QGIS API Documentation  3.20.0-Odense (decaadbb31)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgsvectorlayersaveasdialog.h
3  Dialog to select destination, type and crs for ogr layers
4  -------------------
5  begin : Mon Mar 22 2010
6  copyright : (C) 2010 by Juergen E. Fischer
7  email : jef at norbit dot de
8  ***************************************************************************/
10 /***************************************************************************
11  * *
12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
13  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
14  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
15  * (at your option) any later version. *
16  * *
17  ***************************************************************************/
18 #include "qgslogger.h"
21 #include "qgsvectordataprovider.h"
23 #include "qgseditorwidgetfactory.h"
25 #include "qgssettings.h"
26 #include "qgsmapcanvas.h"
27 #include "qgsgui.h"
28 #include "qgsapplication.h"
29 #include "qgsogrdataitems.h"
30 #include <QMessageBox>
31 #include <QFileDialog>
32 #include <QTextCodec>
33 #include <QSpinBox>
34 #include <QRegularExpression>
35 #include "gdal.h"
36 #include "qgsdatums.h"
37 #include "qgsiconutils.h"
39 static const int COLUMN_IDX_NAME = 0;
40 static const int COLUMN_IDX_TYPE = 1;
43 QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog( long srsid, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
44  : QDialog( parent, fl )
45  , mSelectedCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromSrsId( srsid ) )
46  , mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled( true )
47  , mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled( true )
48  , mActionOnExistingFile( QgsVectorFileWriter::CreateOrOverwriteFile )
49 {
50  setup();
51 }
53 QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog( QgsVectorLayer *layer, Options options, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
54  : QDialog( parent, fl )
55  , mLayer( layer )
56  , mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled( true )
57  , mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled( true )
58  , mActionOnExistingFile( QgsVectorFileWriter::CreateOrOverwriteFile )
59  , mOptions( options )
60 {
61  if ( layer )
62  {
63  mSelectedCrs = layer->crs();
64  mLayerExtent = layer->extent();
65  }
66  setup();
68  if ( !( mOptions & Symbology ) )
69  {
70  mSymbologyExportLabel->hide();
71  mSymbologyExportComboBox->hide();
72  mScaleLabel->hide();
73  mScaleWidget->hide();
74  }
76  if ( !( mOptions & DestinationCrs ) )
77  {
78  mCrsLabel->hide();
79  mCrsSelector->hide();
80  }
81  if ( !( mOptions & Fields ) )
82  mAttributesSelection->hide();
84  if ( !( mOptions & SelectedOnly ) )
85  mSelectedOnly->hide();
87  if ( !( mOptions & AddToCanvas ) )
88  mAddToCanvas->hide();
90  if ( !( mOptions & GeometryType ) )
91  mGeometryGroupBox->hide();
93  if ( !( mOptions & Extent ) )
94  mExtentGroupBox->hide();
96  if ( !( mOptions & Metadata ) )
97  {
98  mCheckPersistMetadata->setChecked( false );
99  mCheckPersistMetadata->hide();
100  }
102  mSelectedOnly->setEnabled( layer && layer->selectedFeatureCount() != 0 );
103  mButtonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setDisabled( true );
104 }
106 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::setup()
107 {
108  setupUi( this );
111  connect( mFormatComboBox, static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )( int )>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mFormatComboBox_currentIndexChanged );
112  connect( mCrsSelector, &QgsProjectionSelectionWidget::crsChanged, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mCrsSelector_crsChanged );
113  connect( mSymbologyExportComboBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mSymbologyExportComboBox_currentIndexChanged );
114  connect( mGeometryTypeComboBox, static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )( int )>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mGeometryTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged );
115  connect( mSelectAllAttributes, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mSelectAllAttributes_clicked );
116  connect( mDeselectAllAttributes, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mDeselectAllAttributes_clicked );
117  connect( mReplaceRawFieldValues, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mReplaceRawFieldValues_stateChanged );
118  connect( mAttributeTable, &QTableWidget::itemChanged, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mAttributeTable_itemChanged );
120 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
121  mHelpButtonBox->setVisible( false );
122  mButtonBox->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Help );
123  connect( mButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::showHelp );
124 #else
125  connect( mHelpButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::showHelp );
126 #endif
127  connect( mButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::accept );
128  connect( mButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::reject );
130  const QList< QgsVectorFileWriter::DriverDetails > drivers = QgsVectorFileWriter::ogrDriverList();
131  mFormatComboBox->blockSignals( true );
132  for ( const QgsVectorFileWriter::DriverDetails &driver : drivers )
133  {
134  mFormatComboBox->addItem( driver.longName, driver.driverName );
135  }
