QGIS provides default keyboard shortcuts for many features. You can find them in section Bar Menu. Additionally, the menu option Settings ‣ Configure Shortcuts.. allows you to change the default keyboard shortcuts and to add new keyboard shortcuts to QGIS features.
Figure Shortcuts 1:
Configuration is very simple. Just select a feature from the list and click on [Change], [Set none] or [Set default]. Once you have finished your configuration, you can save it as an XML file and load it to another QGIS installation.
Saat Anda membutuhkan bantuan dengan topik yang spesifik, Anda dapat mengakses konteks bantuan melalui tombol [Bantuan] tersedia disebagian besar dialog - harap dicatat bahwa plugin pihak ketiga dapat mengarah ke halaman web khusus.
By default, QGIS renders all visible layers whenever the map canvas is refreshed. The events that trigger a refresh of the map canvas include:
Menambahkan lapisan (layer)
Menggeser atau memperbesar
Merubah visitabilitas dari lapisan (layer)
QGIS allows you to control the rendering process in a number of ways.
Skala render memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan skaa minimum dan skala maksimum di mana lapisan akan terlihat. Untuk mengatur skala render bergantung, buka dialog Properti dengan mengklik-dobel pada lapisan di legenda. Pada tab Umum klik pada kotak centang Skala bergantung pada visibilitas untuk mengaktifkan fitur, kemudian atur nilai maskimum dan minimum skala.
You can determine the scale values by first zooming to the level you want to use and noting the scale value in the QGIS status bar.
Map rendering can be controlled in the various ways, as described below.
To suspend rendering, click the Render checkbox in the lower right corner of the status bar. When the Render checkbox is not checked, QGIS does not redraw the canvas in response to any of the events described in section Rendering. Examples of when you might want to suspend rendering include:
Menambah banyak lapisan dan melambangkan mereka sebelum menggambar
Menambahkan satu atau lebih lapisan besar dan mengatur ketergantungan skala sebelum menggambar
Menambahkan satu atau lebih lapisan besar dan perbesar ke tampilan spesifik sebelum menggambar
Kombinasi dari yang ada di atas
Aktifkan kotak centang Render mengaktifkan rendering dan dan menyebabkan refresh langsung dari kanvas peta.
Anda dapat mengatur pilihan untuk selalu memuat lapisan baru tanpa menggambar mereka. Ini berarti lapisan akan ditambahkan ke peta, namun visibilitas kotak centang dalam legenda akan dicentang secara default. Untuk mengatur opsi ini, pilih menu opsi Pengaturan ‣ Opsi dan klik tab Rendering. Hapus centang Secara standar lapisan baru ditambahkan ke peta selalu ditampilkan. Setiap lapisan ditambahkan ke peta akan tidak terlihat secara standar.
Untuk menghentikan penggambaran peta, tekan tombol ESC. Ini akan menghentikan refresh kanvas peta dan menghentikan proses penggambaran peta. Hal ini mungkin membutuhkan waktu selama menekan ESC dan penggambaran peta terhenti.
Saat ini tidak memungkikan untuk menghentikan rendering - ini dinonaktifkan di port qt4 karena masalah antarmuka pengguna (UI) dan konflik (crash).
You can set an option to update the map display as features are drawn. By default, QGIS does not display any features for a layer until the entire layer has been rendered. To update the display as features are read from the datastore, choose menu option Settings ‣ Options and click on the Rendering tab. Set the feature count to an appropriate value to update the display during rendering. Setting a value of 0 disables update during drawing (this is the default). Setting a value too low will result in poor performance, as the map canvas is continually updated during the reading of the features. A suggested value to start with is 500.
To influence the rendering quality of the map, you have two options. Choose menu option Settings ‣ Options, click on the Rendering tab and select or deselect following checkboxes:
There are two settings that allow you to improve rendering speed. Open the QGIS options dialog using Settings ‣ Options, go to the Rendering tab and select or deselect the following checkboxes:
Gunakan render caching yang memungkinkan mempercepat gambar ulang
Measuring works within projected coordinate systems (e.g., UTM) and unprojected data. If the loaded map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude), the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect. To fix this, you need to set an appropriate map coordinate system (see section Working with Projections). All measuring modules also use the snapping settings from the digitizing module. This is useful, if you want to measure along lines or areas in vector layers.
To select a measuring tool, click on and select the tool you want to use.
