns dataset index from active vector group depending on the time range If the temporal properties is not active, return the static dataset.

timeRangethe time range
dataset index
the returned dataset index depends on the matching method, see setTemporalMatchingMethod()
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 638 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ activeVectorDatasetGroupChanged

void QgsMeshLayer::activeVectorDatasetGroupChanged ( int  index)

Emitted when active vector group dataset is changed.

QGIS 3.14

◆ addDatasets() [1/2]

bool QgsMeshLayer::addDatasets ( const QString &  path,
const QDateTime &  defaultReferenceTime = QDateTime() 

Adds datasets to the mesh from file with path.

Use the the time defaultReferenceTime as reference time is not provided in the file

paththe path to the atasets file
defaultReferenceTimereference time used if not provided in the file
whether the dataset is added
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 195 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ addDatasets() [2/2]

bool QgsMeshLayer::addDatasets ( QgsMeshDatasetGroup datasetGroup)

Adds extra datasets to the mesh.

Take ownership.

datasetGroupthe extra dataset group
whether the dataset is effectively added
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 223 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ areFacesActive()

QgsMeshDataBlock QgsMeshLayer::areFacesActive ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
int  faceIndex,
int  count 
) const

Returns whether the faces are active for particular dataset.

indexindex of the dataset
valueIndexindex of the value
countnumber of values to return
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes are different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 372 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ clone()

QgsMeshLayer * QgsMeshLayer::clone ( ) const

Returns a new instance equivalent to this one except for the id which is still unique.

a new layer instance
QGIS 3.0

Implements QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 166 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ createMapRenderer()

QgsMapLayerRenderer * QgsMeshLayer::createMapRenderer ( QgsRenderContext rendererContext)

Returns new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context.

QGIS 2.4

Implements QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 998 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ dataProvider() [1/2]

const QgsMeshDataProvider * QgsMeshLayer::dataProvider ( ) const

Returns the layer's data provider in a const-correct manner, it may be nullptr.

not available in Python bindings

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 161 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ dataProvider() [2/2]

QgsMeshDataProvider * QgsMeshLayer::dataProvider ( )

Returns the layer's data provider, it may be nullptr.

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 156 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ dataset1dValue()

QgsMeshDatasetValue QgsMeshLayer::dataset1dValue ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
const QgsPointXY point,
double  searchRadius 
) const

Returns the value of 1D mesh dataset defined on edge that are in the search area defined by point ans searchRadius.

It uses previously cached and indexed triangular mesh and so if the layer has not been rendered previously (e.g. when used in a script) it returns NaN value
See also
indexdataset index specifying group and dataset to extract value from
pointthe center point of the search area
searchRadiusthe radius of the searc area in map unit
interpolated value at the projected point. Returns NaN values for values outside the mesh layer and in case triangular mesh was not previously used for rendering
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes are different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 474 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ dataset3dValue()

QgsMesh3dDataBlock QgsMeshLayer::dataset3dValue ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
const QgsPointXY point 
) const

Returns the 3d values of stacked 3d mesh defined by the given point.

It uses previously cached and indexed triangular mesh and so if the layer has not been rendered previously (e.g. when used in a script) it returns NaN value
See also
indexdataset index specifying group and dataset to extract value from
pointpoint to query in map coordinates
all 3d stacked values that belong to face defined by given point. Returns invalid block for point outside the mesh layer or in case triangular mesh was not previously used for rendering or for datasets that do not have type DataOnVolumes
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes are different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.12

Definition at line 452 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ dataset3dValues()

QgsMesh3dDataBlock QgsMeshLayer::dataset3dValues ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
int  faceIndex,
int  count 
) const

Returns N vector/scalar values from the face index from the dataset for 3d stacked meshes.

