
Manajer riwayat

Pemrosesan riwayat

Setiap kali Anda mengeksekusi sebuah algoritma, informasi tentang proses disimpan dalam manajer riwayat. Seiring dengan parameter yang digunakan, tanggal dan waktu eksekusi juga disimpan.

This way, it is easy to track and control all the work that has been developed using the processing framework, and easily reproduce it.

Manajer riwayat adalah satu set entri registri dikelompokkan berdasarkan tanggal eksekusi mereka, sehingga lebih mudah untuk menemukan informasi tentang algoritma yang dijalankan pada saat tertentu.

Figure Processing 30:


Riwayat win

Informasi proses disimpan sebagai ekspresi baris-perintah, bahkan jika algoritma diluncurkan dari kotakalat. Hal ini juga berguna bagi mereka belajar bagaimana menggunakan antarmuka baris perintah, karena mereka dapat memanggil algoritma menggunakan kotak alat dan kemudian memeriksa manajer riwayat melihat bagaimana algoritma yang sama bisa dipanggil dari baris perintah.

Selain menjelajah entri dalam registri, Anda juga dapat jalankan kembali proses dengan hanya mengklik dua kali pada entri yang sesuai.

Along with recording algorithm executions, the processing framework communicates with the user by means of the other groups of the registry, namely Errors, Warnings and Information. In case something is not working properly, having a look at the Errors might help you to see what is happening. If you get in contact with a developer to report a bug or error, the information in that group will be very useful for her or him to find out what is going wrong.

Third-party algorithms are usually executed by calling their command-line interfaces, which communicate with the user via the console. Although that console is not shown, a full dump of it is stored in the Information group each time you run one of those algorithms. If, for instance, you are having problems executing a SAGA algorithm, look for an entry named ‘SAGA execution console output’ to check all the messages generated by SAGA and try to find out where the problem is.

Some algorithms, even if they can produce a result with the given input data, might add comments or additional information to the Warning block if they detect potential problems with the data, in order to warn you. Make sure you check those messages if you are having unexpected results.