QGIS API Documentation
3.16.0-Hannover (43b64b13f3)
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25 qDeleteAll( mMetadata );
30 if ( !metadata || mMetadata.contains( metadata->
type() ) )
33 mMetadata[metadata->
type()] = metadata;
39 if ( !mMetadata.contains( type ) )
42 return mMetadata[type]->create();
65 if ( !mMetadata.contains( symbol->
type() ) )
68 return mMetadata.value( symbol->
type() )->createFeatureHandler( layer, symbol );
73 return mMetadata.value( type );
78 return mMetadata.keys();
Qgs3DSymbolAbstractMetadata * symbolMetadata(const QString &type) const
Returns metadata for specified symbol type. Returns nullptr if not found.
QgsAbstract3DSymbol * createSymbol(const QString &type) const
Creates a new instance of a symbol of the specified type.
QStringList symbolTypes() const
Returns a list of all available symbol types.
QgsAbstract3DSymbol * defaultSymbolForGeometryType(QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType type)
Creates a new instance of the default 3D symbol for the specified geometry type.
3 Abstract base class for 3D symbols that are used by VectorLayer3DRenderer objects.
virtual QString type() const =0
Returns identifier of symbol type. Each 3D symbol implementation should return a different type.
The geometry types are used to group QgsWkbTypes::Type in a coarse way.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
bool addSymbolType(Qgs3DSymbolAbstractMetadata *metadata)
Registers a new symbol type. Takes ownership of the metadata instance.
QgsFeature3DHandler * createHandlerForSymbol(QgsVectorLayer *layer, const QgsAbstract3DSymbol *symbol)
Creates a feature handler for a symbol, for the specified vector layer.