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QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer Class Reference

#include <qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  GraduatedMethod { GraduatedColor = 0, GraduatedSize = 1 }
enum  Mode {
  EqualInterval, Quantile, Jenks, StdDev,
  Pretty, Custom
 Classification mode. More...
- Public Types inherited from QgsFeatureRenderer
enum  Capability { SymbolLevels = 1, MoreSymbolsPerFeature = 1 << 2, Filter = 1 << 3, ScaleDependent = 1 << 4 }
 Used to specify details about a renderer. More...

Public Member Functions

 QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer (const QString &attrName=QString(), const QgsRangeList &ranges=QgsRangeList())
 ~QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer () override
bool accept (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface *visitor) const override
 Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the renderer. More...
void addBreak (double breakValue, bool updateSymbols=true)
 Add a breakpoint by splitting existing classes so that the specified value becomes a break between two classes. More...
void addClass (QgsSymbol *symbol)
void addClass (const QgsRendererRange &range)
void addClass (double lower, double upper)
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool astride () const
 Returns if we want to have a central class astride the pivot value. More...
void calculateLabelPrecision (bool updateRanges=true)
 Reset the label decimal places to a numberbased on the minimum class interval. More...
QgsFeatureRenderer::Capabilities capabilities () override
 Returns details about internals of this renderer. More...
void checkLegendSymbolItem (const QString &key, bool state=true) override
 item in symbology was checked More...
QString classAttribute () const
QgsClassificationMethodclassificationMethod () const
 Returns the classification method. More...
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererclone () const override
 Create a deep copy of this renderer. More...
QgsDataDefinedSizeLegenddataDefinedSizeLegend () const
 Returns configuration of appearance of legend when using data-defined size for marker symbols. More...
void deleteAllClasses ()
void deleteClass (int idx)
QString dump () const override
 Returns debug information about this renderer. More...
bool filterNeedsGeometry () const override
 Returns true if this renderer requires the geometry to apply the filter. More...
GraduatedMethod graduatedMethod () const
 Returns the method used for graduation (either size or color) More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat labelFormat () const
 Returns the label format used to generate default classification labels. More...
QString legendClassificationAttribute () const override
 If supported by the renderer, return classification attribute for the use in legend. More...
QSet< QString > legendKeysForFeature (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context) const override
 Returns legend keys matching a specified feature. More...
bool legendSymbolItemChecked (const QString &key) override
 items of symbology items in legend is checked More...
QgsLegendSymbolList legendSymbolItems () const override
 Returns a list of symbology items for the legend. More...
bool legendSymbolItemsCheckable () const override
 items of symbology items in legend should be checkable More...
double maxSymbolSize () const
 Returns the max symbol size when graduated by size. More...
double minSymbolSize () const
 Returns the min symbol size when graduated by size. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED Mode mode () const
void moveClass (int from, int to)
 Moves the category at index position from to index position to. More...
QgsSymboloriginalSymbolForFeature (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context) const override
 Returns symbol for feature. More...
const QgsRangeListranges () const
bool rangesHaveGaps () const
 Tests whether classes assigned to the renderer have gaps between the ranges. More...
bool rangesOverlap () const
 Tests whether classes assigned to the renderer have ranges which overlap. More...
QDomElement save (QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override
 store renderer info to XML element More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setAstride (bool astride)
 Set if we want a central class astride the pivot value. More...
void setClassAttribute (const QString &attr)
void setClassificationMethod (QgsClassificationMethod *method)
 Defines the classification method This will take ownership of the method. More...
void setDataDefinedSizeLegend (QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend *settings)
 Configures appearance of legend when renderer is configured to use data-defined size for marker symbols. More...
void setGraduatedMethod (GraduatedMethod method)
 set the method used for graduation (either size or color) More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setLabelFormat (const QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat &labelFormat, bool updateRanges=false)
 Set the label format used to generate default classification labels. More...
void setLegendSymbolItem (const QString &key, QgsSymbol *symbol) override
 Sets the symbol to be used for a legend symbol item. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setMode (Mode mode)
void setSourceColorRamp (QgsColorRamp *ramp)
 Sets the source color ramp. More...
void setSourceSymbol (QgsSymbol *sym)
 Sets the source symbol for the renderer, which is the base symbol used for the each classes' symbol before applying the classes' color. More...
void setSymbolSizes (double minSize, double maxSize)
 set varying symbol size for classes More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setSymmetryPoint (double symmetryPoint)
 Set the pivot point. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setUseSymmetricMode (bool useSymmetricMode)
 Set if we want to classify symmetric around a given value. More...
void sortByLabel (Qt::SortOrder order=Qt::AscendingOrder)
void sortByValue (Qt::SortOrder order=Qt::AscendingOrder)
QgsColorRampsourceColorRamp ()
 Returns the source color ramp, from which each classes' color is derived. More...
const QgsColorRampsourceColorRamp () const
 Returns the source color ramp, from which each classes' color is derived. More...
QgsSymbolsourceSymbol ()
 Returns the renderer's source symbol, which is the base symbol used for the each classes' symbol before applying the classes' color. More...
const QgsSymbolsourceSymbol () const
 Returns the renderer's source symbol, which is the base symbol used for the each classes' symbol before applying the classes' color. More...
void startRender (QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsFields &fields) override
 Must be called when a new render cycle is started. More...
void stopRender (QgsRenderContext &context) override
 Must be called when a render cycle has finished, to allow the renderer to clean up. More...
