19#include <Qt3DExtras/QGoochMaterial>
21#include <Qt3DRender/QAttribute>
22#include <Qt3DRender/QBuffer>
23#include <Qt3DRender/QGeometry>
29#include <Qt3DCore/QAttribute>
30#include <Qt3DCore/QBuffer>
31#include <Qt3DCore/QGeometry>
37#include <Qt3DRender/QParameter>
38#include <Qt3DRender/QEffect>
39#include <Qt3DRender/QTechnique>
40#include <Qt3DRender/QGraphicsApiFilter>
45 return QStringLiteral(
"gooch" );
82 mShininess = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"shininess2" ), QStringLiteral(
"100" ) ).toFloat();
83 mAlpha = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"alpha" ), QStringLiteral(
"0.25" ) ).toFloat();
84 mBeta = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral(
"beta" ), QStringLiteral(
"0.5" ) ).toFloat();
95 elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"shininess2" ), mShininess );
96 elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"alpha" ), mAlpha );
97 elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral(
"beta" ), mBeta );
104 return QMap<QString, QString>();
117 return dataDefinedMaterial();
118 Qt3DExtras::QGoochMaterial *material =
new Qt3DExtras::QGoochMaterial;
119 material->setDiffuse( mDiffuse );
120 material->setWarm( mWarm );
121 material->setCool( mCool );
123 material->setSpecular( mSpecular );
124 material->setShininess( mShininess );
125 material->setAlpha( mAlpha );
126 material->setBeta( mBeta );
158 array.resize(
unsigned char ) * 12 );
159 unsigned char *fptr =
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *
>( array.data() );
161 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
diffuse.red() );
162 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
diffuse.green() );
163 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
diffuse.blue() );
165 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
warm.red() );
166 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
warm.green() );
167 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
warm.blue() );
169 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
cool.red() );
170 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
cool.green() );
171 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
cool.blue() );
173 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
specular.red() );
174 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
specular.green() );
175 *fptr++ =
static_cast<unsigned char>(
specular.blue() );
182 return 12 *
unsigned char );
190 diffuseAttribute->setName( QStringLiteral(
"dataDefinedDiffuseColor" ) );
191 diffuseAttribute->setVertexBaseType( Qt3DQAttribute::UnsignedByte );
192 diffuseAttribute->setVertexSize( 3 );
193 diffuseAttribute->setAttributeType( Qt3DQAttribute::VertexAttribute );
194 diffuseAttribute->setBuffer( dataBuffer );
195 diffuseAttribute->setByteStride( 12 *
unsigned char ) );
196 diffuseAttribute->setByteOffset( 0 );
197 diffuseAttribute->setCount( vertexCount );
198 geometry->addAttribute( diffuseAttribute );
201 warmAttribute->setName( QStringLiteral(
"dataDefinedWarmColor" ) );
202 warmAttribute->setVertexBaseType( Qt3DQAttribute::UnsignedByte );
203 warmAttribute->setVertexSize( 3 );
204 warmAttribute->setAttributeType( Qt3DQAttribute::VertexAttribute );
205 warmAttribute->setBuffer( dataBuffer );
206 warmAttribute->setByteStride( 12 *
unsigned char ) );
207 warmAttribute->setByteOffset( 3 *
unsigned char ) );
208 warmAttribute->setCount( vertexCount );
209 geometry->addAttribute( warmAttribute
213 coolAttribute->setName( QStringLiteral(
"dataDefinedCoolColor" ) );
214 coolAttribute->setVertexBaseType( Qt3DQAttribute::UnsignedByte );
215 coolAttribute->setVertexSize( 3 );
216 coolAttribute->setAttributeType( Qt3DQAttribute::VertexAttribute );
217 coolAttribute->setBuffer( dataBuffer );
218 coolAttribute->setByteStride( 12 *
unsigned char ) );
219 coolAttribute->setByteOffset( 6 *
unsigned char ) );
220 coolAttribute->setCount( vertexCount );
221 geometry->addAttribute( coolAttribute );
225 specularAttribute->setName( QStringLiteral(
"dataDefinedSpecularColor" ) );
226 specularAttribute->setVertexBaseType( Qt3DQAttribute::UnsignedByte );
227 specularAttribute->setVertexSize( 3 );
228 specularAttribute->setAttributeType( Qt3DQAttribute::VertexAttribute );
229 specularAttribute->setBuffer( dataBuffer );
230 specularAttribute->setByteStride( 12 *
unsigned char ) );
231 specularAttribute->setByteOffset( 9 *
unsigned char ) );
232 specularAttribute->setCount( vertexCount );
233 geometry->addAttribute( specularAttribute );
235 dataBuffer->setData( data );
238Qt3DRender::QMaterial *QgsGoochMaterialSettings::dataDefinedMaterial()
240 Qt3DRender::QMaterial *material =
new Qt3DRender::QMaterial;
242 Qt3DRender::QEffect *eff =
new Qt3DRender::QEffect( material );
244 Qt3DRender::QTechnique *technique =
new Qt3DRender::QTechnique;
245 technique->graphicsApiFilter()->setApi( Qt3DRender::QGraphicsApiFilter::OpenGL );
246 technique->graphicsApiFilter()->setProfile( Qt3DRender::QGraphicsApiFilter::CoreProfile );
247 technique->graphicsApiFilter()->setMajorVersion( 3 );
248 technique->graphicsApiFilter()->setMinorVersion( 3 );
249 Qt3DRender::QFilterKey *filterKey =
