QGIS API Documentation
3.26.3-Buenos Aires (65e4edfdad)
The CORE library contains all basic GIS functionality. More...
Namespaces | |
QgsHstoreUtils | |
The QgsHstoreUtils namespace provides functions to handle hstore-formatted strings. | |
Classes | |
struct | QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Address |
Metadata address structure. More... | |
class | QgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointConstraint |
Structure with details of one constraint. More... | |
class | QgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointContext |
Defines constraints for the QgsCadUtils::alignMapPoint() method. More... | |
class | QgsCadUtils::AlignMapPointOutput |
Structure returned from alignMapPoint() method. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::BoolOption |
class | pal::CandidatePolygonRingDistanceCalculator |
Calculates distance from a label candidate to nearest polygon ring. More... | |
class | QgsTriangularMesh::Changes |
The Changes class is used to make changes of the triangular and to keep traces of this changes If a Changes instance is applied (see QgsTriangularMesh::applyChanges()), these changes can be reversed (see QgsTriangularMesh::reverseChanges()) as long as other changes are not applied. More... | |
class | QgsTopologicalMesh::Changes |
Class that contains topological differences between two states of a topological mesh, only accessible from the QgsTopologicalMesh class. More... | |
struct | QgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ComponentLayerDetail |
Contains details of a particular input component to be used during PDF composition. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeometry::const_part_iterator |
The part_iterator class provides STL-style iterator for const references to geometry parts. More... | |
struct | QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Contact |
Metadata contact structure. More... | |
struct | QgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ControlPoint |
Contains details of a control point used during georeferencing GeoPDF outputs. More... | |
class | pal::CostCalculator |
Calculates label candidate costs considering different factors. More... | |
class | QgsTextRendererUtils::CurvedGraphemePlacement |
Contains placement information for a single grapheme in a curved text layout. More... | |
class | QgsTextRendererUtils::CurvePlacementProperties |
Contains placement information for a curved text layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayerDefinition::DependencySorter |
Class used to work with layer dependencies stored in a XML project or layer definition file. More... | |
class | pal::InternalException::Empty |
Thrown when trying to access an empty data set. More... | |
class | QgsNewsFeedParser::Entry |
Represents a single entry from a news feed. More... | |
class | QgsGeometry::Error |
A geometry error. More... | |
struct | QgsLayoutItem::ExportLayerDetail |
Contains details of a particular export layer relating to a layout item. More... | |
class | pal::Feats |
For usage in problem solving algorithm. More... | |
class | pal::PalException::FeatureExists |
features already exists More... | |
class | pal::FeaturePart |
Main class to handle feature. More... | |
struct | QgsRuleBasedRenderer::FeatureToRender |
Feature for rendering by a QgsRuleBasedRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsRelation::FieldPair |
Defines a relation between matching fields of the two involved tables of a relation. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::FieldValueConverter |
Interface to convert raw field values to their user-friendly value. More... | |
class | pal::InternalException::Full |
Thrown when something is added in a Full set. More... | |
class | pal::GeomFunction |
Pal labeling engine geometry functions. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::HiddenOption |
class | IndexedPointCloudNode |
Represents a indexed point cloud node in octree. More... | |
class | QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings |
This is a container of advanced configuration (per layer) of the snapping of the project. More... | |
class | pal::InternalException |
Various Exceptions. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::IntOption |
class | LabelInfo |
pal labeling engine More... | |
class | pal::LabelPosition |
LabelPosition is a candidate feature label position. More... | |
class | pal::Layer |
A set of features which influence the labeling process. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileWriter::Layer |
Configuration of a single input vector layer to be included in the output. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingContext::LayerDetails |
Details for layers to load into projects. More... | |
class | pal::PalException::LayerExists |
layer already exists More... | |
class | QgsOgcUtils::LayerProperties |
Layer properties. Used by SQLStatementToOgcFilter(). More... | |
class | QgsGmlStreamingParser::LayerProperties |
Layer properties. More... | |
struct | QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Link |
Metadata link structure. More... | |
class | QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord |
Individual record of a visible layer in a map theme record. More... | |
class | QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord |
Individual map theme record of visible layers and styles. More... | |
class | QgsProjectStorage::Metadata |
Metadata associated with a project. More... | |
struct | QgsServerMetadataUrlProperties::MetadataUrl |
MetadataUrl structure. More... | |
struct | QgsExpressionNode::NamedNode |
Named node. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::Node |
Abstract node class. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeBetweenOperator |
'X BETWEEN y and z' operator More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeBinaryOperator |
Binary logical/arithmetical operator (AND, OR, =, +, ...) More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeCast |
CAST operator. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeColumnRef |
Reference to a column. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeColumnSorted |
Column in a ORDER BY. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeFunction |
Function with a name and arguments node. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeInOperator |
'x IN (y, z)' operator More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeJoin |
Join definition. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNode::NodeList |
A list of expression nodes. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeList |
A list of nodes. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeLiteral |
Literal value (integer, integer64, double, string) More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeSelect |
SELECT node. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeSelectedColumn |
Selected column. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeTableDef |
Table definition. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::NodeUnaryOperator |
Unary logicial/arithmetical operator ( NOT, - ) More... | |
class | pal::InternalException::NoLabelPosition |
Throw an exception when it's impossible to compute labelPosition. More... | |
class | QgsProviderSublayerModel::NonLayerItem |
Contains details for a non-sublayer item to include in a QgsProviderSublayerModel. More... | |
class | pal::PalException::NotImplemented |
Thrown when a feature is not yet implemented. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::Option |
class | QgsFeatureRequest::OrderBy |
Represents a list of OrderByClauses, with the most important first and the least important last. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureRequest::OrderByClause |
The OrderByClause class represents an order by clause for a QgsFeatureRequest. More... | |
class | pal::Pal |
Main Pal labeling class. More... | |
class | pal::PalException |
Various Exceptions. More... | |
class | PalRtree< T > |
A rtree spatial index for use in the pal labeling engine. More... | |
class | pal::PalStat |
Summary statistics of labeling problem. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionFunction::Parameter |
Represents a single parameter passed to a function. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeometry::part_iterator |
The part_iterator class provides STL-style iterator for geometry parts. More... | |
class | pal::PointSet |
The underlying raw pal geometry class. More... | |
class | QgsSettings::Prefix |
Prefixes for the settings keys. More... | |
class | pal::PriorityQueue |
Custom priority queue for use in pal labeling engine. More... | |
class | pal::Problem |
Representation of a labeling problem. More... | |
class | QgsProviderRegistry::ProviderCandidateDetails |
Contains information pertaining to a candidate provider. More... | |
class | Qgis |
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application. More... | |
class | QgisVisitor |
Custom visitor that adds found features to list. More... | |
class | Qgs25DRenderer |
class | Qgs2DPlot |
Base class for 2-dimensional plot/chart/graphs. More... | |
class | Qgs3DRendererAbstractMetadata |
Base metadata class for 3D renderers. More... | |
class | Qgs3DRendererRegistry |
Keeps track of available 3D renderers. More... | |
class | Qgs3DSymbolAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one 3D symbol class. More... | |
class | Qgs3DSymbolMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create a 3D symbol and its widget. More... | |
class | Qgs3DSymbolRegistry |
Registry of available 3D symbol classes. More... | |
class | QgsAbstract3DRenderer |
Base class for all renderers that may to participate in 3D view. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractAnnotationItemEditOperation |
Abstract base class for annotation item edit operations. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractBabelFormat |
Abstract base class for babel GPS formats. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractBrushedLineSymbolLayer |
Base class for line symbol layer types which draws line sections using a QBrush. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractCacheIndex |
Abstract base class for cache indices. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractContentCache< T > |
Abstract base class for file content caches, such as SVG or raster image caches. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractContentCacheBase |
A QObject derived base class for QgsAbstractContentCache. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractContentCacheEntry |
Base class for entries in a QgsAbstractContentCache. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection |
The QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection class provides common functionality for DB based connections. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractFeatureIterator |
Internal feature iterator to be implemented within data providers. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource< T > |
Helper template that cares of two things: 1. automatic deletion of source if owned by iterator, 2. notification of open/closed iterator. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractFeatureSource |
Base class that can be used for any class that is capable of returning features. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeocoderLocatorFilter |
An abstract base class which implements a locator filter populated from a QgsGeocoderInterface. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeometry |
Abstract base class for all geometries. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeometrySimplifier |
Abstract base class for simplify geometries using a specific algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeometryTransformer |
An abstract base class for classes which transform geometries by transforming input points to output points. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter |
Abstract base class for GeoPDF exporters. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractLabelProvider |
The QgsAbstractLabelProvider class is an interface class. Implementations return list of labels and their associated geometries - these are used by QgsLabelingEngine to compute the final layout of labels. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractLayoutIterator |
An abstract base class for QgsLayout based classes which can be exported by QgsLayoutExporter. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommand |
Base class for commands to undo/redo layout and layout object changes. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractMetadataBase |
An abstract base class for metadata stores. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidator |
Abstract base class for metadata validators. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractPointCloud3DRenderer |
Base class for point cloud 3D renderers. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractProfileGenerator |
Abstract base class for objects which generate elevation profiles. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractProfileResults |
Abstract base class for storage of elevation profiles. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractProfileSource |
Interface for classes which can generate elevation profiles. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractProfileSurfaceGenerator |
Abstract base class for objects which generate elevation profiles which represent a continuous surface (e.g. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractProfileSurfaceResults |
Abstract base class for storage of elevation profiles which represent a continuous surface (e.g. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractPropertyCollection |
Abstract base class for QgsPropertyCollection like objects. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractProviderConnection |
The QgsAbstractProviderConnection provides an interface for data provider connections. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractStyleEntityIconGenerator |
An abstract base class for icon generators for a QgsStyleModel. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractTerrainProvider |
Abstract base class for terrain providers. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractValidityCheck |
Abstract base class for individual validity checks. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling |
Abstract base class - its implementations define different approaches to the labeling of a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsAction |
Utility class that encapsulates an action based on vector attributes. More... | |
class | QgsActionManager |
Storage and management of actions associated with a layer. More... | |
class | QgsActionScope |
An action scope defines a "place" for an action to be shown and may add additional expression variables. More... | |
class | QgsActionScopeRegistry |
The action scope registry is an application wide registry that contains a list of available action scopes. More... | |
class | QgsAggregateCalculator |
Utility class for calculating aggregates for a field (or expression) over the features from a vector layer. It is recommended that QgsVectorLayer::aggregate() is used rather then directly using this class, as the QgsVectorLayer method can handle delegating aggregate calculation to a data provider for remote calculation. More... | |
class | QgsAnimatedIcon |
Animated icon is keeping an animation running if there are listeners connected to frameChanged. More... | |
class | QgsAnimatedMarkerSymbolLayer |
Animated marker symbol layer class. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotation |
Abstract base class for annotation items which are drawn over a map. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItem |
Abstract base class for annotation items which are drawn with QgsAnnotationLayers. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one annotation item class. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationAddNode |
Annotation item edit operation consisting of adding a node. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationDeleteNode |
Annotation item edit operation consisting of deleting a node. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationMoveNode |
Annotation item edit operation consisting of moving a node. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTransientResults |
Encapsulates the transient results of an in-progress annotation edit operation. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemEditOperationTranslateItem |
Annotation item edit operation consisting of translating (moving) an item. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemGuiRegistry |
Registry of available annotation item GUI behavior. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create annotation items and their configuration widgets. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemNode |
Contains information about a node used for editing an annotation item. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationItemRegistry |
Registry of available annotation item types. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationLayer |
Represents a map layer containing a set of georeferenced annotations, e.g. markers, lines, polygons or text items. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationLayerRenderer |
Implementation of threaded rendering for annotation layers. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationLineItem |
An annotation item which renders a line symbol along a line geometry. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationManager |
Manages storage of a set of QgsAnnotation annotation objects. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationMarkerItem |
An annotation item which renders a marker symbol at a point location. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationPointTextItem |
An annotation item which renders a text string at a point location. More... | |
class | QgsAnnotationPolygonItem |
An annotation item which renders a fill symbol for a polygon geometry. More... | |
class | QgsApplication |
Extends QApplication to provide access to QGIS specific resources such as theme paths, database paths etc. More... | |
class | QgsArcGisPortalUtils |
Utility functions for working with ArcGIS REST services. More... | |
class | QgsArcGisRestQueryUtils |
Utility functions for querying ArcGIS REST services. More... | |
class | QgsArcGisRestUtils |
Utility functions for working with ArcGIS REST services. More... | |
class | QgsArchive |
Class allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions. More... | |
class | QgsArrayFilterExpressionFunction |
Handles the array_filter(array, expression) expression function. More... | |
class | QgsArrayForeachExpressionFunction |
Handles the array loopingarray_Foreach(array, expression) expression function. More... | |
class | QgsArrowSymbolLayer |
Line symbol layer used for representing lines as arrows. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeEditorAction |
This element will load a layer action onto the form. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeEditorContainer |
This is a container for attribute editors, used to group them visually in the attribute form if it is set to the drag and drop designer. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeEditorElement |
This is an abstract base class for any elements of a drag and drop form. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeEditorField |
This element will load a field's widget onto the form. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeEditorHtmlElement |
An attribute editor widget that will represent arbitrary HTML code. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeEditorQmlElement |
An attribute editor widget that will represent arbitrary QML code. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeEditorRelation |
This element will load a relation editor onto the form. More... | |
class | QgsAttributes |
A vector of attributes. Mostly equal to QVector<QVariant>. More... | |
class | QgsAttributeTableConfig |
This is a container for configuration of the attribute table. The configuration is specific for one vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsAuthCertUtils |
Utilities for working with certificates and keys. More... | |
class | QgsAuthConfigSslServer |
Configuration container for SSL server connection exceptions or overrides. More... | |
class | QgsAuthCrypto |
Functions for hashing/checking master password and encrypt/decrypting data with password. More... | |
class | QgsAuthManager |
Singleton offering an interface to manage the authentication configuration database and to utilize configurations through various authentication method plugins. More... | |
class | QgsAuthMethod |
Abstract base class for authentication method plugins. More... | |
class | QgsAuthMethodConfig |
Configuration storage class for authentication method configurations. More... | |
class | QgsAuthMethodMetadata |
Holds data auth method key, description, and associated shared library file information. More... | |
class | QgsAuthMethodRegistry |
A registry / canonical manager of authentication methods. More... | |
class | QgsAuxiliaryLayer |
Class allowing to manage the auxiliary storage for a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsAuxiliaryStorage |
Class providing some utility methods to manage auxiliary storage. More... | |
class | QgsBabelFormatRegistry |
A registry for QgsAbstractBabelFormat GPSBabel formats. More... | |
class | QgsBabelGpsDeviceFormat |
A babel format capable of interacting directly with a GPS device. More... | |
class | QgsBabelSimpleImportFormat |
A babel format capable of converting input files to GPX files. More... | |
class | QgsBalloonCallout |
A cartoon talking bubble callout style. More... | |
class | QgsBasicNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter which returns a simple text representation of a value. More... | |
class | QgsBearingNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter which returns a text representation of a direction/bearing. More... | |
class | QgsBearingUtils |
Utilities for calculating bearings and directions. More... | |
class | QgsBilinearRasterResampler |
Bilinear Raster Resampler. More... | |
class | QgsBlockingNetworkRequest |
A thread safe class for performing blocking (sync) network requests, with full support for QGIS proxy and authentication settings. More... | |
class | QgsBlurEffect |
A paint effect which blurs a source picture, using a number of different blur methods. More... | |