Measure Line: QGIS is able to measure real distances between given points according to a defined ellipsoid. To configure this, choose menu option Settings ‣ Options, click on the Map tools tab and select the appropriate ellipsoid. There, you can also define a rubberband color and your preferred measurement units (meters or feet) and angle units (degrees, radians and gon). The tool then allows you to click points on the map. Each segment length, as well as the total, shows up in the measure window. To stop measuring, click your right mouse button. Note that you can interactively change the measurement units in the measurement dialog. It overrides the Preferred measurement units in the options. There is an info section in the dialog that shows which CRS settings are being used during measurement calculations.
Figure Measure 1:
Measure Area: Areas can also be measured. In the measure window, the accumulated area size appears. In addition, the measuring tool will snap to the currently selected layer, provided that layer has its snapping tolerance set (see section Setting the Snapping Tolerance and Search Radius). So, if you want to measure exactly along a line feature, or around a polygon feature, first set its snapping tolerance, then select the layer. Now, when using the measuring tools, each mouse click (within the tolerance setting) will snap to that layer.
Figure Measure 2:
Measure Angle: You can also measure angles. The cursor becomes cross-shaped. Click to draw the first segment of the angle you wish to measure, then move the cursor to draw the desired angle. The measure is displayed in a pop-up dialog.
Figure Measure 3:
The QGIS toolbar provides several tools to select features in the map canvas. To select one or several features, just click on and select your tool:
To deselect all selected features click on Deselect features from all layers.
Select feature using an expression allow user to select feature using expression dialog. See Expressions chapter for some example.
Users can save features selection into a New Memory Vector Layer or a New Vector Layer using Edit ‣ Paste Feature as ... and choose the mode you want.
The Identify tool allows you to interact with the map canvas and get information on features in a pop-up window. To identify features, use View ‣ Identify features or press Ctrl + Shift + I, or click on the Identify features icon in the toolbar.
If you click on several features, the Identify results dialog will list information about all the selected features. The first item is the number of the layer in the list of results, followed by the layer name. Then, its first child will be the name of a field with its value. The first field is the one selected in Properties ‣ Display. Finally, all information about the feature is displayed.
Jendela ini dapat disesuaikan untuk menampilkan kolom kustom namun secara default akan menampilkan tiga jenis informasi:
Figure Identify 1:
At the top of the window, you have five icons:
At the bottom of the window, you have the Mode and View comboboxes. With the Mode combobox you can define the identify mode: ‘Current layer’, ‘Top down, stop at first’, ‘Top down’ and ‘Layer selection’. The View can be set as ‘Tree’, ‘Table’ and ‘Graph’.
The identify tool allows you to auto open a form. In this mode you can change the feautures attributes.
Fungsi lain dapat ditemukan dalam menu konteks dari ditentukannya item. Sebagai contoh, dari menu konteks Anda dapat:
Lihat form fitur
Perbesar ke fitur
Salin fitur: salin semua fitur geometri dan atribut
Salin nilai atribut: hanya menyalin nilai dari atribut yang Anda klik
Bersihkan hasilnya: Hapus hasil di jendela
Bersihkan highlight: Hapus fitur highlight pada peta
Highlight semua
Highlight lapisan
Aktifkan lapisan: Pilih lapisan yang akan diaktifkan
Properti lapisa: buka jendel properti lapisan
Perluas (expand) semua
Runtuh (collapse) semua
The Decorations of QGIS include the Grid, the Copyright Label, the North Arrow and the Scale Bar. They are used to ‘decorate’ the map by adding cartographic elements.
Grid memungkinkan untuk menambahkan koordinat kisi (grid) dan koordinat anotasi untuk kanvas peta.
Figure Decorations 1:
Pilih dari menu Tampilan ‣ Decorasi ‣ Kisi. Mulai dialog (lihat figure_decorations_1).
Aktifkan kotak centang Aktifkan Kisi dan menetapkan definisi kisi (grid) sesuai dengan lapisan yang dimuat dalam kanvas peta.
Aktifkan kotak centang Gambar anotasi dan menetapkan definisi anotasi sesuai dengan lapisan yang dimuat dalam kanvas peta.
Copyright label adds a copyright label using the text you prefer to the map.
Figure Decorations 2:
Pilih dari menu Tampilan ‣ Dekorasi ‣ Label hak Cipta. (lihat figure_decorations_2).
Masukkan teks yang Anda ingin tempatkan di peta. Anda bisa menggunakan HTML seperti dalam contoh
Pastikan kotak centang telah ditandai/aktifkan Aktifkan Label Hak Cipta
In the example above, which is the default, QGIS places a copyright symbol followed by the date in the lower right-hand corner of the map canvas.
