54 QStringList fieldsSorted = qgis::setToList( flds );
55 std::sort( fieldsSorted.begin(), fieldsSorted.end() );
56 for (
const QString &fieldName : std::as_const( fieldsSorted ) )
66 double tileZoom2 = log( s0 / mapScale ) / log( 2 );
73 int tileZoom =
static_cast<int>( round(
scaleToZoom( mapScale, z0Scale ) ) );
75 if ( tileZoom < sourceMinZoom )
76 tileZoom = sourceMinZoom;
77 if ( tileZoom > sourceMaxZoom )
78 tileZoom = sourceMaxZoom;
87 QSet<QString> fieldNames = qgis::listToSet( decoder.
layerFieldNames( layerName ) );
88 fieldNames << QStringLiteral(
"_geom_type" );
89 QMap<QString, QgsFields> perLayerFields;
91 perLayerFields[layerName] = fields;
96 for (
int i = 0; i < featuresList.count(); ++i )
103 for (
int k = 0; k < ggc->numGeometries(); ++k )
128 turl.replace( QLatin1String(
"{x}" ), QString::number( tile.
column() ), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
129 if ( turl.contains( QLatin1String(
"{-y}" ) ) )
131 turl.replace( QLatin1String(
"{-y}" ), QString::number( tileMatrix.
matrixHeight() - tile.
row() - 1 ), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
135 turl.replace( QLatin1String(
"{y}" ), QString::number( tile.
row() ), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
137 turl.replace( QLatin1String(
"{z}" ), QString::number( tile.
zoomLevel() ), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
143 return url.contains( QStringLiteral(
"{x}" ) ) &&
144 ( url.contains( QStringLiteral(
"{y}" ) ) || url.contains( QStringLiteral(
"{-y}" ) ) ) &&
145 url.contains( QStringLiteral(
"{z}" ) );
154 QPointF p1( req1.
column() + 0.5, req1.
row() + 0.5 );
155 QPointF p2( req2.
column() + 0.5, req2.
row() + 0.5 );
157 double d1 = std::max( std::fabs(
center.x() - p1.x() ), std::fabs(
center.y() - p1.y() ) );
158 double d2 = std::max( std::fabs(
center.x() - p2.x() ), std::fabs(
center.y() - p2.y() ) );
165 QVector<QgsTileXYZ> tiles;
166 for (
int tileRow = range.
startRow(); tileRow <= range.
endRow(); ++tileRow )
170 tiles.append(
QgsTileXYZ( tileColumn, tileRow, zoomLevel ) );
180 std::sort( tiles.begin(), tiles.end(), cmp );
Abstract base class for all geometries.
virtual QgsAbstractGeometry * clone() const =0
Clones the geometry by performing a deep copy.
Encapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source.
Container of fields for a vector layer.
QList< QgsField > toList() const
Utility function to return a list of QgsField instances.
bool append(const QgsField &field, FieldOrigin origin=OriginProvider, int originIndex=-1)
Appends a field. The field must have unique name, otherwise it is rejected (returns false)
virtual bool addGeometry(QgsAbstractGeometry *g)
Adds a geometry and takes ownership. Returns true in case of success.
A geometry is the spatial representation of a feature.
const QgsAbstractGeometry * constGet() const SIP_HOLDGIL
Returns a non-modifiable (const) reference to the underlying abstract geometry primitive.
Perform transforms between map coordinates and device coordinates.
QgsPointXY transform(const QgsPointXY &p) const
Transforms a point p from map (world) coordinates to device coordinates.
A class to represent a 2D point.
QPointF toQPointF() const
Converts a point to a QPointF.
A rectangle specified with double values.
double yMaximum() const SIP_HOLDGIL
Returns the y maximum value (top side of rectangle).
double xMaximum() const SIP_HOLDGIL
Returns the x maximum value (right side of rectangle).
double xMinimum() const SIP_HOLDGIL
Returns the x minimum value (left side of rectangle).
double yMinimum() const SIP_HOLDGIL
Returns the y minimum value (bottom side of rectangle).
Defines a matrix of tiles for a single zoom level: it is defined by its size (width *.
