QGIS API Documentation  3.10.0-A Coruña (6c816b4204)
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gui library

The GUI library is build on top of the CORE library and adds reusable GUI widgets. More...


 The QgsGuiUtils namespace contains constants and helper functions used throughout the QGIS GUI.


class  QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget::CadConstraint
 The CadConstraint is an abstract class for all basic constraints (angle/distance/x/y). More...
class  QgsMapCanvas::CanvasProperties
 Deprecated to be deleted, stuff from here should be moved elsewhere. More...
class  CharacterWidget
 A widget for displaying characters available in a preset font, and allowing users to select an individual character. More...
class  ConstraintItemDelegate
 Special delegate for the constraint view in the metadata wizard. More...
class  FromDbTablePlugin
 Widget auto conf plugin that reads the widget setup to use from what the data provider says. More...
class  FromFactoriesPlugin
 Widget auto conf plugin that guesses what widget type to use in function of what the widgets support. More...
class  LinkItemDelegate
 \@cond PRIVATE More...
class  QgisInterface
 QgisInterface Abstract base class defining interfaces exposed by QgisApp and made available to plugins. More...
class  Qgs25DRendererWidget
class  QgsAbstractDataSourceWidget
 Abstract base Data Source Widget to create connections and add layers This class provides common functionality and the interface for all source select dialogs used by data providers to configure data sources and add layers. More...
class  QgsAbstractFileContentSourceLineEdit
 Abstract base class for a widgets which allows users to select content from a file, embedding a file, etc. More...
class  QgsAbstractProcessingParameterWidgetWrapper
 A widget wrapper for Processing parameter value widgets. More...
class  QgsActionMenu
 This class is a menu that is populated automatically with the actions defined for a given layer. More...
class  QgsAdvancedDigitizingCanvasItem
 The QgsAdvancedDigitizingCanvasItem class draws the graphical elements of the CAD tools (. More...
class  QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget
 The QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget class is a dockable widget used to handle the CAD tools on top of a selection of map tools. More...
class  QgsAdvancedDigitizingFloater
 The QgsAdvancedDigitizingFloater class is widget that floats next to the mouse pointer, and allow interaction with the AdvancedDigitizing feature. More...
class  QgsAggregateToolButton
 Offers a toolbutton to choose between different aggregate functions. More...
class  QgsAlignmentComboBox
 A combo box which allows choice of alignment settings (e.g. More...
class  QgsArrowSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsAttributeDialog
class  QgsAttributeEditorContext
 This class contains context information for attribute editor widgets. More...
class  QgsAttributeForm
class  QgsAttributeFormEditorWidget
 A widget consisting of both an editor widget and additional widgets for controlling the behavior of the editor widget depending on a number of possible modes. More...
class  QgsAttributeFormInterface
class  QgsAttributeFormLegacyInterface
 This class helps to support legacy open form scripts to be compatible with the new QgsAttributeForm style interface. More...
class  QgsAttributeFormRelationEditorWidget
 Widget to show for child relations on an attribute form. More...
class  QgsAttributeFormWidget
 Base class for all widgets shown on a QgsAttributeForm. More...
class  QgsAttributeTableAction
class  QgsAttributeTableDelegate
 A delegate item class for QgsAttributeTable (see Qt documentation for QItemDelegate). More...
class  QgsAttributeTableFilterModel
class  QgsAttributeTableMapLayerAction
class  QgsAttributeTableModel
 A model backed by a QgsVectorLayerCache which is able to provide feature/attribute information to a QAbstractItemView. More...
class  QgsAttributeTableView
 Provides a table view of features of a QgsVectorLayer. More...
class  QgsAttributeTypeLoadDialog
class  QgsAuthAuthoritiesEditor
 Widget for viewing and editing authentication identities database. More...
class  QgsAuthCertEditors
 Wrapper widget to manage available certificate editors. More...
class  QgsAuthCertInfo
 Widget for viewing detailed info on a certificate and its hierarchical trust chain. More...
class  QgsAuthCertInfoDialog
 Dialog wrapper for widget displaying detailed info on a certificate and its hierarchical trust chain. More...
class  QgsAuthCertManager
 Dialog wrapper for widget to manage available certificate editors. More...
class  QgsAuthCertTrustPolicyComboBox
 Widget for editing the trust policy associated with a Certificate (Intermediate) Authority. More...
class  QgsAuthConfigEdit
 Widget for editing an authentication configuration. More...
class  QgsAuthConfigEditor
 Widget for editing authentication configuration database. More...
class  QgsAuthConfigIdEdit
 Custom widget for editing an authentication configuration ID. More...
class  QgsAuthConfigSelect
 Selector widget for authentication configs. More...
class  QgsAuthConfigUriEdit
 Dialog wrapper of select widget to edit an authcfg in a data source URI. More...
class  QgsAuthEditorWidgets
 Wrapper widget for available authentication editors. More...
class  QgsAuthGuiUtils
 Utility functions for use by authentication GUI widgets or standalone apps. More...
class  QgsAuthIdentitiesEditor
 Widget for viewing and editing authentication identities database. More...
class  QgsAuthImportCertDialog
 Widget for importing a certificate into the authentication database. More...
class  QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog
 Widget for importing an identity certificate/key bundle into the authentication database. More...