137  QgsSettings settings;
138  QString format = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastVectorFormat" ), "GPKG" ).toString();
139  mFormatComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mFormatComboBox->findData( format ) );
140  mFormatComboBox->blockSignals( false );
142  const auto addGeomItem = [this]( QgsWkbTypes::Type type )
143  {
144  mGeometryTypeComboBox->addItem( QgsIconUtils::iconForWkbType( type ), QgsWkbTypes::translatedDisplayString( type ), type );
145  };
147  //add geometry types to combobox
148  mGeometryTypeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Automatic" ), -1 );
149  addGeomItem( QgsWkbTypes::Point );
150  addGeomItem( QgsWkbTypes::LineString );
151  addGeomItem( QgsWkbTypes::Polygon );
153  addGeomItem( QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry );
154  mGeometryTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mGeometryTypeComboBox->findData( -1 ) );
156  mEncodingComboBox->addItems( QgsVectorDataProvider::availableEncodings() );
158  QString enc = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/encoding" ), "System" ).toString();
159  int idx = mEncodingComboBox->findText( enc );
160  if ( idx < 0 )
161  {
162  mEncodingComboBox->insertItem( 0, enc );
163  idx = 0;
164  }
166  mCrsSelector->setCrs( mSelectedCrs );
167  mCrsSelector->setLayerCrs( mSelectedCrs );
168  mCrsSelector->setMessage( tr( "Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. "
169  "The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system." ) );
171  mEncodingComboBox->setCurrentIndex( idx );
172  mFormatComboBox_currentIndexChanged( mFormatComboBox->currentIndex() );
174  //symbology export combo box
175  mSymbologyExportComboBox->addItem( tr( "No Symbology" ), QgsVectorFileWriter::NoSymbology );
176  mSymbologyExportComboBox->addItem( tr( "Feature Symbology" ), QgsVectorFileWriter::FeatureSymbology );
177  mSymbologyExportComboBox->addItem( tr( "Symbol Layer Symbology" ), QgsVectorFileWriter::SymbolLayerSymbology );
178  mSymbologyExportComboBox_currentIndexChanged( mSymbologyExportComboBox->currentText() );
180  // extent group box
181  mExtentGroupBox->setOutputCrs( mSelectedCrs );
182  mExtentGroupBox->setOriginalExtent( mLayerExtent, mSelectedCrs );
183  mExtentGroupBox->setOutputExtentFromOriginal();
184  mExtentGroupBox->setCheckable( true );
185  mExtentGroupBox->setChecked( false );
186  mExtentGroupBox->setCollapsed( true );
188  mFilename->setStorageMode( QgsFileWidget::SaveFile );
189  mFilename->setDialogTitle( tr( "Save Layer As" ) );
190  mFilename->setDefaultRoot( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastVectorFileFilterDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString() );
191  mFilename->setConfirmOverwrite( false );
192  connect( mFilename, &QgsFileWidget::fileChanged, this, [ = ]( const QString & filePath )
193  {
194  QgsSettings settings;
195  QFileInfo tmplFileInfo( filePath );
196  settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastVectorFileFilterDir" ), tmplFileInfo.absolutePath() );
197  if ( !filePath.isEmpty() && leLayername->isEnabled() )
198  {
199  QFileInfo fileInfo( filePath );
200  leLayername->setText( fileInfo.completeBaseName() );
201  }
202  mButtonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( !filePath.isEmpty() );
203  } );
205  try
206  {
207  const QgsDatumEnsemble ensemble = mSelectedCrs.datumEnsemble();
208  if ( ensemble.isValid() )
209  {
210  mCrsSelector->setSourceEnsemble( ensemble.name() );
211  }
212  }
213  catch ( QgsNotSupportedException & )
214  {
215  }
217  mCrsSelector->setShowAccuracyWarnings( true );
218 }
220 QList<QPair<QLabel *, QWidget *> > QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::createControls( const QMap<QString, QgsVectorFileWriter::Option *> &options )
221 {
222  QList<QPair<QLabel *, QWidget *> > controls;
223  QMap<QString, QgsVectorFileWriter::Option *>::ConstIterator it;
225  for ( it = options.constBegin(); it != options.constEnd(); ++it )
226  {
227  QgsVectorFileWriter::Option *option = it.value();
228  QLabel *label = new QLabel( it.key() );
229  QWidget *control = nullptr;
230  switch ( option->type )
231  {
233  {
234  QgsVectorFileWriter::IntOption *opt = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorFileWriter::IntOption *>( option );
235  if ( opt )
236  {
237  QSpinBox *sb = new QSpinBox();
238  sb->setObjectName( it.key() );
239  sb->setValue( opt->defaultValue );
240  control = sb;
241  }
242  break;
243  }
246  {
247  QgsVectorFileWriter::SetOption *opt = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorFileWriter::SetOption *>( option );
248  if ( opt )
249  {
250  QComboBox *cb = new QComboBox();
251  cb->setObjectName( it.key() );
252  for ( const QString &val : std::as_const( opt->values ) )
253  {
254  cb->addItem( val, val );
255  }
256  if ( opt->allowNone )
257  cb->addItem( tr( "<Default>" ), QVariant( QVariant::String ) );
258  int idx = cb->findText( opt->defaultValue );
259  if ( idx == -1 )
260  idx = cb->findData( QVariant( QVariant::String ) );
261  cb->setCurrentIndex( idx );
262  control = cb;
263  }
264  break;
265  }
268  {
270  if ( opt )
271  {
272  QLineEdit *le = new QLineEdit( opt->defaultValue );
273  le->setObjectName( it.key() );
274  control = le;
275  }
276  break;
277  }
280  control = nullptr;
281  break;
282  }
284  if ( control )
285  {
286  // Pack the tooltip in some html element, so it gets linebreaks.