QgsRectangle tileExtent(QgsTileXYZ id) const
Returns extent of the given tile in this matrix.
int matrixHeight() const
Returns number of rows of the tile matrix.
Range of tiles in a tile matrix to be rendered.
int endColumn() const
Returns index of the last column in the range.
int endRow() const
Returns index of the last row in the range.
int startRow() const
Returns index of the first row in the range.
int startColumn() const
Returns index of the first column in the range.
Stores coordinates of a tile in a tile matrix set.
int zoomLevel() const
Returns tile's zoom level (Z)
int column() const
Returns tile's column index (X)
int row() const
Returns tile's row index (Y)
bool addFeatures(QgsFeatureList &flist, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags=QgsFeatureSink::Flags()) override
Adds a list of features to the sink.
virtual bool addAttributes(const QList< QgsField > &attributes)
Adds new attributes to the provider.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
long long featureCount(const QString &legendKey) const
Number of features rendered with specified legend key.
void updateFields()
Will regenerate the fields property of this layer by obtaining all fields from the dataProvider,...
virtual void updateExtents(bool force=false)
Update the extents for the layer.
QgsVectorDataProvider * dataProvider() FINAL
Returns the layer's data provider, it may be nullptr.
Implements a map layer that is dedicated to rendering of vector tiles.
QByteArray getRawTile(QgsTileXYZ tileID)
Fetches raw tile data for the give tile coordinates.
QgsVectorTileMatrixSet & tileMatrixSet()
Returns the vector tile matrix set.
This class is responsible for decoding raw tile data written with Mapbox Vector Tiles encoding.
QStringList layerFieldNames(const QString &layerName) const
Returns a list of all field names in a tile. It can only be called after a successful decode()
QgsVectorTileFeatures layerFeatures(const QMap< QString, QgsFields > &perLayerFields, const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct, const QSet< QString > *layerSubset=nullptr) const
Returns decoded features grouped by sub-layers.
bool decode(QgsTileXYZ tileID, const QByteArray &rawTileData)
Tries to decode raw tile data, returns true on success.
static QgsVectorLayer * makeVectorLayerForTile(QgsVectorTileLayer *mvt, QgsTileXYZ tileID, const QString &layerName)
Returns a temporary vector layer for given sub-layer of tile in vector tile layer.
static bool checkXYZUrlTemplate(const QString &url)
Checks whether the URL template string is correct (contains {x}, {y} / {-y}, {z} placeholders)
static QString formatXYZUrlTemplate(const QString &url, QgsTileXYZ tile, const QgsTileMatrix &tileMatrix)
Returns formatted tile URL string replacing {x}, {y}, {z} placeholders (or {-y} instead of {y} for TM...
static QVector< QgsTileXYZ > tilesInRange(QgsTileRange range, int zoomLevel)
Returns a list of tiles in the given tile range.
static void sortTilesByDistanceFromCenter(QVector< QgsTileXYZ > &tiles, QPointF center)
Orders tile requests according to the distance from view center (given in tile matrix coords)
static QPolygon tilePolygon(QgsTileXYZ id, const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct, const QgsTileMatrix &tm, const QgsMapToPixel &mtp)
Returns polygon (made by four corners of the tile) in screen coordinates.
static double scaleToZoom(double mapScale, double z0Scale=559082264.0287178)
Finds zoom level given map scale denominator.
static int scaleToZoomLevel(double mapScale, int sourceMinZoom, int sourceMaxZoom, double z0Scale=559082264.0287178)
Finds the best fitting zoom level given a map scale denominator and allowed zoom level range.
static QgsFields makeQgisFields(const QSet< QString > &flds)
Returns QgsFields instance based on the set of field names.
QList< QgsFeature > QgsFeatureList
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)
QMap< QString, QVector< QgsFeature > > QgsVectorTileFeatures
Features of a vector tile, grouped by sub-layer names (key of the map)
a helper class for ordering tile requests according to the distance from view center
bool operator()(QgsTileXYZ req1, QgsTileXYZ req2)
QPointF center
Center in tile matrix (!) coordinates.