class  QgsAuthMethodEdit
 Abstract base class for the edit widget of authentication method plugins. More...
class  QgsAuthMethodPlugins
 Dialog for viewing available authentication method plugins. More...
class  QgsAuthServersEditor
 Widget for viewing and editing servers in authentication database. More...
class  QgsAuthSettingsWidget
 Widget for entering authentication credentials both in the form username/password and by using QGIS Authentication Database and its authentication configurations. More...
class  QgsAuthSslConfigDialog
 Dialog wrapper of widget for editing an SSL server configuration. More...
class  QgsAuthSslConfigWidget
 Widget for editing an SSL server configuration. More...
class  QgsAuthSslErrorsDialog
 Widget for reporting SSL errors and offering an option to store an SSL server exception into the authentication database. More...
class  QgsAuthSslImportDialog
 Widget for importing an SSL server certificate exception into the authentication database. More...
class  QgsAuthTrustedCAsDialog
 Widget for listing trusted Certificate (Intermediate) Authorities used in secure connections. More...
class  QgsBinaryWidgetFactory
 Editor widget factory for binary (BLOB) widgets. More...
class  QgsBinaryWidgetWrapper
 Widget wrapper for binary (BLOB) fields. More...
class  QgsBlendModeComboBox
 A combobox which lets the user select blend modes from a predefined list. More...
class  QgsBlurWidget
class  QgsBrowserDockWidget
 The QgsBrowserDockWidget class. More...
class  QgsBrowserGuiModel
 A model for showing available data sources and other items in a structured tree. More...
class  QgsBrowserTreeView
 The QgsBrowserTreeView class extends QTreeView with save/restore tree state functionality. More...
class  QgsBrushStyleComboBox
class  QgsBusyIndicatorDialog
 A simple dialog to show an indeterminate busy progress indicator. More...
class  QgsCalloutWidget
 Base class for widgets which allow control over the properties of callouts. More...
class  QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererWidget
class  QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsCharacterSelectorDialog
 A dialog for selecting a single character from a single font. More...
class  QgsCheckableComboBox
 QComboBox subclass which allows selecting multiple items. More...
class  QgsCheckableItemModel
 QStandardItemModel subclass which makes all items checkable by default. More...
class  QgsCheckBoxConfigDlg
class  QgsCheckBoxDelegate
 QStyledItemDelegate subclass for QgsCheckableComboBox. More...
class  QgsCheckboxSearchWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a checkbox edit widget for searching. More...
class  QgsCheckboxWidgetFactory
class  QgsCheckboxWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a checkbox widget. More...
class  QgsClassificationMethodRegistry
 This class manages all known classification methods. More...
class  QgsClassificationWidgetWrapper
class  QgsClassificationWidgetWrapperFactory
class  QgsCodeEditor
 A text editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorCSS
 A CSS editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorExpression
 A QGIS expression editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorHTML
 A HTML editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorPython
 A Python editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCodeEditorSQL
 A SQL editor based on QScintilla2. More...
class  QgsCollapsibleGroupBox
 A groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled and can save its collapsed and checked states. More...
class  QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic
 A groupbox that collapses/expands when toggled. More...
class  QgsColorBox
 A color box widget. More...
class  QgsColorBrewerColorRampDialog
 A dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsColorBrewerColorRamp. More...
class  QgsColorBrewerColorRampWidget
 A widget which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsColorBrewerColorRamp. More...
class  QgsColorButton
 A cross platform button subclass for selecting colors. More...
class  QgsColorDialog
 A custom QGIS dialog for selecting a color. More...
class  QgsColorEffectWidget
class  QgsColorPreviewWidget
 A preview box which displays one or two colors as swatches. More...
class  QgsColorRampButton
 A cross platform button subclass for selecting color ramps. More...
class  QgsColorRampShaderWidget
 It has 2 ways how to use it. More...
class  QgsColorRampWidget
 A color ramp widget. More...
class  QgsColorSchemeList
 An editable list of color swatches, taken from an associated QgsColorScheme. More...
class  QgsColorSchemeModel
 A model for colors in a color scheme. More...
class  QgsColorSliderWidget
 A composite horizontal color ramp widget and associated spinbox for manual value entry. More...
class  QgsColorSwatchDelegate
 A delegate for showing a color swatch in a list. More...
class  QgsColorSwatchGrid
 A grid of color swatches, which allows for user selection. More...
class  QgsColorSwatchGridAction
 A color swatch grid which can be embedded into a menu. More...
class  QgsColorTextWidget
 A line edit widget which displays colors as text and accepts string representations of colors. More...
class  QgsColorWheel
 A color wheel widget. More...
class  QgsColorWidget
 A base class for interactive color widgets. More...
class  QgsColorWidgetAction
 An action containing a color widget, which can be embedded into a menu. More...
class  QgsColorWidgetFactory
class  QgsColorWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a color widget. More...
class  QgsCompoundColorWidget
 A custom QGIS widget for selecting a color, including options for selecting colors via hue wheel, color swatches, and a color sampler. More...
class  QgsConfigureShortcutsDialog
 Reusable dialog for allowing users to configure shortcuts contained in a QgsShortcutsManager. More...
class  QgsCoordinateBoundsPreviewMapWidget
 A widget for showing the bounds of a rectangular region on an interactive map. More...
class  QgsCptCityColorRampDialog
 A dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsCptCityColorRamp. More...