QgsSymbolsymbolForFeature (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context) const override
 To be overridden. More...
QgsSymbolList symbols (QgsRenderContext &context) const override
 Returns list of symbols used by the renderer. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double symmetryPoint () const
 Returns the pivot value for symmetric classification. More...
void toSld (QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QgsStringMap &props=QgsStringMap()) const override
 used from subclasses to create SLD Rule elements following SLD v1.1 specs More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void updateClasses (QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, Mode mode, int nclasses, bool useSymmetricMode=false, double symmetryPoint=0.0, bool astride=false)
 Recalculate classes for a layer. More...
void updateClasses (const QgsVectorLayer *vl, int nclasses)
 Recalculate classes for a layer. More...
void updateColorRamp (QgsColorRamp *ramp=nullptr)
 Update the color ramp used. More...
bool updateRangeLabel (int rangeIndex, const QString &label)
void updateRangeLabels ()
 Updates the labels of the ranges. More...
bool updateRangeLowerValue (int rangeIndex, double value)
bool updateRangeRenderState (int rangeIndex, bool render)
bool updateRangeSymbol (int rangeIndex, QgsSymbol *symbol)
bool updateRangeUpperValue (int rangeIndex, double value)
void updateSymbols (QgsSymbol *sym)
 Update all the symbols but leave breaks and colors. More...
QSet< QString > usedAttributes (const QgsRenderContext &context) const override
 Returns a list of attributes required by this renderer. More...
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool useSymmetricMode () const
 Returns if we want to classify symmetric around a given value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QgsFeatureRenderer
virtual ~QgsFeatureRenderer ()
virtual const QgsFeatureRendererembeddedRenderer () const
 Returns the current embedded renderer (subrenderer) for this feature renderer. More...
virtual QString filter (const QgsFields &fields=QgsFields())
 If a renderer does not require all the features this method may be overridden and return an expression used as where clause. More...
bool forceRasterRender () const
 Returns whether the renderer must render as a raster. More...
virtual void modifyRequestExtent (QgsRectangle &extent, QgsRenderContext &context)
 Allows for a renderer to modify the extent of a feature request prior to rendering. More...
QgsFeatureRequest::OrderBy orderBy () const
 Gets the order in which features shall be processed by this renderer. More...
bool orderByEnabled () const
 Returns whether custom ordering will be applied before features are processed by this renderer. More...
virtual QgsSymbolList originalSymbolsForFeature (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context) const
 Equivalent of originalSymbolsForFeature() call extended to support renderers that may use more symbols per feature - similar to symbolsForFeature() More...
QgsPaintEffectpaintEffect () const
 Returns the current paint effect for the renderer. More...
virtual bool renderFeature (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context, int layer=-1, bool selected=false, bool drawVertexMarker=false) SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
 Render a feature using this renderer in the given context. More...
virtual void setEmbeddedRenderer (QgsFeatureRenderer *subRenderer)
 Sets an embedded renderer (subrenderer) for this feature renderer. More...
void setForceRasterRender (bool forceRaster)
 Sets whether the renderer should be rendered to a raster destination. More...
void setOrderBy (const QgsFeatureRequest::OrderBy &orderBy)
 Define the order in which features shall be processed by this renderer. More...
void setOrderByEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether custom ordering should be applied before features are processed by this renderer. More...
void setPaintEffect (QgsPaintEffect *effect)
 Sets the current paint effect for the renderer. More...
void setUsingSymbolLevels (bool usingSymbolLevels)
void setVertexMarkerAppearance (int type, double size)
 Sets type and size of editing vertex markers for subsequent rendering. More...
virtual QgsSymbolList symbolsForFeature (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context) const
 Returns list of symbols used for rendering the feature. More...
QString type () const
bool usingSymbolLevels () const
virtual bool willRenderFeature (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsRenderContext &context) const
 Returns whether the renderer will render a feature or not. More...
virtual QDomElement writeSld (QDomDocument &doc, const QString &styleName, const QgsStringMap &props=QgsStringMap()) const
 create the SLD UserStyle element following the SLD v1.1 specs with the given name More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QList< double > calcEqualIntervalBreaks (double minimum, double maximum, int classes, bool useSymmetricMode, double symmetryPoint, bool astride)
 Compute the equal interval classification. More...
static QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererconvertFromRenderer (const QgsFeatureRenderer *renderer)
 creates a QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer from an existing renderer. More...
static QgsFeatureRenderercreate (QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
 create renderer from XML element More...
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderercreateRenderer (QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, const QString &attrName, int classes, Mode mode, QgsSymbol *symbol, QgsColorRamp *ramp, const QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat &legendFormat=QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat(), bool useSymmetricMode=false, double symmetryPoint=0.0, const QStringList &listForCboPrettyBreaks=QStringList(), bool astride=false)
 Creates a new graduated renderer. More...
static Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void makeBreaksSymmetric (QList< double > &breaks, double symmetryPoint, bool astride)
 Remove the breaks that are above the existing opposite sign classes to keep colors symmetrically balanced around symmetryPoint Does not put a break on the symmetryPoint. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QgsFeatureRenderer
static QgsFeatureRendererdefaultRenderer (QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geomType)
 Returns a new renderer - used by default in vector layers. More...
static QgsFeatureRendererload (QDomElement &symbologyElem, const QgsReadWriteContext &context)
 create a renderer from XML element More...
static QgsFeatureRendererloadSld (const QDomNode &node, QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geomType, QString &errorMessage)
 Create a new renderer according to the information contained in the UserStyle element of a SLD style document. More...