North Arrow places a simple north arrow on the map canvas. At present, there is only one style available. You can adjust the angle of the arrow or let QGIS set the direction automatically. If you choose to let QGIS determine the direction, it makes its best guess as to how the arrow should be oriented. For placement of the arrow, you have four options, corresponding to the four corners of the map canvas.
Figure Decorations 3:
Scale Bar adds a simple scale bar to the map canvas. You can control the style and placement, as well as the labeling of the bar.
Figure Decorations 4:
QGIS only supports displaying the scale in the same units as your map frame. So if the units of your layers are in meters, you can’t create a scale bar in feet. Likewise, if you are using decimal degrees, you can’t create a scale bar to display distance in meters.
Menambahkan bar skala:
Pilih dari menu Tampilan ‣ Dekorasi ‣ Skala Bar (lihat figure_decorations_4)
Pengaturan Dekorasi
Saat Anda menyimpan sebuah proyek .qgs, setiap perubahan yang Anda buat pada Kisi (Grid), Panah Utara, Skala Bar dan Hak Cipta akan disimpan dalam proyek dan dikembalikan pada saat Anda memuat proyek.
The Text Annotation tool in the attribute toolbar provides the possibility to place formatted text in a balloon on the QGIS map canvas. Use the Text Annotation tool and click into the map canvas.
Figure annotation 1:
Dobel klik pada item membuka dialog dengan berbagai pilihan. Ada editor teks untuk memasukkan teks yang diformat dan pengaturan item lain. Misalnya ada pilihan memiliki item ditempatkan pada posisi peta (ditampilkan dengan simbol penanda) atau memiliki item pada posisi layar (tidak berhubungan dengan peta). Item ini bisa dipindahkan dengan posisi peta (geser penanda peta) atau hanya dengan memindahkan balon. Ikon adalah bagian dari tema GIS, dan digunakan secara default dalam tema-tema lain juga.
The Move Annotation tool allows you to move the annotation on the map canvas.
The Html Annotation tools in the attribute toolbar provides the possibility to place the content of an html file in a balloon on the QGIS map canvas. Using the Html Annotation tool, click into the map canvas and add the path to the html file into the dialog.
The SVG Annotation tool in the attribute toolbar provides the possibility to place an SVG symbol in a balloon on the QGIS map canvas. Using the SVG Annotation tool, click into the map canvas and add the path to the SVG file into the dialog.
Additionally, you can also create your own annotation forms. The Form Annotation tool is useful to display attributes of a vector layer in a customized Qt Designer form (see figure_custom_annotation). This is similar to the designer forms for the Identify features tool, but displayed in an annotation item. Also see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pDBuSbQ02o from Tim Sutton for more information.
Figure annotation 2:
Jika Anda menekan Ctrl+T sementara alat Anotasi aktif (anotasi bergerak, anotasi teks, form anotasi), visibilitas item yang terbalik.
Spatial Bookmarks allow you to “bookmark” a geographic location and return to it later.
Membuat Bookmark
Perbesar atau geser ke interes area.
Masukkan nama deskripsi dari bookmark (batas 255 karakter).
Catatan Anda bisa memiliki bookmark banyak dengan satu nama.
To use or manage bookmarks, select the menu option View ‣ Show Bookmarks. The Geospatial Bookmarks dialog allows you to zoom to or delete a bookmark. You cannot edit the bookmark name or coordinates.
From the Geospatial Bookmarks dialog, select the desired bookmark by clicking on it, then click [Zoom To]. You can also zoom to a bookmark by double-clicking on it.
To delete a bookmark from the Geospatial Bookmarks dialog, click on it, then click [Delete]. Confirm your choice by clicking [Yes], or cancel the delete by clicking [No].
To share or transfer your bookmarks between computers you can use the Share pull down menu in the Geospatial Bookmarks dialog.
Jika Anda ingin menanamkan (embed) isi dari berkas proyek lain kedalam proyek Anda, Anda bisa memilih Lapisan ‣ Tanam Lapisan dan Grup.
Dialog berikut memungkinkan Anda menanamkan lapisan dari proyek-proyek lain. Berikut ini adalah contoh kecil:
Figure Nesting 1:
Sementara lapisan tertanam dapat diedit, Anda tidak dapat mengubah properti mereka seperti gaya dan pelabelan.