class  QgsCredentialDialog
 A generic dialog for requesting credentials. More...
class  QgsCurveEditorWidget
 A widget for manipulating QgsCurveTransform curves. More...
class  QgsCustomDropHandler
 Abstract base class that may be implemented to handle new types of data to be dropped in QGIS. More...
class  QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget
 The QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget class provides a list box where the user can define custom order for drawing of layers. More...
class  QgsDashSpaceDialog
 A dialog to enter a custom dash space pattern for lines. More...
class  QgsDashSpaceWidget
 A widget to enter a custom dash space pattern for lines. More...
class  QgsDataDefinedRotationDialog
class  QgsDataDefinedSizeDialog
class  QgsDataDefinedSizeLegendWidget
 Widget for configuration of appearance of legend for marker symbols with data-defined size. More...
class  QgsDataDefinedValueDialog
 Utility classes for "en masse" size definition. More...
class  QgsDataDefinedWidthDialog
class  QgsDataItemGuiContext
 Encapsulates the context in which a QgsDataItem is shown within the application GUI. More...
class  QgsDataItemGuiProvider
 Abstract base class for providers which affect how QgsDataItem items behave within the application GUI. More...
class  QgsDataItemGuiProviderRegistry
 This class keeps a list of data item GUI providers that may affect how QgsDataItems behave within the application GUI. More...
class  QgsDataSourceManagerDialog
 The QgsDataSourceManagerDialog class embeds the browser panel and all the provider dialogs. More...
class  QgsDataSourceSelectDialog
 The QgsDataSourceSelectDialog class embeds the browser view to select an existing data source. More...
class  QgsDateTimeEdit
 The QgsDateTimeEdit class is a QDateTimeEdit with the capability of setting/reading null date/times. More...
class  QgsDateTimeEditConfig
class  QgsDateTimeEditFactory
class  QgsDateTimeEditWrapper
 Wraps a date time widget. More...
class  QgsDateTimeSearchWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a date/time edit widget for searching. More...
class  QgsDatumTransformDialog
class  QgsDefaultSearchWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a search widget. More...
class  QgsDetailedItemData
 This class is the data only representation of a QgsDetailedItemWidget, designed to be used in custom views. More...
class  QgsDetailedItemDelegate
 A custom model/view delegate that can display an icon, heading and detail sections. More...
class  QgsDetailedItemWidget
 A widget renderer for detailed item views. More...
class  QgsDial
class  QgsDialog
 A generic dialog with layout and button box. More...
class  QgsDockWidget
 QgsDockWidget subclass with more fine-grained control over how the widget is closed or opened. More...
class  QgsDoubleSpinBox
 The QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value. More...
class  QgsDrawSourceWidget
class  QgsDualView
 This widget is used to show the attributes of a set of features of a QgsVectorLayer. More...
class  QgsDummyConfigDlg
class  QgsEditConditionalFormatRuleWidget
 A widget for customizing an individual conditional formatting rule. More...
class  QgsEditorConfigWidget
 This class should be subclassed for every configurable editor widget type. More...
class  QgsEditorWidgetAutoConfPlugin
 Base class for plugins allowing to pick automatically a widget type for editing fields. More...
class  QgsEditorWidgetFactory
 Every attribute editor widget needs a factory, which inherits this class. More...
class  QgsEditorWidgetRegistry
 This class manages all known edit widget factories. More...
class  QgsEditorWidgetWrapper
 Manages an editor widget Widget and wrapper share the same parent. More...
class  QgsEffectDrawModeComboBox
 A combo box allowing selection of paint effect draw modes. More...
class  QgsEffectStackCompactWidget
 A small widget consisting of a checkbox for enabling/disabling an effect stack and a button for opening an effect stack customization dialog. More...
class  QgsEffectStackPropertiesDialog
 A dialog for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack. More...
class  QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidget
 A widget for modifying the properties of a QgsEffectStack, including adding and reordering effects within the stack. More...
class  QgsEllipseSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsEncodingFileDialog
 A file dialog which lets the user select the preferred encoding type for a data provider. More...
class  QgsEncodingSelectionDialog
 A dialog which presents the user with a choice of file encodings. More...
class  QgsEnumerationWidgetFactory
class  QgsEnumerationWidgetWrapper
class  QgsErrorDialog
class  QgsExpressionBuilderDialog
 A generic dialog for building expression strings. More...
class  QgsExpressionBuilderWidget
 A reusable widget that can be used to build a expression string. More...
class  QgsExpressionHighlighter
class  QgsExpressionItem
 An expression item that can be used in the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree. More...
class  QgsExpressionItemSearchProxy
 Search proxy used to filter the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree. More...
class  QgsExpressionLineEdit
 The QgsExpressionLineEdit widget includes a line edit for entering expressions together with a button to open the expression creation dialog. More...
class  QgsExpressionSelectionDialog
 This class offers a dialog to change feature selections. More...
class  QgsExtentGroupBox
 Collapsible group box for configuration of extent, typically for a save operation. More...
class  QgsExternalResourceConfigDlg
class  QgsExternalResourceWidget
 Widget to display file path with a push button for an "open file" dialog It can also be used to display a picture or a web page. More...
class  QgsExternalResourceWidgetFactory
class  QgsExternalResourceWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a file name widget. More...