class | QgsBookmark |
Represents a spatial bookmark, with a name, CRS and extent. More... | |
class | QgsBookmarkManager |
Manages storage of a set of bookmarks. More... | |
class | QgsBookmarkManagerModel |
Implements a model for the contents of QgsBookmarkManager objects. More... | |
class | QgsBookmarkManagerProxyModel |
A QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for sorting the entries in a QgsBookmarkManagerModel. More... | |
class | QgsBox3d |
A 3-dimensional box composed of x, y, z coordinates. More... | |
class | QgsBrightnessContrastFilter |
Brightness/contrast and gamma correction filter pipe for rasters. More... | |
class | QgsBrowserModel |
A model for showing available data sources and other items in a structured tree. More... | |
class | QgsBrowserProxyModel |
A QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for filtering and sorting browser model items. More... | |
class | QgsCachedFeatureIterator |
Delivers features from the cache. More... | |
class | QgsCachedFeatureWriterIterator |
Uses another iterator as backend and writes features to the cache. More... | |
class | QgsCacheIndexFeatureId |
class | QgsCadUtils |
The QgsCadUtils class provides routines for CAD editing. More... | |
class | QgsCallout |
Abstract base class for callout renderers. More... | |
class | QgsCalloutAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one callout renderer class. More... | |
class | QgsCallout::QgsCalloutContext |
Contains additional contextual information about the context in which a callout is being rendered. More... | |
class | QgsCalloutMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create callouts and their widgets. More... | |
class | QgsCalloutPosition |
Represents the calculated placement of a map label callout line. More... | |
class | QgsCalloutRegistry |
Registry of available callout classes. More... | |
class | QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer |
class | QgsCelestialBody |
Contains information about a celestial body. More... | |
class | QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayer |
class | QgsCheckBoxFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a checkbox field. More... | |
class | QgsCircle |
Circle geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsCircularString |
Circular string geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationCustom |
QgsClassificationCustom is a dummy implementation of QgsClassification which does not compute any break. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationEqualInterval |
QgsClassificationEqualInterval is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod for equal intervals. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationFixedInterval |
Implementation of a fixed interval classification. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationJenks |
QgsClassificationJenks is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod for natural breaks based on Jenks method. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationLogarithmic |
Implementation of a logarithmic scale method. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationMethod |
QgsClassificationMethod is an abstract class for implementations of classification methods. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationPrettyBreaks |
QgsClassificationPrettyBreaks is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod for pretty breaks. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationQuantile |
QgsClassificationQuantile is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod based on quantiles. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationRange |
QgsClassificationRange contains the information about a classification range. More... | |
class | QgsClassificationStandardDeviation |
QgsClassificationCustom is an implementation of QgsClassificationMethod based on standard deviation. More... | |
class | QgsClipper |
A class to trim lines and polygons to within a rectangular region. More... | |
class | QgsClipToMinMaxEnhancement |
A raster contrast enhancement that will clip a value to the specified min/max range. For example if a min max range of [10,240] is specified in the constructor, and a value of 250 is called using enhance(), the value will be truncated ('clipped') to 240. More... | |
class | QgsCodedFieldDomain |
Definition of a coded / enumerated field domain. More... | |
class | QgsCodedValue |
Associates a code and a value. More... | |
class | QgsColorBrewerColorRamp |
Color ramp utilising "Color Brewer" preset color schemes. More... | |
class | QgsColorBrewerPalette |
class | QgsColorEffect |
A paint effect which alters the colors (e.g., brightness, contrast) in a source picture. More... | |
class | QgsColorRamp |
Abstract base class for color ramps. More... | |
class | QgsColorRampLegendNode |
A legend node which renders a color ramp. More... | |
class | QgsColorRampLegendNodeSettings |
Settings for a color ramp legend node. More... | |
class | QgsColorRampShader |
A ramp shader will color a raster pixel based on a list of values ranges in a ramp. More... | |
class | QgsColorRampTransformer |
QgsPropertyTransformer subclass for transforming a numeric value into a color from a color ramp. More... | |
class | QgsColorScheme |
Abstract base class for color schemes. More... | |
class | QgsColorSchemeRegistry |
Registry of color schemes. More... | |
class | QgsCombinedStyleModel |
A model which contains entities from multiple QgsStyle databases. More... | |
class | QgsCommandLineUtils |
Utils class for QGIS command line tools. More... | |
class | QgsCompositionConverter |
QgsCompositionConverter class converts a QGIS 2.x composition to a QGIS 3.x layout. More... | |
class | QgsCompoundCurve |
Compound curve geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsConditionalLayerStyles |
The QgsConditionalLayerStyles class holds conditional style information for a layer. This includes field styles and full row styles. More... | |
class | QgsConditionalStyle |
Conditional styling for a rule. More... | |
class | QgsConnectionPool< T, T_Group > |
Template class responsible for keeping a pool of open connections. More... | |
class | QgsConnectionPoolGroup< T > |
Template that stores data related to a connection to a single server or datasource. More... | |
class | QgsConnectionRegistry |
A registry for saved data provider connections, allowing retrieval of saved connections by name and provider type. More... | |
class | QgsConnectionsRootItem |
A Collection that represents a root group of connections from a single data provider. More... | |
class | QgsConstWkbPtr |
A const WKB pointer. More... | |
class | QgsContrastEnhancement |
Manipulates raster or point cloud pixel values so that they enhanceContrast or clip into a specified numerical range according to the specified ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm. More... | |
class | QgsContrastEnhancementFunction |
A contrast enhancement function is the base class for all raster contrast enhancements. More... | |
class | QgsCoordinateFormatter |
Contains methods for converting coordinates for display in various formats. More... | |
class | QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem |
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS). More... | |
class | QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemRegistry |
A registry for known coordinate reference system (CRS) definitions, including any user-defined CRSes. More... | |
class | QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemUtils |
Utility functions for working with QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem objects. More... | |
class | QgsCoordinateTransform |
Class for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems. More... | |
class | QgsCoordinateTransformContext |
Contains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed. More... | |
class | QgsCopcPointCloudBlockRequest |
Base class for handling loading QgsPointCloudBlock asynchronously from a remote COPC dataset. More... | |
class | QgsCopyFileTask |
Task to copy a file on disk. More... | |
class | QgsCPLHTTPFetchOverrider |
Utility class to redirect GDAL's CPL HTTP calls through QgsBlockingNetworkRequest. More... | |
class | QgsCptCityAllRampsItem |
An "All ramps item", which contains all items in a flat hierarchy. More... | |
class | QgsCptCityArchive |
class | QgsCptCityBrowserModel |
class | QgsCptCityCollectionItem |
A Collection: logical collection of subcollections and color ramps. More... | |
class | QgsCptCityColorRamp |
class | QgsCptCityColorRampItem |
Item that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers. More... | |
class | QgsCptCityDataItem |
Base class for all items in the model. More... | |
class | QgsCptCityDirectoryItem |
A directory: contains subdirectories and color ramps. More... | |
class | QgsCptCitySelectionItem |
A selection: contains subdirectories and color ramps. More... | |
class | QgsCredentials |
Interface for requesting credentials in QGIS in GUI independent way. More... | |
class | QgsCredentialsConsole |
Implementation of credentials interface for the console. More... | |
class | QgsCredentialsNone |
Default implementation of credentials interface. More... | |
class | QgsCsException |
Custom exception class for Coordinate Reference System related exceptions. More... | |
class | QgsCubicRasterResampler |
Cubic Raster Resampler. More... | |
class | QgsCurrencyNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter which returns a text representation of a currency value. More... | |
class | QgsCurve |
Abstract base class for curved geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsCurvedLineCallout |
Draws curved lines as callouts. More... | |
class | QgsCurvePolygon |
Curve polygon geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsCurveTransform |
Handles scaling of input values to output values by using a curve created from smoothly joining a number of set control points. More... | |
class | QgsCustomColorScheme |
A color scheme which contains custom colors set through QGIS app options dialog. More... | |
class | QgsDartMeasurement |
class | QgsDatabaseFilterProxyModel |
A class that implements a custom filter and can be used as a proxy for QgsDbTableModel. More... | |
class | QgsDatabaseQueryLog |
Handles logging of database queries. More... | |
class | QgsDatabaseQueryLogEntry |
Encapsulates a logged database query. More... | |
class | QgsDatabaseSchemaItem |
A Collection that represents a database schema item. More... | |
class | QgsDatabaseSchemaModel |
A model containing schemas from a database connection. More... | |
class | QgsDatabaseTableModel |
A model containing tables from a database connection. More... | |
class | QgsDataCollectionItem |
A Collection: logical collection of layers or subcollections, e.g. GRASS location/mapset, database? wms source? More... | |
class | QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend |
Object that keeps configuration of appearance of marker symbol's data-defined size in legend. More... | |
class | QgsDataDefinedSizeLegendNode |
Produces legend node with a marker symbol. More... | |
class | QgsDataItem |
Base class for all items in the model. More... | |
class | QgsDataItemProvider |
This is the interface for those who want to add custom data items to the browser tree. More... | |
class | QgsDataItemProviderRegistry |
This class keeps a list of data item providers that may add items to the browser tree. When created, it automatically adds providers from provider plugins (e.g. PostGIS, WMS, ...) More... | |
class | QgsDataProvider |
Abstract base class for spatial data provider implementations. More... | |
class | QgsDataProviderTemporalCapabilities |
Base class for handling properties relating to a data provider's temporal capabilities. More... | |
class | QgsDataSourceUri |
Class for storing the component parts of a RDBMS data source URI (e.g. a Postgres data source). More... | |
class | QgsDateTimeFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a date time field. More... | |
class | QgsDateTimeStatisticalSummary |
Calculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of datetimes. More... | |
class | QgsDatumEnsemble |
Contains information about a datum ensemble. More... | |
class | QgsDatumEnsembleMember |
Contains information about a member of a datum ensemble. More... | |
class | QgsDatumTransform |
Contains methods and classes relating the datum transformations. More... | |
class | QgsDefaultLabelingEngine |
Default QgsLabelingEngine implementation, which completes the whole labeling operation (including label rendering) in the run() method. More... | |
class | QgsDefaultMeshLayerLegend |
Default legend implementation for mesh layers. More... | |
class | QgsDefaultPointCloudLayerLegend |
Default legend implementation for point cloud layers. More... | |
class | QgsDefaultRasterLayerLegend |
Default legend implementation for raster layers. More... | |
class | QgsDefaultValue |
The QgsDefaultValue class provides a container for managing client side default values for fields. More... | |
class | QgsDefaultVectorLayerLegend |
Default legend implementation for vector layers. More... | |
class | QgsDiagram |
Base class for all diagram types. More... | |
class | QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings |
Additional diagram settings for interpolated size rendering. More... | |
class | QgsDiagramLabelFeature |
Class that adds extra information to QgsLabelFeature for labeling of diagrams. More... | |
class | QgsDiagramLayerSettings |
Stores the settings for rendering of all diagrams for a layer. More... | |
class | QgsDiagramRenderer |
Evaluates and returns the diagram settings relating to a diagram for a specific feature. More... | |
class | QgsDiagramSettings |
Stores the settings for rendering a single diagram. More... | |
class | QgsDirectoryItem |
A directory: contains subdirectories and layers. More... | |
class | QgsDirectoryParamWidget |
Browser parameter widget implementation for directory items. More... | |
class | QgsDistanceArea |
A general purpose distance and area calculator, capable of performing ellipsoid based calculations. More... | |
class | QgsDoubleBoxScaleBarRenderer |
Double box with alternating colors. More... | |
class | QgsDoubleRange |
QgsRange which stores a range of double values. More... | |
class | QgsDrawSourceEffect |
A paint effect which draws the source picture with minor or no alterations. More... | |
class | QgsDropShadowEffect |
A paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContext |
Contains mainly the QMap with QgsVectorLayer and QgsFeatureIds do list all the duplicated features. More... | |
class | QgsDxfExport |
Exports QGIS layers to the DXF format. More... | |
class | QgsDxfPaintDevice |
A paint device for drawing into dxf files. More... | |
class | QgsDxfPaintEngine |
Custom paint engine for rendering to DXF drawings. More... | |
class | QgsEditFormConfig |
Contains configuration settings for an editor form. More... | |
class | QgsEditorWidgetSetup |
Holder for the widget type and its configuration for a field. More... | |
class | QgsEffectPainter |
A class to manager painter saving and restoring required for effect drawing. More... | |
class | QgsEffectStack |
A paint effect which consists of a stack of other chained paint effects. More... | |
class | QgsElevationUtils |
Contains utility methods for working with elevation from layers and projects. More... | |
class | QgsEllipse |
Ellipse geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsEllipseSymbolLayer |
A symbol layer for rendering objects with major and minor axis (e.g. ellipse, rectangle, etc). More... | |
class | QgsEllipsoidUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with ellipsoids and querying the ellipsoid database. More... | |
class | QgsEmbeddedSymbolRenderer |
A vector feature renderer which uses embedded feature symbology to render per-feature symbols. More... | |
class | QgsEptPointCloudBlockRequest |
Base class for handling loading QgsPointCloudBlock asynchronously from a remote EPT dataset. More... | |
class | QgsError |
QgsError is container for error messages (report). It may contain chain (sort of traceback) of error messages (e.g. GDAL - provider - layer). Higher level messages are appended at the end. More... | |
class | QgsErrorItem |
Data item that can be used to report problems (e.g. network error) More... | |
class | QgsErrorMessage |
QgsErrorMessage represents single error message. More... | |
class | QgsException |
Defines a QGIS exception class. More... | |
class | QgsExpression |
Class for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings"). The expressions try to follow both syntax and semantics of SQL expressions. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionContext |
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be evaluated. QgsExpressions can then utilize the information stored within a context to contextualise their evaluated result. A QgsExpressionContext consists of a stack of QgsExpressionContextScope objects, where scopes added later to the stack will override conflicting variables and functions from scopes lower in the stack. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionContextGenerator |
Abstract interface for generating an expression context. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionContextScope |
Single scope for storing variables and functions for use within a QgsExpressionContext. Examples include a project's scope, which could contain information about the current project such as the project file's location. QgsExpressionContextScope can encapsulate both variables (static values) and functions(which are calculated only when an expression is evaluated). More... | |
class | QgsExpressionContextScopeGenerator |
Abstract interface for generating an expression context scope. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionContextScopePopper |
RAII class to pop scope from an expression context on destruction. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionContextUtils |
Contains utilities for working with QgsExpressionContext objects, including methods for creating scopes for specific uses (e.g., project scopes, layer scopes). More... | |
class | QgsExpressionFieldBuffer |
Buffers information about expression fields for a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionFunction |
A abstract base class for defining QgsExpression functions. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNode |
Abstract base class for all nodes that can appear in an expression. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeBetweenOperator |
SQL-like BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN predicates. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator |
A binary expression operator, which operates on two values. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeColumnRef |
An expression node which takes it value from a feature's field. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeCondition |
An expression node for CASE WHEN clauses. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeFunction |
An expression node for expression functions. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeIndexOperator |
A indexing expression operator, which allows use of square brackets [] to reference map and array items. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeInOperator |
An expression node for value IN or NOT IN clauses. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeLiteral |
An expression node for literal values. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperator |
A unary node is either negative as in boolean (not) or as in numbers (minus). More... | |
class | QgsExpressionUtils |
A set of expression-related functions. More... | |
class | QgsExternalStorage |
Abstract interface for external storage - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsExternalStorageRegistry. More... | |
class | QgsExternalStorageContent |
Base class for QgsExternalStorage stored and fetched content. More... | |
class | QgsExternalStorageFetchedContent |
Class for QgsExternalStorage fetched content. More... | |
class | QgsExternalStorageRegistry |
Registry of external storage backends used by QgsExternalResourceWidget. More... | |
class | QgsExternalStorageStoredContent |
Class for QgsExternalStorage stored content. More... | |
class | QgsFallbackFieldFormatter |
A default fallback field formatter in case no specialized field formatter is defined. More... | |
class | QgsFallbackNumericFormat |
A basic numeric formatter which returns a simple text representation of a value. More... | |
class | QgsFavoriteItem |
A directory item showing the a single favorite directory. More... | |
class | QgsFavoritesItem |
Contains various Favorites directories. More... | |
class | QgsFeature |
The feature class encapsulates a single feature including its unique ID, geometry and a list of field/values attributes. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsFeatureData |
Encapsulate geometry and attributes for new features, to be passed to createFeatures. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureFilterModel |
Provides a list of features based on filter conditions. Features are fetched asynchronously. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureFilterProvider |
Abstract interface for use by classes that filter the features or attributes of a layer. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureIterator |
Wrapper for iterator of features from vector data provider or vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsFeaturePickerModel |
Provides a list of features based on filter conditions. Features are fetched asynchronously. More... | |
class | QgsFeaturePickerModelBase |
Provides a list of features based on filter conditions. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureRenderer |
class | QgsFeatureRendererGenerator |
An interface for objects which generate feature renderers for vector layers. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureRequest |
This class wraps a request for features to a vector layer (or directly its vector data provider). More... | |
class | QgsFeatureSink |
An interface for objects which accept features via addFeature(s) methods. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureSource |
An interface for objects which provide features via a getFeatures method. More... | |
class | QgsFeatureStore |
A container for features with the same fields and crs. More... | |
class | QgsFeedback |