287  label->setToolTip( QStringLiteral( "<p>%1</p>" ).arg( option->docString ) );
288  control->setToolTip( QStringLiteral( "<p>%1</p>" ).arg( option->docString ) );
290  controls << QPair<QLabel *, QWidget *>( label, control );
291  }
292  }
294  return controls;
295 }
297 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::accept()
298 {
299  if ( QFile::exists( filename() ) )
300  {
301  QgsVectorFileWriter::EditionCapabilities caps =
303  bool layerExists = QgsVectorFileWriter::targetLayerExists( filename(),
304  layername() );
305  QMessageBox msgBox;
306  msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Question );
307  msgBox.setWindowTitle( tr( "Save Vector Layer As" ) );
308  QPushButton *overwriteFileButton = msgBox.addButton( tr( "Overwrite File" ), QMessageBox::ActionRole );
309  QPushButton *overwriteLayerButton = msgBox.addButton( tr( "Overwrite Layer" ), QMessageBox::ActionRole );
310  QPushButton *appendToLayerButton = msgBox.addButton( tr( "Append to Layer" ), QMessageBox::ActionRole );
311  msgBox.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Cancel );
312  msgBox.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::Cancel );
313  overwriteFileButton->hide();
314  overwriteLayerButton->hide();
315  appendToLayerButton->hide();
316  if ( layerExists )
317  {
321  {
322  msgBox.setText( tr( "The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or overwrite the layer?" ) );
323  overwriteFileButton->setVisible( true );
324  overwriteLayerButton->setVisible( true );
325  }
326  else if ( !( caps & QgsVectorFileWriter::CanAppendToExistingLayer ) )
327  {
328  msgBox.setText( tr( "The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" ) );
329  overwriteFileButton->setVisible( true );
330  }
331  else if ( ( caps & QgsVectorFileWriter::CanDeleteLayer ) &&
333  {
334  msgBox.setText( tr( "The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file, overwrite the layer or append features to the layer?" ) );
335  appendToLayerButton->setVisible( true );
336  overwriteFileButton->setVisible( true );
337  overwriteLayerButton->setVisible( true );
338  }
339  else
340  {
341  msgBox.setText( tr( "The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or append features to the layer?" ) );
342  appendToLayerButton->setVisible( true );
343  overwriteFileButton->setVisible( true );
344  }
346  int ret = msgBox.exec();
347  if ( ret == QMessageBox::Cancel )
348  return;
349  if ( msgBox.clickedButton() == overwriteFileButton )
350  mActionOnExistingFile = QgsVectorFileWriter::CreateOrOverwriteFile;
351  else if ( msgBox.clickedButton() == overwriteLayerButton )
352  mActionOnExistingFile = QgsVectorFileWriter::CreateOrOverwriteLayer;
353  else if ( msgBox.clickedButton() == appendToLayerButton )
354  mActionOnExistingFile = QgsVectorFileWriter::AppendToLayerNoNewFields;
355  }
356  else // !layerExists
357  {
358  if ( ( caps & QgsVectorFileWriter::CanAddNewLayer ) )
359  {
360  mActionOnExistingFile = QgsVectorFileWriter::CreateOrOverwriteLayer;
361  }
362  else
363  {
364  // should not reach here, layer does not exist and cannot add new layer
365  if ( QMessageBox::question( this,
366  tr( "Save Vector Layer As" ),
367  tr( "The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" ) ) == QMessageBox::NoButton )
368  {
369  return;
370  }
371  mActionOnExistingFile = QgsVectorFileWriter::CreateOrOverwriteFile;
372  }
373  }
374  }
376  if ( mActionOnExistingFile == QgsVectorFileWriter::AppendToLayerNoNewFields )
377  {
379  {
380  if ( QMessageBox::question( this,
381  tr( "Save Vector Layer As" ),
382  tr( "The existing layer has additional fields. Do you want to add the missing fields to the layer?" ) ) == QMessageBox::Yes )
383  {
384  mActionOnExistingFile = QgsVectorFileWriter::AppendToLayerAddFields;
385  }
386  }
387  }
388  else if ( mActionOnExistingFile == QgsVectorFileWriter::CreateOrOverwriteFile && QFile::exists( filename() ) )
389  {
390  try
391  {
392  const QList<QgsOgrDbLayerInfo *> subLayers = QgsOgrLayerItem::subLayers( filename(), format() );
393  QStringList layerList;
394  for ( const QgsOgrDbLayerInfo *layer : subLayers )
395  {
396  layerList.append( layer->name() );
397  }
398  qDeleteAll( subLayers );
399  if ( layerList.length() > 1 )
400  {
401  layerList.sort( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
402  QMessageBox msgBox;
403  msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Warning );
404  msgBox.setWindowTitle( tr( "Overwrite File" ) );
405  msgBox.setText( tr( "This file contains %1 layers that will be lost!\n" ).arg( QString::number( layerList.length() ) ) );
406  msgBox.setDetailedText( tr( "The following layers will be permanently lost:\n\n%1" ).arg( layerList.join( "\n" ) ) );
407  msgBox.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel );
408  if ( msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Cancel )
409  return;
410  }
411  }
412  catch ( QgsOgrLayerNotValidException &ex )
413  {
414  QMessageBox::critical( this,
415  tr( "Save Vector Layer As" ),
416  tr( "Error opening destination file: %1" ).arg( ex.what() ) );
417  return;
418  }
419  }
421  QgsSettings settings;
422  settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastVectorFileFilterDir" ), QFileInfo( filename() ).absolutePath() );
423  settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastVectorFormat" ), format() );
424  settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/encoding" ), encoding() );
425  QDialog::accept();
426 }
428 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mFormatComboBox_currentIndexChanged( int idx )