See QgsMeshDatasetMetadata::isVector() to check if the returned value is vector or scalar

returns invalid block for DataOnFaces and DataOnVertices.

indexindex of the dataset
valueIndexindex of the value
countnumber of values to return
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes can be different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 367 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetCount()

int QgsMeshLayer::datasetCount ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index) const

Returns the dataset count in the dataset groups.

indexindex of the dataset in the group
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes can be different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 347 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetGroupCount()

int QgsMeshLayer::datasetGroupCount ( ) const

Returns the dataset groups count handle by the layer.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 327 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetGroupMetadata()

QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata QgsMeshLayer::datasetGroupMetadata ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index) const

Returns the dataset groups metadata.

indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes can be different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 342 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetGroupsIndexes()

QList< int > QgsMeshLayer::datasetGroupsIndexes ( ) const

Returns the list of indexes of dataset groups count handled by the layer.

indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes can be different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 337 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetGroupTreeRootItem()

QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItem * QgsMeshLayer::datasetGroupTreeRootItem ( ) const

Returns the root items of the dataset group tree item.

the root item
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 668 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetIndexAtRelativeTime()

QgsMeshDatasetIndex QgsMeshLayer::datasetIndexAtRelativeTime ( const QgsInterval relativeTime,
int  datasetGroupIndex 
) const

Returns dataset index from datasets group depending on the relative time from the layer reference time.

Dataset index is valid even the temporal properties is inactive. This method is used for calculation on mesh layer.

relativeTimethe relative from the mesh layer reference time
dataset index
the returned dataset index depends on the matching method, see setTemporalMatchingMethod()
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes are different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 528 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetIndexAtTime()

QgsMeshDatasetIndex QgsMeshLayer::datasetIndexAtTime ( const QgsDateTimeRange &  timeRange,
int  datasetGroupIndex 
) const

Returns dataset index from datasets group depending on the time range.

If the temporal properties is not active, returns invalid dataset index. This method is used for rendering mesh layer.

timeRangethe time range
dataset index
the returned dataset index depends on the matching method, see setTemporalMatchingMethod()
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes are different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 517 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetMetadata()

QgsMeshDatasetMetadata QgsMeshLayer::datasetMetadata ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index) const

Returns the dataset metadata.

indexindex of the dataset
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes can be different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 352 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetRelativeTime()

QgsInterval QgsMeshLayer::datasetRelativeTime ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index)

Returns the relative time of the dataset from the reference time of its group.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 832 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetRelativeTimeInMilliseconds()

qint64 QgsMeshLayer::datasetRelativeTimeInMilliseconds ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index)

Returns the relative time (in milliseconds) of the dataset from the reference time of its group.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 842 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetValue() [1/2]

QgsMeshDatasetValue QgsMeshLayer::datasetValue ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
const QgsPointXY point,
double  searchRadius = 0 
) const

Interpolates the value on the given point from given dataset.

For 3D datasets, it uses dataset3dValue(),
For 1D datasets, it uses dataset1dValue() with searchRadius

It uses previously cached and indexed triangular mesh and so if the layer has not been rendered previously (e.g. when used in a script) it returns NaN value
See also
indexdataset index specifying group and dataset to extract value from
pointpoint to query in map coordinates
searchRadiusthe radius of the search area in map unit
interpolated value at the point. Returns NaN values for values outside the mesh layer, nodata values and in case triangular mesh was not previously used for rendering
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes are different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.4

Definition at line 382 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetValue() [2/2]

QgsMeshDatasetValue QgsMeshLayer::datasetValue ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
int  valueIndex 
) const

Returns vector/scalar value associated with the index from the dataset To read multiple continuous values, use datasetValues()

See QgsMeshDatasetMetadata::isVector() or QgsMeshDataBlock::type() to check if the returned value is vector or scalar

Returns invalid value for DataOnVolumes

indexindex of the dataset
valueIndexindex of the value
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes can be different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 357 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ datasetValues()

QgsMeshDataBlock QgsMeshLayer::datasetValues ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
int  valueIndex,
int  count 
) const

Returns N vector/scalar values from the index from the dataset.