Base class for feedback objects to be used for cancellation of something running in a worker thread. More... | |
class | QgsFetchedContent |
FetchedContent holds useful information about a network content being fetched. More... | |
class | QgsField |
Encapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source. More... | |
class | QgsFieldConstraints |
Stores information about constraints which may be present on a field. More... | |
class | QgsFieldDomain |
Base class for field domains. More... | |
class | QgsFieldDomainItem |
A browser item representing a field domain. More... | |
class | QgsFieldDomainsItem |
Contains a collection of field domain items. More... | |
class | QgsFieldFormatter |
A field formatter helps to handle and display values for a field. More... | |
class | QgsFieldFormatterContext |
A context for field formatter containing information like the project. More... | |
class | QgsFieldFormatterRegistry |
The QgsFieldFormatterRegistry manages registered classes of QgsFieldFormatter. More... | |
class | QgsFieldItem |
A layer field item, information about the connection URI, the schema and the table as well as the layer instance the field belongs to can be retrieved from the parent QgsFieldsItem object. More... | |
class | QgsFieldModel |
The QgsFieldModel class is a model to display the list of fields in widgets (optionally associated with a vector layer). If allowed, expressions might be added to the end of the model. It can be associated with a QgsMapLayerModel to dynamically display a layer and its fields. More... | |
class | QgsFieldProxyModel |
The QgsFieldProxyModel class provides an easy to use model to display the list of fields of a layer. More... | |
class | QgsFields |
Container of fields for a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsFieldsItem |
A collection of field items with some internal logic to retrieve the fields and a the vector layer instance from a connection URI, the schema and the table name. More... | |
class | QgsFileBasedDataItemProvider |
A data item provider for file based data sources. More... | |
class | QgsFileDataCollectionItem |
A data collection item for file based data collections (e.g. NetCDF files). More... | |
class | QgsFileDownloader |
QgsFileDownloader is a utility class for downloading files. More... | |
class | QgsFileFilterGenerator |
Abstract interface for classes which generate a file filter string. More... | |
class | QgsFileUtils |
Class for file utilities. More... | |
class | QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayer |
Filled marker symbol layer, consisting of a shape which is rendered using a QgsFillSymbol. This allows the symbol to support advanced styling of the interior and stroke of the shape. More... | |
class | QgsFillSymbol |
A fill symbol type, for rendering Polygon and MultiPolygon geometries. More... | |
class | QgsFillSymbolLayer |
class | QgsFlatTerrainProvider |
A terrain provider where the terrain is a simple flat surface. More... | |
class | QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayer |
class | QgsFontUtils |
class | QgsFractionNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter which returns a vulgar fractional representation of a decimal value (e.g. "1/2" instead of 0.5). More... | |
class | QgsGdalUtils |
Utilities for working with GDAL. More... | |
class | QgsGenericNumericTransformer |
QgsPropertyTransformer subclass for scaling an input numeric value into an output numeric value. More... | |
class | QgsGenericSpatialIndex< T > |
A generic rtree spatial index based on a libspatialindex backend. More... | |
class | QgsGeocoderContext |
Encapsulates the context of a geocoding operation. More... | |
class | QgsGeocoderInterface |
Interface for geocoders. More... | |
class | QgsGeocoderResult |
Represents a matching result from a geocoder search. More... | |
class | QgsGeographicCoordinateNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter which returns a text representation of a geographic coordinate (latitude or longitude). More... | |
class | QgsGeometry |
A geometry is the spatial representation of a feature. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryCollection |
Geometry collection. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryConstPartIterator |
Java-style iterator for const traversal of parts of a geometry. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryEditUtils |
Convenience functions for geometry editing. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryEngine |
A geometry engine is a low-level representation of a QgsAbstractGeometry object, optimised for use with external geometry libraries such as GEOS. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryFactory |
Contains geometry creation routines. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayer |
class | QgsGeometryOptions |
The QgsGeometryOptions class contains options to automatically adjust geometries to constraints on a layer. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryPartIterator |
Java-style iterator for traversal of parts of a geometry. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryUtils |
Contains various geometry utility functions. More... | |
class | QgsGeometryValidator |
class | QgsGeoNodeConnection |
Encapsulates settings related to a single GeoNode connection. More... | |
class | QgsGeoNodeConnectionUtils |
Contains various utilities for managing the known collection of GeoNode servers associated with a QGIS install. More... | |
class | QgsGeoNodeRequest |
Request handler for GeoNode servers. More... | |
class | QgsGeoNodeStyle |
Encapsulates information about a GeoNode layer style. More... | |
class | QgsGeos |
Does vector analysis using the geos library and handles import, export, exception handling*. More... | |
class | QgsGlobFieldDomain |
Definition of a field domain for field content validated by a glob. More... | |
class | QgsGlowEffect |
Base class for paint effect which draw a glow inside or outside a picture. More... | |
class | QgsGml |
This class reads data from a WFS server or alternatively from a GML file. More... | |
class | QgsGmlFeatureClass |
Description of feature class in GML. More... | |
class | QgsGmlSchema |
class | QgsGmlStreamingParser |
This class builds features from GML data in a streaming way. More... | |
class | QgsGoogleMapsGeocoder |
A geocoder which uses the Google Map geocoding API to retrieve results. More... | |
class | QgsGplColorScheme |
A color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file. More... | |
class | QgsGpsConnection |
Abstract base class for connection to a GPS device. More... | |
class | QgsGpsConnectionRegistry |
A class to register / unregister existing GPS connections such that the information is available to all classes and plugins. More... | |
class | QgsGpsdConnection |
Evaluates NMEA sentences coming from gpsd. More... | |
class | QgsGpsDetector |
Class to detect the GPS port. More... | |
class | QgsGpsInformation |
Encapsulates information relating to a GPS position fix. More... | |
class | QgsGradientColorRamp |
Gradient color ramp, which smoothly interpolates between two colors and also supports optional extra color stops. More... | |
class | QgsGradientFillSymbolLayer |
class | QgsGradientStop |
Represents a color stop within a QgsGradientColorRamp color ramp. More... | |
class | QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer |
class | QgsGroupLayer |
A map layer which consists of a set of child layers, where all component layers are rendered as a single flattened object during map renders. More... | |
class | QgsGroupLayerRenderer |
Implementation of threaded rendering for group layers. More... | |
class | QgsHashedLineSymbolLayer |
Line symbol layer type which draws repeating line sections along a line feature. More... | |
class | QgsHeatmapRenderer |
A renderer which draws points as a live heatmap. More... | |
class | QgsHillshadeRenderer |
A renderer for generating live hillshade models. More... | |
class | QgsHistogram |
Calculator for a numeric histogram from a list of values. More... | |
class | QgsHistogramDiagram |
A histogram style diagram. More... | |
class | QgsHollowScaleBarRenderer |
Scalebar style that draws a single box with alternating color for the segments, with horizontal lines through alternating segments. AKA "South African" style. More... | |
class | QgsHtmlAnnotation |
An annotation item that embeds HTML content. More... | |
class | QgsHtmlUtils |
Class for HTML utilities. More... | |
class | QgsHttpHeaders |
This class implements simple http header management. More... | |
class | QgsHueSaturationFilter |
Color and saturation filter pipe for rasters. More... | |
class | QgsIconUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with icons. More... | |
class | QgsIdentifyContext |
Identify contexts are used to encapsulate the settings to be used to perform an identify action. More... | |
class | QgsImageCache |
A cache for images derived from raster files. More... | |
class | QgsImageFetcher |
Handles asynchronous download of images. More... | |
class | QgsImageFillSymbolLayer |
Base class for polygon renderers generating texture images. More... | |
class | QgsImageLegendNode |
Implementation of legend node interface for displaying arbitrary raster image. More... | |
class | QgsImageOperation |
Contains operations and filters which apply to QImages. More... | |
class | QgsIndexedFeature |
Temporarily used structure to cache order by information. More... | |
class | QgsInnerGlowEffect |
A paint effect which draws a glow within a picture. More... | |
class | QgsInnerShadowEffect |
A paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow within a picture. More... | |
class | QgsInternalGeometryEngine |
This class offers geometry processing methods. More... | |
class | QgsInterpolatedLineColor |
Class defining color to render mesh datasets. The color can vary depending on the dataset value. More... | |
class | QgsInterpolatedLineRenderer |
Represents a simple line renderer with width and color varying depending on values. More... | |
class | QgsInterpolatedLineSymbolLayer |
A symbol layer that represents vector layer line feature as interpolated line The interpolation is done between two values defined at the extremities. More... | |
class | QgsInterpolatedLineWidth |
Represents a width than can vary depending on values. More... | |
class | QgsInterval |
A representation of the interval between two datetime values. More... | |
class | QgsIntRange |
QgsRange which stores a range of integer values. More... | |
class | QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer |
QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer is a polygon-only feature renderer used to display features inverted, where the exterior is turned to an interior and where the exterior theoretically spans the entire plane, allowing to mask the surroundings of some features. More... | |
class | QgsJsonExporter |
Handles exporting QgsFeature features to GeoJSON features. More... | |
class | QgsJsonUtils |
Helper utilities for working with JSON and GeoJSON conversions. More... | |
class | QgsKeyValueFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a key value field. More... | |
class | QgsLabelBlockingRegion |
Label blocking region (in map coordinates and CRS). More... | |
class | QgsLabelCandidate |
Represents a label candidate. More... | |
class | QgsLabelFeature |
The QgsLabelFeature class describes a feature that should be used within the labeling engine. Those may be the usual textual labels, diagrams, or any other custom type of map annotations (generated by custom label providers). More... | |
class | QgsLabeling |
Contains constants and enums relating to labeling. More... | |
class | QgsLabelingEngine |
The QgsLabelingEngine class provides map labeling functionality. The input for the engine is a list of label provider objects and map settings. Based on the input, the engine computes layout of labels for the given map view with no collisions between the labels. Drawing of resulting labels is done again by label providers. More... | |
class | QgsLabelingEngineFeedback |
QgsFeedback subclass for granular reporting of labeling engine progress. More... | |
class | QgsLabelingEngineSettings |
Stores global configuration for labeling engine. More... | |
class | QgsLabelingResults |
Class that stores computed placement from labeling engine. More... | |
class | QgsLabelingUtils |
Contains helper utilities for working with QGIS' labeling engine. More... | |
class | QgsLabelLineSettings |
Contains settings related to how the label engine places and formats labels for line features (or polygon features which are labeled in a "perimeter" style mode). More... | |
class | QgsLabelObstacleSettings |
Contains settings related to how the label engine treats features as obstacles. More... | |
class | QgsLabelPlacementSettings |
Contains general settings related to how labels are placed. More... | |
class | QgsLabelPosition |
Represents the calculated placement of a map label. More... | |
class | QgsLabelSearchTree |
A class to query the labeling structure at a given point (small wrapper around pal RTree class) More... | |
class | QgsLabelSink |
Abstract base class that can be used to intercept rendered labels from a labeling / rendering job. More... | |
class | QgsLabelSinkProvider |
Implements a derived label provider for use with QgsLabelSink. More... | |
class | QgsLabelSorter |
Helper class for sorting labels into correct draw order. More... | |
class | QgsLabelThinningSettings |
Contains settings related to how the label engine removes candidate label positions and reduces the number of displayed labels. More... | |
class | QgsLayerDefinition |
The QgsLayerDefinition class holds generic methods for loading/exporting QLR files. More... | |
class | QgsLayerItem |
Item that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers. More... | |
class | QgsLayerMetadata |
A structured metadata store for a map layer. More... | |
class | QgsLayerMetadataFormatter |
Class for metadata formatter. More... | |
class | QgsLayerNotesUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with layer notes. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTree |
Namespace with helper functions for layer tree operations. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeFilterProxyModel |
QgsLayerTreeFilterProxyModel is a sort filter proxy model to easily reproduce the legend/layer tree in a tree view. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeGroup |
Layer tree group node serves as a container for layers and further groups. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeLayer |
Layer tree node points to a map layer. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeModel |
The QgsLayerTreeModel class is model implementation for Qt item views framework. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode |
The QgsLegendRendererItem class is abstract interface for legend items returned from QgsMapLayerLegend implementation. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeNode |
This class is a base class for nodes in a layer tree. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge |
Listens to the updates in map layer registry and does changes in layer tree. More... | |
class | QgsLayerTreeUtils |
Assorted functions for dealing with layer trees. More... | |
class | QgsLayout |
Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutAligner |
Handles aligning and distributing sets of layout items. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutAtlas |
Class used to render QgsLayout as an atlas, by iterating over the features from an associated vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutEffect |
A QGraphicsEffect subclass used for rendering layout items onto a scene with custom composition modes. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutExporter |
Handles rendering and exports of layouts to various formats. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutFrame |
Base class for frame items, which form a layout multiframe item. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutGeoPdfExporter |
Handles GeoPDF export specific setup, cleanup and processing steps. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutGridSettings |
Contains settings relating to the appearance, spacing and offset for layout grids. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutGuide |
Contains the configuration for a single snap guide used by a layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutGuideCollection |
Stores and manages the snap guides used by a layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutGuideProxyModel |
Filters QgsLayoutGuideCollection models to guides of a single orientation (horizontal or vertical). More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItem |
Base class for graphical items within a QgsLayout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one layout item class. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemAttributeTable |
A layout table subclass that displays attributes from a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemGroup |
A container for grouping several QgsLayoutItems. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemGuiRegistry |
Registry of available layout item GUI behavior. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemHtml |
A layout multiframe subclass for HTML content. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemLabel |
A layout item subclass for text labels. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemLegend |
A layout item subclass for map legends. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemManualTable |
A layout table subclass that displays manually entered (and formatted) content. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMap |
Layout graphical items for displaying a map. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapAtlasClippingSettings |
Contains settings relating to clipping a layout map by the current atlas feature. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapGrid |
An individual grid which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapGridStack |
A collection of grids which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. The grid stack controls which grids are drawn and the order they are drawn in. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapItem |
An item which is drawn inside a QgsLayoutItemMap, e.g., a grid or map overview. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapItemClipPathSettings |
Contains settings relating to clipping a layout map by another layout item. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapItemStack |
A collection of map items which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. The item stack controls which items are drawn and the order they are drawn in. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapOverview |
An individual overview which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap, and shows the extent of another QgsLayoutItemMap. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMapOverviewStack |
A collection of overviews which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. The overview stack controls which overviews are drawn and the order they are drawn in. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMarker |
A layout item for showing marker symbols. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create layout items and their configuration widgets. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemPage |
Item representing the paper in a layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemPicture |
A layout item subclass that displays SVG files or raster format images (jpg, png, ...). More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemPolygon |
Layout item for node based polygon shapes. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemPolyline |
Layout item for node based polyline shapes. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemRegistry |
Registry of available layout item types. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemRenderContext |
Contains settings and helpers relating to a render of a QgsLayoutItem. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemScaleBar |
A layout item subclass for scale bars. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemShape |
Layout item for basic filled shapes (e.g. rectangles, ellipses). More... | |
class | QgsLayoutItemTextTable |
A text table item that reads text from string lists. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutManager |
Manages storage of a set of layouts. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutManagerModel |
List model representing the print layouts and reports available in a layout manager. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutManagerProxyModel |
QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for QgsLayoutManagerModel. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutMeasurement |
This class provides a method of storing measurements for use in QGIS layouts using a variety of different measurement units. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutMeasurementConverter |
This class provides a method of converting QgsLayoutMeasurements from one unit to another. Conversion to or from pixel units utilizes a specified dots per inch (DPI) property for the converter. Converters default to using 300 DPI. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutModel |
A model for items attached to a layout. The model also maintains the z-order for the layout, and must be notified whenever item stacking changes. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutMultiFrame |
Abstract base class for layout items with the ability to distribute the content to several frames (QgsLayoutFrame items). More... | |
class | QgsLayoutMultiFrameAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one layout multiframe class. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutMultiFrameMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create layout multiframes and their configuration widgets. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutNodesItem |
An abstract layout item that provides generic methods for node based shapes such as polygon or polylines. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutNorthArrowHandler |
An object which handles north-arrow type behavior for layout items. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutObject |
A base class for objects which belong to a layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutPageCollection |
A manager for a collection of pages in a layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutPoint |
This class provides a method of storing points, consisting of an x and y coordinate, for use in QGIS layouts. Measurement units are stored alongside the position. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutProxyModel |
Allows for filtering a QgsLayoutModel by item type. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutRenderContext |
Stores information relating to the current rendering settings for a layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutReportContext |
Stores information relating to the current reporting context for a layout. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutSerializableObject |
An interface for layout objects which can be stored and read from DOM elements. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutSize |
This class provides a method of storing sizes, consisting of a width and height, for use in QGIS layouts. Measurement units are stored alongside the size. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutSnapper |
Manages snapping grids and preset snap lines in a layout, and handles snapping points to the nearest grid coordinate/snap line when possible. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutTable |
A class to display a table in the print layout, and allow the table to span over multiple frames. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutTableColumn |
Stores properties of a column for a QgsLayoutTable. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutTableStyle |
Styling option for a layout table cell. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface |
Interface for layout objects which support undo/redo commands. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutUndoStack |
An undo stack for QgsLayouts. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutUtils |
Utilities for layouts. More... | |
class | QgsLayoutValidityCheckContext |
Validity check context for print layout validation. More... | |
class | QgsLazInfo |
Class for extracting information contained in LAZ file such as the public header block and variable length records. More... | |
class | QgsLegendModel |
Item model implementation based on layer tree model for layout legend. More... | |
class | QgsLegendPatchShape |
Represents a patch shape for use in map legends. More... | |
class | QgsLegendRenderer |
The QgsLegendRenderer class handles automatic layout and rendering of legend. The content is given by QgsLayerTreeModel instance. Various layout properties can be configured within QgsLegendRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsLegendSettings |
The QgsLegendSettings class stores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLegendRenderer. The content of the legend is given in QgsLegendModel class. More... | |
class | QgsLegendStyle |
Contains detailed styling information relating to how a layout legend should be rendered. More... | |
class | QgsLegendSymbolItem |
The class stores information about one class/rule of a vector layer renderer in a unified way that can be used by legend model for rendering of legend. More... | |
class | QgsLimitedRandomColorRamp |
Constrained random color ramp, which returns random colors based on preset parameters. More... | |
class | QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer |
class | QgsLinearMinMaxEnhancement |
A color enhancement function that performs a linear enhanceContrast between min and max. More... | |
class | QgsLinearMinMaxEnhancementWithClip |
A linear enhanceContrast enhancement that first clips to min max and then enhanceContrastes linearly between min and max. More... | |
class | QgsLineburstSymbolLayer |
Line symbol layer type which draws a gradient pattern perpendicularly along a line. More... | |
class | QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer |
A symbol fill consisting of repeated parallel lines. More... | |
class | QgsLineSegment2D |
Represents a single 2D line segment, consisting of a 2D start and end vertex only. More... | |
class | QgsLineString |
Line string geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values. More... | |
class | QgsLineSymbol |
A line symbol type, for rendering LineString and MultiLineString geometries. More... | |
class | QgsLineSymbolLayer |
class | QgsListFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a list field. More... | |
class | QgsLocalDefaultSettings |
Contains local default settings which should be respected when creating new objects such as QgsProjects. More... | |
class | QgsLocaleNumC |
class | QgsLocalizedDataPathRegistry |
A registry class to hold localized data paths which can be used for basemaps, logos, etc. Paths are meant to be absolute paths and are stored by order of preference. More... | |
class | QgsLocator |
Handles the management of QgsLocatorFilter objects and async collection of search results from them. More... | |
class | QgsLocatorAutomaticModel |
A QgsLocatorModel which has is associated directly with a QgsLocator, and is automatically populated with results from locator searches. More... | |
class | QgsLocatorContext |
Encapsulates the properties relating to the context of a locator search. More... | |
class | QgsLocatorFilter |
Abstract base class for filters which collect locator results. More... | |
class | QgsLocatorModel |
An abstract list model for displaying the results of locator searches. More... | |
class | QgsLocatorModelBridge |
The QgsLocatorModelBridge class provides the core functionality to be used in a locator widget. More... | |
class | QgsLocatorProxyModel |
A sort proxy model for QgsLocatorModel, which automatically sorts results by precedence. More... | |
class | QgsLocatorResult |
Encapsulates properties of an individual matching result found by a QgsLocatorFilter. More... | |
class | QgsLogger |
QgsLogger is a class to print debug/warning/error messages to the console. More... | |
class | QgsManhattanLineCallout |
Draws straight (right angled) lines as callouts. More... | |
class | QgsMapBoxGlStyleConversionContext |
Context for a MapBox GL style conversion operation. More... | |
class | QgsMapBoxGlStyleConverter |
Handles conversion of MapBox GL styles to QGIS vector tile renderers and labeling settings. More... | |
class | QgsMapClippingRegion |
A map clipping region (in map coordinates and CRS). More... | |
class | QgsMapClippingUtils |
Utility functions for use when clipping map renders. More... | |
class | QgsMapDecoration |
Interface for map decorations. More... | |
class | QgsMapHitTest |
Class that runs a hit test with given map settings. Based on the hit test it returns which symbols will be visible on the map - this is useful for content based legend. More... | |
class | QgsMapInfoSymbolConversionContext |
Context for a MapInfo symbol conversion operation. More... | |
class | QgsMapInfoSymbolConverter |
Handles conversion of MapInfo symbols to QGIS symbology. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayer |
Base class for all map layer types. This is the base class for all map layer types (vector, raster). More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerDependency |
This class models dependencies with or between map layers. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerElevationProperties |
Base class for storage of map layer elevation properties. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerFactory |
Contains utility functions for creating map layers. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerLegend |
The QgsMapLayerLegend class is abstract interface for implementations of legends for one map layer. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerLegendUtils |
Miscellaneous utility functions for handling of map layer legend. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerModel |
The QgsMapLayerModel class is a model to display layers in widgets. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerProxyModel |
The QgsMapLayerProxyModel class provides an easy to use model to display the list of layers in widgets. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerRenderer |
Base class for utility classes that encapsulate information necessary for rendering of map layers. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerServerProperties |
Manages QGIS Server properties for a map layer. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerStore |
A storage object for map layers, in which the layers are owned by the store and have their lifetime bound to the store. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerStyle |
Stores style information (renderer, opacity, labeling, diagrams etc.) applicable to a map layer. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerStyleManager |
Management of styles for use with one map layer. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerStyleOverride |
Restore overridden layer style on destruction. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties |
Base class for storage of map layer temporal properties. More... | |
class | QgsMapLayerUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with map layers. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererAbstractCustomPainterJob |
Abstract base class for map renderer jobs which use custom painters. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererCache |
This class is responsible for keeping cache of rendered images resulting from a map rendering job. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob |
Job implementation that renders everything sequentially using a custom painter. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererJob |
Abstract base class for map rendering implementations. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererParallelJob |
Job implementation that renders all layers in parallel. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererQImageJob |
Intermediate base class adding functionality that allows client to query the rendered image. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererSequentialJob |
Job implementation that renders everything sequentially in one thread. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererStagedRenderJob |
Render job implementation that renders maps in stages, allowing different stages (e.g. individual map layers) to be rendered to different paint devices. More... | |
class | QgsMapRendererTask |
QgsTask task which draws a map to an image file or a painter as a background task. This can be used to draw maps without blocking the QGIS interface. More... | |
class | QgsMapSettings |
The QgsMapSettings class contains configuration for rendering of the map. The rendering itself is done by QgsMapRendererJob subclasses. More... | |
class | QgsMapSettingsUtils |
Utilities for map settings. More... | |
class | QgsMapThemeCollection |
Container class that allows storage of map themes consisting of visible map layers and layer styles. More... | |
class | QgsMapToPixel |
Perform transforms between map coordinates and device coordinates. More... | |
class | QgsMapToPixelSimplifier |
Implementation of GeometrySimplifier using the "MapToPixel" algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsMapUnitScale |
Struct for storing maximum and minimum scales for measurements in map units. More... | |
class | QgsMapViewsManager |
Manages storage of a set of views. More... | |
class | QgsMargins |
The QgsMargins class defines the four margins of a rectangle. More... | |
class | QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayer |
Line symbol layer type which draws repeating marker symbols along a line feature. More... | |
class | QgsMarkerSymbol |
A marker symbol type, for rendering Point and MultiPoint geometries. More... | |
class | QgsMarkerSymbolLayer |
Abstract base class for marker symbol layers. More... | |
class | QgsMaskIdProvider |
This class allows the creation of mask ids based on the different label layers and to give a mask id from a label layer. More... | |
class | QgsMaskMarkerSymbolLayer |
Special symbol layer that uses its sub symbol as a selective mask. More... | |
class | QgsMaskPaintDevice |
Mask painter device that can be used to register everything painted into a QPainterPath used later as clip path. More... | |
class | QgsMasterLayoutInterface |
Interface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports. More... | |
class | QgsMaterialRegistry |
Registry of available 3d material settings classes. More... | |
class | QgsMaterialSettingsAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one 3D material settings class. More... | |
class | QgsMaterialSettingsMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create a 3D material settings object and its widget. More... | |
class | QgsMbTiles |
Utility class for reading and writing MBTiles files (which are SQLite3 databases). More... | |
class | QgsMemoryProviderUtils |
Utility functions for use with the memory vector data provider. More... | |
class | QgsMergedFeatureRenderer |
QgsMergedFeatureRenderer is a polygon or line-only feature renderer used to renderer a set of features merged (or dissolved) into a single geometry. More... | |
struct | QgsMesh |
Mesh - vertices, edges and faces. More... | |
class | QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod |
Abstract class to interpolate 3d stacked mesh data to 2d data. More... | |
class | QgsMesh3dDataBlock |
QgsMesh3dDataBlock is a block of 3d stacked mesh data related N faces defined on base mesh frame. More... | |
class | QgsMeshAdvancedEditing |
Abstract class that can be derived to implement advanced editing on mesh. More... | |
class | QgsMeshCalculator |
Performs mesh layer calculations. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDataBlock |
QgsMeshDataBlock is a block of integers/doubles that can be used to retrieve: active flags (e.g. face's active integer flag) scalars (e.g. scalar dataset double values) vectors (e.g. vector dataset doubles x,y values) More... | |
class | QgsMeshDataProvider |
Base class for providing data for QgsMeshLayer. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDataProviderTemporalCapabilities |
Class for handling properties relating to a mesh data provider's temporal capabilities. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDataset |
Abstract class that represents a dataset. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetGroup |
Abstract class that represents a dataset group. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata |
QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata is a collection of dataset group metadata such as whether the data is vector or scalar, name. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetGroupStore |
Class used to register and access all the dataset groups related to a mesh layer. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItem |
Tree item for display of the mesh dataset groups. Dataset group is set of datasets with the same name, but different control variable (e.g. time) More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetIndex |
QgsMeshDatasetIndex is index that identifies the dataset group (e.g. wind speed) and a dataset in this group (e.g. magnitude of wind speed in particular time) More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetMetadata |
QgsMeshDatasetMetadata is a collection of mesh dataset metadata such as whether the data is valid or associated time for the dataset. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetSourceInterface |
Interface for mesh datasets and dataset groups. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDatasetValue |
QgsMeshDatasetValue represents single dataset value. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDataSourceInterface |
Interface for mesh data sources. More... | |
class | QgsMeshDriverMetadata |
Holds metadata about mesh driver. More... | |
class | QgsMeshEditForceByLine |
Class derived from QgsMeshAdvancedEditing that forces mesh based on a line. More... | |
class | QgsMeshEditForceByPolylines |
Class derived from QgsMeshEditForceByLine that forces mesh based on polyline. More... | |
class | QgsMeshEditingError |
Class that represents an error during mesh editing. More... | |
class | QgsMeshEditor |
Class that makes edit operation on a mesh. More... | |
class | QgsMeshEditRefineFaces |
Class that can do a refinement of faces of a mesh. This refinement is operated only on faces with 3 or 4 vertices (triangles or quads) by adding a vertex on the middle of each refined face. For quad faces, a vertex is added on the centroid of the original face. New vertices Z value are interpolated between original vertices. Original triangle faces are replaced by four triangles, and original quad faces are replaced by four quads. Neighboring faces are triangulated to take account of the new vertex in the shared edge. More... | |
class | QgsMeshElevationAveragingMethod |
Elevation averaging method averages the values based on range defined absolute value to the model's datum The range is defined in the same length units as defined by model (e.g. meters) More... | |
class | QgsMeshExtraDatasetStore |
Class that can be used to store and access extra dataset group, like memory dataset (temporary) Derived from QgsMeshDatasetSourceInterface, this class has same methods as QgsMeshDataProvider to access to the datasets. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayer |
Represents a mesh layer supporting display of data on structured or unstructured meshes. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayer3DRenderer |
3D renderer that renders all mesh triangles of a mesh layer. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayer3DRendererMetadata |
Metadata for mesh layer 3D renderer to allow creation of its instances from XML. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerElevationProperties |
Mesh layer specific subclass of QgsMapLayerElevationProperties. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerProfileGenerator |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileGenerator for mesh layers. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerProfileResults |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileResults for mesh layers. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerRenderer |
Implementation of threaded rendering for mesh layers. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerTemporalProperties |
Implementation of map layer temporal properties for mesh layers. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddFaces |
Class for undo/redo command for adding faces in mesh. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAddVertices |
Class for undo/redo command for adding vertices in mesh. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandAdvancedEditing |
Class for undo/redo command for applying advanced editing. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeCoordinates |
Class for undo/redo command for changing coordinate (X,Y,Z) values of vertices. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeXYValue |
Class for undo/redo command for changing (X,Y) value of vertices. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandChangeZValue |
Class for undo/redo command for changing Z value of vertices. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandFlipEdge |
Class for undo/redo command for flipping edge. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMerge |
Class for undo/redo command for merging face. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandMeshEdit |
Base class for undo/redo command for mesh editing. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveFaces |
Class for undo/redo command for removing faces in mesh. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesFillHoles |
Class for undo/redo command for removing vertices in mesh filling holes created by removed faces. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandRemoveVerticesWithoutFillHoles |
Class for undo/redo command for removing vertices in mesh without filling holes created by removed faces. More... | |
class | QgsMeshLayerUndoCommandSplitFaces |
Class for undo/redo command for splitting faces. More... | |
class | QgsMeshMemoryDataset |
Class to store memory dataset. More... | |
class | QgsMeshMemoryDatasetGroup |
Class that represents a dataset group stored in memory. More... | |
class | QgsMeshMultiLevelsAveragingMethod |
Multi level averaging method specifies limits of vertical layers from the top layer down or reversed. More... | |
class | QgsMeshRelativeHeightAveragingMethod |
Relative height averaging method averages the values based on range defined relative to bed elevation or surface (when countedFromTop()) The range is defined in the same length units as defined by model (e.g. meters) More... | |
class | QgsMeshRendererMeshSettings |
Represents a mesh renderer settings for mesh object. More... | |
class | QgsMeshRendererScalarSettings |
Represents a mesh renderer settings for scalar datasets. More... | |
class | QgsMeshRendererSettings |
Represents all mesh renderer settings. More... | |
class | QgsMeshRendererVectorArrowSettings |
Represents a mesh renderer settings for vector datasets displayed with arrows. More... | |
class | QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings |
Represents a renderer settings for vector datasets. More... | |
class | QgsMeshRendererVectorStreamlineSettings |
Represents a streamline renderer settings for vector datasets displayed by streamlines. More... | |
class | QgsMeshRendererVectorTracesSettings |
Represents a trace renderer settings for vector datasets displayed by particle traces. More... | |
class | QgsMeshSigmaAveragingMethod |
Sigma averages over the values between 0 (bed level) and 1 (surface). More... | |
class | QgsMeshSimplificationSettings |
Represents an overview renderer settings. More... | |
class | QgsMeshSpatialIndex |
A spatial index for QgsMeshFace or QgsMeshEdge objects. More... | |
class | QgsMeshTerrainProvider |
A terrain provider that uses the Z values of a mesh layer to build a terrain surface. More... | |
class | QgsMeshTimeSettings |
Represents a mesh time settings for mesh datasets. More... | |
class | QgsMeshTransformVerticesByExpression |
Class that can transform vertices of a mesh by expression. More... | |
class | QgsMeshVectorTraceAnimationGenerator |
A wrapper for QgsMeshParticuleTracesField used to render the particles. Available for Python binding. More... | |
class | QgsMeshVertexCirculator |
Convenient class that turn around a vertex and provide information about faces and vertices. More... | |