429 {
430  Q_UNUSED( idx )
432  mFilename->setEnabled( true );
433  mFilename->setFilter( QgsVectorFileWriter::filterForDriver( format() ) );
435  // if output filename already defined we need to replace old suffix
436  // to avoid double extensions like .gpkg.shp
437  if ( !mFilename->filePath().isEmpty() )
438  {
439  QRegularExpression rx( "\\.(.*?)[\\s]" );
440  QString ext;
441  ext = rx.match( QgsVectorFileWriter::filterForDriver( format() ) ).captured( 1 );
442  if ( !ext.isEmpty() )
443  {
444  QFileInfo fi( mFilename->filePath() );
445  mFilename->setFilePath( QStringLiteral( "%1/%2.%3" ).arg( fi.path() ).arg( fi.baseName() ).arg( ext ) );
446  }
447  }
449  bool selectAllFields = true;
451  // Is it a format for which fields that have attached widgets of types
452  // ValueMap, ValueRelation, etc. should be by default exported with their displayed
453  // values
454  bool isFormatForFieldsAsDisplayedValues = false;
456  const QString sFormat( format() );
457  if ( sFormat == QLatin1String( "DXF" ) || sFormat == QLatin1String( "DGN" ) )
458  {
459  mAttributesSelection->setVisible( false );
460  selectAllFields = false;
461  }
462  else
463  {
464  if ( mOptions & Fields )
465  {
466  mAttributesSelection->setVisible( true );
467  isFormatForFieldsAsDisplayedValues = ( sFormat == QLatin1String( "CSV" ) ||
468  sFormat == QLatin1String( "XLS" ) ||
469  sFormat == QLatin1String( "XLSX" ) ||
470  sFormat == QLatin1String( "ODS" ) );
471  }
472  }
474  // Show symbology options only for some formats
475  if ( QgsVectorFileWriter::supportsFeatureStyles( sFormat ) && ( mOptions & Symbology ) )
476  {
477  mSymbologyExportLabel->setVisible( true );
478  mSymbologyExportComboBox->setVisible( true );
479  mScaleLabel->setVisible( true );
480  mScaleWidget->setVisible( true );
481  }
482  else
483  {
484  mSymbologyExportLabel->hide();
485  mSymbologyExportComboBox->hide();
486  mScaleLabel->hide();
487  mScaleWidget->hide();
488  }
490  leLayername->setEnabled( sFormat == QLatin1String( "KML" ) ||
491  sFormat == QLatin1String( "GPKG" ) ||
492  sFormat == QLatin1String( "XLSX" ) ||
493  sFormat == QLatin1String( "ODS" ) ||
494  sFormat == QLatin1String( "FileGDB" ) ||
495  sFormat == QLatin1String( "SQLite" ) ||
496  sFormat == QLatin1String( "SpatiaLite" ) );
497  if ( !leLayername->isEnabled() )
498  leLayername->setText( QString() );
499  else if ( leLayername->text().isEmpty() &&
500  !mFilename->filePath().isEmpty() )
501  {
502  QString layerName = QFileInfo( mFilename->filePath() ).baseName();
503  leLayername->setText( layerName );
504  }
506  if ( mLayer )
507  {
508  mAttributeTable->setRowCount( mLayer->fields().count() );
510  bool foundFieldThatCanBeExportedAsDisplayedValue = false;
511  for ( int i = 0; i < mLayer->fields().size(); ++i )
512  {
513  const QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->findBest( mLayer, mLayer->fields()[i].name() );
514  if ( setup.type() != QLatin1String( "TextEdit" ) &&
515  QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->factory( setup.type() ) )
516  {
517  foundFieldThatCanBeExportedAsDisplayedValue = true;
518  break;
519  }
520  }
521  if ( foundFieldThatCanBeExportedAsDisplayedValue )
522  {
523  mAttributeTable->setColumnCount( 3 );
524  mAttributeTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( QStringList() << tr( "Name" ) << tr( "Type" ) << tr( "Replace with displayed values" ) );
525  }
526  else
527  {
528  mAttributeTable->setColumnCount( 2 );
529  mAttributeTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( QStringList() << tr( "Name" ) << tr( "Type" ) );
530  }
532  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = false;
534  bool checkReplaceRawFieldValues = selectAllFields && isFormatForFieldsAsDisplayedValues;
535  for ( int i = 0; i < mLayer->fields().size(); ++i )
536  {
537  QgsField fld = mLayer->fields().at( i );
538  Qt::ItemFlags flags = mLayer->providerType() != QLatin1String( "oracle" ) || !fld.typeName().contains( QLatin1String( "SDO_GEOMETRY" ) ) ? Qt::ItemIsEnabled : Qt::NoItemFlags;
539  QTableWidgetItem *item = nullptr;
540  item = new QTableWidgetItem( fld.name() );
541  item->setFlags( flags | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable );
542  item->setCheckState( ( selectAllFields ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
543  mAttributeTable->setItem( i, COLUMN_IDX_NAME, item );
545  item = new QTableWidgetItem( fld.typeName() );
546  item->setFlags( flags );
547  mAttributeTable->setItem( i, COLUMN_IDX_TYPE, item );
549  if ( foundFieldThatCanBeExportedAsDisplayedValue )
550  {
551  const QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->findBest( mLayer, mLayer->fields()[i].name() );
552  QgsEditorWidgetFactory *factory = nullptr;
553  const QString widgetId( setup.type() );
554  if ( flags == Qt::ItemIsEnabled &&
555  widgetId != QLatin1String( "TextEdit" ) &&
556  ( factory = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->factory( widgetId ) ) )
557  {
558  item = new QTableWidgetItem( tr( "Use %1" ).arg( factory->name() ) );
559  item->setFlags( ( selectAllFields ) ? ( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) : Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable );
560  const bool checkItem = ( selectAllFields && isFormatForFieldsAsDisplayedValues &&
561  ( widgetId == QLatin1String( "ValueMap" ) ||
562  widgetId == QLatin1String( "ValueRelation" ) ||
563  widgetId == QLatin1String( "CheckBox" ) ||
564  widgetId == QLatin1String( "RelationReference" ) ) );
565  checkReplaceRawFieldValues &= checkItem;
566  item->setCheckState( checkItem ?