See QgsMeshDatasetMetadata::isVector() or QgsMeshDataBlock::type() to check if the returned value is vector or scalar

Returns invalid block for DataOnVolumes. Use QgsMeshLayerUtils::datasetValues() if you need block for any type of data type

indexindex of the dataset
valueIndexindex of the value
countnumber of values to return
indexes are used to distinguish all the dataset groups handled by the layer (from dataprovider, extra dataset group,...) In the layer scope, those indexes can be different from the data provider indexes.
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 362 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ decodedSource()

QString QgsMeshLayer::decodedSource ( const QString &  source,
const QString &  dataProvider,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Called by readLayerXML(), used by derived classes to decode provider's specific data source from project files.

Typically resolving absolute or relative paths, usernames and passwords or drivers prefixes ("HDF5:")

sourcedata source to decode, typically read from layer's DOM element "datasource"
dataProviderstring identification of data provider (e.g. "ogr"), typically read from layer's DOM element
contextreading context (e.g. for conversion between relative and absolute paths)
decoded source, typically to be used as the layer's datasource
QGIS 3.2

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1077 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ encodedSource()

QString QgsMeshLayer::encodedSource ( const QString &  source,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Called by writeLayerXML(), used by derived classes to encode provider's specific data source to project files.

Typically resolving absolute or relative paths, usernames and passwords or drivers prefixes ("HDF5:")

sourcedata source to encode, typically QgsMapLayer::source()
contextwriting context (e.g. for conversion between relative and absolute paths)
encoded source, typically to be written in the DOM element "datasource"
QGIS 3.2

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1087 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ extent()

QgsRectangle QgsMeshLayer::extent ( ) const

Returns the extent of the layer.

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 178 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ extraDatasetGroupCount()

int QgsMeshLayer::extraDatasetGroupCount ( ) const

Returns the extra dataset groups count handle by the layer.

QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 332 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ firstValidTimeStep()

QgsInterval QgsMeshLayer::firstValidTimeStep ( ) const

Returns the first valid time step of the dataset groups, invalid QgInterval if no time step is present.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 817 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ formatTime()

QString QgsMeshLayer::formatTime ( double  hours)

Returns (date) time in hours formatted to human readable form.

hourstime in double in hours
formatted time string
QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 319 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ htmlMetadata()

QString QgsMeshLayer::htmlMetadata ( ) const

Obtain a formatted HTML string containing assorted metadata for this layer.

QGIS 3.0

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1255 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ isFaceActive()

bool QgsMeshLayer::isFaceActive ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex index,
int  faceIndex 
) const

Returns N vector/scalar values from the face index from the dataset for 3d stacked meshes.

See QgsMeshDatasetMetadata::isVector() to check if the returned value is vector or scalar

returns invalid block for DataOnFaces and DataOnVertices.

Definition at line 377 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ meshSimplificationSettings()

QgsMeshSimplificationSettings QgsMeshLayer::meshSimplificationSettings ( ) const

Returns mesh simplification settings.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 936 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ nativeMesh() [1/2]

QgsMesh * QgsMeshLayer::nativeMesh ( )

Returns native mesh (nullptr before rendering or calling to updateMesh)

Not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 238 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ nativeMesh() [2/2]

const QgsMesh * QgsMeshLayer::nativeMesh ( ) const

Returns native mesh (nullptr before rendering or calling to updateMesh)

Not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 243 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ operator=()

QgsMeshLayer& QgsMeshLayer::operator= ( QgsMeshLayer const &  rhs)

QgsMeshLayer cannot be copied.

◆ providerType()

QString QgsMeshLayer::providerType ( ) const

Returns the provider type for this layer.