class | QgsMeshVerticesElevationDataset |
Class that represents a dataset with elevation value of the vertices of a existing mesh that can be edited. More... | |
class | QgsMeshVerticesElevationDatasetGroup |
Class that represents a dataset group with elevation value of the vertices of a existing mesh that can be edited This dataset group contains only one dataset. More... | |
class | QgsMeshVirtualDatasetGroup |
Represents a dataset group calculated from a formula string. More... | |
class | QgsMessageLog |
Interface for logging messages from QGIS in GUI independent way. More... | |
class | QgsMessageLogConsole |
Default implementation of message logging interface. More... | |
class | QgsMessageLogNotifyBlocker |
Temporarily blocks the application QgsMessageLog (see QgsApplication::messageLog()) from emitting the messageReceived( bool ) signal for the lifetime of the object. More... | |
class | QgsMessageOutput |
Interface for showing messages from QGIS in GUI independent way. More... | |
class | QgsMessageOutputConsole |
Default implementation of message output interface. More... | |
class | QgsMetadataUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with metadata. More... | |
class | QgsMimeDataUtils |
class | QgsMultiBandColorRenderer |
Renderer for multiband images with the color components. More... | |
class | QgsMultiCurve |
Multi curve geometry collection. More... | |
class | QgsMultiLineString |
Multi line string geometry collection. More... | |
class | QgsMultiPoint |
Multi point geometry collection. More... | |
class | QgsMultiPolygon |
Multi polygon geometry collection. More... | |
class | QgsMultiRenderChecker |
This class allows checking rendered images against comparison images. More... | |
class | QgsMultiSurface |
Multi surface geometry collection. More... | |
class | QgsNativeMetadataBaseValidator |
A validator for the native base QGIS metadata schema definition. More... | |
class | QgsNativeMetadataValidator |
A validator for the native QGIS layer metadata schema definition. More... | |
class | QgsNativeProjectMetadataValidator |
A validator for the native QGIS project metadata schema definition. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkAccessManager |
network access manager for QGIS More... | |
class | QgsNetworkAuthenticationHandler |
Network authentication handler, used for responding to network authentication requests during network requests. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkContentFetcher |
HTTP network content fetcher. A simple method for fetching remote HTTP content and converting the content to standard formats. Url redirects are automatically handled. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkContentFetcherRegistry |
Registry for temporary fetched files. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkContentFetcherTask |
Handles HTTP network content fetching in a background task. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkDiskCache |
Wrapper implementation of QNetworkDiskCache with all methods guarded by a mutex soly for internal use of QgsNetworkAccessManagers. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkReplyContent |
Encapsulates a network reply within a container which is inexpensive to copy and safe to pass between threads. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkReplyParser |
Multipart QNetworkReply parser. More... | |
class | QgsNetworkRequestParameters |
Encapsulates parameters and properties of a network request. More... | |
class | QgsNewsFeedModel |
A model for published QGIS news feeds. More... | |
class | QgsNewsFeedParser |
Parser for published QGIS news feeds. More... | |
class | QgsNewsFeedProxyModel |
A proxy model for use with QgsNewsFeedModel. More... | |
class | QgsNmeaConnection |
Evaluates NMEA sentences coming from a GPS device. More... | |
class | QgsNominatimGeocoder |
A geocoder which uses the Nominatim geocoding API to retrieve results. More... | |
class | QgsNotSupportedException |
Custom exception class which is raised when an operation is not supported. More... | |
class | QgsNullPaintDevice |
Null painter device that can be used for map renderer jobs which use custom painters. More... | |
class | QgsNullSymbolRenderer |
Null symbol renderer. Renderer which draws no symbols for features by default, but allows for labeling and diagrams for the layer. Selected features will also be drawn with a default symbol. More... | |
class | QgsNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter allows for formatting a numeric value for display, using a variety of different formatting techniques (e.g. as scientific notation, currency values, percentage values, etc) More... | |
class | QgsNumericFormatContext |
A context for numeric formats. More... | |
class | QgsNumericFormatRegistry |
The QgsNumericFormatRegistry manages registered classes of QgsNumericFormat. More... | |
class | QgsNumericScaleBarRenderer |
A scale bar style that draws text in the form of '1:XXXXX'. More... | |
class | QgsObjectCustomProperties |
Simple key-value store (keys = strings, values = variants) that supports loading/saving to/from XML in. More... | |
class | QgsOfflineEditing |
class | QgsOgcUtils |
The QgsOgcUtils class provides various utility functions for conversion between OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and QGIS internal representations. More... | |
class | QgsOgcUtilsExpressionFromFilter |
Internal use by QgsOgcUtils. More... | |
class | QgsOgcUtilsExprToFilter |
Internal use by QgsOgcUtils. More... | |
class | QgsOgcUtilsSQLStatementToFilter |
Internal use by QgsOgcUtils. More... | |
class | QgsOgrProxyTextCodec |
A QTextCodec implementation which relies on OGR to do the text conversion. More... | |
class | QgsOgrUtils |
Utilities for working with OGR features and layers. More... | |
class | QgsOpenClUtils |
The QgsOpenClUtils class is responsible for common OpenCL operations such as. More... | |
class | QgsOptional< T > |
QgsOptional is a container for other classes and adds an additional enabled/disabled flag. More... | |
class | QgsOptionalExpression |
An expression with an additional enabled flag. More... | |
class | QgsOuterGlowEffect |
A paint effect which draws a glow outside of a picture. More... | |
class | QgsOwsConnection |
Connections management. More... | |
class | QgsPageSize |
A named page size for layouts. More... | |
class | QgsPageSizeRegistry |
A registry for known page sizes. More... | |
class | QgsPaintEffect |
Base class for visual effects which can be applied to QPicture drawings. More... | |
class | QgsPaintEffectAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about a paint effect class. More... | |
class | QgsPaintEffectMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create an effect and its widget. More... | |
class | QgsPaintEffectRegistry |
Registry of available paint effects. More... | |
class | QgsPaintEngineHack |
Hack to workaround Qt #5114 by disabling PatternTransform. More... | |
class | QgsPainterSwapper |
A class to manage painter saving and restoring required for drawing on a different painter (mask painter for example) More... | |
class | QgsPainting |
Misc painting enums and functions. More... | |
class | QgsPalettedRasterRenderer |
Renderer for paletted raster images. More... | |
class | QgsPalLabeling |
PAL labeling utilities. More... | |
class | QgsPalLayerSettings |
Contains settings for how a map layer will be labeled. More... | |
class | QgsPathResolver |
Resolves relative paths into absolute paths and vice versa. Used for writing. More... | |
class | QgsPercentageNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter which returns a text representation of a percentage value. More... | |
class | QgsPieDiagram |
A pie chart diagram. More... | |
class | QgsPkiBundle |
Storage set for PKI bundle: SSL certificate, key, optional CA cert chain. More... | |
class | QgsPkiConfigBundle |
Storage set for constructed SSL certificate, key, associated with an authentication config. More... | |
class | QgsPlot |
Base class for plot/chart/graphs. More... | |
class | QgsPlotAxis |
Encapsulates the properties of a plot axis. More... | |
class | QgsPluginLayer |
Base class for plugin layers. These can be implemented by plugins and registered in QgsPluginLayerRegistry. More... | |
class | QgsPluginLayerRegistry |
A registry of plugin layers types. More... | |
class | QgsPluginLayerType |
Class for creating plugin specific layers. More... | |
class | QgsPoint |
Point geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloud3DRenderContext |
Encapsulates the render context for a 3D point cloud rendering operation. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudAttribute |
Attribute for point cloud data pair of name and size in bytes. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudAttributeByRampRenderer |
An RGB renderer for 2d visualisation of point clouds using embedded red, green and blue attributes. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudAttributeByRampRendererPreparedData |
Prepared data container for QgsPointCloudAttributeByRampRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudAttributeCollection |
Collection of point cloud attributes. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudAttributeModel |
A model for display of available attributes from a point cloud. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudAttributeProxyModel |
A proxy model for filtering available attributes from a point cloud attribute model. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudAttributeStatistics |
Class used to store statistics of one attribute of a point cloud dataset. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudBlock |
Base class for storing raw data from point cloud nodes. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudBlockRequest |
Base class for handling loading QgsPointCloudBlock asynchronously. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudCategory |
Represents an individual category (class) from a QgsPointCloudClassifiedRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudClassifiedRenderer |
Renders point clouds by a classification attribute. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudClassifiedRendererPreparedData |
Prepared data container for QgsPointCloudClassifiedRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudDataBounds |
Represents packaged data bounds. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudDataProvider |
Base class for providing data for QgsPointCloudLayer. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudExtentRenderer |
A renderer for 2d visualisation of point clouds which shows the dataset's extents using a fill symbol. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudIndex |
Represents a indexed point clouds data in octree. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudLayer |
Represents a map layer supporting display of point clouds. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer |
3D renderer that renders all points from a point cloud layer More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudLayer3DRendererMetadata |
Metadata for point cloud layer 3D renderer to allow creation of its instances from XML. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudLayerElevationProperties |
Point cloud layer specific subclass of QgsMapLayerElevationProperties. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudLayerProfileGenerator |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileGenerator for point cloud layers. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudLayerProfileResults |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileResults for point cloud layers. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudLayerRenderer |
Implementation of threaded rendering for point cloud layers. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRenderContext |
Encapsulates the render context for a 2D point cloud rendering operation. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRenderer |
Abstract base class for 2d point cloud renderers. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRendererAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one point cloud renderer class. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRendererMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create point cloud renderer and its widget. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRendererRegistry |
Registry of 2D renderers for point clouds. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRequest |
Point cloud data request. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRgbRenderer |
An RGB renderer for 2d visualisation of point clouds using embedded red, green and blue attributes. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudRgbRendererPreparedData |
Prepared data container for QgsPointCloudRgbRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudStatistics |
Class used to store statistics of a point cloud dataset. More... | |
class | QgsPointCloudStatsCalculator |
Class used to calculate statistics of a point cloud dataset. More... | |
class | QgsPointClusterRenderer |
A renderer that automatically clusters points with the same geographic position. More... | |
class | QgsPointDisplacementRenderer |
A renderer that automatically displaces points with the same geographic location. More... | |
class | QgsPointDistanceRenderer |
An abstract base class for distance based point renderers (e.g., clusterer and displacement renderers). QgsPointDistanceRenderer handles calculation of point clusters using a distance based threshold. Subclasses must implement drawGroup() to handle the rendering of individual point clusters in the desired style. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator |
The class defines interface for querying point location: More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_DumpTree |
Helper class to dump the R-index nodes and their content. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_Stream |
Helper class for bulk loading of R-trees. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorArea |
Helper class used when traversing the index with areas - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorCentroidsInRect |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for centroid - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorEdgesInRect |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for edges - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorMiddlesInRect |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for middle segment - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for centroid - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestEdge |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for edges - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestLineEndpoint |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for line endpoints (start or end vertex) - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for middle segment - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestVertex |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for vertices - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointLocator_VisitorVerticesInRect |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for vertices - builds a list of matches. More... | |
class | QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayer |
A fill symbol layer which fills polygon shapes with repeating marker symbols. More... | |
class | QgsPointXY |
A class to represent a 2D point. More... | |
class | QgsPolygon |
Polygon geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsPolymorphicRelation |
A polymorphic relation consists of the same properties like a normal relation except for the referenced layer which is calculated based on one or several fields of the referencing layer. More... | |
class | QgsPostgresStringUtils |
The QgsPostgresStringUtils provides functions to handle postgres array like formatted lists in strings. More... | |
class | QgsPrecalculatedTextMetrics |
Contains precalculated properties regarding text metrics for text to be renderered at a later stage. More... | |
class | QgsPreparedPointCloudRendererData |
Base class for 2d point cloud renderer prepared data containers. More... | |
class | QgsPresetSchemeColorRamp |
A scheme based color ramp consisting of a list of predefined colors. More... | |
class | QgsPrintLayout |
Print layout, a QgsLayout subclass for static or atlas-based layouts. More... | |
class | QgsProcessing |
Contains enumerations and other constants for use in processing algorithms and parameters. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingAlgorithm |
Abstract base class for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingAlgRunnerTask |
QgsTask task which runs a QgsProcessingAlgorithm in a background task. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingBatchFeedback |
Processing feedback subclass for use when batch processing. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingContext |
Contains information about the context in which a processing algorithm is executed. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingDestinationParameter |
Base class for all parameter definitions which represent file or layer destinations, e.g. parameters which are used for the destination for layers output by an algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingException |
Custom exception class for processing related exceptions. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingFeatureBasedAlgorithm |
An abstract QgsProcessingAlgorithm base class for processing algorithms which operate "feature-by-feature". More... | |
class | QgsProcessingFeatureSink |
QgsProxyFeatureSink subclass which reports feature addition errors to a QgsProcessingContext. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingFeatureSource |
QgsFeatureSource subclass which proxies methods to an underlying QgsFeatureSource, modifying results according to the settings in a QgsProcessingContext. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition |
Encapsulates settings relating to a feature source input to a processing algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingFeedback |
Base class for providing feedback from a processing algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingLayerPostProcessorInterface |
An interface for layer post-processing handlers for execution following a processing algorithm operation. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingMultiStepFeedback |
Processing feedback object for multi-step operations. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputBoolean |
A boolean output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputConditionalBranch |
A conditional branch output for processing algorithms, which represents a possible model logic flow which branches out from this algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputDefinition |
Base class for the definition of processing outputs. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputFile |
A file output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputFolder |
A folder output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputHtml |
A HTML file output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition |
Encapsulates settings relating to a feature sink or output raster layer for a processing algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputMapLayer |
A map layer output for processing algorithms, where layers may be either vector or raster. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputMultipleLayers |
A multi-layer output for processing algorithms which create map layers, when the number and nature of the output layers is not predefined. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputNumber |
A numeric output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputPointCloudLayer |
A pointcloud layer output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputRasterLayer |
A raster layer output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputString |
A string output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingOutputVectorLayer |
A vector layer output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterAggregate |
A parameter for "aggregate" configurations, which consist of a definition of desired output fields, types, and aggregate used to populate then. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterAnnotationLayer |
An annotation layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterAuthConfig |
A string parameter for authentication configuration ID values. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterBand |
A raster band parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterBoolean |
A boolean parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterColor |
A color parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterCoordinateOperation |
A coordinate operation parameter for processing algorithms, for selection between available coordinate operations to use when projecting between a source and destination coordinate reference system. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterCrs |
A coordinate reference system parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDatabaseSchema |
A database schema parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from existing schemas on a registered database connection. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDatabaseTable |
A database table name parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from existing database tables on a registered database connection (or optionally to enter a new table name). More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDateTime |
A datetime (or pure date or time) parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition |
Base class for the definition of processing parameters. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDistance |
A double numeric parameter for distance values. Linked to a source layer or CRS parameter to determine what units the distance values are in. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDuration |
A double numeric parameter for duration values. The returned value will always be in milliseconds. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterDxfLayers |
A parameter for Processing algorithms that need a list of input vector layers to export as DXF file - this parameter provides Processing framework's adapter for QList<QgsDxfExport::DxfLayer>. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterEnum |
An enum based parameter for processing algorithms, allowing for selection from predefined values. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterExpression |
An expression parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterExtent |
A rectangular map extent parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink |
A feature sink output for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource |
An input feature source (such as vector layers) parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterField |
A vector layer or feature source field parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterFieldMapping |
A parameter for "field mapping" configurations, which consist of a definition of desired output fields, types, and expressions used to populate then. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterFile |
An input file or folder parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination |
A generic file based destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a file (non-map layer) created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination |
A folder destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a folder created by the algorithm or used for creating new files within the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterGeometry |
A geometry parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterLayout |
A print layout parameter, allowing users to select a print layout. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterLayoutItem |
A print layout item parameter, allowing users to select a particular item from a print layout. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterLimitedDataTypes |
Can be inherited by parameters which require limits to their acceptable data types. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterMapLayer |
A map layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterMapTheme |
A map theme parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select an existing map theme from a project. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterMatrix |
A table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterMeshDatasetGroups |
A parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of mesh dataset groups. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterMeshDatasetTime |
A parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of mesh dataset index from time parameter. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterMeshLayer |
A mesh layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers |
A parameter for processing algorithms which accepts multiple map layers. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterNumber |
A numeric parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterPoint |
A point parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterPointCloudDestination |
A point cloud layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a point cloud layer created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterPointCloudLayer |
A point cloud layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterProviderConnection |
A data provider connection parameter for processing algorithms, allowing users to select from available registered connections for a particular data provider. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterRange |
A numeric range parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination |
A raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer |
A raster layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameters |
A collection of utilities for working with parameters when running a processing algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterScale |
A double numeric parameter for map scale values. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterString |
A string parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTinInputLayers |
A parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of input vector layers to construct a TIN. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterType |
Makes metadata of processing parameters available. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeAnnotationLayer |
An annotation layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeAuthConfig |
A authentication configuration parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeBand |
A raster band parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeBoolean |
A boolean parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeColor |
A color parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeCoordinateOperation |
A coordinate operation parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeCrs |
A crs parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseSchema |
A database schema name parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseTable |
A database table name parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDateTime |
A datetime parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDistance |
A distance parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeDuration |
A duration parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeEnum |
An enum based parameter for processing algorithms, allowing for selection from predefined values. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeExpression |
An expression parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeExtent |
A rectangular map extent parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSink |
A feature sink parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSource |
An input feature source (such as vector layers) parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeField |
A vector layer or feature source field parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFile |
An input file or folder parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFileDestination |
A generic file based destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a file (non-map layer) created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeFolderDestination |
A folder destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a folder created by the algorithm or used for creating new files within the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeGeometry |
A geometry parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayout |
A print layout parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayoutItem |
A print layout item parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMapLayer |
A generic map layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMapTheme |
A map theme parameter for Processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMatrix |
A table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMeshLayer |
A mesh layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeMultipleLayers |
A parameter for processing algorithms which accepts multiple map layers. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeNumber |
A numeric parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypePoint |
A point parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypePointCloudDestination |
A pointcloud layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a point cloud layer created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypePointCloudLayer |
A point cloud layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeProviderConnection |
A provider connection name parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeRange |
A numeric range parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterDestination |
A raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterLayer |
A raster layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeScale |
A scale parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeString |
A string parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorDestination |
A vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorLayer |
A vector layer parameter for processing algorithms. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination |
A vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer |
A vector layer (with or without geometry) parameter for processing algorithms. Consider using the more versatile QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource wherever possible. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileWriterLayers |
A parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of input vector layers for writing of vector tiles - this parameter provides processing framework's adapter for QList<QgsVectorTileWriter::Layer>. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingProvider |
Abstract base class for processing providers. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingRegistry |
Registry for various processing components, including providers, algorithms and various parameters and outputs. More... | |
class | QgsProcessingUtils |
Utility functions for use with processing classes. More... | |
class | QgsProfileGenerationContext |
Encapsulates the context in which an elevation profile is to be generated. More... | |
class | QgsProfileIdentifyContext |
Encapsulates the context of identifying profile results. More... | |
class | QgsProfileIdentifyResults |
Stores identify results generated by a QgsAbstractProfileResults object. More... | |
class | QgsProfilePlotRenderer |
Generates and renders elevation profile plots. More... | |
class | QgsProfilePoint |
Encapsulates a point on a distance-elevation profile. More... | |
class | QgsProfileRenderContext |
Abstract base class for storage of elevation profiles. More... | |
class | QgsProfileRequest |
Encapsulates properties and constraints relating to fetching elevation profiles from different sources. More... | |
class | QgsProfileSnapContext |
Encapsulates the context of snapping a profile point. More... | |
class | QgsProfileSnapResult |
Encapsulates results of snapping a profile point. More... | |
class | QgsProjContext |
Used to create and store a proj context object, correctly freeing the context upon destruction. More... | |
class | QgsProject |
Encapsulates a QGIS project, including sets of map layers and their styles, layouts, annotations, canvases, etc. More... | |
class | QgsProjectArchive |
Class allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions on project file. More... | |
class | QgsProjectBadLayerHandler |
Interface for classes that handle missing layer files when reading project file. More... | |
class | QgsProjectColorScheme |
A color scheme which contains project specific colors set through project properties dialog. More... | |
class | QgsProjectDirtyBlocker |
Temporarily blocks QgsProject "dirtying" for the lifetime of the object. More... | |
class | QgsProjectDisplaySettings |
Contains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should display values such as map coordinates and bearings. More... | |
class | QgsProjectElevationProperties |
Contains elevation properties for a QgsProject. More... | |
class | QgsProjectFileTransform |
Class to convert from older project file versions to newer. More... | |
class | QgsProjectHomeItem |
A directory item showing the current project directory. More... | |
class | QgsProjectionFactors |
contains various cartographic properties, such as scale factors, angular distortion and meridian convergence. More... | |
class | QgsProjectItem |
Data item that can be used to represent QGIS projects. More... | |
class | QgsProjectMetadata |
A structured metadata store for a map layer. More... | |
class | QgsProjectProperty |
An Abstract Base Class for QGIS project property hierarchys. More... | |
class | QgsProjectPropertyKey |
Project property key node. More... | |
class | QgsProjectPropertyValue |
Project property value node, contains a QgsProjectPropertyKey's value. More... | |
class | QgsProjectServerValidator |
Validates the server specific parts of the configuration of a QGIS project. More... | |
class | QgsProjectStorage |
Abstract interface for project storage - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsProjectStorageRegistry. More... | |
class | QgsProjectStorageGuiProvider |
Abstract interface for project storage GUI - to be implemented by various backends and registered in QgsProjectStorageGuiRegistry. More... | |
class | QgsProjectStorageRegistry |
Registry of storage backends that QgsProject may use. More... | |
class | QgsProjectStyleDatabaseModel |
List model representing the style databases associated with a QgsProject. More... | |
class | QgsProjectStyleDatabaseProxyModel |
A proxy model for filtering QgsProjectStyleDatabaseModel. More... | |
class | QgsProjectStyleSettings |
Contains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should handle styling. More... | |
class | QgsProjectTimeSettings |
Contains temporal settings and properties for the project, this may be used when animating maps or showing temporal layers. More... | |
class | QgsProjectTranslator |
Wherever an object of this class is available, the derived translate function can be called from. More... | |
class | QgsProjectUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with QGIS projects. More... | |
class | QgsProjectVersion |
A class to describe the version of a project. More... | |
class | QgsProjectViewSettings |
Contains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should be displayed inside map canvas, e.g. More... | |
class | QgsProjOperation |
Contains information about a PROJ operation. More... | |
class | QgsProjUtils |
Utility functions for working with the proj library. More... | |
class | QgsProperty |
A store for object properties. More... | |
class | QgsPropertyCollection |
A grouped map of multiple QgsProperty objects, each referenced by a integer key value. More... | |
class | QgsPropertyCollectionStack |
An ordered stack of QgsPropertyCollection containers, where collections added later to the stack will take priority over earlier collections. More... | |
class | QgsPropertyDefinition |
Definition for a property. More... | |
class | QgsPropertyTransformer |
Abstract base class for objects which transform the calculated value of a property. Possible uses include transformers which map a value into a scaled size or color from a gradient. More... | |
class | QgsProviderConnectionException |
Custom exception class for provider connection related exceptions. More... | |
class | QgsProviderConnectionModel |
A model containing registered connection names for a specific data provider. More... | |
class | QgsProviderMetadata |
Holds data provider key, description, and associated shared library file or function pointer information. More... | |
class | QgsProviderRegistry |
A registry / canonical manager of data providers. More... | |
class | QgsProviderSublayerDetails |
Contains details about a sub layer available from a dataset. More... | |
class | QgsProviderSublayerItem |
A generic data item for file based layers. More... | |
class | QgsProviderSublayerModel |
A model for representing the sublayers present in a URI. More... | |
class | QgsProviderSublayerProxyModel |
A QSortFilterProxyModel for filtering and sorting a QgsProviderSublayerModel. More... | |
class | QgsProviderSublayerTask |
A QgsTask which retrieves sublayer details for a URI. More... | |
class | QgsProviderUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with data providers. More... | |
class | QgsProxyFeatureSink |
A simple feature sink which proxies feature addition on to another feature sink. More... | |
class | QgsProxyProgressTask |
A QgsTask shell which proxies progress reports. More... | |
class | QgsPythonRunner |
Utility class for running Python commands from various parts of QGIS. More... | |
class | QgsQtLocationConnection |
A GPS connection subclass based on the Qt Location libraries. More... | |
class | QgsQuadrilateral |
Quadrilateral geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsQueryResultModel |
The QgsQueryResultModel class is a model for QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::QueryResult. More... | |
class | QgsRandomColorRamp |
Totally random color ramp. Returns colors generated at random, but constrained to some hardcoded saturation and value ranges to prevent ugly color generation. More... | |
class | QgsRandomMarkerFillSymbolLayer |
A fill symbol layer which places markers at random locations within polygons. More... | |
class | QgsRange< T > |
A template based class for storing ranges (lower to upper values). More... | |
class | QgsRangeFieldDomain |
Definition of a numeric field domain with a range of validity for values. More... | |
class | QgsRangeFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a range (double) field with precision and locale. More... | |
class | QgsRangeRequestCache |
A custom cache for handling the storage and retrieval of HTTP range requests on disk. More... | |
class | QgsRaster |
Raster namespace. More... | |
class | QgsRasterBandStats |
The RasterBandStats struct is a container for statistics about a single raster band. More... | |
class | QgsRasterBlock |
Raster data container. More... | |
class | QgsRasterBlockFeedback |
Feedback object tailored for raster block reading. More... | |
class | QgsRasterChecker |
This is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time. More... | |
class | QgsRasterContourRenderer |
Raster renderer that generates contours on the fly for a source raster band. More... | |
class | QgsRasterDataProvider |
Base class for raster data providers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities |
Implementation of data provider temporal properties for QgsRasterDataProviders. More... | |
class | QgsRasterDemTerrainProvider |
A terrain provider where the terrain source is a raster DEM layer. More... | |
class | QgsRasterDrawer |
The drawing pipe for raster layers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterFileWriter |
The raster file writer which allows you to save a raster to a new file. More... | |
class | QgsRasterFileWriterTask |
QgsTask task which performs a QgsRasterFileWriter layer saving operation as a background task. This can be used to save a raster layer out to a file without blocking the QGIS interface. More... | |
class | QgsRasterFillSymbolLayer |
A class for filling symbols with a repeated raster image. More... | |
class | QgsRasterHistogram |
The QgsRasterHistogram is a container for histogram of a single raster band. It is used to cache computed histograms in raster providers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterIdentifyResult |
Raster identify results container. More... | |
class | QgsRasterInterface |
Base class for processing filters like renderers, reprojector, resampler etc. More... | |
class | QgsRasterIterator |
Iterator for sequentially processing raster cells. More... | |
class | QgsRasterLayer |
Represents a raster layer. More... | |
class | QgsRasterLayerElevationProperties |
Raster layer specific subclass of QgsMapLayerElevationProperties. More... | |
class | QgsRasterLayerProfileGenerator |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileGenerator for raster layers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterLayerProfileResults |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileResults for raster layers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterLayerRenderer |
Implementation of threaded rendering for raster layers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterLayerTemporalProperties |
Implementation of map layer temporal properties for raster layers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterLineSymbolLayer |
Line symbol layer type which draws line sections using a raster image file. More... | |
class | QgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayer |
Raster marker symbol layer class. More... | |
class | QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin |
This class describes the origin of min/max values. It does not store by itself the min/max values. More... | |
class | QgsRasterNuller |
Raster pipe that deals with null values. More... | |
class | QgsRasterPipe |
Contains a pipeline of raster interfaces for sequential raster processing. More... | |
class | QgsRasterProjector |
QgsRasterProjector implements approximate projection support for it calculates grid of points in source CRS for target CRS + extent which are used to calculate affine transformation matrices. More... | |
class | QgsRasterPyramid |
This struct is used to store pyramid info for the raster layer. More... | |
class | QgsRasterRange |
Raster values range container. Represents range of values between min and max including min and max value. More... | |
class | QgsRasterRenderer |
Raster renderer pipe that applies colors to a raster. More... | |
class | QgsRasterRendererRegistry |
Registry for raster renderers. More... | |
struct | QgsRasterRendererRegistryEntry |
Registry for raster renderer entries. More... | |
class | QgsRasterRendererUtils |
Utility functions for raster renderers. More... | |
class | QgsRasterResampleFilter |
Resample filter pipe for rasters. More... | |
class | QgsRasterResampler |
Interface for resampling rasters (e.g. to have a smoother appearance) More... | |
class | QgsRasterResamplerV2 |
Interface for resampling rasters (V2) (e.g. to have a smoother appearance), which provides a more efficient interface vs QgsRasterResampler. More... | |
class | QgsRasterShader |
Interface for all raster shaders. More... | |
class | QgsRasterShaderFunction |
The raster shade function applies a shader to a pixel at render time - typically used to render grayscale images as false color. More... | |
class | QgsRasterSymbolLegendNode |
Implementation of legend node interface for displaying raster legend entries. More... | |
class | QgsRasterTransparency |
Defines the list of pixel values to be considered as transparent or semi transparent when rendering rasters. More... | |
struct | QgsRasterViewPort |
class | QgsRay2D |
A 2D ray which extends from an origin point to an infinite distance in a given direction. More... | |
class | QgsRay3D |
A representation of a ray in 3D. More... | |
class | QgsReadWriteContext |
The class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects. More... | |
class | QgsReadWriteContextCategoryPopper |
Allows entering a context category and takes care of leaving this category on deletion of the class. This would happen when it gets out of scope. More... | |
class | QgsReadWriteLocker |
The QgsReadWriteLocker class is a convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking QReadWriteLocks. More... | |
class | QgsRecentColorScheme |
A color scheme which contains the most recently used colors. More... | |