567  Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
568  mAttributeTable->setItem( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE, item );
569  }
570  else
571  {
572  item = new QTableWidgetItem();
573  item->setFlags( Qt::NoItemFlags );
574  mAttributeTable->setItem( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE, item );
575  }
576  }
577  }
579  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = true;
581  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = false;
582  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setChecked( checkReplaceRawFieldValues );
583  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = true;
584  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setEnabled( selectAllFields );
585  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setVisible( foundFieldThatCanBeExportedAsDisplayedValue );
587  mAttributeTable->resizeColumnsToContents();
588  }
590  QgsVectorFileWriter::MetaData driverMetaData;
592  while ( mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->layout()->count() )
593  {
594  QLayoutItem *item = mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->layout()->takeAt( 0 );
595  delete item->widget();
596  delete item;
597  }
599  while ( mLayerOptionsGroupBox->layout()->count() )
600  {
601  QLayoutItem *item = mLayerOptionsGroupBox->layout()->takeAt( 0 );
602  delete item->widget();
603  delete item;
604  }
606  typedef QPair<QLabel *, QWidget *> LabelControlPair;
608  if ( QgsVectorFileWriter::driverMetadata( format(), driverMetaData ) )
609  {
610  if ( !driverMetaData.driverOptions.empty() )
611  {
612  mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->setVisible( true );
613  QList<QPair<QLabel *, QWidget *> > controls = createControls( driverMetaData.driverOptions );
615  QFormLayout *datasourceLayout = dynamic_cast<QFormLayout *>( mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->layout() );
617  const auto constControls = controls;
618  for ( LabelControlPair control : constControls )
619  {
620  datasourceLayout->addRow( control.first, control.second );
621  }
622  }
623  else
624  {
625  mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->setVisible( false );
626  }
628  if ( !driverMetaData.layerOptions.empty() )
629  {
630  mLayerOptionsGroupBox->setVisible( true );
631  QList<QPair<QLabel *, QWidget *> > controls = createControls( driverMetaData.layerOptions );
633  QFormLayout *layerOptionsLayout = dynamic_cast<QFormLayout *>( mLayerOptionsGroupBox->layout() );
635  const auto constControls = controls;
636  for ( LabelControlPair control : constControls )
637  {
638  layerOptionsLayout->addRow( control.first, control.second );
639  }
640  }
641  else
642  {
643  mLayerOptionsGroupBox->setVisible( false );
644  }
646  if ( driverMetaData.compulsoryEncoding.isEmpty() )
647  {
648  mEncodingComboBox->setEnabled( true );
649  }
650  else
651  {
652  int idx = mEncodingComboBox->findText( driverMetaData.compulsoryEncoding );
653  if ( idx >= 0 )
654  {
655  mEncodingComboBox->setCurrentIndex( idx );
656  mEncodingComboBox->setDisabled( true );
657  }
658  else
659  {
660  mEncodingComboBox->setEnabled( true );
661  }
662  }
664  }
665  else
666  {
667  mEncodingComboBox->setEnabled( true );
668  }
670  GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( format().toUtf8().constData() );
671  if ( hDriver )
672  {
673  mAddToCanvas->setEnabled( GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriver, GDAL_DCAP_OPEN, nullptr ) != nullptr );
674  }
675 }
677 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mReplaceRawFieldValues_stateChanged( int )
678 {
679  if ( !mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled )
680  return;
681  if ( mAttributeTable->columnCount() != 3 )
682  return;
683  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = false;
684  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = false;
685  if ( mReplaceRawFieldValues->checkState() != Qt::PartiallyChecked )
686  {
687  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeTable->rowCount(); i++ )
688  {
689  if ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_NAME )->checkState() == Qt::Checked &&
690  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE ) &&
691  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled )
692  {
693  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->setCheckState( mReplaceRawFieldValues->checkState() );
694  }
695  }
696  }
697  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setTristate( false );
698  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = true;
699  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = true;
700 }
702 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mAttributeTable_itemChanged( QTableWidgetItem *item )
703 {
704  if ( !mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled )
705  return;
706  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = false;
707  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = false;
708  int row = item->row();
709  int column = item->column();
710  if ( column == COLUMN_IDX_NAME &&
711  mAttributeTable->item( row, column )->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked &&
712  mAttributeTable->columnCount() == 3 &&
713  mAttributeTable->item( row, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE ) &&
714  ( mAttributeTable->item( row, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) )
715  {
716  mAttributeTable->item( row, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );
717  mAttributeTable->item( row, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable );
718  bool checkBoxEnabled = false;
719  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeTable->rowCount(); i++ )
720  {
721  if ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE ) &&
722  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled )
723  {
724  checkBoxEnabled = true;
725  break;
726  }
727  }
728  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setEnabled( checkBoxEnabled );
729  if ( !checkBoxEnabled )
730  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );
731  }
732  else if ( column == COLUMN_IDX_NAME &&
733  mAttributeTable->item( row, column )->checkState() == Qt::Checked &&
734  mAttributeTable->columnCount() == 3 &&
735  mAttributeTable->item( row, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE ) &&