Definition at line 190 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ readStyle()

bool QgsMeshLayer::readStyle ( const QDomNode &  node,
QString &  errorMessage,
QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 

Read the style for the current layer from the DOM node supplied.

nodenode that will contain the style definition for this layer.
errorMessagereference to string that will be updated with any error messages
contextreading context (used for transform from relative to absolute paths)
categoriesthe style categories to be read
true in case of success.
To be implemented in subclasses. Default implementation does nothing and returns false.
QGIS 2.16

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1072 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ readSymbology()

bool QgsMeshLayer::readSymbology ( const QDomNode &  node,
QString &  errorMessage,
QgsReadWriteContext context,
QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories  categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories 

Definition at line 1013 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ readXml()

bool QgsMeshLayer::readXml ( const QDomNode &  layer_node,
QgsReadWriteContext context 

Called by readLayerXML(), used by children to read state specific to them from project files.

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1097 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ reload()

void QgsMeshLayer::reload ( )

Synchronises with changes in the datasource.

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1227 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ rendererCache()

QgsMeshLayerRendererCache * QgsMeshLayer::rendererCache ( )

Returns native mesh (nullptr before rendering)

Not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 282 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ rendererSettings()

QgsMeshRendererSettings QgsMeshLayer::rendererSettings ( ) const

Returns renderer settings.

Definition at line 287 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ resetDatasetGroupTreeItem()

void QgsMeshLayer::resetDatasetGroupTreeItem ( )

Reset the dataset group tree item to default from provider.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 811 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ saveDataset()

bool QgsMeshLayer::saveDataset ( const QString &  path,
int  datasetGroupIndex,
QString  driver 

Saves datasets group on file with the specified driver.

paththe path of the file
datasetGroupIndexthe index of the dataset group
driverthe driver to used for saving
false if succeeds
QGIS 3.16

Definition at line 233 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setDatasetGroupTreeRootItem()

void QgsMeshLayer::setDatasetGroupTreeRootItem ( QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItem rootItem)

Sets the root items of the dataset group tree item.

Changes active dataset groups if those one are not enabled anymore :

  • new active scalar dataset group is the first root item enabled child
  • new active vector dataset group is none

Doesn't take ownership of the pointed item, the root item is cloned.

rootItemthe new root item
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 673 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setMeshSimplificationSettings()

void QgsMeshLayer::setMeshSimplificationSettings ( const QgsMeshSimplificationSettings meshSimplificationSettings)

Sets mesh simplification settings.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 941 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setReferenceTime()

void QgsMeshLayer::setReferenceTime ( const QDateTime &  referenceTime)

Sets the reference time of the layer.

referenceTimethe reference time
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 714 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setRendererSettings()

void QgsMeshLayer::setRendererSettings ( const QgsMeshRendererSettings settings)

Sets new renderer settings.

Definition at line 292 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setStaticScalarDatasetIndex()

void QgsMeshLayer::setStaticScalarDatasetIndex ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex staticScalarDatasetIndex)

Sets the static scalar dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active.

staticScalarDatasetIndexthe scalar data set index
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 925 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setStaticVectorDatasetIndex()

void QgsMeshLayer::setStaticVectorDatasetIndex ( const QgsMeshDatasetIndex staticVectorDatasetIndex)

Sets the static vector dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active.

staticVectorDatasetIndexthe vector data set index
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 914 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setTemporalMatchingMethod()

void QgsMeshLayer::setTemporalMatchingMethod ( const QgsMeshDataProviderTemporalCapabilities::MatchingTemporalDatasetMethod matchingMethod)

Sets the method used to match the temporal dataset from a requested time, see activeVectorDatasetAtTime()

matchingMethodthe matching method
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 722 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setTimeSettings()

void QgsMeshLayer::setTimeSettings ( const QgsMeshTimeSettings settings)

Sets time format settings.

QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 313 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ setTransformContext

void QgsMeshLayer::setTransformContext ( const QgsCoordinateTransformContext transformContext)

Sets the coordinate transform context to transformContext.

QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 511 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ snapOnElement()

QgsPointXY QgsMeshLayer::snapOnElement ( QgsMesh::ElementType  elementType,
const QgsPointXY point,
double  searchRadius 

Returns the position of the snapped point on the mesh element closest to point intersecting with the searching area defined by point and searchRadius.