class  QgsFeatureListComboBox
 This offers a combobox with autocompleter that allows selecting features from a layer. More...
class  QgsFeatureListModel
class  QgsFeatureListView
 Shows a list of features and renders a edit button next to each feature. More...
class  QgsFeatureListViewDelegate
class  QgsFeatureModel
class  QgsFeatureSelectionDlg
class  QgsFeatureSelectionModel
class  QgsFieldComboBox
 The QgsFieldComboBox is a combo box which displays the list of fields of a given layer. More...
class  QgsFieldConditionalFormatWidget
 A widget for customizing conditional formatting options. More...
class  QgsFieldExpressionWidget
 The QgsFieldExpressionWidget class reates a widget to choose fields and edit expressions It contains a combo boxto display the fields and expression and a button to open the expression dialog. More...
class  QgsFieldValidator
class  QgsFieldValuesLineEdit
 A line edit with an autocompleter which takes unique values from a vector layer's fields. More...
class  QgsFileDownloaderDialog
 QgsFileDownloaderDialog is a QProgressDialog subclass which handles file downloads and user feedback. More...
class  QgsFileWidget
 The QgsFileWidget class creates a widget for selecting a file or a folder. More...
class  QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
 Widget for configuring QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayer symbol layers. More...
class  QgsFilterLineEdit
 QLineEdit subclass with built in support for clearing the widget's value and handling custom null value representations. More...
class  QgsFindFilesByPatternDialog
 A dialog for finding files (recursively) by file pattern. More...
class  QgsFindFilesByPatternWidget
 A reusable widget for finding files (recursively) by file pattern. More...
class  QgsFloatingWidget
 A QWidget subclass for creating widgets which float outside of the normal Qt layout system. More...
class  QgsFocusWatcher
 A event filter for watching for focus events on a parent object. More...
class  QgsFontButton
 A button for customizing QgsTextFormat settings. More...
class  QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsFormAnnotation
 An annotation item that embeds a designer form showing the feature attribute. More...
class  QgsGenericFeatureSelectionManager
 This selection manager synchronizes a local set of selected features with an attribute table. More...
class  QgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsGeometryRubberBand
 A rubberband class for QgsAbstractGeometry (considering curved geometries) More...
class  QgsGlowWidget
class  QgsGradientColorRampDialog
 A dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsGradientColorRamp. More...
class  QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsGradientStopEditor
 An interactive editor for previewing a gradient color ramp and modifying the position of color stops along the gradient. More...
class  QgsGraduatedHistogramWidget
 Graphical histogram for displaying distribution of field values and editing range breaks for a QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer renderer. More...
class  QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidget
class  QgsGroupBoxCollapseButton
class  QgsGroupWmsDataDialog
class  QgsGui
 QgsGui is a singleton class containing various registry and other global members related to GUI classes. More...
class  QgsHashedLineSymbolLayerWidget
 Widget for controlling the properties of a QgsHashedLineSymbolLayer. More...
class  QgsHeatmapRendererWidget
class  QgsHelp
 Helper class for showing help topic URI for the given key. More...
class  QgsHiddenWidgetFactory
class  QgsHiddenWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a hidden widget. More...
class  QgsHighlight
 A class for highlight features on the map. More...
class  QgsHillshadeRendererWidget
 Renderer widget for the hill shade renderer. More...
class  QgsHistogramWidget
 Graphical histogram for displaying distributions of field values. More...
class  QgsHtmlWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a QQuickWidget to display HTML code. More...
class  QgsIdentifyMenu
 The QgsIdentifyMenu class builds a menu to be used with identify results (. More...
class  QgsIFeatureSelectionManager
 Is an interface class to abstract feature selection handling. More...
class  QgsImageSourceLineEdit
 A line edit widget with toolbutton for setting a raster image path. More...
class  QgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidget
 A widget used represent options of a QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer. More...
class  QgsKeyValueWidget
 Widget allowing to edit a QVariantMap, using a table. More...
class  QgsKeyValueWidgetFactory
 Factory for widgets for editing a QVariantMap. More...
class  QgsKeyValueWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a key/value widget. More...
class  QgsLayerPropertiesWidget
class  QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidget
 A widget to configure layer tree embedded widgets for a particular map layer. More...
class  QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetProvider
 Provider interface to be implemented in order to introduce new kinds of embedded widgets for use in layer tree. More...
class  QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry
 Registry of widgets that may be embedded into layer tree view. More...
class  QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge
 The QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge class takes care of updates of layer set for QgsMapCanvas from a layer tree. More...
class  QgsLayerTreeView
 The QgsLayerTreeView class extends QTreeView and provides some additional functionality when working with a layer tree. More...
class  QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions
 The QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions class serves as a factory of actions that can be used together with a layer tree view. More...
class  QgsLayerTreeViewIndicator
 Indicator that can be used in a layer tree view to display icons next to items of the layer tree. More...
class  QgsLayerTreeViewMenuProvider
 Implementation of this interface can be implemented to allow QgsLayerTreeView instance to provide custom context menus (opened upon right-click). More...
class  QgsLayoutComboBox
 The QgsLayoutComboBox class is a combo box which displays available layouts from a QgsLayoutManager. More...
class  QgsLayoutConfigObject
 An object for property widgets for layout items. More...