736  ( mAttributeTable->item( row, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) )
737  {
738  mAttributeTable->item( row, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
739  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setEnabled( true );
740  }
741  else if ( column == COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE &&
742  ( mAttributeTable->item( row, column )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) )
743  {
744  bool allChecked = true;
745  bool allUnchecked = true;
746  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeTable->rowCount(); i++ )
747  {
748  if ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE ) &&
749  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled )
750  {
751  if ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked )
752  allChecked = false;
753  else
754  allUnchecked = false;
755  }
756  }
757  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setCheckState( ( !allChecked && !allUnchecked ) ? Qt::PartiallyChecked : ( allChecked ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
758  }
759  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = true;
760  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = true;
761 }
763 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mCrsSelector_crsChanged( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs )
764 {
765  mSelectedCrs = crs;
766  mExtentGroupBox->setOutputCrs( mSelectedCrs );
767 }
770 {
771  return mFilename->filePath();
772 }
775 {
776  return leLayername->text();
777 }
780 {
781  return mEncodingComboBox->currentText();
782 }
785 {
786  return mFormatComboBox->currentData().toString();
787 }
790 {
791  return mSelectedCrs.srsid();
792 }
795 {
796  return mSelectedCrs;
797 }
800 {
801  QStringList options;
803  QgsVectorFileWriter::MetaData driverMetaData;
805  if ( QgsVectorFileWriter::driverMetadata( format(), driverMetaData ) )
806  {
807  QMap<QString, QgsVectorFileWriter::Option *>::ConstIterator it;
809  for ( it = driverMetaData.driverOptions.constBegin(); it != driverMetaData.driverOptions.constEnd(); ++it )
810  {
811  switch ( it.value()->type )
812  {
814  {
816  QSpinBox *sb = mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->findChild<QSpinBox *>( it.key() );
817  if ( opt && sb && sb->value() != opt->defaultValue )
818  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key() ).arg( sb->value() );
819  break;
820  }
823  {
825  QComboBox *cb = mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->findChild<QComboBox *>( it.key() );
826  if ( opt && cb && cb->itemData( cb->currentIndex() ) != opt->defaultValue )
827  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key(), cb->currentText() );
828  break;
829  }
832  {
834  QLineEdit *le = mDatasourceOptionsGroupBox->findChild<QLineEdit *>( it.key() );
835  if ( opt && le && le->text() != opt->defaultValue )
836  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key(), le->text() );
837  break;
838  }
841  {
843  dynamic_cast<QgsVectorFileWriter::HiddenOption *>( it.value() );
844  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key(), opt->mValue );
845  break;
846  }
847  }
848  }
849  }
851  QString plainText = mOgrDatasourceOptions->toPlainText().trimmed();
852  if ( !plainText.isEmpty() )
853  options += plainText.split( '\n' );
855  return options;
856 }
859 {
860  QStringList options;
862  QgsVectorFileWriter::MetaData driverMetaData;
864  if ( QgsVectorFileWriter::driverMetadata( format(), driverMetaData ) )
865  {
866  QMap<QString, QgsVectorFileWriter::Option *>::ConstIterator it;
868  for ( it = driverMetaData.layerOptions.constBegin(); it != driverMetaData.layerOptions.constEnd(); ++it )
869  {
870  switch ( it.value()->type )
871  {
873  {
875  QSpinBox *sb = mLayerOptionsGroupBox->findChild<QSpinBox *>( it.key() );
876  if ( opt && sb && sb->value() != opt->defaultValue )
877  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key() ).arg( sb->value() );
878  break;
879  }
882  {
884  QComboBox *cb = mLayerOptionsGroupBox->findChild<QComboBox *>( it.key() );
885  if ( opt && cb && cb->itemData( cb->currentIndex() ) != opt->defaultValue )
886  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key(), cb->currentText() );
887  break;
888  }
891  {
893  QLineEdit *le = mLayerOptionsGroupBox->findChild<QLineEdit *>( it.key() );
894  if ( opt && le && le->text() != opt->defaultValue )
895  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key(), le->text() );
896  break;
897  }
900  {
902  dynamic_cast<QgsVectorFileWriter::HiddenOption *>( it.value() );
903  options << QStringLiteral( "%1=%2" ).arg( it.key(), opt->mValue );
904  break;
905  }
906  }
907  }
908  }
910  QString plainText = mOgrLayerOptions->toPlainText().trimmed();
911  if ( !plainText.isEmpty() )
912  options += plainText.split( '\n' );
914  return options;
915 }
918 {
919  QgsAttributeList attributes;
921  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeTable->rowCount(); i++ )
922  {
923  if ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_NAME )->checkState() == Qt::Checked )
924  {
925  attributes.append( i );
926  }
927  }
929  return attributes;
930 }
933 {
934  QgsAttributeList attributes;
936  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeTable->rowCount(); i++ )
937  {
938  if ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_NAME )->checkState() == Qt::Checked &&
939  mAttributeTable->columnCount() == 3 &&
940  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->checkState() == Qt::Checked )
941  {
942  attributes.append( i );
943  }
944  }
946  return attributes;
947 }
950 {
951  return mAddToCanvas->isChecked() && mAddToCanvas->isEnabled();
952 }
955 {
956  mAddToCanvas->setChecked( enabled );
957 }
960 {
961  return mSymbologyExportComboBox->currentData().toInt();
962 }
965 {
966  return mScaleWidget->scale();
967 }
970 {
971  mMapCanvas = canvas;
972  mScaleWidget->setMapCanvas( canvas );
973  mScaleWidget->setShowCurrentScaleButton( true );
974  mExtentGroupBox->setCurrentExtent( canvas->mapSettings().visibleExtent(), canvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs() );
975 }
978 {
979  return mExtentGroupBox->isChecked();
980 }
983 {
984  return mExtentGroupBox->outputExtent();
985 }
988 {
989  mSelectedOnly->setChecked( onlySelected );
990 }
993 {
994  return mSelectedOnly->isChecked();
995 }
998 {
999  return mCheckPersistMetadata->isChecked();
1000 }
1003 {