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

QString legendKeyForValue (double value) const
 Returns the matching legend key for a value. More...
QgsSymbolsymbolForValue (double value) const
 Gets the symbol which is used to represent value. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsFeatureRenderer
 QgsFeatureRenderer (const QString &type)
void copyRendererData (QgsFeatureRenderer *destRenderer) const
 Clones generic renderer data to another renderer. More...
void renderFeatureWithSymbol (const QgsFeature &feature, QgsSymbol *symbol, QgsRenderContext &context, int layer, bool selected, bool drawVertexMarker) SIP_THROW(QgsCsException)
 Render the feature with the symbol using context. More...
void renderVertexMarker (QPointF pt, QgsRenderContext &context)
 render editing vertex marker at specified point More...
void renderVertexMarkerPolygon (QPolygonF &pts, QList< QPolygonF > *rings, QgsRenderContext &context)
 render editing vertex marker for a polygon More...
void renderVertexMarkerPolyline (QPolygonF &pts, QgsRenderContext &context)
 render editing vertex marker for a polyline More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static QString graduatedMethodStr (GraduatedMethod method)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from QgsFeatureRenderer
static QPointF _getPoint (QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsPoint &point)
 Creates a point in screen coordinates from a wkb string in map coordinates. More...
static void convertSymbolRotation (QgsSymbol *symbol, const QString &field)
static void convertSymbolSizeScale (QgsSymbol *symbol, QgsSymbol::ScaleMethod method, const QString &field)