class | QgsRecentStyleHandler |
Handles and tracks style items recently used in the QGIS GUI. More... | |
class | QgsRectangle |
A rectangle specified with double values. More... | |
class | QgsReferencedGeometry |
A QgsGeometry with associated coordinate reference system. More... | |
class | QgsReferencedGeometryBase |
A base class for geometry primitives which are stored with an associated reference system. More... | |
class | QgsReferencedPointXY |
A QgsPointXY with associated coordinate reference system. More... | |
class | QgsReferencedRectangle |
A QgsRectangle with associated coordinate reference system. More... | |
class | QgsRegularPolygon |
Regular Polygon geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsRelation |
class | QgsRelationContext |
Context for relations. Used to resolve layers from projects. More... | |
class | QgsRelationManager |
This class manages a set of relations between layers. More... | |
class | QgsRelationReferenceFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a relation reference field. More... | |
class | QgsRemappingProxyFeatureSink |
A QgsFeatureSink which proxies incoming features to a destination feature sink, after applying transformations and field value mappings. More... | |
class | QgsRemappingSinkDefinition |
Defines the parameters used to remap features when creating a QgsRemappingProxyFeatureSink. More... | |
class | QgsRenderChecker |
This is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time. More... | |
class | QgsRenderContext |
Contains information about the context of a rendering operation. More... | |
class | QgsRenderedAnnotationItemDetails |
Contains information about a rendered annotation item. More... | |
class | QgsRenderedFeatureHandlerInterface |
An interface for classes which provider custom handlers for features rendered as part of a map render job. More... | |
class | QgsRenderedItemDetails |
Base class for detailed information about a rendered item. More... | |
class | QgsRenderedItemResults |
Stores collated details of rendered items during a map rendering operation. More... | |
class | QgsRendererAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one renderer class. More... | |
class | QgsRendererCategory |
Represents an individual category (class) from a QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsRendererMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create renderer and its widget. More... | |
class | QgsRendererRange |
class | QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat |
class | QgsRendererRegistry |
Registry of renderers. More... | |
class | QgsRuleBasedLabeling |
Rule based labeling for a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsRuleBasedLabelProvider |
Label provider for rule based labeling. More... | |
class | QgsRuleBasedLabelSinkProvider |
Implements a derived label provider for rule based labels for use with QgsLabelSink. More... | |
class | QgsRuleBasedRenderer |
Rule based renderer. More... | |
class | QgsRunProcess |
A class that executes an external program/script. More... | |
class | QgsRuntimeProfiler |
Provides a method of recording run time profiles of operations, allowing easy recording of their overall run time. More... | |
class | QgsRuntimeProfilerNode |
A node representing an entry in a QgsRuntimeProfiler. More... | |
class | QgsSatelliteInfo |
Encapsulates information relating to a GPS satellite. More... | |
class | QgsScaleBarRenderer |
Abstract base class for scale bar renderers. More... | |
class | QgsScaleBarRendererRegistry |
The QgsScaleBarRendererRegistry manages registered scalebar renderers. More... | |
class | QgsScaleBarSettings |
The QgsScaleBarSettings class stores the appearance and layout settings for scalebar drawing with QgsScaleBarRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsScaleCalculator |
Calculates scale for a given combination of canvas size, map extent, and monitor dpi. More... | |
class | QgsScaleUtils |
class | QgsScientificNumericFormat |
A numeric formatter which returns a scientific notation representation of a value. More... | |
class | QgsScopedExpressionFunction |
Expression function for use within a QgsExpressionContextScope. This differs from a standard QgsExpression::Function in that it requires an implemented clone() method. More... | |
class | QgsScopedProxyProgressTask |
Scoped QgsScopedProxyProgressTask, which automatically adds the proxy task to the application task manager on construction and finalizes the task when it goes out of scope. More... | |
class | QgsScopedQPainterState |
Scoped object for saving and restoring a QPainter object's state. More... | |
class | QgsScopedRenderContextPainterSwap |
Scoped object for temporary replacement of a QgsRenderContext destination painter. More... | |
class | QgsScopedRenderContextReferenceScaleOverride |
Scoped object for temporary override of the symbologyReferenceScale property of a QgsRenderContext. More... | |
class | QgsScopedRenderContextScaleToMm |
Scoped object for temporary scaling of a QgsRenderContext for millimeter based rendering. More... | |
class | QgsScopedRenderContextScaleToPixels |
Scoped object for temporary scaling of a QgsRenderContext for pixel based rendering. More... | |
class | QgsScopedRuntimeProfile |
Scoped object for logging of the runtime for a single operation or group of operations. More... | |
class | QgsScopeLogger |
class | QgsServerMetadataUrlProperties |
Manages QGIS Server properties for a map layer. More... | |
class | QgsServerWmsDimensionProperties |
Manages QGIS Server properties for Wms dimensions. More... | |
class | QgsSettings |
This class is a composition of two QSettings instances: More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryBase |
Represent settings entry and provides methods for reading and writing settings values. Different subclasses are provided for different settings types with metainformations to validate set values and provide more accurate settings description for the gui. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryBool |
A boolean settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryByReference< T > |
Base abstract class for settings entry which are passed by reference. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryByValue< T > |
Base abstract class for settings entry which are passed by value. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryColor |
A color settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryDouble |
A double settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryEnumFlag< T > |
A template class for enum and flag settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryGroup |
Creates a group of setting which have a common definition of base key. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryInteger |
An integer settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryString |
A string settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryStringList |
A string list settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsEntryVariant |
A variant settings entry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsRegistry |
QgsSettingsRegistry is used for settings introspection and collects a list of child QgsSettingsRegistry and a list of child QgsSettingsRegistry. More... | |
class | QgsSettingsRegistryCore |
QgsSettingsRegistryCore is used for settings introspection and collects all QgsSettingsEntry instances of core. More... | |
class | QgsShadowEffect |
Base class for paint effects which offset, blurred shadows. More... | |
class | QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayer |
class | QgsShapeGenerator |
Contains utility functions for generating shapes. More... | |
class | QgsSignalBlocker< Object > |
RAII signal blocking class. Used for temporarily blocking signals from a QObject for the lifetime of QgsSignalBlocker object. More... | |
class | QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayer |
class | QgsSimpleLegendNode |
Implementation of legend node interface for displaying arbitrary label with icon. More... | |
class | QgsSimpleLineCallout |
A simple direct line callout style. More... | |
class | QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayer |
A simple line symbol layer, which renders lines using a line in a variety of styles (e.g. solid, dotted, dashed). More... | |
class | QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer |
Simple marker symbol layer, consisting of a rendered shape with solid fill color and an stroke. More... | |
class | QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerBase |
Abstract base class for simple marker symbol layers. Handles creation of the symbol shapes but leaves the actual drawing of the symbols to subclasses. More... | |
class | QgsSimplifyMethod |
This class contains information about how to simplify geometries fetched from a QgsFeatureIterator. More... | |
class | QgsSingleBandColorDataRenderer |
Raster renderer pipe for single band color. More... | |
class | QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer |
Raster renderer pipe for single band gray. More... | |
class | QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer |
Raster renderer pipe for single band pseudocolor. More... | |
class | QgsSingleBoxScaleBarRenderer |
Scalebar style that draws a single box with alternating color for the segments. More... | |
class | QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer |
Renders the diagrams for all features with the same settings. More... | |
class | QgsSingleItemModel |
A QgsSingleItemModel subclass which contains a single read-only item. More... | |
class | QgsSingleSymbolRenderer |
class | QgsSizeScaleTransformer |
QgsPropertyTransformer subclass for scaling a value into a size according to various scaling methods. More... | |
class | QgsSnappingConfig |
This is a container for configuration of the snapping of the project. More... | |
class | QgsSnappingUtils |
This class has all the configuration of snapping and can return answers to snapping queries. More... | |
class | QgsSourceCache |
A cache for source strings that returns a local file path containing the source content. More... | |
class | QgsSpatialIndex |
A spatial index for QgsFeature objects. More... | |
class | QgsSpatialIndexCopyVisitor |
class | QgsSpatialIndexKDBush |
A very fast static spatial index for 2D points based on a flat KD-tree. More... | |
class | QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData |
A container for data stored inside a QgsSpatialIndexKDBush index. More... | |
class | QgsSpatialIndexUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with spatial indexes. More... | |
struct | QgsSpatialiteCloser |
Closes a spatialite database. More... | |
class | QgsSqlExpressionCompiler |
Generic expression compiler for translation to provider specific SQL WHERE clauses. More... | |
struct | QgsSqlite3Closer |
Closes a sqlite3 database. More... | |
class | QgsSqliteUtils |
Contains utilities for working with Sqlite data sources. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement |
Class for parsing SQL statements. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatementCollectTableNames |
Internal use. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatementFragment |
Class for parsing fragments of SQL statements, such as an expression or where clause. More... | |
class | QgsSslErrorHandler |
SSL error handler, used for responding to SSL errors encountered during network requests. More... | |
class | QgsStackedBarDiagram |
A stacked bar chart diagram. More... | |
class | QgsStagedRenderLabelingEngine |
A QgsLabelingEngine implementation, which only calculates the labeling solution during its run() method. The actual rendering of labels themselves is deferred to follow up calls to .... More... | |
class | QgsStaticExpressionFunction |
c++ helper class for defining QgsExpression functions. More... | |
class | QgsStatisticalSummary |
Calculator for summary statistics for a list of doubles. More... | |
class | QgsSteppedLineScaleBarRenderer |
Scalebar style that draws a stepped line representation of a scalebar. More... | |
struct | QgsStoredExpression |
Stored expression containing name, content (expression text) and a category tag. More... | |
class | QgsStoredExpressionManager |
Manages stored expressions regarding creation, modification and storing in the project. More... | |
class | QgsStringReplacement |
A representation of a single string replacement. More... | |
class | QgsStringReplacementCollection |
A collection of string replacements (specified using QgsStringReplacement objects). More... | |
class | QgsStringStatisticalSummary |
Calculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of strings. More... | |
class | QgsStringUtils |
Utility functions for working with strings. More... | |
class | QgsStyle |
class | QgsStyleColorRampEntity |
A color ramp entity for QgsStyle databases. More... | |
class | QgsStyleEntityInterface |
An interface for entities which can be placed in a QgsStyle database. More... | |
class | QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface |
An interface for classes which can visit style entity (e.g. symbol) nodes (using the visitor pattern). More... | |
class | QgsStyleLabelSettingsEntity |
A label settings entity for QgsStyle databases. More... | |
class | QgsStyleLegendPatchShapeEntity |
A legend patch shape entity for QgsStyle databases. More... | |
class | QgsStyleModel |
A QAbstractItemModel subclass for showing symbol and color ramp entities contained within a QgsStyle database. More... | |
class | QgsStyleProxyModel |
A QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for showing filtered symbol and color ramps entries from a QgsStyle database. More... | |
class | QgsStyleSymbol3DEntity |
A 3d symbol entity for QgsStyle databases. More... | |
class | QgsStyleSymbolEntity |
A symbol entity for QgsStyle databases. More... | |
class | QgsStyleTextFormatEntity |
A text format entity for QgsStyle databases. More... | |
class | QgsSurface |
Surface geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsSvgAnnotation |
An annotation which renders the contents of an SVG file. More... | |
class | QgsSvgCache |
A cache for images / pictures derived from SVG files. More... | |
class | QgsSVGFillSymbolLayer |
A class for filling symbols with a repeated SVG file. More... | |
class | QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayer |
class | QgsSymbol |
Abstract base class for all rendered symbols. More... | |
class | QgsSymbolAnimationSettings |
Contains settings relating to symbol animation. More... | |
class | QgsSymbolLayer |
class | QgsSymbolLayerAbstractMetadata |
Stores metadata about one symbol layer class. More... | |
class | QgsSymbolLayerId |
We may need stable references to symbol layers, when pointers to symbol layers is not usable (when a symbol or a feature renderer is cloned for example). More... | |
class | QgsSymbolLayerMetadata |
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create symbol layer and its widget. More... | |
class | QgsSymbolLayerReference |
Type used to refer to a specific symbol layer in a symbol of a layer. More... | |
class | QgsSymbolLayerRegistry |
Registry of available symbol layer classes. More... | |
class | QgsSymbolLayerUtils |
class | QgsSymbolLegendNode |
Implementation of legend node interface for displaying preview of vector symbols and their labels and allowing interaction with the symbol / renderer. More... | |
class | QgsSymbolLevelItem |
class | QgsSymbolRenderContext |
class | QgsTableCell |
Encapsulates the contents and formatting of a single table cell. More... | |
class | QgsTask |
Abstract base class for long running background tasks. Tasks can be controlled directly, or added to a QgsTaskManager for automatic management. More... | |
class | QgsTaskManager |
Task manager for managing a set of long-running QgsTask tasks. This class can be created directly, or accessed via QgsApplication::taskManager(). More... | |
class | QgsTemplatedLineSymbolLayerBase |
Base class for templated line symbols, e.g. line symbols which draw markers or hash lines at intervals along the line feature. More... | |
class | QgsTemporalController |
A controller base class for temporal objects, contains a signal for notifying updates of the objects temporal range. More... | |
class | QgsTemporalNavigationObject |
Implements a temporal controller based on a frame by frame navigation and animation. More... | |
class | QgsTemporalProperty |
Base class for temporal property. More... | |
class | QgsTemporalRange< T > |
A template based class for storing temporal ranges (beginning to end values). More... | |
class | QgsTemporalRangeObject |
Base class for objects with an associated (optional) temporal range. More... | |
class | QgsTemporalUtils |
Contains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects. More... | |
class | QgsTessellator |
Class that takes care of tessellation of polygons into triangles. More... | |
class | QgsTextAnnotation |
An annotation item that displays formatted text from a QTextDocument document. More... | |
class | QgsTextBackgroundSettings |
Container for settings relating to a text background object. More... | |
class | QgsTextBlock |
Represents a block of text consisting of one or more QgsTextFragment objects. More... | |
class | QgsTextBufferSettings |
Container for settings relating to a text buffer. More... | |
class | QgsTextCharacterFormat |
Stores information relating to individual character formatting. More... | |
class | QgsTextDiagram |
A text based diagram. More... | |
class | QgsTextDocument |
Represents a document consisting of one or more QgsTextBlock objects. More... | |
class | QgsTextFormat |
Container for all settings relating to text rendering. More... | |
class | QgsTextFragment |
Stores a fragment of text along with formatting overrides to be used when rendering the fragment. More... | |
class | QgsTextLabelFeature |
Class that adds extra information to QgsLabelFeature for text labels. More... | |
class | QgsTextMaskSettings |
Container for settings relating to a selective masking around a text. A selective masking only makes sense in contexts where the text is rendered over some other map layers, especially for labeling. More... | |
class | QgsTextRenderer |
Handles rendering text using rich formatting options, including drop shadows, buffers and background shapes. More... | |
class | QgsTextRendererUtils |
Utility functions for text rendering. More... | |
class | QgsTextShadowSettings |
Container for settings relating to a text shadow. More... | |
class | QgsThreadingUtils |
Provides threading utilities for QGIS. More... | |
class | QgsTicksScaleBarRenderer |
A scale bar that draws segments using short ticks. More... | |
class | QgsTileCache |
A simple tile cache implementation. More... | |
class | QgsTileDownloadManager |
Tile download manager handles downloads of map tiles for the purpose of map rendering. The purpose of this class is to handle a couple of situations that may happen: More... | |
class | QgsTileDownloadManagerReply |
Reply object for tile download manager requests returned from calls to QgsTileDownloadManager::get(). More... | |
class | QgsTileMatrix |
Defines a matrix of tiles for a single zoom level: it is defined by its size (width *. More... | |
class | QgsTileMatrixSet |
Defines a set of tile matrices for multiple zoom levels. More... | |
class | QgsTileRange |
Range of tiles in a tile matrix to be rendered. The selection is rectangular, given by start/end row and column numbers. More... | |
class | QgsTileXYZ |
Stores coordinates of a tile in a tile matrix set. Tile matrix is identified by the zoomLevel(), and the position within tile matrix is given by column() and row(). More... | |
class | QgsTimeDuration |
Contains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects. More... | |
class | QgsTolerance |
This is the class is providing tolerance value in map unit values. More... | |
class | QgsTopologicalMesh |
Class that wraps a QgsMesh to ensure the consistency of the mesh during editing and help to access to elements from other elements. More... | |
class | QgsTopologyPreservingSimplifier |
Implementation of GeometrySimplifier using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. More... | |
class | QgsTracer |
Utility class that construct a planar graph from the input vector layers and provides shortest path search for tracing of existing features. More... | |
class | QgsTrackedVectorLayerTools |
class | QgsTransaction |
This class allows including a set of layers in a database-side transaction, provided the layer data providers support transactions and are compatible with each other. More... | |
class | QgsTransactionGroup |
class | QgsTransformEffect |
A paint effect which applies transformations (such as move, scale and rotate) to a picture. More... | |
class | QgsTranslationContext |
Used for the collecting of strings from projects for translation and creation of ts files. More... | |
class | QgsTriangle |
Triangle geometry type. More... | |
class | QgsTriangularMesh |
Triangular/Derived Mesh is mesh with vertices in map coordinates. More... | |
class | QgsUnitTypes |
Helper functions for various unit types. More... | |
class | QgsUserColorScheme |
A color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file within the "palettes" subfolder off the user's QGIS settings folder. More... | |
class | QgsUserProfile |
User profile contains information about the user profile folders on the machine. In QGIS 3 all settings, plugins, etc were moved into a APPDATA%/profiles folder for each platform. This allows for manage different user profiles per machine vs the single default one that was allowed in the past. More... | |
class | QgsUserProfileManager |
User profile manager is used to manager list, and manage user profiles on the users machine. More... | |
class | QgsValidityCheckContext |
Base class for validity check contexts. More... | |
class | QgsValidityCheckResult |
Represents an individual result from a validity check run by a QgsAbstractValidityCheck subclass. More... | |
class | QgsValueMapFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a ValueMap field. More... | |
class | QgsValueRelationFieldFormatter |
Field formatter for a value relation field. More... | |
class | QgsVariantUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with QVariants and QVariant types. More... | |
class | QgsVector |
A class to represent a vector. Currently no Z axis / 2.5D support is implemented. More... | |
class | QgsVectorDataProvider |