1004  int currentIndexData = mGeometryTypeComboBox->currentData().toInt();
1005  if ( currentIndexData == -1 )
1006  {
1007  //automatic
1008  return QgsWkbTypes::Unknown;
1009  }
1011  return static_cast< QgsWkbTypes::Type >( currentIndexData );
1012 }
1015 {
1016  int currentIndexData = mGeometryTypeComboBox->currentData().toInt();
1017  return currentIndexData == -1;
1018 }
1021 {
1022  return mForceMultiCheckBox->isChecked();
1023 }
1026 {
1027  mForceMultiCheckBox->setChecked( checked );
1028 }
1031 {
1032  return mIncludeZCheckBox->isChecked();
1033 }
1036 {
1037  return mActionOnExistingFile;
1038 }
1041 {
1042  mIncludeZCheckBox->setChecked( checked );
1043 }
1045 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mSymbologyExportComboBox_currentIndexChanged( const QString &text )
1046 {
1047  bool scaleEnabled = true;
1048  if ( text == tr( "No symbology" ) )
1049  {
1050  scaleEnabled = false;
1051  }
1052  mScaleWidget->setEnabled( scaleEnabled );
1053  mScaleLabel->setEnabled( scaleEnabled );
1054 }
1056 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mGeometryTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged( int index )
1057 {
1058  int currentIndexData = mGeometryTypeComboBox->itemData( index ).toInt();
1060  if ( currentIndexData != -1 && currentIndexData != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry )
1061  {
1062  mForceMultiCheckBox->setEnabled( true );
1063  mIncludeZCheckBox->setEnabled( true );
1064  }
1065  else
1066  {
1067  mForceMultiCheckBox->setEnabled( false );
1068  mForceMultiCheckBox->setChecked( false );
1069  mIncludeZCheckBox->setEnabled( false );
1070  mIncludeZCheckBox->setChecked( false );
1071  }
1072 }
1074 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mSelectAllAttributes_clicked()
1075 {
1076  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = false;
1077  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = false;
1078  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeTable->rowCount(); i++ )
1079  {
1080  if ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_NAME )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled )
1081  {
1082  if ( mAttributeTable->columnCount() == 3 &&
1083  ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) )
1084  {
1085  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
1086  }
1087  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_NAME )->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
1088  }
1089  }
1090  if ( mAttributeTable->columnCount() == 3 )
1091  {
1092  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setEnabled( true );
1093  }
1094  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = true;
1095  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = true;
1096 }
1098 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::mDeselectAllAttributes_clicked()
1099 {
1100  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = false;
1101  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = false;
1102  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeTable->rowCount(); i++ )
1103  {
1104  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_NAME )->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );
1105  if ( mAttributeTable->columnCount() == 3 &&
1106  ( mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) )
1107  {
1108  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable );
1109  mAttributeTable->item( i, COLUMN_IDX_EXPORT_AS_DISPLAYED_VALUE )->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );
1110  }
1111  }
1112  if ( mAttributeTable->columnCount() == 3 )
1113  {
1114  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );
1115  mReplaceRawFieldValues->setEnabled( false );
1116  }
1117  mAttributeTableItemChangedSlotEnabled = true;
1118  mReplaceRawFieldValuesStateChangedSlotEnabled = true;
1119 }
1121 void QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::showHelp()
1122 {
1123  QgsHelp::openHelp( QStringLiteral( "managing_data_source/create_layers.html#creating-new-layers-from-an-existing-layer" ) );
1124 }
This class represents a coordinate reference system (CRS).
QgsDatumEnsemble datumEnsemble() const SIP_THROW(QgsNotSupportedException)
Attempts to retrieve datum ensemble details from the CRS.
long srsid() const
Returns the internal CRS ID, if available.
Contains information about a datum ensemble.
Definition: qgsdatums.h:95
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the datum ensemble is a valid object, or false if it is a null/invalid object.
Definition: qgsdatums.h:102
QString name() const
Display name of datum ensemble.
Definition: qgsdatums.h:107
Every attribute editor widget needs a factory, which inherits this class.
QString name()
Returns The human readable identifier name of this widget type.
QgsEditorWidgetSetup findBest(const QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QString &fieldName) const
Find the best editor widget and its configuration for a given field.
Holder for the widget type and its configuration for a field.
Encapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source.
Definition: qgsfield.h:51
QString typeName() const
Gets the field type.
Definition: qgsfield.cpp:138
QString name
Definition: qgsfield.h:60
int count() const
Returns number of items.
Definition: qgsfields.cpp:133
QgsField at(int i) const
Returns the field at particular index (must be in range 0..N-1).
Definition: qgsfields.cpp:163
@ SaveFile
Select a single new or pre-existing file.
Definition: qgsfilewidget.h:69
void fileChanged(const QString &path)
Emitted whenever the current file or directory path is changed.
static QgsEditorWidgetRegistry * editorWidgetRegistry()
Returns the global editor widget registry, used for managing all known edit widget factories.
Definition: qgsgui.cpp:76
static void enableAutoGeometryRestore(QWidget *widget, const QString &key=QString())
Register the widget to allow its position to be automatically saved and restored when open and closed...
Definition: qgsgui.cpp:156
static void openHelp(const QString &key)
Opens help topic for the given help key using default system web browser.
Definition: qgshelp.cpp:36
static QIcon iconForWkbType(QgsWkbTypes::Type type)
Returns the icon for a vector layer whose geometry type is provided.
Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas.
Definition: qgsmapcanvas.h:86
const QgsMapSettings & mapSettings() const
Gets access to properties used for map rendering.