Protected Attributes

QString mAttrName
int mAttrNum = -1
 attribute index (derived from attribute name in startRender) More...
std::shared_ptr< QgsClassificationMethodmClassificationMethod
bool mCounting = false
std::unique_ptr< QgsDataDefinedSizeLegendmDataDefinedSizeLegend
std::unique_ptr< QgsExpressionmExpression
GraduatedMethod mGraduatedMethod = GraduatedColor
QgsRangeList mRanges
std::unique_ptr< QgsColorRampmSourceColorRamp
std::unique_ptr< QgsSymbolmSourceSymbol
- Protected Attributes inherited from QgsFeatureRenderer
double mCurrentVertexMarkerSize
 The current size of editing marker. More...
int mCurrentVertexMarkerType
 The current type of editing marker. More...
bool mForceRaster
QgsFeatureRequest::OrderBy mOrderBy
bool mOrderByEnabled
QgsPaintEffectmPaintEffect = nullptr
QString mType
bool mUsingSymbolLevels

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ GraduatedMethod


Definition at line 376 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ Mode

Classification mode.

since QGIS 3.10 use QgsClassificationMethod::MethodId instead

Definition at line 125 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer()

QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer ( const QString &  attrName = QString(),
const QgsRangeList ranges = QgsRangeList() 

Definition at line 50 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ ~QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer()

QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::~QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer ( )

Definition at line 68 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::accept ( QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface visitor) const

Accepts the specified symbology visitor, causing it to visit all symbols associated with the renderer.

Returns true if the visitor should continue visiting other objects, or false if visiting should be canceled.

QGIS 3.10

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 333 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ addBreak()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::addBreak ( double  breakValue,
bool  updateSymbols = true 

Add a breakpoint by splitting existing classes so that the specified value becomes a break between two classes.

breakValueposition to insert break
updateSymbolsset to true to reapply ramp colors to the new symbol ranges
QGIS 2.9

Definition at line 975 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ addClass() [1/3]

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::addClass ( QgsSymbol symbol)

Definition at line 961 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ addClass() [2/3]

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::addClass ( const QgsRendererRange range)
available in Python bindings as addClassRange

Definition at line 1015 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ addClass() [3/3]

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::addClass ( double  lower,
double  upper 
available in Python bindings as addClassLowerUpper

Definition at line 968 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ astride()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::astride ( ) const

Returns if we want to have a central class astride the pivot value.

QGIS 3.4
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 178 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ calcEqualIntervalBreaks()

QList< double > QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::calcEqualIntervalBreaks ( double  minimum,
double  maximum,
int  classes,
bool  useSymmetricMode,
double  symmetryPoint,
bool  astride 

Compute the equal interval classification.

minimumThe minimum value of the distribution
maximumThe maximum value of the distribution
classesThe number of classes desired
useSymmetricModeA bool indicating if we want to have classes and hence colors ramp symmetric around a value
symmetryPointThe point around which we want a symmetry
astrideA bool indicating if the symmetry is made astride the symmetryPoint or not ( [-1,1] vs. [-1,0][0,1] )
since QGIS 3.10 use QgsClassificationEqualInterval class instead

Definition at line 357 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ calculateLabelPrecision()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::calculateLabelPrecision ( bool  updateRanges = true)

Reset the label decimal places to a numberbased on the minimum class interval.

updateRangesif true then ranges currently using the default label will be updated
QGIS 2.6

Definition at line 1058 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ capabilities()

QgsFeatureRenderer::Capabilities QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::capabilities ( )

Returns details about internals of this renderer.