class  QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler
 Abstract base class that may be implemented to handle new types of data to be dropped in QGIS layouts. More...
class  QgsLayoutDesignerInterface
 A common interface for layout designer dialogs and widgets. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadata
 Stores GUI metadata about one layout item class. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget
 A base class for property widgets for layout items. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemComboBox
 The QgsLayoutItemComboBox class is a combo box which displays items of a matching type from a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemGuiGroup
 Stores GUI metadata about a group of layout item classes. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata
 Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to handle layout item GUI behavior. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemPropertiesDialog
 A dialog for configuring properties like the size and position of layout items. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget
 A widget for controlling the common properties of layout items (e.g. More...
class  QgsLayoutRuler
 A custom ruler widget for use with QgsLayoutView, displaying the current zoom and position of the visible layout and for interacting with guides in a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutUnitsComboBox
 A custom combo box for selecting units for layout settings. More...
class  QgsLayoutView
 A graphical widget to display and interact with QgsLayouts. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBand
 QgsLayoutViewEllipseRubberBand is elliptical rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewMenuProvider
 Interface for a QgsLayoutView context menu. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent
 A QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsLayoutView. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand
 QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand is rectangular rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewRubberBand
 QgsLayoutViewRubberBand is an abstract base class for temporary rubber band items in various shapes, for use within QgsLayoutView widgets. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewTool
 Abstract base class for all layout view tools. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolAddItem
 Layout view tool for adding items to a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolAddNodeItem
 Layout view tool for adding node based items to a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolEditNodes
 Layout view tool for edit node based items in the layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolMoveItemContent
 Layout view tool for moving and zooming item content. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolPan
 Layout view tool for panning the layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolSelect
 Layout view tool for selecting items in the layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyPan
 Layout view tool for temporarily panning a layout while a key is depressed. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyZoom
 Layout view tool for temporarily zooming a layout while a key is depressed. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryMousePan
 Layout view tool for temporarily panning a layout while a mouse button is depressed. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewToolZoom
 Layout view tool for zooming into and out of the layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBand
 QgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBand is triangular rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets. More...
class  QgsLegendFilterButton
 A tool button that allows enabling or disabling legend filter by contents of the map. More...
class  QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialog
 A dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsLimitedRandomColorRamp. More...
class  QgsLimitedRandomColorRampWidget
 A widget which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsLimitedRandomColorRamp. More...
class  QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsListWidget
 Widget allowing to edit a QVariantList, using a table. More...
class  QgsListWidgetFactory
 Factory for widgets for editing a QVariantList or a QStringList. More...
class  QgsListWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a list widget. More...
class  QgsLocatorWidget
 A special locator widget which allows searching for matching results from a QgsLocator and presenting them to users for selection. More...
class  QgsLongLongValidator
class  QgsLUDialog
class  QgsManageConnectionsDialog
class  QgsMapCanvas
 Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem
 An interactive map canvas item which displays a QgsAnnotation. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasItem
 An abstract class for items that can be placed on the map canvas. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasSnappingUtils
 Snapping utils instance that is connected to a canvas and updates the configuration (map settings + current layer) whenever that is changed in the canvas. More...
class  QgsMapCanvasTracer
 Extension of QgsTracer that provides extra functionality: More...
class  QgsMapLayerAction
 An action which can run on map layers. More...
class  QgsMapLayerActionRegistry
 This class tracks map layer actions. More...
class  QgsMapLayerComboBox
 The QgsMapLayerComboBox class is a combo box which displays the list of layers. More...
class  QgsMapLayerConfigWidget
 A panel widget that can be shown in the map style dock. More...
class  QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory
 Factory class for creating custom map layer property pages. More...
class  QgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidget
 The QgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidget class which is used to visually manage the layer styles. More...
class  QgsMapMouseEvent
 A QgsMapMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsMapCanvas. More...
class  QgsMapOverviewCanvas
 A widget that displays an overview map. More...
class  QgsMapTip
 A maptip is a class to display a tip on a map canvas when a mouse is hovered over a feature. More...
class  QgsMapTool
 Abstract base class for all map tools. More...
class  QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing
 The QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing class is a QgsMapTool which gives event directly in map coordinates and allows filtering its events. More...
class  QgsMapToolCapture
class  QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature
 This tool digitizes geometry of new point/line/polygon features on already existing vector layers Once the map tool is enabled, user can digitize the feature geometry. More...
class  QgsMapToolEdit
 Base class for map tools that edit vector geometry. More...
class  QgsMapToolEmitPoint
 A map tool that simply emits a point when clicking on the map. More...
class  QgsMapToolExtent
 A map tool that emits an extent from a rectangle drawn onto the map canvas. More...
class  QgsMapToolIdentify
 Map tool for identifying features in layers. More...
class  QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature
 The QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature class is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer. More...
class  QgsMapToolPan
 A map tool for panning the map. More...
class  QgsMapToolZoom
 A map tool for zooming into the map. More...
class  QgsMapUnitScaleDialog
 A dialog which allows the user to choose the minimum and maximum scale of an object in map units and millimeters. More...
class  QgsMapUnitScaleWidget
 A widget which allows the user to choose the minimum and maximum scale of an object in map units and millimeters. More...