This is the base class for vector data providers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorDataProviderTemporalCapabilities |
Implementation of data provider temporal properties for QgsVectorDataProviders. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer |
A symbol layer class for displaying displacement arrows based on point layer attributes. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter |
A convenience class for writing vector layers to disk based formats (e.g. Shapefiles, GeoPackage). More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriterTask |
QgsTask task which performs a QgsVectorFileWriter layer saving operation as a background task. This can be used to save a vector layer out to a file without blocking the QGIS interface. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLabelLegendNode |
Produces legend node for a labeling text symbol. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayer |
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayer3DRenderer |
3D renderer that renders all features of a vector layer with the same 3D symbol. The appearance is completely defined by the symbol. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayer3DRendererMetadata |
Metadata for vector layer 3D renderer to allow creation of its instances from XML. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerCache |
This class caches features of a given QgsVectorLayer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerDiagramProvider |
The QgsVectorLayerDiagramProvider class implements support for diagrams within the labeling engine. Parameters for the diagrams are taken from the layer settings. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer |
class | QgsVectorLayerEditBufferGroup |
The edit buffer group manages a group of edit buffers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerEditPassthrough |
class | QgsVectorLayerEditUtils |
class | QgsVectorLayerElevationProperties |
Vector layer specific subclass of QgsMapLayerElevationProperties. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerExporter |
A convenience class for exporting vector layers to a destination data provider. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerExporterTask |
QgsTask task which performs a QgsVectorLayerExporter layer export operation as a background task. This can be used to export a vector layer out to a provider without blocking the QGIS interface. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounter |
Counts the features in a QgsVectorLayer in task. You should most likely not use this directly and instead call QgsVectorLayer::countSymbolFeatures() and connect to the signal QgsVectorLayer::symbolFeatureCountMapChanged(). More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator |
class | QgsVectorLayerFeatureSource |
Partial snapshot of vector layer's state (only the members necessary for access to features) More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer |
Manages joined fields for a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo |
Defines left outer join from our vector layer to some other vector layer. The join is done based on [our layer].targetField = [join layer].joinField. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerLabelProvider |
The QgsVectorLayerLabelProvider class implements a label provider for vector layers. Parameters for the labeling are taken from the layer's custom properties or from the given settings. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerProfileGenerator |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileGenerator for vector layers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerProfileResults |
Implementation of QgsAbstractProfileResults for vector layers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerRenderer |
Implementation of threaded rendering for vector layers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerSelectedFeatureSource |
QgsFeatureSource subclass for the selected features from a QgsVectorLayer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerServerProperties |
Convenient class for API compatibility. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerSimpleLabeling |
Basic implementation of the labeling interface. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerTemporalContext |
Encapsulates the context in which a QgsVectorLayer's temporal capabilities will be applied. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerTemporalProperties |
Implementation of map layer temporal properties for vector layers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerTools |
Methods in this class are used to handle basic operations on vector layers. With an implementation of this class, parts of the application can ask for an operation to be done and the implementation will then take care of it. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand |
Base class for undo commands within a QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddAttribute |
Undo command for adding a new attribute to a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddFeature |
Undo command for adding a feature to a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeAttribute |
Undo command for modifying an attribute of a feature from a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeGeometry |
Undo command for modifying the geometry of a feature from a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteAttribute |
Undo command for removing an existing attribute from a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteFeature |
Undo command for deleting a feature from a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandRenameAttribute |
Undo command for renaming an existing attribute of a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommand |
Undo command for vector layer in transaction group mode. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandAddAttribute |
Undo command for adding attri to a vector layer in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandAddFeatures |
Undo command for adding a feature to a vector layer in transaction group mode. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeAttribute |
Undo command for changing attr value from a vector layer in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeAttributes |
Undo command for changing attributes' values from a vector layer in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeGeometry |
Undo command for changing feature geometry from a vector layer in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandDeleteAttribute |
Undo command for deleting attri of a vector layer in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandDeleteFeatures |
Undo command for deleting features from a vector layer in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandRenameAttribute |
Undo command for deleting attri of a vector layer in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandUpdate |
Undo command for running a specific sql query in transaction group. More... | |
class | QgsVectorLayerUtils |
Contains utility methods for working with QgsVectorLayers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorSimplifyMethod |
This class contains information how to simplify geometries fetched from a vector layer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileBasicLabeling |
Basic labeling configuration for vector tile layers. It contains a definition of a list of labeling styles, where each labeling style is a combination of sub-layer name, geometry type, filter expression, zoom range and label settings. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileBasicLabelingStyle |
Configuration of a single style within QgsVectorTileBasicLabeling. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileBasicLabelProvider |
Implementation class for QgsVectorTileBasicLabeling. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileBasicRenderer |
The default vector tile renderer implementation. It has an ordered list of "styles", each defines a rendering rule. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileBasicRendererStyle |
Definition of map rendering of a subset of vector tile data. The subset of data is defined by: More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileLabeling |
Base class for labeling configuration classes for vector tile layers. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileLabelProvider |
Internal base class for implementation of label providers for vector tile labeling. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileLayer |
Implements a map layer that is dedicated to rendering of vector tiles. Vector tiles compared to "ordinary" vector layers are pre-processed data optimized for fast rendering. A dataset is provided with a series of zoom levels for different map scales. Each zoom level has a matrix of tiles that contain actual data. A single vector tile may be a a file stored on a local drive, requested over HTTP request or retrieved from a database. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileLayerRenderer |
This class provides map rendering functionality for vector tile layers. In render() function (assumed to be run in a worker thread) it will: More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileLoader |
The loader class takes care of loading raw vector tile data from a tile source. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileMatrixSet |
Encapsulates properties of a vector tile matrix set, including tile origins and scaling information. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileMVTDecoder |
This class is responsible for decoding raw tile data written with Mapbox Vector Tiles encoding. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileMVTEncoder |
Handles conversion of vector features to Mapbox vector tiles encoding. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileMVTUtils |
Assorted utility functions used during MVT decoding and encoding. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileRawData |
Keeps track of raw tile data that need to be decoded. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileRenderer |
Abstract base class for all vector tile renderer implementations. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileRendererData |
Contains decoded features of a single vector tile and any other data necessary for rendering of it. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileUtils |
Random utility functions for working with vector tiles. More... | |
class | QgsVectorTileWriter |
Takes care of writing vector tiles. The intended use is to set up the class by setting the destination URI, extent, zoom level range and input vector layers. Then with a call to writeTiles() the data gets written. In case of a failure, errorMessage() returns the cause of the problem during writing. More... | |
class | QgsVertexId |
Utility class for identifying a unique vertex within a geometry. More... | |
class | QgsVertexIterator |
Java-style iterator for traversal of vertices of a geometry. More... | |
class | QgsVirtualLayerDefinition |
Class to manipulate the definition of a virtual layer. More... | |
class | QgsVirtualLayerDefinitionUtils |
Utils class for QgsVirtualLayerDefinition. More... | |
class | QgsVirtualLayerTask |
Initializes a virtual layer with postpone mode activated and reloads the data in a separated thread. More... | |
class | QgsVtpkTiles |
Utility class for reading and writing ESRI VTPK files. More... | |
class | QgsWeakRelation |
The QgsWeakRelation class represent a QgsRelation with possibly unresolved layers or unmatched fields. More... | |
class | QgsWebPage |
QWebPage subclass which redirects JavaScript errors and console output to the QGIS message log. More... | |
class | QgsWebView |
The QgsWebView class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of QWebView on systems where the real library is not available. It should be used instead of QWebView inside QGIS. More... | |
class | QgsWithVariableExpressionFunction |
Handles the with_variable(name, value, node) expression function. More... | |
class | QgsWkbException |
Custom exception class for Wkb related exceptions. More... | |
class | QgsWkbPtr |
WKB pointer handler. More... | |
class | QgsWkbTypes |
Handles storage of information regarding WKB types and their properties. More... | |
class | QgsWmsLegendNode |
Implementation of legend node interface for displaying WMS legend entries. More... | |
class | QgsXmlUtils |
Assorted helper methods for reading and writing chunks of XML. More... | |
class | QgsZipItem |
A zip file: contains layers, using GDAL/OGR VSIFILE mechanism. More... | |
class | QObjectParentUniquePtr< T > |
Keeps a pointer to an object owned by a QObject parent, and deletes it whenever this parent object is deleted. More... | |
class | QObjectUniquePtr< T > |
Keeps a pointer to a QObject and deletes it whenever this object is deleted. More... | |
class | QWebFrame |
The QWebFrame class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebFrame on systems where QtWebkit is not available. More... | |
class | QWebPage |
The QWebPage class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebPage on systems where QtWebkit is not available. More... | |
class | QWebSettings |
The QWebSettings class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebSettings on systems where QtWebkit is not available. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::RecursiveVisitor |
A visitor that recursively explores all children. More... | |
struct | QgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderJob |
A QgsRuleBasedRenderer rendering job, consisting of a feature to be rendered with a particular symbol. More... | |
struct | QgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderLevel |
Render level: a list of jobs to be drawn at particular level for a QgsRuleBasedRenderer. More... | |
class | QgsRuleBasedLabeling::Rule |
A child rule for QgsRuleBasedLabeling. More... | |
class | QgsRuleBasedRenderer::Rule |
This class keeps data about a rules for rule-based renderer. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::SaveVectorOptions |
Options to pass to writeAsVectorFormat() More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::SetOption |
class | Sol |
Chain solution parameters. More... | |
class | QgsVirtualLayerDefinition::SourceLayer |
A SourceLayer is either a reference to a live layer in the registry or all the parameters needed to load it (provider key, source, etc.) More... | |
class | spatialite_database_unique_ptr |
Unique pointer for spatialite databases, which automatically closes the database when the pointer goes out of scope or is reset. More... | |
class | sqlite3_database_unique_ptr |
Unique pointer for sqlite3 databases, which automatically closes the database when the pointer goes out of scope or is reset. More... | |
class | sqlite3_statement_unique_ptr |
Unique pointer for sqlite3 prepared statements, which automatically finalizes the statement when the pointer goes out of scope or is reset. More... | |
class | QgsTileDownloadManager::Stats |
Encapsulates any statistics we would like to keep about requests. More... | |
class | QgsVectorFileWriter::StringOption |
class | QgsTopologicalMesh::TopologicalFaces |
Class that contains independent faces an topological information about this faces. More... | |
class | pal::PalException::UnknownFeature |
Try to access an unknown feature. More... | |
class | pal::InternalException::UnknownGeometry |
Thrown when a geometry type is not like expected. More... | |
class | pal::PalException::UnknownLayer |
Try to access an unknown layer. More... | |
class | QgsProviderRegistry::UnusableUriDetails |
Contains information about unusable URIs which aren't handled by any registered providers. More... | |
class | QgsProviderRegistry::UnusableUriHandlerInterface |
An interface used to handle unusable URIs which aren't handled by any registered providers, and construct user-friendly warnings as to why the URI is unusable. More... | |
class | QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemRegistry::UserCrsDetails |
Contains details of a custom (user defined) CRS. More... | |
class | pal::Util |
Pal utilities. More... | |
class | QgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidator::ValidationResult |
Contains the parameters describing a metadata validation failure. More... | |
class | pal::PalException::ValueNotInRange |
thrown when a value is not in the valid scale range\ More... | |
class | QgsAbstractGeometry::vertex_iterator |
The vertex_iterator class provides STL-style iterator for vertices. More... | |
class | QgsSQLStatement::Visitor |
Support for visitor pattern - algorithms dealing with the statement may be implemented without modifying the Node classes. More... | |
class | QgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThen |
Represents a "WHEN... THEN..." portation of a CASE WHEN clause in an expression. More... | |
class | pal::InternalException::WrongGeometry |
Thrown when a geometry type is not like expected. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef QList< QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Contact > | QgsAbstractMetadataBase::ContactList |
A list of contacts. More... | |
typedef QList< QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Link > | QgsAbstractMetadataBase::LinkList |
A list of links. More... | |
typedef QVector< QgsLayoutTableColumn > | QgsLayoutTableColumns |
List of column definitions for a QgsLayoutTable. More... | |
typedef QVector< QgsLayoutTableRow > | QgsLayoutTableContents |
List of QgsLayoutTableRows, representing rows and column cell contents for a QgsLayoutTable. More... | |
typedef QVector< QVariant > | QgsLayoutTableRow |
List of QVariants, representing a the contents of a single row in a QgsLayoutTable. More... | |
typedef QVector< QgsLayoutTableColumn > | QgsLayoutTableSortColumns |
List of column definitions for sorting a QgsLayoutTable. More... | |
typedef QList< QPair< QColor, QString > > | QgsNamedColorList |
List of colors paired with a friendly display name identifying the color. More... | |
typedef QMultiMap< QString, QString > | QgsSmartConditionMap |
Enumerations | |
enum | Qgis::FeatureCountState : int { Qgis::FeatureCountState::Uncounted = -2, Qgis::FeatureCountState::UnknownCount = -1 } |
Enumeration of feature count states. More... | |
enum | QgsMapLayerType : int { QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer, QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer, QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer, QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer, QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer, QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer, QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer, QgsMapLayerType::GroupLayer } |
Types of layers that can be added to a map. More... | |
Functions | |
QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid::QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid (QgsPointLocator *pl, QgsPointLocator::Match &m, const QgsPointXY &srcPoint, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter *filter=nullptr) | |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for centroid - builds a list of matches. More... | |
QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestLineEndpoint::QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestLineEndpoint (QgsPointLocator *pl, QgsPointLocator::Match &m, const QgsPointXY &srcPoint, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter *filter=nullptr) | |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for line endpoints (start or end vertex) - builds a list of matches. More... | |
QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment::QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment (QgsPointLocator *pl, QgsPointLocator::Match &m, const QgsPointXY &srcPoint, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter *filter=nullptr) | |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for middle segment - builds a list of matches. More... | |
The CORE library contains all basic GIS functionality.
typedef QList< QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Contact > QgsAbstractMetadataBase::ContactList |
typedef QList< QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Link > QgsAbstractMetadataBase::LinkList |
typedef QVector<QgsLayoutTableColumn> QgsLayoutTableColumns |
List of column definitions for a QgsLayoutTable.
Definition at line 58 of file qgslayouttable.h.
typedef QVector< QgsLayoutTableRow > QgsLayoutTableContents |
List of QgsLayoutTableRows, representing rows and column cell contents for a QgsLayoutTable.
Definition at line 47 of file qgslayouttable.h.
typedef QVector< QVariant > QgsLayoutTableRow |
List of QVariants, representing a the contents of a single row in a QgsLayoutTable.
Definition at line 30 of file qgslayouttable.h.
typedef QVector<QgsLayoutTableColumn> QgsLayoutTableSortColumns |
List of column definitions for sorting a QgsLayoutTable.
Definition at line 65 of file qgslayouttable.h.
typedef QList< QPair< QColor, QString > > QgsNamedColorList |
List of colors paired with a friendly display name identifying the color.
Definition at line 34 of file qgscolorscheme.h.
typedef QMultiMap<QString, QString> QgsSmartConditionMap |
A multimap to hold the smart group conditions as constraint and parameter pairs. Both the key and the value of the map are QString. The key is the constraint of the condition and the value is the parameter which is applied for the constraint.
The supported constraints are: tag -> symbol has the tag matching the parameter !tag -> symbol doesn't have the tag matching the parameter name -> symbol has a part of its name matching the parameter !name -> symbol doesn't have any part of the name matching the parameter
Example Usage: QgsSmartConditionMap conditions; conditions.insert( "tag", "red" ); // adds the condition: Symbol has the tag red conditions.insert( "!name", "way" ); // add the condition: Symbol doesn't have any part of its name matching way
Definition at line 79 of file qgsstyle.h.
strong |
strong |
Types of layers that can be added to a map.
inline |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for centroid - builds a list of matches.
Definition at line 158 of file qgspointlocator.cpp.
inline |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for line endpoints (start or end vertex) - builds a list of matches.
Definition at line 273 of file qgspointlocator.cpp.
inline |
Helper class used when traversing the index looking for middle segment - builds a list of matches.
Definition at line 212 of file qgspointlocator.cpp.