E.g. if you only want to deal with visible features:

if not renderer.capabilities().testFlag(QgsFeatureRenderer.Filter) or renderer.willRenderFeature(feature, context):

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 53 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ checkLegendSymbolItem()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::checkLegendSymbolItem ( const QString &  key,
bool  state = true 

item in symbology was checked

QGIS 2.5

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 943 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ classAttribute()

QString QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::classAttribute ( ) const

Definition at line 57 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ classificationMethod()

QgsClassificationMethod * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::classificationMethod ( ) const

Returns the classification method.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 1189 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ clone()

QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::clone ( ) const

Create a deep copy of this renderer.

Should be implemented by all subclasses and generate a proper subclass.

A copy of this renderer

Implements QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 287 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ convertFromRenderer()

QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::convertFromRenderer ( const QgsFeatureRenderer renderer)

creates a QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer from an existing renderer.

a new renderer if the conversion was possible, otherwise 0.
QGIS 2.6

Definition at line 1221 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ create()

Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_POP QgsFeatureRenderer * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::create ( QDomElement &  element,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 

create renderer from XML element

Definition at line 442 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ createRenderer()

Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_PUSH QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::createRenderer ( QgsVectorLayer vlayer,
const QString &  attrName,
int  classes,
Mode  mode,
QgsSymbol symbol,
QgsColorRamp ramp,
const QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat legendFormat = QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat(),
bool  useSymmetricMode = false,
double  symmetryPoint = 0.0,
const QStringList &  listForCboPrettyBreaks = QStringList(),
bool  astride = false 

Creates a new graduated renderer.

vlayervector layer
attrNameattribute to classify
classesnumber of classes
modeclassification mode
symbolbase symbol
rampcolor ramp for classes
useSymmetricModeA bool indicating if we want to have classes and hence colors ramp symmetric around a value
symmetryPointThe value around which the classes will be symmetric if useSymmetricMode is checked
listForCboPrettyBreaksThe list of potential pivot values for symmetric mode with prettybreaks mode
astrideA bool indicating if the symmetry is made astride the symmetryPoint or not ( [-1,1] vs. [-1,0][0,1] )
new QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer object
since QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 366 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ dataDefinedSizeLegend()

QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::dataDefinedSizeLegend ( ) const

Returns configuration of appearance of legend when using data-defined size for marker symbols.

Will return nullptr if the functionality is disabled.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1283 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ deleteAllClasses()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::deleteAllClasses ( )

Definition at line 1025 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ deleteClass()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::deleteClass ( int  idx)

Definition at line 1020 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ dump()

QString QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::dump ( ) const

Returns debug information about this renderer.

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 279 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ filterNeedsGeometry()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::filterNeedsGeometry ( ) const

Returns true if this renderer requires the geometry to apply the filter.

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 203 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ graduatedMethod()

GraduatedMethod QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::graduatedMethod ( ) const

Returns the method used for graduation (either size or color)

QGIS 2.10

Definition at line 386 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ graduatedMethodStr()

QString QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::graduatedMethodStr ( GraduatedMethod  method)
not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 1288 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ labelFormat()

Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_PUSH QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::labelFormat ( ) const

Returns the label format used to generate default classification labels.

QGIS 2.6
since QGIS 3.10 use classificationMethod() and QgsClassificationMethod::setLabelFormat instead

Definition at line 436 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ legendClassificationAttribute()

QString QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::legendClassificationAttribute ( ) const

If supported by the renderer, return classification attribute for the use in legend.

QGIS 2.6

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 398 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ legendKeyForValue()

QString QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::legendKeyForValue ( double  value) const

Returns the matching legend key for a value.

Definition at line 89 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ legendKeysForFeature()

QSet< QString > QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::legendKeysForFeature ( const QgsFeature feature,
QgsRenderContext context 
) const

Returns legend keys matching a specified feature.

QGIS 2.14

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 779 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ legendSymbolItemChecked()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::legendSymbolItemChecked ( const QString &  key)

items of symbology items in legend is checked

QGIS 2.5

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 933 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ legendSymbolItems()

Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_POP QgsLegendSymbolList QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::legendSymbolItems ( ) const

Returns a list of symbology items for the legend.