class  QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsMasterPasswordResetDialog
 Dialog to verify current master password and initiate reset of authentication database with a new password. More...
class  QgsMenuHeader
 Custom widget for displaying subheaders within a QMenu in a standard style. More...
class  QgsMenuHeaderWidgetAction
 Custom QWidgetAction for displaying subheaders within a QMenu in a standard style. More...
class  QgsMessageBar
 A bar for displaying non-blocking messages to the user. More...
class  QgsMessageBarItem
class  QgsMessageLogViewer
 A generic dialog widget for displaying QGIS log messages. More...
class  QgsMessageViewer
 A generic message view for displaying QGIS messages. More...
class  QgsMetadataWidget
 A wizard to edit metadata on a map layer. More...
class  QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidget
class  QgsMultiEditToolButton
 A tool button widget which is displayed next to editor widgets in attribute forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and interacts with the form while in multi edit mode. More...
class  QgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialog
 A dialog to create a new auxiliary field. More...
class  QgsNewAuxiliaryLayerDialog
 A dialog to create a new auxiliary layer. More...
class  QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialog
 Dialog to set up parameters to create a new GeoPackage layer, and on accept() to create it and add it to the layers. More...
class  QgsNewHttpConnection
 Dialog to allow the user to configure and save connection information for an HTTP Server for WMS, etc. More...
class  QgsNewMemoryLayerDialog
class  QgsNewNameDialog
 New name, for example new layer name dialog. More...
class  QgsNewOgrConnection
 Dialog to allow the user to define, test and save connection information for OGR databases. More...
class  QgsNewVectorLayerDialog
class  QgsNullSymbolRendererWidget
 Blank widget for customizing QgsNullSymbolRenderer. More...
class  QgsOpacityWidget
 A widget for setting an opacity value. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogBase
 A base dialog for options and properties dialogs that offers vertical tabs. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogHighlightButton
 A highlight widget for buttons. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogHighlightCheckBox
 A highlight widget for checkboxes. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogHighlightGroupBox
 A highlight widget for group boxes. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogHighlightLabel
 A highlight widget for labels. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogHighlightTree
 A highlight widget for trees. More...
class  QgsOptionsDialogHighlightWidget
 Container for a widget to be used to search text in the option dialog If the widget type is handled, it is valid. More...
class  QgsOptionsPageWidget
 Base class for widgets for pages included in the options dialog. More...
class  QgsOptionsWidgetFactory
 A factory class for creating custom options pages. More...
class  QgsOrderByDialog
 This is a dialog to build and manage a list of order by clauses. More...
class  QgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog
 Dialog for organising (hiding and reordering) columns in the attributes table. More...
class  QgsOWSSourceSelect
 Dialog to create connections and add layers WCS etc. More...
class  QgsPaintEffectPropertiesWidget
 A widget which modifies the properties of a QgsPaintEffect. More...
class  QgsPaintEffectWidget
 Base class for effect properties widgets. More...
class  QgsPalettedRendererWidget
class  QgsPanelWidget
 Base class for any widget that can be shown as a inline panel. More...
class  QgsPanelWidgetStack
 A stack widget to manage panels in the interface. More...
class  QgsPanelWidgetWrapper
 Wrapper widget for existing widgets which can't have the inheritance tree changed, e.g dialogs. More...
class  QgsPasswordLineEdit
 QLineEdit subclass with built in support for showing/hiding entered password. More...
class  QgsPenCapStyleComboBox
class  QgsPenJoinStyleComboBox
class  QgsPenStyleComboBox
class  QgsPixmapLabel
 The QgsPixmapLabel class shows a pixmap and adjusts its size to the space given to the widget by the layout and keeping its aspect ratio. More...
class  QgsPluginManagerInterface
class  QgsPointClusterRendererWidget
 A widget which allows configuration of the properties for a QgsPointClusterRenderer. More...
class  QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidget
class  QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsPresetColorRampDialog
 A dialog which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsPresetSchemeColorRamp. More...
class  QgsPresetColorRampWidget
 A widget which allows users to modify the properties of a QgsPresetSchemeColorRamp. More...
class  QgsPreviewEffect
 A graphics effect which can be applied to a widget to simulate various printing and color blindness modes. More...
class  QgsProcessingAbstractParameterDefinitionWidget
 Abstract base class for widgets which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter. More...
class  QgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidget
 A configuration widget for processing algorithms allows providing additional configuration options directly on algorithm level, in addition to parameters. More...
class  QgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetFactory
 Interface base class for factories for algorithm configuration widgets. More...
class  QgsProcessingContextGenerator
 An interface for objects which can create Processing contexts. More...
class  QgsProcessingGui
 Contains general functions and values related to Processing GUI components. More...
class  QgsProcessingGuiRegistry
 The QgsProcessingGuiRegistry is a home for widgets for processing configuration widgets. More...
class  QgsProcessingModelerParameterWidget
 A widget for customising the value of Processing algorithm parameter inside a Processing model. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDefinitionDialog
 A dialog which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterDefinitionWidget
 A widget which allow users to specify the properties of a Processing parameter. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterWidgetContext
 Contains settings which reflect the context in which a Processing parameter widget is shown, e.g., the parent model algorithm, a linked map canvas, and other relevant information which allows the widget to fine-tune its behavior. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterWidgetFactoryInterface
 An interface for Processing widget wrapper factories. More...