new Qt3DRender::QFilterKey();
250 filterKey->setName( QStringLiteral(
"renderingStyle" ) );
251 filterKey->setValue( QStringLiteral(
"forward" ) );
252 technique->addFilterKey( filterKey );
254 Qt3DRender::QRenderPass *renderPass =
new Qt3DRender::QRenderPass();
255 Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram *shaderProgram =
new Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram();
258 const QUrl urlVert( QStringLiteral(
"qrc:/shaders/goochDataDefined.vert" ) );
259 shaderProgram->setShaderCode( Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram::Vertex, Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram::loadSource( urlVert ) );
260 const QUrl urlFrag( QStringLiteral(
"qrc:/shaders/goochDataDefined.frag" ) );
261 shaderProgram->setShaderCode( Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram::Fragment, Qt3DRender::QShaderProgram::loadSource( urlFrag ) );
263 renderPass->setShaderProgram( shaderProgram );
264 technique->addRenderPass( renderPass );
266 technique->addParameter(
new Qt3DRender::QParameter( QStringLiteral(
"shininess" ), mShininess ) );
267 technique->addParameter(
new Qt3DRender::QParameter( QStringLiteral(
"alpha" ), mAlpha ) );
268 technique->addParameter(
new Qt3DRender::QParameter( QStringLiteral(
"beta" ), mBeta ) );
270 eff->addTechnique( technique );
271 material->setEffect( eff );
virtual void writeXml(QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &) const
Writes settings to a DOM element.
virtual void readXml(const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &)
Reads settings from a DOM element.
@ Specular
Specular color.
@ Warm
Warm color (gooch material)
@ Cool
Cool color (gooch material)
QgsPropertyCollection dataDefinedProperties() const
Returns the symbol material property collection, used for data defined overrides.
QColor valueAsColor(int key, const QgsExpressionContext &context, const QColor &defaultColor=QColor(), bool *ok=nullptr) const
Calculates the current value of the property with the specified key and interprets it as a color.
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
QgsGoochMaterialSettings * clone() const override
Clones the material settings.
QColor specular() const
Returns specular color component.
QColor cool() const
Returns cool color component.
int dataDefinedByteStride() const override
Returns byte stride of the data defined colors,used to fill the vertex colors data defined buffer for...
QByteArray dataDefinedVertexColorsAsByte(const QgsExpressionContext &expressionContext) const override
Returns byte array corresponding to the data defined colors depending of the expressionContext,...
void writeXml(QDomElement &elem, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) const override
Writes settings to a DOM element.
QMap< QString, QString > toExportParameters() const override
Returns the parameters to be exported to .mtl file.
QColor warm() const
Returns warm color component.
void applyDataDefinedToGeometry(Qt3DCore::QGeometry *geometry, int vertexCount, const QByteArray &data) const override
Applies the data defined bytes, dataDefinedBytes, on the geometry by filling a specific vertex buffer...
QString type() const override
Returns the unique type name for the material.
QColor diffuse() const
Returns diffuse color component.
Constructor for QgsGoochMaterialSettings.
void addParametersToEffect(Qt3DRender::QEffect *effect) const override
Adds parameters from the material to a destination effect.
static QgsAbstractMaterialSettings * create()
Returns a new instance of QgsGoochMaterialSettings.
static bool supportsTechnique(QgsMaterialSettingsRenderingTechnique technique)
Returns true if the specified technique is supported by the Gooch material.
Qt3DRender::QMaterial * toMaterial(QgsMaterialSettingsRenderingTechnique technique, const QgsMaterialContext &context) const override
Creates a new QMaterial object representing the material settings.
void readXml(const QDomElement &elem, const QgsReadWriteContext &context) override
Reads settings from a DOM element.
QColor selectionColor() const
Returns the color for representing materials in a selected state.
bool isSelected() const
Returns true if the material should represent a selected state.
The class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects.
static QColor decodeColor(const QString &str)
static QString encodeColor(const QColor &color)
Material rendering techniques 3.
@ Points
Point based rendering, requires point data.
@ Triangles
Triangle based rendering (default)
@ TrianglesFromModel
Triangle based rendering, using a model object source.
@ Lines
Line based rendering, requires line data.
@ TrianglesDataDefined
Triangle based rendering with possibility of datadefined color.
@ InstancedPoints
Instanced based rendering, requiring triangles and point data.
@ TrianglesWithFixedTexture
Triangle based rendering, using a fixed, non-user-configurable texture (e.g. for terrain rendering)
Qt3DCore::QAttribute Qt3DQAttribute
Qt3DCore::QBuffer Qt3DQBuffer
Qt3DCore::QGeometry Qt3DQGeometry
Qt3DCore::QAttribute Qt3DQAttribute
Qt3DCore::QBuffer Qt3DQBuffer
Qt3DCore::QGeometry Qt3DQGeometry