QGIS 2.6

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 739 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ legendSymbolItemsCheckable()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::legendSymbolItemsCheckable ( ) const

items of symbology items in legend should be checkable

QGIS 2.5

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 928 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ makeBreaksSymmetric()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::makeBreaksSymmetric ( QList< double > &  breaks,
double  symmetryPoint,
bool  astride 

Remove the breaks that are above the existing opposite sign classes to keep colors symmetrically balanced around symmetryPoint Does not put a break on the symmetryPoint.

This is done before.

breaksThe breaks of an already-done classification
symmetryPointThe point around which we want a symmetry
astrideA bool indicating if the symmetry is made astride the symmetryPoint or not ( [-1,1] vs. [-1,0][0,1] )
QGIS 3.4
since QGIS 3.10, use QgsClassificationMethod::makeBreaksSymmetric instead

Definition at line 352 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ maxSymbolSize()

double QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::maxSymbolSize ( ) const

Returns the max symbol size when graduated by size.

QGIS 2.10

Definition at line 843 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ minSymbolSize()

double QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::minSymbolSize ( ) const

Returns the min symbol size when graduated by size.

QGIS 2.10

Definition at line 828 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ mode()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED Mode QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mode ( ) const
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 140 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ moveClass()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::moveClass ( int  from,
int  to 

Moves the category at index position from to index position to.

Definition at line 1088 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ originalSymbolForFeature()

QgsSymbol * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::originalSymbolForFeature ( const QgsFeature feature,
QgsRenderContext context 
) const

Returns symbol for feature.

The difference compared to symbolForFeature() is that it returns original symbol which can be used as an identifier for renderer's rule - the former may return a temporary replacement of a symbol for use in rendering.

QGIS 2.12

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 128 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ ranges()

const QgsRangeList& QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::ranges ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ rangesHaveGaps()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::rangesHaveGaps ( ) const

Tests whether classes assigned to the renderer have gaps between the ranges.

true if ranges have gaps
QGIS 2.10

Definition at line 1145 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ rangesOverlap()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::rangesOverlap ( ) const

Tests whether classes assigned to the renderer have ranges which overlap.

true if ranges overlap
QGIS 2.10

Definition at line 1117 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ save()

QDomElement QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::save ( QDomDocument &  doc,
const QgsReadWriteContext context 

store renderer info to XML element

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 606 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setAstride()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setAstride ( bool  astride)

Set if we want a central class astride the pivot value.

QGIS 3.4
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 1216 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setClassAttribute()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setClassAttribute ( const QString &  attr)

Definition at line 58 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ setClassificationMethod()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setClassificationMethod ( QgsClassificationMethod method)

Defines the classification method This will take ownership of the method.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 1194 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setDataDefinedSizeLegend()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setDataDefinedSizeLegend ( QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend settings)

Configures appearance of legend when renderer is configured to use data-defined size for marker symbols.

This allows configuring for which values (symbol sizes) should be shown in the legend, whether to display different symbol sizes collapsed in one legend node or separated across multiple legend nodes etc.

When renderer does not use data-defined size or does not use marker symbols, these settings will be ignored. Takes ownership of the passed settings objects. nullptr is a valid input that disables data-defined size legend.

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 1278 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setGraduatedMethod()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setGraduatedMethod ( GraduatedMethod  method)

set the method used for graduation (either size or color)

QGIS 2.10

Definition at line 392 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ setLabelFormat()

Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_PUSH void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setLabelFormat ( const QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat labelFormat,
bool  updateRanges = false 

Set the label format used to generate default classification labels.

labelFormatThe string appended to classification labels
updateRangesIf true then ranges ending with the old unit string are updated to the new.
QGIS 2.6
since QGIS 3.10 use classificationMethod() and QgsClassificationMethod::setLabelFormat instead

Definition at line 1031 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setLegendSymbolItem()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setLegendSymbolItem ( const QString &  key,
QgsSymbol symbol 

Sets the symbol to be used for a legend symbol item.