class  QgsProcessingToolboxModel
 A model for providers and algorithms shown within the Processing toolbox. More...
class  QgsProcessingToolboxProxyModel
 A sort/filter proxy model for providers and algorithms shown within the Processing toolbox, which automatically sorts the toolbox in a logical fashion and supports filtering the results. More...
class  QgsProjectionSelectionDialog
 A generic dialog to prompt the user for a Coordinate Reference System. More...
class  QgsProjectionSelectionTreeWidget
 A widget for selecting a coordinate reference system from a tree. More...
class  QgsProjectionSelectionWidget
 A widget for selecting a projection. More...
class  QgsProjectStorageGuiRegistry
 A registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of project storage backends. More...
class  QgsPropertyAssistantWidget
 Shows a user-friendly assistant guiding users through the creation of QgsProperty overrides. More...
class  QgsPropertyOverrideButton
 A button for controlling property overrides which may apply to a widget. More...
class  QgsProviderGuiMetadata
 Holds data for GUI part of the data providers. More...
class  QgsProviderGuiRegistry
 A registry / canonical manager of GUI parts of data providers. More...
class  QgsProxyStyle
 A QProxyStyle subclass which correctly sets the base style to match the QGIS application style, and handles object lifetime by correctly parenting to a parent widget. More...
class  QgsQmlWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a QQuickWidget to display QML code. More...
class  QgsQueryBuilder
 Query Builder for layers. More...
class  QgsRangeConfigDlg
class  QgsRangeWidgetFactory
class  QgsRangeWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a range widget. More...
class  QgsRasterBandComboBox
 A combobox widget which displays the bands present in a raster layer. More...
class  QgsRasterFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget
 A widget to select format-specific raster saving options. More...
class  QgsRasterHistogramWidget
 Histogram widget. More...
class  QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog
class  QgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
 Widget for configuring QgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayer symbol layers. More...
class  QgsRasterMinMaxWidget
class  QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget
 A widget to select format-specific raster saving options. More...
class  QgsRasterRendererWidget
class  QgsRasterTransparencyWidget
 Widget to control a layers transparency and related options. More...
class  QgsRatioLockButton
 A cross platform button subclass used to represent a locked / unlocked ratio state. More...
class  QgsRelationAggregateSearchWidgetWrapper
 Search widget for the children of a relation. More...
class  QgsRelationEditorWidget
class  QgsRelationReferenceConfigDlg
class  QgsRelationReferenceFactory
class  QgsRelationReferenceSearchWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a relation reference search widget. More...
class  QgsRelationReferenceWidget
class  QgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a relation reference widget. More...
class  QgsRelationWidgetWrapper
class  QgsRendererPropertiesDialog
class  QgsRendererRasterPropertiesWidget
class  QgsRendererRulePropsDialog
class  QgsRendererRulePropsWidget
class  QgsRendererWidget
 Base class for renderer settings widgets. More...
class  QgsRubberBand
 A class for drawing transient features (e.g. More...
class  QgsRuleBasedRendererModel
 Tree model for the rules: More...
class  QgsRuleBasedRendererWidget
class  QgsScaleComboBox
 A combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value. More...
class  QgsScaleRangeWidget
 A widget allowing entry of a range of map scales, e.g. More...
class  QgsScaleVisibilityDialog
 A dialog allowing users to enter a scale visibility range. More...
class  QgsScaleWidget
 A combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list and highlights nearest to current scale value. More...
class  QgsScrollArea
 A QScrollArea subclass with improved scrolling behavior. More...
class  QgsSearchQueryBuilder
 Query Builder for search strings. More...
class  QgsSearchWidgetToolButton
 A tool button widget which is displayed next to search widgets in forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and how the filtering/searching operates. More...
class  QgsSearchWidgetWrapper
 Shows a search widget on a filter form. More...
class  QgsShadowEffectWidget
class  QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsShortcutsManager
 Shortcuts manager is a class that contains a list of QActions and QShortcuts that have been registered and their shortcuts can be changed. More...
class  QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidget
class  QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget
 Single band pseudo color renderer widget consists of a color ramp shader widget, a raster min max widget and a band selector. More...
class  QgsSingleSymbolRendererWidget
class  QgsSlider
class  QgsSmartGroupCondition
class  QgsSmartGroupEditorDialog
class  QgsSnapIndicator
 Class that shows snapping marker on map canvas for the current snapping match. More...
class  QgsSnapToGridCanvasItem
 Shows a grid on the map canvas given a spatial resolution. More...
class  QgsSourceSelectProvider
 This is the interface for those who want to add entries to the QgsDataSourceManagerDialog. More...
class  QgsSourceSelectProviderRegistry
 This class keeps a list of source select providers that may add items to the QgsDataSourceManagerDialog When created, it automatically adds providers from data provider plugins (e.g. More...
class  QgsSpinBox
 The QgsSpinBox is a spin box with a clear button that will set the value to the defined clear value. More...
class  QgsSQLComposerDialog
 SQL composer dialog. More...
class  QgsStatusBar
 A proxy widget for QStatusBar. More...
class  QgsStyleExportImportDialog
class  QgsStyleGroupSelectionDialog
class  QgsStyleItemsListWidget
 A reusable widget for showing a filtered list of entities from a QgsStyle database. More...