QString providerType() const
Returns the provider type (provider key) for this layer.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs
Definition: qgsmaplayer.h:76
QgsRectangle visibleExtent() const
Returns the actual extent derived from requested extent that takes takes output image size into accou...
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCrs() const
Returns the destination coordinate reference system for the map render.
Custom exception class which is raised when an operation is not supported.
Definition: qgsexception.h:118
void crsChanged(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &)
Emitted when the selected CRS is changed.
A rectangle specified with double values.
Definition: qgsrectangle.h:42
static QStringList availableEncodings()
Returns a list of available encodings.
QgsVectorFileWriter::OptionType type
A convenience class for writing vector layers to disk based formats (e.g.
@ CanAppendToExistingLayer
Flag to indicate that new features can be added to an existing layer.
@ CanAddNewLayer
Flag to indicate that a new layer can be added to the dataset.
@ CanDeleteLayer
Flag to indicate that an existing layer can be deleted.
static QgsVectorFileWriter::EditionCapabilities editionCapabilities(const QString &datasetName)
Returns edition capabilities for an existing dataset name.
static bool supportsFeatureStyles(const QString &driverName)
Returns true if the specified driverName supports feature styles.
static bool targetLayerExists(const QString &datasetName, const QString &layerName)
Returns whether the target layer already exists.
static bool driverMetadata(const QString &driverName, MetaData &driverMetadata)
static QString filterForDriver(const QString &driverName)
Creates a filter for an OGR driver key.
static bool areThereNewFieldsToCreate(const QString &datasetName, const QString &layerName, QgsVectorLayer *layer, const QgsAttributeList &attributes)
Returns whether there are among the attributes specified some that do not exist yet in the layer.
static QList< QgsVectorFileWriter::DriverDetails > ogrDriverList(VectorFormatOptions options=SortRecommended)
Returns the driver list that can be used for dialogs.
Combination of CanAddNewLayer, CanAppendToExistingLayer, CanAddNewFieldsToExistingLayer or CanDeleteL...
@ CreateOrOverwriteLayer
Create or overwrite layer.
@ CreateOrOverwriteFile
Create or overwrite file.
@ AppendToLayerNoNewFields
Append features to existing layer, but do not create new fields.
@ AppendToLayerAddFields
Append features to existing layer, and create new fields if needed.
bool onlySelected() const
Returns whether only selected features will be saved.
bool forceMulti() const
Returns true if force multi geometry type is checked.
QString filename() const
Returns the target filename.
QgsAttributeList selectedAttributes() const
Returns a list of attributes which are selected for saving.
QgsRectangle filterExtent() const
Determines the extent to be exported.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED long crs() const
Returns the internal CRS ID.
QString format() const
The format in which the export should be written.
QStringList datasourceOptions() const
Returns a list of additional data source options which are passed to OGR.
bool persistMetadata() const
Returns true if the persist metadata (copy source metadata to destination layer) option is checked.
QString encoding() const
The encoding of the target file.
void setIncludeZ(bool checked)
Sets whether the include z dimension checkbox should be checked.
void setOnlySelected(bool onlySelected)
Sets whether only selected features will be saved.
@ DestinationCrs
Show destination CRS (reprojection) option.
@ AddToCanvas
Show add to map option.
@ Symbology
Show symbology options.
@ SelectedOnly
Show selected features only option.
@ Fields
Show field customization group.
bool automaticGeometryType() const
Returns true if geometry type is set to automatic.
QString layername() const
Returns the target layer name.
QgsWkbTypes::Type geometryType() const
Returns the selected flat geometry type for the export.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog(long srsid, QWidget *parent=nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags fl=Qt::WindowFlags())
Construct a new QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog.
bool includeZ() const
Returns true if include z dimension is checked.
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crsObject() const
Returns the CRS chosen for export.
QStringList layerOptions() const
Returns a list of additional layer options which are passed to OGR.
void setForceMulti(bool checked)
Sets whether the force multi geometry checkbox should be checked.
bool addToCanvas() const
Returns true if the "add to canvas" checkbox is checked.
void setMapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas *canvas)
Sets a map canvas to associate with the dialog.
QgsVectorFileWriter::ActionOnExistingFile creationActionOnExistingFile() const
Returns creation action.
int symbologyExport() const
Returns type of symbology export.
QgsAttributeList attributesAsDisplayedValues() const
Returns selected attributes that must be exported with their displayed values instead of their raw va...
double scale() const
Returns the specified map scale.
bool hasFilterExtent() const
Determines if filtering the export by an extent is activated.
void setAddToCanvas(bool checked)
Sets whether the "add to canvas" checkbox should be checked.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
QgsFields fields() const FINAL
Returns the list of fields of this layer.
int selectedFeatureCount() const
Returns the number of features that are selected in this layer.
QgsRectangle extent() const FINAL
Returns the extent of the layer.
static QString translatedDisplayString(Type type) SIP_HOLDGIL
Returns a translated display string type for a WKB type, e.g., the geometry name used in WKT geometry...
The WKB type describes the number of dimensions a geometry has.
Definition: qgswkbtypes.h:70
@ GeometryCollection
Definition: qgswkbtypes.h:79
QList< int > QgsAttributeList
Definition: qgsfield.h:26
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & crs
Details of available driver formats.
QMap< QString, QgsVectorFileWriter::Option * > driverOptions
QMap< QString, QgsVectorFileWriter::Option * > layerOptions
QString compulsoryEncoding
Some formats require a compulsory encoding, typically UTF-8. If no compulsory encoding,...