For vertex, the snapped position is the vertex position For edge, the snapped position is the projected point on the edge, extremity of edge if outside the edge For face, the snapped position is the centroid of the face The returned position is in map coordinates.

It uses previously cached and indexed triangular mesh and so if the layer has not been rendered previously (e.g. when used in a script) it returns empty QgsPointXY
See also
elementTypethe type of element to snap
pointthe center of the search area in map coordinates
searchRadiusthe radius of the search area in map units
the position of the snapped point on the closest element, empty QgsPointXY if no element of type elementType
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 895 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ staticScalarDatasetIndex()

QgsMeshDatasetIndex QgsMeshLayer::staticScalarDatasetIndex ( ) const

Returns the static scalar dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 909 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ staticVectorDatasetIndex()

QgsMeshDatasetIndex QgsMeshLayer::staticVectorDatasetIndex ( ) const

Returns the static vector dataset index that is rendered if the temporal properties is not active.

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 709 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ subLayers()

QStringList QgsMeshLayer::subLayers ( ) const

Returns the sublayers of this layer.

(Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS).

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1247 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ temporalProperties()

QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties * QgsMeshLayer::temporalProperties ( )

Returns the layer's temporal properties.

This may be nullptr, depending on the layer type.

QGIS 3.14

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1407 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ timeSettings()

QgsMeshTimeSettings QgsMeshLayer::timeSettings ( ) const

Returns time format settings.

QGIS 3.8

Definition at line 308 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ timeSettingsChanged

void QgsMeshLayer::timeSettingsChanged ( )

Emitted when time format is changed.

QGIS 3.8

◆ triangularMesh()

QgsTriangularMesh * QgsMeshLayer::triangularMesh ( double  minimumTriangleSize = 0) const

Returns triangular mesh (nullptr before rendering or calling to updateMesh).

If the parameter triangleSize is provided, among the base triangular mesh and the simplified triangular meshes, the one returned is which has the average triangle size just greater than triangleSize. The size of a triangle is the maximum between the height and the width of the triangle bounding box For default parameter (=0), it returns base triangular mesh.

minimumTriangleSizeis the average size criteria in canvas map units
triangular mesh, the layer keeps the ownership
triangular size added in QGIS 3.14
Not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 248 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ updateTriangularMesh()

void QgsMeshLayer::updateTriangularMesh ( const QgsCoordinateTransform transform = QgsCoordinateTransform())

Gets native mesh and updates (creates if it doesn't exist) the base triangular mesh.

transformTransformation from layer CRS to destination (e.g. map) CRS. With invalid transform, it keeps the native mesh CRS
QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 262 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ writeStyle()

bool QgsMeshLayer::writeStyle ( QDomNode &  node,
QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMessage,
const QgsReadWriteContext context,
StyleCategories  categories = AllStyleCategories 
) const

Write just the symbology information for the layer into the document.

nodethe node that will have the style element added to it.
docthe document that will have the QDomNode added.
errorMessagereference to string that will be updated with any error messages
contextwriting context (used for transform from absolute to relative paths)
categoriesthe style categories to be written
true in case of success.
To be implemented in subclasses. Default implementation does nothing and returns false.
There is a confusion of terms with the GUI. This method actually writes what is known as the symbology in the application.
QGIS 2.16

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1067 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ writeSymbology()

bool QgsMeshLayer::writeSymbology ( QDomNode &  node,
QDomDocument &  doc,
QString &  errorMessage,
const QgsReadWriteContext context,
QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories  categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories 
) const

Definition at line 1042 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

◆ writeXml()

bool QgsMeshLayer::writeXml ( QDomNode &  layer_node,
QDomDocument &  document,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 
) const

Called by writeLayerXML(), used by children to write state specific to them to project files.

Reimplemented from QgsMapLayer.

Definition at line 1180 of file qgsmeshlayer.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Represents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes.
Definition: qgsmeshlayer.h:95