class  QgsStyleManagerDialog
 A dialog allowing users to customize and populate a QgsStyle. More...
class  QgsStyleSaveDialog
 a dialog for setting properties of a newly saved style. More...
class  QgsSublayersDialog
class  QgsSubstitutionListDialog
 A dialog which allows users to specify a list of substitutions to apply to a string, with options for exporting and importing substitution lists. More...
class  QgsSubstitutionListWidget
 A widget which allows users to specify a list of substitutions to apply to a string, with options for exporting and importing substitution lists. More...
class  QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsSvgSelectorDialog
class  QgsSvgSelectorGroupsModel
 A model for displaying SVG search paths. More...
class  QgsSvgSelectorListModel
 A model for displaying SVG files with a preview icon. More...
class  QgsSvgSelectorWidget
class  QgsSvgSourceLineEdit
 A line edit widget with toolbutton for setting an SVG image path. More...
class  QgsSymbolButton
 A button for creating and modifying QgsSymbol settings. More...
class  QgsSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsSymbolLevelsDialog
 A dialog which allows the user to modify the rendering order of symbol layers. More...
class  QgsSymbolLevelsWidget
 A widget which allows the user to modify the rendering order of symbol layers. More...
class  QgsSymbolSelectorDialog
class  QgsSymbolSelectorWidget
 Symbol selector widget that can be used to select and build a symbol. More...
class  QgsSymbolsListWidget
class  QgsSymbolWidgetContext
 Contains settings which reflect the context in which a symbol (or renderer) widget is shown, e.g., the map canvas and relevant expression contexts. More...
class  QgsTableWidgetBase
 Base widget allowing to edit a collection, using a table. More...
class  QgsTableWidgetItem
 This can be used like a regular QTableWidgetItem with the difference that a specific role can be set to sort. More...
class  QgsTabWidget
 The QgsTabWidget class is the same as the QTabWidget but with additional methods to temporarily hide/show tabs. More...
class  QgsTaskManagerWidget
 A widget which displays tasks from a QgsTaskManager and allows for interaction with the manager. More...
class  QgsTemporaryCursorOverride
 Temporarily sets a cursor override for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object. More...
class  QgsTemporaryCursorRestoreOverride
 Temporarily removes all cursor overrides for the QApplication for the lifetime of the object. More...
class  QgsTextEditConfigDlg
class  QgsTextEditSearchWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a text edit widget for searching. More...
class  QgsTextEditWidgetFactory
class  QgsTextEditWrapper
 Wraps a text widget. More...
class  QgsTextFormatDialog
 A simple dialog for customizing text formatting settings. More...
class  QgsTextFormatPanelWidget
 A panel widget for customizing text formatting settings. More...
class  QgsTextFormatWidget
 A widget for customizing text formatting settings. More...
class  QgsTextPreview
 A widget for previewing text formatting settings. More...
class  QgsTransformWidget
class  QgsTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem subclass with custom handling for item sorting. More...
class  QgsTreeWidgetItemObject
 Custom QgsTreeWidgetItem with extra signals when item is edited. More...
class  QgsUniqueValuesConfigDlg
class  QgsUniqueValuesWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a unique value widget. More...
class  QgsUniqueValueWidgetFactory
class  QgsUnitSelectionWidget
 A widget displaying a combobox allowing the user to choose between various display units, such as millimeters or map unit. More...
class  QgsUserInputWidget
 The QgsUserInputWidget class is a floating widget that shall be used to display widgets for user inputs. More...
class  QgsUuidWidgetFactory
class  QgsUuidWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a uuid widget. More...
class  QgsValidityCheckRegistry
 This class keeps a list of QgsAbstractValidityCheck checks which can be used when performing validity checks. More...
class  QgsValidityCheckResultsModel
 A QAbstractItemModel subclass for displaying the results from a QgsAbtractValidityCheck. More...
class  QgsValidityCheckResultsWidget
 A reusable widget which displays a summary of the results from a QgsAbstractValidityCheck (or checks). More...
class  QgsValueMapConfigDlg
class  QgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a value map search widget. More...
class  QgsValueMapWidgetFactory
class  QgsValueMapWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a value map widget. More...
class  QgsValueRelationConfigDlg
class  QgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a value relation search widget. More...
class  QgsValueRelationWidgetFactory
class  QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper
 Wraps a value relation widget. More...
class  QgsVariableEditorWidget
 A tree based widget for editing expression context scope variables. More...
class  QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidget
class  QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog
 Class to select destination file, type and CRS for ogr layers. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerSelectionManager
class  QgsVertexMarker
 A class for marking vertices of features using e.g. More...
class  QgsVScrollArea
 QgsVScrollArea is a QScrollArea subclass which only displays a vertical scrollbar and fits the width to the contents. More...
class  QgsWidgetStateHelper
 QgsWidgetStateHelper is a helper class to save and restore the geometry of QWidgets in the application. More...
class  QgsWidgetWrapper
 Manages an editor widget Widget and wrapper share the same parent. More...
class  QgsSQLComposerDialog::SQLValidatorCallback
 Callback to do validation check on dialog validation. More...
class  QgsSQLComposerDialog::TableSelectedCallback
 Callback to do actions on table selection. More...

Detailed Description

The GUI library is build on top of the CORE library and adds reusable GUI widgets.