keyrule key for legend symbol
symbolnew symbol for legend item. Ownership is transferred to renderer.
QGIS 2.14

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 951 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setMode()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setMode ( QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::Mode  mode)
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 1199 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setSourceColorRamp()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setSourceColorRamp ( QgsColorRamp ramp)

Sets the source color ramp.

rampcolor ramp. Ownership is transferred to the renderer

Definition at line 820 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setSourceSymbol()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setSourceSymbol ( QgsSymbol sym)

Sets the source symbol for the renderer, which is the base symbol used for the each classes' symbol before applying the classes' color.

symsource symbol, ownership is transferred to the renderer
See also

Definition at line 805 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setSymbolSizes()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setSymbolSizes ( double  minSize,
double  maxSize 

set varying symbol size for classes

the classes must already be set so that symbols exist
QGIS 2.10

Definition at line 858 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setSymmetryPoint()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setSymmetryPoint ( double  symmetryPoint)

Set the pivot point.

QGIS 3.4
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 1211 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ setUseSymmetricMode()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::setUseSymmetricMode ( bool  useSymmetricMode)

Set if we want to classify symmetric around a given value.

QGIS 3.4
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 1206 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ sortByLabel()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::sortByLabel ( Qt::SortOrder  order = Qt::AscendingOrder)

Definition at line 1177 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ sortByValue()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::sortByValue ( Qt::SortOrder  order = Qt::AscendingOrder)

Definition at line 1105 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ sourceColorRamp() [1/2]

QgsColorRamp * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::sourceColorRamp ( )

Returns the source color ramp, from which each classes' color is derived.

See also

Definition at line 810 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ sourceColorRamp() [2/2]

const QgsColorRamp * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::sourceColorRamp ( ) const

Returns the source color ramp, from which each classes' color is derived.

See also
Not available in Python bindings.

Definition at line 815 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ sourceSymbol() [1/2]

QgsSymbol * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::sourceSymbol ( )

Returns the renderer's source symbol, which is the base symbol used for the each classes' symbol before applying the classes' color.

See also

Definition at line 795 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ sourceSymbol() [2/2]

const QgsSymbol * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::sourceSymbol ( ) const

Returns the renderer's source symbol, which is the base symbol used for the each classes' symbol before applying the classes' color.

See also
Not available in Python bindings.

Definition at line 800 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ startRender()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::startRender ( QgsRenderContext context,
const QgsFields fields 

Must be called when a new render cycle is started.

A call to startRender() must always be followed by a corresponding call to stopRender() after all features have been rendered.

contextAdditional information passed to the renderer about the job which will be rendered
fieldsThe fields available for rendering
See also
This method is not thread safe. Before calling startRender() in a non-main thread, the renderer should instead be cloned and startRender()/stopRender() called on the clone.

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 140 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ stopRender()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::stopRender ( QgsRenderContext context)

Must be called when a render cycle has finished, to allow the renderer to clean up.

Calls to stopRender() must always be preceded by a call to startRender().

This method is not thread safe. Before calling startRender() in a non-main thread, the renderer should instead be cloned and startRender()/stopRender() called on the clone.
See also

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 164 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ symbolForFeature()

QgsSymbol * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::symbolForFeature ( const QgsFeature feature,
QgsRenderContext context 
) const

To be overridden.

Must be called between startRender() and stopRender() calls.

contextrender context
returns pointer to symbol or 0 if symbol was not found
QGIS 2.12

Implements QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 107 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ symbolForValue()

QgsSymbol * QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::symbolForValue ( double  value) const

Gets the symbol which is used to represent value.

Definition at line 73 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ symbols()

QgsSymbolList QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::symbols ( QgsRenderContext context) const

Returns list of symbols used by the renderer.

contextrender context
QGIS 2.12

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 321 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ symmetryPoint()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::symmetryPoint ( ) const

Returns the pivot value for symmetric classification.

QGIS 3.4
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 163 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ toSld()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::toSld ( QDomDocument &  doc,
QDomElement &  element,
const QgsStringMap props = QgsStringMap() 
) const

used from subclasses to create SLD Rule elements following SLD v1.1 specs

Reimplemented from QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 306 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateClasses() [1/2]

Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_POP void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateClasses ( QgsVectorLayer vlayer,
Mode  mode,
int  nclasses,
bool  useSymmetricMode = false,
double  symmetryPoint = 0.0,
bool  astride = false 

Recalculate classes for a layer.

vlayerThe layer being rendered (from which data values are calculated)
modeThe calculation mode
nclassesThe number of classes to calculate (approximate for some modes)
useSymmetricModeA bool indicating if we want to have classes and hence colors ramp symmetric around a value
symmetryPointThe value around which the classes will be symmetric if useSymmetricMode is checked
astrideA bool indicating if the symmetry is made astride the symmetryPoint or not ( [-1,1] vs. [-1,0][0,1] )
QGIS 2.6 (three first arguments) and 3.4 (three last arguments)
since QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 404 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateClasses() [2/2]

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateClasses ( const QgsVectorLayer vl,
int  nclasses 

Recalculate classes for a layer.

vlThe layer being rendered (from which data values are calculated)
nclassesthe number of classes

Definition at line 418 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateColorRamp()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateColorRamp ( QgsColorRamp ramp = nullptr)

Update the color ramp used.

Also updates all symbols colors. Doesn't alter current breaks.

rampcolor ramp. Ownership is transferred to the renderer

Definition at line 874 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateRangeLabel()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateRangeLabel ( int  rangeIndex,
const QString &  label 

Definition at line 224 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateRangeLabels()

Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_POP void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateRangeLabels ( )

Updates the labels of the ranges.

QGIS 3.10

Definition at line 1044 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateRangeLowerValue()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateRangeLowerValue ( int  rangeIndex,
double  value 

Definition at line 251 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateRangeRenderState()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateRangeRenderState ( int  rangeIndex,
bool  render 
QGIS 2.5

Definition at line 271 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateRangeSymbol()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateRangeSymbol ( int  rangeIndex,
QgsSymbol symbol 

Definition at line 216 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateRangeUpperValue()

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateRangeUpperValue ( int  rangeIndex,
double  value 

Definition at line 232 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ updateSymbols()

void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::updateSymbols ( QgsSymbol sym)

Update all the symbols but leave breaks and colors.

This method also sets the source symbol for the renderer.

symsource symbol to use for classes. Ownership is not transferred.
See also

Definition at line 900 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ usedAttributes()

QSet< QString > QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::usedAttributes ( const QgsRenderContext context) const

Returns a list of attributes required by this renderer.

Attributes not listed in here may not have been requested from the provider at rendering time.

A set of attributes

Implements QgsFeatureRenderer.

Definition at line 177 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.cpp.

◆ useSymmetricMode()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::useSymmetricMode ( ) const

Returns if we want to classify symmetric around a given value.

QGIS 3.4
since QGIS 3.10 use classficationMethod instead

Definition at line 149 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAttrName

QString QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mAttrName

Definition at line 433 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mAttrNum

int QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mAttrNum = -1

attribute index (derived from attribute name in startRender)

Definition at line 442 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mClassificationMethod

std::shared_ptr<QgsClassificationMethod> QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mClassificationMethod

Definition at line 460 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mCounting

bool QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mCounting = false

Definition at line 443 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mDataDefinedSizeLegend

std::unique_ptr<QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend> QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mDataDefinedSizeLegend

Definition at line 445 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mExpression

std::unique_ptr<QgsExpression> QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mExpression

Definition at line 438 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mGraduatedMethod

GraduatedMethod QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mGraduatedMethod = GraduatedColor

Definition at line 439 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mRanges

QgsRangeList QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mRanges

Definition at line 434 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mSourceColorRamp

std::unique_ptr<QgsColorRamp> QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mSourceColorRamp

Definition at line 436 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

◆ mSourceSymbol

std::unique_ptr<QgsSymbol> QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::mSourceSymbol

Definition at line 435 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.



Definition at line 248 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.



Definition at line 230 of file qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: